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HCIA-Access V2.

5 Change Instructions

HCIA-Access V2.5 Change Instructions

Version Date Instruction

V2.0 2018/7/1 Enable the V2.0 training materials, lab manuals, and question library.
Enable V2.5 training materials, lab guidebooks and exam questions
V2.5 2021/1/29 V2.5 was released on January 29, 2021, and V2.0 will become unavailable
from July 29, 2021. The old and new versions coexist for 6 months.

This document is applicable to the version refreshed certification product. It is used to compare the new
and old version of the training materials, lab manuals and detailed changes of the test. It is necessary to
specify the contents of the addition, deletion or optimization of the knowledge points and their proportions.

1. Training material change instructions

In the PPT unit, each training material needs to Added a page of training material change instructions to
introduce the material change point (optimization, addition or deletion) relative to the old material.
Training Material 1: Access Network Evolution and Application

Chapter V2.0 V2.5 Change Instructions

1. Data encapsulation Added the access network data
0% 8%
process encapsulation process.
2. xDSL/PON networking Optimized xDSL/PON networking
5% 10%
advantages advantages.
3. Last-mile solution 3% 0% Deleted the last-mile solution.

Training Material 2: Network Communication Basics

Chapter V2.0 V2.5 Change Instructions

1. Introduction to virtual
Deleted the description of virtual local area
local area networks
5% 0% networks (VLANs) in the network
(VLANs) in the network
communication basics.
communication basics
2. Ethernet Overview to
Added Ethernet overview to Network
Network Communication 0% 5%
Communication Basics.

Training Material 3: VLAN Technical Principles

Chapter V2.0 V2.5 Change Instructions

Added the description of the access network
1. Introduction to VLANs 0% 8% VLAN in the principle of the VLAN

Training Material 4: Routing Basics

Chapter V2.0 V2.5 Change Instructions

1. Basics of routing
4% 5% The routing protocol basics are optimized.

Training Material 5: PON System Overview

Chapter V2.0 V2.5 Change Instructions

HCIA-Access V2.5 Change Instructions

1. PON System
10% 15% Optimized the PON system overview.

Training Material 6: GPON Principles

Chapter V2.0 V2.5 Change Instructions

1. GPON principles 10% 12% Optimized the GPON principles.

Training Material 7: XG(S)-PON Principles

Chapter V2.0 V2.5 Change Instructions

1. XG(S)-PON Principles 0% 100% Added the XG(S)-PON principle.

Training Material 8: XDSL Principles and Applications

Chapter V2.0 V2.5 Change Instructions

1. XDSL Principles and
10% 12% Optimized XDSL Principles and Applications

Training Material 9: Vectoring and Principles

Chapter V2.0 V2.5 Change Instructions

1. Vectoring and
0% 100% Added Vectoring and Principles

Training Material 10: PPP and PPPoE Protocols

Chapter V2.0 V2.5 Change Instructions

1. Interaction between The PPP and PPPoE protocols are
8% 10%
PPP and PPPoE optimized.

Training Material 11: DHCP Principle

Chapter V2.0 V2.5 Change Instructions

1. DHCP interaction
10% 11% The DHCP interaction process is optimized.

Training Material 12: ONU Service Interfaces

Chapter V2.0 V2.5 Change Instructions

1. ONU service interface
0% 100% The ONU service interface type is added.
2. ONU Service
0% 100% Added the description of ONU service ports.
Interfaces introduction

Training Material 13: VLANs and Service Flows of Huawei Access Network

Chapter V2.0 V2.5 Change Instructions

1. VLANs and Service
Added VLANs and Service Flows of Huawei
Flows of Huawei Access 0% 100%
Access Network

Training Material 14: GPON OLT Basic Operations

Chapter V2.0 V2.5 Change Instructions

HCIA-Access V2.5 Change Instructions

1. GPON OLT Basic Optimized the basic operation procedure of

8% 10%
Operation Procedure the GPON OLT.

Training Material 15: GPON ONU Basic Operations

Chapter V2.0 V2.5 Change Instructions

1. Basic Procedure for Optimized the basic operation procedure of
8% 10%

Training Material 16: GPON Data Service Configuration

Chapter V2.0 V2.5 Change Instructions

1. Data Service The procedure for configuring data services
8% 10%
Configuration Procedure is optimized.

Training Material 17: ODN Engineering Implementation and Maintenance

Chapter V2.0 V2.5 Change Instructions

1. ODN Engineering Optimized the introduction to ODN
Implementation and 4% 5% engineering implementation and
Maintenance maintenance.
2. ODN link detection 4% 5% The ODN link detection is optimized.

Training Material 18: Network Management Basics

Chapter V2.0 V2.5 Change Instructions

1. SNMP configuration Optimized the SNMP protocol configuration
4% 5%
and eSight overview and eSight overview.
2. NCE (Access Domain) Added the NCE (Access Domain) system
0% 10%
System Overview overview.

2. Lab Guides change instructions

In Word, each lab manual needs to Added a page of experiment manual knowledge point change
instructions to introduce the knowledge change points (optimization, addition or deletion) of the experiment
manual relative to the old lab manual.
HCIA-Access V2.5 Lab Guides

Chapter V2.0 V2.5 Change Instructions

1. Basic operations on
15% 20% Update basic operations xPON devices.
xPON Devices
2. Basic configurations
15% 20% Update the basic configuration of terminal.
on xPON terminal
3. GPON data service
20% 30% Update GPON data service configuration.
4.xDSL& Vectoring &
Add Vectoring & data service Data Service 20% 30%
5. Voice service
Delete voice service provisioning and
provisioning and 20% 0%
6. Basic operations on
10% 0% Delete basic operations on eSight.

HCIA-Access V2.5 Change Instructions

3. Test content change instructions

3.1 HCIA-Access V2.5 Test content:

Chapter V2.0 Chapter V2.5
The access
network data
process is
1. Basic knowledge and traditional added,
technologies of the access network accounting for
1.1 Basic concepts of the access 10%.
1. Access Network Overview
network and traditional access The xDSL/PON
1.1 Evolution and Application
network deployment solution. 5% 3% networking
of Wired Communication
1.2 Technical Features of xDSL. advantages are
Access Technologies
1.3 Technical Features of xPON. optimized,
1.4 xPON Solutions in Various accounting for
Scenarios 10%.
Deleted the last-
mile solution,
accounting for
Deleted the
description of
virtual local area
(VLANs) in the
accounting for
2. Routing and switching basics of
Combined the
the access network
2.1 TCP/IP Principles.
overview into the
2.2 Have a good command of the
2. Basic network knowledge network
working principles of the Ethernet
2.1 Network Communication communication
and the VLAN, especially the
Basics basics,
features and implementation modes 18% 18%
2.2 VLAN Principles accounting for
of the VLAN of Huawei access
2.3 Routing Basics 10%.
Added the
2.3 Routing basics, including
description of
routing entries, static routes, and
access network
inter-VLAN routes.
VLANs in the
accounting for
The routing
protocol basics
are optimized,
accounting for
3. xPON& principles 3. xPON Principles and Optimized the
3.1 XDSL principles, including basic Applications PON system
architecture and key parameters, 3.1 PON System Overview overview,
key technologies (ranging, DBA), 15% 3.2 GPON Principles 27% accounting for
EPON system management, and 3.3 10G GPON Principles 10%.
service provisioning modes. 3.4 XDSL Principles Added XDSL
3.2 GPON principles, including the 3.5 Vectoring & and Vectoring

HCIA-Access V2.5 Change Instructions

GPON multiplexing structure, key Principles and 10G GPON

technologies (ranging, optical principles,
module burst control, bandwidth accounting for
allocation, downstream encryption, 30%.
and protection), and GPON system
management and service
provisioning modes.

The VoIP
concept and SIP
principle are
4. Principles of data services and 4. Basic Knowledge of deleted,
VoIP Service Implementation accounting for
4.1 Principles of the PPP protocol 4.1 Principles of PPP and 100%.
and PPPoE protocol. PPPoE ONU service
15% 21%
4.2 DHCP Principles. 4.2 DHCP Principle interfaces,
4.3 VoIP Concepts and SIP 4.3 ONU Service Interfaces Huawei access
Principles. 4.4 Access Network VLAN network VLANs,
and Service Flow and service
flows are added,
accounting for
Delete the
5. xPON service implementation 5. Data service maintenance of
5.1 Introduction to Huawei xPON implementation the VoIP (SIP)
devices and basic operations. 5.1 Basic Operations on the service, which
5.2 Implementation and
GPON OLT accounts for
maintenance of data service 30% 16%
5.2 Basic Operations on a 100%.
GPON ONU Basic operations
5.3 VoIP (SIP) Service
5.3 GPON Data Service and data
Configuration and Maintenance.
Configuration services of OLTs
and ONUs are
accounting for
The calculation
of ODN link
6. ODN Basics
attenuation is
6.1 ODN and ODN products, ODN
link detection tools, and common
6. ODN Basics accounting for
6.2 ODN engineering test: Have a 6.1 ODN Engineering
8% 10% The ODN
basic command of the calculation of Implementation and
power loss and the detailed Maintenance implementation
parameters of different optical
and O&M are
accounting for
and eSight
7. Basic NMS knowledge network
7. Basic knowledge of the NMS.
9% 7.1 Network Management 5% management
Basics overview are
accounting for
Added the NCE-

HCIA-Access V2.5 Change Instructions

FAN system
accounting for


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