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Present Continuous Tense

Good afternoon dear students! I hope you all have a great weekend so that you are ready for a new lesson
that we will learn today. Today we will learn about the new English language tense which is called Present
Continuous Tense.

Pisem naslov na tabli.

I am writing on the board now.

You are listening to the teacher at the moment.

Present Continuous Tense je sadasnje trajno vreme koje koristimo da opisemo radnju koja se desava u
trenutku govora ili oko trenutka govora.

Upotreba Present Continuous Tense

1. Za radnje koje se desavaju u trenutku govora, upravo sada

My brother is playing football at the moment.

2. Za privremene radnje koje su trenutno aktuelne, u trenutku govora

I usually live alone, but I am living with my parents these days.
U prvom delu recenice govorimo o cinjenici da ja uobicajeno zivim sama i zato smo upotrebili Present Simple
Tense, ali u drugom delu recenice govorimo o privremenoj radnji da ja trenutno zivim sa svojim roditeljima I
zato smo upotrebili Present Continuous Tense.
Mozda su moji roditelji trenutno bolesni pa sam ja dosla da zivim kod njih samo na neko vreme, da bih im bila
blizu I da bih mogla da im pomognem, ali to je samo privremena radnja. Nije nesto sto ce trajno ostati tako.
Kada oni budu ozdravili I kada im bude bolje, ja cu se vratiti svojoj uobicajenoj navici I ponovo cu ziveti sama.

Prilozi koji se najcesce mogu naci uz Present Continuous Tense su:

now, at the moment, this week / Monday / month / year / …

Present Continuous Tense gradjenje:

Gradi se upotrebom glagola TO BE (am, is, are), nakon koga sledi glagol na koji dodajemo nastavak –ING.

TO BE (am, is, are) + MAIN VERB –ING

I am playing. We are playing.
You are playing. You are playing.
He They are playing.
She is playing

Now you can open your course books, page 20. I will read the text and you should follow. When I read the
text, we will try to recognize some examples of Present Continuous Tense which appear in the text and we will
do one short exercise.
She IS WAITING for a coach.
They ARE GOING on a school trip.
I AM WRITING about the school trip.
Sledece sto je veoma bitno da naucimo I zapamtimo jeste to da postoje odredjena pravila za pisanje glagola
u Present Continuous Tense, kada im dodajemo nastavak –ING, a ta pravila su sledeca:

1. Go – going; Work – working; Ring – ringing; Wash – Washing

Vecina glagola u Present Continuous Tense ostaje nepromenjena I samo se dodaje nastavak -ING

2. Dance – dancing; Rise – rising

Ako se glagol zavrsava na –E, kome prethodi suglasnik, tada se –E gubi I dodaje se nastavak –ING

3. Put – putting; Cut – cutting; Set – setting

Ako se glagol zavrsava na suglasnik kome prethodi jedan samoglasnik, u tom slucaju cemo duplirati
suglasnik I onda dodati nastavak –ING

Now, let’s do one more exercise. Please open your workbooks on page 15, exercise 5:
Following the previously given instructions about the correct writing of verbs in Present Continuous Tense, we
should write the following verbs correctly in the appropriate places in the table.

Go, have, swim, get, write, eat, run, cook, take

+ -ing E + ing Double last letter + ing

Going Having Swimming
Eating Writing Getting
Cooking Taking Running

For your homework you should read a text once again and to circle or underline all the examples of Present
Continuous Tense which you recognized.
Our class will be over soon, so that would be all for today.
Thank you all for your attention and participation. I wish you all the best and have a great time for the
upcoming holidays. See you soon.

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