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Customizing Lists with BOM-Editor in Advance Steel

Stephanie Hoerndler
Udo Haedicke


Learning Objectives
 Learn how to use ready-to-use templates in combination with queries
 Learn how to create your own standard templates with customized layout and parameters
 Learn how to use formulas and barcodes within the BOM editor

Bills-of-Materials can be customized to suit your company specific standards. Configuring layout, format,
style and columns is a first step of customized BOMs regards visual standards. Modifying units and
report content can streamline list creation. Adding barcodes and formulas in customized lists within
BOM Editor can greatly improve productivity.

Your AU Experts

Stephanie Hoerndler is a Technical Specialist for Advance Steel software at Autodesk, Inc. Previously she
worked in a construction office as a steel detailer, then she worked at Graitec GmbH as Application
Engineer for Advance Steel. Stephanie attended the university HTWK Leipzig, Germany, and she is a
building engineer. Stephanie is based in Munich, Germany.
Udo Haedicke is the Product Manager for Advance Steel software at Autodesk, Inc. He owns a diploma
as structural engineer from German university HTWK Leipzig. After 9 years working as engineer in a
design office he started at GRAITEC as Application engineer for Advance Steel. Over the years Udo was
promoted to Local Product Manager for the German speaking market and the Head of Technical Team at
GRAITEC Germany. 2 years ago he moved to Autodesk together with Advance Steel technology
Customizing Lists with BOM-Editor in Advance Steel [MSF11090-L]

Table of Contents
Learning Objectives................................................................................................................................... 1
Description ................................................................................................................................................ 1
Your AU Experts ........................................................................................................................................ 1
Use ready-to-use templates in combination with queries and groups .................................................... 3
How to use Queries from Project Explorer in Extracts ......................................................................... 4
Exercise I ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Create your own standard templates with customized layout and parameters ...................................... 6
How to create a new list ....................................................................................................................... 6
Exercise II A – Copy Template ........................................................................................................... 6
How to customize content .................................................................................................................... 7
Exercise II B – Modify Report Content .............................................................................................. 7
How to customize the layout ................................................................................................................ 7
Exercise II C – Customize Report Header Insert your own logo........................................................ 8
Exercise II D – Customize Report Header Modify company text field .............................................. 8
Exercise III A – Customize Layout add Surface Area information instead of Remark on Plate List .. 9
How to customize units ........................................................................................................................ 9
Exercise III B – Modify Units.............................................................................................................. 9
How to customize sorting ................................................................................................................... 10
Exercise III C – Sorting ..................................................................................................................... 10
Deep Dive in Units modification ......................................................................................................... 10
Exercise III D – Modify Units ........................................................................................................... 11
Use formulas and barcodes within the BOM editor ............................................................................... 14
How to use Barcodes on Lists ............................................................................................................. 14
Exercise III E – add barcodes ........................................................................................................... 14
How to use Formulas on Lists ............................................................................................................. 16
Exercise II E – use formulas ............................................................................................................. 16

Exercise I -> Beam List -> Railing Extract

Exercise II -> Bolt and Anchor List -> Model Objects (Complete Model)
Exercise III -> Plate List -> Model Objects (Complete Model)

Customizing Lists with BOM-Editor in Advance Steel [MSF11090-L]

Use ready-to-use templates in combination with queries and groups

The Quick Documents palettes are used for
creating documents from the Advance Steel
model, they provide quick access to list
templates. The set of available templates can be
The palettes allow you to quickly browse and
use list templates for BOM list creations.
New enhancement in AS2016R2: Those
templates where fully revised, there are better
and new BOM templates. All BOM templates
were also renamed and regrouped and easier to
understand/ easier to find.

Those lists are based on the whole model information, which means you’ll get all elements in the list, or
on a selection set, which means you get only the selected elements available in your list.

Customizing Lists with BOM-Editor in Advance Steel [MSF11090-L]

A selection set e.g. for Lot/Phase make sense, but at the time you add new elements in this area, you
would need to recreate the list with a new selection set.

How to use Queries from Project Explorer in Extracts

Make sure to get the correct information in the list: the Lot/Phase
information can be added to relevant elements and a Query from Project
Explorer can be created and saved.
Instead of Lot/Phase any other object property can be used. If a list for
galvanized elements is needed, define the parameter in the objects
properties dialog and create a new query with those parameters.

Exercise I
Preparation: Open Model 2016 Rack, Model Role
Properties are set, Queries are defined in Project
 Click Create lists to get a data export into the
list module

 Click New and enter Railing and click Next

 Tick the box for Complete model

and Based on assembly
Use predefined queries
Tick the box for Query and select Railing

 Hit the Apply and then the Next button

Customizing Lists with BOM-Editor in Advance Steel [MSF11090-L]

An Extract will be created and stored in …\2016 Rack\Extracts with current date and time *.xml
 You can either press Okay or Create lists if you want to start BOM Editor directly.
 Choose User Template > Lists > Part Lists > Beam List and hit the Use button on the bottom.
 You’re asked to select the model extract for the BOM. Extracts contain information about the
objects which are written in the list. Choose Railing and the latest extract.
 The newly created list will be opened in RDF-Viewer
 Save this list
If the model gets modified, e.g. new elements were added with Model Role “Railing”, the list can easily
be updated within the Document Manager. There is no need to select all corresponding elements and
recreate the list.
 Create a new structural element Railing, the model role will be
assigned automatically. Double check the selection set by hitting the
 Run the numbering
 Open Document Manager
 Navigate to Lists and select the Update required folder
 Hit the Force Update button
Compare the lists based on “current selection set” and “query”

Customizing Lists with BOM-Editor in Advance Steel [MSF11090-L]

Create your own standard templates with customized layout and parameters
The BOM Template editor enables you to define custom templates for
generating lists and can be accessed through the Output Tab > Document
Manager Panel (click BOM Editor)

The BOM Editor Window

1. Tools for
2. Tools for
3. Template tree
4. Properties list
5. List of
6. Buttons for
applying or

How to create a new list

Advance Template include all BOM templates from Advance. Their properties cannot be modified.
User Templates include a copy of all BOM templates from Advance. Their properties can be modified.
Project Template can be used to copy templates for project specific modifications. User-defined material
lists can be created from existing BOM templates.
Recommendation: Take a list which is similar to the one you want to create.

Exercise II A – Copy Template

Create a new list which contains bolts and anchors.
 Navigate to Fastener list – Bolt list and click right mouse button to open the context menu
 Click Copy template
 Enter a new template name and choose file location

Customizing Lists with BOM-Editor in Advance Steel [MSF11090-L]

How to customize content

The report contents displays the list of object whose related information from the model is used in the

Exercise II B – Modify Report Content

 Navigate to Bolt and Anchor list and click right mouse button to open the context menu
 Click Report Contents
 Tick the box for Anchors,
Anchors on Site, Bolts, Bolts on
 Click OK
 Save Template

 Run the Bolt and Anchor list

How to customize the layout

Each list consists of the following parts:
ReportHeader – List header, the fields appear only on the first page of the list.
PageHeader – The fields appear at the top of each page of the list and under
the header of the first page of the list.
GroupHeade1 – Header of the group X
A group header can be used for structuring a list. The easiest way for
structuring it is by sorting it after main parts (see template - structured
BOM). It is possible to define several group headers. Right-click in the
GroupHeader area and, then, "Add rows...".
A group header requires a corresponding group footer. This way a new
structure can be added to the lot.
Detail – Part Lists, The elements from the model corresponding to the
selection are listed here.
GroupFoote1 – Footer of the group X, for each group header a group footer is
This row represents the ending of a group. In the group footer certain
calculations of the group are possible.
PageFooter – This row appears at the bottom of each page of the list.
ReportFooter – Numerous combinations of the parts described above are available.

Customizing Lists with BOM-Editor in Advance Steel [MSF11090-L]

Exercise II C – Customize Report Header

Insert your own logo
 Select Advance Steel Logo (click in the field with the
 The source file of the logo appear in the properties
list, in the Image field.
 Click the Symbol
 Navigate to the corresponding path and select AU
max Size of Images is about 160kB
 The new logo is inserted
All normal image formats can be used. The files should not be larger than 160 KB

Exercise II D – Customize Report Header

Modify company text field
 Select the Company text field
 Right-click and select Content from
the context menu.
 Since the text field has the “User Text”
property, the desired text can be
inserted in the corresponding field
(e.g. company description, address,
contacts, etc.)
 Click OK.
 The inserted information appears in
the list template

Find more information about the main tokens used in BOM Editor:

Customizing Lists with BOM-Editor in Advance Steel [MSF11090-L]

Exercise III A – Customize Layout

add Surface Area information instead of Remark on Plate List
When introducing a new column, the required space must be created in the first place, in each section
of the template (Page Header, Group Header, Detail, Group Footer and Page Footer).
This can be done by reducing the size of the existing columns and by repositioning the existing columns
using the "Location" field or by dragging the fields in the template. A new field must be inserted, one
under the other, in each section of the template, starting from the "Page Header" down to the "Details"
and the "Page Footer" section.
To access the Format Border dialog box, select a field, right-click and select Format Border from the
context menu.
 Navigate to Part Lists – Plate list and click right mouse button to open the context menu
 Click Copy template
 Enter a new template name and choose file location
 Resize the fields
 Copy and Paste the text box to get an
additional column
 Change user text in page header area to
“Surface Area” and “Total Surface Area”
 Change field content to “paint” and
“global paint” in the detail area.
 Run Plate list

How to customize units

Exercise III B – Modify Units

 Navigate to Plate list
 Right-click and select
Template Units from the
context menu.
 make sure the correct
Area Units are set-up

Customizing Lists with BOM-Editor in Advance Steel [MSF11090-L]

How to customize sorting

Some lists have the items grouped by specific criteria while others produce a single run in the list.
Each list is provided with predefined sorting. You can modify the existing sorting or change the
importance of the elements.

Exercise III C – Sorting

 Right click the Detail row and select Sorting from the context menu.
The Template sorting dialog box appears. The left area of the window
contains variables defined as sorting criteria
 Select the corresponding criterion (for example: material) and move
it to Result by clicking the right arrow.
 By clicking the "Up Arrow", the criterion becomes more important
(for instance, the second in importance
after "Name").
 Confirm the selection click OK.
 Click "Save template" to save the
information in the user-defined list.
 Run the Plate list

Deep Dive in Units modification

There are certain cases when it is necessary to have a different precision or unit setting for a single item.
This is possible in Advance Steel by defining specific unit and precision settings for just one label.
For example, if you need to modify the %Width token for a plate to show the value in inch only (no
feet), but keeping the other tokens to show the values in both feet and inches, you need to modify the
Plate Name Default in the Management Tools to display the desired settings.
To do this, you need to add a specific sentence, in the form of [1,2,3] to the token definition. For
example, the %Width token has to be in the %[1,2,3]Width form, while the generic 1, 2, 3 must be
replaced with the required keys from the unit tables in AstorBase.mdb to define the specific units
settings to be used.

Customizing Lists with BOM-Editor in Advance Steel [MSF11090-L]

Exercise III D – Modify Units

BOM Plate dimension callout, per AISC this is the way plates should be called out:
Thickness x Width (inches) x length (ft – inches) example ½” x 18” x 1’-2”
 Go to Management Tools > Defaults > Plate > General
 Go to the Plate name Property Name

 In the Property Value field type PL %Thicknessx%[20,5006,474]Width"x%Length

To find out the keys you need to include in the "[ ]", open the Management Tools > Open ODBC and
browse AstorBase:

 The first number between “[ ]” is the unit key from the tables in AstorBase.mdb starting with
UnitOf... (e.g., for a distance it is
from UnitsOfDistance):

Customizing Lists with BOM-Editor in Advance Steel [MSF11090-L]

 The second number is the unit type from the UnitsType table in AstorBase.mdb:

 The third number is the unit precision from the UnitsPrecision table in AstorBase.mdb:

Customizing Lists with BOM-Editor in Advance Steel [MSF11090-L]

Note: In this example [20, 5006, 474] was used, which means:
 Key 20 from AstorBase.mdb, UnitsOfDistance table: Inch
 Key 5006 from AstorBase.mdb, UnitsType table: Fractional (inch)
 Key 474 from AstorBase.mdb, UnitsPrecision table: 1/16 Fractional (inch)

 Run the plate list, the Width is shown only in inches, while the Length is still shown in both
feet and inches.

Customizing Lists with BOM-Editor in Advance Steel [MSF11090-L]

Use formulas and barcodes within the BOM editor

How to use Barcodes on Lists
The Autodesk Advance Steel BOM Editor allows you to define an area for barcode.

Exercise III E – add barcodes

Preparation: Create the required space.
“Mark” field size to be
Align “_Part Number_”

“Description” field size to be

Align “_Name_” field

 Copy & Paste “Mark” field (from PageHeader Area) and rename it to “Barcode”
 Click in the menu to select the barcode area definition
 Create a barcode field by 2 points (in Detail Area)
 To assign a Token and create the corresponding BarCode drawing, control the single data
field from the data source, and put the data on the DataField property as i.e.:
 Resize the barcode field if needed

Customizing Lists with BOM-Editor in Advance Steel [MSF11090-L]

For other data, check with the corresponding data code, with Field Content information and
corresponding DataField value:

../MNum to define and obtain the information _ Main Part Mark _

../MQuantity to define and obtain the information _ Main Part Quantity _
../MName to define and obtain the information _ Main Part Name _
../MAExactWeight to define and obtain the information _ Assembly Exact Weight _
IJointName to define and obtain the information _ Joint name _

Apart from the barcode style, you can manage the alignment, direction, color, background color, bar
width, caption, position, font, text, and check whether checksum is enabled in the Properties Window.
Click the Barcode to reveal its properties from the property window:

Direction Specify the print direction of the barcode symbol. Select

from LeftToRight (the default value), RightToLeft, TopToBottom, or
Font Set the font for the caption. Only takes effect if you set the
CaptionPosition property to a value other than None.
ForeColor Select a color for the barcode and caption.

Code 128 Auto uses the complete ASCII character set. Automatically
selects between Code 128 A, B and C to give the smallest barcode.

Code 128 A uses control characters, numbers, punctuation, and

upper case.
Code 128 B uses punctuation, numbers, upper case and lower case.
Code 128 C uses only numbers.

Code128 has three settings that work in conjunction: Dpi, BarAdjust,

and ModuleSize. This property only applies to the barcode style EANFNC1. You can improve the
readability of the barcode by setting all three properties.

There are more properties available with the Code49, PDF417, and QRCode barcode styles:

Dpi sets the printer resolution. Specify the resolution of the printer as dots per inch to create an
optimized barcode image with the specified Dpi value.
BarAdjust sets the adjustment size by dot units, which affects the size of the module and not the entire
ModuleSize sets the horizontal size of the barcode module.

Customizing Lists with BOM-Editor in Advance Steel [MSF11090-L]

How to use Formulas on Lists

It is possible to extend the BOM in order to report on more data such as concrete object volumes.
Calculated fields can be used to report.
Add “(double)” as a syntax before the string and it will become number and can use math multiplicators.
For example: to report volume for concrete objects, add a text box having it’s DataField set to

Exercise II E – use formulas

Preparation: Navigate to Bolt and Anchor List
Specify an extra 5% across all bolts and anchors
 Select the Quantity field within Details area
 Navigate to DataField
 Replace IQuantity with

 Make sure to setup the correct output format

(whole numbers)


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