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NAET CPSY 815_2023





ACADEMIC YEAR- 2022/2023

Course Title: Techniques in the Helping Profession

Course Code: CPSY 815
Credit: 3 credit Hours
Semester 1: January– May, 2023
Venue: FES 122
Time: 3.30pm – 6.30pm
Instructor: Dr. Nyuiemedi Agordzo Edoh-Torgah


The CPSY 815 class meets every Tuesday in FES RM 122, from 3:30 – 6:30 pm. This class will
be a three-hour, face-to-face contact.

Course Description

This course introduces the student to basic skills necessary for effective counselling –
attending/listening, warmth, empathy, respect/acceptance, genuineness/authenticity, concreteness,
confrontation, immediacy, self-disclosure, and strategies for change. This class teaches
fundamental counseling skills such as relationship building, basic assessment, goal setting,
selection of interventions, and evaluation of client outcomes.


By the end of the course, student will be knowledgeable regarding:

i. counsellor characteristics and behaviours that influence the counseling process

ii. essential interviewing, counseling, and case conceptualization skills
NAET CPSY 815_2023

iii. competencies in counseling skills by utilizing a breadth of skills and techniques that
are culturally inclusive and consistent with current clinical practice.
iv. gain and exhibit an awareness of own worldviews and clients worldviews, and use
empirically supported treatments and skills to enhance working alliance


A B+ B C+ C F
80-100% 75-79% 70-74% 65-69% 60-64% ≤59.9%

Modes of Assessment

Continuous Assessment 40 %

Summative Assessment – Final Exam 60 %

TOTAL 100%

Modes of delivery:

Lecture, discussions, role plays, student presentations.

Student Responsibilities

➢ Students are expected to come to class on time and take active part in class sessions
without playing with phone or laptop.
➢ Students’ active participation include respecting classmates, disagreeing to positions
without attacking personalities, and being honest in the delivery of feedback.

1. In-Class Presentation–Power Point Presentation (In-person)

Each group will construct a presentation describing:
• a counseling technique,
o the theory it originates from,
o the populations for whom or settings in which the technique may be most
effective or least effective,
NAET CPSY 815_2023

o the rationale for further research, and

o a live demonstration of the technique.

The presentation will be approximately 10-12 minutes and must include a typed handout to be
distributed to each class member. This assignment should be in compliance with the APA (2020)
Publication Manual.


Week Topic Activity Remarks

1 Orientation and registration NAET
Introductions Sharing of group work
2 Review of syllabus and course NAET
Helping as a Personal Journey
3 Nuts and bolts of helping NAET
consultation in counselling
The Therapeutic Relationship -
Invitational skills
4 Overview of basic therapeutic NAET
o attending/listening,
warmth, empathy,
immediacy, self-
NAET CPSY 815_2023

5 Reflecting skills: - Paraphrasing Group work 1

(reflection of content) Presentation
Reflecting skills - Reflection of
Reflecting skills - Reflection of
meaning – Summarizing
6 Grounding techniques
7 Assessment and the initial interview Group work 2 mid
Presentation semester
8 Challenging skills NAET
Goal setting
9 Change techniques Group work 3
10 Outcome evaluation and termination NAET
11 Therapeutic factors Group work 4
Advanced changed techniques Presentation
12 Presentations and submission
13 Presentations and submission
14 Revision of general session


Buku, D. K., Noi-Okwei, C. & Wilson, K N. (2012). Counselling skills and strategies. Accra:
SEDCO Publications (McMillan).
Parsons, R. D., & Zhang, N. (2014). Becoming a skilled counselor. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Young, M. E. (2013). Learning the art of helping: Building blocks and techniques. (5th ed.).
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Recommended Readings
NAET CPSY 815_2023

Erford, B. T. (2015). Techniques every counselor should know (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson.
Gottlieb, M. C. (2006). A template for peer ethics consultation. Ethics & Behavior, 16(2), 151-

Kurpius, D. J., & Fuqua, D. R. (1993). Fundamental Issues in Defining Consultation. Journal of
Counseling & Development, 71(6), 598-600.

Levitt, H., Butler, M., & Hill, T. (2006). What clients find helpful in psychotherapy: Developing
principles for facilitating moment-to-moment change. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 53(3),


ASSIGNMENTS: Due to the interpersonal nature of classes, attendance is mandatory. Students
are expected to attend all scheduled class meetings and to plan travel or other absences around
these meetings. Missed classes, late attendance, late submission and/or lack of participation will
result in a grade penalty. Make up or extra credit assignments will only be offered in exceptional
circumstances (e.g., death or severe illness). Late assignments will be accepted at the discretion
of the instructor(s). Students who miss more than 20% of the course will receive a failing grade
for the class.

COMMUNICATION POLICIES: We look forward to a collaborative relationship during this

course and welcome any questions and feedback you may have. Our intention is to help you be
successful throughout the course as we work together – guided by the expectations in the course
outline. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. Please make sure that we
have your email address; we expect you to check it regularly. We will occasionally need to
communicate with the entire class via e-mail, and we welcome your e-mails too. We try to use
the weekends for self-care and We hope that you will find time to do the same.

To communicate effectively with us, please follow the following guidelines:

1. All emails must have a clear subject and the course.

2. Address your recipient by the official title. E.g., Dear Dr. Agordzo Edoh-Torgah
NAET CPSY 815_2023

3. Avoid beginning your email with a question. a) E.g., Why did you not call my name in class,
yet I raised my hand? b) Instead, start your letter with an introduction of why you are emailing.

1. E.g., I have a question about our class on self-awareness and biases. I am wondering if
you saw me raise my hand. You invited my peers, but you did not invite me to speak.
Please let me know if it is alright with you if I ‘jump in’ to contribute instead of raising
my hand. Thank you.

4. End your email gracefully by signing your name. a) e.g. Yours faithfully, Angelina Ohene-

5. Pay particular attention when drafting your email on your phone.

6. Read through your email to get rid of avoidable errors/mistakes such as: a) Spelling b)
Grammar c) Auto-correct features that insert words you did not intend to use. d) Wrong words
but correct spelling. E.g., Principle when you mean principal, etc.

ACADEMIC WRITING Students are expected to write academically at the graduate level. This
means following the rules of modern English. Writing – both digitally and print - has to be done
according to the rules of modern English. Unless otherwise stated, all written assignment should
follow the APA (2020) setup, incorporating both in-text citations and separate reference sheet.
COPYRIGHT VIOLATION AND PLAGIARISM: Research in secondary sources for the written
project is permitted and welcomed. However, any appropriation of either ideas or wording taken
from other sources, whether print or electronic, must be properly referenced (see APA Manual).
Any unauthorized copying or use of copyrighted materials, including downloaded files of
various kinds, can result in criminal charges and fines.

CONFIDENTIALITY OF CLASS SESSIONS: Consistent with ethical mandates for counselling

psychologists and other helping professionals, students are expected to conform to the highest
standards of conduct and professionalism, both on and off campus. Students are routinely
evaluated by counselling psychology faculty incorporating information from classroom
interaction, clinical placement, and incidental social contact. In addition to state reporting laws
with regard to child abuse, vulnerable adult abuse, or harm to self or other, information regarding
student integrity and character may also be shared among faculty to promote continued academic
and professional growth. All student class participation, whether spoken, recorded, or written, is
NAET CPSY 815_2023

to be considered confidential and not shared with those outside of the class. Recording of on-
campus class sessions is a privilege that is only permitted with the consent of the instructor. On-
campus class recordings are only to be used for personal review and are not to be shared with
anyone. Online course materials are copyrighted, and may be kept for ongoing personal use and
NAET CPSY 815_2023


I have read, discussed with instructor(s) and/or peers, and understand all the assignments and
requirements within this syllabus for CPSY815: Techniques in the Helping Profession for Jan-
May 2023. I also understand that my grade for the aforementioned class will depend upon my
successful completion of these assignments and class attendance/participation. My signature
below attests to my understanding and commitment to abide by regulations of this class.
Signature: _________________________________ Date:_______________________ Student
Information Sheet Contact Information Name (Underline your Surname): Telephone number(s):
Email address: Email address: PLEASE NOTE – all course correspondence will be sent to your
email address. Be sure to check this email regularly. Do you have any questions for the
instructors? Is there anything else that we need to know about you to help us to teach you more

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