Implementing Guidelines of SSC

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In response to the challenges of Industry 4.0 and the increasing demand for a citizenry and

workforce that are adept in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), the

Department of Education Schools Division of Rizal through the Curriculum Implementation

Division spearheaded the development of a Special Science Curriculum that focuses on

Science, Mathematics and Research. The curriculum was designed to equip students with

scientific and technological skills in order to make them globally competitive.


Establish a Special Science Class in Secondary schools in all municipalities with emphasis
on Research, Environmental Education, Statistics, Information, Communication, and
Technology, Biotechnology, Advanced Chemistry (Organic Chemistry), Analytic Geometry,
Trigonometry, Advanced Physics, and Calculus.


• To set the foundation for critical tooling towards industrialization and

improvement of the country’s global competitive standing; (DepEd Memorandum No.203,

• To instill in the learners the love for research;

• To strengthen Science and Mathematics Education within the framework of K to

12 Basic Education Program and to assure the effective implementation of the
Grade 7 to 10 curricular program.


• Incoming Grade 7 from upper 10% of graduating class or from any SSES (Special
Science Elementary Schools) or with grades not lower than 85% General Average
and at least 84% in all learning areas in any grading period. To be certified by the
Principal that they belong to the cited group.
• Possess Good Moral Character

A. Admission

• Pass a written test in Reading and Language, Mathematics, Science, and Critical
• Interview.
• Pupils who will pass the screening process shall be notified through a written
notice and will attend together with the parents in an orientation meeting to be
held in the school where the learners enrolled.

B. Qualifying Procedure

Criteria Weight In-Charge

Average in Grade 6 30% Guidance

Qualifying Examination 50% Science / Math Teachers

7.5% English / Filipino Teachers

Interview 5% SSC Class Adviser

Sample Computation

Criteria Grade Weight Score

Average in 87.50 30% 26.10

Grade 6
Qualifying 82.00 50% 41.00


English 86 7.5% 6.45

Filipino 89 7.5% 6.68

Interview 87 5% 4.35

Total 100% 84.58

C. Screening Committee

There shall be an overall selection committee composed of:

▪ Principal
▪ Special Science Class Program Coordinator
▪ Guidance Counselor
▪ Science Class Adviser
▪ Science, Mathematics, and English Teachers


- Processing of Pertinent Documents

- Report Card, Good moral certificate

- Certification from Principal indicating that they belong to the

upper 10% of graduating class or from Special Science
Elementary School (SSES)

The qualifying examination shall contain 100 item test which shall be
divided as follows:

a. Science - 35 items
b. Mathematics - 25 items
c. English - 25 items
d. Critical Thinking - 15 items
Total - 100 items
Type of test shall be multiple choice and shall be administered by
school testing coordinator to be assisted by Grade seven (7) year level
coordinator and selected SSC Committee. The test items for the
qualifying examination shall be provided by the Division Office.

- There shall be a team to conduct Phil IRI (English and Filipino
- Numerical value of rating obtained shall be given descriptive ratings
- Summary of ratings shall be provided to the screening committee


- There shall be a panel of interviewer and shall be composed of:

▪ Principal
▪ Special Science Class Program Coordinator
▪ Guidance Counselor
▪ Special Science Class Adviser
▪ SSC Selection Committee
- The qualifier shall be assessed based on the following attributes:

▪ Personality (Attitude / Behavior) - 25%

▪ Honesty (Truthfulness / - 25%


▪ Dedication / Sincerity - 25%

▪ Expressiveness and Fluency - 25%

Total - 100%

To avoid subjectivity, interview shall be done by the same set of

personnel and shall utilize the same set of guide questions

D. Retention and Replacement Policies

At the end of Grade 7, all students under the program shall undergo
evaluation and examination for retention and must comply with the
following requirements:

➢ Attended at least 95% of the total number of school days

➢ Has not been absent from the class for 10 consecutive days,
unless / otherwise

/ Provided the student was hospitalized as certified by the

attending physician or by the admitting medical institution

➢ Has not been tardy for half of the total number of school days
➢ Complied with the academic standards
o Obtained a General Average of 85%
o Without a grade lower than 83% in all subjects in any
grading period

o An average rating of 85% in science, mathematics

in the final rating and not lower than 83% in other
subjects, inclusive of advanced subjects.

REPLACEMENT (Exclusively for Grade 7 turning Grade 8)

- Student from any regular class provided that the following requirements shall
be met:
➢ At least 87% GA

➢ Grade not lower than 85% in all subjects in any grading period

➢ No derogatory record as certified by the Guidance Counselor

- Fulfill the lacking advanced subjects (such as Environmental Science, ICT,

and Research) with at least 45 hours or 1 week per advanced subject from

- Shall pass the qualifying examination set by the committee (Test Items from

NOTE: Guidelines in replacement procedures do not cover

transition from Grade 8 to Grade 9 and from Grade 9 to Grade 10

E. Enrollees per Class

There shall be a minimum of 30 students per class and a maximum
of 55 students.

F. Time Allotment
ICT and Advanced Mathematics (Statistics, Analytic Geometry,
Trigonometry, and Calculus) shall be given sixty minutes a day or
240 minutes per week.

Research and Advanced Sciences (Environmental Science,

Biotechnology, Advanced Chemistry, and Advanced Physics) shall be
given one hour twice a week or 120 minutes per week.

The proposed rating system of Special Science Classes shall be the
average grade of the 11 subjects.

DepEd Order No. 8, s.2015 shall be strictly followed


Students in the Special Science Class will take the regular K-to-12 Basic Education
Curriculum and additional subjects in Mathematics, Science and Research. Listed here
are the additional subjects per grade level.

Grade 7
• Research
• Statistics
• Environmental Science

Grade 8

• Research
• Biotechnology
• Information and Communications Technology

Grade 9

• Research
• Advanced Chemistry
• Geometry and Trigonometry

Grade 10

• Research
• Advanced Physics
• Calculus

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