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1. The production of fruit is called ___________

2. Crops which have one seed and grows to maturity with the period of one year is called
3. Crops which take two years to grow and reach maturity are called ___________ crops
4. Crops which store food in their roots or underground steam which are rich in carbohydrate are
called ___________
5. The Botanical name for waterleaf is ___________
6. ___________ is the common name for Siam weed
7. The production of vegetables is called ___________
8. The type of agriculture in which farmer produce Crops or animals mainly for his consumption is
called ___________
9. Crops which are rich in carbohydrate are called ___________
10. The type of agriculture in which the farmer produces his crop or livestock mainly for commercial
purposes is called ___________
Section B
Answer all questions
1. {a}. Mention five importance of Agriculture
{b} Enumerate five forms of agriculture
{c} Define agriculture
2. {a} List three types of livestock farming
{b} Mention five differences between monocots and dicots
{c} Define perennial crop
3. {a} Enumerate five differences between subsistence and commercial agriculture
{b} State two functions of the root system
{c} Define horticulture

1. __________ is a loose thin layer covering the earth which surport the growing of plants
and survival of animals
2. The relative proportion of different size of particles that make up a sample of soil is
called ___________
3. ___________ refers to tools and implements driven by some form of mechanical force.
4. Another name for sexual propagation is ___________
5. ___________ is the process of removing unwanted plants found growing among Crops
6. ___________, ___________ and ___________ are the popularly known types of rock
7. ___________ refers to as the physical appearance of the soil according to the
arrangement of the individual particles.
8. ___________ is the application of powered tools and implements to farm operation
9. The process by which plants are multiplied as independent units are called ___________
Section B
Answer all questions
1. {a} Enumerate five component of soil
{b} Mention the three types of rock that you know
{c} Define weathering
2. {a} Highlight five factors affecting soil formation
{b} Name three types of soil
{c} State five factors to consider in siting of farm
3. {a} Mention five advantages of mechanization
{b} Define weatgering
{c} State five natural methods of vegetative propagatiom

1. ___________ is the process of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage
sales and prolonged use
2. __________ are deceases which can affect animals without the Animal coming in contact
with infected animal
3. ___________ is a decease that can affect animal through having physical contact with a
other animals
4. ___________ is a dairy of event and activities that occurred or occurring on the farm
5. ___________ records are records which show the product that have been sold
6. ___________ means the process of determining how much to sell a product or an amount
to charge for a service rendered
7. ___________ are records on amount that debtors own to the company
8. A small note book which contain the key fact and figure of the farm business and day to day
activities as they occurred is called ___________
9. ___________ refers to the act of showing respect to customer with the aim of attracting,
retaining and making them commuted buyer
10. A chronicle disease which attack Animals with a dry cough symptom and production of
blood stained sputum is called ___________
Section B
Answer all questions
1. Define packaging
Mention five diseases of farm animals
Enumerate five importance of farm records
2. Itemize five types of farm records
Enumerate four factors influencing pricing
Define the following terms
I. Financing businesse
II. Equity
III. Loan
IV. Capital
3. Define farm record
Explain infectious diseases
State five uses of farm records
1. ___________ agriculture is a system of farming where by a farmer cultivates
Crops and rears animals in order to produce food for consumption for
himself and his family only.
2. ___________ provides a better health management for farm animals
3. The term agriculture is derived from two Latin words ___________ meaning
field, and ___________ meaning cultivation.
4. ________ is a refundable low given to a farmer with the aim that the
farmer will repay it after a specified period of time
5. ________ is defined as the system of land ownerships or acquisition by
individual, family, community, or government agencies either for temporary
or permanent use
6. The operation feed the nation {OFN} was set up by General Olusegun
Obasanjo Military regime between ________ and ________
7. ________ can simply be defined as the study of crop, plant and farm
animals in relation to their environment.
8. ________ is a group of organism which can use sunlight or chemicals to
manufacture their food during the process of photosynthesis
9. ________ is concerned with the study of an individual organism.
10. ________ may be Define as the upper most layer of the earth crust on
which agriculture and non agricultural activities are carried out
Section B
Answer any three question
1. Define agriculture
List six branch of agriculture
State three importance of agriculture in the development of a Nation
2. List six problems facing agricultural development in West. Africa
State five reasons why agricultural have not been full mechanized in
West Africa
State two solutions to each. Of the following problems
I. Poor transportation
II. Inadequate farm tools
3. Write short note on
I. Substance faming
II. Commercial farming

List four problems of associated with each of the following

I. Substance faming
II. Commercial farming
4. State four role of government in agricultural production
List five agricultural programs introduced by the government in nigeria
List five agricultural research institute in Nigeria
5. What agricultural ecology?
Name four biotic factors and four abiotic factors in a farm scosystem
1. Mineral element required by Crops in small quantities known as ________
2. The process by which measurement of land is made on the farm is ________
3. Common surveying equipment are ________, ________ and ________
4. ________ promoted the neatness and prevention within the farmstead
5. One hectare is equivalent to ________
6. Plant population can be measured as ________
7. Noise from ________ and ________ cause deafness to workers
8. _______ are harmful substances that cause pollution in the environment
9. One can irrigate a small nursery by ________ and ________ method
10. The chemical element necessary for plant growth and healthy development are

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