DevSol Scholarship

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Romana Yasmeen, 13/04/21

1. Why have you chosen to study this academic programme (up to 100 words)?

After completing four years of my undergraduate degree acquiring sound knowledge regarding
all of the five branches of civil engineering, I was self-assured to choose the Transportation
sector for my upcoming career. ‘Transportation Infrastructure Engineering’ contains every
relevant content that is required to work for the sustainable development of the future
transportation system. This course will prepare me to apply the best practicable engineering
techniques by enhancing my knowledge regarding transportation infrastructure, materials,
highway and pavements, and traffic engineering concurrently. This type of integrated course
content is hard to find and thus I have chosen to study this academic program. 

2. Why should the panel select you for this scholarship (up to 100 words)?

As my plan includes bringing resilience and sustainability to the transportation sector to uplift
global prosperity. The ever-increasing transportation issues demitting the possibilities of
reaching sustainability are my focus areas to work for. Besides these virtuous goals, my previous
records of achieving high scores and academic awards prove my dedication, determination, and
confidence for study and make me a worthy candidate for such a prestigious scholarship.
Additionally, Availing the prestigious award will assure my study at Nottingham since this will
support me to emphasize more on my learnings rather than on earning a large share of my tuition

3. Are you currently employed / working? If yes, please provide details of your current
position, including your job title, where you work and an overview of your
responsibilities. (up to 50 words)
I am currently working as a ‘Research Associate’ in a private company, namely ‘RAiN Forum’.
My responsibilities include the followings: a) Interpreting research specifications and
developing a work plan; b) Conducting desktop research using books, journal articles, newspaper
sources, surveys, and interviews; c) Analyzing findings; and f) Writing research proposals

4. Have you won any academic prizes? If yes, please give details.
I was awarded ‘Summa Cum Laude’ in North South University. Also, I was a 100% tuition
waiver recipient there for my merit.

5. Do you have any work experience that might be relevant?

Ans. No

6. On completion of your postgraduate course, what do you plan to do? Please select from:
(Work in the UK) (Work in home country) (Further studies) (Other)
Ans. Further Studies
Romana Yasmeen, 13/04/21

7. Have you had any publications that might be relevant? Please provide a brief list of your
published work.
Ans. No

8. Why have you chosen to study at Nottingham (up to 100 words)?

The excellent reputation of the University and finding out the most suitable course are the major
attractions to me. Besides that, the project-based learning scheme of the course, integrated course
content, significant transportation research works, highly qualified research personnel, and lastly,
the renowned transportation research group “Nottingham Transportation Engineering Centre
(NTEC)” made me desire to pursue my master's degree at your prestigious University. The
prospect of getting a full tuition waiver was one of the significant facets also. Thus, I look
forward to an extensive and productive association with The University of Nottingham through
this course.

9. What will be the developmental impact of your studies on your home country/area of
work (up to 500 words)?

In Bangladesh, road safety, traffic congestion, utility cuts in the roadways are the common issues
of road transportation. In the capital, an increasing number of fatalities and casualties and
everyday wastage of working hours on roads are suppressing economic growth. The newly
introduced roadway transport systems need assessments in regards to check their effectiveness in
reducing congestion. Again, waterways and airways traffic management systems need advanced
planning to avoid undulated performance in both modes of transportation. I intend to apply my
knowledge and new skills by planning and designing a sustainable transportation system in the
country using advanced technology. 

Technological development in the transportation sector will strengthen the global connection
helping the global economic growth. For instance, despite being the victim of several natural
calamities every year, the rapid development of Japan is not hidden from the world. One of the
main reasons behind this can be their focus on ensuring an uninterrupted communication system
through maintaining the best possible transportation facilities. This indicates that better planning
incorporating the best possible engineered solution could bring the resilience back soon after any
disaster ensuring better response to the crises.

The time required for satisfactory development will be a crucial issue as well. As the
aforementioned developments require the inclusion of advanced technology, that is, an
intelligent transportation system, which necessitates country-specific research, user acceptance
and training, skilled labor, time, and most importantly huge government investments hence will
be very time-consuming.

The overall outcome is to attain safe, resilient, and sustainable transportation facilities for the
countrymen. At present, the roadway transport system is in the most vulnerable condition in
Bangladesh. Thus, the prime area that needs massive changes in the roadway transportation
system through ensuring less traffic congestion, a smaller number of fatalities and casualties per
Romana Yasmeen, 13/04/21

year, wider and robust roadways, less traffic control delay, reducing bottlenecks throughout the
country. In remote areas, where communication system through roadways breaks due to the
natural hazards, have to have another convenient mode of transportation for the local people.

Developments in the transportation system will benefit the local people and the government both
locally and globally. To explain, fewer fatalities and casualties will result in less monetary loss,
less traffic congestion will raise the working hours, that is, more income per capita, An
uninterrupted transportation system will complement the overall economic growth through
enhancing global business and foreign investments. 

Lastly, A sustainable transportation system can alleviate the standard of living, bring resilience
to the communities, and as a whole can boost the countries development. Development in the
transportation sector will cut down the stress and time due to traffic congestion, fuel
consumption, vehicle maintenance, and infrastructure costs, harmful emissions, and life and
property loss. This will improve public health, environmental condition, per capita income,
property values and, in the meantime, reduce expenses and tragic issues. Consequently, it will
boost the country’s economy. Therefore, the impacts of the development work can be best
measured in terms of public health, environment, and economy.

10. Tell us more about your future career ambitions (up to 100 words)
While pursuing my masters, I will be dynamic as possible for regular industrial visits and
relevant project works so that I may have a good grip over the practiced engineered solutions. By
the completion of the degree, I will join the workforce to gain some real-world experience.
Concurrently, I will prepare a draft plan on reshaping transportation concepts and will pursue a
doctorate in the field. Afterward, I will be concentrating on lessening the transport issues through
smart infrastructure design and advanced pavement materials, and a robust traffic management
system to reduce life and property loss in transportation. 

11. How do you intend to fund the remaining costs of your studies (tuition fee and living

Primarily, I have decided to earn my rest of the tuition fees (if not awarded with the 100% tuition
waiver) and living costs through part-time jobs. As doing jobs will be time-consuming, I will
look for alternatives. It would be great if I am allowed to work in the research group
‘Nottingham Transportation Engineering Centre’ in on-going projects. Alternatively, I would
also look for international student loans that can be repaid after my master’s studies.

12. Please provide more information on the funding you have in place for your studies e.g.
details of the lender if using a loan, who your private funds will come from, details of
government sponsors etc. (up to 50 words)?
Romana Yasmeen, 13/04/21

I highly expect to be awarded the ‘Developing Solutions Masters scholarship’ with a full tuition
waiver. This is the only way through which I can fund my study at Nottingham, as I cannot
afford the tuition fees at your esteemed university. 

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