Tài Liệu Không Có Tiêu Đề

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Dear Mr,

My name is Dung,I am very surprised because I have received a letter asking for help from
me since joining the club . It must have been about 8 months for the upcoming event at our
club. It is a great honor to join hands to help people organize the event. And of course the
times I can help the club are on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday nights. Other days I have
my class schedule, sorry I can't be of more help. I hope that the undone things will be
recorded so that I can know and do. My request is not very much and it is also very easy to
do. I also hope that there will be free water and tell me what equipment I need to bring for
volunteer work. After reading my letter, reply at least 3 days before the volunteer work
begins, so that I have time to prepare. Hopefully I'll get a reply soon. Special thanks.

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