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Digitalization in the World of Health

"Fighting and preparing supplies in the era of digitalization in health care"

Ikram Ade Saputra (2106763013)

Assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatu..

Good afternoon/morning ladies and gentlemen,
Introducing me, Ikram Ade Saputra, a Nursing student at the University of Indonesia
On this occasion I will convey something interesting about "digitalization in the world of health"
where it has many advantages and disadvantages.
We need to realize that there are many dilemmas related to our professionalism as health workers
in preparing ourselves to face and respond to the era of onslaught of digitalization that has begun
to invade, many health workers are unable to keep up with digitalization developments due to
lack of training or preparation, where there has been research on preparation of nurses in the face
of digitalization. Therefore nursing education is very important to be able to prepare qualified,
professional nurse candidates with character training. In this era, nurses are needed who are able
to provide quality nursing care to patients by utilizing the development of artificial intelligence
technology that will help, facilitate and speed up the performance of nurses. but we must not be
careless, this must make us as health workers aware of the importance of increasing our ability to
upgrade our knowledge and skills, this is a must for every health worker. It is true that there are
several studies regarding the workload of health workers starting to increase, especially nurses,
and we feel very helped by the presence of digitalization, but there are things that must be our
priority, namely professionalism and caring for patients, such as empathy for patients,
therapeutic communication, which cannot being replaced by digitalization or computerization, of
course this cannot be taken over in full by increased digitalization, but we must be able and able
to maintain it by upgrading knowledge and abilities. Therefore my advice to all medical
personnel, stay abreast of developments and technology but remain professional medical
personnel. The conclusion is, my focus on today's delivery is to remind every health worker to
continue to be professional even though it is facilitated by digitalization, and still have to prepare
themselves to take part in technological developments and become health workers who
understand digitalization.
Well, that's all my presentation about digitalization in the world of health, I hope that we can all
become professional nurses who are not blind to digitalization

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