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Name: _____________________________ ( ) Date: _________________

Chapter 8: Transfer of thermal energy Check List

Are you able to:

a) show understanding that thermal energy is transferred from a region of higher temperature to a
region of lower temperature

(a) A net transfer of thermal energy occurs only when there is a _______________ in
temperature. There is no net transfer of heat between objects at thermal
_______________, or at the _______________ temperature.
(b) Net thermal energy always flows from a region of _______________ temperature to a
region of _______________ temperature.

b) describe, in molecular terms, how energy transfer occurs in solids

 Conduction is the process of thermal energy transfer by molecular

_______________without any transfer of the medium.
 For example, when one end of a metal rod is heated, the particles at the heated end gain
_______________ energy and vibrate _______________. They _______________ more
vigorously with their neighbouring particles, causing them to vibrate more
_______________ as well. This process continues along the rod until the cooler end
becomes hot.
 During conduction, thermal energy is transferred without the _______________ of

 Metals are _______________ conductors, while non-metals are usually _______________
conductors of heat (i.e. good insulators). This is because metals have _______________
electrons that can move freely.
 Free electron _______________ is the process by which free electrons at the heated end
of the metal rod gain _______________ energy and move towards the cooler regions. As
they move, they collide with other particles, causing them to _______________ more
 The process of conduction is less efficient for liquids and gases. This is because in liquids,
the particles are _______________ apart and their collisions are _______________
frequent. In gases, the particles are even _______________ apart and their collisions even
_______________ frequent. Therefore, in fluids, the transfer of kinetic energy from fast
moving particles to neighbouring particles is slower
c) describe, in terms of density changes, convection in fluids

 Convection is the transfer of thermal energy by means of convection currents in a fluid

(liquid or gas), due to a difference in _______________.
 Convection does not occur in solids because convection involves the _______________
movement of the fluid, whereas the particles in solids are held in _______________
positions. In solids, thermal energy is transferred from particle to particle through
_______________ instead.
 The flowchart below explains the process of convection. Fill in the blanks.

2. The part of the fluid at higher 4. The movement of fluid sets

temperature _______________, up a _______________
becomes less _______________ current.
and _______________.

3. The surrounding cooler fluid,

being denser,
_______________ to replace
1. The fluid near the heat
source gets the rising, hotter fluid.
_______________ up.

d) explain that energy transfer of a body by radiation does not require a material medium and the rate of
energy transfer is affected by:
(i) colour and texture of the surface
(ii) surface temperature
(iii) surface area

(a) Radiation is the transfer of thermal energy in the form of electromagnetic waves such as
______________________________ without the aid of a _______________.
(b) A good emitter of infrared radiation is also a good _______________ of infrared radiation.
(c) Several factors affect the rate of absorption or emission of infrared radiation:
(i) Colour and texture of surface
 _______________ and _______________ surfaces are better emitters and
absorbers of infrared radiation than _______________ and _______________
(ii) Surface temperature
• The _______________ the surface temperature of an object relative to the
surrounding temperature, the _______________ the rate of emission of infrared
(iii) Surface area
 For two objects of the same mass and material, the object with the
_______________ surface area will emit or absorb infrared radiation at a higher

e) apply the concept of thermal energy transfer to everyday applications

(a) The bases of pots and pans are usually made of metal so as to allow _______________
conduction of heat from the heat source to the interior of the pots and pans. The handles
are made of ______________________________ to prevent injury to the users’ hands.
(b) Air conditioners are usually placed high up near the ceiling so that _______________
currents can be set up to cool the room.
(c) Heating elements are positioned at the bottom of kettles and cookers so that convection
currents can be set up to ensure the efficient transfer of _______________ energy.
(d) In hot countries, the exteriors of buildings are usually painted light and shiny colours so as
to _______________ heat from the _______________.
(e) We tend to wear light coloured clothes on hot days to absorb _______________ infrared
(f) Kettles and other heating appliances have _______________ inner surfaces so as to keep
the heat in.

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