CFR 2015 Title16 Vol2 Part1630

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Pt. 1630 16 CFR Ch.

II (1–1–15 Edition)

does not comply with the children’s (a) Acceptance Criterion means that at
sleepwear flammability standards in a least seven out of eight individual
manner that may cause the item to be specimens of a given carpet or rug shall
viewed by the consumer as an item of meet the test criterion as defined in
children’s sleepwear. this Standard.
(Sec. 5 Pub. L. 90–189, 81 Stat. 569, 15 U.S.C. (b) Test Criterion means the basis for
1194; Sec. 30(b), Pub. L. 92–573, 86 Stat. 1231. judging whether or not a single speci-
15 U.S.C. 2079(b); 5 U.S.C. 553) men of carpet or rug has passed the
[49 FR 10251, Mar. 20, 1984, as amended at 64 test, i.e., the charred portion of a test-
FR 2833, Jan. 19, 1999] ed specimen shall not extend to within
2.54 cm. (1.0 in.) of the edge of the hole
PART 1630—STANDARD FOR THE in the flattening frame at any point.
SURFACE FLAMMABILITY OF (c) Carpet means any type of finished
CARPETS AND RUGS (FF 1–70) product made in whole or in part of
fabric or related material and intended
Subpart A—The Standard for use or which may reasonably be ex-
pected to be used as a floor covering
1630.1 Definitions. which is exposed to traffic in homes,
1630.2 Scope and application. offices, or other places of assembly or
1630.3 General requirements. accommodation, and which may or
1630.4 Test procedure. may not be fastened to the floor by me-
1630.5 Labeling. chanical means such as nails, tacks,
Subpart B—Rules and Regulations barbs, staples, adhesives, and which
has one dimension greater than 1.83 m.
1630.31 Reasonable and representative tests (6 ft.) and a surface area greater than
and recordkeeping requirements. 2.23 m. 2 (24 sq. ft.). Products such as
1630.32 Carpets and rugs with fire-retardant
treatment. ‘‘carpet squares’’, with one dimension
less than 1.83 m. (6 ft.) and a surface
Subpart C—Washing Procedures area less than 2.23 m.2 (24 sq. ft.), but
intended to be assembled upon installa-
1630.61 Hide carpets and rugs—alternative
washing procedure. tion into assemblies which may have
1630.62 Wool flokati carpets and rugs—alter- one dimension greater than 1.83 m. (6
native washing procedure. ft.) and a surface area greater than 2.23
1630.63 Suspension of washing requirements m.2 (24 sq. ft.), are included in this defi-
for carpets and rugs with alumina tri- nition. Mats, hides with natural or syn-
hydrate in the backing.
thetic fibers, and other similar prod-
Subpart D—Interpretations and Policies ucts in the above, defined dimensions
are included in this definition, but re-
1630.81 Policy on recall of noncomplying silient floor coverings such as lino-
carpets and rugs.
leum, asphalt tile and vinyl tile are
SOURCE: 40 FR 59931, Dec. 30, 1975, unless not.
otherwise noted. (d) Rug means the same as carpet and
shall be accepted as interchangeable
Subpart A—The Standard with carpet.
(e) Traffic Surface means a surface of
AUTHORITY: Sec. 4, 67 Stat. 112, as amended, a carpet or rug which is intended to be
81 Stat. 569–70; 15 U.S.C. 1193. walked upon.
§ 1630.1 Definitions. (f) Timed Burning Tablet (pill) means
a methenamine tablet, flat, with a
In addition to the definitions given in nominal heat of combustion value of
section 2 of the Flammable Fabrics 7180 calories/gram, a mass of 150 mg
Act, as amended (Sec. 1, 81 Stat. 568; 15
±5mg and a nominal diameter of 6mm.
U.S.C. 1191), and the procedures under
that act for setting standards (part 1607 (g) Fire-Retardant Treatment means
of this chapter), the following defini- any process to which a carpet or rug
tions apply for the purposes of this has been exposed which significantly


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Consumer Product Safety Commission § 1630.4

decreases the flammability of that car- The sides shall be fastened together
pet or rug and enables it to meet the with screws or brackets and taped to
acceptance criterion of this Standard. prevent air leakage into the box during
[40 FR 59931, Dec. 30, 1975, as amended at 72
FR 60767, Oct. 26, 2007] NOTE: A minimum of two chambers and
two extra bottoms is suggested for efficient
§ 1630.2 Scope and application. operation.
(a) This Standard provides a test (2) Flattening frame. A steel plate,
method to determine the surface flam- 22.86 × 22.86 cm. (9 × 9 in.), 6.35 mm. (1⁄4
mability of carpets and rugs when ex- in.) thick with a 20.32 cm. (8 in.) diame-
posed to a standard small source of ig- ter hole in its center is required to hold
nition under carefully prescribed draft- the carpet or rug flat during the course
protected conditions. It is applicable to of the test. It is recommended that one
all types of carpets and rugs used as be provided for each test chamber.
floor covering materials regardless of (3) Standard igniting source. A methe-
their method of fabrication or whether namine tablet, flat, with a nominal
they are made of natural or synthetic heat of combustion value of 7180 cal-
fibers or films, or combinations of or ories/gram, a mass of 150 mg ±5 mg and
substitutes for these. a nominal diameter of 6mm. These tab-
(b) One of a kind, carpet or rug, such lets shall be stored in a desiccator over
as an antique, an Oriental, or a hide, a desiccant for 24 hours prior to use.
may be excluded from testing under (Small quantities of absorbed water
this Standard pursuant to conditions may cause the tablets to fracture when
established by the Consumer Product
first ignited. If a major fracture occurs,
Safety Commission.
any results from that test shall be ig-
§ 1630.3 General requirements. nored, and it shall be repeated.)
(4) Test specimens. Each test specimen
(a) Summary of test method. This shall be a 22.86 × 22.86 cm. (9 × 9 in.) sec-
method involves the exposure of each tion of the carpet or rug to be tested.
of eight conditioned, replicate speci- Eight specimens are required.
mens of a given carpet or rug to a (5) Circulating air oven. A forced cir-
standard igniting source in a draft-pro- culation drying oven capable of remov-
tected environment, and measurement ing the moisture from the specimens
of the proximity of the charred portion when maintained at 105 °C. (221 °F.) for
to the edge of the hole in the pre- 2 hours. 2
scribed flattening frame. (6) Desiccating cabinet. An airtight
(b) Test criterion. A specimen passes and moisture tight cabinet capable of
the test if the charred portion does not holding the floor covering specimens
extend to within 2.54 cm. (1.0 in.) of the
horizontally without contacting each
edge of the hole in the flattening frame
other during the cooling period fol-
at any point.
lowing drying, and containing silica gel
(c) Acceptance criterion. At least seven
of the eight specimens shall meet the
(7) Gloves. Nonhygroscopic gloves
test criterion in order to conform with
(such as rubber polyethylene) for han-
this Standard.
dling the sample after drying, and rais-
§ 1630.4 Test procedure. ing the pile on specimens prior to test-
(a) Apparatus—(1) Test chamber. The (8) Hood. A hood capable of being
test chamber shall consist of an open closed and having its draft turned off
top hollow cube made of noncombus-
during each test and capable of rapidly
tible material 1 with inside dimensions
removing the products of combustion
30.48 × 40.48 × 30.48 cm. (12 × 12 × 12 in.)
and a minimum of 6.35 (1⁄4 in.) wall 2 Option 1 of ASTM D 2654–67T, ‘‘Methods of
thickness. The flat bottom of the box
Test for Amount of Moisture in Textile Ma-
shall be made of the same material as
terials,’’ describes a satisfactory oven. (‘‘1969
the sides and shall be easily removable. Book of ASTM Standards,’’ part 24, pub-
lished by the American Society for Testing
1 6.35 mm (1⁄4 in.) cement asbestos board is and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadel-
a suitable material. phia, Pa. 19103.)


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§ 1630.4 16 CFR Ch. II (1–1–15 Edition)

following each test. The front or sides pooed 10 times, prior to cutting of test
of the hood should be transparent to specimens, in such manner as the man-
permit observation of the tests in ufacturer or other interested party
progress. shall previously have established to the
(9) Mirror. A small mirror mounted satisfaction of the Consumer Product
above each test chamber at an angle to Safety Commission is normally used
permit observation of the specimen for that type of carpet or rug in serv-
from outside of the hood. ice.
(10) Vacuum cleaner. A vacuum clean- (iii) AATCC Test Method 124–1996
er to remove all loose material from ‘‘Appearance of Fabrics after Repeated
each specimen prior to conditioning. Home Laundering,’’ is found in Tech-
All surfaces of the vacuum cleaner con- nical Manual of the American Associa-
tacting the specimen shall be flat and tion of Textile Chemists and Colorists,
smooth. vol. 73, 1997, which is incorporated by
(b) Sampling—(1)(i) Selection of sam- reference. Copies of this document are
ples. Select a sample of the material available from the American Associa-
representative of the lot and large tion of Textile Chemists and Colorists,
enough to permit cutting eight test P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle
specimens 22.86 × 22.86 cm. (9 × 9 in.), Park, North Carolina 27709. This docu-
free from creases, fold marks, ment is also available for inspection at
delaminations, or other distortions. the National Archives and Records Ad-
The test specimens should contain the ministration (NARA). For information
most flammable parts of the traffic on the availability of this material at
surface at their centers. The most NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: http://
flammable area may be determined on
the basis of experience or through pre- codeloflfederallregulations/
testing. ibrllocations.html. This incorporation
(ii) If the carpet or rug has had a fire- by reference was approved by the Di-
retardant treatment, or is made of fi- rector of the Federal Register in ac-
bers which have had a fire-retardant cordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR
treatment, the selected sample or over- part 51.
sized specimens thereof shall be (2) Cutting. Cut eight 22.86±0.64 cm.
washed, prior to cutting of test speci- (9±1⁄4 in.) square specimens of each car-
mens after they have been washed and pet or rug to be tested to comply with
dried either 10 times in accordance paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
with sections 8.2.2, 8.2.3, and 8.3.1(A) of (c) Conditioning. (1) Clean each speci-
AATCC Test Method 124–1996 ‘‘Appear- men with the vacuum cleaner until it
ance of Fabrics after Repeated Home is free of all loose ends left during the
Laundering,’’ using wash temperature manufacturing process and from any
V (60° ±3 °C, 140° ±5 °F) specified in material that may have been worked
Table II of that method, and the water into the pile during handling. Care
level, agitator speed, washing time, must be exercised to avoid ‘‘fuzzing’’ of
spin speed and final spin cycle specified the pile yarn.
for ‘‘Normal/Cotton Sturdy’’ in Table (2) Place the specimens in the drying
III, and drying shall be performed in oven in a manner that will permit free
accordance with section 8.3.1(A) of that circulation of the air at 105 °C. (221 °F.)
test method, Tumble Dry, maximum around them for 2 hours. 3 Remove the
load 3.64 Kg (8 pounds), using the ex- specimens from the oven with gloved
haust temperature (66° ±5 °C, 150° ±10 hands and place them horizontally in
°F) and cool down time of 10 minutes
specified in the ‘‘Durable Press’’ condi- 3 If the specimens are moist when received,

tions of Table IV; or such number of permit them to air-dry at laboratory condi-
times by another washing and drying tions prior to placement in the oven. A satis-
procedure which the Consumer Product factory preconditioning procedure may be
found in ASTM D 1776–67, ‘‘Conditioning Tex-
Safety Commission has determined to tiles and Textile Products for Testing.’’
be equivalent of AATCC Test Method (‘‘1969 Book of ASTM Standards’’, part 24,
124–1996. Alternatively, the selected published by the American Society for Test-
sample or oversized specimens thereof ing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Phila-
may be washed, drycleaned, or sham- delphia, Pa. 19103.)


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Consumer Product Safety Commission § 1630.31

the desiccator with traffic surface up the carpet or rug meets the acceptance
and free from contact with each other criterion.
until cooled to room temperature, but
[40 FR 59931, Dec. 30, 1975, as amended at 65
in no instance less than 1 hour. FR 12932, Mar. 10, 2000; 72 FR 60767, Oct. 26,
(d) Testing. (1) Place the test chamber 2007]
in the draft-protected environment
(hood with draft off) with its bottom in § 1630.5 Labeling.
place. Wearing gloves, remove a test If the carpet or rug has had a fire-re-
specimen from the desiccator and tardant treatment or is made of fibers
brush its surface with a gloved hand in which have had a fire-retardant treat-
such a manner as to raise its pile. ment, it shall be labeled with the letter
Place the specimen on the center of the ‘‘T’’ pursuant to conditions established
floor of the test chamber, traffic sur- by the Consumer Product Safety Com-
face up, exercising care that the speci- mission.
men is horizontal and flat. Place the
flattening frame on the specimen and
position a methenamine tablet on one
Subpart B—Rules and Regulations
of its flat sides in the center of the § 1630.31 Reasonable and representa-
20.32 cm. (8 in.) hole. tive tests and recordkeeping re-
(2) Ignite the tablet by touching a quirements.
lighted match or an equivalent igniting EXPLANATION: Section 8 of the act, among
source carefully to its top. If more other things, provides that no person shall
than 2 minutes elapse between the re- be subject to criminal prosecution under sec-
moval of the specimen from the desic- tion 7 of the act for a violation of section 3
cator and the ignition of the tablet, the of the act if such person establishes a guar-
conditioning must be repeated. anty received in good faith signed by and
containing the name and address of the per-
(3) Continue each test until one of
son by whom the product, fabric, or related
the following conditions occurs: material guaranteed was manufactured, or
(i) The last vestige of flame or glow from whom it was received; to the effect that
disappears. (This is frequently accom- reasonable and representative tests made in
panied by a final puff of smoke.) accordance with applicable flammability
(ii) The flaming or smoldering has standards show that the product, fabric, or
approached within 2.54 cm. (1.0 in.) of related material covered by the guaranty
conforms with such standards.
the edge of the hole in the flattening
While a person establishing a guaranty re-
frame at any point. ceived in good faith would not be subject to
(4) When all combustion has ceased, criminal prosecution under section 7 of the
ventilate the hood and measure the act, he and/or the merchandise involved,
shortest distance between the edge of would nevertheless remain subject to the ad-
the hole in the flattening frame and ministrative processes of the Consumer
the charred area. Record the distance Product Safety Commission under section 5
of the act as well as injunction and con-
measured for each specimen.
demnation procedures under section 6 there-
(5) Remove the specimen from the of. A guarantor derives no immunity of any
chamber and remove any burn residue kind, civil or criminal, from the issuance of
from the floor of the chamber. Before his own guaranty or performance of the rea-
proceeding to the next test, the floor sonable and representative tests prescribed
must be cooled to normal room tem- by this section.
perature or replaced with one that is at The furnishing of guaranties is not manda-
normal room temperature. tory under the act. The purpose of this sec-
tion is to establish minimum requirements
(e) Report. The number of specimens for reasonable and representative tests upon
of the eight tested in which the charred which guaranties may be based. The section
area does not extend to within 2.54 cm. does not have any legal effect beyond that
(1.0 in.) of the edge of the hole in the specified in section 8 of the act.
flattening frame shall be reported. (a) For the purposes of this section
(f) Interpretation of results. If the the following definitions apply:
charred area does not extend to within (1) Standard means the standards in
2.54 cm. (1.0 in.) of the edge of the hole subpart A of this part.
in the flattening frame at any point for (2) Test means a test as prescribed by
at least seven of the eight specimens, the Standard.


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§ 1630.31 16 CFR Ch. II (1–1–15 Edition)

(3) Acceptance criterion means ‘‘ac- resents is sold or offered for sale to the
ceptance criterion’’ as defined in the ultimate consumer.
Standard. (c) Reasonable and representative
(4) Test criterion means ‘‘test cri- tests with respect to any quality of
terion’’ as defined in the Standard. machine-made carpets or rugs are (1) at
(5) Carpet and rug mean ‘‘carpet’’ and least one test performed upon com-
‘‘rug’’ as defined in the Standard. mencement of production, importation,
(6) Quality of machine-made carpets or or other receipt thereof, (2) at least one
rugs means any line of carpets or rugs, test performed after production, impor-
essentially machine-made, which are tation, or other receipt of the first
substantially alike in all respects, in- 25,000 linear yards of the quality, and
cluding, as applicable, constructional (3) at least one test after production,
units (needles, pitch, rows, shot, stitch- importation, or other receipt of every
es, and weight), dye class, dyestuff, 50,000 linear yards of the quality there-
dyeing application method, gage, pile after. Except, however, that tests need
levels, pile height, average pile thick- be performed only after production,
ness, pile weight, pile yarn, total importation, or receipt of each addi-
thickness, total weight, tufts, tuft tional 100,000 linear yards of the qual-
length, tuft bind, warp yarn, filler ity, so long as all 24 specimens required
yarn, yarn ends per needle, loop length, to be tested in a complete series of
backing, back coating, primary back- three required tests immediately pre-
ing, secondary backing, backing thick- ceding any given test (eight out of
ness, backing fabric count, backing eight specimens in each of the three
warp and filler yarns, including stuffer preceding tests) meet the test cri-
and dead frame yards, backing weight, terion, rather than seven out of eight
fiber and/or other materials content, specimens, as permitted under the ac-
and fire-retardant treatment received ceptance criterion of the Standard.
including the specifications and quan- (d) Reasonable and representative
tity of chemicals used. tests with respect to any quality of
(7) Quality of handmade or hide carpets handmade or hide carpets or rugs are
or rugs means any line of carpets or at least one test performed upon the
rugs which are essentially handmade commencement of production, impor-
and/or are essentially hides and which tation, or other receipt thereof and at
are alike in all respects, including least one test after production, impor-
those specified in paragraph (a)(6) of tation, or other receipt of every 10,000
this section, where applicable, except square yards of the quality thereafter.
that such carpets or rugs may vary (e) Reasonable and representative
where unavoidable and/or may vary be- tests of a one-of-a-kind carpet or rug,
cause of natural variations in hides of machine-made, handmade, or hide, is
the same type, so long as such vari- one test thereof or one test of an iden-
ations do not affect flammability. tical representative sample.
(b) The tests set forth in paragraphs (f) Guaranties for carpets or rugs in
(c), (d), (e), and (f) of this section are inventory upon the effective date of
reasonable and representative tests the Standard may be issued in the
with regard to any carpets or rugs or same manner as other guaranties are
qualities thereof to which they apply, issued. Reasonable and representative
except, however, that any test of any tests with respect to qualities of such
quality, whenever performed, which carpets or rugs are at least one test
does not show a meeting of the accept- performed upon approximately the first
ance criterion of the Standard shall be linear yard and one test thereafter for
considered the reasonable and rep- each 25,000 linear yards of a quality of
resentative test for that quality and no machine-made carpets or rugs and at
guaranty with respect thereto shall be least one test performed upon approxi-
issued after the performance of such mately the first square yard and there-
test. Immediately before conditioning after for each 10,000 square yards of a
and testing, each carpet or rug speci- category of handmade or hide carpets
men tested pursuant to this section or rugs, in the order of the production,
shall be in the form in which the carpet importation, or receipt by the guar-
or rug or quality thereof which it rep- antor of that quality.


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Consumer Product Safety Commission § 1630.32

(g) Any person issuing a guaranty for (1) Carpet and rug mean ‘‘carpet’’ and
one or more carpets or rugs or qualities ‘‘rug’’ as defined in § 1630.31(c).
thereof based on reasonable and rep- (2) Fire-retardant treatment means
resentative tests, shall maintain the ‘‘fire-retardant treatment’’ as defined
following records for a period of 3 years in the standard of subpart A of this
from the date the tests were performed, part.
or in the case of paragraph (h) of this (b) If a carpet or rug or small carpet
section, the date the guaranties were or rug is manufactured, imported, or
furnished. These records must be main-
otherwise marketed or handled which
tained in the United States by a person
has had a fire-retardant treatment or
subject to section 3 of the act:
is made of fibers which have had a fire-
(1) All identifying numbers, symbols,
retardant treatment, the letter ‘‘T’’
etc., manufacturing specifications in-
shall be set forth legibly and conspicu-
cluding all other information described
in paragraph (a)(6) of this section, as ously, and shall appear at all times, on
applicable, and source of products or each label and/or invoice relating
raw materials used therein. thereto pursuant to the requirements
(2) A physical sample of each carpet of the Textile Fiber Products Identi-
or rug or quality thereof covered by fication Act, 15 U.S.C. 70, et seq., and
the guaranty at least 6 inches by 6 the rules and regulations thereunder,
inches in size (36 square inches). whether or not such letter ‘‘T’’ appears
(3) The original or a copy of the re- elsewhere on said product. Samples,
port of each test performed for pur- pieces, rolls, or squares used to pro-
poses of the guaranty (whether or not mote or effect the sale of such carpet
such report shows a meeting of the ac- or rug are subject to the aforemen-
ceptance criterion) which shall disclose tioned requirements. As provided in
the date of the test, the results, and the applicable portions of the aforesaid
sufficient information to clearly iden- act and the rules and regulations
tify the carpet or rug tested. thereunder, where a carpet or rug or a
(4) A record applicable to each test in small carpet or rug; which has had a
paragraph (g)(3) of this section showing fire-retardant treatment or is made of
the approximate yardage at which it fibers which have had a fire-retardant
was performed. Records otherwise re- treatment, is sold to an ultimate con-
quired to be maintained in linear yards sumer and was either custom made or
may be maintained in square yards on commercially installed for such con-
the basis of 4 square yards equals 1 lin- sumer, the labeling required by this
ear yard. section shall not apply with respect to
(h) Persons furnishing guaranties the carpet or rug if an invoice or other
based on guaranties received by them paper relating thereto, containing the
shall maintain records showing the letter ‘‘T’’, legibly and conspicuously
guaranty received and identification of written, is delivered to the consumer in
the carpet or rug or quality thereof due course of business.
guaranteed in turn by them. (c) No person subject to the Flam-
(i) Any person furnishing a carpet or mable Fabrics Act shall manufacture,
rug guaranty under section 8(a) of the import, distribute, or otherwise mar-
act who neglects or refuses to maintain ket or handle any carpet or rug or
and preserve the records prescribed in small carpet or rug, including samples,
this section shall be deemed to have swatches, or specimens used to pro-
furnished a false guaranty under the mote or effect the sale thereof, which
provisions of section 8(b) of the act.
is not in compliance with this section.
(Sec. 5, 67 Stat. 112, as amended, 81 Stat. 570,
(Sec. 5 of the Act, 67 Stat. 112, as amended by
15 U.S.C. 1194; sec. 8, 67 Stat. 114, as amended,
81 Stat. 570, 15 U.S.C. 1194)
81 Stat. 572, 15 U.S.C. 1197)

§ 1630.32 Carpets and rugs with fire- Subpart C—Washing Procedures

retardant treatment.
(a) For the purposes of this section AUTHORITY: Secs. 4, 5, 67 Stat. 112, as
the following definitions apply: amended, 81 Stat. 569–570; 15 U.S.C. 1193, 1194.


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§ 1630.61 16 CFR Ch. II (1–1–15 Edition)

§ 1630.61 Hide carpets and rugs—alter- hair attached to the hide with no syn-
native washing procedure. thetic fibers and (2) have been treated
(a) The Standard for the Surface with a fire-retardant finish. The notice
Flammability of Carpets and Rugs (FF of approval was corrected on March 17,
1–70) at § 1630.4(b)(1)(ii) provides that if 1972 (37 FR 5676). This approval is con-
a carpet or rug has had a fire-retardant tinued in effect by the Consumer Prod-
treatment, or is made of fibers which uct Safety Commission pursuant to
have had a fire-retardant treatment, section 30(e) of the Consumer Product
the sample or oversized specimens Safety Act (15 U.S.C. 2079(e)).
thereof selected for testing under the (c) Any hide carpet or rug for which
standard shall be washed prior to the such alternative procedure is utilized
cutting of test specimens either 10 must be labeled with a conspicuous,
times under the washing and drying legible and permanent label containing
procedure prescribed in Method 124–1996 the following statement:
of the American Association of Textile
Chemists and Colorists or such number
of times under such other washing and This rug has been treated with a flame re-
drying procedure as shall previously tardant. To keep rug attractive and clean
have been found to be equivalent by use the following methods:
the Consumer Product Safety Commis- To eliminate loose dirt or dust, vacuum or
shake pelt outdoors.
sion. AATCC Test Method 124–1996
For spot cleaning, use water dampened
‘‘Appearance of Fabrics after Repeated cloth and rub lightly in one direction.
Home Laundering,’’ is found in Tech-
nical Manual of the American Associa- DO NOT USE DETERGENTS OR OTHER
tion of Textile Chemists and Colorists, STAIN REMOVERS
vol. 73, 1997, which is incorporated by
reference. Copies of this document are (d) The alternative procedure is as
available from the American Associa- follows: The test specimens shall be cut
tion of Textile Chemists and Colorists, to size 9″ × 9″ before the procedure is
P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle initiated.
Park, North Carolina 27709. This docu- (1) Shake specimen vigorously to re-
ment is also available for inspection at move any loose fibers, dust and pos-
the National Archives and Records Ad- sible accumulated debris.
ministration (NARA). For information (2) Place specimen on a solid flat sur-
on the availability of this material at face and anchor or hold firmly while
NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: http:// conducting the test. (3) Select an operating applicator
codeloflfederallregulations/ consisting of a rod at least 2″ in diame-
ibrllocations.html. This incorporation ter and 9″ long composed of
by reference was approved by the Di- nonabsorbant material such as glass or
rector of the Federal Register in ac- plastic.
cordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR (4) Select sufficient cloth to form at
part 51. Alternatively the selected sam- least five layers when wrapped around
ple or oversized specimens thereof may the operating applicator. The cloth
be washed, dry-cleaned, or shampooed shall be of the type known as
10 times, prior to the cutting of test ‘‘Crockmeter Test Cloth’’ as specified
specimens, in such manner as the man- in Note 8.3 of AATCC Test Method 8–
ufacturer or other interested party has 1969.
previously established to the satisfac- (5) Immerse cloth in water (100 °F.)
tion of the Consumer Product Safety until thoroughly wetted.
Commission is normally used for that (6) Manually wring out the cloth to
type of carpet or rug in service. remove all excess water and wrap
(b) On February 10, 1972 (37 FR 3010) around the operating applicator.
the Federal Trade Commission pub- (7) Immediately with light pressure,
lished in the FEDERAL REGISTER a no- stroke entire surface of specimen with
tice of approval of an alternative wash- the wrapped operating applicator in
ing procedure under FF 1–70 for testing one direction only along the natural
the flammability of shearling and hide ‘‘lay’’ of the hair structure for ten
rugs that (1) consist of natural wool or complete strokes.


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Consumer Product Safety Commission § 1630.62

(8) Place test specimen in a circu- by reference was approved by the Di-
lating drying oven maintained at 212 rector of the Federal Register in ac-
°F. until dry. cordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR
(9) Repeat the above procedure 10 part 51. Alternatively the selected sam-
times using a fresh or clean cloth each ple or oversized specimens thereof may
time. be washed, dry-cleaned, or shampooed
(10) After 10 successive cycles of 10 times, prior to the cutting of test
washing and drying the dried speci- specimens, in such manner as the man-
mens shall be subjected to the testing ufacturer or other interested party has
procedures (pill test) as outlined in FF previously established to the satisfac-
tion of the Consumer Product Safety
(e) This washing procedure and label-
Commission is normally used for that
ing provision are subject to revision or
type of carpet or rug in service.
revocation should it be determined
that such procedure is inadequate to (b) On September 7, 1972 (37 FR 18122)
fully protect the public. the Federal Trade Commission pub-
lished in the FEDERAL REGISTER a no-
[40 FR 59931, Dec. 30, 1975, as amended at 65 tice of approval of an alternative wash-
FR 12933, Mar. 10, 2000]
ing procedure under FF 1–70 for testing
§ 1630.62 Wool flokati carpets and the flammability of wool flokati car-
rugs—alternative washing proce- pets and rugs. This approval is contin-
dure. ued in effect by the Consumer Product
(a) The Standard for the Surface Safety Commission pursuant to section
Flammability of Carpets and Rugs (FF 30(e) of the Consumer Product Safety
1–70) at § 1630.4(b)(1)(ii) provides that if Act (15 U.S.C. 2079(e)).
a carpet or rug has had a fire-retardant (c) Any wool flokati carpet or rug for
treatment, or is made of fibers which which such alternative procedure is
have had a fire-retardant treatment, utilized must be labeled with a con-
the sample or oversized specimens spicuous, legible and permanent label
thereof selected for testing under the containing the following statement:
standard shall be washed prior to the
cutting of test specimens either 10 DO NOT WASH IN HOME MACHINE OR DRY
times under the washing and drying
procedure prescribed in Method 124–1996
of the American Association of Textile This flokati carpet or rug has been treated
Chemists and Colorists or such number with a flame retardant. To maintain this
of times under such other washing and flame retardant and to keep the carpet at-
drying procedure as shall previously tractive and clean, use the following meth-
have been found to be equivalent by ods.
the Consumer Product Safety Commis- 1. Vacuum (using suction head without ro-
tating brush) or shake the rug (depending
sion. AATCC Test Method 124–1996
upon size) to remove loose dirt.
‘‘Appearance of Fabrics after Repeated 2. Home laundering: Place in bath tub or
Home Laundering,’’ is found in Tech- other suitable receptacle in solution of home
nical Manual of the American Associa- detergent and lukewarm water (approxi-
tion of Textile Chemists and Colorists, mately 105 °F.) . Immerse face down and
vol. 73, 1997, which is incorporated by gently knead back of rug to remove soil.
reference. Copies of this document are Rinse in lukewarm water (approximately 105
available from the American Associa- °F.) until detergent is removed. Rug may
tion of Textile Chemists and Colorists, then be rinsed again in cool water to im-
P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle prove appearance of face if desired. Line dry.
Park, North Carolina 27709. This docu- Shake while damp to restore surface and
ment is also available for inspection at fluff up fibers.
the National Archives and Records Ad- 3. Spot cleaning: Remove greasy stains
with a household grease remover. Remove
ministration (NARA). For information soluble stains with lukewarm water (ap-
on the availability of this material at proximately 105 °F.) and detergent by im-
NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: http:// mersing spot in a pan and kneading the back of rug. Rinse thoroughly in lukewarm water.
codeloflfederallregulations/ Line or floor dry. Shake while damp to re-
ibrllocations.html. This incorporation store surface and fluff up fibers.


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§ 1630.63 16 CFR Ch. II (1–1–15 Edition)
4. Commercial cleaning: Use Roll-A-Jet times under the washing and drying
equipment (or equivalent) with water not ex- procedure prescribed in Method 124–1996
ceeding 105 °F. Avoid use of excessive pres- of the American Association of Textile
sure or reciprocating brushes. Drying tem-
peratures should not exceed 200 °F.
Chemists and Colorists or such number
(d) The alternative procedure is as of times under such other washing and
follows: drying procedure as shall previously
(1) Cut test specimens to an oversize have been found to be equivalent by
of 12″×12″ before the procedure is initi- the Consumer Product Safety Commis-
ated. sion. AATCC Test Method 124–1996
(2) Vacuum specimens or shake vigor- ‘‘Appearance of Fabrics after Repeated
ously to remove any loose fibers, dust Home Laundering,’’ is found in Tech-
or possible accumulated debris. nical Manual of the American Associa-
(3) Place individual specimen face tion of Textile Chemists and Colorists,
down in a shallow pan which has been vol. 73, 1997, which is incorporated by
filled to a depth of 2″ with a wash solu- reference. Copies of this document are
tion of 1.1 grams of AATCC (American available from the American Associa-
Association of Textile Chemists and tion of Textile Chemists and Colorists,
Colorists) Standard Detergent as speci- P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle
fied in AATCC Method 124–1996 (or Park, North Carolina 27709. This docu-
equivalent) per liter of water preheated ment is also available for inspection at
to 105 °F. Knead the back of the speci- the National Archives and Records Ad-
men with hand for 1 minute. Water ministration (NARA). For information
level and temperature should be main- on the availability of this material at
tained for each specimen. NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: http://
(4) Thoroughly rinse specimen face
down with warm water at 105 °F. for 1 codeloflfederallregulations/
minute under a faucet with strong ibrllocations.html. This incorporation
pressure. by reference was approved by the Di-
(5) Remove excess liquor by use of a rector of the Federal Register in ac-
wringer, hydroextractor or gentle hand cordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR
squeezing and dry in circulating air part 51. Alternatively the selected sam-
oven at 200 °F. until dry. ple or oversized specimens thereof may
(6) Repeat the above procedure 10 be washed, dry-cleaned, or shampooed
times using fresh detergent and fresh 10 times, prior to the cutting of test
water for each set of eight specimens. specimens, in such manner as the man-
(7) Subject the dry specimens to the ufacturer or other interested party has
test procedures in FF 1–70. previously established to the satisfac-
(e) This washing procedure and label- tion of the Consumer Product Safety
ing provisions are subject to revocation Commission is normally used for that
should it be determined that such pro- type of carpet or rug in service.
cedure is inadequate to fully protect (2) Section 1630.5 of the Standard pro-
the public. vides that if a carpet or rug has had a
[40 FR 59931, Dec. 30, 1975, as amended at 65 fire-retardant treatment or is made of
FR 12933, Mar. 10, 2000] fibers which have had a fire-retardant
treatment, it shall be labeled with the
§ 1630.63 Suspension of washing re- letter ‘‘T.’’
quirements for carpets and rugs (b) On April 10, 1972, the Federal
with alumina trihydrate in the Trade Commission, which then had re-
backing. sponsibility for enforcement of the
(a)(1) The Standard for the Surface Flammable Fabrics Act, announced
Flammability of Carpets and Rugs (FF that the use of alumina trihydrate in
1–70) at § 1630.4(b)(1)(ii) provides that if adhesives, foams, or latexes in carpet
a carpet or rug has had a fire-retardant backings or elsewhere in the backings
treatment, or is made of fibers which will be considered as a fire-retardant
have had a fire-retardant treatment, treatment. Therefore, the provisions of
the sample or oversized specimens §§ 1630.4(b)(1)(ii) and 1630.5 of the Stand-
thereof selected for testing under the ard apply to carpets with alumina tri-
standard shall be washed prior to the hydrate in the backings. This interpre-
cutting of test specimens either 10 tation continues in effect.


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Consumer Product Safety Commission Pt. 1631

(c) On May 19, 1972, the Federal Trade ures, indicate that such action is nec-
Commission published a notice in the essary and appropriate.
FEDERAL REGISTER (37 FR 10104) tempo- (c) Recall from consumers. (1) In cases
rarily suspending the washing require- involving carpets and rugs distributed
ments under FF 1–70 for carpets and in commerce by a domestic manufac-
rugs containing alumina trihydrate in turer, or imported into the United
the backing. This temporary suspen- States, after July 11, 1978, the Commis-
sion was extended a number of times. sion will exercise the authority con-
On March 28, 1973 the Federal Trade tained in the FFA to order recall of
Commission proposed in the FEDERAL carpets and rugs which fail to comply
REGISTER (38 FR 8101) an alternative with the Standard for the Surface
laundering procedure for such carpets Flammability of Carpets and Rugs and
and rugs and gave notice that the sus- which are in the possession of ultimate
pension of the laundering requirement purchasers, including installed carpet,
was extended until the completion of where the facts, including the number
the proceeding to establish an alter- and pattern of test failures, indicate
native laundering procedure. The sus- that such action is necessary and ap-
pension continues in effect. propriate.
[40 FR 59931, Dec. 30, 1975, as amended at 65 (2) The Commission may exercise the
FR 12933, Mar. 10, 2000] authority of section 15 of the Consumer
Product Safety Act (15 U.S.C. 2064) to
Subpart D—Interpretations and order the repair, replacement, or repur-
Policies chase of any carpets or rugs in the pos-
session of ultimate purchasers, includ-
§ 1630.81 Policy on recall of noncom- ing installed carpet, if such carpets and
plying carpets and rugs. rugs present a ‘‘substantial product
(a) Purpose. The purpose of this sec- hazard’’ as that term is used in the
tion is to state the policy of the Com- Consumer Product Safety Act in any
mission concerning recall of carpets case involving carpets or rugs which
and rugs which are subject to and fail were distributed in commerce by a do-
to comply with the Standard for the mestic manufacturer or imported into
Surface Flammability of Carpets and the United States, on or before July 11,
Rugs (FF 1–70) (16 CFR part 1630, sub- 1978, or any time thereafter.
part A). In this policy statement, the (Sec. 5, 15 U.S.C. 1194, 67 Stat. 112, June 30,
Commission reaffirms that provisions 1953; sec. 5, 15 U.S.C. 45(b), 38 Stat. 719, Sept.
of the Flammable Fabrics Act (FFA) 26, 1914; sec. 15, 15 U.S.C. 2064, 86 Stat. 1221,
authorize recall of any product which Oct. 27, 1972)
fails to comply with an applicable [44 FR 2169, Jan. 10, 1979]
flammability standard issued under
that Act. Additionally, this policy
statement announces general prin-
ciples which will be followed by the SURFACE FLAMMABILITY OF
Commission in exercising the author- SMALL CARPETS AND RUGS (FF
ity contained in the FFA to require re- 2–70)
call of carpets and rugs from various
levels of distribution, including carpets Subpart A—The Standard
and rugs in the possession of the ulti-
mate consumer. 1631.1 Definitions.
(b) Recall from distributors and retail- 1631.2 Scope and application.
ers. The Commission will exercise the 1631.3 General requirements.
authority contained in the FFA to 1631.4 Test procedure.
order recall of carpets and rugs which 1631.5 Labeling requirements.
fail to comply with the Standard for
the Surface Flammability for Carpets Subpart B—Rules and Regulations
and Rugs and which are in the posses- 1631.31 Reasonable and representative tests
sion of any distributor, retailer, or and recordkeeping requirements.
other person or firm in the chain of dis- 1631.32 Reasonable and representative tests
tribution, where the facts, including and recordkeeping requirements—addi-
the number and pattern of test fail- tional requirements.


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