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In human life, not all are born with normal conditions, there are also people who are born with less
normal conditions. There are healthy people and there are sick people, one of them is people who have
hypertension. Hypertension usually occurs in the elderly. Hypertension can happen to anyone and will
be more dangerous if it occurs in the elderly or elderly (elderly). causes of hypertension obesity or
overweight, smoking habits, Having hypertension parents (heredity), Age factor, Stress. People with
hypertension must keep their blood pressure stable and not too high.

Hypertension usually occurs in the elderly. Hypertension can happen to anyone and it will be more
dangerous what if it occurs in the elderly or elderly (elderly). Patients with hypertension must keep
blood pressure stable so that it is not too high. The risk of hypertension will be greater if you have an
unhealthy lifestyle or have a history of heredity.

Hypertension treatment solutions can be done with several alternative methods, including by providing
humor therapy. Humor therapy is an alternative method of stimulating endorphins to increase
endorphins. The benefits of endorphins are relaxation which has an impact on dilation of blood vessels
so that it lowers blood pressure, relaxed conditions will also make the heart rate normal. In addition to
humor therapy by consuming red dragon fruit and bananas, it can prevent and treat hypertension.
Research on the efficacy of red dragon fruit has also been carried out. Red dragon fruit has
antihepatotoxic, antioxidant and hypercholesterolemic properties. Bananas contain vitamins A, B6, C
and D, so they are healthy for the intestines, cardiovascular, blood pressure, prevent stroke, increase
energy and mood, help maintain water absorption in the body. So in conclusion hypertension can be
prevented and treated with some of the methods above.

Hypertension or high blood pressure is an abnormal increase in blood pressure in the arteries over a
period of time. According to WHO, the blood pressure limit that is still considered normal is 140/90
mmHg, while blood pressure is still considered normal. 160/95 mmHg is considered hypertension. Blood
pressure between normotence and hypertension This is called borderline hypertension. WHO limits do
not differentiate between age and gender (Udjianti, 2010).

Hypertensive diseases can be grouped into 2 Sourced on triggers are unknown blood pressure or
commonly called primary hypertension and high blood pressure conditions caused by certain diseases
which we usually call secondary hypertension, hypertension can also be caused by the level of a certain
disease. Cases of high blood pressure are considered high, Where parents over the age of 60 years are
the highest percentage by reaching 0.60 to 0.80 of the elderly population. Continued when at the age
level of 25 to 44 years with a prevalence of 0.29. with prevelence of 51% and at the age of 65 years and
above with prevelence of 65%. The purpose of this research is to find variables in parents the upt
working area of puskesmas evening 1, Badung Regency in (2016).

So it can be concluded that hypertension can occur in children, adolescents and pregnant women but
hypertension is common in the elderly or elderly. Factors causing hypertension such as obesity, smoking
habits, heredity, age and stress. Hypertension can be divided into 2, namely primary hypertension and
secondary hypertension. Treatment of hypertension can be done in alternative ways, namely with
humor therapy to stimulate endorphins which have the benefit of making relaxation which has an
impact on dilation blood vessels so that it lowers blood pressure, with relaxed conditions it will also
make the heart beat normal or you can consume red dragon fruit which has antihepatotoxic, antioxidant
and hypercholesterolemic properties and bananas which contain vitamins A, B6, C and D, so that it
nourishes the intestines, cardiovascular, blood pressure, protects against stroke, improves energy and
mood, helps maintain water absorption in the body.

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polyrhizus Britton & Rose) terhadap bakteri Staphylococcus aureus. Jurnal Fitofarmaka
Indonesia, 61-64.

Andria, K. M. (2013). Hubungan antara perilaku olahraga, stress dan pola makan dengan tingkat
hipertensi pada lanjut usia di posyandu lansia Kelurahan Gebang Putih Kecamatan Sukolilo Kota
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Arifin, M. H. (2016). Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian hipertensi pada kelompok lanjut
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Darah Pada Lansia Dengan Hipertensi.

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Tiara, U. I. (2020). Hubungan Obesitas dengan Kejadian Hipertensi. Journal of Health Science and
Physiotherapy, 167-171.

Tjekyan, R. S. (2017). Faktor–faktor risiko dan angka kejadian hipertensi pada penduduk Palembang.
Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, 180-191.

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eProceedings of Art & Design,.

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