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Seville, Kryle G.


1. Submit the procedures in grams staining.

Gram staining procedure
At the lab, a medical laboratory scientist smears or spreads the
sample on glass microscope slides. These slides are known as
smears. They then apply a series of stains to the smear to perform
a Gram stain.
The Gram staining process includes four basic steps,
1. Applying a primary stain (crystal violet).
2. Adding a mordant (Gram’s iodine).
3. Rapid decolorization with ethanol, acetone or a mixture of
4. Counterstaining with safranin.
2. What are the different types of microscope and their usage?
1.) Simple Microscope- the
principle of a simple
microscope is based on the use
of a single lens to magnify the
image of an object. The lens is
used to focus the light from the
object onto an eyepiece, which
is used to view the image. The
magnification of the microscope
is determined by the focal
length of the lens and the distance between the lens and the

• It is used in penology (a study of soil particles)

• It is used by a dermatologist to find out various skin diseases.
• It is used in microbiology to study samples of algae, fungi etc.
• It is used by the jewellers to get a magnified view of the fine
parts of the jewellery.

2.) Compound Microscope

A compound microscope is a
microscope that uses multiple
lenses to enlarge the image of
a sample. Typically, a
compound microscope is
used for viewing samples at
high magnification (40 -
1000x), which is achieved by
the combined effect of two
sets of lenses: the ocular lens (in the eyepiece) and the
objective lenses (close to the sample).

• It is used to observe blood corpuscles, plant and animals

cells, microorganisms like bacteria, etc.
• It is used in a pathological laboratory to observe blood, urine
• It is a part of a travelling microscope used for measurement
of very small distance.
3.) Electron Microscope-
Electron microscopes are
used to investigate the ultra
structure of a wide range of
biological and inorganic
specimens including
microorganisms, cells, large
molecules, biopsy samples,
metals, and crystals.
Industrially, electron
microscopes are often used
for quality control and failure

4.) Stereo Microscope- is

often used to study the
surfaces of solid specimens
or to carry out close work
such as dissection,
microsurgery, watch-making,
circuit board manufacture or
inspection, and fracture
surfaces as in fractography
and forensic engineering.
They are thus widely used in
manufacturing industry for
manufacture, inspection and
quality control. Stereo microscopes are essential tools in
5.) Scanning Probe
Microscope (SPM)- is an
instrument used for studying
surfaces at the nanoscale
level. SPMs form images of
surfaces using a physical
probe that touches the
surface of a sample to scan
the surface and collect data,
typically obtained as a two-
dimensional grid of data
points and displayed as a
computer image.

3. What are the differences between a compound microscope

and simple microscope?
A magnifying instrument that uses two types of lenses to magnify
an object with different zoom levels of magnification is called a
compound microscope. It consists of two lenses: the objective
lens, which creates a resolved image, and the eyepiece lens,
which magnifies the object. A simple microscope is a magnifying
instrument that uses only one lens to magnify objects. Some
examples of simple microscopes are jewellery eyepieces, reading
glasses, and pocket magnifiers.

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