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Assignment - Opportunity Evaluation

Group 7

Pranshu Pondwal 22020841023

Renu Yadav 22020841027
Rupin Bhatnagar 22020841028
Unnati Gupta 22020841036
Vaibhav Maheshwari 22020841037
Sleep Detection System in Cars to
prevent accidents

Categorising the Opportunity :

Market Analysis
Who is the customer?
Customer who are able and willing to purchase automobiles with the sleep detection
technology. They are the upper middle class families who prefer long drives.

What is the problem?

Various studies have suggested that around 20% of road accidents are fatigue related.
Sleep Detection System helps to prevent accidents when the driver gets drowsy.

How many customers are there?

28% of India's population is middle class that and around 10 Crore families belong to
this demography. The product will target these segments.

Industry Analysis
Porter's Five Force Analysis and Critical Succes Factor
1. Threat of new entrants: The sleep detection system in cars industry requires
significant technological expertise and significant capital investments to develop and
produce the systems. This makes it difficult for new entrants to enter the market.
2. Threat of substitute products: There are no direct substitute products for sleep
detection systems in cars. However, technologies such as lane departure warning
systems and automatic emergency braking systems, can be used as an alternative.
3. Bargaining power of buyers: The car manufacturers have significant bargaining
power as they are the major customers of sleep detection systems in cars. They can
negotiate prices and terms of purchase with suppliers.
Industry Analysis
Porter's Five Force Analysis and Critical Succes Factor
4. Bargaining power of suppliers: The suppliers of the components used to produce
sleep detection systems in cars, such as sensors and cameras, have moderate
bargaining power. There are a limited number of suppliers that can provide the
necessary components, but the industry is not highly concentrated.
5. Competition: The sleep detection system in cars industry is relatively new and there
are a limited number of players in the market. However, as the industry is expected to
grow in the future, the competition among existing firms is likely to increase.
Industry Analysis
Identifying the Critical Success Factor

Reliability and Validity of the results

Should not be a hindrance to the overall driving experience
Service centre infrastructure and good customer care
Affordability of the device and its installation
A universal device that works on any and every model of cars
Industry Analysis
Identifying the Resources
Human resources like Software developers, mechanical engineers,
electrical engineers, bioengineers and labours to do general
IC Chips, electronic circuits, sensors
Infrastructure for factories, outlets, and service centres
Access to technology, tools, Research and development
Team Analysis
Technical Skills Personal Entrepreneurial Business Management

Skills Skills
Environment Scanning

Risk Taker Goal Setting
Technical Skills

Innovative Decision Making
Team Player

Change Oriented Managing Growth

PESTLE Analysis and Structural Drivers of Change

The automobile industry of a country is dependent on the government's decisions on export and import. If a
company can import high-quality parts at a comparatively lower rate, it can have a better profit margin. The
administrations are also keen to restrict the ample usage of fossil fuels which create more pollutants.

The income of people from stable and emerging economic zones is increasing, and their spending capacity is
also on the rise. Many countries have imposed taxes on luxury items, and hence a specific section of buyers may
not choose to buy one. It may result in decreasing demand for luxury cars in some countries. However, if many
companies launch comparatively cheap cars, they may get more buyers.

A state with a dense population and large families tends to have good sales of big cars like SUVs. The countries
which have well-connected bus services may see less number of people owning cars. There is also a tendency for
developed countries to possess one or more cars.
The automobile industry is hugely dependent on innovative technology to ensure the safety of the people. The
companies need to concentrate on the reduction of emissions. They can use modern technologies to keep the
emission rate in check. The company needs to promote these self-driven cars and electric vehicles, which may
gain them more customers.

The governments of the countries are willing to take up environmental policies to decrease the pollution level,
and the automobile manufacturer needs to abide by the rules. It may lower the profit margin for automobile
manufacturing companies. The research unit of the automobile companies needs to be strict with the testing.
They should debut a unit in the market if only it can pass the strict pollution tests.

The number of vehicles on the road can affect air pollution levels, so it is important for car companies to be
aware of this. If a vehicle company operates in an international market, it may have to take care of tax and
environmental laws as well as face legal proceedings.
Structural Drivers of Change

Boom in the AI and ML Driven technology can aid the business in

achieving future milestones.
Many households are transitioning from lower middle class to upper
middle class in India.
Semiconductor Shortage can have a negative impact on the
Automotive and Tech industry.
Slow pace of Globalization can act as a deterrent.
Most Likely Scenarios

In the near future, we may see a boom in the AI Driven Self

Driving cars.
Self Driving Cars will prevent any kind of accidents.
The idea of Sleep Detection System will become pointless.
Decision Matrix Analysis

1. An App that helps you know about the auditions happening in the town
2. Apps used by celebs to share their posts and status
3. Weighing machine that tells BMI and gives you a diet plan
4. Mobile app that tells your BP and Pulse rate
5. Medicine that kills hangover
6. Machine that tells about the underground water
7. Robot aided Rock or Mine prediction
8. Transport Services for Elderly People
9. Book Exchange Service
10. Universal Wireless Charger
11. Sleep Detection System in Cars to prevent accidents
12. App that shows the empty parking spot
Decision Matrix Analysis
Paired Comparison Analysis
Top Five Ideas

1. An App that helps you know about the auditions happening in the town
7.Robot aided Rock or Mine prediction
9.Book Exchange Service
11. Sleep Detection System in Cars to prevent accidents
12. App that shows the empty parking spot
Paired Comparison Analysis
Final Scores

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