FG Revision D - 2.2 - Draft Organizational Manual - ORC - V 0.2. 01.10.23

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Recruitment of a Consultant
to Develop Corporate
Strategic Plan and
Organizational Policy
Manuals for the Office of the
Registrar of Companies (ORC)
and the Registrar-General’s
Department (RGD) and
Facilitate the Decoupling of
ORC from the RGD

Ref. No: GH-MOFEP-227638-CS-CQS

Submitted to: Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Ghana

Submitted by: Norway Registers Development AS


Document title: Draft Organisational Manual for ORC

Document version No.: V0.2
Document version date: 2023-01-09
Prepared by: NRD AS

Information Flow

Who Date Contact

Tatsiana Lahuta Kuru October 22, 2022 tlk@nrd.no
Tatsiana Lahuta Kuru January 9, 2023 tlk@nrd.no

Whom Action* Date Contact

November 28 –
PIU Review December 1, On site mission
December 21,
Rebecca A. Barden Review asorbee@yahoo.com

*Actions: approve, review, inform, other (specify).

Chronology of versions:

Date Reviewed Description File name
Version 0.1 of D 2.2 Draft
D_2.2_ Draft Organizational
0.1 2022-10-22 NRD AS Organisational Manual
Manual_ORC_V 0.1
for ORC
Version 0.2 of D 2.2 Draft
D_2.2_ Draft Organizational
0.2 2023-01-09 NRD AS Organisational Manual
Manual_ORC_V 0.2
for ORC


DOCUMENT INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 1

1. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................... 10
2. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 14
2.1. Background ........................................................................................................... 14
2.2. ORC Establishment and object ..................................................................................... 15
2.3. Functions of The Office of the Registrar of Companies ........................................................ 16
The Board ............................................................................................................ 16
Registrar of Companies ............................................................................................. 16
Deputy Registrar of Companies – Operational Services ........................................................ 17
Deputy Registrar of Companies – Support Services ............................................................. 17
Secretariat of Registrar of Companies ........................................................................... 17
Corporate Affairs Unit .............................................................................................. 18
Internal Audit Risk and Investigation Unit (IARI) ................................................................ 19
Legal Affairs Unit, LAU ............................................................................................. 19
Companies Registration Department, CRD ...................................................................... 20
Partnerships and Professional Bodies Registration Department, PPRD ...................................... 20
Business Names Registration Department, BNRD ............................................................... 21
Insolvency & Liquidation Services Department, ILSD .......................................................... 21
Inespections Department, ID ...................................................................................... 22
Customer Management Department, CSDM ...................................................................... 23
Document Management Department ............................................................................. 23
Procurement Management Unit, PMU ............................................................................ 24
Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Department .............................................................. 24
Administration Management Department, AMD ................................................................. 25
Finance Management Department, FMD ......................................................................... 26
Human Resources Management Department, HRM ............................................................. 27
Information and Communication Technology Department, ICTD ............................................. 29
Regional Offices ..................................................................................................... 30
2.4. Vision and Mission of ORC ........................................................................................... 31
2.5. Structure of ORC ..................................................................................................... 24
2.6. Establishment Level ................................................................................................. 25
2.7. Composition of grades ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
3. JOB DESCRIPTIONS FOR THE VARIOUS GRADES OF THE ORC .................................................. 35
3.1. Office of the Registrar of Companies ............................................................................. 35
Registrar of Companies ............................................................................................. 35
Deputy Registrar of Companies - Operational services ........................................................ 37
Deputy Registrar of Companies – Support Services ............................................................. 38
Board Secretary ..................................................................................................... 39
3.2. Secretariat of Registrar of Companies ............................................................................ 41
Principal Executive Officer ........................................................................................ 41
Senior Executive Officer, Deputy Registrar of Companies’ – Operational Services ........................ 42
Senior Executive Officer, Deputy Registrar of Companies’ – Support Services ............................. 43

3.2.1. Corporate Affairs Unit ..................................................................................... 45
Head of Corporate Affairs Unit .................................................................................... 45
Senior Information Officer ......................................................................................... 46
Information Officer ................................................................................................. 48
Senior Market Research Officer ................................................................................... 49
Senior StatistiCian................................................................................................... 51
Statistician ........................................................................................................... 52
Senior Protocol Officer ............................................................................................. 54
Assistant Information Officer ...................................................................................... 55
3.2.2. Internal Audit, Risk and Investigations Unit, IARIU .................................................... 56
Head of the Internal Audit, Risk and Investigations Unit ...................................................... 56
Principal Internal Auditor .......................................................................................... 58
Senior Internal Auditor ............................................................................................. 59
Internal Auditor ..................................................................................................... 61
Assistant Internal Auditor .......................................................................................... 62
Internal Auditor Trainee ........................................................................................... 63
3.2.3. Business Strategy Unit, BSU ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Director of the Business Strategy Unit ......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Private Secretary .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Senior Business Strategy Officer ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Business Strategy Officer ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.2.4. Legal Affairs Unit, LAU .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Head of the Legal Unit ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Office Manager .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Senior State Attorney ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
State Attorney ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Assistant State Attorney.......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.3. Companies Registration Department, BRD ....................................................................... 74
Assistant Registrar, Companies Registration Department ..................................................... 74
Officer Manager, CRD ............................................................................................... 76
3.3.1. New Registrations Unit .................................................................................... 77
Head of the New Registrations Unit .............................................................................. 77
Examiner ............................................................................................................. 79
Assistant Examiner .................................................................................................. 80
Executive Officer .................................................................................................... 81
3.3.2. Amendments and Renewals Unit ......................................................................... 83
Head of Amendmets and Renewals Unit ......................................................................... 83
Examiner ............................................................................................................. 84
Assistant Examiner .................................................................................................. 86
Executive Officer .................................................................................................... 87
3.3.3. Filings Unit .................................................................................................. 88
Head of Filings Unit ................................................................................................. 88
Examiner ............................................................................................................. 90

Assistant Examiner .................................................................................................. 91
Executive Officer .................................................................................................... 92
3.4. Partnerships, Professional Bodies Registration Department ................................................... 94
Assistant Registrar, Partnerships, Professional Bodies Registration Department .......................... 94
Officer Manager ..................................................................................................... 96
3.4.1. New Registrations Unit .................................................................................... 97
Head of the New Registrations Unit .............................................................................. 97
Examiner ............................................................................................................. 99
Assistant Examiner ................................................................................................. 100
Executive Officer ...................................................................................................101
3.4.2. Amendments and Renewals Unit ........................................................................102
Head of Amendmets and Renewals Unit ........................................................................102
Examiner ............................................................................................................104
Assistant Examiner ................................................................................................. 106
Executive Officer ...................................................................................................107
3.4.3. Filings Unit ................................................................................................. 108
Head of Filings Unit ................................................................................................108
Examiner ............................................................................................................110
Assistant Examiner ................................................................................................. 111
Executive Officer ...................................................................................................112
3.5. Business Names Registration Department ....................................................................... 114
Assistant Registrar, Business Names Registration Department ..............................................114
Officer Manager ....................................................................................................116
3.5.1. New Registrations Unit, ..................................................................................117
Head of the New Registrations Unit .............................................................................117
Examiner ............................................................................................................119
Assistant Examiner ................................................................................................. 120
Executive Officer ...................................................................................................121
3.5.2. Amendments and Renewals Unit ........................................................................122
Head of AmendmeNts and Renewals Unit ......................................................................122
Examiner ............................................................................................................124
Assistant Examiner ................................................................................................. 126
Executive Officer ...................................................................................................127
3.6. Insolvency and Liquidation Services Department, ILSD ........................................................ 128
Assistant Registrar of the Insolvency and Liquidation Services Department ...............................128
Office Manager .....................................................................................................130
3.6.1. Insolvency services Unit, ISU ............................................................................131
Head of the Insolvency services Unit ............................................................................131
State Attorney ......................................................................................................132
Assistant State Attorney ...........................................................................................134
Executive Officer ...................................................................................................135
3.6.2. Restructuring Services Unit, RSU ........................................................................136
Head of the Restructuring Services Unit ........................................................................136

State Attorney, RSU ................................................................................................138
Assistant State attorney, RSU ....................................................................................139
Executive Officer ...................................................................................................140
3.6.3. Licensing and Public Education Unit (LPEU) ...........................................................142
Head of the Licensing and Education Unit ......................................................................142
state attorney, LPEU...............................................................................................144
AssiStant State Attorney, LPEU...................................................................................145
Executive Officer, LPEU ...........................................................................................147
3.6.4. Liquidation Unit, LU ......................................................................................148
Head of the Liquidation Unit .....................................................................................148
State Attorney, LU ................................................................................................. 150
Assistant State Attorney, LU ......................................................................................152
Executive Officer, LU ..............................................................................................153
3.7. Inspections Department, ID ........................................................................................ 154
Director of the Inspections Ddepartment .......................................................................154
Office Manager .....................................................................................................156
3.7.1. Inspection, Compliance Services Unit, ICSU ...........................................................157
Head of The Inspection, Compliance Services Unit ...........................................................157
Principal Compliance Inspector, ICSU ...........................................................................159
Senior Compliance Inspector .....................................................................................161
Compliance Inspector ..............................................................................................162
3.7.2. Penalties Administration Unit, PAU .....................................................................164
head of The Penalties Administration Unit .....................................................................164
Principal Compliance Inspector, PAU ............................................................................165
Senior Compliance Inspector, PAU ...............................................................................166
Compliance Inspector ..............................................................................................167
3.8. Customer Management Department .............................................................................. 168
Director of the Customer Management Department ..........................................................168
Office Manager .....................................................................................................170
3.8.1. Customer Center Unit.....................................................................................171
Assistant Director of the Customer Center Unit ...............................................................171
Senior Chief Executive Officer ...................................................................................172
Chief Executive Officer ............................................................................................174
Office Manager .....................................................................................................176
Assistant Office Manager ..........................................................................................177
Principal Data Entry Operator ....................................................................................178
3.8.2. Call Center Unit ...........................................................................................179
Assistant Director of the Call Center Unit ......................................................................179
Senior Chief Executive Officer ...................................................................................180
Principal State Attorney ...........................................................................................182
Senior State Attorney ..............................................................................................184
State Attorney ......................................................................................................185
Principal Company Inspector .....................................................................................186

Senior Company Inspector ........................................................................................187
Company Inspector ................................................................................................. 189
Principal IT/IM Officer .............................................................................................190
Principal IT/IM Technician ........................................................................................191
Data Entry Operator ...............................................................................................192
3.9. Document Management Department ............................................................................. 193
Head of the Document Management Department .............................................................193
Office Manager .....................................................................................................194
3.9.1. Document Management Unit, DMU ......................................................................195
Head of the Document Management Unit.......................................................................195
Senior Records Superviser.........................................................................................196
Records Officer .....................................................................................................198
Records Assistant ...................................................................................................199
Office ManageR .....................................................................................................200
Assistant Office Manager ..........................................................................................201
3.9.2. Searches Unit, SU .........................................................................................202
Head of Searches Unit, ............................................................................................202
Senior ReSearch Officer ...........................................................................................203
Research Officer....................................................................................................205
Research Assistant ................................................................................................. 206
Office ManageR .....................................................................................................207
3.9.3. Archive Unit, A ............................................................................................208
Head of the Archive Unit ..........................................................................................208
Records Supervisor ................................................................................................. 209
Senior Records Officer .............................................................................................210
Records Officer .....................................................................................................211
Assistant Records Officer .........................................................................................213
Office ManageR .....................................................................................................214
3.9.4. Companies Bulletin Administration Unit, CBAU ...................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Assistant Director of the Companies Bulletin Administration Unit ......... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Senior Editor ....................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Editor ............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Assistant Office Manager ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.10. PLanning, Monitoring and Evaluation Department, PMED .............................................. 222
3.10.1. Planning and Budgeting Unit, BU ........................................................................233
Senior Planning Officer ............................................................................................233
Planning Officer ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Assistant Planning Officer ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Senior Budget Analyst .............................................................................................236
Budget Analyst ......................................................................................................238
Assistant Budget Analyst ..........................................................................................239
Office manager .....................................................................................................240
3.11. Administration and Management Department (AMD) .................................................... 241

Head of Administration and Management Department, amd ................................................241
office manager .....................................................................................................242
3.11.1. Procurement Management and Stores Unit, PMSU ....................................................215
Head of the Procurement Management and Stores Unit ......................................................215
Senior Procurement Officer.......................................................................................216
Procurement Officer ...............................................................................................217
Supply Officer ......................................................................................................219
Stores Manager .....................................................................................................220
office manager .....................................................................................................221
3.11.2. Estate/Facility Management and Security Unit, FMSU ...............................................243
Head of the Estate/Facility Management and security Unit .................................................243
Facility Officer .....................................................................................................248
Chief headman......................................................................................................249
Headman ............................................................................................................249
Headman/ Sanitary Labourer .....................................................................................250
Sanitary Labourer .................................................................................................. 251
Chief Security Officer .............................................................................................251
Assistant Security Guard ..........................................................................................252
Headman Watchman ...............................................................................................253
3.11.3. Records Office, RO ........................................................................................254
Head of the Records Office .......................................................................................257
Records officer .....................................................................................................258
Assistant REcords Officer..........................................................................................259
Records Assistant ...................................................................................................260
Officer Manager ....................................................................................................261
3.11.4. Transport Unit .............................................................................................262
Head, Transport Unit ..............................................................................................262
Chief Driver .........................................................................................................263
Driver ................................................................................................................264
3.12. Finance Management Department, FMD .................................................................. 265
Director of the Finance Management Department ............................................................265
Office manager .....................................................................................................266
3.12.1. Financial Accounting and Control Unit, FACU .........................................................267
Head of the Financial Accounting and Control Unit ...........................................................267
Senior Accountant, FACU..........................................................................................269
Accountant, FACU .................................................................................................. 270
3.12.2. Revenue Management Unit, RMU ........................................................................271
Head of the Revenue Management Unit ........................................................................271
Senior Accountant, RMU ...........................................................................................273
Accountant ..........................................................................................................274
3.12.3. Treasury Unit, TU .........................................................................................275
HEAD of the Treasury Unit ........................................................................................275
Senior Accountant, TU.............................................................................................276

Accountant, TU .....................................................................................................277
3.12.4. Payroll Unit, PU............................................................................................278
Head of the Payroll Unit ..........................................................................................278
Senior Accountant, PU .............................................................................................279
Accountant, PU .....................................................................................................280
3.13. Human Resources Management Department, HRM ...................................................... 281
Head of the Human Resources Management Department ....................................................281
Principal Personnel Officer, HRM ................................................................................283
3.13.1. Recruitment and Career Management Unit, RCMU ...................................................284
Head of the Recruitment and Career Management Unit ......................................................284
Senior HR Manager, RCMU ........................................................................................285
Assistant HR Manager, RCMU .....................................................................................288
principal Personnel officer, RCMU ...............................................................................289
3.13.2. Organization’s Development Unit, ODU ................................................................290
Head of the Organization’s Development Unit ................................................................. 290
Senior HR Manager, ODU ..........................................................................................292
Assistant HR Manager, ODU .......................................................................................293
Principal Personnel Officer, ODU ................................................................................294
3.13.3. Performance Management, Training and Talent Development Unit, PMTTDU ....................295
Head of the Performance Management .........................................................................295
Senior HR manager, PMTTDU .....................................................................................297
Assistant HR Manager, PMTTU ....................................................................................298
principal Personnel Officer, PMTTu .............................................................................299
3.13.4. Welfare and Labor Relations Unit, WLRU ..............................................................300
Head of the welfare and Labor relations Unit ................................................................. 300
Senior HRM Officer, WLRU ........................................................................................301
Assistant HR Officer, WLRU .......................................................................................303
PRincipal Personnel Manager, WLRU ............................................................................305
3.14. Information And Communication Technology Department, ICTD ...................................... 306
Head of Information and Communication Technology Department .........................................306
Office Manager .....................................................................................................308
3.14.1. Infrastructure, Networks and Security Unit, INSU ....................................................309
Head of Infrastructure, Networks and Security Unit ..........................................................309
Senior IT/IM Officer ................................................................................................310
Chief IT/IM Technician ............................................................................................311
Principal IT/IM Technician ........................................................................................312
Assistant IT/IM Technician ........................................................................................313
3.14.2. IS Development Unit, ISDU ...............................................................................314
Head of IS Development Unit .....................................................................................314
Senior IT/IM Officer ................................................................................................316
Chief IT/IM Technician ............................................................................................317
Principal IT/IM Technician ........................................................................................318
Assistant IT/IM Technician ........................................................................................319

3.14.3. IT Service Desk, ITSD .....................................................................................320
Head of IT Service Desk ...........................................................................................320
Senior IT/IM Officer ................................................................................................321
IT/IM Officer ........................................................................................................323
Assistant IT/IM Officer.............................................................................................324
Principal IT/IM Technician ........................................................................................325
Senior IT/IM Technician ...........................................................................................326
IT/IM Technician ...................................................................................................327
Assistant IT/IM Technician ........................................................................................328
Data Entry Operator ...............................................................................................329


Term Definition

A Archive

ACCA Association of Certified Accountants

AD Assistant Director

ADR Appropriate/Alternative Dispute Resolution

AMD Administration Management Department

AML Anti-Money Laundering

APR Accredited Public Relations

ARU Amendments and Renewals Unit

BAU Bulletin Administration Unit

BCR Business Companies Registration

BL Barrister-at-Law

BR Business Registration

BRD Business Registration Department

BSU Business Strategy Unit

CBAU Companies Bulletin Administration Unit

CIA Chartered Internal Auditor

CILT Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport

CIMA Chartered Institute of Management Accountants

CIPS Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply

CISM Certified Information Systems Manager

CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional

CITG Chartered Institute of Taxation, Ghana

CPA Certified Public Accountants

CPLP The Certified Professional in Learning and Performance

CRISC Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control

CRU Companies Registration Unit

CS Customer Service

CSDM Customer Service and Document Management Department

CSU Customer Services Unit

DCU Data Capturing Unit

DLU Dissolution and Liquidation Unit

DM Document Management, Document Manager

DMU Document Management Unit

DVLA Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority

EFMM Estate and Facility Maintenance Management Unit

FACU Financial Accounting and Control Unit

FM Finance Management

FMD Finance Management Department

FMU Facility Management Unit

GARIA Ghana Association of Restructuring and Insolvency Advisors

GBA Ghana Bar Association

GCE O’ General Certificate of Education, Ordinary Level

GIFMIS Ghana Integrated Financial Management Information System

GRAA Ghana Revenue Authority Act

GSS Government Secretarial School

HND Higher National Diploma

HR Human Resourcess

HRM Human Resources Management Department

IARIU Internal Audit Risk and Investigation Unit

IAU Insolvency Administration Unit

ICAG Chartered Accountants, Ghana

ICS Inspection, Compliance Services

ICSU Inspection, Compliance Services Unit

ICTD Information and Communication Technology Department

ID Inspections Department

IIA Institute of Internal Auditors

ILSD Insolvency and Liquidation Services Department

INSU Infrastructure, Networks and Security Unit

IPSAS International Public Sector Accounting Standards

IS Information System

ISDU IS Development Unit

ISM Institute for Supply Management

IT Information Technology

ITIL Information Technology Infrastructure Library (

ITSDU IT Service Desk Unit

KPIs Key Performance Indicator

LAU Legal Affairs Unit

LLM Masters Degree in Law

M&A Mergers and acquisitions

MBA Masters of Business Administration

MCCU Marketing, Corporate Communication Unit

MIS Management Information Systems

MS Microsoft

MSc Master of Science

NCMA National Contract Management Association

NIL Nonexistent

NRD, NRD AS Norway Registers Development AS

ODTU Organisation’s Development and Training Unit

ORC Office of the Registrar of Companies

PAU Penalties Administration Unit

PBNRU Partnerships, Business name registration Unit

PBRU Professional Bodies registration Unit

BU Planning and Budgeting Unit

PFM Public Financial Management

PFMA Public Financial Management Act

PHD Doctor of Philosophy

PMTDU Performance Management and Talent Development Unit

PMU Procurement Management Unit

PU Pay Roll Unit

RGD Registrar-General’s Department

RGDM Records and General Documentation Management Unit

RMU Revenue Management Unit

RRU Recruitment and Remuneration Unit

RSU Restructuring Services Unit

RTI Right to Information

SHRM The Society for Human Resources Management

SHRM-CP The Society for Human Resources Management Certified Professional

SHRM-SCP The Society for Human Resources Management Senior Certified


SSSC Senior Secondary School Certificate

SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats

SWU Stores & Warehouse Unit

TRIPS Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Properties

TU Treasury Unit

TU Transport Unit

WASC West African School Certificate


The Organisational Manual for the Office of the Registrar of Companies (ORC) has been developed
to enhance the capacity of the ORC to attract, develop and retain good caliber of talents. It is to
facilitate and guide the recruitment, development, career progression and selection of personnel
with the requisite skills and competencies to carry out the mandate of the ORC.

Specifically, the primary objectives of the Organisational Manual are to:

 Serve as a valuable aid to recruitment;
 Provide a framework for career development;
 Define progression in the job;
 Facilitate effective succession planning;
 Provide a framework for effective Human Resources development of the ORC.

The ORC Organisational Mannual has been developed taking certain exigencies into consideration:

The need for ORC to be up and running successfully within a very short period of time (
one year)and implement a change management plan which offers the need to recruit
high performing , capable and experienced staff to reduce learning curve issues with
staffing and operating at optimum levels of efficiency and productivity
The need to bring into ORC culture, certain dimensions of operational effectiveness such
as call center operations, VIP customer care and around the clock shifts for reliable
online service and customer care.
The desire for full autonomy within the next five years which is ambitious and requires
ORC to employ best practice recruitment and retention policies such as sourcing the
best talent at the most competitive value possible for a public sector organization and
developing a culture that rewards excellence and going beyond the call of duty.

To achieve these goals, the following strategies have to be in place for operational success:

Development and Upward review of a rewards and incentive package for non legal staff that
serves as motivation and incentive for public service staff to work around the clock with
Development of a scheme of service for ORC taking into consideration the highly complex
nature of having more than four civil service class of employees operating in one space with
pressures for modernization of work culture and practices. In the document, one will note
the use of new job titles such as Examiner, Compliance Inspector, etc. these are positions
that are derivative of the Company Inspector Class, however, given the evolving nature of
the work at ORC, a relevant and up to date scheme of service is required for ORC’s
mandate. Another example is the use of job titles of Admin Assistants and Office Managers,

which are derivatives of the Senior Private Secretary functions which are capped. Hence for
ORC, there is the need to develop a new cadre of admin support staff who are on board with
technology and new methods of providing administrative support in the technology age.
Professional staff are also expected to be more independent with technology use to reduce
high cost and reliance on support staff. It is one of the rationales for keeping stenographer
secretaries to the minimum of any at all within ORC.
Apart from the generic training listed, there is the need to implement training
recommendations offered in the ORC Decoupling and change management plan because
they deal with transition and change and these are vital salves that will hold the
organization together during its transition period, a sine qua non, to say the least.
Finally, ORC is further strengthened three ways with the implementation this establishment
 Increase and diversity in the communication function as demanded by the
ORC Act to strengthen outreach, public education, at one end and to buttress
internal research required for strategic expansion into new markets with
market research capabilities to support increased revenue generation. This is
integral to ORC’s push for autonomy within 5 years. Also noteworthy is the
strengthening of the communication ambit for bulletin publication which is
tied to revenue generation.
 Strengthening of organizational research and analytics to support the ROC and
ORC as a whole in making evidence based strategic decisions. This can be
seen in the creation of the Planning Unit which is tasked with Monitoring and
Evaluation as well. The Planning and Budget function have also been further
expanded to reduce the burden on one person to handle organizational
planning budgeting coordination which can be seen as a risk mitigation and
quality control approach.
 The expansion of the HR function is equally noteworthy. This will give ORC
the necessary people, processes and system muscles to grow as well as to
expand its capabilities to attain its goals and achieve its mandate taking
industry best practices into consideration.


In 2019, the President of the Republic of Ghana announced the approval of the new Companies Act,
2019, (Act 992). The preparation of the Companies Act 992 has been started in 2018 and it was
intended for replacing the Companies Act, 1963 (Act 179).
The new Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992) seeks to introduce improved standards for corporate
governance for companies operating in Ghana. It aims to significantly improve the governance
structures of companies, with additional qualifications and duties for directors, with appropriate
sanctions. The largest impact of the new legislation is the creation of the ORC, an autonomous

governmental body, established to register and regulate businesses and corporate entities
operating in the country.


The ORC is a statutory entity entrusted with the function of company and business registration and
advisory services. With this mandate it serves as the depository of corporate information. The core
functions of ORC, as contained in the Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992), are as follows:
 To register:
 Business Names in accordance with the Registration of Business Names Act, 1962 (Act
 Companies in accordance with the Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992);
 Partnerships in accordance with the Incorporated Private Partnerships Act, 1962 (Act
152), and
 Professional Bodies pursuant to the Professional Bodies Registration Act, 1973 (N.R.C.D.
147), other than Professional Bodies established by an Act of Parliament;
 appoint inspectors, a receiver or manager to ensure effective compliance with the Act;
 Discharge duties and perform functions of the Office as the Official Liquidator under the
Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 1015) and its Amendment (Act 1031).
 Ensure knowledge management and sharing of best practices by collecting, collating and
disseminating information on and about the business entities registered in the Businesses

The 11-member Governing Board of the ORC appointed by the President under article 70 of the
Constitution, and section 354 (1) of Act 992 is the apex body of the ORC.
The Board has the overarching responsibility of overseeing the effective and efficient execution of
ORC’s strategy towards attainment of the organisation’s mandate. The Board provides steering
support including policy and strategic guidance and decisions for the performance of the functions
of the ORC. It is also responsible for ensuring timely auditing of the accounts of ORC as well as
prompt response to audit queries.


The Registrar of Companies (ROC) is responsible for providing strategic leadership in the
implementation of the mandate and policy objectives of the ORC and the execution of ORC’s day-
to-day administration. The ROC supervises and evaluates all senior management staff; manages the
strategic resources of the Office and represents the Office in all strategic issues. Additionally, the
ROC has the overall oversight responsibility for registration and regulation of all types of businesses
in conformity with this Act 992 and any other relevant enactments. The ROC ensures the
establishment, maintenance and accessibility of a Central Register of Beneficial Ownership data of
legal persons and arrangements in accordance with Section 373 (1) of Act 922, and the Companies
Bulletin in consonance with Section 370 (1) of the Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992). It is also a crucial
function of the Registrar of Companies to issue directives and guidelines to give full effect to the
provisions of Act 922 in accordance Section 382 (1) of the Act.

The Registrar of Companies is supported by a Senior Private Secretary and a Stenographer I.
The Board Secretary
The Board is supported by a Board Secretary who heads the Board Secretariat. The Board Secretary
is assisted by an Administrative Assistant. The Board Secretary reports directly to the ROC however
the role of the Secretary includes organizing and supporting Board and Committee meetings,
advising the Board on governance matters and ensuring that the organization meets all legal and
regulatory requirements. The Secretary is also required to keep proper records of Board Minutes
and decisions so action can be taken.


The Deputy Registrar - Operational Services reports directly to the ROC and assists the Registrar of
Companies in providing strategic leadership in business registration services related to registration
and regulation of all types of businesses; registration of Business Names, Companies and
Partnerships, Professional Bodies; appointment and regulation of Company Inspectors; insolvency
and liquidation of Companies; Customer Services and Document Management. The Deputy Registrar
- Operational Services also supports the ROC in the implementation of the mandate and policy
objectives of ORC and the execution of the Organization’s day-to-day operations.


The Deputy Registrar - Administrative Services assists the Registrar of Companies in providing
strategic leadership in general administration services related to Administration Management,
Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Budget and Research; Finance and Asset Management; Human
Resources Management and Information, Communication and Technology. Additionally, the Deputy
Registrar – Administrative Services supports the Registrar of Companies in the implementation of
the mandate and policy objectives of ORC and the execution of the day-to-day administration of
the Organisation.


The Office of the ROC is supported by an administrative staff who work in concert with the ROC to
achieve the mandate of the ROC. This includes the Administrative Assistant (AA) to the ROC who
provides office management, secretarial services such as systematic organisation, maintenance,
security and safety of files; organizes logistics; prepares correspondence; meeting, event planning
and other engagements. The AA also handles the drafting of meeting notes/minutes; receiving and
directing visitors in support of the day-to-day work of the Registrar.
As depicted in the ORC org Chart on page 24, the ROC reports to the Board which is supported by a
Board Secretary. The Board Secretary serves as a liaison between the ROC and the Board and has a
direct reporting line to the ROC and a dotted reporting line to the Board. The Board Secretary
provides all the necessary support in furtherance of its functions in terms of taking minutes and
notes and capturing action items in dashboard form to ensure decisions made are captured and
acted on by relevant parties.

The ROC is also supported by two deputies who report directly to the ROC:

 Deputy Registrar of Companies for Operational Services

 Deputy Registrar of Companies for Administrative Services

These aforementioned Deputies support the ROC to effectively carry out the mandate of ORC and
manage it efficiently. The Deputy Registrars are also supported by administrative staff to ensure
effective carriage of their duties.

CORPORATE AFFAIRS UNIT Commented [IT1]: This unit should include such activities
as Protocol, Bulletin, Marketing, and others. @Fatu, William,
The Corporate Affairs Unit reports directly to the ROC due to the nature of its scope. However in and Sulley please add what is necessary.

order not to misconstrue the levels of seniority of the Deputy Registrars of Companies and this unit,
it is placed under the levels of the two Deputy ROC with dotted reporting lines to them. In the
areas of approval of budgets for events, they will report directly to these two Deputy ROCs. There
is also a feedback loop to the DROCs in relation to planning and execution of their duties.

The Unit serves two functions: External communication which is Public Relations and Stakeholder
Engagement/Management and internal communication which relies on the use of internal data and
information from operational performance to guide strategic goals and plans to strengthen ORC’s
competitiveness and relevance in carrying out its mandate. This unit also houses the Protocol Desk,
captured by the narrative on protocol function below, which has a direct reporting line to the ROC
and a dotted reporting line to the DROC Administration. The functions of Corporate Affairs are
highlighted below, and detailed in section 3 of the document:

PR/External Communication/Stakeholder Management Function:

 Develops, implements and reviews policies and strategies aimed at marketing the
Organization’s services and building corporate brand.
 Sensitizes and educates ORC employees, the public and other stakeholders on the
Organisation’s policies, programmes, projects and service delivery activities and receives
feedback for continuous improvement.
 Leads the implementation of initiatives that ensure effective communication, visibility,
public relations, stakeholder analysis and engagement.
 Facilitates the production and dissemination of publicity brochures, handouts, leaflets and
promotional videos, and other materials of the ORC.
 Ensures systematic planning, coordination, organisation, production and dissemination of
the Companies Bulletin in collaboration with the Information Management Division and the
Legal Unit;
 Collects, collates and synthesizes related information pertinent to the ORC’s activities and
of interest to clients, stakeholders and the public at large.

 Is responsible for facilitating all official visits to, and from the ORC, as well as ensuring the
smooth reception of dignitaries throughout the ORC system (i.e., Head and Regional
Offices). Plan official visits and trips to/from, and related ceremonies within the ORC.
Internal Communication
 Works to generate new knowledge to create innovative approaches to address ORC’s
business effectiveness, efficiency and customer satisfaction.
 Makes meaning out of information and knowledge gathered by PMBERD units responsible for
for decision-making organisational decision-making.
 Engenders statistical literacy across the Organisation.
 Initiates and pursues innovative strategies to identify investment/Market opportunities to
expand ORC’s revenue base.

 Collaborates with PMEBD and the ODU to establish and sustain the organisation’s knowledge
sharing system.

 Uses data collected from the PMEBD Unit to develop guidance and issue notes, dashboards,
and reports, strategy papers, sector intelligence and analysis and manages such information
to advise and inform ROC’s strategic decision-making to ensure best practice management
and implementation of policies, programmes and service delivery in the ORC.
 Supports the HRMD to strengthen its organizational effectiveness capabilities.


The IARI unit has a direct reporting line to the Board and a dotted reporting line to the Registrar of
Companies. Registrar Given the scope of its mandate which requires professional independence, it
is directly supervised by the Board, however, it works in concert with and reports to Registrar of
Companies. The Unit:
 Ensures the ORC’s financial operations are in line with internal and external financial
management policies and regulations;
 Conducts risk assurance and/or internal audit, and ensures executive/management put in
place a risk management system to address all risks identified, as well as all audit findings;
 Evaluates the Departments/Units compliance with enactments, policies, standards, systems
and procedures


The LAU::

 Provides legal leadership and services to Management in the area of drafting and review of
contracts, agreements and documents related to the organisation’s mandate.
 Represents the ORC on matters that may be brought before the courts of law by the
organization or by a second party against the organization.
 Facilitates the gazetting of registrations in the Ghana Gazette and provides general legal
advice to the ORC.
 Collaborates with other Directorates, Divisions and Units of the ORC to ensure compliance
with laws, rules and regulations.
 Takes custody and safe keeping of the Organisation’s seal, securities, agreements, and other
legal Instruments.

 Approves applications for registration and renewal for companies, partnerships, businesses
and professional bodies.


The CRD is responsible for planning, organizing and coordinating the registration, renewal,
amendment and regulation of companies, partnerships, business names, and professional bodies in
accordance with related statutes. In doing so, the Department ensures that through its units,
systematic, transparent, and accountable processes are applied, and vet completed registration
forms with supporting documents; input registrants’ details into e-registrar for payment; open file
for applicants/registrants; approve, reject or query applicants; and issue certificate and other
supporting documents to successful applicants/registrants. The CRD has following Units and
New Registrations Unit, NRU
Is responsible for applying due processes including due diligence to register, regulate and maintain
accurate and current records on new Limited Liability Companies, Companies Limited by
Guarantees and External Companies in accordance with related statutes. As well, the directorate
advises the ORC on policies and strategies for registration of companies, and the overall
organisational development.
Amendments and Renewals Unit, A&RU
 Ensures that due processes are followed to amend and renew registered businesses and
companies (Limited Liability Companies, Companies Limited by Guarantees and External
Companies) as may be requested in accordance with the statutes.
 Maintains accurate and updated records on all amended and renewed amended Companies.
 Provides inputs for the formulation of policies and strategies for amendment and renewal of
Companies as well as the overall organisational development.
Fillings Unit, FU:
 Plans, receives, organises, safe stores and retrieves information on newly registered
Companies, and maintains up-to-date and credible records on registered companies.
 Provides inputs for formulation of policies and strategies for the security of ORC’s
information and organizational development.


The PPRD has three divisions and is responsible for planning, systematic organizing and
coordinating the registration and regulation of partnerships and professional bodies according to
the statutes. Functions of the three divisions under the directorate are elaborated below:
New Registrations Unit, NRU:
 Responsible for planning, organizing and coordinating the registration and regulation of
partnerships in consonance with the Incorporated Private Partnership Act, 1962 (Act 152);
as well as professional bodies pursuant to the Professional Bodies Registration Act, 1973
(N.R.C.D. 147) other than professional bodies established by an Act of Parliament.
 Maintains accurate and current information on registered partnerships and
professional bodies.
 Provides inputs for the formulation of policies and strategies for registration of
partnerships and professional bodies as well as for the overall organisational
Amendments and Renewals Unit, A&RU:

 Ensures that due processes are followed to amend and renew registered partnerships and
professional bodies as may be requested in accordance with the statutes.
 Maintains accurate and updated records on all amended and renewed amended
partnerships and professional bodies.
 Provides inputs for the formulation of policies and strategies for amendment and renewal
of Companies as well as the overall organisational development.
Fillings Unit, FU:
 Plans, organises, safe stores and retrieves records on amended partnerships and
professional bodies.
 Provides inputs for formulation of policies and strategies for the security of ORC’s
information and organizational development.


The BNRD has two units and is responsible for planning, systematic organizing and
coordinating the registration and regulation of business names according to the statutes. As well, it
keeps up-to date records on names of registered businesses and supports the organizational
development of the ORC. Functions of the divisions under the directorate are elaborated below:
New Registrations Unit, NRU:
 Applies appropriate processes including due diligence to register and regulate business
names in accordance with the Registration of Business Names Act, 1962 (Act 151).
 Maintains accurate and updated records on registered business names.
 Provides inputs for the formulation of policies and strategies for registration of business
names and for the overall organisational development.
Amendments and Renewals Unit, A&RU:

 Ensures that due processes are followed to amend and renew registered partnerships and
professional bodies as may be requested in accordance with the statutes.
 Maintains accurate and updated records on all amended and renewed amended
partnerships and professional bodies.
 Provides inputs for the formulation of policies and strategies for amendment and renewal
of Business Names as well as the overall organisational development.


The ILSD is responsible for the insolvency, administration, restructuring, and de-registration and
liquidation of companies voluntarily or involuntarily. The Department has three (3) units within it
as follows:
Insolvency Administration Unit, IAU:
Responsible for insolvency administration. Specifically:
 Acts in the best interest of creditors as a whole;
 Controls the company impartially during their time in control of the company;
 Acts in good faith, and with reasonable care and skill;
 Takes reasonable action to achieve the best price on realization of assets; and
 Carries out the insolvency process as quickly and efficiently as is practicable.

Restructuring Services Unit, RSU:
The Unit is responsible for improving the operational, financial, legal, or other structures of
businesses to maximize its profit and to ensure efficient operation. The Unit:
 Assists businesses to make whatever course of action needed to manage financially distress
companies easier;
 supports effective measures and quick decision-making to enable businesses alleviate
financial pressures to address legal obligations and recover timely.
 Assists companies develop new strategies to survive in a competitive environment
Licensing, Public Education Unit, LPEU
 Is responsible for the review, conduct and performance of Insolvency Practitioners
 Shall Register, License as well as keep and maintain a Register of Insolvency Practitioners
 Receive Reports from Liquidators and Insolvency Practitioners on the administration of
 Suspend or remove an Insolvency Practitioners from continuing in that office subject to the
relevant sections under the Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 1015);
 Keep under review the law and practice relating to insolvency of Companies and other
bodies corporate in the country and make recommendations to the Registrar on any changes
considered necessary;
 Carry out research, commission studies, disseminate information and provide public
education in the area of insolvency administration;
 Establish and maintain communication and liaise with international agencies , including the
International Commission on Trade Law in the area of international insolvencies and
insolvency administration.
Liquidation Unit, DLU:
Is responsible for de-registration & liquidation.
 Investigates company’s financial affairs, and establish what caused it to fail;
 Investigates possible offenses by company or directors of company;
 Releases the asset of the insolvent company and achieves the best possible price;
 Addresses outstanding claims against the limited company and satisfy the claims as set-out
by law;
 Distributes the returns to the company’s creditors in order of priority.

The Inspections Department of the ORC plans and undertakes onsite inspection/investigation of
businesses to verify and report on compliance to approved business context, various regulations and
other directions issued by the Organisation, and or the applicable legal provisions. The Department
is also responsible for thorough inspection, findings, issuing recommendations to business entities
to improve business processes and products. The Department additionally has the responsibility for
applying appropriate punitive measures against persistent non-compliant business entities.
Inspection, Compliance Services Unit, ICSU:
 Formulates and leads the implementation of corporate inspection and compliance guidelines
and plan for the ORC.
 Identifies and recommends suitable experts for appointment as company inspectors.
 Builds the capacity of Company Inspectors and monitor their operations.
 Conducts sensitization and education for business owners and operatives on business
compliance, regulations, standards, practices and risk management.

 Ensures the actual inspection of business premises for identification, frontline management
and appropriate escalation of major or critical issues for attention by the Organisation.
 Provides inputs for the formulation of policies and strategies for the overall organisational
Penalties Administration Unit, PAU:
Is responsible for engaging business owners and other relevant stakeholders to set up transparent
and participatory standards and framework for administration of penalty regime;
 Conducts sensitization and education for business owners and operatives on penalty regimes
and their application.
 Develops standards and procedures for assessing business compliance breaches and
determination of corresponding penalties.
 Develops and applies a mechanism for mitigation and consent settlement of business non-
 Provides inputs for the formulation of policies and strategies for the overall organisational


The Department is responsible for the management of the immediate and first contact relationship,
needs, and support to customers. The Department ensures customer satisfaction in diverse ORC’s
services including on document handling, searches and data inputting. Units with respective
functions constituting the Department are indicated below:

Customer Center, CSU:

 Ensures customers’ questions and queries concerning the ORC products and services are
answered satisfactorily.
 Provides general information through face-to-face, phone, email, live chat to customers.
 Assists customers by linking them to the appropriate directorate or unit for technical
Call Center, CC
Receives inbound calls from, and makes outbound call to customers and other stakeholders,
and provides helpful solutions to their needs and concerns. The information center is nested
here to respond to customer information needs.


This Department is responsible for quality management of organisational information, especially operations -
related information. It is divided into three units :

Documentation Management Unit, DMU:

 Ensures that documents and information are properly stored to ensure confidentiality and
easy accessibility upon request. This includes digital and physical storage of and access to
operational documents.
 Plans, registers, organizes and maintains individual files, documents and information iin
digial and physical form nto systematic and manageable packages to ensure their safety and
Specialized Searches Unit, SU:

 Applies effective and efficient methodologies to retrieve physical and digital files and
information in response to customers’, management’s and stakeholders’ queries and needs.

Archives Unit:
 Is responsible for systematic organisation, maintenance, security and safety of files in
physical and digital form.
 Is responsible for retrievals of files during the conduct of searches.
 It assists the Searches Unit retrieval of files and other related information.


 Is responsible for managing all Procurement services done for and on behalf of the ORC
in line with public procurement policies and procedures;
 Ensures purchase requisition are prepared and approved by authorized staff;
 Ensures collection of pro-forma invoices and canvassing from potential goods and
services suppliers are done according to the ORC and Public Procurement procedures;
 Ensures reviews of canvassing sheets, and preparation of purchase orders and
contracting follows laid down procurement regulations;
 Ensures goods and services procured are received, in line with requisition specifications,
and material received reports are completed and signed in line with internal protocols.
 Is responsible for ensuring all items procured and received into stores are properly
controlled and utilized for the sole purpose of the ORC work, as well as replaced on


 The PBMERD provides operational information, systems and tools for the effective policy
development, planning, budgeting, monitoring, evaluation and research of all programmes
and activities of the organization. Through M&E, it tracks and assesses the operational
effectiveness of the ORC. It is also responsible for reporting and assessments of operational
and support service activities to ensure goals and targets are being met. Thereafter, it
coordinates the budgeting aspects of these plans. The Department also collaborates with
ICT in the development and the application of IT/IM standards and quality assurance
systems in relation to the implementation, development and the deployment of innovative
processes, systems and tools for organizational effectiveness.

The Department is supported by three Units namely:

2.3.1. Planning ,Monitoring and Evaluation Unit, PMEU

 Institutional planning: the unit coordinates, collates, harmonizes and synthesizes inputs
from all directorates/divisions and units into institutional plan,
 Provides technical support during the implementation of said plan.
 The Unit develops the corporate M&E system, including baseline conditions and operations
performance monitoring/tracking framework for measuring registration, business
performance, revenue generation, regulatory, inspection, customer and stakeholder
relationship, sensitization and visibility results.
 The PMEU also maintains an updated data base to support the organisation’s knowledge
management system.

2.3.2. Budgeting Unit, BU:
 The unit coordinates, collates, harmonizes and synthesizes inputs from all
directorates/divisions and units into corporate plan, and provides comprehensive
estimates/budget for implementation of the plan.
 Forecasts the revenue and expenses of the Organisation.

2.3.3. Research and Statistics Unit ( RSU)

The subunit is responsible for the collection and provision of secure, reliable big and small data and
information needed for analysis and quality information that is tied to organizational performance
effectiveness, advancement and innovation. The Research and Statistics Unit leads the technical
processes that gather data, information and knowledge nuggets for use in the crafting of business
intelligence and analysis for the development of strategies, plans, programmes of various units that
rely on scientifically backed information to guide their reports and justifications. This unit also
makes technical inputs into the development of sector policies, standards and regulations. It
collaborates with ODU to develop for the systems and processes for assessing the operational
effectiveness of ORC’s strategies and interventions.
Research and Statistic sub unit’s responsibilities include data gathering, statistical analysis taking,
preparation of reports for RDG decision-making; collaborating with internal and external
communication functionaries within the Corporate Affairs Division to ground their narratives with
evidence based information. This Unit also collaborates and within the Organizational Development
Unit to support their work in organizational development, change/knowledge management and


This Department ensures efficient and effective delivery of the services and facilities necessary to
support the administrative and other functions of the ORC. The services and administrative support
functions include Procurement, Records, Stores & Warehouse, Estate & Facility Management,
Strategic Human Resources Management. The Department further ensures that procedures and
processes are adhered to in line with all administrative policies of the ORC.
The units and their respective functions under this Department include:
Estate/Facility Maintenance Management and Security Unit, FMU:
 Provides advice on estate management issues and ensures that repairs and works on
facilities and equipment are properly carried out at the ORC. In addition, the EFMU is
responsible for managing all assets and facilities of the ORC, transport & fleet
management, as well as security of the ORC premises.
 Ensures there is a procedure in place to document the existence of all facilities and
assets procured, define and use procedure to conduct regular physical counts, and
reconciliations to verify the existence of the ORC assets.
 Ensures that there is mechanism to handle/report any asset loss, theft or damage of
asset bought with the ORC funds, as well as institute procedure to investigate, document
and report to management of all findings and place the actions taken/report on file.
 Ensures that all transport & fleets of engines (including vehicles, motorbikes, office
generators) are fit for purpose to deliver work. All vehicles/fleets are assigned logbooks
to help in the efficient and effective monitoring and supervision and management of all
transport vehicles/fleets.
 Ensures the security and the safety of all staff and property of the ORC are always

Stores Unit, SU:
 The SU is responsible for ensuring all items procured and received into stores are properly
controlled and utilized for the sole purpose of the ORC’s activities, as well as replaced on
 Maintains a stock control and reporting, goods & services receipt notes, and puts in place
stock cards to control and manage the use of each item procured and received into stock
 Issue waybills to cover items to be transferred from one office store to the other, and as
well as conducts stock reconciliation.
Transport Unit, TU:
 Ensures all transport & fleet of engines (including vehicles, motorbikes, office generators)
are fit for purpose to deliver work.
 Assigns logbooks to all vehicles/fleets to vehicles/motorbikes for usage.
 Monitors and supervises usage of vehicle in accordance with procedures.
 Prepares reports on vehicles/motorbikes and all engines for management decision making;
Records Office Unit, RGDM: Commented [IT2]: Revision of functions is needed

 Ensures record identification system in place for the creation and receiving of
correspondence and records being sent to ORC and dispatched out..
 Manages a physical and electronic tracking system for all correspondence within ORC.
 Determines categories and subjects where the documents belong, record type, and filing
methodology (e.g., alpha/coded), as well as fill-in file index format.
 Establishes records distribution and usage system for proper and timely circulation of
records, as well as usage of documents (active, pending, etc.).
 Is responsible for records classification (records inventory), including sorting and arranging
records, storage and custody (centralise/decentralised), retrieval methodology.
 Establishes access and security for records (document access user permission).
 Ensures correspondence leaving the ORC are accompanied proper supporting documents
 Establishes records maintenance I.e., comprehensive file structure plan to determine
records retention, as well as determine manner of disposition (storage, archival, scan and


The Finance Division manages the long-term and day-to-day monetary operations and strategy of
the ORC. The Directorate further ensures efficient and effective generation of revenue, and
utilisation of funds in line with budgets allocated and approved by the Board in accordance with
the Public Financial Management Act, 2016 (Act 921). The Directorate is made up of the following
Units with respective functions:
Financial Accounting and Control Unit, FACU:
 The FAC unit acts as the Controller, responsible for all accounting and reporting of financing
within the ORC.
 Is responsible for the maintenance of the ORC books (general ledger).
 Ensures that all business transactions are properly recorded and managed, the general
ledger is the source for all the ORC financial reports; and also cost accounting and fixed

Revenue Management Unit, RMU:
 Is responsible for all incoming payments.
 Ensures all payments and receipts are collated.
 Reconciles and reports in a responsible and accountable manner in accordance with
approved financial regulations and procedures and standards.
Treasury Unit, TU:
 Is responsible for accounts payable and cash management.
 Is responsible for investment, fund raising, and risk management function of the finance
 Is responsible for monitoring and liquidation of all employee-initiated advances and
expenses, e.g., travel, lodging, meals, etc.
Payroll Unit, PU: Commented [IT3]: Additional comments on this unit are
 The PU is a “dotted box unit” until such time that the conflicting “double intent” in the act
establishing ORC has been harmonized. The Act allows ORC to retain all its internally
generated Funds yet in same vein, it restricts the payment of its staff’s salary from said
IGF. This double intent can be perceived as a risk mitigation strategy in the law to carefully
manage the transition to autonomy in a gradual process considering the fact that there is no
point of return after full autonomy has been attained.
 After full harmonization of the Act, PU Is responsible for the administration and
documentation of all staff salaries, wages, bonuses and deductions.
 Works in tandem with the Finance Division to ensure all employees are paid, and timely.
 Ensures that proper tax is assessed, and tax payment effected, as well as all other staff
deductions and payments, such as SSNIT contributions are deducted.


With ORC currently in a transitional phase and a dire need for expedient staffing , the HR function
has been further expanded to cater for organizational change and transition. The Department
ensures that the appropriate processes are engaged to enable staff with requisite qualification for
various types of work in the ORC are recruited, trained and motivated on a continuous basis for the
efficient discharge of their duties.

The Department also is engaged in personnel management, organizational development,

organizational effectiveness and learning, staff development, career and professional development,
staff performance appraisal along with staff welfare and labor relations.
The Department is composed of four Units, namely:
Recruitment and Career Management Unit:
 Draws up recruitment plans for the ORC, facilitates the placement processes of applicants
and provides basis for determination and payment of salaries, allowances and other
financial entitlements of staff.
 Facilitates the timely resolution of issues of staff salary distortions as well as collates inputs
for the maintenance of Human Resources Management Information Systems (HRMIS) for the
 Develops and supports the implementation of policies and strategies for a sustainable
professional progression of ORC personnel.

 Develops facilitates the implementation of the organisation’s operational protocols and
onboarding strategies such as Human Resources policy and management manual, code of
conduct and scheme of service, etc.

Organisational Development Unit:

 OD focuses on improving an organization’s capability through the alignment of strategy,

structure, people, rewards, metrics and management processes. Its activities are
focused on continuous improvement, better communication, service delivery, change
management, enhancement of quality which are all tied to increasing revenues. The
science of OD combines industrial/organizational and adult development psychology.
 Strengthens existing processes within ORC and creates new ones so as to maximize the
effectiveness, potential and capacity of both people and the organization. Reviews
ORC’s institutional strengthening and improvement policy and strategies, and initiates
the implementation of diversity, inclusion,succession planning and interventions to
enhance the performance of the ORC
 Conducts organizational diagnoses ,recommends and implements solutions.

Performance Management, Training and Talent Development Unit

In support of the Human Resources Management Department, the Unit:
 Collates training needs identified through staff performance appraisal systems and other
capacity needs studies and leads the development and delivery of targeted training modules
to improve the knowledge, skills and abilities of ORC staff.
 Evaluates the impact of delivered training modules on beneficiary staff.
 Manages Mentoring, Coaching knowledge sharing/knowledge management programs
Welfare and Labour Relations
 Supports the ORC with policies and strategies to ensure the over-all well-being of the
organisation’s employees.
 Promotes improvement of the working conditions of staff, the overall working efficiency of
the organisation, the morale of staff, and a harmonious atmosphere within the ORC.
 Develops and promotes a functional mechanism for preventing abuse, discrimination and
exploitation as well as addressing staff workplace grievances.
 Environment Health and Safety: Ensures proper facilities and amenities like sanitization
facilities, safe drinking water, overall hygiene, rest rooms etc are made available for the
 Advocates for the provision of medical/health care assistance, insurance, retirement and
condolence/compassionate support to staff and their families.
 Plans and leads the organisation of socio-cultural activities such as staff durbars, town hall
meetings annual days, fun fairs, exhibitions, sports competition, and picnics.
 Organises employees into appropriate associations/ unions consistent with the labour law of
the country.
 Leads the development and implementation of strategies to promote the occupational rights
and responsibilities of employees.
 Sensitises and educates employees on crucial issues related to national and international
employment and labour policies and laws.

The ICT Department is one of the structures reporting directly to under the Registrar of Companies.
The core function of the ICT Department is to assist the ORC to enhance the innovative use of ICT
products and services for improved organizational capacity and performance towards effective and
efficient service delivery in consonance with the organization’s mandate. It provides technical
leadership in shaping the organisation’s ICT policy and strategies, and operational support in
designing, establishing, maintaining and securing information technology infrastructure, network
and software aligned to the business strategy of the ORC. The Department is also responsible for
ensuring effective digital interrelationship with systems and institutions pertinent to ORC’s core
business of registration and maintenance of information on business entities in the country.
The Department is composed of the following three Units with their respective functions:
Infrastructure, Networks and Security Unit, INSU:
 Provides technical inputs for the development and implementation of ORC’s ICT policy and
 Recommends technical specifications for the requisitioning, procurement and the
deployment of equipment, software resources and other IT systems in the Organisation.
 Oversees installations, configurations, test running and monitoring of ICT infrastructure,
network, and related systems.
 Collaborates with relevant stakeholders and ensures the provision of database management
interface requirements of the ORC systems architecture.
 Ensures confidentiality, integrity, availability and accessibility of the ICT systems and data
of the organization.
 Ensures the day-to-day functionality of ORC’s ICT infrastructure, networks and related
Information Systems Development Unit, ISDU:
 Maintains the hardware, software, data storage, and networks that constitute the ORC’s IT
 Ensures continuous input, storage, processing, output and feedback of information for
decision making, operational management, customer interaction, internal and external
collaboration, strategic initiatives, and corporate productivity.
 Provides inputs for the formulation of policies and strategies relating to MIS functions of the
 Establishes and operates a robust and sustainable corporate information management
system that addresses organizational and stakeholder information needs.
 Leads the management and maintenance of the Department’s Website, mailing and other
application systems for effective online services.
 Assesses ICT training needs of staff of the ORC and leads the development and delivery of
targeted capacity enhancement modules.
 Provides strategic inputs for the formulation and implementation of ICT policy and
IT Service Desk Unit, ITSDU:
 Provides a single point of contact between ORC and its customers, staff and other
stakeholders, assisting them with prompt problem resolution or service request management

 Diagnoses and resolves issues and needs related to ORC’s ICT architecture, systems and
 Creates and manages organizational knowledge, lessons and best practices and provides
metrics for ICT effectiveness.
 Collaborates with the other Departments and Units to advise management on strategic
systems upgrade and integration to enhance effective and efficient registration and other
information management services of the Organisation.

The Regional offices are decentralized/sub-national level structures of the ORC performing
functions delegated to them by the ORC and reporting to the Registrar of Companies through the
Deputy Registrar of Companies in charge of Operational Services. They:
 Are responsible for the planning, coordination, and organization of registration, knowledge
management, monitoring and evaluation, as well as related services in their areas of
 Ensure visibility as well as sensitization, education, research and communication in support
of the ORC in the regions.
 Perform any other functions that the Board on the advice of the Registrar of Companies may

ORC’s vision is:
“To be a world-class customer-oriented innovative business registry for socio-economic
growth in Ghana.”
ORC’s mission is:
“To create an attractive business environment by providing quality registration services for
businesses and the society to promote economic growth and national development.”
In executing its mission, the ORC has committed to observing the following Core Values: Integrity,
Service Excellence, Innovation, Transparency, and Professionalism.
Integrity - we ensure a continuous and consistent provision of services with a high degree of
honesty and impartiality by adhering to moral and ethical principles and values.

Service Excellence - we meet and exceed customer expectations and provide high-quality service.

Innovation – we apply new ideas, technologies, and mindsets to design and deploy high-quality

Transparency – we strive to improve accessibility to business information and to make processes

easily available to stakeholders.

Professionalism – we provide services with optimum competence, reliability, integrity, and respect
for our clients.



Current Grade
Registrar of Companies Chief State Attorney 1
Deputy Registrar of Chief State Attorney
Companies -
Operational Services 1
Deputy Registrar of Chief State Attorney
Companies - Support
Services 1
Board Secretary Principal State Attorney 1

Secretariat Principal Executive Officer 1

Senior Executive Officer 3
Subtotal 8

Internal Audit, Risk and

Investigations Unit
Chief Internal Auditor 1
Principal Internal Auditor 1
Senior Internal Auditor 4
Internal Auditor 1
Assistant Internal Auditor 2
Internal Auditor Trainee 1
Subtotal 10

Corporate Affairs Unit

Principal Information Officer 1
Senior Protocol Officer 1
Senior Information Officer 2
Snr Market Research Officer 1
Information Officer 2
Senior Statistician 1
Statistician 1
Assistant Information Officer 3
Subtotal 12

Legal Unit Principa State Attorney 1

Office Manager
Senior State Attorney
State Attorney
Assistant State Attorney
Regional Offices
Attorneys at Regional
Location Kumasi
Assistant Registrar,
Kumasi Chief State Attorney 1
Principal State Attorney
Subtotal 2

Location Sunyani
Head, Sunyani Office Principal State Attorney 1
Assistant Registrar, State Attorney
Sunyani 1
Subtotal 2
Location Takoradi
Head, Takoradi Office Principal State Attorney 1
Assistant Registrar, State Attorney
Subtotal 2
Location Tamale
Head, Tamale Office Principal State Attorney 1
Assistant Registrar, State Attorney
Subtotal 2
Location Cape Coast
Head, Cape Coast Principal State Attorney
Office 1
Assistant Registrar, State Attorney
Cape Coast
Subtotal 2
Location Koforidua
Head, Koforidua Principal State Attorney 1
Assistant Registrar, State Attorney
Subtotal 2
Location Bolgatanga
Head, Bolgatanga Principal State Attorney 1
Assistant Registrar, State Attorney
Subtotal 2
Location Wa
Head, Wa Principal State Attorney 1
Assistant Registrar, State Attorney
Subtotal 2
Location Ho
Head, Ho Principal State Attorney 1
Assistant Registrar, State Attorney
Subtotal 2
Location Techiman
Head, Techiman Principal State Attorney 1
Assistant Registrar, State Attorney
Subtotal 2
Location Nalerigu
Head, Nalerigu Principal State Attorney 1
Assistant Registrar, State Attorney
Subtotal 2
Location Dambai
Head, Dambai Principal State Attorney 1
Assistant Registrar, State Attorney
Subtotal 2

Location Damango
Head, Damango Principal State Attorney 1
Assistant Registrar, State Attorney
Subtotal 2
Location Sefwi
Head, Sefwi Wiawso Principal State Attorney 1
Assistant Registrar, State Attorney
Sefwi Wiawso
Subtotal 2
Regional Total
Attorneys 28

Companies Registration
Principal State Attorney 1
Office Manager 1
Subtotal 2

New Registrations Unit Senior Examiner 1

Examiner 1
Assistant Examiner 1
Executive Officer 1
Subtotal 4

Amendments and
Renewals Unit Senior Examiner 1
Examiner 1
ant 1
Executive Officer 1
Subtotal 4
Filings Unit
Senior State Attorney 1
Examiner 1
Assistant Examiner 1
Executive Officer 1
Subtotal 4

Professional Bodies
Principal State Attorney 1
Office Manager 1
Subtotal 2

New Registrations Unit

Senior Examiner 1
Examiner 1
Assistant Examiner 1
Executive Officer 1
Subtotal 4

Amendments and
Renewals Unit Senior Examiner 1
Examiner 1
Assistant Examiner 1
Executive Officer 1
Subtotal 4

Filings Unit
Senior Examiner 1
Examiner 1
Assistant Examiner 1
Executive Officer 1
Subtotal 4

Business Names
Department Senior State Attorney 1
Office Manager 1
Subtotal 2

New Registration Unit

Senior Examiner 1
Examiner 1
Assistant Examiner 1
Executive Officer 1
Subtotal 4

Amendments and
Renewals Unit Senior Examiner 1
Examiner 1
Assistant Examiner 1
Executive Officer 1
Subtotal 4

Insolvency and
Liquidation Services
Principal State Attorney 1
Office Manager 1
Subtotal 2

Insolvency Services Unit Senior State Attorney 1

State Attorney 1
Assistant State Attorney 1
Executive Officer 1
Subtotal 4

Restructuring Services
Senior State Attorney 1
State Attorney 1
Assistant State Attorney 1
Executive Officer 1

Subtotal 4

Licensing, Public
Education Unit
Senior State Attorney 1
State Attorney 1
Assistant State Attorney 1
Executive Officer 1
Subtotal 4

Liquidation Unit
Senior State Attorney 1
State Attorney 1
Assistant State Attorney 1
Executive Officer 1
Subtotal 4

Inspections Department
Chief Company Inspector 1
Office Manager 1
Subtotal 2

Inspections, Compliance
Services Unit Chief Compliance Inspector 1
Principal Compliance Inspector 9
Senior Compliance Inspector 4
Compliance Inspector 15
Subtotal 29
Penalties Administration
Administration Unit Chief Compliance Inspector 3
Principal Compliance Inspector 9
Senior Compliance Inspector 5
Compliance Inspector 15
Subtotal 32

Customer Management
Assistant Director IA 1
Office Manager 1
Subtotal 2
Customer Center Unit
Assistant Director IIB 1
Senior Chief Executive Officer 1
Chief Executive Officer 2
Office Manager 1
Assistant Office Manager 2
Principal Data Entry Operator 3
Subtotal 10

Call Center Unit

Assistant Director IIB 1
Senior Chief Executive Officer 1
Principal State Attorney 1
Senior State Attorney 2
State Attorney 2
Principal Company Examiner 1
Senior Company Examiner 2
Company Examiner 2
Principal IT/IM Officer 3
Principal IT/IM Technician 1
Data Entry Operator 3
Subtotal 19

Document Management
Chief Records Officer, Assistant
Director 1
Office Manager 1
Subtotal 2
Documents Management
Principal Records Officer 1
Snr. Records Supervisor 1
Records Officer 4
Records Assistant 1
Office Manager 1
Assistant Office Manager 1
Subtotal 9
Searches Unit
Principal Research Officer 1
Senior Research Officer 1
Research Officer 2
Research Assistant 3
Office Manager 1
Subtotal 8

Archives Unit
Senior Records Officer 3
Records Officer 5
Assistant Records Officer 1
Prin. Records Supervisor 1
Records Supervisor 1
Office Manager 2
Assistant Office Manager 2
Subtotal 15

Management and Stores

Principal Procurement & Supply 1

Chain Manager
Procurement & Supply Chain 1
Procurement & Supply Chain 1

Office Manager 1
Subtotal 4

Planning, Monitoring &

Evaluation Department

Chief Planning Officer 1

Office Manager 1
Subtotal 2

Planning, Monitoring
and Evaluation Unit
Assistant Director IIA 1
Assistant Director IIB 2
Office Manager 1
Subtotal 4

Budget Unit
Principal Planning Officer 1
Senior Planning Officer 1
Planning Officer 1
Assistant Planning Officer 1
Senior Budget Anayist 1
Budget Analyst 1
Assistant Budget Analyst 1
Office Manager 1
Subtotal 8

Administration and
Asst Director 1A 1
Office Manager 1
Subtotal 2

Facilities Management (
Estates) and Securities
Chief Estates Manager/Assistant 1
Director IIA
Senior Estates Manager/Senior 1
Facilities Manager
Estates Manager/Facilities 2
Chief Executive Officer 0
Assist. Chief Exe. Officer 0
Assistant Estates 2
Manager/Assistant Facilities
Facilities Officer 1
Chief Headman 2
Headman 1
Headman Sanitary Labourer 1

Sanitary Labourer 14
Chief Security Officer 1
Assistant Security Guard 2
Headman Watchman 6
Subtotal 34

Stores Unit
Supply Officer 1
Stores Manager 1
Office Manager 1
Subtotal 3
Snr. Records Officer 1
Records Officer 2
Assistant Records Officer 3
Office Manager 1
Records Assistant 2
Subtotal 9

Transports Unit
Transport Manager 1
Driver/Mechanic Gd I 3
Driver/Mechanic GD III 14
Subtotal 18

Finance Management
Chief Accountant, 1
Office Manager 1
Subtotal 2

Financial Accounting
and Control Unit

Principal Accountant 1
Senior Accountant 1
Accountant 1
Subtotal 3

Revenue Management
Principal Accountant 1
Senior Accountant 1
Accountant 1
Subtotal 3

Treasury Unit
Principal Accountant 1
Senior Accountant 1
Accountant 1
Subtotal 3

Payroll Unit

Principal Accountant 1
Senior Accountant 1
Accountant 1
Subtotal 3
Finance Subtotal 14

Human Resourcess
Deputy Director of Human
Resourcess Management 1
Principal Personnel Officer 1
Subtotal 2

Recruitent and Career

Management Unit
Principal HR Manager 1
Senior HR Manager 1
Assistant HR Manager 1
Principal Personnel Officer 1
Subtotal 4
Development Unit
Principal HR Manager 1
Senior HR Manager 1
Assistant HR Manager 1
Principal Personnel Officer 1
Subtotal 4
Management, Training
and Talent
Development Unit
Principal HR Manager 1
Senior HR Manager 1
Assistant HR Manager 1
Principal Personnel Officer 1
Subtotal 4

Welfare and Labor

Relations Unit
Principal HR Manager 1
Senior HR Manager 1
Assistant HR Manager 1
Principal Personnel Officer 1
Subtotal 4

Technology Department
Chief IT/IM Officer 1
Office Manager 1
Subtotal 2

Networks and Security
Prin IT/IM Officer 1
Snr IT/IM Officer 1
Chief IT/IM Technician 1
Prin IT/IM Technician 1
Asst IT/IM Technician 2
Subtotal 6

IS Development Unit
Prin IT/IM Officer 1
Snr IT/IM Officer 1
Chief IT/IM Technician 1
Prin IT/IM Technician 1
Asst IT/IM Technician 2
Subtotal 6

IT Services Desk
Principal IT/IM Officer 1
Senior IT/IM Officer 3
IT/IM Officer 4
Assistant IT/IM Officer 3
Principal IT/IMTechnician 1
Senior IT/IM Technician 1
IT/IM Technician 1
Assistant IT/I Technician 3
Data Entry Operator 4
Subtotal 21



JOB TITLE: Registrar of Companies
JOB GRADE: Chief State Attorney
SUPERVISES: Deputy Registrar of Companies – Operational Services, Deputy Registrar of
Companies – Support Services, Head of Internal Audit, Risk and Investigation Unit, Head of
Corporate Affairs Unit
JOB PURPOSE: To provide strategic leadership, technical and administrative direction for
the attainment of the mandate of the Office.

 Ensures the day-to-day administration and management of the Office’s resources
(human, material and financial); including the organization and functioning of
Regional Offices of the ORC;
 Gives direction and leadership to the achievement of ORC’s mission, the
development of its strategy and the attainment of its annual goals and objectives;
 Provides technical advice to the Attorney-General on all matters relating to business
registration and its related matters in Ghana;
 Represents the Attorney-General in civil matters involving Companies and Businesses;
 Gives direction and leadership to the registration of Companies, Business Names,
Partnerships, Sole Proprietorships, Professional Bodies by ensuring that such
registrations are carried out in accordance with the relevant laws and consistent with
the Companies Act, 992;
 Ensures the administration of the Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992);
 Performs the functions of an Official Liquidator in accordance with the relevant
 Ensures the establishment of systems, processes and procedures to ensure effective
liquidation of companies and performs the functions of an Official Liquidator in
accordance relevant enactment with the Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act,
2020 (Act 1015) and its Amendment (Act 1031);
 Ensures the establishment of systems, processes and procedures to ensure effective
Insolvency processes.
 Liaises with the Attorney-General and other stakeholders for the preparation and
review of legal documents relating to the ORC’s mandate;
 Liaises with Office of the Attorney-General and Ministry of Justice in addressing legal
and regulatory issues that may wind up in Court;
 Represents and leads the ORC in the process of litigation brought before the courts
of law, external administrative hearings or investigative bodies;
 Ensures effective and efficient management of stakeholder relationships and
reconciles potential conflict of interests;
 Represents the ORC at local, continental and intercontinental levels on matters
concerning the ORC’s developmental projects and operations;
 Signs and seals contractual agreements between individuals or groups of persons and
the ORC for approval by the sector Ministry;
 Ensures the preparation and submission to the sector Ministry, annual and other
relevant reports on the Department’s activities, programs and projects;
 Ensures the implementation of performance management policy in the ORC according
to laid down rules and regulations;
 Oversees the installation of client services systems, including public complaints
processes and tracking systems, to monitor and promote quality and timely service
delivery by the Divisions and Units of the ORC.

 Within the limits determined by the Legal Service Regulations, 2014 (L.I. 2210) as
well as authority delegated by the Attorney-General;
 Has the discretionary authority to undertake negotiations on behalf of the ORC;
 Disciplines staff of the Department in accordance with laid down policies and
procedures of the Public Service.


 A minimum of Master’s Degree awarded by a recognized tertiary institution in any of
the following fields: Law, Economics, Social Sciences, Public Management or other
related disciplines;
 A Professional Qualification in a relevant field awarded by a reputable tertiary
institution will be added as advantage;
 A minimum of fifteen (15) years’ post-call relevant working experience, including at
least ten (10) years’ experience in administration of Companies, Estates, Marriages
and all other legislation pertaining to the Registrar-General’s Department or ORC;


 In-depth knowledge and experience in public administration;
 Demonstrated experience in delivering management of change;
 Negotiation and influencing skills;
 Lobbying, advocacy and networking skills;
 Conflict management/resolution skills;
 Superior organizational, analytical and multitasking skills;
 Outstanding communication and presentation skills;
 Outstanding human and public relation skills;
 Extensive working knowledge of the following Public Financial Management Acts and
Regulations: Public Financial Management Act (PFMA), 2016 (Act 921) and its
accompanying regulations, Public Financial Management (PFM) Regulations, 2019 (L.I
2378); Ghana Revenue Authority Act (GRAA), 2015 (Act 896); Audit Service Act, 2000
(Act 584); Internal Audit Agency Act, 2003 (Act 658) and Public Procurement Act
2003, (Act 663) as amended Public Procurement (Amendment) Act 2016, (Act 914);
 Must be familiar with the Ghana Integrated Financial Management Information
System (GIFMIS);
 Must be familiar with the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2008 (Act 749), (as amended);
 Experience in managing corporate finances and familiarity with Accounting for Non
Accounting Managers;
 Familiarity with International Financial Institutions’ Procurement Guidelines and
 Proficiency in relevant computer applications;
 Strong strategic planning, implementation and evaluation skills;
 Proficiency in multiple languages.


 Strategic and Project Management;
 Corporate Governance
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;

 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds.
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.


JOB TITLE: Deputy Registrar of Companies
JOB GRADE: Chief State Attorney
REPORTS TO: Registrar of Companies
SUPERVISES: Head of Legal Affairs Unit, Director of Companies Registration Department,
Director of Partnerships, Professional Bodies Registration Department, Director of Business
Names Registration Department, Director of Insolvency and Liquidations Service
Department, Director of Inspections Department, Director of Customer Management
Department, Director of Document Management Department, Regional Offices.
JOB PURPOSE: To provide strategic leadership, technical and administrative direction for
the achievement of the mandate of the ORC in the Business registration, Insolvency,
Liquidations, Inspections and Client services providing area.

 Provides assistance to the Registrar of Companies by coordinating the day-to-day
activities of all the Business Registration Services Divisions of the Office to ensure
effective workflow;
 Initiates action for formulation and implementation of policies and programmes of
the ORC towards the achievement of the mandate of the Office;
 Ensures the provision of inputs for the formulation and implementation of policies
and programs;
 Provides technical advice on strategic issues of the Department and implements the
decisions taken by the Management of the ORC;
 Represents the Attorney-General in civil matters involving companies;
 Registers Companies, Business names, Partnerships, Sole Proprietorships, External
Companies, Professional Bodies in accordance with relevant enactments;
 Performs the functions of an Official Liquidator in accordance relevant enactment
 Represents the Attorney-General on statutory bodies;
 Acts on behalf of the Registrar of Companies in his/her absence;
 Chairs some committees of the Office and participates in the Office’s decision-
making and governance;
 Supervises the preparation and submission of annual and other periodic reports to
the sector Ministry with the approval from the Registrar of Companies;
 Ensures the implementation of the performance management policy of the Office in
consultation with the Registrar of Companies;
 Contributes to sector-wide planning and strategic development, and departmental
level strategic planning;
 Makes presentations at national and international conferences and similar events on
behalf of the ORC, in consultation with the Registrar of Companies.


 A minimum of Masters Degree in Law awarded by a recognized tertiary institution;
 A Professional Law Qualification, Barrister-at-Law (BL), awarded by a reputable
tertiary institution;
 A minimum of fifteen (15) years’ post-call relevant working experience as a legal
practitioner/solicitor/barrister, including at least ten (10) years’ experience in
registration and administration of companies, insolvency and all other legislation
pertaining to the ORC;

 Knowledge and skills in public administration and demonstrable leadership ability;
 Superior organizational, analytical and multitasking skills;

 Outstanding interpersonal and communication skills;
 Negotiation and influencing skills;
 Lobbying, advocacy and networking skills;
 Conflict Management/Resolution skills;
 Strong strategic planning, implementation and evaluation skills;
 Proficiency in relevant computer applications;
 Extensive working knowledge of Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)
 Expert knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151); Professional of Bodies
Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015);
 Must be familiar with the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2008 (Act 749), (as amended);
 Good knowledge of Project Management.


 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds.
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.


JOB TITLE: Deputy Registrar of Companies
JOB GRADE: Chief State Attorney
REPORTS TO: Registrar of Companies
SUPERVISES: Director of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Department, Director of
Administration Management Department, Director of Finance Department, Director of
Human Resources Management Department, Director of Information and Communication
Technology Department, Head of Procurement Management Unit.
JOB PURPOSE: To provide strategic leadership, technical and administrative direction for
the achievement of the mandate of the ORC.

 Provides assistance to the Registrar of Companies by coordinating the day-to-day
activities of all Support Services Divisions of the Office to ensure effective workflow;
 Initiates action for formulation and implementation of policies and programmes of
the ORC towards the achievement of the mandate of the Office;
 Ensures the provision of inputs for the formulation and implementation of policies
and programs;
 Exercises oversight responsibility for the efficient and effective management of the
resources (human, material and financial) of the Office;
 Provides technical advice on strategic issues of the ORC and implements the
decisions taken by the Management of the Office;
 Represents the Attorney-General on statutory bodies;
 Liaises between the ORC and Management of MDAs and MMDAs to provide information
and feedback to the Registrar of Companies for further action;
 Chairs some committees of the Office and participates in the Office’s decision-
making and governance;

 Supervises the preparation and submission of annual and other periodic reports to
the sector Ministry with the approval from the Registrar of Companies;
 Ensures the implementation of the performance management policy of the Office in
consultation with the Registrar of Companies;
 Contributes to sector-wide planning and strategic development, and departmental
level strategic planning;
 Makes presentations at national and international conferences and similar events on
behalf of the ORC, in consultation with the Registrar of Companies.


 A minimum of Master’s Degree awarded by a recognized tertiary institution in any of
the following fields: Business Management, Finance, Economics, Social Sciences,
Human Recources or other related disciplines;
 A minimum of fifteen (15) years of operations management, administrative or
supervisory experience.

 Knowledge and skills in public administration and demonstrable leadership ability;
 Superior organizational, analytical and multitasking skills;
 Outstanding interpersonal and communication skills;
 Negotiation and influencing skills;
 Lobbying, advocacy and networking skills;
 Conflict Management/Resolution skills;
 Strong strategic planning, implementation and evaluation skills;
 Proficiency in relevant computer applications;
 Extensive working knowledge of all the Public Financial Management Laws and
 Expert knowledge of Banks and Specialized Deposit-Taking Institutions Act, 2016 (Act
 Must be familiar with the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2008 (Act 749), (as amended);
 Experience in managing corporate finances and familiarity with Accounting for Non
Accounting Managers;
 In-depth knowledge of the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistle-blower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Familiarity with International Financial Institutions’ Procurement Guidelines and
 Good knowledge of Project Management.


 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Board Secretary
JOB GRADE: Principal State Attorney

JOB PURPOSE: The Board Secretary is not a support function. It is a Legal/governance
support function. The scope of the Board Secretary’s function is to provide legal services,
executive assistance and coordination, drafting and document management, report writing
and s services to the Board. The role of the Secretary includes organizing and supporting
Board and Committee meetings, advising the Board on governance matters and ensuring that
the organization meets all legal and regulatory requirements. The Secretary, a principal
state attorney by profession, is also required to ensure proper records of Board Minutes and
decisions so action can be taken.

 Organizing and supporting Board and Committee meetings;
 Advising the Board on governance matters and ensuring that the organization meets
all legal and regulatory requirements.
 Maintaining accurate records of meetings, including minutes and action items
 Providing support to the Board through organization of meetings, including setting
agendas, distributing meeting materials, taking minutes, making sure that proper
procedures are followed, and recording votes
 Coordinating with auditors, attorneys, and other professionals to ensure compliance
with legal and ethical standards
 Reviewing and editing meeting agendas and materials to ensure that they conform to
established rules and regulations
 Coordinating with management to ensure compliance with government regulations
regarding open meetings and other requirements
 Preparing meeting agendas, taking minutes at meetings, and recording votes
 Coordinating with staff to ensure that meetings are well planned and productive,
including arranging for speakers or other event presenters
 Preparing reports summarizing proceedings at Board meetings and presenting them
to the board

 Within the limits set by the Chairman of the Board and the Registrar of Companies.


 A minimum of Masters Degree in Law awarded by a recognized tertiary institution;
 A Professional Law Qualification, Barrister-at-Law (BL), awarded by a reputable
tertiary institution;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years’ post-call relevant working experience as a legal
practitioner/solicitor/barrister, including at least ten (10) years’ experience in
registration and administration of companies, insolvency and all other legislation
pertaining to the ORC;

 Knowledge and skills in public administration and demonstrable leadership ability;
 Superior organizational, analytical and multitasking skills;
 Outstanding interpersonal and communication skills;
 Negotiation and influencing skills;
 Lobbying, advocacy and networking skills;
 Conflict Management/Resolution skills;
 Strong strategic planning, implementation and evaluation skills;
 Proficiency in relevant computer applications;
 Extensive working knowledge of Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)

 Expert knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151); Professional of Bodies
Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015);
 Must be familiar with the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2008 (Act 749), (as amended);
 Good knowledge of Project Management.


 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds.
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.



JOB TITLE: Principal Executive Officer
JOB GRADE: Principal Executive Officer
REPORTS TO: Registrar of Companies
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Secretariat of the
Registrar of Companies.

 Draws up appointments for the Registrar of Companies;
 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents such as
agreements and contracts;
 Ensures safe keeping of confidential files and documents of the Registrar of
 Receives and attends to the Registrar’s of Companies official visitors and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the Registrar of Companies and ensures that only calls
which require urgent attention reach the Registrar of Companies;
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Types speeches and letters for consideration of the Registrar of Companies;
 Writes and/or sends reminders to the Registrar of Companies on appointments;
 Ensures that office equipment is kept clean and in good working order; and
 Performs any other incidental and job-related duties as directed by the Registrar of

 Within the limits set by the Registrar of Companies for effective delivery of
administrative and secretarial support services for the smooth running of the
Registrar’s of Companies Secretariat.


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
School (GSS);

 A bachelor’s degree in Secretaryship or a Higher National Diploma (HND), preferably,
in Secretaryship and Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a
recognized university or an equivalent professional qualification with a strong office
management experience would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of nine (9) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.

 Nil

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.


JOB TITLE: Senior Executive Officer
JOB GRADE: Senior Executive Officer
REPORTS TO: Deputy Registrar of Companies – Operational Services
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Secretariat of the
Deputy Registrar of Companies - Operational Services.

 Draws up appointments for the Deputy Registrar of Companies – Operational Services;
 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents such as
agreements and contracts;
 Ensures safe-keeping of confidential files and documents of the Deputy Registrar of
Companies - Operational Services;
 Receives and attends to the Deputy Registrar of Companies - Operational Services
official visitors and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the Deputy Registrar of Companies - Operational Services
and ensures that only calls which require urgent attention reach the Deputy Registrar
of Companies - Operational Services;
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Types speeches and letters for consideration of the Deputy Registrar of Companies -
Operational Services;
 Writes and/or sends reminders to the Deputy Registrar of Companies - Operational
Services on appointments;

 Ensures that office equipment is kept clean and in good working order; and
 Performs any other incidental and job-related duties as directed by the Deputy
Registrar of Companies - Operational Services.

 Within the limits set by the Deputy Registrar of Companies - Operational Services for
effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services for the smooth
running of the Registrar’s of Companies Secretariat.


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
School (GSS);
 A bachelor’s degree in Secretaryship or a Higher National Diploma (HND), preferably,
in Secretaryship and Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a
recognized university or an equivalent professional qualification with a strong office
management experience would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.

 Nil

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.


JOB TITLE: Senior Executive Officer
JOB GRADE: Senior Executive Officer
REPORTS TO: Deputy Registrar of Companies - Support Services
ASSOCIATES: Private Assistants and Analogous Grades within the Public Service
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Secretariat of the
Deputy Registrar of Companies - Support Services.

 Draws up appointments for the Deputy Registrar of Companies - Support Services;
 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents such as
agreements and contracts;

 Ensures safe-keeping of confidential files and documents of the Deputy Registrar of
Companies - Support Services;
 Receives and attends to the Deputy Registrar of Companies - Support Services l
official visitors and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the Deputy Registrar of Companies - Support Services and
ensures that only calls which require urgent attention reach the Deputy Registrar of
Companies - Support Services;
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Types speeches and letters for consideration of the Deputy Registrar of Companies -
Support Services;
 Writes and/or sends reminders to the Deputy Registrar of Companies - Support
Services on appointments;
 Ensures that office equipment is kept clean and in good working order; and
 Performs any other incidental and job-related duties as directed by the Deputy
Registrar of Companies - Support Services.

 Within the limits set by the Deputy Registrar of Companies - Support Services for
effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services for the smooth
running of the Registrar’s of Companies Secretariat.


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
School (GSS);
 A Bachelor’s Degree in Secretaryship or a Higher National Diploma (HND), preferably,
in Secretaryship and Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a
recognized university or an equivalent professional qualification with a strong office
management experience would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.

 Nil

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.



JOB TITLE: Head of Corporate Affairs Unit
JOB GRADE: Principal Information Officer
REPORTS TO: Registrar of Companies.
SUPERVISES: Senior Corporate Communication Officer, Principal Research Officer, Senior
Protocol Officer, Senior Market Research Officer, Information Officer, Assistant Information
JOB PURPOSE: To lead the provision of operational and support for the achievement of the
objectives of the Corporate Affairs Unit.

 Initiates implementation of strategic communication, internal communication, public
relations, public information, stakeholder analysis and engagement, plans in
accordance with the Strategic Plan of the ORC;
 Ensures systematic planning, organization, production, and dissemination of the
Companies Bulletin.
 Exercises administrative oversight responsibility for efficient management of the
resources (human, material and financial) of the Corporate Affairs Unit;
 Designs and implements communication strategy for the ORC with approval from the
Registrar of Companies;
 Plans and manages the external and internal communications and information
functions and ensures the quality of publicity;
 Facilitates the production of publicity brochures, handouts, direct mail leaflets and
email marketing, promotional videos, photographs and Annual Reports of the ORC;
 Initiates periodic surveys to assess the effectiveness of ORC’s communication
activities as well as to identify new markets;
 Liaises with the ICT Department to set up and maintain an active database on
stakeholders that must be regularly informed on the ORC’s activities;
 Ensures positive reputation and relationships with the media and other identifiable
stakeholders and respond to their enquires;
 Provide technical and intellectual support in the management of various partnerships
relevant for the ORC;
 Welcome and usher guests during official ceremonies and functions, i.e. VIPs, guests
to the Registrar of Companies and Directors according to the international protocol
 Assist in the coordination of protocol matters for efficient diplomatic engagement
with Embassies and High Commissions
 Plans and supervises the Corporate Affairs Unit’s work assignments and identifies
training needs of the Unit’s staff in consultation with the Registrar of Companies;
 Oversees the preparation and submission of the annual and periodic reports of the
 Initiates the writing of press releases and articles as well as ensures that relevant
press cuttings receive the Registrar’s of Companies attention on regular basis;
 Coordinates the organization of the ORC’s events;
 Serves as point of contact of media enquiries;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other RGD staff during temporary
periods of absence and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent level of
responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Registrar of Companies.

 Within the limits set by the Deputy Registrar of Companies.


 A minimum of Masters Degree in Public Relations, External Relations, Corporate
Relations, Communication Studies, Marketing, Journalism, or a related discipline
awarded by a recognized tertiary institution;
 Must be a Level II (2) Certificate holder of the Institute of Public Relations (Ghana) or
related discipline from a recognized institution; and
 An Accredited Public Relations (APR) Practitioner of Institute of Public Relations
(Ghana) or an equivalent recognized professional body;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years post qualification relevant work experience in Public
Relations/Corporate Communication practice in a reputable organization.

 In-depth knowledge and experience of the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act
989); The Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720), core constitutional provisions and
media related laws in Ghana;
 Familiarity with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses and
entities in Ghana;
 Must be familiar with Registration Procedures and Processes;
 Must be familiar with all the Public Financial Management Acts and Regulations;
 Strong understanding of public relations and communication principles;
 Skills and knowledge and experience in the design and execution of public relations
and communication programmes and content development;
 Communication skills, particularly oral, with the ability to synthesize issues and
convey ideas succinctly and with clarity, relying on multimedia tools and apps;
 Event Management skills;
 Experience in writing press releases with presentation and negotiation skills;
 Human and Public Relations skills; Information Analysis and Management skills;
 Conflict Management/Resolution and lobbying skills;
 Knowledge of project and programmes management;
 Ability to work in multi-cultural and multi-ethnic environment with sensitivity and
respect for diversity;
 Ability to operate the Microsoft Office suite, Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, illustrator
programmes, relevant Video Editing Software using relevant software programmes.


 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.


JOB TITLE: Senior Information Officer
JOB GRADE: Senior Information Officer
REPORTS TO: Head of Corporate Affairs Unit
SUPERVISES: Information Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To lead the provision of operational and administrative support for the
achievement of the objectives of the Corporate Affairs Unit.

 Initiates implementation of public relations plans in accordance with the Strategic
Plan of the ORC;
 Co-ordinates the implementation of the communication strategy of the Office;
 Co-ordinates the planning of public education and its related activities in line with
the Communication Strategy for the Office;
 Undertakes periodic surveys to assess the effectiveness of the ORC’s communication
 Evaluates and prepares preliminary field survey reports;
 Provides inputs for the production of publicity brochures, handouts, direct mail
leaflets, promotional videos, photographs and annual reports;
 Prepares press releases, in-house newsletters, speeches and articles;
 Supports and monitors the planning and implementation of Corporate
Communications campaigns;
 Monitors contents and extent of coverage of Department’s activities in the media and
recommend appropriate action;
 Facilitates the celebration of the ORC’s national and international events in under
the supervision of Senior Information Officer;
 Co-ordinates work assignments for the Corporate Affairs Unit Staff and reports
 Initiates draft speeches of the Office and facilitates regular staff durbars;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other ORC staff during temporary
periods of absence and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent level of
responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Registrar of Companies.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Corporate Affairs Unit.


 A minimum of Bachelor’s Degree in Public Relations, Communication Studies,
Journalism, or a related discipline awarded by a recognized tertiary institution;
 Must be a Level I Certificate holder of the Institute of Public Relations (Ghana) or
related discipline from a recognized institution; and
 An Associate of the Institute of Public Relations (Ghana) or an equivalent recognized
professional body;
 A minimum of nine (9) years post qualification relevant work experience in Public
Relations practice in a reputable organization.

 In-depth knowledge and experience of the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act
989); The Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720), core constitutional provisions and
media related laws in Ghana;
 Familiarity with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses and
entities in Ghana;
 Must be familiar with Registration Procedures and Processes;
 Must be familiar with all the Public Financial Management Acts and Regulations;
 Strong understanding of public relations and communication principles;
 Skills and knowledge and experience in the design and execution of public relations
and communication programmes;
 Communication skills, particularly oral, with the ability to synthesize issues and
convey ideas succinctly and with clarity;
 Event Management skills;
 Experience in writing press releases with presentation and negotiation skills;
 Creative, analytical and strategic management skills;
 Leadership, mentoring and management skills;

 Human and Public Relations skills;
 Information Analysis and Management skills;
 Conflict Management/Resolution and lobbying skills;
 Knowledge of project and programmes management;
 Ability to work in multi-cultural and multi-ethnic environment with sensitivity and
respect for diversity;
 Ability to operate the Microsoft Office suite, Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, illustrator
programmes, relevant Video Editing Software using relevant software programmes.

By promotion to the grade of Principal Information Officer, Senior Information Officer is a
subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal Information Officer.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Information Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Computing and Administration;
 Communication and Public Relations.

JOB TITLE: Information Officer
JOB GRADE: Information Officer
REPORTS TO: Senior Information Officer
SUPERVISES: Assistant Information Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To provide operational and administrative support for the achievement of the
objectives of the Corporate Affairs Unit.

 Drafts press releases, brochures, newsletters, speeches and correspondence and
leads the dissemination of internal correspondence;
 Arranges for the delivery of daily newspapers and periodicals, and distribution to
eligible officers of the Department;
 Leads Field Assistant Teams to administer research questionnaires;
 Collates data for the development and publication of public awareness materials;
 Collects and collates data for the preparation of periodic and annual
 Collates and evaluates research questionnaires and provides draft evaluation reports;
 Collates data for the carrying of communications audit;
 Performs regular media monitoring and provides coding reports;
 Performs regular website update;
 Liaises with the media and provides report to supervisor;
 Leads event management teams;
 Collates quotations and other service providers for public relations functions;
 Monitors media advert placements and provides report to the Finance Division;
 Keeps the Marketing and Corporate Communication Unit Inventory;
 Keeps re-order level for the Marketing and Corporate Communications Unit stocks;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other ORC staff during temporary
periods of absence and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent level of
responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Registrar of Companies.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Corporate Affairs Unit.


 A minimum of Bachelors Degree in Public Relations, Journalism, Communication
Studies/Marketing, or relevant field awarded a recognized tertiary institution;
 Must be a Level I Certificate holder of the Institute of Public Relations (Ghana) or
related discipline from a recognized institution; and
 An Associate of the Institute of Public Relations (Ghana) or an equivalent recognized
professional body;
 A minimum of six (6) years post qualification relevant work experience in Public
Relations practice in a reputable organization.

 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989); The Whistle-
blower Act, 2006 (Act 720), core constitutional provisions and media related laws in
 Good knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses and
entities in Ghana;
 Must be familiar with Registration Procedures and Processes;
 Quantitative and analytical skills;
 Familiarity with the operations and management of the Department;
 Strong understanding of public relations and communication principles;
 Event management skills;
 Experience in writing press releases with presentation and negotiation skills;
 Human and Public Relations skills;
 Information Analysis and Management skills;
 Knowledge of Media practices;
 Conflict Management skills;
 Ability to operate the Microsoft Office suite, Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, illustrator
programmes, relevant video editing Software using relevant software programs;
Photography skills with ability to operate digital and video camera.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Information Officer, Information Officer is a subject to
the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Information Officer.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Information Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Computing and Administration;
 Communication and Public Relations.


JOB TITLE: Senior (Statistics and Market) Research Officer
JOB GRADE: SeniorResearch Officer
REPORTS TO: Head of Corporate Affairs Unit
JOB PURPOSE: Performing various marketing research, collecting and analyzing data,
maintaining databases and presentation of analyzed data before the corporate
communication team. To identify opportunities and trends in the statistical data, forecast

upcoming trends and pricing, and also measure the effectiveness of current marketing
campaigns using statistical information with the view to offer insights and recommendations
on the current and future campaigns and communicating to responsible parties about what
needs to be improved based on stakeholder and customer feedback.

 Performing vivid and reliable market research, SWOT analysis of the company and of
peers in the market.
 Develop methods for data collection through surveys, questionnaires, opinion polls,
etc. and identify sample and target audience for these data collection
 Perform analysis on the data collected using modern and traditional methods and
highlight the key focus areas for the marketing team.
 Recommend improvements in the current marketing campaigns on the basis of
primary research findings
 Keep abreast with ongoing market trends, previous trends and its impact on the
 Forecast upcoming trends in the market segment and communicate trends to the
team for requisite response
 Measure the effectiveness of current marketing campaigns, advertisements, etc.
 Compiling customer preferences and behavior, recommending improvements in the
current methods to the respective teams
 Use intelligence tools to monitor current customers and tap into potential untapped
customer segments
 Conduct research on pricing in target market and its correlation with various
economic events.
 Prior job experience in marketing research, statistical analysis or in related fields
 Good understanding of Search Engine Optimization, marketing databases, email and
social media marketing
 Prior experience with Tableau or any other data visualization tools.
 Working knowledge of data warehousing and mining, CRM software and statistical
 packages and databases.

 Within the limits determined by the ROC and Head of Corporate Affairs Unit.


 A minimum of a Mastors r’s degree in Marketing, Business, Communications or other
related fields
 A minimum of six (6) year post qualification relevant work experience in Public
Relations practice in a reputable organization;
 At least four year conducting market research and business analytics for a large

 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989); The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720), core constitutional provisions and media related
laws in Ghana;
 Good knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses and
entities in Ghana;
 Must be familiar with Registration Procedures and Processes;
 Quantitative and analytical skills;
 Familiarity with the operations and management of the Department;
 Strong understanding of public relations and communication principles;
 Ability to match up with fast paced work life;
 Excellent IT skills;
 Proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite, especially Excel, PowerPoint and Access;

 Goal oriented and customer oriented;
 Multi-project management skills, adhering to timelines and performing under
pressure to achieve the targets;
 Ability to attention to detail along with a strong analytical mind;
 Developed written and verbal communication skills as well as organizational skills;
 Good analytical skills to notice patterns and trends in statistical data;
 Ability to search for opportunities in marketing data and identify emerging trends;
 Flexibility and willingness to learn new skills;
 Experience in conducting marketing research with data analytics software;
 Analysis and presentation of market data using charts
 Good interpersonal skills to ensure smooth coordination between various parties and
relationship building skills to develop positive relations with clients
 Familiarity with new and existing data collection and visualization software
 Ability to coordinate and execute tasks with marketing executives;
 Familiar with control management systems and customer relationship management;
 Software Project management and Reporting;
 Master of soft skills such as effective communication, conflict management,
negotiation, listening, critical thinking, resourcefulness and emotional intelligence.

 Nil

 Project Management;
 Analysis performance methods
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public, Private Administration;
 Computing and Administration;
 Communication and Public Relations.

JOB TITLE: Senior Statistician
JOB GRADE: Senior Statistician
REPORTS TO: Head of Corporate Affairs Unit
JOB PURPOSE: To provide operational and administrative support for the achievement of the
objectives of the Corporate Affairs Unit.

 Collect, compile, analyse and disseminate data
 Prepare draft monthly, quarterly and annual statistical reports and update statistical
 Respond to data request by the client/public
 Supervise the collection of data in the field
 Ensures development of the capabilities, skills and knowledge of staff
 Working knowledge of data warehousing and mining, CRM software and statistical
packages and databases.
 Appraise direct report; and
 Undertake any other duty that may be assigned

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Corporate Affairs Unit.


 Bachelor’s degree in Economics, Statistics, Mathematics, Sociology, Planning and
related fields.

 Minimum of p years of progressive working experience in the Local Government
Service or a comparable Public Sector organization; and
 Member of a recognized professional body.

 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989); The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720), core constitutional provisions and media related
laws in Ghana;
 Good knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses and
entities in Ghana;
 Must be familiar with Registration Procedures and Processes;
 Quantitative and analytical skills;
 Familiarity with the operations and management of the Department;
 Strong understanding of public relations and communication principles;
 Ability to match up with fast paced work life;
 Excellent IT skills;
 Proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite, especially Excel, PowerPoint and Access;
 Goal oriented and customer oriented;
 Multi-project management skills, adhering to timelines and performing under
pressure to achieve the targets;
 Ability to attention to detail along with a strong analytical mind;
 Developed written and verbal communication skills as well as organizational skills;
 Good analytical skills to notice patterns and trends in statistical data;
 Ability to search for opportunities in marketing data and identify emerging trends;
 Flexibility and willingness to learn new skills;
 Experience in conducting marketing research with data analytics software;
 Analysis and presentation of market data using charts
 Good interpersonal skills to ensure smooth coordination between various parties and
relationship building skills to develop positive relations with clients
 Familiarity with new and existing data collection and visualization software
 Ability to coordinate and execute tasks with marketing executives;
 Familiar with control management systems and customer relationship management;
 Software Project management and Reporting;
 Master of soft skills such as effective communication, conflict management,
negotiation, listening, critical thinking, resourcefulness and emotional intelligence.

 Nil

o Continuous Professional Development in Statistics
 Management and Leadership skills
 Advocacy and Communication
o Financial, Procurement, Budgeting and Auditing Regulations
o Monitoring and Evaluation
o Records Management
o ICT (Data Management and Analysis)
o Course in Local Government Administration

JOB TITLE: Statistician
JOB GRADE: Statistician
REPORTS TO: Senior Statistician
JOB PURPOSE: To provide operational and administrative support for the achievement of the
objectives of the Corporate Affairs Unit.

 Participate in the collection, compilation, processing and ensure efficient analysis of
 for publication;
 Draft monthly, quarterly and annual reports and update statistical
 Respond to data request by the client/public;
 Participate in the development of data collection instruments;
 Management the Department’s database;
 Ensures development of the capabilities, skills and knowledge of staff;
 Appraise direct report; and
 Undertake any other duty that may be assigned.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Corporate Affairs Unit.


 Bachelor’s degree in Economics, Statistics, Mathematics, Sociology, Planning or
relevant discipline.
 Minimum of 6 years of progressive working experience in the Local Government
Service or a comparable Public Sector organization
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989); The Whistle-
blower Act, 2006 (Act 720), core constitutional provisions and media related laws in
 Good knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses and
entities in Ghana;
 Must be familiar with Registration Procedures and Processes;
 Quantitative and analytical skills;
 Familiarity with the operations and management of the Department;
 Strong understanding of public relations and communication principles;
 Event management skills;
 Experience in writing press releases with presentation and negotiation skills;
 Human and Public Relations skills;
 Information Analysis and Management skills;
 Knowledge of Media practices;
 Conflict Management skills;
 Ability to operate the Microsoft Office suite, Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, illustrator
programmes, relevant video editing Software using relevant software programs;
Photography skills with ability to operate digital and video camera.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Statistician, Statistician is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Statistician.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Statistician.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Continuous Professional Development in Statistics
 Management and Leadership
 Strategic Planning Course
 Communication and Advocacy
 Records Management
 ICT (Data Management and Analysis)

JOB TITLE: Senior Protocol Officer
JOB GRADE: Senior Protocol Officer
REPORTS TO: Head of Corporate Affairs Unit
JOB PURPOSE: to provide operational assistance in ensuring efficient, responsive and
sustainable protocol for the ORC

 Ensure protocol arrangements for ORC guests, partners are provided in a
standardized way;
 Research and maintain current knowledge of developments in protocols and best
practice event management in order to ensure the delivery of official activities.
 Undertake research and prepare event briefs, information and related documents for
external visits,
 ceremonies and other occasions to ensure the Governor is fully apprised of all
relevant issues.
 Advising all departments on protocol issues;
 Provide protocol advise and respond to queries on protocol issues such as
honorifics/titles, salutations, VIP ranking, seating arrangements, gift exchanges and
invitation letters;
 Prepares protocol plan for ORC events and ensured its implementation;
 Actively engaging with member governments and other governmental institutions to
achieve institutional arrangement on the entitlement of the ORC and helping manage
the shareholder database;
 Maintain records of meetings, phone calls, and other communications between the
agency and foreign officials
 Manage security operations during high-level diplomatic visits, such as arranging for
security personnel, equipment, and facilities;
 Liaise with relevant institutions on matters of security and escorts.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Corporate Affairs Unit.


 A Masters` degree in a social science, psychology, criminology, law, security,
diplomacy or other related field;
 At least nine (9) years of work experience, include shadowing current protocol
officers and performing duties under supervision.

 Communication skills.
 Attention to details, including sensitive information.
 Ability to read and interpret information accurately and thoroughly.
 Analytical skills.
 Problem-solving skills for ensuring that all procedures are followed correctly and that
all protocols are in place.
 Ability to work under pressure.
 High level of commitment.
 High level of integrity and ability to maintain confidentiality at all times;

 Nil

Diplomacy and Protocol Masterclass

Public Administration or Management;
Management Development Training Programmes;
Conflict Resolution;
Negotiations management.


JOB TITLE: Assistant Information Officer
JOB GRADE: Assistant Information Officer
REPORTS TO: Information Officer
FUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS: Analogous Grades within the ORC
ASSOCIATES: Assistant Information Officers and Analogous Grades within the Public Service
and the Media Houses
JOB PURPOSE: To provide frontline operational support for the administration of Corporate
Affairs Unit.

 Undertakes proper storage of information, written articles, and items of interest,
including an appropriate cross-conference system for easy access and retrieval;
 Collects and assembles reference materials, research documents etc. for use in
publication and press statements;
 Takes delivery of newspaper supplies to the Office;
 Ensures that newspapers and periodicals are properly distributed to designated
 Keeps record of newspapers and periodical receipts and distributions;
 Files all newspapers and periodicals appropriately;
 Assists with all protocol duties;
 Makes adequate arrangements for all the ORC’s events;
 Undertakes newspaper cuttings daily;
 Drafts press releases and handouts;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other RGD staff during temporary
periods of absence and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent level of
responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Registrar of Companies.

 Within the limits determined by the head of Corporate Affairs unit.


 A minimum of Bachelor’s Degree in Public Relations, Journalism, Communication
Studies, or relevant field awarded by a recognized tertiary institution;
 Must be a Level I Certificate holder of the Institute of Public Relations (Ghana) or
related discipline from a recognized institution; and
 A minimum of one (1) year post qualification relevant work experience in Public
Relations practice in a reputable organization;
 Must have completed the statutory National Service.

 Communication and report writing skills;
 Knowledge of the relevant media relations laws;
 Quantitative and analytical skills;
 Interpersonal skills;
 Report writing and presentation skills;
 Public Relations Management skills;
 Information Analysis and Management skills;
 Knowledge of Media practices;
 Computer literacy skills.

 Knowledge of basic French Language and other foreign languages;
 Photography skills with ability to operate digital and video camera.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Information Officer, Assistant Information Officer is a
subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Information Officer.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Information Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Computing and Administration;
 Communication and Public Relations.



JOB TITLE: Head of Internal Audit, Risk and Investigations Unit
JOB GRADE: Chief Internal Auditor
REPORTS TO: Registrar of Companies (indirectly) and The Board (directly)
SUPERVISES: Principal Internal Auditor, Senior Internal Auditor, Internal Auditor, Assistant
Internal Auditor, Internal Auditor Trainee
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical and operational support for the efficient and effective
performance risk management controls and governance processes in the ORC.

 Supervises and co-ordinates internal audit programmes of the ORC’s accounting and
financial operations;
 Supervises examination and analysis of records to ensure the effectiveness of
accounting and managerial controls in accordance with applicable laws and
established policies and procedures of the ORC;
 Reviews compliance with policies, procedures and regulations at the ORC;
 Ascertains the extent to which the ORC’s assets are accounted for and safeguarded
from losses;
 Examines all payment vouchers submitted to the Finance Department and ensures
that procedures and required supporting documents have been attached;
 Identifies activities subject to audit coverage, evaluates their significance and
assesses the degree of risk inherent in the activities in terms of cost, schedule, and
 Monitors work performance for accuracy and completeness to ensure compliance
with established objectives of the ORC;
 Ensures the execution of audit assignments and continuously develops and tests
systems and procedures in executing the audit;
 Reviews the ORC’s procedures, records and management data for their adequacy and
reliability to accomplish intended objectives;
 Undertakes assurance engagements and investigation of records of the ORC.
 Authorizes the publication of reports on the results of audit examinations, including
recommendations for improvements;
 Appraises the adequacy of corrective action taken by Management and prepare
 Co-ordinates the total auditing of internal and external auditors in the interest of
minimizing duplication of efforts;

 Provides the Registrar of Companies with reports on the results of audit activities;
 Leads in the preparation of an Annual Work Plan for the Internal Audit Unit to be
approved by the Registrar of Companies;
 Provides a detailed report of all internal auditing activities including a comparison of
actual work performed to planned, to the Registrar-General and Audit Committee
within thirty (30) days after the end of each quarter;
 Directs the design and implementation of appropriate training programmes for staff
in the Internal Audit, Risk and Investigations Unit;
 Submits annual report on the performance of the Internal Audit, Risk and
Investigations Unit;
 Collates and submits performance reports to the Internal Audit Agency every quarter;
 Coaches, mentors and provides on-the-job training to subordinates;
 Performs special reviews as requested by the Registrar of Companies;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Registrar of

 Within the limits determined by the Registrar of Companies.


 Must be a Chartered Internal Auditor (CIA) or a Chartered Accountant;
 An additional academic qualification of Master of Science (MSc) degree or Master of
Business Administration (MBA) in Auditing, Finance, Accounting or a related discipline
awarded by a recognized tertiary institution required;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of one of the following professional
bodies/institutes: Chartered Institute of Taxation, Ghana (CITG), Association of
Certified Accountants (ACCA), Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ghana (ICAG),
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), Certified Public Accountants
(CPA), Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA),
or/and equivalent recognized professional institute/body;
 A minimum of fifteen (15) years post qualification relevant work experience in a
reputable public or private sector organization, ten (10) years of which must be at a
Senior Management position in the Public Service.

 Leadership, networking and management skills;
 Mentoring and coaching skills;
 Must have extensive working knowledge of the following Public Financial
Management Acts and Regulations: Public Financial Management Act (PFMA), 2016
(Act 921) and PFM Regulations, 2019 (L.I 2378); Ghana Revenue Authority Act
(GRAA), 2015 (Act 896); Audit Service Act, 2000 (Act 584); Internal Audit Agency Act,
2003 (Act658) and Public Procurement Act 2003, (Act 663) as amended by Public
Procurement (Amendment) Act 2016, (Act 914);
 Expert knowledge of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards
(IPSAS);Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of
businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Expert knowledge of the Ghana Integrated Financial Management Information System
 Must be familiar with International Financial Institutions’ Procurement Guidelines
and Procedures;
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistle-blower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Must be familiar with International Financial Institutions’ Procurement Guidelines
and Procedures;

 Communication, interpersonal and presentation skills;
 Conversant with major accounting software;
 Negotiation, lobbying and conflict management skills;
 Capacity to inspire and motivate;
 Governance and Policy Management;
 Relevant I.T applications;
 Team Building;
 Knowledge of Project Management;
 Performance Management skills.

 Nil.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication;
 Courses in Contract Management;
 Public Financial Administration and Procurement Management;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.


JOB TITLE: Principal Internal Auditor
JOB GRADE: Principal Internal Auditor
REPORTS TO: Head of the Internal Audit, Risk and Investigations Unit
SUPERVISES: Senior Internal Auditor, Internal Auditor, Assistant Internal Auditor, Internal
Auditor Trainee
JOB PURPOSE: To support the Head of Internal Audit, Risk and Investigations Unit to
evaluate management and improve the effectiveness of risk controls and governance
processes for the ORC.

 Conducts operations and functional audit in the ORC;
 Conducts, coordinates and prepares timely and accurate Internal Audit Reports of
the ORC for the Assistant Director (Internal Audit, Risk and Investigations Unit) to
review and onward submissions to the Internal Audit Agency;
 Assesses the internal control system of the ORC to ensure that satisfactory and
professional regulations are complied with;
 Guards and keeps confidential audit evidence;
 Coordinates and liaises with external auditors and other regulatory authorities in
consultation with Assistant Director (Internal Audit, Risk and Investigations Unit);
 Prepares and updates audit programs;
 Reviews working papers of subordinate staff;
 Leads in the collation of audit findings and preparation of internal audit reports;
 Provides inputs in the training of subordinates in the Internal Audit, Risk and
Investigations Unit of the ORC;
 Provides guidance in the development and review of audit working papers;
 Coaches, mentors and provides on-the-job training to subordinates;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other Senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Assistant Director of
the Internal Audit, Risk and Investigations Unit.


 Within the limits set by the Internal Audit Charter, all the Public Financial
Management Acts and Regulations and by the Assistant Director of the Internal Audit,
Risk and Investigations Unit for effective and efficient execution of audit assignments
and work plans.


 A minimum of a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Business Administration, Commerce,
Accounting or related an equivalent professional qualification awarded by a
recognised tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of one of the following professional
bodies/institutes: CITG, ACCA, ICAG, CIMA, CPA, CIA of the Institute of Internal
Auditors (IIA), or/and equivalent recognized professional institute/body;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years post qualification relevant work experience in a
recognised public or private sector organization.

 Good working knowledge of Auditing Techniques;
 Good working knowledge of all the Public Financial Management Acts and
 Must be familiar with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS),
 Familiarity with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses and
entities in Ghana;
 Good working knowledge of the Ghana Integrated Financial Management Information
System (GIFMIS);
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistle-blower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Must be familiar with registration procedures and processes;
 Good interpersonal and communication skills;
 Report Writing skills;
 Emotional stability and ability to cope with pressure;
 Knowledge of public sector operations.

By promotion to the grade of Chief Internal Auditor, Principal Internal Auditor is a subject to
the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Chief Internal Auditor.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Principal Internal Auditor.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Financial Resource Management;
 Public Sector Accounting;
 Communication;
 Integrity and Ethics.


JOB TITLE: Senior Internal Auditor
JOB GRADE: Senior Internal Auditor
REPORTS TO: Principal Internal Auditor
SUPERVISES: Internal Auditor, Assistant Internal Auditor, Internal Audit Trainee
JOB PURPOSE: To support the Head of Internal Audit, Risk and Investigations Unit to
evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management controls and governance
processes for the ORC.


 Undertakes pre-audit of payment vouchers to ensure all irregularities are detected so
as minimize fraud and errors;
 Undertakes post-audit of accounting books and documents in order to rectify any
errors in posting into accounting books;
 Carries out investigations into any transactions which the jobholder feels dissatisfied
 Reconciles bank statements in order to detect any errors of figures in the accounting
books and records;
 Prepares internal audit reports on the organization and submits recommendations;
 Monitors the implementation of recommendations raised after review of internal
audit reports;
 Undertakes audit assignments in the ORC;
 Assists in the training of staff in the Internal Audit, Risk and Investigations Unit of the
 Supervises the development and implementation of audit control systems in the ORC;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other Senior RGD staff during
temporary periods of absence and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Head of the Unit.

 Within the limits set by the Head of The internal Audit, Risk and Investigation Unit.


 A minimum of Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Business Administration, Commerce,
Accounting or related an equivalent professional qualification awarded by a
recognized tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of one of the following professional
bodies/institutes: CITG, ACCA, ICAG, CIMA, CPA, CIA of the Institute of Internal
Auditors (IIA), or/and equivalent recognized professional institute/body;
 A minimum of nine (9) years post qualification relevant work experience in a
reputable organization.

 Good working knowledge of Auditing Techniques;
 Good working knowledge of all the Public Financial Management Acts and
 Must be familiar with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS),
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Good working knowledge of the Ghana Integrated Financial Management Information
System (GIFMIS);
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistle-blower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Must be familiar with Registration Procedures and Processes;
 Good interpersonal and communication skills;
 Report Writing skills;
 Emotional stability and ability to cope with pressure;
 Knowledge of public sector operations.

By promotion to the grade of Principal Internal Auditor, Senior Internal Auditor is a subject
to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal Internal Auditor.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Senior Internal Auditor.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Financial Resource Management;
 Public Sector Accounting;
 Communication;
 Integrity and Ethics.

JOB TITLE: Internal Auditor,
JOB GRADE: Internal Auditor
REPORTS TO: Senior Internal Auditor
SUPERVISES: Assistant Internal Auditor
JOB PURPOSE: To provide operational support for evaluation and improvement of the
effectiveness of risk management controls and governance processes for the Unit.

 Vouches simple transactions in audit verification assignments and submits findings to
 Collects and analyses financial data and statistics;
 Collates data for the development and implementation of audit control systems in
the ORC.
 Prepares audit working papers for review by supervisor;
 Provides inputs for the preparation of annual and periodic reports.
 Checks incoming goods at the stores and inspects items being issued out;
 Audits stores ledgers and stores vouchers;
 Carries out investigations into any transactions which the jobholder feels dissatisfied
 Reconciles bank statements in order to detect any errors of figures in the accounting
books and records;
 Prepares and submits audit findings to team leader;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Assistant Director of
the Internal Audit, Risk and Investigations Unit.

 Within the limits set by the Internal Audit Charter, all the Public Financial
Management Acts and Regulations and by the Senior Internal Auditor for effective
and efficient execution of audit assignments and work plans.


 A minimum of Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Business Administration, Commerce,
Accounting or related an equivalent professional qualification awarded by a
recognized tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of one of the following professional
bodies/institutes: CITG, ACCA, ICAG, CIMA, CPA, CIA of the Institute of Internal
Auditors (IIA), or/and equivalent recognized professional institute/body;
 A minimum of three (3) years post qualification relevant work experience in a
reputable organization.

 Knowledge of Auditing Techniques;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;

 Good working knowledge of all the Public Financial Management Acts and
 Must be familiar with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS);
 Good working knowledge of the Ghana Integrated Financial Management Information
System (GIFMIS);
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Interpersonal and communication skills;
 Report Writing skills;
 Knowledge of public sector operations.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Internal Auditor, Internal Auditor is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Internal Auditor;
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Internal Auditor;
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Financial Resource Management;
 Public Sector Accounting;
 Communication;
 Integrity and Ethics.


JOB TITLE: Assistant Internal Auditor
JOB GRADE: Assistant Internal Auditor
REPORTS TO: Internal Auditor
SUPERVISES: Internal Audit Trainee
JOB PURPOSE: To provide frontline support for the review of the ORC’s internal controls and
procedures under the guidance of a supervisor.

 Vouches sample transactions in audit verification assignments and submits findings to
 Collects and collates data within the RGD;
 Conducts pre-audit of payment vouchers;
 Test-checks revenue collection;
 Test-checks stores receipts;
 Collects audit evidence;
 Prepares audit working papers for review by supervisor;
 Provides input for the preparation of annual and periodic reports;
 Records proceedings of entry and exit conferences;
 Prepares audit working papers for review by supervisor;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other RGD staff during temporary
periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent level of
responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Internal Auditor.

 Within the limits set by the Internal Audit Charter, all the Public Financial
Management Acts and Regulations and by the Internal Auditor for effective and
efficient execution of audit assignments and work plans.


 A minimum of Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Business Administration, Commerce,
Accounting or related an equivalent professional qualification awarded by a
recognized tertiary institution; OR Part II of a professionally qualification from CIA,
 A minimum of one (1) year post qualification relevant work experience in a
recognized public or private sector organization, including the statutory National

 Knowledge of Auditing Techniques;
 Interpersonal and communication skills;
 Must be a team player;
 Must have good computer skills;
 Report writing skills.

By promotion to the grade of Internal Auditor, Assistant Internal Auditor is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Internal Auditor;
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Assistant Internal Auditor;
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report;
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Financial Resource Management;
 Public Sector Accounting;
 Communication;
 Integrity and Ethics.


JOB TITLE: Internal Auditor Trainee
JOB GRADE: Internal Auditor Trainee
REPORTS TO: Assistant Internal Auditor
JOB PURPOSE: To provide operational support in the conduction of audit assignments.

 Assists the Senior Internal Audit Trainee in the discharge of his duties;
 Assist in the Preparation and maintenance of audit working papers for jobs assigned;
 Assist in Audit assignments;
 Participates in field visits to inspect assets;
 Contribute to the implementation of staff appraisal process; and
 Undertakes any other tasks that may be assigned

 Within the limits set by the Internal Audit Charter, all the Public Financial
Management Acts and Regulations and by the Internal Auditor for effective and
efficient execution of audit assignments and work plans.


 Diploma/HND in Accounting or relevant discipline;
A minimum of one (1) year post qualification relevant work experience in a
recognized public or private sector organization, including the statutory National


 Knowledge of Auditing Techniques;
 Interpersonal and communication skills;
 Must be a team player;
 Must have good computer skills;
 Report writing skills.

By promotion to the grade of Assistant Internal Auditor, Internal Auditor Trainee is a subject
to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Assistant Internal Auditor;
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Internal Auditor Trainee;
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report;
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Financial Resource Management;
 Public Sector Accounting;
 Communication;
 Integrity and Ethics.



JOB TITLE: Head, Legal Affairs
JOB GRADE: Principal Chie State Attorney
REPORTS TO: Deputy Registrar of Companies – Operational Services
SUPERVISES: Senior State Attorney, State Attorney, Assistant State Attorney, Office Manager
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical and administrative direction for effective management
of the Legal Affairs Unit

 Exercises administrative oversight responsibility for efficient management of the
resources (human, material and financial) of the Legal Affairs Unit;
 Provides Management of the ORC with effective legal advice on company and
business registration issues as well as adjudication of cases of complaints, reviews,
arbitration and appeals;
 Represents the Attorney-General in civil matters involving companies;
 Approves the registration of companies, business names, partnerships, sole
proprietorships, external companies in accordance with relevant enactment;
 Identifies any new developments or current requirements in law which necessitate an
improvement to the Departments standards and legal documentation;
 Leads in identifying legal or regulatory barriers to initiation of policy proposals and
contracts and advises on the legal and/or regulatory changes that are needed to
achieve the desired objectives;
 Liaises with the courts on lawsuits against the ORC and represents the RGD in court
proceedings, mediations, arbitrations and administrative proceedings;
 Under the supervision of the Registrar of Companies, leads the gathering of evidence
to formulate defense or initiate legal actions;
 Collaborates with other Divisions and Special Units of the ORC to ensure compliance
with laws, rules and regulations;
 Represents the Attorney-General on statutory bodies;
 Chairs some committees of the ORC and participates in the ORC’s decision-making
and governance;
 Ensures the preparation and submission of the budget of the Legal Affairs Unit;
 Ensures the preparation of the quarterly and annual performance report of the Unit;

 Provides technical input for annual budget and the strategic planning process of the
 Makes inputs into the preparation of the Annual Performance Report of ORC;
 Makes presentations at national and international conferences and similar events on
behalf of the Registrar of Companies;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Registrar of

 Within the limits determined by the Legal Service Regulations, 2014 (L.I. 2210) and
by the authority delegated by the Deputy Registrar of Companies – Operational


 A minimum of Master’s Degree in Law (LLM) awarded by a recognized tertiary
institution; and
 A Professional Law Qualification, Barrister-at-Law (BL), awarded by a reputable
tertiary institution;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years’ post-call relevant working experience as a legal
practitioner/solicitor/barrister, including at least ten (10) years’ experience in
administration of companies and all other legislation pertaining to the Registrar-
General’s Department or ORC;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of the Ghana Bar Association (GBA)
and/or an equivalent recognized professional body.

 Expert knowledge and skills in public administration;
 Superior organizational, analytical and multitasking skills;
 Outstanding human and public relations skills;
 Outstanding communication and presentation skills;
 Negotiation and influencing skills;
 Lobbying, advocacy and networking skills;
 Conflict Management/Resolution skills;
 Extensive working knowledge of Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)
 Expert knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151); Professional of Bodies
Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015);
 Extensive working knowledge of the following Public Financial Management Acts and
Regulations:-Public Financial Management Act (PFMA), 2016 (Act 921) and PFM
Regulations, 2019 (L.I 2378); Ghana Revenue Authority Act (GRAA), 2015 (Act 896);
Audit Service Act, 2000 (Act 584); Internal Audit Agency Act, 2003 (Act 658) and
 Procurement Act 2003, (Act 663) as amended Public Procurement (Amendment) Act
2016, (Act 914);
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Must be familiar with International Financial Institutions’ Procurement Guidelines
and Procedures;
 Strong strategic planning, implementation and evaluation skills;
 Good knowledge of Project Management;
 Proficiency in relevant computer applications;
 Must be familiar with Accounting for Non-Accounting Managers.


 Nil.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Office Manager
JOB GRADE: Office Manager
REPORTS TO: Head of Legal Affairs Unit
JOB PURPOSE: To provide office management secretarial and clerical support services to the
Secretariat of the Director of Legal Affairs Unit.

 Draws up appointments for the Director of Legal Affairs Unit;
 Receives and attends to the Director’s of Legal Affairs Unit official visitors and
 Receives telephone calls of the Director of Legal Affairs Unit and ensures that only
calls which require urgent attention reach the Director of Legal Affairs Unit;
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders to the Head of Legal Affairs Unit on appointments;
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the Head of Legal
Affairs Unit.

 Within the limits set by the Head of Legal Affairs Unit.


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
School (GSS);
 A Bachelor’s Degree or a Higher National Diploma, preferably, in Secretaryship and
Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university or an
equivalent professional qualification with a strong office management experience
would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;

 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of

 Nil.

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.


JOB TITLE: Senior State Attorney
JOB GRADE: Senior State Attorney
REPORTS TO: Principal State Attorney
SUPERVISES: State Attorney
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical and operational support for effective management of
the Legal Affairs Unit

 Initiates action for formulation and implementation of policies and programs of the
ORC towards the achievement of the mandate of the ORC;
 Represents the Attorney-General in civil matters involving companies;
 Approves and registers companies, business names, partnerships, sole
proprietorships, external companies in accordance with relevant enactment;
 Examines and facilitates processing of Business Registration Documents;
 Provides information on companies and businesses to MDAs and MMDAs and the
general public;
 Contributes to sector-wide planning and strategic development, and departmental
level strategic planning;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other ORC staff during temporary
periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent level of
responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Principal State Attorney.

 Within the limits determined the Legal Service Regulations, 2014 (L.I. 2210) and by
Director, Legal Affairs (Chief State Attorney).


 A minimum of Bachelors Degree in Law (LLB) awarded by a recognized tertiary
institution; and
 A Professional Law Qualification, Barrister-at-Law (BL), awarded by a reputable
tertiary institution;
 A minimum of nine (9) years’ post-call relevant working experience as a legal
practitioner/solicitor/barrister, including at least three (3) years’ experience in
administration of companies, and all other legislation pertaining to the Registrar-
General’s Department or ORC;

 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of the Ghana Bar Association (GBA)
and/or an equivalent recognized professional body.

 Substantial experience and knowledge of Companies Code and the various Acts which
regulate the registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Good working knowledge of Registration Procedures and Processes;
 Extensive working knowledge of Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)
 Expert knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151); Professional of Bodies
Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015);
 Must be familiar with all the Public Financial Management Acts and Regulations;
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Analytical and multitasking skills;
 Outstanding interpersonal and communication skills;
 Proficiency in relevant computer applications;
 Conflict Management/Resolution skills.

By promotion to the grade of Principal State Attorney, Senior State Attorney is a subject to
the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal State Attorney.
 A minimum of four (3) years in the grade of Senior State Attorney .
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: State Attorney
JOB GRADE: State Attorney
REPORTS TO: Senior State Attorney
SUPERVISES: Assistant State Attorney
JOB PURPOSE: To provide operational support for effective management of the Legal Affairs

 Initiates action for formulation and implementation of policies and programs of the
ORC towards the achievement of the mandate of the ORC;
 Represents the Attorney-General in civil matters involving companies;
 Registers companies, business names, partnerships, sole proprietorships, external
companies, in accordance with relevant enactment;
 Examines and facilitates processing of Business Registration Documents;
 Provides information on companies and businesses to MDAs and MMDAs and the
general public;

 Contributes to sector-wide planning and strategic development, and departmental
level strategic planning;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other ORC staff during temporary
periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent level of
responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Senior State Attorney.

 Within the limits determined the Legal Service Regulations, 2014 (L.I. 2210) and by
Director, Legal Affairs (Chief State Attorney).


 A minimum of Bachelors Degree in Law (LLB) awarded by a recognized tertiary
institution; and
 A Professional Law Qualification, Barrister-at-Law (BL), awarded by a reputable
tertiary institution;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post-call relevant working experience as a legal
practitioner/solicitor/barrister, including at least three (3) years’ experience in
administration of companies, estates, marriages and all other legislation pertaining
to the Registrar-General’s Department or ORC;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of the Ghana Bar Association (GBA)
and/or an equivalent recognized professional body.

 Substantial experience and knowledge of Companies Code and the various Acts which
regulate the registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Good working knowledge of Registration Procedures and Processes;
 Extensive working knowledge of Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)
 Expert knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151); Professional of Bodies
Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015);
 Must be familiar with all the Public Financial Management Acts and Regulations;
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989);
 Analytical and multitasking skills;
 Interpersonal and communication skills;
 Proficiency in relevant computer applications;
 Conflict Management/Resolution skills.

By promotion to the grade of Senior State Attorney, State Attorney is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior State Attorney.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of State Attorney.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Leadership;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations.


JOB TITLE: Assistant State Attorney

JOB GRADE: Assistant State Attorney
Reports to: State Attorney
JOB PURPOSE: To provide operational support for effective management of the Legal Affairs

 Assists in registration of companies, business names, partnerships, sole
proprietorships, external companies, in accordance with relevant enactment;
 Provides information on companies and businesses to MDAs and MMDAs and the
general public;
 Contributes to sector-wide planning and strategic development, and departmental
level strategic planning;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other ORC staff during temporary
periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent level of
responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the State Attorney.

 Within the limits determined the Legal Service Regulations, 2014 (L.I. 2210) and by
Director, Legal Affairs (Chief State Attorney).


 A minimum of Bachelors Degree in Law (LLB) awarded by a recognized tertiary
institution; and
 A Professional Law Qualification, Barrister-at-Law (BL), awarded by a reputable
tertiary institution; A minimum of three (3) years’ post-call relevant working
experience as a legal practitioner/solicitor/barrister;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of the Ghana Bar Association (GBA)
and/or an equivalent recognized professional body.

 Analytical and multitasking skills;
 Substantial experience and knowledge of Companies Code and the various Acts which
regulate the registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Must be familiar with Registration Procedures and Processes;
 Must be familiar with all the Public Financial Management Acts and Regulations;
 Familiarity with Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Properties (TRIPS);
 Interpersonal and communication skills;
 Proficiency in relevant computer applications;
 Conflict Management/Resolution skills.

By promotion to the grade of State Attorney, Assistant State Attorney is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of State Attorney.
 A minimum of four (3) years in the grade of Assistant State Attorney.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Leadership;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations.



JOB TITLE: Assistant Registrar
JOB GRADE: Principal State Attorney
REPORTS TO: Deputy Registrar of Companies – Operational Services
SUPERVISES: Senior State Attorney, State Attorney, Assistant State Attorney, Office Manager
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical and administrative direction for effective management
of the Regional Office.

 Exercises administrative oversight responsibility for efficient management of the
resources (human, material and financial) of the Regional Office;
 Coordinates the design of appropriate business and Company, Partnerships and
Professional Bodies, Business Names registration strategies for the ORC in compliance
with the protection strategy of the Department;
 Approves the registration of companies, business names, partnerships, sole
proprietorships, external companies in accordance with relevant enactment;
 Coordinates the approval the changes in the structure of companies;
 Ensures that Company, Partnerships and Professional Bodies, Business Names
registration standards are met using appropriate methodology and technology;
 Researches and evaluates complaints, enquiries and reactions from the public, in
collaboration with the Public Affairs Unit, on ORC’s Company, Partnerships and
Professional Bodies, Business Names registration activities and responds
 Coordinates business and company registration activities between the Headquarters
and Regional Offices of the ORC to ensure data quality, standardization and
consistency of data management;
 Coordinates emergency preparedness and response measures relating to business and
company registration liaising with the Chief Company Examiner and Assistant
Registrars in the Regional Offices and Headquarters to develop and implement
appropriate responses;
 Supports the Management Team to establish and strengthen their own capacity and
to manage business and company registration and maintain information on business
and company registration;
 Standardizes consolidation and timely dissemination of reports and statistics on
business and company registration;
 Documents and reports on business and company registration activities at the
operation (and regional) level, and reports on the impact of support interventions to
Management of the ORC’s cooperation.
 Ensures the registration of companies and other entities are in compliance with the
Companies Code and other legislative instruments;
 Provides information on Companies Partnerships and Professional Bodies, Business
Name to MDAs and MMDAs and the general public;
 Provides inputs for the development of the ORC’s Business, Strategic and other
relevant plans;
 Represents the BR Division on various committees of the ORC;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Division;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Deputy Registrar of
Companies – Operational Services.


 Within the limits determined by the Legal Service Regulations, 2014 (L.I. 2210) and
by the authority delegated by the Deputy Registrar of Companies – Operational


 A minimum of Master’s Degree in Law (LLM) awarded by a recognized tertiary
institution; and
 A Professional Law Qualification, Barrister-at-Law (BL), awarded by a reputable
tertiary institution;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years’ post-call relevant working experience as a legal
practitioner/solicitor/barrister, including at least ten (10) years’ experience in
administration of companies and all other legislation pertaining to the Registrar-
General’s Department or ORC;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of the Ghana Bar Association (GBA)
and/or an equivalent recognized professional body.

 Expert knowledge and skills in public administration;
 Superior organizational, analytical and multitasking skills;
 Outstanding human and public relations skills;
 Outstanding communication and presentation skills;
 Negotiation and influencing skills;
 Lobbying, advocacy and networking skills;
 Conflict Management/Resolution skills;
 Extensive working knowledge of Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)
 Expert knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151); Professional of Bodies
Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015);
 Extensive working knowledge of the following Public Financial Management Acts and
Regulations:-Public Financial Management Act (PFMA), 2016 (Act 921) and PFM
Regulations, 2019 (L.I 2378); Ghana Revenue Authority Act (GRAA), 2015 (Act 896);
Audit Service Act, 2000 (Act 584); Internal Audit Agency Act, 2003 (Act 658) and
 Procurement Act 2003, (Act 663) as amended Public Procurement (Amendment) Act
2016, (Act 914);
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Must be familiar with International Financial Institutions’ Procurement Guidelines
and Procedures;
 Strong strategic planning, implementation and evaluation skills;
 Good knowledge of Project Management;
 Proficiency in relevant computer applications;
 Must be familiar with Accounting for Non-Accounting Managers.

 Nil.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;

 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: State Attorney
JOB GRADE: State Attorney
REPORTS TO: Assistant Registrar, Regional Office
JOB PURPOSE: To provide operational support for effective management of the Legal Affairs

 Initiates action for formulation and implementation of policies and programs of the
ORC towards the achievement of the mandate of the ORC;
 Registers companies, business names, partnerships, sole proprietorships, external
companies, in accordance with relevant enactment;
 Examines and facilitates processing of Business Registration Documents;
 Provides information on companies and businesses to MDAs and MMDAs and the
general public;
 Contributes to sector-wide planning and strategic development, and departmental
level strategic planning;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Regional Office;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other ORC staff during temporary
periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent level of
responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Assistant Registrar, Regional

 Within the limits determined the Legal Service Regulations, 2014 (L.I. 2210) and by
Assistant Registrar, Regional Office.


 A minimum of Bachelors Degree in Law (LLB) awarded by a recognized tertiary
institution; and
 A Professional Law Qualification, Barrister-at-Law (BL), awarded by a reputable
tertiary institution;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post-call relevant working experience as a legal
practitioner/solicitor/barrister, including at least three (3) years’ experience in
administration of companies, estates, marriages and all other legislation pertaining
to the Registrar-General’s Department or ORC;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of the Ghana Bar Association (GBA)
and/or an equivalent recognized professional body.

 Substantial experience and knowledge of Companies Code and the various Acts which
regulate the registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Good working knowledge of Registration Procedures and Processes;
 Extensive working knowledge of Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)
 Expert knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151); Professional of Bodies
Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015);
 Must be familiar with all the Public Financial Management Acts and Regulations;
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989);
 Analytical and multitasking skills;
 Interpersonal and communication skills;
 Proficiency in relevant computer applications;

 Conflict Management/Resolution skills.

By promotion to the grade of Senior State Attorney, State Attorney is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior State Attorney.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of State Attorney.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Leadership;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations.



JOB TITLE: Assistant Registrar, Companies Registration Department
JOB GRADE: Principal State Attorney
REPORTS TO: The Deputy Registrar of Companies (Legal)
SUPERVISES: Heads of Units and Personal Assistant
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical and administrative direction for efficient management
of business names and company registration activities and work programs of the ORC.

 Exercises administrative oversight responsibility for efficient management of the
resources (human, material and financial) of the CR Division;
 Coordinates the design of appropriate business and company registration strategies
for the ORC in compliance with the protection strategy of the Department;
 Coordinates the approval the changes in the structure of companies;
 Ensures that company registration standards are met using appropriate methodology
and technology;
 Advises and provides technical support to ORC staff in the Regional Offices on
planned company registration activities;
 Researches and evaluates complaints, enquiries and reactions from the public, in
collaboration with the Public Affairs Unit, on ORC’s business and company
registration activities and responds appropriately;
 Coordinates business and company registration activities between the Headquarters
and Regional Offices of the ORC to ensure data quality, standardization and
consistency of data management;
 Coordinates emergency preparedness and response measures relating to business and
company registration liaising with the Chief Company Inspectors and Assistant
Registrars in the Regional Offices and Headquarters to develop and implement
appropriate responses;
 Provides training to ORC’s staff in business and company registration methodologies,
technologies and standards, to enable them to conduct registration activities and to
manage business and company registration and related data on a continuous basis;
 Supports the Management Team to establish and strengthen their own capacity and
to manage business and company registration and maintain information on business
and company registration;

 Standardizes consolidation and timely dissemination of reports and statistics on
business and company registration;
 Documents and reports on business and company registration activities at the
operation (and regional) level, and reports on the impact of support interventions to
Management of the ORC’s cooperation.
 Ensures the registration of companies and other entities are in compliance with the
Companies Code and other legislative instruments;
 Provides information on Companies and Businesses to MDAs and MMDAs and the
general public;
 Provides inputs for the development of the ORC’s Business, Strategic and other
relevant plans;
 Represents the BR Division on various committees of the ORC;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Division;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Deputy Registrar of

 Within the limits determined by the Deputy Registrar of Companies – Operational


 A minimum of Masters Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Finance, Commerce,
Statistics, Project Management, Business Administration or a related discipline
awarded by a recognized tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service of Ghana, including at least ten (10) years’ working experience as a
Company Inspector in the ORC or RGD.

 Good human and public relations skills;
 Outstanding communication and presentation skills;
 Substantial experience and knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the
registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Superior organizational skills with strong capacity in multitasking;
 Conflict management/resolution skills and decision-making ability;
 Must be familiar with Appropriate/Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) tools
available to legal professionals;
 Good working knowledge of the following Public Financial Management Acts and
Regulations:- Public Financial Management Act (PFMA), 2016 (Act 921) and its
accompanying regulations, Public Financial Management (PFM) Regulations (L.I 2378);
Ghana Revenue Authority Act (GRAA), 2015 (Act 896); Audit Service Act, 2000 (Act
584); Internal Audit Agency Act, 2003 (Act 658) and Public Procurement Act 2003,
(Act 663) as amended Public Procurement (Amendment) Act 2016, (Act 914);
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Quantitative and qualitative analytical skills;
 Good computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project,
Data Management and Data Dissemination;
 Significant experience and comprehensive knowledge of Project Management;
 Good knowledge of public sector management;
 Good knowledge in Accounting for Non-Accounting Managers.


 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.


JOB TITLE: Office Manager
JOB GRADE: Office Manager
REPORTS TO: Assistant Registrar, CRD
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Secretariat of the
Director, BR

 Draws up appointments for the Director of Business Registration Department;
 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents such as
Companies Certificates etc.;
 Receives and attends to the Director of Business Registration Department’s official
visitors and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the Director-Registrar, BRD and ensures that only calls
which require urgent attention reach the Director of Business Registration
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders to the Assistant Registrar of Department on
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the Director of
Business Registration Department.

 Within the limits set by the Director of Business Registration Department for
effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services for the smooth
running of the Secretariat for the Director of Business Registration Department.


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
School (GSS);
 A Bachelor’s Degree or a Higher National Diploma, preferably, in Secretaryship and
Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university or an
equivalent professional qualification with a strong office management experience
would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.

 Nil.

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.

3.7.1. New Registrations Unit


JOB TITLE: Head, New Registrations Unit
JOB GRADE: Senior Company Examiner
REPORTS TO: Assistant Registrar, Companies Registration Department
SUPERVISES: Examiner, Assistant Examiner, Executive Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical support and quality assurance for efficient management
of companies registration activities and work programs of the Companies Registration
Departments’ New Registrations Unit.

 Contributes to the effective operations of the Companies Registration Department by
planning, organizing and directing activities and work programs of the New
Registrations Unit;
 Provides technical advice for the implementation of policies on new companies
registration in the ORC;
 Reviews and processes applications for registration of new companies;
 Checks Limited Liability Company Regulations and signs covering letters for Limited
Liability Companies, with approval from the Assistant Registrar of Business
Registration Department;

 Coordinates and submits comprehensive report on new company registration and
related activities to the Assistant Registrar, Companies Registration Department for
 Ensures effective dissemination of information on company registration issues to staff
and clients of the ORC.
 Participates in operational research on new company registration activities in the
 Coordinates the establishment of quality assurance systems for companies
 With approval from the Assistant Registrar, ensures that the registration of
companies and other entities are in compliance with the Companies Code and other
legislative instruments;
 Coordinates reports on company registration from the Regional Offices of the ORC;
 Provides information on Companies to MDAs and MMDAs and the general public;
 Provides inputs for the preparation and submission of quarterly, mid- year, annual
and other periodic reports of the Department;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Companies
Registration Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Assistant Registrar.

 Within the limits determined by the Assistant Registrar, Companies Registration


 A minimum of Masters Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Finance, Commerce,
Statistics, Project Management, Business Administration or a related discipline
awarded by a recognized tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of nine (9) years post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service, including at least six (6) years’ working experience as a Company Inspector
in the Registrar- General’s Department or ORC.

 Substantial experience and knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the
registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Good working knowledge of Registration Procedures and Processes;
 Extensive working knowledge of Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)
 Expert knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151); Professional of Bodies
Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015);
 Leadership and organizational skills;
 Budgeting and financial management skills;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Excellent report writing skills;
 Excellent human and public relation skills;
 Conflict management/resolution skills and decision-making ability;
 Good knowledge of Appropriate/Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) tools available
to legal professionals;
 Qualitative and quantitative analytical skills;
 Good knowledge of public sector management.

 Knowledge of Project Management;
 Computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project and
other relevant software;
 Good knowledge in Accounting for Non-Accounting Managers.

 Nil

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Examiner
JOB GRADE: Examiner
REPORTS TO: Senior Examiner
SUPERVISES: Assistant Examiner
JOB PURPOSE: To carry out a substantive analysis of new companies registration.

 Classifies and puts the companies’ registration information into appropriate
 Verifies and signs registration of new companies or businesses;
 Informs applicants and business owners about the registration procedure, their
options and the status of their files;
 Analyse applications for company registration;
 Communicates to the applicant of the final decision;
 Enter new company registration’s application data into systems, if documents are
submitted in paper version.
 Conducts searches and writes confirmation letters on existing companies for
 Provides information on registered companies for decision-making;
 Ensures effective dissemination of information on company registration issues to staff
and clients of the ORC.
 Participates in operational research on new company registration activities in the
 Coordinates the establishment of quality assurance systems for companies

 Within the limits determined by the Head of New Registrations Unit.


 A Bachelor’s Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent
qualifications from a recognised institution;

 Satisfactorily served as Company Examiner or a comparable position with similar
responsibilities for a minimum period of six (6) years in the Public Service;
 Demonstrated knowledge and experience in the field of Business registration.

 Extensive working knowledge of Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)
 Expert knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151); Professional of Bodies
Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015);
 Excellent diagnostic and problem solving skills;
 Excellent communication ability;
 Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent qualification;
 Good writing skills;
 Outstanding organizational and time-management skills;
 Computer literacy.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Examiner, Examiner is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Examiner.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Examiner.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Assistant Examiner
JOB GRADE: Assistant Examiner
REPORTS TO: Senior Examiner
JOB PURPOSE: To carry out a substantive analysis of new companies registration.

 Informs applicants and business owners about the registration procedure, their
options and the status of their files;
 Analyse applications for company registration;
 Communicates to the applicant of the final decision;
 Enter new company registration’s application data into systems, if documents are
submitted in paper version.
 Performs other search, examination and administrative tasks to help achieve team
and organisational goals;

 Within the limits determined by the Head of the New Registrations Unit.


 A Bachelor’s Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent
qualifications from a recognised institution;
 Satisfactorily served as Company Examiner or a comparable position with similar
responsibilities for a minimum period of three (3) years in the Public Service;
 Demonstrated knowledge and experience in the field of Business registration.

 Extensive working knowledge of Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)
 Expert knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151); Professional of Bodies
Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015);
 Excellent diagnostic and problem solving skills;
 Excellent communication ability;
 Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent qualification;
 Good writing skills;
 Outstanding organizational and time-management skills;
 Computer literacy.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Examiner, Examiner is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Examiner.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Examiner.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Executive Officer
JOB GRADE: Executive Officer
REPORTS TO: Head of the New Registration Unit
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Secretariat of the
Deputy Company Registrar

 Draws up appointments for the Head of the New Registration Unit;

 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents such as
Companies Certificates etc.;
 Receives and attends to the New Registration Unit visitors and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the New Registration Unit and ensures that only calls
which require urgent attention reach the New Registration Unit;
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders of the New Registration Unit on appointments;
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the New Registration

 Within the limits set by the New Registration Unit.


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
 A Bachelor’s Degree or a Higher National Diploma, preferably, in Secretaryship and
Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university or an
equivalent professional qualification with a strong office management experience
would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.

 Nil.

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.

3.7.2. Amendments and Renewals Unit


JOB TITLE: Head of Amendments and Renewals Unit
JOB GRADE: Senior Examiner
REPORTS TO: Director of Companies Registration Department
SUPERVISES: Examiner, Assistant Examiner, Executive Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical support and quality assurance for efficient management
of the amendments and renewals systems and related work programs of the Amendments
and Renewals Unit.

 Contributes to the effective operations of the Unit by planning, organizing and
directing activities and work programs of the Amendments and Renewals Unit;
 Provides technical advice for the implementation of policies relating to amendments
and renewals of registered companies and businesses;
 Reviews and processes applications for amendments and renewals of registered
companies businesses;
 Cross checks the Company’s Register to ensure that proper registration arrangements
and filing are done before undertaking any amendments and renewals to registered
 Checks amendments and renewals of registered companies and businesses;
 Coordinates and submits comprehensive report on amendments and renewals of
registered companies and businesses and related activities;
 Ensures effective dissemination of information on amendments and renewals of
registered companies and businesses’ issues to staff and clients of the ORC, in
consultation with the Assistant Registrar;
 Participates in operational research relating to amendments and renewals of
registered companies and businesses in the ORC;
 Coordinates the establishment of quality assurance systems for amendments and
renewals of registered companies and businesses;
 With approval from the Assistant Registrar, ensures that the amendments and
renewals of registered companies and businesses are in compliance with the
Companies and other legislative instruments;
 Coordinates reports on amendments and renewals of registered companies and
businesses from the Regional Offices of the ORC;
 Directs the issuance of Replacement Certificates, in consultation with the Assistant
 Provides information on amendments and renewals of registered companies and
businesses to MDAs and MMDAs and the general public;
 Plans and supervises the Amendments and Renewals Unit’s assignments and identifies
training needs of the Unit’s staff, in consultation with the Assistant Registrar of the
 Provides inputs for the preparation and submission of quarterly, mid- year, annual
and other periodic reports of the Department;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Amendments
and Renewals Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Assistant Registrar of
the Department.


 Within the limits determined by the Assistant Registrar of the Department.


 A minimum of Masters Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Finance, Commerce,
Statistics, Project Management, Business Administration or a related discipline
awarded by a recognized tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of nine (9) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service, including at least six (6) years’ working experience as a Company
Inspector in the Registrar- General’s Department or ORC.

 In-depth knowledge and experience of the various Acts which regulate the
registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Good working knowledge of registration procedures and processes;
 Good working knowledge of all the Public Financial Management Acts and
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Leadership and organizational skills;
 Budgeting and financial management skills;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Excellent report writing skills;
 Conflict management/resolution skills and decision-making ability;
 Good knowledge of Appropriate/Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) tools available
to legal professionals;
 Qualitative and quantitative analytical skills;
 Good knowledge of public sector management;
 Knowledge of Project Management;
 Computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project and
other relevant software.


 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Examiner
JOB GRADE: Examiner
REPORTS TO: Senior Examiner
SUPERVISES: Assistant Examiner
JOB PURPOSE: To carry out a substantive analysis of companies amendments and renewals

 Classifies and puts the companies’ registration information into appropriate
 Verifies and signs registration of companies or businesses changes and renewals;
 Informs applicants and business owners about the registration procedure, their
options and the status of their files;
 Analyse applications for company’s changes and renewals registration;
 Communicates to the applicant of the final decision;
 Enter registration’s application data into systems, if documents are submitted in
paper version.
 Conducts searches and writes confirmation letters on existing companies for
 Provides information on registered companies for decision-making;
 Ensures effective dissemination of information on company registration issues to staff
and clients of the ORC.
 Participates in operational research on amendments and renewals registration
activities in the ORC;
 Coordinates the establishment of quality assurance systems for companies

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Amendments and Renewals Registrations


 A Bachelor’s Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent
qualifications from a recognised institution;
 Satisfactorily served as Company Examiner or a comparable position with similar
responsibilities for a minimum period of six (6) years in the Public Service;
 Demonstrated knowledge and experience in the field of Business registration.

 Extensive working knowledge of Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)
 Expert knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151); Professional of Bodies
Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015);
 Excellent diagnostic and problem solving skills;
 Excellent communication ability;
 Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent qualification;
 Good writing skills;
 Outstanding organizational and time-management skills;
 Computer literacy.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Examiner, Examiner is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Examiner.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Examiner.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;

 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Assistant Examiner
JOB GRADE: Assistant Examiner
REPORTS TO: Senior Examiner
JOB PURPOSE: To carry out a substantive analysis of companies fillings registration.

 Collects and collates data on changes and renewals of registered companies and
businesses for decision-making;
 Conducts searches and writes confirmation letters on existing businesses or
 Files amendments and changes on existing businesses based on classification;
 Informs applicants and business owners about the changes or renewals registration
procedure, their options and the status of their files;
 Analyse applications for company changes and renewals;
 Communicates to the applicant of the final decision;
 Enter amended or renewed company data into systems, if documents are submitted
in paper version.
 Performs other search, examination and administrative tasks to help achieve team
and organisational goals;

 Within the limits determined by the Head of the Amendments and Renewals
Registrations Unit.


 A Bachelor’s Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent
qualifications from a recognised institution;
 Satisfactorily served as Company Examiner or a comparable position with similar
responsibilities for a minimum period of three (3) years in the Public Service;
 Demonstrated knowledge and experience in the field of Business registration.

 Extensive working knowledge of Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)
 Expert knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151); Professional of Bodies
Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015);
 Excellent diagnostic and problem solving skills;
 Excellent communication ability;
 Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent qualification;
 Good writing skills;
 Outstanding organizational and time-management skills;
 Computer literacy.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Examiner, Examiner is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Examiner.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Examiner.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Executive Officer
JOB GRADE: Executive Officer
REPORTS TO: Head of Amendments and Renewal Unit
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Secretariat of the
Head of Amendments and Renewal Unit.

 Draws up appointments for the Head of Amendments and Renewal Unit;
 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents such as
Compnaies Certificates etc.;
 Receives and attends to the Head of Amendments and Renewal Unit official visitors
and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the Head of Amendments and Renewal Unit and ensures
that only calls which require urgent attention reach the Head of Amendments and
Renewal Unit;
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders to the Head of Amendments and Renewal Unit;
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the Head of
Amendments and Renewal Unit.

 Within the limits set by the Head of Amendments and Renewal Unit.


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
School (GSS);

 A Bachelor’s Degree or a Higher National Diploma, preferably, in Secretaryship and
Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university or an
equivalent professional qualification with a strong office management experience
would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.

 Nil.

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.

3.7.3. Filings Unit


JOB TITLE: Head of Filings Unit
JOB GRADE: Senior Examiner
REPORTS TO: Director of Companies Registration Department
SUPERVISES: Examiner, Assistant Examiner, Executive Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical support and quality assurance for efficient management
of the flings systems and related work programs of the Filings Unit.

 Contributes to the effective operations of the Unit by planning, organizing and
directing activities and work programs of the Filings Unit;
 Provides technical advice for the implementation of policies relating to filings of
registered companies and businesses;
 Reviews and processes applications for filings of registered companies businesses;
 Cross checks the Company’s Register to ensure that proper registration arrangements
and filing are done before undertaking any filings to registered companies;
 Checks filings of registered companies and businesses;
 Coordinates and submits comprehensive report on filings of registered companies and
businesses and related activities;
 Participates in operational research relating to filings of registered companies and
businesses in the ORC;

 Coordinates the establishment of quality assurance systems for filings of registered
companies and businesses;
 With approval from the Legal Affairs Unit, ensures that the filings of registered
companies and businesses are in compliance with the Companies and other
legislative instruments;
 Coordinates reports on filings of registered companies and businesses from the
Regional Offices of the ORC;
 Plans and supervises the Filings Unit’s assignments and identifies training needs of
the Unit’s staff, in consultation with the Assistant Registrar of the Department;
 Provides inputs for the preparation and submission of quarterly, mid- year, annual
and other periodic reports of the Department;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Amendments
and Renewals Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Assistant Registrar of
the Department.

 Within the limits determined by the Assistant Registrar of the Department.


 A minimum of Masters Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Finance, Commerce,
Statistics, Project Management, Business Administration or a related discipline
awarded by a recognized tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of nine (9) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service, including at least six (6) years’ working experience as a Company
Inspector in the Registrar- General’s Department or ORC.

 In-depth knowledge and experience of the various Acts which regulate the
registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Good working knowledge of registration procedures and processes;
 Good working knowledge of all the Public Financial Management Acts and
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Leadership and organizational skills;
 Budgeting and financial management skills;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Excellent report writing skills;
 Conflict management/resolution skills and decision-making ability;
 Good knowledge of Appropriate/Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) tools available
to legal professionals;
 Qualitative and quantitative analytical skills;
 Good knowledge of public sector management;
 Knowledge of Project Management;
 Computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project and
other relevant software;


By promotion to the grade of Principal State Attorney, Senior State Attorney is a subject to
the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal State Attorney.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Senior State Attorney.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Examiner
JOB GRADE: Examiner
REPORTS TO: Senior Examiner
SUPERVISES: Assistant Examiner
JOB PURPOSE: To carry out a substantive analysis of companies filings registration.

 Classifies and puts the companies’ registration information into appropriate
 Verifies and signs registration of companies or businesses filings;
 Informs applicants and business owners about the registration procedure, their
options and the status of their files;
 Analyse applications for company’s filings registration;
 Communicates to the applicant of the final decision;
 Enter registration’s application data into systems, if documents are submitted in
paper version.
 Conducts searches and writes confirmation letters on existing companies for
 Provides information on registered companies for decision-making;
 Ensures effective dissemination of information on company fillings issues to staff and
clients of the ORC.
 Coordinates the establishment of quality assurance systems for companies fillings

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Fillings Unit.


 A Bachelor’s Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent
qualifications from a recognised institution;
 Satisfactorily served as Company Examiner or a comparable position with similar
responsibilities for a minimum period of six (6) years in the Public Service;
 Demonstrated knowledge and experience in the field of Business registration.


 Extensive working knowledge of Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)
 Expert knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151); Professional of Bodies
Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015);
 Excellent diagnostic and problem solving skills;
 Excellent communication ability;
 Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent qualification;
 Good writing skills;
 Outstanding organizational and time-management skills;
 Computer literacy.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Examiner, Examiner is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Examiner.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Examiner.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Assistant Examiner
JOB GRADE: Assistant Examiner
REPORTS TO: Senior Examiner
JOB PURPOSE: To carry out a substantive analysis of companies fillings registration.

 Collects and collates data on filings of registered companies and businesses for
 Conducts searches and writes confirmation letters on existing businesses or
 Files fillings on existing businesses based on classification;
 Informs applicants and business owners about the changes or renewals registration
procedure, their options and the status of their files;
 Analyse applications for company changes and renewals;
 Communicates to the applicant of the final decision;
 Enter amended or renewed company data into systems, if documents are submitted
in paper version.
 Performs other search, examination and administrative tasks to help achieve team
and organisational goals;

 Within the limits determined by the Head of the Fillings Unit.


 A Bachelor’s Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent
qualifications from a recognised institution;
 Satisfactorily served as Company Examiner or a comparable position with similar
responsibilities for a minimum period of three (3) years in the Public Service;
 Demonstrated knowledge and experience in the field of Business registration.

 Extensive working knowledge of Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)
 Expert knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151); Professional of Bodies
Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015);
 Excellent diagnostic and problem solving skills;
 Excellent communication ability;
 Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent qualification;
 Good writing skills;
 Outstanding organizational and time-management skills;
 Computer literacy.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Examiner, Examiner is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Examiner.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Examiner.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Executive Officer
JOB GRADE: Executive Officer
REPORTS TO: Head of the Filings Unit
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Head of the Filings

 Draws up appointments for the Head of the Filings Unit;

 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents such as
Companies Certificates etc.;
 Receives and attends to the Filings Unit visitors and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the Filings Unit and ensures that only calls which require
urgent attention reach the Filings Unit;
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders of the Filings Unit on appointments;
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the Filings Unit

 Within the limits set by the Head of the Filings Unit.


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
 A Bachelor’s Degree or a Higher National Diploma, preferably, in Secretaryship and
Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university or an
equivalent professional qualification with a strong office management experience
would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.

 Nil.

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.



JOB TITLE: Assistant Registrar, Professional Bodies Registration Department
JOB GRADE: Principal State Attorney
REPORTS TO: Deputy Registrar of Companies – Operational Services
SUPERVISES: Head of the New Registrations Unit, Head of the Amendments and Renewals
Unit, Head of the Fillings Unit.
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical support and quality assurance for efficient management
of partnerships and professional bodies registration activities and work programs of the
Partnerships, Professional Bodies Registration Department.

 Contributes to the effective operations of the Partnerships, Professional Bodies
Registration Department by planning, organizing and directing activities and work
 Provides technical advice for the implementation of policies on partnership,
professional bodies registration in the ORC;
 Reviews and processes applications for registration of partnership and professional
 Signs for final approval of Certificate of Registration for partnership and professional
 Cross checks the partnership and professional bodies Register to ensure that the
proper registration arrangements and filling are done;
 Coordinates and submits comprehensive report on partnership and professional
bodies registration;
 Provides technical advice for the improvement of partnership and professional bodies
 Ensures effective dissemination of information on partnership and professional bodies
registration issues to staff and clients of the ORC;
 Participates in operational research on partnership and professional bodies
registration activities in the ORC;
 Coordinates the establishment of quality assurance systems for partnerships and
business names registration;
 Ensures that partnership and professional bodies and other entities are in compliance
with the Companies Code and other legislative instruments;
 Coordinates reports on partnership and professional bodies registration from the
Regional Offices of the ORC;
 Verifies compliance with Annual Renewal of Registration of partnership and
professional bodies;
 Provides information on partnership and professional bodies registration to MDAs and
MMDAs and the general public;
 Provides inputs for the preparation and submission of quarterly, mid- year, annual
and other periodic reports of the Department;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Parnerships,
Professional Bodies Registration Unit ;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Assistant Registrar of
the Department.

 Within the limits determined by the Deputy Registrar of Companies – Operational


 A minimum of Master’s Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Finance, Commerce,
Statistics, Project Management, Business Administration or a related discipline
awarded by a recognized tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service, including at least six (6) years’ working experience as a Company
Inspector in the Registrar- General’s Department or ORC.

 In-depth knowledge and experience of the various Acts which regulate the
registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Good working knowledge of registration procedures and processes;
 Must be familiar with all the Public Financial Management Acts and Regulations;
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Leadership and organizational skills;
 Budgeting and financial management skills;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Excellent report writing skills;
 Good working knowledge of all the Public Financial Management Laws and
 Excellent human and public relation skills;
 Conflict management/resolution skills and decision-making ability;
 Good knowledge of Appropriate/Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) tools available
to legal professionals;
 Qualitative and quantitative analytical skills;
 Good knowledge of public sector management.
 Knowledge of Project Management;
 Computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project and
other relevant software;
 Good knowledge in Accounting for Non-Accounting Managers.

 Nil.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Office Manager
JOB GRADE: Office Manager
REPORTS TO: Assistant Registrar, Partnerships, Professional Bodies Registration Department
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Secretariat of the
Assistant Registrar, Professional Bodies Registration Department.

 Draws up appointments for the Director of Partnerships, Professional Bodies
Registration Department;
 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents such as,
Partnership, Professional Registration Certificates etc.;
 Receives and attends to the Assistant Registrar of Partnerships, Professional Bodies
Registration’s official visitors and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the Assistant Registrar of the Department and ensures
that only calls which require urgent attention reach the Assistant Registrar of the
Partnerships, Professional Bodies Registration Department;
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders to the Assistant Registrar of the Department on
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the Assistant
Registrar of the Partnerships, Professional Bodies Registration Department.

 Within the limits set by the Assistant Registrar of the Partnerships, Professional
Bodies Registration Department.


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
School (GSS);
 A Bachelor’s Degree or a Higher National Diploma, preferably, in Secretaryship and
Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university or an
equivalent professional qualification with a strong office management experience
would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;

 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.

 Nil.

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.

3.8.1. New Registrations Unit


JOB TITLE: Head, New Registrations Unit
JOB GRADE: Senior Examiner
REPORTS TO: Assistant Registrar, Partnerships, Professional Bodies Registration Department
SUPERVISES: Examiner, Assistant Examiner, Executive Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical support and quality assurance for efficient management
of companies registration activities and work programs of the Partnerships, Professional
Bodies Registration Departments’ New Registration Unit.

 Contributes to the effective operations of the Partnerships, Professional Bodies
Registration Department by planning, organizing and directing activities and work
programs of the New Registrations Unit;
 Provides technical advice for the implementation of policies on new companies
registration in the ORC;
 Reviews and processes applications for registration of new companies;
 Checks and approves Partnerships, Professional Bodies Regulations and signs covering
letters for Partnerships, Professional Bodies, with approval from the Director of
Business Registration Department;
 Coordinates and submits comprehensive report on partnerships, professional bodies
registration and related activities to the Director, Partnerships, Professional Bodies
Department for review;
 Ensures effective dissemination of information on partnerships, professional bodies
registration issues to staff and clients of the ORC.
 Participates in operational research on new partnerships, professional bodies
registration activities in the ORC;
 Coordinates the establishment of quality assurance systems for partnerships,
professional bodies registration;
 With approval from the Assistant Registrar, ensures that the registration of
partnerships, professional bodies are in compliance with the Companies Code and
other legislative instruments;
 Coordinates reports on partnerships, professional bodies registration from the
Regional Offices of the ORC;
 Provides information on Partnerships, Professional Bodies to MDAs and MMDAs and
the general public;
 Provides inputs for the preparation and submission of quarterly, mid- year, annual
and other periodic reports of the Department;

 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Partnerships,
Professional Bodies Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Assistant Registrar.

 Within the limits determined by the Assistant Registrar, Partnerships, Professional
Bodies Registration Department.


 A minimum of Masters Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Finance, Commerce,
Statistics, Project Management, Business Administration or a related discipline
awarded by a recognized tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of nine (9) years post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service, including at least six (6) years’ working experience as a Company Inspector
in the Registrar- General’s Department or ORC.

 Substantial experience and knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the
registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Extensive working knowledge of Professional of Bodies Registration Act, 1972 (Act
1015), Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)
 Good knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151);
 Good working knowledge of Registration Procedures and Processes;
 Must be familiar with all the Public Financial Management Acts and Regulations;
 Banking Act, 2004 (Act 673) as amended;
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989);
 Leadership and organizational skills;
 Budgeting and financial management skills;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Excellent report writing skills;
 Excellent human and public relation skills;
 Conflict management/resolution skills and decision-making ability;
 Good knowledge of Appropriate/Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) tools available
to legal professionals;
 Qualitative and quantitative analytical skills;
 Good knowledge of public sector management.
 Knowledge of Project Management;
 Computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project and
other relevant software;
 Good knowledge in Accounting for Non-Accounting Managers.

By promotion to the grade of Principal State Attorney, Senior State Attorney is a subject to
the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal State Attorney.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Senior State Attorney.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.


 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Examiner
JOB GRADE: Examiner
REPORTS TO: Senior Examiner
SUPERVISES: Assistant Examiner
JOB PURPOSE: To carry out a substantive analysis of new Partnerships, Professional Bodies

 Classifies and puts the Partnerships, Professional Bodies’ registration information
into appropriate registers;
 Verifies and signs registration of new Partnerships, Professional Bodies;
 Informs applicants and business owners about the registration procedure, their
options and the status of their files;
 Analyse applications for Partnerships, Professional Bodies registration;
 Communicates to the applicant of the final decision;
 Enter new Partnerships, Professional Bodies registration’s application data into
systems, if documents are submitted in paper version.
 Conducts searches and writes confirmation letters on existing companies for
 Provides information on registered Partnerships, Professional Bodies for decision-
 Ensures effective dissemination of information on Partnerships, Professional Bodies
registration issues to staff and clients of the ORC.
 Participates in operational research on new Partnerships, Professional Bodies
registration activities in the ORC;
 Coordinates the establishment of quality assurance systems for Partnerships,
Professional Bodies registration.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of New Registrations Unit.


 A Bachelor’s Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent
qualifications from a recognised institution;
 Satisfactorily served as Company Examiner or a comparable position with similar
responsibilities for a minimum period of six (6) years in the Public Service;
 Demonstrated knowledge and experience in the field of Business registration.

 Extensive working knowledge of Professional of Bodies Registration Act, 1972 (Act
1015), Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)

 Good knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151);
 Excellent diagnostic and problem solving skills;
 Excellent communication ability;
 Good writing skills;
 Outstanding organizational and time-management skills;
 Computer literacy.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Examiner, Examiner is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Examiner.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Examiner.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Assistant Examiner
JOB GRADE: Assistant Examiner
REPORTS TO: Senior Examiner
JOB PURPOSE: To carry out a substantive analysis of new Partnerships, Professional Bodies

 Informs applicants and business owners about the registration procedure, their
options and the status of their files;
 Analyse applications for Partnerships, Professional Bodies registration;
 Communicates to the applicant of the final decision;
 Enter new Partnerships, Professional Bodies registration’s application data into
systems, if documents are submitted in paper version.
 Performs other search, examination and administrative tasks to help achieve team
and organisational goals;

 Within the limits determined by the Head of the New Registrations Unit.


 A Bachelor’s Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent
qualifications from a recognised institution;
 Satisfactorily served as Company Examiner or a comparable position with similar
responsibilities for a minimum period of three (3) years in the Public Service;
 Demonstrated knowledge and experience in the field of Business registration.

 Extensive working knowledge of Professional of Bodies Registration Act, 1972 (Act
1015), Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)
 Good knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151);
 Excellent diagnostic and problem solving skills;
 Excellent communication ability;
 Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent qualification;
 Good writing skills;
 Outstanding organizational and time-management skills;
 Computer literacy.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Examiner, Examiner is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Examiner.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Examiner.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Executive Officer
JOB GRADE: Executive Officer
IMMEDIATE SUPERIOR: Head of the New Registration Unit
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Secretariat of the
head of the Partnerships, Professional Bodies Registration department New Registrations

 Draws up appointments for the Head of the New Registration Unit;
 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents such as
Partnerships, Professional Bodies Certificates etc.;
 Receives and attends to the New Registration Unit visitors and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the New Registration Unit and ensures that only calls
which require urgent attention reach the New Registration Unit;
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;

 Writes and/or sends reminders of the New Registration Unit on appointments;
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the New Registration

 Within the limits set by the New Registration Unit.


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
 A Bachelor’s Degree or a Higher National Diploma, preferably, in Secretaryship and
Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university or an
equivalent professional qualification with a strong office management experience
would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.

 Nil.

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.

3.8.2. Amendments and Renewals Unit


JOB TITLE: Head of Amendments and Renewals Unit
JOB GRADE: Senior Examiner
REPORTS TO: Director of Partnerships, Professional Bodies Registration Department
SUPERVISES: Examiner, Assistant Examiner, Office Manager
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical support and quality assurance for efficient management
of the amendments and renewals systems and related work programs of the Amendments
and Renewals Unit.

 Contributes to the effective operations of the Unit by planning, organizing and
directing activities and work programs of the Amendments and Renewals Unit;

 Provides technical advice for the implementation of policies relating to amendments
and renewals of registered partnerships, professional Bodies;
 Reviews and processes applications for amendments and renewals of registered
partnerships, professional bodies;
 Cross checks the Parnerships, Professional Bodies’s Register to ensure that proper
registration arrangements and filing are done before undertaking any amendments
and renewals to registered partnerships, professional bodies;
 Checks and approves amendments and renewals of registered partnerships,
professional bodies;
 Coordinates and submits comprehensive report on amendments and renewals of
registered partnerships, professional bodies and related activities;
 Approves changes in structure and form of partnerships, professional bodies, in
consultation with the Assistant Registrar ;
 Ensures effective dissemination of information on amendments and renewals of
registered partnerships, professional bodies’ issues to staff and clients of the ORC, in
consultation with the Assistant Registrar;
 Participates in operational research relating to amendments and renewals of
registered partnerships, professional bodies in the ORC;
 Coordinates the establishment of quality assurance systems for amendments and
renewals of registered partnerships, professional bodies;
 With approval from the Assistant Registrar, ensures that the amendments and
renewals of registered partnerships, professional bodies are in compliance with the
legislative instruments;
 Coordinates reports on amendments and renewals of registered partnerships,
professional bodies from the Regional Offices of the ORC;
 Directs the issuance of Replacement Certificates, in consultation with the Assistant
 Provides information on amendments and renewals of registered partnerships,
professional bodies to MDAs and MMDAs and the general public;
 Plans and supervises the Amendments and Renewals Unit’s assignments and identifies
training needs of the Unit’s staff, in consultation with the Assistant Registrar of the
 Provides inputs for the preparation and submission of quarterly, mid- year, annual
and other periodic reports of the Department;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Amendments
and Renewals Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Assistant Registrar of
the Department.

 Within the limits determined by the Assistant Registrar, Parnerships, Professional
Bodies Registration Department.


 A minimum of Masters Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Finance, Commerce,
Statistics, Project Management, Business Administration or a related discipline
awarded by a recognized tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of nine (9) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service, including at least six (6) years’ working experience as a Company
Inspector in the Registrar- General’s Department or ORC.

 In-depth knowledge and experience of the various Acts which regulate the
registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Good working knowledge of registration procedures and processes;
 Good working knowledge of all the Public Financial Management Acts and
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Leadership and organizational skills;
 Budgeting and financial management skills;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Excellent report writing skills;
 Conflict management/resolution skills and decision-making ability;
 Good knowledge of Appropriate/Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) tools available
to legal professionals;
 Qualitative and quantitative analytical skills;
 Good knowledge of public sector management;
 Knowledge of Project Management;
 Computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project and
other relevant software;

By promotion to the grade of Principal State Attorney, Senior State Attorney is a subject to
the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal State Attorney.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Senior State Attorney.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Examiner
JOB GRADE: Examiner
REPORTS TO: Senior Examiner
SUPERVISES: Assistant Examiner
JOB PURPOSE: To carry out a substantive analysis of Partnerships, Professional Bodies
amendments and renewals registration.

 Classifies and puts the Partnerships, Professional Bodies registration information into
appropriate registers;

 Verifies and signs registration of Partnerships, Professional Bodies changes and
 Informs applicants and business owners about the registration procedure, their
options and the status of their files;
 Analyse applications for Partnerships, Professional Bodies’ changes and renewals
 Communicates to the applicant of the final decision;
 Enter registration’s application data into systems, if documents are submitted in
paper version.
 Conducts searches and writes confirmation letters on existing Partnerships,
Professional Bodies for decision-making;
 Provides information on registered Partnerships, Professional Bodies for decision-
 Ensures effective dissemination of information on Partnerships, Professional Bodies
registration issues to staff and clients of the ORC.
 Participates in operational research on Partnerships, Professional Bodies amendments
and renewals registration activities in the ORC;
 Coordinates the establishment of quality assurance systems for companies

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Amendments and Renewals Registrations


 A Bachelor’s Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent
qualifications from a recognised institution;
 Satisfactorily served as Company Examiner or a comparable position with similar
responsibilities for a minimum period of six (6) years in the Public Service;
 Demonstrated knowledge and experience in the field of Business registration.

 Extensive working knowledge of Professional of Bodies Registration Act, 1972 (Act
1015), Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)
 Good knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151);
 Excellent diagnostic and problem solving skills;
 Excellent communication ability;
 Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent qualification;
 Good writing skills;
 Outstanding organizational and time-management skills;
 Computer literacy.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Examiner, Examiner is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Examiner.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Examiner.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;

 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Assistant Examiner
JOB GRADE: Assistant Examiner
REPORTS TO: Senior Examiner
JOB PURPOSE: To carry out a substantive analysis of Partnerships, Professional Bodies fillings

 Collects and collates data on changes and renewals of registered Partnerships,
Professional Bodies for decision-making;
 Conducts searches and writes confirmation letters on existing Partnerships,
Professional Bodies;
 Files amendments and changes on existing businesses based on classification;
 Informs applicants and business owners about the changes or renewals registration
procedure, their options and the status of their files;
 Analyse applications for Partnerships, Professional Bodies changes and renewals;
 Communicates to the applicant of the final decision;
 Enter amended or renewed Partnerships, Professional Bodies data into systems, if
documents are submitted in paper version.
 Performs other search, examination and administrative tasks to help achieve team
and organisational goals;

 Within the limits determined by the Head of the Amendments and Renewals
Registrations Unit.


 A Bachelor’s Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent
qualifications from a recognised institution;
 Satisfactorily served as Company Examiner or a comparable position with similar
responsibilities for a minimum period of three (3) years in the Public Service;
 Demonstrated knowledge and experience in the field of Business registration.

 Extensive working knowledge of Professional of Bodies Registration Act, 1972 (Act
1015), Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)
 Good knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151);
 Excellent diagnostic and problem solving skills;
 Excellent communication ability;
 Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent qualification;
 Good writing skills;
 Outstanding organizational and time-management skills;

 Computer literacy.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Examiner, Examiner is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Examiner.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Examiner.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Executive Officer
JOB GRADE: Executive Officer
REPORTS TO: Head of Amendments and Renewal Unit
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Secretariat of the
Head of Amendments and Renewal Unit.

 Draws up appointments for the Head of Amendments and Renewal Unit;
 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents such as
Partnership, Professional Bodies Certificates etc.;
 Receives and attends to the Head of Amendments and Renewal Unit official visitors
and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the Head of Amendments and Renewal Unit and ensures
that only calls which require urgent attention reach the Head of Amendments and
Renewal Unit;
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders to the Head of Amendments and Renewal Unit on
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the Head of
Amendments and Renewal Unit.

 Within the limits set by the Head of Amendments and Renewal Unit.

 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
School (GSS);
 A Bachelor’s Degree or a Higher National Diploma, preferably, in Secretaryship and
Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university or an
equivalent professional qualification with a strong office management experience
would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.

 Nil.

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.

3.8.3. Filings Unit


JOB TITLE: Head of Filings Unit
JOB GRADE: Senior Examiner
REPORTS TO: Director of Partnerships, Professional Bodies Registration Department
SUPERVISES: Examiner, Assistant Examiner, Executive Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical support and quality assurance for efficient management
of the filings systems and related work programs of the Filings Unit.

 Contributes to the effective operations of the Unit by planning, organizing and
directing activities and work programs of the Filings Unit;
 Provides technical advice for the implementation of policies relating to filings of
registered partnerships, professional bodies;
 Reviews and processes applications for filings of registered partnerships, professional
 Cross checks the Partnerships, Professional Bodies’ Register to ensure that proper
registration arrangements and filing are done before undertaking any filings to
registered partnerships, professional bodies;

 Checks and approves filings of registered partnerships, professional bodies;
 Coordinates and submits comprehensive report on filings of registered partnerships,
professional bodies and related activities;
 Participates in operational research relating to filings of registered partnerships,
professional bodies in the ORC;
 Coordinates the establishment of quality assurance systems for filings of registered
partnerships, professional bodies;
 With approval from the Legal Affairs Unit, ensures that the filings of registered
partnerships, professional bodies are in compliance with the legislative instruments;
 Coordinates reports on filings of registered partnerships, professional bodies from the
Regional Offices of the ORC;
 Plans and supervises the Filings Unit’s assignments and identifies training needs of
the Unit’s staff, in consultation with the Assistant Registrar of the Department;
 Provides inputs for the preparation and submission of quarterly, mid- year, annual
and other periodic reports of the Department;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Amendments
and Renewals Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Assistant Registrar of
the Department.

 Within the limits determined by the Assistant Registrar of the Department.


 A minimum of Master’s degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Finance, Commerce,
Statistics, Project Management, Business Administration or a related discipline
awarded by a recognized tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of nine (9) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service, including at least six (6) years’ working experience as a Company
Inspector in the Registrar- General’s Department or ORC.

 In-depth knowledge and experience of the various Acts which regulate the
registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Good working knowledge of registration procedures and processes;
 Good working knowledge of all the Public Financial Management Acts and
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Leadership and organizational skills;
 Budgeting and financial management skills;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Excellent report writing skills;
 Conflict management/resolution skills and decision-making ability;
 Good knowledge of Appropriate/Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) tools available
to legal professionals;
 Qualitative and quantitative analytical skills;
 Good knowledge of public sector management;
 Knowledge of Project Management;

 Computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project and
other relevant software.

By promotion to the grade of Principal State Attorney, Senior State Attorney is a subject to
the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal State Attorney.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Senior State Attorney.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Examiner
JOB GRADE: Examiner
REPORTS TO: Senior Examiner
SUPERVISES: Assistant Examiner
JOB PURPOSE: To carry out a substantive analysis of Partnerships, Professional Bodies filings

 Classifies and puts the c Partnerships, Professional Bodies’ registration information
into appropriate registers;
 Verifies and signs registration of Partnerships, Professional Bodies filings;
 Informs applicants and business owners about the registration procedure, their
options and the status of their files;
 Analyse applications for Partnerships, Professional Bodies’ filings registration;
 Communicates to the applicant of the final decision;
 Enter registration’s application data into systems, if documents are submitted in
paper version.
 Conducts searches and writes confirmation letters on existing Partnerships,
Professional Bodies for decision-making;
 Provides information on registered Partnerships, Professional Bodies for decision-
 Ensures effective dissemination of information on Partnerships, Professional Bodies
fillings issues to staff and clients of the ORC.
 Coordinates the establishment of quality assurance systems for Partnerships,
Professional Bodies fillings registration.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Fillings Unit.

 A Bachelor’s Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent
qualifications from a recognised institution;
 Satisfactorily served as Company Examiner or a comparable position with similar
responsibilities for a minimum period of six (6) years in the Public Service;
 Demonstrated knowledge and experience in the field of Business registration.

 Extensive working knowledge of Professional of Bodies Registration Act, 1972 (Act
1015), Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)
 Good knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151);
 Excellent diagnostic and problem solving skills;
 Excellent communication ability;
 Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent qualification;
 Good writing skills;
 Outstanding organizational and time-management skills;
 Computer literacy.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Examiner, Examiner is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Examiner.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Examiner.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Assistant Examiner
JOB GRADE: Assistant Examiner
REPORTS TO: Senior Examiner
JOB PURPOSE: To carry out a substantive analysis of Partnerships, Professional Bodies fillings

 Collects and collates data on filings of registered Partnerships, Professional Bodies
for decision-making;
 Conducts searches and writes confirmation letters on existing Partnerships,
Professional Bodies;
 Files fillings on existing businesses based on classification;

 Informs applicants and business owners about the changes or renewals registration
procedure, their options and the status of their files;
 Analyse applications for Partnerships, Professional Bodies fillings;
 Communicates to the applicant of the final decision;
 Enter amended or renewed Partnerships, Professional Bodies data into systems, if
documents are submitted in paper version.
 Performs other search, examination and administrative tasks to help achieve team
and organisational goals;

 Within the limits determined by the Head of the Fillings Unit.


 A Bachelor’s Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent
qualifications from a recognised institution;
 Satisfactorily served as Company Examiner or a comparable position with similar
responsibilities for a minimum period of three (3) years in the Public Service;
 Demonstrated knowledge and experience in the field of Business registration.

 Extensive working knowledge of Professional of Bodies Registration Act, 1972 (Act
1015), Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)
 Good knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151);
 Excellent diagnostic and problem solving skills;
 Excellent communication ability;
 Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent qualification;
 Good writing skills;
 Outstanding organizational and time-management skills;
 Computer literacy.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Examiner, Examiner is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Examiner.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Examiner.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Executive Officer

JOB GRADE: Executive Officer
REPORTS TO: Head of the Filings Unit
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Secretariat of the
Head of the Filings Unit .

 Draws up appointments for the Head of the Filings Unit;
 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents such as
Companies Certificates etc.;
 Receives and attends to the Filings Unit visitors and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the Filings Unit and ensures that only calls which require
urgent attention reach the Filings Unit;
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders of the Filings Unit on appointments;
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the Filings Unit

 Within the limits set by the Head of the Filings Unit.


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
 A Bachelor’s Degree or a Higher National Diploma, preferably, in Secretaryship and
Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university or an
equivalent professional qualification with a strong office management experience
would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.

 Nil.


 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.



JOB TITLE: Assistant Registrar, Business Names Registration Department
JOB GRADE: Principal State Attorney
REPORTS TO: Deputy Registrar of Companies – Operational Services
SUPERVISES: Head of the New Registrations Unit, Head of the Amendments and Renewals
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical support and quality assurance for efficient management
business names registration activities and work programs of the Business Names Registration

 Contributes to the effective operations of the Business Names Registration
Department by planning, organizing and directing activities and work programs;
 Provides technical advice for the implementation of policies on business names
registration in the ORC;
 Reviews and processes applications for registration of business names;
 Signs for final approval of Certificate of Registration for business names;
 Cross checks the business names Register to ensure that the proper registration
arrangements and filling are done;
 Coordinates and submits comprehensive report on business names;
 Provides technical advice for the improvement of business names;
 Ensures effective dissemination of information on business names registration issues
to staff and clients of the ORC;
 Participates in operational research on business names registration activities in the
 Coordinates the establishment of quality assurance systems for business names
 Ensures that business names and other entities are in compliance with the legislative
 Coordinates reports on business names registration from the Regional Offices of the
 Verifies compliance with Annual Renewal of Registration of business names;
 Provides information on business names registration to MDAs and MMDAs and the
general public;
 Provides inputs for the preparation and submission of quarterly, mid- year, annual
and other periodic reports of the Department;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Business Names
Registration Unit ;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Assistant Registrar of

 Within the limits determined by the Deputy Registrar of Companies – Operational

 A minimum of Master’s Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Finance, Commerce,
Statistics, Project Management, Business Administration or a related discipline
awarded by a recognized tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service, including at least six (6) years’ working experience as a Company
Inspector in the Registrar- General’s Department or ORC.

 In-depth knowledge and experience of the various Acts which regulate the
registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Good working knowledge of registration procedures and processes;
 Extensive working knowledge of Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151);
Professional of Bodies Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015), Companies Act, 2019 (Act
 Good knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
 Must be familiar with all the Public Financial Management Acts and Regulations;
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Leadership and organizational skills;
 Budgeting and financial management skills;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Excellent report writing skills;
 Good working knowledge of all the Public Financial Management Laws and
 Excellent human and public relation skills;
 Conflict management/resolution skills and decision-making ability;
 Good knowledge of Appropriate/Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) tools available
to legal professionals;
 Qualitative and quantitative analytical skills;
 Good knowledge of public sector management.
 Knowledge of Project Management;
 Computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project and
other relevant software;
 Good knowledge in Accounting for Non-Accounting Managers.


 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Office Manager
JOB GRADE: Office Manager
REPORTS TO: Assistant Registrar, Business Department
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Secretariat of the
Assistant Registrar of the Business Names Registration Department.

 Draws up appointments for the Director of Partnerships, Professional Bodies
Registration Department;
 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents such as,
Partnership, Professional Registration Certificates etc.;
 Receives and attends to the Assistant Registrar of Partnerships, Professional Bodies
Registration’s official visitors and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the Assistant Registrar of the Department and ensures
that only calls which require urgent attention reach the Assistant Registrar of the
Partnerships, Professional Bodies Registration Department;
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders to the Assistant Registrar of the Department on
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the Assistant
Registrar of the Partnerships, Professional Bodies Registration Department.

 Within the limits set by the Assistant Registrar of the Partnerships, Professional
Bodies Registration Department.


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
School (GSS);
 A Bachelor’s Degree or a Higher National Diploma, preferably, in Secretaryship and
Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university or an
equivalent professional qualification with a strong office management experience
would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;

 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.

 Nil.

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.

3.9.1. New Registrations Unit,


JOB TITLE: Head, New Registrations Unit
JOB GRADE: Senior Examiner
REPORTS TO: Assistant Registrar, Business Names Registration Department
SUPERVISES: Examiner, Assistant Examiner, Executive Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical support and quality assurance for efficient management
of companies registration activities and work programs of the Business Names Department’s
New Registration Unit.

 Contributes to the effective operations of the Business Names Registration
Department by planning, organizing and directing activities and work programs of the
New Registrations Unit;
 Provides technical advice for the implementation of policies on new business names
in the ORC;
 Reviews and processes applications for registration of new business names;
 Checks and approves Business Names Regulations and signs covering letters for
Business Names, with approval from the Assistant Registrar, Business Names
Registration Department;
 Coordinates and submits comprehensive report on partnerships, professional bodies
registration and related activities to the Director, Partnerships, Professional Bodies
Department for review;
 Ensures effective dissemination of information on partnerships, professional bodies
registration issues to staff and clients of the ORC.
 Participates in operational research on new partnerships, professional bodies
registration activities in the ORC;
 Coordinates the establishment of quality assurance systems for partnerships,
professional bodies registration;
 With approval from the Assistant Registrar, ensures that the registration of
partnerships, professional bodies are in compliance with the Companies Code and
other legislative instruments;
 Coordinates reports on partnerships, professional bodies registration from the
Regional Offices of the ORC;
 Provides information on Partnerships, Professional Bodies to MDAs and MMDAs and
the general public;
 Provides inputs for the preparation and submission of quarterly, mid- year, annual
and other periodic reports of the Department;

 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Partnerships,
Professional Bodies Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Assistant Registrar.

 Within the limits determined by the Assistant Registrar, Business Names Registration


 A minimum of Masters Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Finance, Commerce,
Statistics, Project Management, Business Administration or a related discipline
awarded by a recognized tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of nine (9) years post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service, including at least six (6) years’ working experience as a Company Inspector
in the Registrar- General’s Department or ORC.

 Substantial experience and knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the
registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Good working knowledge of Registration Procedures and Processes;
 Extensive working knowledge of Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151);
Professional of Bodies Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015), Companies Act, 2019 (Act
 Good knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
 Must be familiar with all the Public Financial Management Acts and Regulations;
 Banking Act, 2004 (Act 673) as amended;
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989);
 Leadership and organizational skills;
 Budgeting and financial management skills;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Excellent report writing skills;
 Excellent human and public relation skills;
 Conflict management/resolution skills and decision-making ability;
 Good knowledge of Appropriate/Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) tools available
to legal professionals;
 Qualitative and quantitative analytical skills;
 Good knowledge of public sector management.
 Knowledge of Project Management;
 Computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project and
other relevant software;
 Good knowledge in Accounting for Non-Accounting Managers.

 Nil

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;

 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Examiner
JOB GRADE: Examiner
REPORTS TO: Senior Examiner
SUPERVISES: Assistant Examiner
JOB PURPOSE: To carry out a substantive analysis of new Business Names registrations.

 Classifies and puts the Business Names’ registration information into appropriate
 Verifies and signs registration of new Business Names;
 Informs applicants and business owners about the registration procedure, their
options and the status of their files;
 Analyse applications for Business Names registration;
 Communicates to the applicant of the final decision;
 Enter new Business Names registration’s application data into systems, if documents
are submitted in paper version.
 Conducts searches and writes confirmation letters on existing companies for
 Provides information on registered Business Names for decision-making;
 Ensures effective dissemination of information on Business Names registration issues
to staff and clients of the ORC.
 Participates in operational research on new Business Names registration activities in
the ORC;
 Coordinates the establishment of quality assurance systems for Par Business Names

 Within the limits determined by the Head of New Registrations Unit.


 A Bachelor’s Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent
qualifications from a recognised institution;
 Satisfactorily served as Company Examiner or a comparable position with similar
responsibilities for a minimum period of six (6) years in the Public Service;
 Demonstrated knowledge and experience in the field of Business registration.

 Extensive working knowledge of Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151);
Professional of Bodies Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015), Companies Act, 2019 (Act
 Good knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
 Excellent diagnostic and problem solving skills;
 Excellent communication ability;
 Good writing skills;
 Outstanding organizational and time-management skills;
 Computer literacy.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Examiner, Examiner is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Examiner.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Examiner.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Assistant Examiner
JOB GRADE: Assistant Examiner
REPORTS TO: Senior Examiner
JOB PURPOSE: To carry out a substantive analysis of new Business Names registration.

 Informs applicants and business owners about the Business Names registration
procedure, their options and the status of their files;
 Analyse applications for Business Names registration;
 Communicates to the applicant of the final decision;
 Enter new Business Names registration’s application data into systems, if documents
are submitted in paper version.
 Performs other search, examination and administrative tasks to help achieve team
and organisational goals;

 Within the limits determined by the Head of the New Registrations Unit.


 A Bachelor’s Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent
qualifications from a recognised institution;
 Satisfactorily served as Company Examiner or a comparable position with similar
responsibilities for a minimum period of three (3) years in the Public Service;
 Demonstrated knowledge and experience in the field of Business registration.

 Extensive working knowledge of Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151);
Professional of Bodies Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015), Companies Act, 2019 (Act
 Good knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);

 Excellent diagnostic and problem solving skills;
 Excellent communication ability;
 Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent qualification;
 Good writing skills;
 Outstanding organizational and time-management skills;
 Computer literacy.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Examiner, Examiner is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Examiner.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Examiner.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Executive Officer
JOB GRADE: Executive Officer
REPORTS TO: Head of the New Registration Unit
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Secretariat of the
head of the Business Names Registration department New Registrations Unit.

 Draws up appointments for the Head of the New Registration Unit;
 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents such as
Business Names Certificates etc.;
 Receives and attends to the New Registration Unit visitors and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the New Registration Unit and ensures that only calls
which require urgent attention reach the New Registration Unit;
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders of the New Registration Unit on appointments;
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the New Registration

 Within the limits set by the New Registration Unit.


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
 A Bachelor’s Degree or a Higher National Diploma, preferably, in Secretaryship and
Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university or an
equivalent professional qualification with a strong office management experience
would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.

 Nil.

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.

3.9.2. Amendments and Renewals Unit


JOB TITLE: Head of Amendments and Renewals Unit
JOB GRADE: Senior Examiner
REPORTS TO: Assistant Registrar of Business Names Registration Department
SUPERVISES: Executive Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical support and quality assurance for efficient management
of the business names amendments and renewals systems and related work programs of the
Amendments and Renewals Unit.

 Contributes to the effective operations of the Unit by planning, organizing and
directing activities and work programs of the Amendments and Renewals Unit;
 Provides technical advice for the implementation of policies relating to amendments
and renewals of registered Business Names;
 Reviews and processes applications for amendments and renewals of registered
business names;

 Cross checks the Business Name‘s Register to ensure that proper registration
arrangements and filing are done before undertaking any amendments and renewals
to registered business names;
 Checks and approves amendments and renewals of registered business names;
 Coordinates and submits comprehensive report on amendments and renewals of
registered business names and related activities;
 Approves changes in structure and form of business names, in consultation with the
Legal Affairs Unit;
 Ensures effective dissemination of information on amendments and renewals of
registered business names’ issues to staff and clients of the ORC, in consultation with
the Assistant Registrar.
 Participates in operational research relating to amendments and renewals of
registered business names in the ORC;
 Coordinates the establishment of quality assurance systems for amendments and
renewals of registered business names;
 With approval from the Assistant Registrar, ensures that the amendments and
renewals of registered business names are in compliance with the legislative
 Coordinates reports on amendments and renewals of registered business names from
the Regional Offices of the ORC;
 Directs the issuance of Replacement Certificates, in consultation with the Assistant
 Provides information on amendments and renewals of registered business names to
MDAs and MMDAs and the general public;
 Plans and supervises the Amendments and Renewals Unit’s assignments and identifies
training needs of the Unit’s staff, in consultation with the Assistant Registrar of the
 Provides inputs for the preparation and submission of quarterly, mid- year, annual
and other periodic reports of the Department;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Amendments
and Renewals Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Assistant Registrar of
the Department.

 Within the limits determined by the Assistant Registrar, Business Names Registration


 A minimum of Masters Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Finance, Commerce,
Statistics, Project Management, Business Administration or a related discipline
awarded by a recognized tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of nine (9) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service, including at least six (6) years’ working experience as a Company
Inspector in the Registrar- General’s Department or ORC.

 In-depth knowledge and experience of the various Acts which regulate the
registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Good working knowledge of registration procedures and processes;

 Extensive working knowledge of Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151),
Professional of Bodies Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015), Companies Act, 2019 (Act
 Good knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
 Good working knowledge of all the Public Financial Management Acts and
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Leadership and organizational skills;
 Budgeting and financial management skills;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Excellent report writing skills;
 Conflict management/resolution skills and decision-making ability;
 Good knowledge of Appropriate/Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) tools available
to legal professionals;
 Qualitative and quantitative analytical skills;
 Good knowledge of public sector management;
 Knowledge of Project Management;
 Computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project and
other relevant software;

 Nil

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Examiner
JOB GRADE: Examiner
REPORTS TO: Senior Examiner
SUPERVISES: Assistant Examiner
JOB PURPOSE: To carry out a substantive analysis of Business Names amendments and
renewals registration.

 Classifies and puts the Business Names registration information into appropriate
 Verifies and signs registration of Business Names changes and renewals;
 Informs applicants and business owners about the registration procedure, their
options and the status of their files;
 Analyse applications for Business Names’ changes and renewals registration;
 Communicates to the applicant of the final decision;

 Enter registration’s application data into systems, if documents are submitted in
paper version.
 Conducts searches and writes confirmation letters on existing Business Names for
 Provides information on registered Partnerships, Professional Bodies for decision-
 Ensures effective dissemination of information on Business Names registration issues
to staff and clients of the ORC.
 Participates in operational research on Business Names amendments and renewals
registration activities in the ORC;
 Coordinates the establishment of quality assurance systems for Business Names

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Amendments and Renewals Registrations


 A Bachelor’s Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent
qualifications from a recognised institution;
 Satisfactorily served as Company Examiner or a comparable position with similar
responsibilities for a minimum period of six (6) years in the Public Service;
 Demonstrated knowledge and experience in the field of Business registration.

 Extensive working knowledge of Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151),
Professional of Bodies Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015), Companies Act, 2019 (Act
 Good knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
 Excellent diagnostic and problem solving skills;
 Excellent communication ability;
 Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent qualification;
 Good writing skills;
 Outstanding organizational and time-management skills;
 Computer literacy.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Examiner, Examiner is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Examiner.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Examiner.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;

 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Assistant Examiner
JOB GRADE: Assistant Examiner
REPORTS TO: Senior Examiner
JOB PURPOSE: To carry out a substantive analysis of Business Names fillings registration.

 Collects and collates data on changes and renewals of registered Business Names for
 Conducts searches and writes confirmation letters on existing Business Names;
 Files amendments and changes on existing businesses based on classification;
 Informs applicants and business owners about the changes or renewals registration
procedure, their options and the status of their files;
 Analyse applications for Business Names changes and renewals;
 Communicates to the applicant of the final decision;
 Enter amended or renewed Business Names data into systems, if documents are
submitted in paper version.
 Performs other search, examination and administrative tasks to help achieve team
and organisational goals;

 Within the limits determined by the Head of the Amendments and Renewals
Registrations Unit.


 A Bachelor’s Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent
qualifications from a recognised institution;
 Satisfactorily served as Company Examiner or a comparable position with similar
responsibilities for a minimum period of three (3) years in the Public Service;
 Demonstrated knowledge and experience in the field of Business registration.

 Extensive working knowledge of Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151),
Professional of Bodies Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015), Companies Act, 2019 (Act
 Good knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
 Excellent diagnostic and problem solving skills;
 Excellent communication ability;
 Degree in Science, Law Economics, Commerce or equivalent qualification;
 Good writing skills;
 Outstanding organizational and time-management skills;
 Computer literacy.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Examiner, Examiner is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Examiner.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Examiner.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Executive Officer
JOB GRADE: Executive Officer
REPORTS TO: Head of Amendments and Renewal Unit
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Secretariat of the
Head of Amendments and Renewal Unit.

 Draws up appointments for the Head of Amendments and Renewal Unit;
 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents such as
Business Names Certificates etc.;
 Receives and attends to the Head of Amendments and Renewal Unit official visitors
and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the Head of Amendments and Renewal Unit and ensures
that only calls which require urgent attention reach the Head of Amendments and
Renewal Unit;
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders to the Head of Amendments and Renewal Unit on
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the Head of
Amendments and Renewal Unit.

 Within the limits set by the Head of Amendments and Renewal Unit.


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
School (GSS);
 A Bachelor’s Degree or a Higher National Diploma, preferably, in Secretaryship and
Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university or an
equivalent professional qualification with a strong office management experience
would be an added advantage;

 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.

 Nil.

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.



JOB TITLE: Assistant Registrar, Insolvency and Liquidation Services
JOB GRADE: Principal State Attorney
REPORTS TO: Deputy Registrar of Companies – Operational Services
SUPERVISES: Office Manager, Heads of ILSD units
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical support and quality assurance for efficient management
and inspection of Insolvency and Liquidation Services.

 Collects data on companies to be inspected;
 Verifies compliance with Annual Renewal of Registration of entities;
 Provides support for the collection of information and statistics for quarterly, annual
and other reports relating to field inspections for the ILS Department;
 Participates in the conduct of survey of Insolvency and Liquidation Services, and
related activities of the ORC;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Deputy Registrar of
Companies – operational services.

 Within the limits determined by the Deputy Registrar of Companies – Operational


 A minimum of Master’s Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Finance, Commerce,
Statistics, Project Management, Business Administration or a related discipline
awarded by a recognized tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service, including at least six (6) years’ working experience as a Company
Inspector in the Registrar- General’s Department or ORC.

 In-depth knowledge and experience of the various Acts which regulate the
registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Good working knowledge of registration procedures and processes;
 Extensive working knowledge of Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151);
Professional of Bodies Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015), Companies Act, 2019 (Act
 Good knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
 Must be familiar with all the Public Financial Management Acts and Regulations;
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Leadership and organizational skills;
 Budgeting and financial management skills;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Excellent report writing skills;
 Good working knowledge of all the Public Financial Management Laws and
 Excellent human and public relation skills;
 Conflict management/resolution skills and decision-making ability;
 Good knowledge of Appropriate/Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) tools available
to legal professionals;
 Qualitative and quantitative analytical skills;
 Good knowledge of public sector management.
 Knowledge of Project Management;
 Computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project and
other relevant software;
 Good knowledge in Accounting for Non-Accounting Managers.


 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Office Manager
JOB GRADE: Office Manager
REPORTS TO: Assistant Registrar, Insolvency and Liquidation Services
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Secretariat of the
Assistant Registrar, Insolvency and Liquidation Services Department.

 Draws up appointments for the Assistant Registrar, ILSD;
 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents;
 Receives and attends to the Assistant Registrar, ILSD’s official visitors and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the Assistant Registrar, ILSD and ensures that only calls
which require urgent attention reach the Assistant Registrar, ILSD;
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders to the Assistant Registrar, ILSD on appointments;
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the Assistant
Registrar, ILSD.

 Within the limits set by the Assistant Registrar, ILSD.


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
School (GSS);
 A Bachelor’s Degree or a Higher National Diploma, preferably, in Secretaryship and
Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university or an
equivalent professional qualification with a strong office management experience
would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.


 Nil

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.

3.10.1. Insolvency services Unit, ISU


JOB GRADE: Senior State Attorney
Reports to: Assistant Registrar, ILSD
SUPERVISES: State Attorney, Assistant State Attorney
JOB PURPOSE: To provide operational support and quality assurance for the management of
liquidation and dissolution activities and related work programs of the ISU Unit

 Provides technical inputs into the establishment of systems, processes and
procedures for liquidation and dissolution of companies in accordance with relevant
 Participates in the conduct of inquiries or investigations as directed by the Court or
the Attorney-General, in respect of matters arising out of winding up proceedings;
 Provides technical support for company dissolution thereby terminating its legal
existence and participates in investigating the circumstances that led to a company’s
 Contributes to the publication of the Liquidation Order in the Gazette after a request
is made for the Statement of Affairs from all the Directors of a Company;
 Provides technical support for investigating the conduct of a company’s present and
past officers and see if they are guilty of any unlawful conduct in handling a
company’s affairs;
 Provides technical support for insolvency procedure by facilitating an equitable
distribution of assets from an insolvent company to its creditors;
 Contributes to the selling/auctioning of the assets of a company by an External
Valuer to pay a declared dividend to the creditors;
 Provides technical support for the appointment of Official Receivers and Managers to
restructure, reorganize or reform distress companies;
 Supervises the filing of Form 17 (change of Directors and Secretaries of a Company),
Form 13 (change of a Company’s Address, E-mails etc.), Form 15 (change of Auditors
of a Company) and filing of Special Resolution (change of the object of a Company),
in consultation with the Deputy Registrar of the Companies – Operational Services;
 Provides support for appropriate in-service training programs for the staff of the ISU,
in consultation with the Assistant Registrar, ILSD;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Insolvency and
Liquidation Services Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Deputy Registrar of
the Companies – Operational Services.

 Within the limits determined by the Assistant Registrar, ILSD for the establishment of
a reliable insolvency and dissolution systems and procedures to ensure compliance
with the relevant statutes pertaining to the ORC.

 A minimum of Bachelors Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Finance, Commerce,
Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized tertiary
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service, including at least four (4) years’ working experience as a Company Inspector
in the Registrar-General’s Department.

 In-depth knowledge and experience of the Bodies Corporate (Official Liquidations),
Act ,1963 (Act 180) and Companies Code, 1963 (Act 179), as amended by o Securities
Industry Law, 1993 (PNDCL 333); o The Companies Code (Amendment) Act, 1994 (Act
474); o The Companies Code (Amendment) Act, 1997 (Act 531); o The Companies
Code (Amendment) Act, 2001 (Act 609); o The Companies Code (Amendment) Act,
2002 (Act 627);
 Specific knowledge and skills in areas of registration procedures and processes;
 In-depth understanding of various investigation processes and methods; Interviewing
and interrogation skills;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Good knowledge of Accounting and ability to interpret Accounting Rules and
Company Accounts;
 Knowledge of Banks and Specialized Deposit-Taking Institutions Act, 2016 (Act 930);
 Must be familiar with the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2008 (Act 749), (as amended);
 Must be familiar with all Public Financial Management Acts and Regulations;
 Familiarity with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Outstanding computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft
Project and other relevant software.

By promotion to the grade of Assistant Registrar, ILSD, Head, ISU is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Assistant Registrar, ILSD.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Head, ISU.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds.
 Alternative Dispute Resolution

JOB TITLE: State Attorney
JOB GRADE: State Attorney

SUPERVISES: Assistant State Attorney
JOB PURPOSE: To provide frontline services for insolvency and liquidation of companies

 Providing advice, guidance, mentoring and coaching of less experienced members of
the team;
 Building up key relationships internally and externally along with other key duties;
 Maintaining and updating IPS and other computer applications;
 Reviewing, overseeing and monitoring of the cases of liquidation and allocation of all
personal insolvency allocations to the accounts team;
 Case progression;
 Preparing accurate books and records inventories;
 Tailored stakeholder communication and reporting;
 Statutory reporting and compliance;
 Managing your own portfolio of corporate cases to the highest standard;
 Independent Business Reviews and cashflow forecast reviews;
 Managing cases from the pre-appointment stage through to the closure of the case;
 Managing case delivery including pre-appointment, case progression and closure
ensuring all statutory deadlines are met;
 Investigations into director/debtor conduct and dealing with creditor claims;
 Managing the sale of businesses.

 Within the limits determined by the Head, ISU.


 Experience of working on Administration (either trading or non-trading) cases is
 Must have experience of working on solvent insolvency cases;
 Corporate Insolvency Administrator with a minimum of 4 years’ experience;
 Insolvency Administrator with a minimum of 4 years’ experience.

 Basic knowledge of insolvency procedures and processes;
 Basic knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the insolvency of businesses and
entities in Ghana;
 Good interpersonal skills;
 Goo communication; Basic Report writing skills;
 Computer literacy.

By promotion to the grade of Head, ISU, State Attorney, ISU is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Head, ISU.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of State Attorney, ISU.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.


 Strategic and Project Management;

 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds.
 Alternative Dispute Resolution


JOB TITLE: Assistant State Attorney
JOB GRADE: Assistant State Attorney
REPORTS TO: State Attorney
JOB PURPOSE: Manage a caseload and proactively assist to progress the liquidation and
insolvency cases from start to finish.

 Drafting all routine case correspondence;
 Provide regular progress reports to the manager including preparation of six-monthly
case reviews;
 Be able to work on several different assignments at one time;
 Preparing for and attending meetings;
 Provide regular progress reports to the manager;
 Maximizing asset realizations and ensuring recoveries are pursued in a pro-active and
cost effective way;
 Attend at former trading premises – when relevant to case and necessary;
 Plan, control and pro-actively maintain a portfolio of insolvency cases, progressing
them to closure;
 Contacting warm leads on a day to day basis;
 Carry out basic investigation procedures and identify the appropriate time to seek
legal advice;
 Deal with and adjudicate on claims that are secured (including retention of title),
preferential and unsecured – with assistance if necessary.

 Within the limits determined by the Head, ISU.


 A minimum of Bachelors Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Finance, Commerce,
Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized tertiary
 Must have completed the statutory National Service;
 Previous insolvency experience, with an understanding of case progression and
associated legislation.

 Basic knowledge of insolvency procedures and processes;
 Basic knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the insolvency of businesses and
entities in Ghana;
 Good interpersonal skills;
 Good communication; Basic Report writing skills; Computer literacy.

By promotion to the grade of State Attorney, ISU, Assistant State Attorney is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of State Attorney, ISU.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Assistant State Attorney, ISU.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds.
 Alternative Dispute Resolution

JOB TITLE: Executive Officer
JOB GRADE: Executive Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Secretariat of the

 Draws up appointments for the Head, ISU;
 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents such as
Liquidations and Insolvencies etc.;
 Receives and attends to the Head, ISU official visitors and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the Head, ISU and ensures that only calls which require
urgent attention reach the Head;
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders to the Head, ISU on appointments;
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the Head, ISU.

 Within the limits set by the Head, ISU for effective delivery of administrative and
secretarial support services for the smooth running of the Secretariat for the Head,


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
School (GSS);
 A Bachelor’s Degree or a Higher National Diploma, preferably, in Secretaryship and
Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university or an
equivalent professional qualification with a strong office management experience
would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;

 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.

 Nil.

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.

3.10.2. Restructuring Services Unit, RSU


Job Title: Head of Restructuring Service Unit
JOB GRADE: Senior State Attorney
REPORTS TO: Assistant Registrar, Insolvency and Liquidation Service Department
SUPERVISES: State Attorney, Assistant State Attorney
JOB PURPOSE: To provide leadership, direction and guidance to staff on a portfolio of
restructuring, insolvency and forensic assignments. Manage and appraise the unit to work
and promote professional development to maximize team and staff potential

 Liquidation, receivership, judicial management, scheme of arrangement, monitoring,
/exceptional accountant, debt restructuring, insolvency;
 Lead the Restructuring team to manage the day-to-day operation of restructuring
Division’s assignments’
 Provide reports to the ILSD head where appropriate, delegating tasks as required to
other members of the team and ensuring their timely completion’
 Asset realization, investigations, redundancies, correspondence and case closures
involving restructures’
 Ensure all timescales are met and dealt with as appropriate;
 Provide guidance, motivation, mentoring and assistance to the Restructuring team,
assisting them with their training and progression in ORC and undertake appraisals
and other actions as required;
 Assume responsibility for client relations and liaise with clients, clients’ employees,
agents and solicitors as necessary;
 Build and maintain relationships with other professionals, referring work where
appropriate to those professionals and where possible funding referrals to requisite
 Promote the business and services of ORC by hosting and attending marketing events
and seminars and presentations by other professionals and clients;
 Handle and respond, within acceptable time frames, to case related correspondence
and telephone calls from stakeholders, clients and creditors;

 Prepare accurate budgets for tenders for new work, manage time costs and billing
 Pursue personal development of skills and knowledge necessary for the effective
performance of RU and team members;
 Adhere to ORC’s systems, policy requirements and relevant Health & Safety policies;
 Be willing to travel internally within the country to ORC regional offices for training,
transfer knowledge for Restructuring Unit’s effectiveness and even internationally.


 A minimum of 10 years’ relevant experience with significant focus on restructuring,
insolvency, and litigation support;
 experience in supervising work of officers, senior officers and assistant officers;
 Strong knowledge and understanding of Ghana insolvency statutory and regulatory
 Prior experience in valuation, mergers and acquisitions, and /or Anti-Money
Laundering would be a plus;
 The candidate will possess an insolvency, finance, accounting, or legal background
and a qualification from an internationally recognized institution or professional

 Strong interpersonal, written and oral communication skills;
 Ability to master new tasks and industries quickly;
 Engaging personality and strong team player;
 A proven ability to develop and manage client relationships;
 Ability to work well under pressure and deal with ambiguity;
 Strong organizational skills;
 high accuracy and Strong attention to detail;
 Strong Problem-solving skills and takes initiatives;
 Awareness of risk, diligent, hard-working with ability to understand the big picture;
 Strong numerical and analytical capabilities;
 Ability to develop models and interpret reports and conduct data analysis;
 High degree of emotional intelligence;
 Proficiency with PowerPoint, Excel and Word;
 Experience in using insolvency system software.

By promotion to the grade of Assistant Registrar, ILSD, Head, RSU is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Assistant Registrar, ILSD.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Head, RSU.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds.
 Alternative Dispute Resolution

Job Title: State Attorney
JOB GRADE: State Attorney
SUPERVISES: Assistant State Attorney
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical support and input on a portfolio of restructuring,
insolvency and forensic assignments. Support in the management of the unit when

 Liquidation, receivership, judicial management, scheme of arrangement, monitoring,
/exceptional accountant, debt restructuring, insolvency;
 Contribute to the Restructuring Services Unit in the management of the day-to -day
operation of the Deparment’s assignments;
 Contribute to reports where appropriate and in instances where tasks are delegated,
ensuring their timely completion by junior staff;
 Complete tasks related to asset realization, investigations, redundancies,
correspondence and case closures involving restructures;
 Ensure all targets are met and dealt with as appropriate;
 Provide guidance, motivation, mentoring and assistance to subordinates in the
Restructuring team, assisting them with their training and progression in ORC and
undertake appraisals and other actions as required;
 When delegated to, assume responsibility for client relations and liaise with clients,
clients’ employees, agents and solicitors as necessary;
 As necessary, build and maintain relationships with other professionals, referring
work where appropriate to those professionals and where possible funding referrals
to requisite institutions;
 As delegated, promote the business and services of ORC by hosting and attending
marketing events and seminars and presentations by other professionals and clients;
 Handle and respond, within acceptable time frames, to case related correspondence
and telephone calls from stakeholders, clients and creditors;
 Prepare accurate budgets for tenders for new work, manage time costs and billing
 Pursue personal development of skills and knowledge necessary for the effective
performance of RSU and team members;
 Adhere to ORC’s systems, policy requirements and relevant Health & Safety policies;
 As delegated, be willing to travel internally within the country to ORC regional
offices for training, transfer knowledge for Restructuring Services Unit’s
effectiveness and even internationally.


 A minimum of 6 years’ relevant experience with significant focus on restructuring,
insolvency, and litigation support. experience in supervising work of officers, senior
officers and assistant officers;
 Strong knowledge and understanding of Ghana insolvency statutory and regulatory
 Prior experience in valuation, mergers and acquisitions, and /or Anti-Money
Laundering would be a plus;
 The candidate will possess an insolvency, finance, accounting, or legal background
and a qualification from an internationally recognized institution or professional

 Strong interpersonal, written and oral communication skills;
 Ability to master new tasks and industries quickly;
 Engaging personality and strong team player;

 A proven ability to develop and manage client relationships;
 Ability to work well under pressure and deal with ambiguity;
 Strong organizational skills;
 High accuracy and Strong attention to detail;
 Strong Problem-solving skills and takes initiatives;
 Awareness of risk, diligent, hard-working with ability to understand the big picture;
 Strong numerical and analytical capabilities;
 Ability to develop models and interpret reports and conduct data analysis;
 High degree of emotional intelligence;
 Proficiency with PowerPoint, Excel and Word;
 Experience in using insolvency system software.

By promotion to the grade of Head, RSU, State Attorney, RSU is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Head, RSU.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of State Attorney, RSU.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds.
 Alternative Dispute Resolution


Job Title: Assistant State Attorney, RSU
JOB GRADE: Assistant State Attorney
REPORTS TO: State Attorney
JOB PURPOSE: To provide professional support and technical input on a portfolio of
restructuring, insolvency and forensic assignments within the unit.

 Contribution to assignments related to restructuring and insolvency;
 Support the Restructuring Services Unit in the management of the day-to -day
operation of the Division’s assignments;
 Contribute to reports where appropriate, ensuring their timely completion;
 Execute tasks related to asset realization, investigations, redundancies,
correspondence and case closures;
 Contribute to tasks to ensure that targets are met;
 As directed, liaise with clients as required;
 prepare drafts for superior officer/s approval within acceptable time frames, to case
related correspondence and telephone calls from stakeholders, clients and creditors;
 Contribute to accurate budgets for tenders for new work, contribute to time costs
and billing accordingly;
 Build upon personal development of skills and knowledge necessary for the effective
performance of RU and team members;
 Adhere to ORC’s systems, policy requirements and relevant Health & Safety policies;

 Perform any other duties required by supervisor.


 A minimum of 3 years’ relevant experience in a restructuring, insolvency, and
litigation department or unit;
 Good familiarity with Ghana insolvency statutory and regulatory framework;
 Prior exposure to valuation, mergers and acquisitions, and /or Anti-Money Laundering
would be a plus;
 Possess insolvency, finance, accounting, or legal background and a qualification from
a recognized institution or professional body.

 Strong interpersonal, written and oral communication skills;
 Ability to master new tasks and industries quickly;
 Engaging personality and strong team player;
 Ability to work well under pressure and deal with ambiguity;
 Strong organizational skills;
 Strong attention to detail;
 Good problem-solving skills and initiative;
 Dedicated and hard-working;
 Strong numerical and analytical skills;
 Exposure to data modelling and data analysis;
 Emotionally intelligent;
 Proficiency with S Suite: Excel, Word, PowerPoint;
 Exposure to insolvency system software and apps.

By promotion to the grade of State Attorney, RSU, Assistant State Attorney is a subject to
the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of State Attorney, RSU.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Assistant State Attorney, RSU.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds.
 Alternative Dispute Resolution

JOB TITLE: Executive Officer
JOB GRADE: Executive Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Secretariat of the


 Draws up appointments for the Head, RSU;
 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents such as
Liquidations and Insolvencies etc.;
 Receives and attends to the Head, RSU official visitors and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the Head, RSU and ensures that only calls which require
urgent attention reach the Head;
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders to the Head, RSU on appointments;
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the Head, RSU.

 Within the limits set by the Head, ISU for effective delivery of administrative and
secretarial support services for the smooth running of the Secretariat for the Head,


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
School (GSS);
 A Bachelor’s Degree or a Higher National Diploma, preferably, in Secretaryship and
Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university or an
equivalent professional qualification with a strong office management experience
would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.

 Nil.

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.

3.10.3. Licensing and Public Education Unit (LPEU)


JOB TITLE: Head of the Licensing and Education Unit
JOB GRADE: Senior State Attorney
REPORTS TO: Head of the Insolvency and Liquidation Department
SUPERVISES: State Attorney, Assistant State Attorney, Executive Officer
JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for ensuring the performance review of Insolvency Practitioners
as well as keeps and maintains a Register of Insolvency Practitioners. Responsible for
ensuring that research and commission studies are carried out as well as for providing public
education in the area of insolvency administration.

 Reviews performance of Insolvency Practitioners;
 Registers, Licenses as well as keeps and maintains a Register of Insolvency
 Reviews Reports from Liquidators and Insolvency Practitioners on the administration
of insolvencies;
 Suspends or removes Insolvency Practitioners from continuing in that office subject
to the relevant sections under the Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020
(Act 1015);
 Keep under review the law and practice relating to insolvency of Companies and
other bodies corporate in the country and makes recommendations on any changes
considered necessary;
 Carries out research, commission studies, disseminates information and provides
public education in the area of insolvency administration;
 Establishes and maintains communication and liaises with international agencies,
including the International Commission on Trade Law in the area of international
insolvencies and insolvency administration.
 Contributes to effective operations of the Licensing and Public Education Unit by
planning, organizing and directing activities and work programs of the Unit;
 Provides technical inputs into the establishment of systems, processes and
procedures for licensing in accordance with relevant enactment;
 Plans and schedules appropriate in-service training programs for the staff of the
Licensing and Education Unit and Insolvency and Liquidation Service Department as
may be necessary;
 Provides inputs into the annual budget of the ORC in accordance with established
procedures of the Department;
 Provides inputs for facilitating the development of strategic plans to systematize the
operations of the ORC based on strategic policies and regulations of the Department;
 Represents the Head of the Insolvency and Liquidation Service Department on various
committees of the ORC in his absence;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Insolvency and
Liquidation Service;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Head of the Insolvency
and Liquidation Service Department.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of the Insolvency and Liquidation Services

 A minimum of Master’s Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Finance, Commerce,
Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized tertiary
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of at least one of the following
recognized professional bodies: Ghana Association of Restructuring and Insolvency
Advisors (GARIA), Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), Ghana Bar
Association (GBA), Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ghana (ICAG), Chartered
Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) or Chartered Institute of Taxation,
Ghana (CITG);
 A minimum of nine (9) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service, including at least six (6) years’ working experience as a Company
Inspector in the Registrar- General’s Department or ORC.

 In-depth knowledge and experience of the Companies Code, 1963 (Act 179), Bodies
Corporate (Official Liquidations) Act, 1963 (Act 180) and other relevant Acts which
regulate the registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Specific knowledge and skills in areas of registration procedures and processes;
 Familiarity with the requirements and procedures for Company Inspection;
 In-depth understanding of various investigation processes and methods;
 Excellent interviewing and interrogation skills;
 Ability to observe and caption details;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Conflict management/resolution skills;
 Superior organizational and multitasking skills and experience in managing a budget;
 Good knowledge of Accounting and ability to interpret Accounting Rules and
Company Accounts;
 Expert knowledge of Banks and Specialized Deposit-Taking Institutions Act, 2016 (Act
 Familiarity with the Banking Act, 2004 (Act 673) as amended;
 Must be familiar with the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2008 (Act 749), (as amended);
 Must be familiar with all Public Financial Management Acts and Regulations;
 Familiarity with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Quantitative and qualitative analytical skills with expert knowledge in SPSS and
Regression Analysis, SAS and other relevant statistical tools;
 Outstanding computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft
Project and other relevant software;
 Significant experience and comprehensive knowledge of Project Management.

By promotion to the grade of Assistant Registrar of the Insolvency and Liquidation Services,
Senior state Attorney of the Licensing and Public Education Unit is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Assistant Registrar of the Insolvency and
Liquidation Services.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Senior state Attorney of the Licensing
and Public Education Unit.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds.
 Alternative Dispute Resolution


JOB TITLE: State Attorney LPEU
JOB GRADE: State Attorney
REPORTS TO: Head of the LPEU
Supervises: Assistant State Attorney
JOB PURPOSE: To provide operational support for the activities and related work programs
of the LPEU.

 Provides operational support for the establishment of systems, processes and
procedures for licensing and education in accordance with relevant enactment;
 Collects and collates data for investigating the conduct of a company’s present and
past officers;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the LPEU;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Head of the LPEU;
 Reviews Reports from Liquidators and Insolvency Practitioners on the administration
of insolvencies;
 Keep under review the law and practice relating to insolvency of Companies and
other bodies corporate in the country and makes recommendations on any changes
considered necessary;
 Contributes to effective operations of the Licensing and Public Education Unit by
planning, organizing and directing activities and work programs of the Unit;
 Provides technical inputs into the establishment of systems, processes and
procedures for licensing in accordance with relevant enactment;
 Plans and schedules appropriate in-service training programs for the staff of the
Licensing and Education Unit and Insolvency and Liquidation Services Department as
may be necessary;
 Provides inputs for facilitating the development of strategic plans to systematize the
operations of the ORC based on strategic policies and regulations of the Department.
 Performs other functions as may be necessary.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of the Licensing and Public Education Unit.


 A minimum of Bachelor’s Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Commerce,
Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized tertiary
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of six (6) years post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service, including at least four (4) years’ working experience as a Company Inspector
in the Registrar-General’s Department or ORC.

 Knowledge and experience of the Companies Code, 1963 (Act 179), Bodies Corporate
(Official Liquidations) Act, 1963 (Act 180) and other relevant Acts which regulate the
registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of registration procedures and processes;
 Good knowledge of Accounting and ability to interpret Accounting Rules and
Company Accounts;
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989);
 Computer skills;
 Observation skills;
 Good knowledge in statistics and data analysis;
 Communication skills and presentation;
 Report writing skills;
 Human and public relation skills;
 Quantitative and qualitative analytical skills.

By promotion to the grade of Head LPEU, State Attorney of the Licensing and Public
Education Unit is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Head, LPEU.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of State Attorney of the Licensing and
Public Education Unit.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds.
 Alternative Dispute Resolution


JOB TITLE: Assistant State Attorney of the LPEU
JOB GRADE: Assistant State Attorney
REPORTS TO: State Attorney
JOB PURPOSE: To provide frontline services for licensing and public education.

 Collects data on licensing;
 Provides support for the collection of information and statistics for quarterly, annual
and other reports relating to licensing and public education for the LPEU;
 Participates in the conduct of survey in support of licensing, public education and
related activities of the LPEU and Insolvency and Liquidation Services Department;
 Assists in filing different registration Forms;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior RGD staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Head LPEU.
 Performs other functions as may be necessary.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of the Licensing and Public Education Unit.


 A minimum of Bachelor’s Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Finance,
Commerce, Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized
tertiary institution;
 Must have completed the statutory National Service;
 A minimum of four (4) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service, comprising at least one (1) year’s working experience in the Registrar
General’s Department and two (2) year statutory National Service.

 Basic knowledge of registration procedures and processes;
 Basic knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses and
entities in Ghana;
 Good interpersonal skills;
 Good communication;
 Basic Report writing skills;
 Computer literacy.

By promotion to the grade of Assistant State Attorney of the Licensing and Public Education
Unit, Executive Officer is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Assistant State Attorney of the Licensing and
Public Education Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Executive Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.

JOB TITLE: Executive Officer of the LPEU
JOB GRADE: Executive Officer
REPORTS TO: Assistant State Attorney
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Secretariat of the
Head of the LPEU

 Draws up appointments for the Head of the LPEU;
 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents;
 Receives and attends to the Head of the LPEU official visitors and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the Head of the LPEU and ensures that only calls which
require urgent attention reach the Head of the LPEU;
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders to the Head of the LPEU on appointments;
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the Head of the

 Within the limits set by the Head of the Licensing and Public Education Unit for
effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services for the smooth
running of the Secretariat for the Head LPEU.


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
School (GSS);
 A Bachelor’s Degree or a Higher National Diploma, preferably, in Secretaryship and
Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university or an
equivalent professional qualification with a strong office management experience
would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.

By promotion to the grade of State Attorney of the Licensing and Public Education Unit,
Assistant State Attorney is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of State Attorney of the Licensing and Public
Education Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Assistant State Attorney.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.

3.10.4. Liquidation Unit, LU


JOB TITLE: Head of the Liquidation Unit
JOB GRADE: Senior State Attorney
REPORTS TO: Head of the Insolvency and Liquidation Services Department
SUPERVISES: State Attorney, Assistant State Attorney, Executive Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical support for the establishment of a reliable insolvency
and dissolution systems and procedures to enhance the work programs of the LU Division.

 Contributes to effective operations of the Liquidation Unit by planning, organizing
and directing activities and work programs of the Unit;
 Provides technical inputs into the establishment of systems, processes and
procedures for liquidation and dissolution of companies in accordance with relevant
 Facilitates the publication of the Liquidation Order in the Gazette after a request is
made for the Statement of Affairs from all the Directors of a Company;
 Under the supervision of Senior Officers of the ORC, coordinates the conduct of
inquiries or investigations as directed by the Court or the Attorney-General in
respect of matters arising out of winding up proceedings;
 Participates in writing preliminary report and submits it to the Court with regard to
capital issued, the estimated amount of assets and liabilities and causes of the
failure of a company upon the receipt of the Statement of Affairs from the Directors;
 Provides support for closing down businesses and participates in investigating the
circumstances that led to a company’s insolvency;
 Provides technical support for investigating the conduct of a company’s present and
past officers and see if they are guilty of any unlawful conduct in handling a
company’s affairs;
 Recommends the rescue of the business of a company to the Registrar of Companies
for consideration after investigations prove that this will produce a better return for
the creditors of the company during an insolvency process;
 Provides technical support for insolvency procedure by facilitating an equitable
distribution of assets from an insolvent company to its creditors;
 Provides support for selling/auctioning of the assets of a company by an External
Valuer to pay a declared dividend to the creditors;

 Participates in the conversion of any remaining assets of a company after its
liquidation into cash and facilitates the payment of those funds to the preferential or
preferred creditors;
 Provides technical support for the appointment of Official Receivers and Managers to
restructure, reorganize or reform distress companies;
 Organizes evidence for possible use in a court of law and testifies when asked for
potentially fraudulent activities of an insolvent company that go contrary to the
relevant laws pertaining to the ORC and facilitates an investigation when needed, in
collaboration with Legal Unit of the ORC;
 Ensures the filing of Form 17 (change of Directors and Secretaries of a Company),
Form 13 (change of a Company’s Address, E-mails etc.), Form 15 (change of
 Auditors of a Company) and filing of Special Resolution (change of the object of a
 Plans and schedules appropriate in-service training programs for the staff of the
Liquidation Unit, in consultation with the Head of the Insolvency and Liquidation
Services Department;
 Provides inputs into the annual budget of the ORC in accordance with established
procedures of the Department;
 Provides inputs for facilitating the development of strategic plans to systematize the
operations of the ORC based on strategic policies and regulations of the Department;
 Represents the Insolvency and Liquidation Services Department on various
committees of the ORC in his absence;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Liquidation
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Head of the Insolvency
and Liquidation Services Department.

 Within the limits determined by the Assistant Registrar of the Insolvency and
Liquidation Services Department.


 A minimum of Master’s Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Finance, Commerce,
Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized tertiary
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of at least one of the following
recognized professional bodies: Ghana Association of Restructuring and Insolvency
Advisors (GARIA), Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), Ghana Bar
Association (GBA), Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ghana (ICAG), Chartered
Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) or Chartered Institute of Taxation,
Ghana (CITG);
 A minimum of nine (9) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service, including at least six (6) years’ working experience as a Company
Inspector in the Registrar- General’s Department or ORC.

 In-depth knowledge and experience of the Companies Code, 1963 (Act 179), Bodies
Corporate (Official Liquidations) Act, 1963 (Act 180) and other relevant Acts which
regulate the registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Specific knowledge and skills in areas of registration procedures and processes;
 Familiarity with the requirements and procedures for Company Inspection;

 In-depth understanding of various investigation processes and methods;
 Excellent interviewing and interrogation skills;
 Ability to observe and caption details;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Conflict management/resolution skills;
 Superior organizational and multitasking skills and experience in managing a budget;
 Good knowledge of Accounting and ability to interpret Accounting Rules and
Company Accounts;
 Expert knowledge of Banks and Specialized Deposit-Taking Institutions Act, 2016 (Act
 Familiarity with the Banking Act, 2004 (Act 673) as amended;
 Must be familiar with the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2008 (Act 749), (as amended);
 Must be familiar with all Public Financial Management Acts and Regulations;
 Familiarity with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Quantitative and qualitative analytical skills with expert knowledge in SPSS and
Regression Analysis, SAS and other relevant statistical tools;
 Outstanding computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft
Project and other relevant software;
 Significant experience and comprehensive knowledge of Project Management.

By promotion to the grade of Assistant Registrar of the Insolvency and Liquidation Services,
Head of the Liquidation Unit is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Assistant Registrar of the Insolvency and
Liquidation Services.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Senior State Attorney of the Liquidation
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations.

JOB TITLE: State Attorney of LU
JOB GRADE: State Attorney
REPORTS TO: Senior State Attorney
SUPERVISES: Assistant State Attorney
JOB PURPOSE: To provide on-field operational support for liquidation and dissolution
activities and related work programs of the LU.


 Provides operational support for the establishment of systems, processes and
procedures for liquidation and dissolution of companies in accordance with relevant
 Participates in the conduct of inquiries or investigations as directed by the Court or
the Attorney-General, in respect of matters arising out of winding up proceedings;
 Provides operational support for company dissolution thereby terminating its legal
existence and participates in investigating the circumstances that led to a company’s
 Collates data for the publication of the Liquidation Order in the Gazette after a
request is made for the Statement of Affairs from all the Directors of a Company;
 Collects and collates data for investigating the conduct of a company’s present and
past officers;
 Drafts reports on the selling/auctioning of the assets of a company by an External
Valuer to pay a declared dividend to the creditors;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Liquidation and
Dissolution Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Head of the
Liquidation Unit.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of the Liquidation Unit.


 A minimum of Bachelor’s Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Commerce,
Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized tertiary
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of six (6) years post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service, including at least four (4) years’ working experience as a Company Inspector
in the Registrar- General’s Department or ORC.

 Knowledge and experience of the Companies Code, 1963 (Act 179), Bodies Corporate
(Official Liquidations) Act, 1963 (Act 180) and other relevant Acts which regulate the
registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of registration procedures and processes;
 Good knowledge of Accounting and ability to interpret Accounting Rules and
Company Accounts;
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989);
 Computer skills;
 Observation skills;
 Good knowledge in statistics and data analysis;
 Communication skills and presentation;
 Report writing skills;
 Human and public relation skills;
 Quantitative and qualitative analytical skills.

By promotion to the grade of Head of the Liquidation Unit, State Attorney of the Licensing
and Public Education Unit is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Head of the Liquidation Unit.

 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of State Attorney.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds.
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.


JOB TITLE: Assistant State Attorney of the LU
JOB GRADE: Assistant State Attorney
REPORTS TO: State Attorney
SUPERVISES: Executive Officer
REPORTS TO: Assistant State Attorney
JOB PURPOSE: To provide frontline services for liquidation and dissolution of companies and
inspection of existing ones.

 Collects data on liquidation and dissolution of companies;
 Provides support for the collection of information and statistics for quarterly, annual
and other reports relating to liquidation and dissolution for the LU;
 Verifies compliance with Annual Renewal of Registration of entities;
 Participates in the conduct of survey in support of registration of companies,
business names, partnerships, sole proprietorships, marriages, external companies,
and related activities of the LU and Insolvency and Liquidation Services Department;
 Assists in filing different registration Forms;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior RGD staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Head, LU.
 Performs other functions as may be necessary.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of the Liquidation Unit.


 A minimum of Bachelor’s Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Finance,
Commerce, Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized
tertiary institution;
 Must have completed the statutory National Service;
 A minimum of four (4) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service, comprising at least one (1) year’s working experience in the Registrar
General’s Department and two (2) year statutory National Service.

 Basic knowledge of registration procedures and processes;
 Basic knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses and
entities in Ghana;
 Good interpersonal skills;
 Good communication;
 Basic Report writing skills;
 Computer literacy.

By promotion to the grade of State Attorney of the Liquidation Unit, Assistant State Attorney
is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of State Attorney of the Liquidation Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Assistant State Attorney.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.

JOB TITLE: Executive Officer of the LU
JOB GRADE: Executive Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Secretariat of the
Head DL

 Draws up appointments for the Head, LU;
 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents such as
Business Names Certificates, Partnership Certificates etc.;
 Receives and attends to the Head LU official visitors and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the Head LU and ensures that only calls which require
urgent attention reach the Head LU;
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders to the Head LU on appointments;
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the Head LU.

 Within the limits set by the Head of the Liquidation Unit for effective delivery of
administrative and secretarial support services for the smooth running of the
Secretariat for the Head LU.


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
School (GSS);
 A Bachelor’s Degree or a Higher National Diploma, preferably, in Secretaryship and
Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university or an
equivalent professional qualification with a strong office management experience
would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.

 Nill

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.



JOB TITLE: Director of the Inspections Department
JOB GRADE: Chief Company Inspector
REPORTS TO: Deputy Registrar of Companies - Operational Services
SUPERVISES: Office manager, Head of Inspections, Compliance Services Unit, Head of
Penalties Administration Unit.
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical leadership for field inspection activities and work
programs of the Inspections Department.

 Contributes to effective operations of the Inspection Unit by planning, organizing and
directing activities and work programs of the Inspection Unit;
 Coordinates the inspection of the statutory books of registered companies to ensure
that they comply with the laws pertaining to the ORC;
 Facilitates the development of best practices and standard tools to improve
operational efficiency before, during and after field inspection;
 Undertakes preliminary research by collation of data and information on specific
field inspection issues and analyzes and resolves inspection issues in a timely and
accurate manner;

 Coordinates the verification of compliance with Annual Renewal of Registration of
entities to meet regulatory standards;
 Directs the collation of field data and observes the performance of each field staff to
gain feedback and reports on findings for decision-making;
 Checks facts, proofreads, and edits Field Inspection Reports to ensure accuracy;
 Coordinates the design and implementation of strategies to drive the field inspection
activities of the ORC.
 Keeps up to date with quality developments relevant to field inspection and related
 Assesses and evaluates the Inspection Team’s as well as the individual’s performance
in the Team, and recommends the filling of knowledge gaps through additional
training and professional development programs;
 Liaises with Management and Planning and Budgeting Unit in budget preparation and
expense control activities relating to field inspection;
 Collaborates with Management of the ORC and the Finance Management Department
to determine allowances for field staff;
 Occasionally supports the Regional Offices of the Department by working directly
with them during their peak periods, where necessary;
 Provides inputs into the annual budget of the ORC in accordance with established
procedures of the Department;
 Provides inputs for facilitating the development of strategic plans to systematize the
operations of the ORC based on strategic policies and regulations of the Department;
 Facilitates the conduct of survey in support of registration of companies, business
names, partnerships, sole proprietorships, marriages, external companies, and
related activities of the Department;
 Represents the Deputy Registrar of Companies - Operational Services on various
committees of the ORC in his absence;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Inspection Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Deputy Registrar of
Companies - Support Services.

 Within the limits determined by the Deputy Registrar General – Operational Services.


 A minimum of Master’s Degree, preferably, in Economics, Statistics, Finance,
Commerce, Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized
tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of fifteen (15) years post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service, including at least ten (10) year working experience as a Chief
Inspector in the Registrar- General’s Department or ORC.

 In-depth knowledge and experience of the Companies Code, 1963 (Act 179) and other
relevant Acts which regulate the registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Familiarity with the requirements and procedures for Company Inspection;
 Specific knowledge and skills in areas of registration procedures and processes;
 In-depth understanding of various investigation processes and methods;
 Excellent interviewing and interrogation skills;
 Ability to observe and caption details;

 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Conflict management/resolution skills and decision-making ability;
 Must be familiar with all the Public Financial Management Acts and Regulations;
 Knowledge of Accounting and ability to interpret Accounting Rules and Company
 Familiarity with the Banking Act, 2004 (Act 673) as amended;
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989);
 Good organizational and time-management skills;
 Strong leadership abilities and experience in managing a budget;
 Superior organizational and multitasking skills;
 Quantitative and quantitative analytical skills with expert knowledge in SPSS and
 Regression Analysis, SAS and other relevant statistical tools;
 Outstanding computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft
Project and other relevant software;
 Negotiation and influencing skills;
 Significant experience and comprehensive knowledge of Project Management;
 Good working knowledge in Accounting for Non-Accounting Managers.


 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds.
 Alternative Dispute Resolution

JOB TITLE: Office Manager
JOB GRADE: Office Manager
REPORTS TO: Director of Inspections Department
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Secretariat of the
Director of the Inspections Department.

 Draws up appointments for the Director, ID;
 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents such as
Business Names Certificates, Partnership Certificates etc.;
 Receives and attends to the Director, ID’s official visitors and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the Director, ID and ensures that only calls which require
urgent attention reach the Director, ID;
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or

 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders to the Director, ID on appointments;
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the Director, ID.

 Within the limits set by the Director of Inspections Department.


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
School (GSS);
 A Bachelor’s Degree or a Higher National Diploma, preferably, in Secretaryship and
Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university or an
equivalent professional qualification with a strong office management experience
would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.

 Nil

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.

3.11.1. Inspection, Compliance Services Unit, ICSU


JOB TITLE: Head of Inspections, Compliance Services Unit
JOB GRADE: Chief Compliance Inspector
REPORTS TO: Director of Inspections Department
SUPERVISES: Principal Compliance Inspector, Senior Compliance Inspector, Compliance
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical leadership for field inspection activities and work
programs of the Inspections, Compliance Services Unit


 Contributes to effective operations of the ICSU by planning, organizing and directing
activities and work programs of the ICSU;
 Coordinates the inspection of the statutory books of registered companies to ensure
that they comply with the laws pertaining to the ORC;
 Facilitates the development of best practices and standard tools to improve
operational efficiency before, during and after field inspection;
 Undertakes preliminary research by collation of data and information on specific
field inspection issues and analyzes and resolves inspection issues in a timely and
accurate manner;
 Coordinates the verification of compliance with Annual Renewal of Registration of
entities to meet regulatory standards;
 Directs the collation of field data and observes the performance of each field staff to
gain feedback and reports on findings for decision-making;
 Checks facts, proofreads, and edits Field Inspection Reports to ensure accuracy;
 Reviews proposals on field inspection activities of the Inspection Unit for approval;
 Coordinates the design and implementation of strategies to drive the field
inspection activities of the ORC, in collaboration with the M & E Unit to ensure
compliance with regulations;
 Organizes evidence for possible use in a court of law and prepares to testify when
asked for potentially fraudulent activities of a registered company or entity that go
contrary to the relevant laws pertaining to the ORC and facilitates an investigation
when needed, in collaboration with Legal Unit of the ORC;
 Keeps up to date with quality developments relevant to field inspection and related
 Provides technical inputs into liquidation of companies;
 Conducts meetings relating to field inspections with Management of the ORC and
prepares analytical reports and summaries for Higher-level Management’s decision
 Assesses and evaluates the Inspection Team’s as well as the individual’s performance
in the Team, and recommends the filling of knowledge gaps through additional
training and professional development programs;
 Liaises with Management and Planning and Budgeting Unit in budget preparation and
expense control activities relating to field inspection;
 Provides inputs for facilitating the development of strategic plans to systematize the
operations of the ORC based on strategic policies and regulations of the Department;
 Facilitates the conduct of survey in support of registration of companies, business
names, partnerships, sole proprietorships, marriages, external companies, and
related activities of the Department;
 Represents the Deputy Director of Inspections Department on various committees of
the ORC in his absence;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Inspection Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Deputy Director of
Inspections Department.

 Within the limits determined by the Director of Inspections Department


 A minimum of master’s degree, preferably, in Economics, Statistics, Finance,
Commerce, Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized
tertiary institution;

 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of fifteen (15) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service, including at least ten (10) years’ working experience as a Chief
Inspector in the Registrar-General’s Department or ORC.

 In-depth knowledge and experience of the Companies Code, 1963 (Act 179) and other
relevant Acts which regulate the registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Familiarity with the requirements and procedures for Company Inspection;
 Specific knowledge and skills in areas of registration procedures and processes;
 In-depth understanding of various investigation processes and methods;
 Excellent interviewing and interrogation skills;
 Ability to observe and caption details;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Conflict management/resolution skills and decision-making ability;
 Must be familiar with all the Public Financial Management Acts and Regulations;
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989);
 Good organizational and time-management skills;
 Strong leadership abilities and experience in managing a budget;
 Superior organizational and multitasking skills;
 Outstanding computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft
Project and other relevant software;
 Negotiation and influencing skills;
 Significant experience and comprehensive knowledge of Project Management;
 Good working knowledge in Accounting for Non- Accounting Managers.

By promotion to the grade of Director of Inspections Department, Head of Inspections,
Compliance Services Unit is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Director of Inspections Department.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Head of Inspections, Compliance
Services Unit.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds.
 Alternative Dispute Resolution


JOB TITLE: Principal Compliance Inspector
JOB GRADE: Principal Compliance Inspector
REPORTS TO: Head of Inspections, Compliance Services Unit

IMMEDIATE SUBORDINATES: Senior Compliance Inspector, Compliance Inspector
JOB PURPOSE: To provide on-field operational support for inspection activities and related
work programs of the ICSU.

 Collects and collates data on companies to be inspected;
 Inspects the statutory books of registered companies to ensure that they comply with
the laws pertaining to the ORC;
 Analyzes data from field inspection using graphs and spreadsheets to portray findings
from the field inspections;
 Verifies compliance with Annual Renewal of Registration of entities;
 Records all findings on field inspection in a database and shares this information with
the appropriate supervisors;
 Drafts potential problems and areas of concern in field inspection for approval;
 Reviews and processes Draft Inspection Reports by team members and submits the
reports to Head (Team Leader);
 Participates in the preparation and review of questionnaires for field inspection;
 Creates presentation slides and posters to help Chief Compliance Inspector and
Inspection Team members to present their findings and observations during
 Provides support for official liquidation of companies or business;
 Drafts Inspection Procedure outlines for reference use in subsequent field inspections
for approval;
 Contributes to the planning and scheduling of appropriate in-service training
programs for the staff of the Inspection Unit;
 Provides support for the collation of information and statistics for quarterly, annual
and other reports relating to field inspections for the unit
 Participates in the conduct of survey in support of registration of companies,
business names, partnerships, sole proprietorships, external companies, and related
activities of the Inspections Department;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the ICSU;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Head of the
Inspection, Compliance Services Unit.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of the Inspections, Compliance Services


 A minimum of Bachelor’s Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Commerce,
Statistics, Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized
tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service, including at least six (6) years’ working experience as a Chief
Company Inspector in the Registrar- General’s Department or ORC.

 Knowledge of Registration Procedures and Processes;
 Knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses and
entities in Ghana;

 Good knowledge of Accounting and ability to interpret Accounting Rules and
Company Accounts;
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989);
 Computer skills;
 Observation skills;
 Good knowledge in statistics and data analysis;
 Communication skills and presentation;
 Report writing skills;
 Human and public relation skills;
 Quantitative and qualitative analytical skills.

By promotion to the grade of Chief Compliance Inspector of the Inspections, Compliance
Services Unit, Principal Compliance Inspector is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Chief Compliance Inspector of the Inspections,
Compliance Services Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Principal Compliance Inspector.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Computing and Administration;
 Communication and Public Relations.


JOB TITLE: Senior Compliance Inspector
JOB GRADE: Senior Inspector
REPORTS TO: Principal Compliance Inspector
SUPERVISES: Compliance Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To provide on-field operational support for compliance and inspection
activities and related work programs of the Inspection, Compliance Services Unit.

 Collects and collates data on compliance;
 Inspects the statutory books of registered companies to ensure that they comply with
the laws pertaining to the ORC;
 Analyzes data from compliance and field inspection using graphs and spreadsheets to
portray findings from the field inspections;
 Verifies compliance with Annual Renewal of Registration of entities;
 Records all findings on field inspection in a database and shares this information with
the appropriate supervisors;
 Drafts potential problems and areas of concern in field inspection for approval;
 Participates in the preparation and review of questionnaires for field inspection;
 Drafts Inspection Procedure outlines for reference use in subsequent field inspections
for approval;
 Contributes to the planning and scheduling of appropriate in-service training
programs for the staff of the ICSU;
 Participates in the conduct of survey in support of registration of companies,
business names, partnerships, sole proprietorships, external companies, and related
activities of the Department;

 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the ICSU;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Principal Compliance
Inspector, Compliance Services Unit.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Inspections, Compliance Services Unit
for the establishment of a reliable field inspection systems and procedures to ensure
compliance with the relevant statutes pertaining to the Department.


 A minimum of Bachelor’s Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Commerce,
Statistics, Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized
tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of six (6) years post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service, including at least two (2) years’ working experience as a Company Inspector
in the Registrar- General’s Department or ORC.

 Knowledge of Registration Procedures and Processes;
 Knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses and
entities in Ghana;
 Good knowledge of Accounting and ability to interpret Accounting Rules and
Company Accounts;
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989);
 Computer skills;
 Observation skills;
 Good knowledge in statistics and data analysis;
 Communication skills and presentation;
 Report writing skills;
 Human and public relation skills;
 Quantitative and qualitative analytical skills.

By promotion to the grade of Principal Compliance Inspector of the Inspections, Compliance
Services Unit, Senior Compliance Inspector is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal Compliance Inspector of the
Inspections, Compliance Services Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Senior Compliance Inspector.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Computing and Administration;
 Communication and Public Relations.

JOB TITLE: Compliance Inspector

JOB GRADE: Compliance Inspector
REPORTS TO: Senior Compliance Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To provide frontline services for compliance, registration of companies or
businesses and inspection of existing ones.

 Collects data on compliance and companies to be inspected;
 Verifies compliance with Annual Renewal of Registration of entities;
 Provides support for the collection of information and statistics for quarterly, annual
and other reports relating to field inspections for the unit;
 Participates in the conduct of survey in support of registration of companies,
business names, partnerships, sole proprietorships, external companies, and related
activities of the Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Head of the Unit.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of the Inspections, Compliance Services


 A minimum of Bachelor’s Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Commerce,
Statistics, Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized
tertiary institution;
 A minimum of three (3) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service, comprising at least one (1) year’s working experience in the Registrar
General’s Department and one (1) year statutory National Service.

 Analytical skills;
 Ability to deal with people and solve problems;
 Good interpersonal skills;
 Good communication and presentation skills;
 Good investigative skills;
 Report writing skills;
 Computer literacy.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Compliance Inspector of the Inspections, Compliance
Services Unit, Compliance Inspector is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Compliance Inspector of the
Inspections, Compliance Services Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Compliance Inspector.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Computing and Administration;
 Communication and Public Relations.

3.11.2. Penalties Administration Unit, PAU


JOB TITLE: Head of the Penalties Administration Unit
JOB GRADE: Chief Compliance Inspector
REPORTS TO: Deputy Director of Inspections Department
SUPERVISES: Principal Compliance Inspector, Senior Compliance Inspector, Compliance
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical leadership for field penalties administration activities
and work programs of the PAU.

 Contributes to effective operations of the PAU by planning, organizing and directing
activities and work programs of the Inspection Department;
 Facilitates the development of best practices and standard tools to improve
operational efficiency before, during and after penalties administration;
 Examines infringements and approves the administrative penalty;
 Administers the imposition of administrative fines;
 Administers the collection of the administrative fines;
 Reports to ORC management on the collection of administrative fines.

 Within the limits determined by the Director of the Inspections Department.


 A minimum of Bachelor’s Degree, preferably, in Law Economics, Statistics, Finance,
Commerce, Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized
tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of fifteen (15) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service, including at least five (5) years’ working experience as a Chief
Inspector in the Registrar- General’s Department or ORC.

 In-depth knowledge and experience of the Companies Code, 1963 (Act 179) and other
relevant Acts which regulate the registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Familiarity with the requirements and procedures for Company Inspection;
 Specific knowledge and skills in areas of registration procedures and processes;
 In-depth understanding of various investigation processes and methods;
 Excellent interviewing and interrogation skills;
 Ability to observe and caption details;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Strong leadership abilities and experience in managing a budget;
 Superior organizational and multitasking skills;
 Quantitative and quantitative analytical skills with expert knowledge in SPSS and
 Regression Analysis, SAS and other relevant statistical tools;
 Outstanding computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft
Project and other relevant software;
 Negotiation and influencing skills;
 Significant experience and comprehensive knowledge of Project Management;
 Good working knowledge in Accounting for Non- Accounting Managers.

By promotion to the grade of Director of the Inspections Department, Chief Compliance
Inspector of the Penalties Administration Unit is a subject to the following:

 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Director of Inspections Department.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Chief Compliance Inspector.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds.
 Alternative Dispute Resolution


JOB TITLE: Principal Compliance Inspector PAU
JOB GRADE: Principal Compliance Inspector
REPORTS TO: Head of the Penalties Administration Unit
SUPERVISES: Senior Compliance Inspector, Compliance Inspector
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical leadership for field penalties administration activities
the PAU.

 Examines infringements and approves the administrative penalty;
 Administers the imposition of administrative fines;
 Administers the collection of the administrative fines;
 Reports to ORC management on the collection of administrative fines;
 Drafts Penalties Administration Procedure outlines;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent level
of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Head the Penalties
Administrations Unit;
 Performs another task as may be necessary;

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Penalties Administration Unit.


 A minimum of Bachelor’s Degree, preferably, in Law Economics, Statistics, Finance,
Commerce, Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized
tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service, including at least five (5) years’ working experience as a Company
Inspector in the Registrar- General’s Department or ORC.

 In-depth knowledge and experience of the Companies Code, 1963 (Act 179) and other
relevant Acts which regulate the registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Familiarity with the requirements and procedures for Company Inspection;
 Specific knowledge and skills in areas of registration procedures and processes;

 In-depth understanding of various investigation processes and methods;
 Excellent interviewing and interrogation skills;
 Ability to observe and caption details;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Strong leadership abilities and experience in managing a budget;
 Superior organizational and multitasking skills;
 Quantitative and quantitative analytical skills with expert knowledge in SPSS and
 Regression Analysis, SAS and other relevant statistical tools;
 Outstanding computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft
Project and other relevant software;
 Negotiation and influencing skills;
 Significant experience and comprehensive knowledge of Project Management;
 Good working knowledge in Accounting for Non-Accounting Managers.

By promotion to the grade of Chief Compliance Inspector of the Penalties Administration
Unit, Principal Compliance Officer is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Chief Compliance Inspector of the Penalties
Administration Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Principal Compliance Inspector.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Computing and Administration;
 Communication and Public Relations.


JOB TITLE: Senior Compliance Inspector
JOB GRADE: Senior Inspector
REPORTS TO: Head of the Penalties Administration Unit
SUPERVISES: Compliance Inspector
JOB PURPOSE: To provide on-field operational support for compliance and inspection
activities and related work programs of the PAU.

 Collects and collates data on compliance;
 Examines infringements and approves the administrative penalties;
 Administers the imposition of administrative fines;
 Administers the collection of the administrative fines;
 Reports to ORC management on the collection of administrative fines;
 Performs other functions as may be necessary.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of the Penalties Administration Unit.


 A minimum of Bachelor’s Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Commerce,
Statistics, Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized
tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;

 A minimum of nine (9) years post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service, including at least three (3) years’ working experience as a Chief Inspector in
the Registrar-General’s Department or ORC.

 Knowledge of Registration Procedures and Processes;
 Knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses and
entities in Ghana;
 Good knowledge of Accounting and ability to interpret Accounting Rules and
Company Accounts;
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989);
 Computer skills;
 Observation skills;
 Good knowledge in statistics and data analysis;
 Communication skills and presentation;
 Report writing skills;
 Human and public relation skills;
 Quantitative and qualitative analytical skills.

By promotion to the grade of Principal Compliance Inspector of Penalties Administration
Unit, Senior Compliance Inspector is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal Compliance Inspector of Penalties
Administration Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Senior Compliance Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Computing and Administration;
 Communication and Public Relations.

JOB TITLE: Compliance Inspector
JOB GRADE: Compliance Inspector
REPORTS TO: Senior Compliance Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To provide frontline services for compliance, registration of companies or
businesses and inspection of existing ones.

 Collects and collates data on compliance;
 Examining infringements and approves the administrative penalty;
 Administers the imposition of administrative fines;
 Administers the collection of the administrative fines;
 Reports to ORC management on the collection of administrative fines;
 Performs other functions as may be necessary.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of the Penalties Administration unit.

 A minimum of Bachelor’s Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Commerce,
Statistics, Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized
tertiary institution;
 A minimum of three (3) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service, comprising at least one (1) year’s working experience in the Registrar
General’s Department and one (1) year statutory National Service.

 Analytical skills;
 Ability to deal with people and solve problems;
 Good interpersonal skills;
 Good communication and presentation skills;
 Good investigative skills;
 Report writing skills;
 Computer literacy.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Compliance Inspector of the Penalties Administration
Unit, Compliance Officer is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Compliance Inspector of the Penalties
Administration Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Compliance Inspector.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Computing and Administration;
 Communication and Public Relations.



JOB TITLE: Head, Customer Management Department
JOB GRADE: Assistant Director IA
SUPERVISES: Assistant Director IIB, Customer Center Unit; Assistant Director 11B, Call Center
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical leadership for efficient management of customer
relationships to ensure their satisfaction.

 Exercises administrative oversight responsibility for efficient management of the
resources (human, material and financial) of the Customer Management Department;
 Identifies and develops prospective customers for business growth;
 Develops and oversees the implementation of customer service protocols;
 Resolves complex customer problems or disputes in a professional manner;
 Keeps records and documentation of customer interactions for training purposes;
 Create monthly and quarterly departmental reports to determine whether KPIs are
being met and where there is room for improvement;
 Provides outstanding services and build customer confidence;

 Develops process improvements to ensure customer satisfaction and lead generation;
 Supervises Customer Service Team to achieve the revenue goals;
 Maintains positive, long-term and productive relationships with customers;
 Conducts surveys, obtains customer feedback and recommends service
 Ensures that all customer requests are executed within assigned service timelines;
 Maintains consistency and quality in all customer communications;
 Assigns workloads to team members, oversees daily team workflow and redirects
work to meet changing customer needs;
 Assists in employee recruitment, training, performance evaluation, promotion,
retention and termination activities;
 Performs critical customer negotiations for service contracts and costs;
 Addresses customer inquiries and issues in a timely and accurate manner;
 Develops and deliver customer presentations as needed;
 Provides inputs for the development of the Department’s Business, Strategic and
other relevant plans;
 Represents the Customer Management Department on various committees of the
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Department;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior RGD staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Deputy Registrar of
Companies (Legal).

 Within the limits determined by the Deputy Registrar of Companies (Legal).


 A minimum of Master’s Degree, preferably, Economics, Business Administration or a
related discipline awarded by a recognized tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of ten (12) years post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service of Ghana, including at least seven (7) years’ working experience as a
Company Inspector in the Registrar- General’s Department or ORC.

 Good human and public relations skills;
 Outstanding communication and presentation skills;
 Substantial experience and knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the
registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Must be familiar with Appropriate/Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) tools
available to legal professionals;
 Must be familiar with all the Public Financial Management Acts and Regulations;
 Familiarity with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Quantitative and qualitative analytical skills;
 Good computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project,
 Data Management and Data Dissemination;
 Significant experience and comprehensive knowledge of Project Management;
 Good knowledge of public sector management;
 Good knowledge in Accounting for Non-Accounting Managers.

 Nil.

 Strategic and Project Management;

 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Office Manager
JOB GRADE: Office Manager
REPORTS TO: Assistant Director IA, Customer Management Department
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Customer
Management Department.

 Assist in developing, presenting, and implementing policies and procedures to make
sure ORC customers have a satisfactory experience when using its services;
 Reach out to customers through technology or in person, communicating to them
about the ORC’s services, and finding out about new services they want the company
to offer;
 Provide routine report to appropriate managers and also customers about
achievements and improvements planned to address prevalent deficiencies;
 Train new staff on customer service techniques and skills;
 Receive customer service inquiries;
 Respond to customer service inquiries;
 Promote company’s product and services;
 Handle certain transactions;
 Update details for personal and business clients, such as name and address details;
 Provide pricing and delivery information to customers;
 Suggest possible solutions whenever there is a malfunction in a product;
 Resolve complaints through phone, email, or social media;
 Greet customers in the warmest possible way and find out their problem or reason
for calling;
 Ensure record of payment information and other pertinent information such as
addresses, and phone numbers are properly kept;
 Collaborate with the customer service manager to ensure that proper customer
service is being delivered;
 Regularly compile reports and submit to the management on overall customer
 Greet customers in the warmest possible way and find out their problem or reason
for calling;
 Responsible for cancelling or upgrading accounts;
 Assist with placement of orders, refunds, or necessary exchanges;
 Provide advice on company information;
 Ensure record of payment information and other pertinent information such as
addresses, and phone numbers are properly kept.

 Within the limits set by the Head of Customer Management Department.

 Bachelor’s degree in marketing or any related course;
 Bachelor’s in Business Administration /Communication or Marketing;
 Licensing or Certifications in Customer Service a plus;
 List any licenses or certifications in ITIL, BCSBI, PMP, APICS, ITSM, ISO, QM, COPC,
 At least 3years of relevant experience, one of which should include national service.

 Excellent communication skills – both oral and written, as well as a pleasant voice for
effective communication;
 Ability to handle pressure;
 Good management skills, and the ability to pay attention to details;
 Good organizational, interpersonal, and problem solving skills;
 Peoples skills: The service officer needs to have the right skills to be able to relate
well with diverse groups of customers;
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Computer proficiency: The customer service officer must be able to operate the
computer and other related gadgets;
 Highly motivated and enthusiastic;
 Ability to work under little or no supervision;
 Possess administrative skills, and the ability to work as part of a team;
 Ability to multitask and be flexible;
 A past experience in similar position or similar organization.

 Nil.

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.

3.12.1. Customer Center Unit


JOB TITLE: Assistant Director, Customer Center Unit
JOB GRADE: Assistant Director IIB
REPORTS TO: Assistant Director IA, Customer Management Department
SUPERVISES: Senior Chief Executive Officer, Chief Executive Officer, Office Manager
Assistant Office Manager, Principal Data Entry Operator.
JOB PURPOSE: The Customer Center function involves supporting the Director of Customer
Management Department in overseeing the day-to-day operations of ORC’s Customer
Management Department and working with a team of Customer Center officers to ensure
that all customer inquiries are handled in a timely and professional manner. Director of
Customer Center Unit will direct and oversee the organizations Customer Center operations.

 Recruits, interviews, hires, and trains unit supervisory staff.
 Oversees the daily workflow of the unit.
 Provides constructive and timely performance evaluations.
 Handles discipline and termination of employees in accordance with company policy.
 Drafts, implements, and executes policies and procedures to facilitate a quality
customer service experience.

 Establishes performance metrics for customer service representatives.
 Establishes service levels and requirements for the unit.
 Develops and implements methods to record, assess, and analyze customer feedback.
 Develops and implements training and quality assurance programs for new hires and
experienced employees.
 Identifies and recommends or acquires updates and expansions to technology,
equipment, and policies that may improve customer service and retention.
 Acts as a liaison between the customer center unit and other divisions in the
 Drafts and implements the units budget.
 Performs other related duties as assigned.

 Within the limits set by the Head of Customer Management Department.


 A minimum of Bachelor’s degree in business administration, communication,
marketing, public relations required; Master’s degree would be a great advantage;
 At least ten (10) years of related experience required, with prior management
experience highly preferred;
 Relevant industry specific Certification.

 Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
 Excellent interpersonal and customer service skills.
 Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail.
 Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
 Strong supervisory and leadership skills.
 Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite or related software.

By promotion to the grade of Assistant Director IA, Assistant Director IIB is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Assistant Director IA.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Assistant Director IIB.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.


JOB TITLE: Senior Chief Executive Officer
JOB GRADE: Senior Chief Executive Officer
REPORTS TO: Assistant Director IIB

SUPERVISES: Chief Executive Officer, Office Manager, Assistant Office Manager, Principal
Data Entry Operator.
JOB PURPOSE: The Customer Center function involves supporting the Director of Customer
Management Department in overseeing the day-to-day operations of ORC’s customer
management department and working with a team of customer service officers to ensure
that all customer inquiries are handled in a timely and professional manner. Director of
Customer Center will direct and oversee the organizations customer center operations.

 Developing and implementing strategies to improve customer satisfaction, loyalty,
and retention;
 Creating new training programs or updating existing ones to better equip customer
service representatives with the skills and tools they need to provide exceptional
 Analyzing data to identify trends in customer preferences, satisfaction levels, and
complaints about products or services;
 Managing the overall performance of customer service representatives by coaching
them on improving their performance;
 Leading a team of customer service representatives and other staff members to
ensure that all customers’ needs are met;
 Conducting market research to identify new trends in customer preferences and
 Training employees about new products or services, including how to properly use
equipment or software;
 Reviewing reports from managers about customer service performance to identify
areas for improvement;
 Managing the company’s relationship with its customers by handling complaints and
resolving problems;
 Coordinating with other departments, such as accounting or finance, to ensure that
customer requests are processed correctly;
 Act as a critical advocate for quality improvement and interact with stakeholders at
multiple levels and dynamically lead business, product and operations teams to
define and deliver solutions;
 Execute quality monitoring requirements that deliver intent and customer
satisfaction goals;
 Improve customer service quality results by studying, evaluating, and re-designing
 Develop and execute to quality, process and contact improvement strategies cross-
functionally with other peers using multiple data sources (e.g., Voice of Customer,
Voice of Associate, and Business Intelligence);
 Ensure ongoing success of quality or process improvement strategies across multiple
data sources through metrics, measurement and analysis;
 Translate customer critical quality characteristics to operational requirements and
continuous improvement opportunities;
 Provide authoritative advice and guidance to colleagues, including associate training,
coaching or monitoring where appropriate;
 Experience and knowledge of Customer Service operations and Resource
Management/Force to Load modeling;
 To manage daily activities to ensure smooth and good quality customer service
 Good people management skills and able to work under pressure.

 Within the limits set by the Head of Customer Management Department.


 Bachelor’s in Business Administration /Communication or Marketing;

 Licensing or Certifications for Senior Manager, Customer Service;
 List any licenses or certifications required by the position: ITIL, BCSBI, PMP, APICS,
 At least 6 years of experience, four of which in a managerial capacity.

 Recruiting;
 Handling service delivery;
 People management;
 Emotional intelligence;
 Emotional Stability;
 Ability to withstand pressure;
 Able to handle difficult customers;
 Team leadership;
 Attention to detail;
 Report writing;
 Good presentation skills;
 Member of requisite professional body;
 Excellent verbal and written communication skills;
 Excellent interpersonal and customer service skills;
 Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail;
 Strong analytical and problem-solving skills;
 Strong supervisory and leadership skills;
 Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite or related software.

By promotion to the grade of Assistant Director IIB, Senior Chief Executive Officer is a
subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Assistant Director IIB.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Senior Chief Executive Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.


JOB TITLE: Chief Executive Officer
JOB GRADE: Chief Executive Officer
REPORTS TO: Senior Chief Executive Officer
SUPERVISES: Office Manager, Assistant Office Manager, Principal Data Entry Operator.
JOB PURPOSE: The Customer Center function involves supporting the Director of Customer
Management Department in overseeing the day-to-day operations of ORC’s customer
management department and working with a team of customer service officers to ensure

that all customer inquiries are handled in a timely and professional manner. Director of
Customer Center will direct and oversee the organizations customer center operations.

 Assist in developing, presenting, and implementing policies and procedures to make
sure ORC customers have a satisfactory experience when using its services;
 Reach out to customers through technology or in person, communicating to them
about the ORC’s services, and finding out about new services they want the company
to offer;
 Provide routine report to appropriate managers and also customers about
achievements and improvements planned to address prevalent deficiencies;
 Train new staff on customer service techniques and skills;
 Receive customer service inquiries;
 Respond to customer service inquiries;
 Promote company’s product and services;
 Handle certain transactions;
 Update details for personal and business clients, such as name and address details;
 Provide pricing and delivery information to customers;
 Suggest possible solutions whenever there is a malfunction in a product;
 Resolve complaints through phone, email, or social media;
 Greet customers in the warmest possible way and find out their problem or reason
for calling;
 Ensure record of payment information and other pertinent information such as
addresses, and phone numbers are properly kept;
 Collaborate with the customer service manager to ensure that proper customer
service is being delivered;
 Regularly compile reports and submit to the management on overall customer
 Greet customers in the warmest possible way and find out their problem or reason
for calling;
 Responsible for cancelling or upgrading accounts;
 Assist with placement of orders, refunds, or necessary exchanges;
 Provide advice on company information;
 Ensure record of payment information and other pertinent information such as
addresses, and phone numbers are properly kept.

 Within the limits set by the Head of Customer Management Department.


 Bachelor’s degree in marketing or any related course;
 Bachelor’s in Business Administration /Communication or Marketing;
 Licensing or Certifications in Customer Service a plus;
 List any licenses or certifications in ITIL, BCSBI, PMP, APICS, ITSM, ISO, QM, COPC,
 At least 3 years of relevant experience, one of which should include national service.

 Excellent communication skills – both oral and written, as well as a pleasant voice for
effective communication;
 Ability to handle pressure;
 Good management skills, and the ability to pay attention to details;
 Good organizational, interpersonal, and problem solving skills;
 Peoples skills: The service officer needs to have the right skills to be able to relate
well with diverse groups of customers;
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);

 Computer proficiency: The customer service officer must be able to operate the
computer and other related gadgets;
 Highly motivated and enthusiastic;
 Ability to work under little or no supervision;
 Possess administrative skills, and the ability to work as part of a team;
 Ability to multitask and be flexible;
 A past experience in similar position or similar organization.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Chief Executive Officer, Chief Executive Officer is a
subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Chief Executive Officer.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Chief Executive Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Office Manager
JOB GRADE: Office Manager
REPORTS TO: Chief Executive Officer
SUPERVISES: Assistant Office Manager
JOB PURPOSE: To coordinate secretarial duties in a professional manner to enhances
effective service delivery.

 Provides secretarial support for meetings and conferences;
 Monitors the use, maintenance and safekeeping of Department resources;
 Regulates processes of documentation, information retrieval and management within
the Unit; and
 Ensures the development of the capabilities, skills and knowledge of staff;
 Appraise direct reports; and
 Undertake any other duties that may be assigned

 Within the limits set by the Head of Customer Management Department.


 A minimum Master`s Degree from an accredited tertiary institution in Records
Management, Information Studies, Archival Science or any other relevant field from
accredited tertiary institution, or other related disciplines;
 A professional qualification in a relevant field will be an added advantage;

 A minimum of six (6) years post-bachelor`s Degree relevant work experience in a
reputable institution.

 Good knowledge in records management;
 Organisational skills;
 Problem solving and Analytical skills;
 Awareness of information management principles;
 Familiarity with information systems and archives;
 Attention to details;
 Communication skills;
 Up-to-date knowledge of data protection and freedom of information legislation;
 Knowledge of library and data bases.

By promotion to the grade Chief Executive Officer, Office Manager is a subject to following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Chief Executive Officer.
 A minimum of three (3) years’ service in the grade of Office Manager.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Monitoring and Auditing of Records Management Systems;
 Effective records and library management practices;
 Classification of records;
 Storage of records;
 Records control;
 Data protection.


JOB TITLE: Assistant Office Manager
JOB GRADE: Assistant Office Manager
REPORTS TO: Office Manager
SUPERVISES: Principal Data Entry Operator
JOB PURPOSE: To coordinate secretarial duties in a professional manner to enhances
effective service delivery.

 Provides secretarial support for meetings and conferences;
 Monitors the use, maintenance and safekeeping of Department resources;
 Regulates processes of documentation, information retrieval and management within
the Unit; and
 Ensures the development of the capabilities, skills and knowledge of staff;
 Appraise direct reports; and
 Undertake any other duties that may be assigned

 Within the limits set by the Head of Customer Management Department.


 A minimum Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited tertiary institution in Records
Management, Information Studies, Archival Science or any other relevant field from
accredited tertiary institution, or other related disciplines;
 A professional qualification in a relevant field will be an added advantage;

 A minimum of three (3) years post-bachelor`s Degree relevant work experience in a
reputable institution.

 Good knowledge in records management;
 Organisational skills;
 Problem solving and Analytical skills;
 Awareness of information management principles;
 Familiarity with information systems and archives;
 Attention to details;
 Communication skills;
 Up-to-date knowledge of data protection and freedom of information legislation;
 Knowledge of library and data bases.

By promotion to the grade Office Manager, Assistant Office Manager is a subject to
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Office Manager.
 A minimum of three (3) years’ service in the grade of Assistant Office Manager.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Monitoring and Auditing of Records Management Systems;
 Effective records and library management practices;
 Classification of records;
 Storage of records;
 Records control.


JOB TITLE: Principal Data Entry Operator
JOB GRADE: Principal Data Entry Operator
REPORTS TO: Assistant Office Manager
JOB PURPOSE: To coordinate data entry duties in a professional manner to enhances
effective service delivery.

 Gathers, collects, and prepares documents, materials, and information for data
 Conducts research to obtain information for incomplete documents and materials;
 Create digital documents from paper or dictation;
 Reviews all documents and information for accuracy and informs the supervisor of
any errors or inconsistencies;
 Captures data into digital databases and performs regular backups;
 Updates and maintains databases, archives, and filing systems;
 Monitors and reviews databases and correct errors or inconsistencies;
 Generates and exports data reports, spreadsheets, and documents as needed;

 Within the limits set by the Head of Customer Management Department.


 A minimum bachelor’s degree from an accredited tertiary institution in Records
Management, Information Studies, Archival Science or any other relevant field from
accredited tertiary institution, or other related disciplines;

 A professional qualification in a relevant field will be an added advantage;
 A minimum of three (3) years post-bachelor`s Degree relevant work experience in a
reputable institution.

 Excellent typing abilities.
 Excellent time management and multitasking abilities.
 Proficiency in data capturing and office management software such as MS Office and
Google Suite.
 The ability to manage and process high volumes of data accurately.
 Good understanding of databases and digital and paper filing systems.
 Knowledge of administrative and clerical operations.
 Keen eye for detail and the ability to concentrate for extended periods.
 Excellent verbal and written communication skills.

By promotion to the grade Assistant Office Manager, Principal Data Entry Operator is a
subject to following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Assistant Office Manager.
 A minimum of three (3) years’ service in the grade of Principal Data Entry Operator.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Monitoring and Auditing of Records Management Systems;
 Effective records and library management practices;
 Classification of records;
 Storage of records;
 Records control.

3.12.2. Call Center Unit


JOB TITLE: Assistant Director, Call Center Unit
JOB GRADE: Assistant Director IIB
REPORTS TO: Assistant Director IA, Customer Management Department
SUPERVISES: Senior Chief Executive Officer, Principal IT/IM Technician, Data Entry Operator.
JOB PURPOSE: The Call Center function involves supporting the Director of Customer
Management Department in overseeing the day-to-day operations of ORC’s customer
management department and working with a team of call service officers to ensure that all
call center customer inquiries are handled in a timely and professional manner. Director of
Call Center will direct and oversee the organizations call center operations. The job involves
coordinating experts such as Principal State Attorney, Senior State Attorney, State Attorney,
Principal Company Inspector, Senior Company Inspector, Company Inspector, Principal IT/IM
Officer, to contribute to issue resolution at the Call Center on a rotational basis. For these
experts, the interaction is a coordination function in terms of roster management with no
direct supervision.

 Recruits, interviews, hires, and trains unit supervisory staff;
 Oversees the daily workflow of the unit;
 Provides constructive and timely performance evaluations;
 Handles discipline and termination of employees in accordance with company policy;
 Drafts, implements, and executes policies and procedures to facilitate a quality
customer service experience;

 Establishes performance metrics for call center representatives;
 Establishes service levels and requirements for the unit;
 Develops and implements methods to record, assess, and analyze customer feedback;
 Develops and implements training and quality assurance programs for new hires and
experienced employees;
 Identifies and recommends or acquires updates and expansions to technology,
equipment, and policies that may improve call center services and retention.
 Acts as a liaison between the call center unit and other divisions in the company.
 Drafts and implements the units budget.
 Performs other related duties as assigned.

 Within the limits set by the Head of Customer Management Department.


 A minimum of Bachelor’s degree in business administration, communication,
marketing, public relations required; Master’s degree would be a great advantage;
 At least ten (10) years of related experience required, with prior management
experience highly preferred;
 Relevant industry specific Certification.

 Excellent verbal and written communication skills;
 Excellent interpersonal and customer service skills;
 Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail;
 Strong analytical and problem-solving skills;
 Strong supervisory and leadership skills;
 Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite or related software.

By promotion to the grade of Assistant Director IA, Assistant Director IIB is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Assistant Director IA.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Assistant Director IIB.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.


JOB TITLE: Senior Chief Executive Officer
JOB GRADE: Senior Chief Executive Officer
REPORTS TO: Assistant Director IIB
SUPERVISES:, Principal IT/IM Technician, Data Entry Operator

COORDINATES: Principal State Attorney, Senior State Attorney, State Attorney, Principal
Company Inspector, Senior Company Inspector, Company Inspector, Principal IT/I Officer
JOB PURPOSE: The Call Center function involves supporting the Director of Customer
Management Department in overseeing the day-to-day operations of ORC’s customer
management department and working with a team of call service officers to ensure that all
call center customer inquiries are handled in a timely and professional manner. Director of
Call Center will direct and oversee the organizations call center operations.

 Developing and implementing strategies to improve customer satisfaction, loyalty,
and retention;
 Creating new training programs or updating existing ones to better equip call center
representatives with the skills and tools they need to provide exceptional service;
 Analyzing data to identify trends in customer preferences, satisfaction levels, and
complaints about products or services;
 Managing the overall performance of call service representatives by coaching them
on improving their performance;
 Leading a team of call center representatives and other staff members to ensure that
all customers’ needs are met;
 Conducting market research to identify new trends in customer preferences and
 Training employees about new products or services, including how to properly use
equipment or software;
 Reviewing reports from managers about call center performance to identify areas for
 Managing the company’s relationship with its customers by handling complaints and
resolving problems;
 Coordinating with other departments, such as accounting or finance, to ensure that
customer requests are processed correctly;
 Act as a critical advocate for quality improvement and interact with stakeholders at
multiple levels and dynamically lead business, product and operations teams to
define and deliver solutions;
 Execute quality monitoring requirements that deliver intent and customer
satisfaction goals;
 Improve call center quality results by studying, evaluating, and re-designing
 Develop and execute to quality, process and contact improvement strategies cross-
functionally with other peers using multiple data sources (e.g., Voice of Customer,
Voice of Associate, and Business Intelligence);
 Ensure ongoing success of quality or process improvement strategies across multiple
data sources through metrics, measurement and analysis;
 Translate customer critical quality characteristics to operational requirements and
continuous improvement opportunities;
 Provide authoritative advice and guidance to colleagues, including associate training,
coaching or monitoring where appropriate;
 Experience and knowledge of Call Center operations and Resource
Management/Force to Load modeling.

 Within the limits set by the Head of Customer Management Department.


 Bachelor’s in Business Administration /Communication or Marketing;
 Licensing or Certifications for Senior Manager, Customer Service;

 List any licenses or certifications required by the position: ITIL, BCSBI, PMP, APICS,
 At least 6 years of experience, four of which in a managerial capacity.

 Recruiting;
 Handling service delivery;
 People management;
 Emotional intelligence;
 Emotional Stability;
 Ability to withstand pressure;
 Able to handle difficult customers;
 Team leadership;
 Attention to detail;
 Report writing;
 Good presentation skills;
 Member of requisite professional body;
 Excellent verbal and written communication skills;
 Excellent interpersonal and customer service skills;
 Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail;
 Strong analytical and problem-solving skills;
 Strong supervisory and leadership skills;
 Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite or related software.

By promotion to the grade of Assistant Director IIB, Senior Chief Executive Officer is a
subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Assistant Director IIB.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Senior Chief Executive Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.


JOB TITLE: Principal State Attorney
JOB GRADE: Principal State Attorney
REPORTS TO: CHIEF State Attorney
SUPERVISES: Senior State Attorney, State Attorney
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical and administrative direction for effective legal
management of the Call Center Unit.


 Provision of technical leadership for efficient management of clients’ relationships to
ensure their satisfaction with Unit;
 Performance management and Staff development: ensuring that the team operates
at the optimum level with the right skills, tools and staff development to provide the
best of services to clients and to meet/exceed organizational goals related to
increased revenue generation and compliance;
 Budget planning and administration: ensuring unit funding levels are at optimum
levels and accounted for transparently;
 Provides inputs for the development of the Department’s Business, Strategic and
other relevant plans;
 Informs applicants about the registration procedure, their options and the status of
their files.

 Within the limits determined by the Legal Service Regulations, 2014 (L.I. 2210) and
by the authority delegated by the Head of Customer Management Department.


 A minimum of Master’s Degree in Law (LLM) awarded by a recognized tertiary
institution; and
A Professional Law Qualification, Barrister-at-Law (BL), awarded by a reputable
tertiary institution;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years’ post-call relevant working experience as a legal
practitioner/solicitor/barrister, including at least ten (10) years’ experience in
administration of companies and all other legislation pertaining to the Registrar-
General’s Department or ORC;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of the Ghana Bar Association (GBA)
and/or an equivalent recognized professional body.

 Expert knowledge and skills in public administration;
 Superior organizational, analytical and multitasking skills;
 Outstanding human and public relations skills;
 Outstanding communication and presentation skills;
 Negotiation and influencing skills;
 Lobbying, advocacy and networking skills;
 Conflict Management/Resolution skills;
 Extensive working knowledge of Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)
 Expert knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151); Professional of Bodies
Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015);
 Extensive working knowledge of the following Public Financial Management Acts and
Regulations:-Public Financial Management Act (PFMA), 2016 (Act 921) and PFM
Regulations, 2019 (L.I 2378); Ghana Revenue Authority Act (GRAA), 2015 (Act 896);
Audit Service Act, 2000 (Act 584); Internal Audit Agency Act, 2003 (Act 658) and
 Procurement Act 2003, (Act 663) as amended Public Procurement (Amendment) Act
2016, (Act 914);
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Must be familiar with International Financial Institutions’ Procurement Guidelines
and Procedures;
 Strong strategic planning, implementation and evaluation skills;
 Good knowledge of Project Management;
 Proficiency in relevant computer applications;
 Must be familiar with Accounting for Non-Accounting Managers.

 Nil.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.


JOB TITLE: Senior State Attorney
JOB GRADE: Senior State Attorney
REPORTS TO: Principal State Attorney
SUPERVISES: State Attorney
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical and administrative direction for effective legal
management of the Unit.

 Under the supervision of the Principal State Attorney inspects clients’ documents to
ensure the documents are accurate and relevant;
 Provides inputs for interviewing clients to ensure that all the necessary requirements
are met for estates registration;
 Produces certified copies of estates registration records on request;
 Corrects errors of fact on vital records relating to estates registration;
 Produces statistical reports and summaries from records and data;
 Compiles, gathers and organizes reports, documents and records;
 Keeps records in a safe and secure manner under lock and key;
 Ensures access to records with permission to authorized personnel of the Unit.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Customer Management Department.


 A minimum of Masters Degree, preferably, in Accounting, Finance, Commerce,
Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized tertiary
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of nine (9) years post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service, including at least six (6) years’ working experience as a Company Inspector
in the Registrar-General’s Department.

 Experience and knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the registration of
businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Must be familiar with the following Acts/Laws/Decrees;
 Administration of Estates Act, 1961 (Act 63);
 Custodian of Assets Decree, 1972;
 Public Trustee Ordinance, 1952;
 National Pensions Act, 2008 (Act 766)
 Commuted Pension Under CAP 30
 Good working knowledge of registration procedures and processes;

 Good knowledge of Appropriate/Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) tools available
to legal professionals;
 Leadership and organizational skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Excellent report writing skills;
 Excellent human and public relation skills;
 Qualitative and quantitative analytical skills.

By promotion to the grade of Principal State Attorney, Senior State Attorney is a subject to
the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal State Attorney.
 A minimum of four (3) years in the grade of Senior State Attorney .
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: State Attorney
JOB GRADE: State Attorney
REPORTS TO: Senior State Attorney
JOB PURPOSE: To provide operational support for activities and work programs of unit.

 Under the supervision of the Senior State Attorney inspects clients’ documents to
ensure the documents are accurate and relevant;
 Provides inputs for interviewing clients to ensure that all the necessary requirements
are met for estates registration;
 Produces certified copies of estates registration records on request;
 Corrects errors of fact on vital records relating to estates registration;
 Produces statistical reports and summaries from records and data;
 Compiles, gathers and organizes reports, documents and records;
 Keeps records in a safe and secure manner under lock and key;
 Ensures access to records with permission to authorized personnel of the Unit.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Customer Management Department.


 A minimum of Masters Degree, preferably, in Accounting, Finance, Commerce,
Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized tertiary
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;

 A minimum of six (6) years post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service, including.

 Experience and knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the registration of
businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Must be familiar with the following Acts/Laws/Decrees;
 Administration of Estates Act, 1961 (Act 63);
 Custodian of Assets Decree, 1972;
 Public Trustee Ordinance, 1952;
 National Pensions Act, 2008 (Act 766)
 Commuted Pension Under CAP 30
 Good working knowledge of registration procedures and processes;
 Good knowledge of Appropriate/Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) tools available
to legal professionals;
 Leadership and organizational skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Excellent report writing skills;
 Excellent human and public relation skills;
 Qualitative and quantitative analytical skills.

By promotion to the grade of Senior State Attorney, State Attorney is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior State Attorney.
 A minimum of four (3) years in the grade of State Attorney.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.


JOB TITLE: Principal Company Examiner
JOB GRADE: Principal Company Examiner
REPORTS TO: Chief Company Inspector Assistant Director IIB, Customer Management
COORDINATES WITH: Principal State Attorney, Senior State Attorney, State Attorney,
Principal Company Inspector, Senior Company Inspector, Company Inspector, Principal IT/IM
SUPERVISES: Senior Company Examiner, Company Examiner, Principal IT/IM Officer,
Principal IT/IM Technician, Data Entry Operator.
JOB PURPOSE: To lead in implementation and performance of Call Center Unit activities and
ensure their compliance with regulations, standard operating procedures.


 Leads Company Examiners’ team;
 Ensures Call Center Unit activities compliance with relevant regulations and
 Advises on the provision and maintenance of computers and accessories;
 Follows all relevant policies, processes and procedures so that work is carried out in
a controlled and consistent manner;
 Implements the day-to-day standard operations assigned to ensure compliance with
the established standards and procedures.
 Address IT problems and issues in the organization;
 Designs and implements security measures to protect the IT/IM installations,
infrastructure and systems;
 Appraises reports;
 Assigns workloads to the Company Examiners’ team;

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Customer Management Department.


 A Master’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Communication
Studies or relevant discipline;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years’ relevant working experience as a Company

 Organizational, analytical and multitasking skills;
 Outstanding interpersonal and communication skills;
 Knowledge and skills in management and public administration;
 Conflict Management/Resolution skills;
 Proficiency in relevant computer applications;
 Negotiation and influencing skills;
 Extensive working knowledge of all the Public Financial Management Acts and
 Knowledge of Project Management;
 Good knowledge in Accounting for Non-Accounting Managers.

 Nil.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.


JOB TITLE: Senior Company Examiner
JOB GRADE: Senior Company Examiner
REPORTS TO: Principal Company Examiner

SUPERVISES: Company Examiner, Principal IT/IM Officer, Principal IT/IM Technician, Data
Entry Operator.
JOB PURPOSE: To implement and perform Call Center Unit activities and ensure their
compliance with regulations, standard operating procedures.

 Ensures Call Center Unit activities compliance with relevant regulations and
 Advises on the provision and maintenance of computers and accessories;
 Follows all relevant policies, processes and procedures so that work is carried out in
a controlled and consistent manner;
 Implements the day-to-day standard operations assigned to ensure compliance with
the established standards and procedures.
 Helps to address IT problems and issues in the organization;
 Helps to design and implement security measures to protect the IT/IM installations,
infrastructure and systems;
 Provides reports;
 Undertakes any other tasks that may be assigned.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Customer Management Department.


 A Master’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Communication
Studies or relevant discipline;
 A minimum of twelve (9) years’ relevant working experience as a Company Inspector.

 Organizational, analytical and multitasking skills;
 Outstanding interpersonal and communication skills;
 Knowledge and skills in management and public administration;
 Conflict Management/Resolution skills;
 Proficiency in relevant computer applications;
 Negotiation and influencing skills;
 Extensive working knowledge of all the Public Financial Management Acts and
 Knowledge of Project Management;
 Good knowledge in Accounting for Non-Accounting Managers.

By promotion to the grade of Principal Company Examiner, Senior Company Examiner is a
subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal Company Examiner.
 A minimum of four (3) years in the grade of Senior Company Examiner.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;

 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Company Examiner
JOB GRADE: Company Examiner
REPORTS TO: Principal Company Examiner
SUPERVISES:, Principal IT/IM Technician, Data Entry Operator.
JOB PURPOSE: To implement and perform Call Center Unit activities and ensure their
compliance with regulations, standard operating procedures.

 Ensures Call Center Unit activities compliance with relevant regulations and
 Advises on the provision and maintenance of computers and accessories;
 Follows all relevant policies, processes and procedures so that work is carried out in
a controlled and consistent manner;
 Implements the day-to-day standard operations assigned to ensure compliance with
the established standards and procedures.
 Helps to address IT problems and issues in the organization;
 Helps to implement security measures to protect the IT/IM installations,
infrastructure and systems;
 Provides reports;
 Undertakes any other tasks that may be assigned.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Customer Management Department.


 A Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Communication
Studies or relevant discipline;
 A minimum of twelve (6) years’ relevant working experience as a Company Inspector.

 Organizational, analytical and multitasking skills;
 Outstanding interpersonal and communication skills;
 Knowledge and skills in management and public administration;
 Conflict Management/Resolution skills;
 Proficiency in relevant computer applications;
 Negotiation and influencing skills;
 Extensive working knowledge of all the Public Financial Management Acts and
 Knowledge of Project Management;
 Good knowledge in Accounting for Non-Accounting Managers.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Company Examiner, Company Examiner is a subject to
the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Company Examiner.
 A minimum of four (3) years in the grade of Company Examiner.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional development;

 Automated systems for Help Desk;
 Conflict Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Team building.


JOB TITLE: Principal IT/IM Officer
JOB GRADE: Principal IT/IM Officer
REPORTS TO: Head of the Unit
SUPERVISES: Principal IT/IM Technician, Data Entry Operator.
JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for designing, implementing and supporting an effective software
architecture for the Unit and external parties that use Unit Services.

 Develop project plans for activities, manage work stream activities and liaise with
peer and supervisory team members across the Unit;
 Assist in resolution of IT Services through clear communication with IT team
 Provide recommendations about continual improvement in services;
 Maintain current and accurate inventory of technology hardware, software and
 Manage the Third Line Systems Support team and external parties support team;
 Undertakes analysis of well-defined modules within the system, develops
enhancements and new features to existing systems; may design and implement
small, stand-alone systems as needed (e.g., to meet individual user requirements);
 Writes and develops programs to interface with existing systems;
 Assists in the design, development, and installation of information systems;
 Participates with senior staff in assessing and testing new technology;
 Ensure the effective deployment of IT hardware for operation of IT Computing
 Response to change Respond quickly and efficiently to changes in user needs;
 Assists in the set-up and monitoring of software performance measures;
 Ensures data security and integrity;
 Prepares, updates and maintains system’s documentation and related
technical/procedural manuals;
 Develop medium and long term coordinated plans based on Units objectives to keep
Unit up to date with developments in technology;
 Assist in the implementation of major developments of the IT service;
 Performs other duties as may be reasonably required and in line with the
incumbent’s scope of services above.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Customer Management Department.


 Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) preferably in computer
science, information systems, mathematics, or related field is required.
 A first-level university degree in combination with qualifying experience may be
accepted in lieu of an advanced university degree.
 A minimum of five (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;

 Proficiency in the following development technologies: ASP.NET (C#),.NET Core, SQL,
HTML/CSS, JavaScript, JSON, Visual Studio.
 Experience in any one database management tools (RDBMS); i.e., MSSQL, Oracle,
MySQL, etc.
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the RGD.

 Nil.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 IT and Financial Resource Management.


JOB TITLE: Principal IT/IM Technician
JOB GRADE: Principal IT/IM Technician
REPORT TO: Principal IT/IM Officer
SUPERVISES: Data Entry Operator
JOB PURPOSE: IT Technician provides technical support related to infrastructure of the Unit.

 Set up workstations with computers and necessary peripheral devices (routers,
printers etc.);
 Install and configure appropriate infrastructure and functions according to
 Develop and maintain local networks in ways that optimize performance;
 Ensure security and privacy of networks;
 Provide orientation and guidance to users on how to operate computer equipment;
 Organize and schedule upgrades and maintenance without deterring others from
completing their work;
 Perform troubleshooting to diagnose and resolve problems (repair or replace parts,
debugging etc.);
 Maintain records/logs of repairs and fixes and maintenance schedule;
 Identify computer or network equipment shortages and place orders.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Customer Management Department.


 Bachelor's degree; at least 6 years of progressively responsible work experience
directly related to the duties and responsibilities specified;
 Completed degree(s) from an accredited institution that are above the minimum
education requirement may be substituted for experience on a year for year basis.

 Proven experience as IT Technician or relevant position;
 Excellent diagnostic and problem solving skills;
 Excellent communication ability;
 Outstanding organizational and time-management skills;
 In depth understanding of diverse computer systems and networks;
 Good knowledge of internet security and data privacy principles;
 Degree in Computer Science, engineering or relevant field;
 Certification as IT Technician will be an advantage (e.g., CompTIA A+, Microsoft
Certified IT Professional).

By promotion to the grade of Principal IT/IM Officer, Principal IT/IM Technician, ITISU is a
subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal IT/IM Officer.
 A minimum of four (3) years in the grade of Principal IT/IM Technician.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Change Management.


JOB TITLE: Data Entry Operator
JOB GRADE: Data Entry Operator
REPORTS TO: Principal IT/IM Technician
JOB PURPOSE: To coordinate data entry duties in a professional manner to enhances
effective service delivery.

 Gathers, collects, and prepares documents, materials, and information for data
 Conducts research to obtain information for incomplete documents and materials;
 Create digital documents from paper or dictation;
 Reviews all documents and information for accuracy and informs the supervisor of
any errors or inconsistencies;
 Captures data into digital databases and performs regular backups;
 Updates and maintains databases, archives, and filing systems;
 Monitors and reviews databases and correct errors or inconsistencies;
 Generates and exports data reports, spreadsheets, and documents as needed;

 Within the limits set by the Head of Customer Management Department.


 A minimum bachelor’s degree from an accredited tertiary institution in Records
Management, Information Studies, Archival Science or any other relevant field from
accredited tertiary institution, or other related disciplines;
 A professional qualification in a relevant field will be an added advantage;

 A minimum of three (3) years post-bachelor`s Degree relevant work experience in a
reputable institution.

 Excellent typing abilities.
 Excellent time management and multitasking abilities.
 Proficiency in data capturing and office management software such as MS Office and
Google Suite.
 The ability to manage and process high volumes of data accurately.
 Good understanding of databases and digital and paper filing systems.
 Knowledge of administrative and clerical operations.
 Keen eye for detail and the ability to concentrate for extended periods.
 Excellent verbal and written communication skills.

By promotion to the grade of Principal IT/IM Technician, Principal Data Entry Operator is a
subject to following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal IT/IM Technician.
 A minimum of three (3) years’ service in the grade of Principal Data Entry Operator.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Monitoring and Auditing of Records Management Systems;
 Effective records and library management practices;
 Classification of records;
 Storage of records;
 Records control.



JOB TITLE: Head of the Document Management Department
JOB GRADE: Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director
REPORTS TO: Deputy Registrar of Companies – Operational Services
SUPERVISES: Principal Records Officer, Principal Research Officer, Senior Records Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical and administrative leadership for effective and efficient
performance of document management of the ORC

 Ensure development and implementation of a system for storage and retrieval,
disposal or transfer of all forms of records in accordance with the ORC documents
management policy;
 Ensures the efficient and effective management of the human, material and financial
resources of the Department;
 Ensured implementation of records management plans, policies, programmes and
activities of the ORC;
 Ensure an integrated, organized and efficient records and library management
system of the ORC;
 Oversee the provision of technical advice and support in the management of records
of the ORC;
 Ensures close collaboration with Public Records and Archives Administration
Directorate, National Information Technology Agency and other relevant institutions
in the management of the records of the ORC;
 Coordinate regular audits of the records of the ORC;

 Ensures the development, management and maintenance of the records system in
the ORC;
 Ensures protection of sensitive data for the ORC;
 Supervise the preparation of annual and other periodic report of the Department;
 Supervise and appraise the performance of immediate subordinate staff.

 Within the limits set by the Deputy Registrar of Companies – Operational Services for
effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services for the smooth
running of the Secretariat of the Customer Service Division.


 A minimum Master`s Degree from an accredited tertiary institution in Records
Management, Information Studies, Archival Science or any other relevant field from
accredited tertiary institution, or other related disciplines;
 A professional qualification in a relevant field will be an added advantage;
 A minimum of fifteen (12) years post-bachelor`s Degree relevant work experience in
a reputable institution.

 Good knowledge in records management;
 Organisational skills;
 Problem solving and Analytical skills;
 Awareness of information management principles;
 Familiarity with information systems and archives;
 Attention to details;
 Communication skills;
 Up-to-date knowledge of data protection and freedom of information legislation;
 Knowledge of library and data bases.


 Monitoring and Auditing of Records Management Systems;
 Effective records and library management practices;
 Classification of records;
 Storage of records;
 Records control;
 Data protection.

JOB TITLE: Office Manager
JOB GRADE: Office Manager
REPORTS TO: Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director
JOB PURPOSE: To coordinate secretarial duties in a professional manner to enhances
effective service delivery.

 Provides secretarial support for meetings and conferences;
 Monitors the use, maintenance and safekeeping of Department resources;
 Regulates processes of documentation, information retrieval and management within
the Unit; and
 Ensures the development of the capabilities, skills and knowledge of staff;
 Appraise direct reports; and

 Undertake any other duties that may be assigned

 Within the limits set by the Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director.


 A minimum Master`s Degree from an accredited tertiary institution in Records
Management, Information Studies, Archival Science or any other relevant field from
accredited tertiary institution, or other related disciplines;
 A professional qualification in a relevant field will be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years post-bachelor`s Degree relevant work experience in a
reputable institution.

 Good knowledge in records management;
 Organisational skills;
 Problem solving and Analytical skills;
 Awareness of information management principles;
 Familiarity with information systems and archives;
 Attention to details;
 Communication skills;
 Up-to-date knowledge of data protection and freedom of information legislation;
 Knowledge of library and data bases.

By promotion to the grade Snr. Records Officer, Office Manager is a subject to following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Snr. Records Officer.
 A minimum of three (3) years’ service in the grade of Office Manager.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Monitoring and Auditing of Records Management Systems;
 Effective records and library management practices;
 Classification of records;
 Storage of records;
 Records control;
 Data protection.

3.13.1. Document Management Unit, DMU


JOB TITLE: Head of the Document Management Unit
JOB GRADE: Principal Records Officer
REPORTS TO: Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director
SUPERVISES: Snr. Records Supervisor, Records Officer, Records Assistant, Office Manager,
Assistant Office Manager
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical and administrative leadership for effective and efficient
performance of document management of the ORC

 Provide development and implementation of a system for storage and retrieval,
disposal or transfer of all forms of records in accordance with the ORC documents
management policy;
 Monitoring of the efficient and effective management of the human, material and
financial resources of the Unit;

 Ensure an integrated, organized and efficient records and library management
system of the ORC;
 Supervise the receipt and dispatch of mails of the ORC;
 Supervise the development of guidelines, procedures and processes on the
management of all records of the ORC;
 Support in regular audits of the records of the ORC;
 Support the development, management and maintenance of the records system in
the ORC;
 Ensure proper storage of all records for the ORC;
 Establish retention and disposal schedules for records of the ORC;
 Ensures protection of sensitive data for the ORC;
 Supervise the preparation of annual and other periodic report of the unit;
 Supervise and appraise the performance of immediate subordinate staff.

 Within the limits set by the Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director.


 A minimum Master`s Degree from an accredited tertiary institution in Records
Management, Information Studies, Archival Science or any other relevant field from
accredited tertiary institution, or other related disciplines;
 A professional qualification in a relevant field will be an added advantage;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years post-bachelor`s Degree relevant work experience in
a reputable institution.

 Good knowledge in records management;
 Organisational skills;
 Problem solving and Analytical skills;
 Awareness of information management principles;
 Familiarity with information systems and archives;
 Attention to details;
 Communication skills;
 Up-to-date knowledge of data protection and freedom of information legislation;
 Knowledge of library and data bases.

By promotion to the grade Chief Records Officer, Principal Records Officer is a subject to
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Chief Records Officer.
 A minimum of three (3) years’ service in the grade of Principal Records Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Monitoring and Auditing of Records Management Systems;
 Effective records and library management practices;
 Classification of records;
 Storage of records;
 Records control;
 Data protection.


JOB TITLE: Senior Records Supervisor
JOB GRADE: Senior Records Supervisor
REPORTS TO: Principal Records Officer

SUPERVISES: Records Officer, Records Assistant, Office Manager, Assistant Office Manager
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical and operational support for effective and efficient
performance of document management of the ORC

 Collect data for formulation of policies;
 Implements record management programmes and activities of the ORC;
 Collect data for development of guidelines, procedures and processes on the
management of records in the ORC;
 Collect data for the development and maintenance of documented information of
the ORC;
 Liaise with Public Records and Archives Administration Directorate, National
Information Technology Agency and other relevant institutions in the management of
the records of the ORC;
 Supervise the storage, disposal and transfer of records and library resources in
accordance with specific guidelines;
 Supervise the establishment and management of an integrated, organised and
efficient records and library management system of the ORC;
 Supervise the development and maintenance of archival records;
 Oversee proper storage of all records for the ORC;
 Oversee protection of sensitive data for the ORC;
 Collect data for the preparation of annual and other periodic report of the unit;
 Supervise and appraise the performance of immediate subordinate staff.

 Within the limits set by the Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director.


 A minimum Master`s Degree from an accredited tertiary institution in Records
Management, Information Studies, Archival Science or any other relevant field from
accredited tertiary institution, or other related disciplines;
 A professional qualification in a relevant field will be an added advantage;
 A minimum of nine (9) years post-bachelor`s Degree relevant work experience in a
reputable institution.

 Good knowledge in records management;
 Organisational skills;
 Problem solving and Analytical skills;
 Awareness of information management principles;
 Familiarity with information systems and archives;
 Attention to details;
 Communication skills;
 Up-to-date knowledge of data protection and freedom of information legislation;
 Knowledge of library and data bases.

By promotion to the grade Principal Records Officer, Snr. Records Supervisor is a subject to
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal Records Officer.
 A minimum of three (3) years’ service in the grade of Snr. Records Supervisor.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Monitoring and Auditing of Records Management Systems;
 Effective records and library management practices;

 Classification of records;
 Storage of records;
 Records control;
 Data protection.

JOB TITLE: Records Officer
JOB GRADE: Records Officer
REPORTS TO: Snr. Records Supervisor
SUPERVISES: Records Assistant, Office Manager, Assistant Office Manager
JOB PURPOSE: To provide operational support for effective and efficient performance of
documents management function of the ORC

 Collect data for formulation of policies;
 Implement record management activities of the ORC;
 Ensure the classification of files;
 Ensure the accessioning of records;
 Supervise the storage and retrieval of all forms of records;
 Store, dispose and transfer records and library resources in accordance with the ORC
 Implement an integrated, organized and efficient record and library management of
system for the ORC;
 Identify appropriate records management resources for the ORC;
 Ensure proper storage of all records of the ORC;
 Collect data for the preparation of annual and other periodic report of the unit.

 Within the limits set by the Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director.


 A minimum higher National Diploma/University in Records Management, Information
Studies, Archival Science or any other relevant field from accredited tertiary
institution, or other related disciplines;
 A professional qualification in a relevant field will be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years post-bachelor`s Degree relevant work experience in a
reputable institution.

 Good knowledge in records management;
 Organisational skills;
 Problem solving and Analytical skills;
 Awareness of information management principles;
 Familiarity with information systems and archives;
 Attention to details;
 Communication skills;
 Report writing skills;
 Administrative procedures.

By promotion to the grade Snr. Records Supervisor, Records Assistant is a subject to
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Snr. Records Supervisor.
 A minimum of three (3) years’ service in the grade of Records Assistant.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Monitoring and Auditing of Records Management Systems;
 Effective records and library management practices;
 Classification of records;
 Storage of records;
 Records control;
 Data protection.

JOB TITLE: Records Assistant
JOB GRADE: Records Assistant
REPORTS TO: Records Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To provide operational support for effective and efficient performance of
documents management function of the ORC

 Collect data for formulation of policies;
 Implement record management and library activities of the ORC;
 Store, dispose, transfer records in accordance with the ORC`s procedures;
 Supervise the receipt and dispatch of emails;
 Compile data the design and implementation of a records management plan of the
 Ensure the classification of files;
 Ensure the accessioning of records;
 Collect data for the preparation of annual and other periodic report of the unit.

 Within the limits set by the Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director.


 A minimum higher National Diploma/University in Records Management, Information
Studies, Archival Science or any other relevant field from accredited tertiary
institution, or other related disciplines;
 A professional qualification in a relevant field will be an added advantage;
 A minimum of three (3) years post-bachelor`s Degree relevant work experience in a
reputable institution.

 Good knowledge in records management;
 Organisational skills;
 Problem solving and Analytical skills;
 Awareness of information management principles;
 Familiarity with information systems and archives;
 Attention to details;
 Communication skills;
 Up-to-date knowledge of data protection and freedom of information legislation;
 Knowledge of library and data bases.

By promotion to the grade Records Officer, Records Assistant is a subject to following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Records Officer.
 A minimum of three (3) years’ service in the grade of Records Assistant.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.

 Must pass a selection interview.

 Monitoring and Auditing of Records Management Systems;
 Effective records and library management practices;
 Classification of records;
 Storage of records;
 Records control;
 Data protection.

JOB TITLE: Office Manager
JOB GRADE: Office Manager
REPORTS TO: Principal Records Officer, Head of the Document Management Unit
SUPERVISES: Assistant Office Manager
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical and operational support for effective and efficient
performance of records management function of the ORC

 Implements record management programmes and activities;
 Collect data for development of guidelines, procedures and processes on the
management of records;
 Collect data for the development and maintenance of documented information;
 Liaise with facility management vendors, including cleaning, catering and security
 Supervise the storage, disposal and transfer of records and library resources in
accordance with specific guidelines;
 Maintain the office condition and arrange necessary repairs;
 Organize office operations and procedures
 Coordinate with relevant department on all office equipment;
 Manage office G&A budget, ensure accurate and timely reporting;
 Collect data for the preparation of annual and other periodic report of the unit;
 Supervise and appraise the performance of immediate subordinate staff.

 Within the limits set by the Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director.


 A minimum Master`s Degree from an accredited tertiary institution in Records
Management, Information Studies, Archival Science or any other relevant field from
accredited tertiary institution, or other related disciplines;
 A professional qualification in a relevant field will be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years post-bachelor`s Degree relevant work experience in a
reputable institution.

 Good knowledge in records management;
 Organisational skills;
 Problem solving and Analytical skills;
 Awareness of information management principles;
 Familiarity with information systems and archives;
 Attention to details;
 Communication skills;
 Up-to-date knowledge of data protection and freedom of information legislation;
 Knowledge of library and data bases.

 Nil.

 Monitoring and Auditing of Records Management Systems;
 Effective records and library management practices;
 Classification of records;
 Storage of records;
 Records control;
 Data protection.


JOB TITLE: Assistant Office Manager
JOB GRADE: Assistant Office Manager
REPORTS TO: Office manager
JOB PURPOSE: To provide operational support for effective and efficient performance of
records management function of the ORC

 Assist in data collection for formulation of policies;
 Assist in implementation of record management programmes and activities C;
 Assist in data collection for development of guidelines, procedures and processes on
the management of records;
 Assist in data collection data for the development and maintenance of documented
 Liaise with facility management vendors, including cleaning, catering and security
 Assist in storage, disposal and transfer of records and library resources in accordance
with specific guidelines;
 Maintain the office condition and arrange necessary repairs;
 Organize office operations and procedures
 Coordinate with relevant department on all office equipment;
 Manage office G&A budget, ensure accurate and timely reporting;
 Collect data for the preparation of annual and other periodic report of the unit;
 Supervise and appraise the performance of immediate subordinate staff.

 Within the limits set by the Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director.


 A minimum higher National Diploma/University in Records Management, Information
Studies, Archival Science or any other relevant field from accredited tertiary
institution, or other related disciplines;
 A professional qualification in a relevant field will be an added advantage;
 A minimum of three (3) years post-bachelor`s Degree relevant work experience in a
reputable institution.

 Good knowledge in records management;
 Organisational skills;
 Problem solving and Analytical skills;
 Awareness of information management principles;
 Familiarity with information systems and archives;
 Attention to details;
 Communication skills;

 Report writing skills;
 Administrative procedures.

By promotion to the grade Office Manager, Assistant Office Manager is a subject to
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Office Manager.
 A minimum of three (3) years’ service in the grade of Assistant Office Manager.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Monitoring and Auditing of Records Management Systems;
 Effective records and library management practices;
 Classification of records;
 Storage of records;
 Records control;
 Data protection.

3.13.2. Searches Unit, SU


JOB TITLE: Head of Searches Unit, Principal Research Officer
JOB GRADE: Principal Research Officer
REPORTS TO: Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director
SUPERVISES: Senior Research Officer, Research Officer, Research Assistant, Office Manager.
JOB PURPOSE: To provide operational leadership for conducting searches and related
activities and work programs of the Searches Unit

 Exercises administrative oversight for all activities of the Searches Unit;
 Supervises the conduct of Name Searches on companies and entities and generates
Registration Numbers for them;
 Provides technical support for responding to searches regarding background checks of
companies, in collaboration with relevant ORC departments and units;
 Conducts searches and writes confirmation letters on existing companies and entities
for decision-making;
 Initiates guidelines for conducting searches for consideration by the Chief Records
Officer, Assistant Director;
 Coordinates the conduct of inquiries and Name of Business Search at Help Desk for
Business Registration;
 Facilitates the setting and review of standards for the conduct of searches;
 Leads the writing of Searches Report;
 Supervises the review and validation of completed forms and attaches hologram to
each application document;
 Provides support for research into more modern and appropriate methods of
conducting searches;
 Ensures the transfer of files from the Searches Unit to other Division/Units;
 Collates all the documentation on searches and forwards it to the Information and
Documentation Division for retention.
 Provides support for appropriate in-service training programs for the staff of the
Searches Unit, in consultation with the Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Searches Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent

level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Chief Records Officer,
Assistant Director

 Within the limits determined by the Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director.


 A minimum of Master`s Degree, preferably, in Information Studies, Economics,
Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognised tertiary
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognised professional body;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service, including at least four (4) years’ working experience as a Company
Inspector in the Registrar- General’s Department or ORC.

 In-depth knowledge and experience of the various Acts which regulate the
registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Specific knowledge and skills in areas of registration procedures and processes;
 In-depth knowledge and skills of writing Searches Reports;
 Specific knowledge and skills of writing minutes on documents;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Ability to observe and caption details;
 Problem solving and dispute resolution skills;
 Good organizational and time-management skills;
 Good knowledge of records management procedures and practice;Familiarity with
the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989);
 Proficiency in relevant IT applications.

By promotion to the grade Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director, Principal Research
Officer is a subject to following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director.
 A minimum of three (3) years’ service in the grade of Principal Research Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Monitoring and Auditing of Records Management Systems;
 Effective records and library management practices;
 Classification of records;
 Storage of records;
 Records control;
 Data protection.


JOB TITLE: Senior Research Officer
JOB GRADE: Senior Research Officer
REPORTS TO: Principal Research Officer
SUPERVISES: Research Officer, Research Assistant.
JOB PURPOSE: To provide on-field operational support for conducting searches and related
activities and related work programs of the SU.


 Conducts Name Searches on companies and entities and generates Registration
Numbers for them;
 Provides operational support for responding to searches regarding background checks
of companies, in collaboration with Information and Documentation Division;
 Conducts searches and drafts confirmation letters on existing companies and entities
for decision-making;
 Contributes to initiating guidelines for conducting searches for consideration by the
Director, CSMD;
 Assists applicants to conduct inquiries and Name of Business Search;
 Drafts Searches Report;
 Reviews and validates completed forms and attaches hologram to each application
 Provides support for research into more modern and appropriate methods of
conducting searches;
 Under the supervision of the Assistant Director of Searches Unit collects all the
documentation on searches and forwards it to the Information and Documentation
Division for retention.
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Searches Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Director, CSMD.

 Within the limits determined by the Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director.


 A minimum of Bachelor’s Degree, preferably, in Information Studies, Economics,
Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized tertiary
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of nine (9) years post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service, including at least two (2) years’ working experience as a Company Inspector
in the Registrar- General’s Department or ORC.

 In-depth knowledge and experience of the various Acts which regulate the
registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Specific knowledge and skills in areas of registration procedures and processes;
 In-depth knowledge and skills of writing Searches Reports;
 Specific knowledge and skills of writing minutes on documents;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Ability to observe and caption details;
 Problem solving and dispute resolution skills;
 Good organizational and time-management skills;
 Good knowledge of records management procedures and practice;
 Familiarity with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989);
 Proficiency in relevant IT applications.

By promotion to the grade Principal Research Officer, Senior Research Officer is a subject to
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal Research Officer.
 A minimum of three (3) years’ service in the grade of Senior Research Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Monitoring and Auditing of Records Management Systems;
 Effective records and library management practices;
 Classification of records;
 Storage of records;
 Records control;
 Data protection.

JOB TITLE: Research Officer
JOB GRADE: Research Officer
REPORTS TO: Senior Research Officer
SUPERVISES: Research Assistant.
JOB PURPOSE: To provide frontline services for conducting searches and related activities
and work programs of the SU.

 Conducts Name Searches on companies and entities and generates Registration
Numbers for them;
 Provides operational support for responding to searches regarding background checks
of companies, in collaboration with Information and Documentation Division;
 Conducts searches and drafts confirmation letters on existing companies and
 Assists applicants to conduct inquiries and Name of Business Search;
 Provides support for research into more modern and appropriate methods of
conducting searches;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Director, CSMD

 Within the limits determined by the Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director.


 A minimum of Bachelors Degree, preferably, in Information Studies, Economics,
Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized tertiary
 Must have completed the statutory National Service;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service, comprising at least three (3) year’s working experience in the Office of the
Registrar of Companies’ or RGD.

 Basic knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses and
entities in Ghana;
 Basic knowledge of registration procedures and processes;
 Good interpersonal skills;
 Good communication skills;
 Basic Report writing skills;
 Computer literacy.

By promotion to the grade Senior Research Officer, Research Officer is a subject to
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Research Officer.
 A minimum of three (3) years’ service in the grade of Research Officer.

 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Monitoring and Auditing of Records Management Systems;
 Effective records and library management practices;
 Classification of records;
 Storage of records;
 Records control;
 Data protection.

JOB TITLE: Research Assistant
JOB GRADE: Research Assistant
REPORTS TO: Research Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To assist in provision of frontline services for conducting searches and related
activities and work programs of the SU.

 Assist in conducting Name Searches on companies and entities and generates
Registration Numbers for them;
 Assists in provision of operational support for responding to searches regarding
background checks of companies, in collaboration with Information and
Documentation Division;
 Drafts confirmation letters on existing companies and entities;
 Assists applicants to conduct inquiries and Name of Business Search;
 Provides support for research into more modern and appropriate methods of
conducting searches;

 Within the limits determined by the Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director.


 A minimum of Bachelors Degree, preferably, in Information Studies, Economics,
Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized tertiary
 Must have completed the statutory National Service;
 A minimum of three (3) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service, comprising at least one (1) year’s working experience in the Office of
the Registrar of Companies’ or RGD.

 Basic knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses and
entities in Ghana;
 Basic knowledge of registration procedures and processes;
 Good interpersonal skills;
 Good communication skills;
 Basic Report writing skills;
 Computer literacy.

By promotion to the grade Research Officer, Research Assistant is a subject to following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Research Officer.
 A minimum of three (3) years’ service in the grade of Research Assistant.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.

 Must pass a selection interview.

 Monitoring and Auditing of Records Management Systems;
 Effective records and library management practices;
 Classification of records;
 Storage of records;
 Records control;
 Data protection.

JOB TITLE: Office Manager
JOB GRADE: Office Manager
REPORTS TO: Principal Research Officer, Head of the Searches Unit
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical and operational support for effective and efficient
performance of records management function of the ORC

 Implements record management programmes and activities;
 Collect data for development of guidelines, procedures and processes on the
management of records;
 Collect data for the development and maintenance of documented information;
 Liaise with facility management vendors, including cleaning, catering and security
 Supervise the storage, disposal and transfer of records and library resources in
accordance with specific guidelines;
 Maintain the office condition and arrange necessary repairs;
 Organize office operations and procedures
 Coordinate with relevant department on all office equipment;
 Manage office G&A budget, ensure accurate and timely reporting;
 Collect data for the preparation of annual and other periodic report of the unit;
 Supervise and appraise the performance of immediate subordinate staff.

 Within the limits determined by the Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director.


 A minimum Master`s Degree from an accredited tertiary institution in Records
Management, Information Studies, Archival Science or any other relevant field from
accredited tertiary institution, or other related disciplines;
 A professional qualification in a relevant field will be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years post-bachelor`s Degree relevant work experience in a
reputable institution.

 Good knowledge in records management;
 Organisational skills;
 Problem solving and Analytical skills;
 Awareness of information management principles;
 Familiarity with information systems and archives;
 Attention to details;
 Communication skills;
 Up-to-date knowledge of data protection and freedom of information legislation;
 Knowledge of library and data bases.

 Nil.

 Monitoring and Auditing of Records Management Systems;
 Effective records and library management practices;
 Classification of records;
 Storage of records;
 Records control;
 Data protection.

3.13.3. Archive Unit, A


JOB TITLE: Head of the Archive Unit
JOB GRADE: Prin. Records Supervisor
REPORTS TO: Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director
SUPERVISES: Senior Records Officer, Records Officer, Assistant Records Officer, Records
Supervisor, Office Manager, Assistant Office Manager, Office Manager, Assistant Office
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical leadership for the attainment of the objectives of the
Archive. Develops and implements procedures for the acquisition, processing, digitization,
and preservation of archival materials.

 Exercises administrative oversight responsibility for efficient management of the
resources (human, material and financial) of the Archive;
 Preserve records, documents and artifacts, using best archival practices and digital
back-up when possible.
 Coordinate the efficient management of records in the Unit;
 Leads research in more modern and appropriate methods of records management;
 Sets and reviews standards for archive management
 Ensures the transfer of files / semi-current records to the Archive;
 Initiates records management policies and guidelines for consideration;
 Monitors and controls the professional performance of Archive;
 Ensures the preparation of the monthly, quarterly and annual performance report
the Division;
 Provides inputs for annual budget and the strategic planning process
 Represents the Division on various committees of the ORC;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence, and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Deputy Registrar of
Companies - Legal.

 Within the limits determined by the Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director.


 A minimum of Master of Science Degree, preferably, in Information Studies (Archives
Option),or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service of Ghana.


 Good human and public relations skills;
 Outstanding communication and presentation skills;
 International conventions, protocols, and national laws on Records Management
 Substantial experience and knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the
registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Must be familiar with all the Public Financial Management Acts and Regulations;
 Familiarity with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989);
 Conflict management/resolution skills and decision-making ability;
 Decision-making skills
 Strategic planning and management skills
 Negotiation and lobbying skills
 Quantitative and analytical skills
 Communication and Interpersonal skills
 Performance Management skills
 Proficiency in relevant IT applications
 Quantitative and qualitative analytical skills;
 Significant experience and comprehensive knowledge of Project Management.

By promotion to the grade Chief Records Officer, Prin. Records Supervisor is a subject to
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Chief Records Officer.
 A minimum of three (3) years’ service in the grade of Prin. Records Supervisor.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Monitoring and Auditing of Records Management Systems;
 Effective records and library management practices;
 Classification of records;
 Storage of records;
 Records control;
 Data protection.

JOB TITLE: Records Supervisor
JOB GRADE: Records Supervisor
REPORTS TO: Prin. Records Supervisor
SUPERVISES: Senior Records Officer, Records Officer, Assistant Records Officer, Office
Manager, Assistant Office Manager, Office Manager, Assistant Office Manager.
JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for ORC records in Archive creation, appraising, accessioning,
preserving, describing, maintaining and providing access archives management.

 Deal with inquiries and requests for information and documents from the ORC.
 Ensure that all branches and Head Office files are send to central archives timely.
 Classify ORC records by functions and activities following the archives management
policies and procedures.
 Oversee the switch from paper to electronic record/document keeping
 Maintain the physical control and security of records/archives in various formats as
per the ORC’s policies and procedures.
 Advise Regional Offices on handling and packaging of records and archives to be
transferred to the central stores.
 Identify and provide advice on preservation issues and format specific risks for
records and archives.
 Communicate and train archive management policies and procedures to all staff.

 Ensure compliance in accessing and use of archival materials as stipulated in the
policies and procedures of the ORC.
 Ensure easy retrieval of records and timely documents filling
 Ensure that all reports relating to the management of records and archives are
prepared accordingly

 Within the limits determined by the Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director.


 A minimum Master`s Degree from an accredited tertiary institution in Records
Management, Information Studies, Archival Science or any other relevant field from
accredited tertiary institution, or other related disciplines;
 A professional qualification in a relevant field will be an added advantage;
 A minimum of nine (9) years post-bachelor`s Degree relevant work experience in a
reputable institution

 Good human and public relations skills;
 Outstanding communication and presentation skills;
 Understanding of the PRAAD Law and Interpretation of Government Business;
 Knowledge of International conventions, protocols, and national laws on Records
 Experience and knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the registration of
businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Familiar with all the Public Financial Management Acts and Regulations;
 Familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989);
 Conflict management/resolution skills and decision-making ability;
 Decision-making skills;
 Strategic planning and management skills;
 Negotiation and lobbying skills;
 Quantitative and analytical skills;
 Communication and Interpersonal skills;
 Performance Management skills;
 Proficiency in relevant IT applications;
 Quantitative and qualitative analytical skills;
 Significant experience and comprehensive knowledge of Project Management.


JOB TITLE: Senior Records Officer
JOB GRADE: Senior Records Officer
REPORTS TO: Prin. Records Supervisor
SUPERVISES: Records Officer, Assistant Records Officer
JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for ORC records in Archive creation, appraising, accessioning,
preserving, describing, maintaining and providing access archives management

 Collect data for formulation of policies;
 Implements record management programmes and activities of the ORC;
 Collect data for development of guidelines, procedures and processes on the
management of records in the ORC;
 Collect data for the development and maintenance of documented information of
the ORC;
 Liaise with Public Records and Archives Administration Directorate, National
Information Technology Agency and other relevant institutions in the management of
the records of the RGD;

 Supervise the storage, disposal and transfer of records and library resources in
accordance with specific guidelines;
 Appraises and researches records and documents to determine their importance and
potential value.
 Preserves and catalogues these materials for future access and availability upon
 Keeps abreast with latest technologies and requisite knowledge and expertise in all
types of document preservation type, such as manuscripts, photographs, maps,
websites, films, and even video/ sound recordings.
 Facilitates acquisition, preservation, arrangement, description, and access to born-
digital materials.

 Within the limits determined by the Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director.


 A minimum Master`s Degree from an accredited tertiary institution in Records
Management, Information Studies, Archival Science or any other relevant field from
accredited tertiary institution, or other related disciplines;
 A professional qualification in a relevant field will be an added advantage;
 A minimum of nine (9) years post-bachelor`s Degree relevant work experience in a
reputable institution.

 Good knowledge in records management;
 Organisational skills;
 Problem solving and Analytical skills;
 Awareness of information management principles;
 Familiarity with information systems and archives;
 Attention to details;
 Communication skills;
 Up-to-date knowledge of data protection and freedom of information legislation;
 Knowledge of library and data bases.

By promotion to the grade Prin. Records Supervisor, Senior Records Officer is a subject to
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Prin. Records Supervisor.
 A minimum of three (3) years’ service in the grade of Senior Records Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Monitoring and Auditing of Records Management Systems;
 Effective records and library management practices;
 Classification of records;
 Storage of records;
 Records control;
 Data protection.

JOB TITLE: Records Officer
JOB GRADE: Records Officer
REPORTS TO: Senior Records Officer
SUPERVISES: Assistant Records Officer

JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for ORC records in Archive creation, appraising, accessioning,
preserving, describing, maintaining and providing access archives management

 Appraises and researches records and documents to determine their importance and
potential value.
 Preserves and catalogues these materials for future access and availability upon
 Keeps abreast with latest technologies and requisite knowledge and expertise in all
types of document preservation type, such as manuscripts, photographs, maps,
websites, films, and even video/ sound recordings.
 Specializes in documentation of literature and photographs of documents;
 Provides outreach to the public such as coordination of facility tours, lectures,
classes, and workshops.
 Facilitates acquisition, preservation, arrangement, description, and access to born-
digital materials
 Creates research files relevant to business objectives
 Assists staff, researchers, and interns interested in accessing the Archives
 Appraises the materials, determines preservation and conservation issues, and
determines best practice for resolving issues
 Completes organization, preservation, and description of document collections
 Teaches archival instruction sessions, create exhibits, and engage in other outreach
 Maintains and updates archival database
 Helps other archivists and archives assistants with locating and preserving records.

 Within the limits determined by the Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director.


 Bachelor’s degree in history, art history, library science, or records management
 Coursework in archival techniques is usually required. When working in a specific
industry or type of collection, you may also need knowledge in that area.
 A minimum of six (6) years post-bachelor`s Degree relevant work experience in a
reputable institution.

 Analytical skills: Must be able to determine the origin, importance, and condition of
materials to decide which items to preserve.
 Organizational skills: in developing systems for storing materials and making them
available to the public.
 Interpersonal skills: Your ability to listen, verbally communicate, decipher body
language, and instruct people will facilitate your interactions with the public. You
might be called upon to work as part of a team.
 Reading comprehension: must be able to understand written documents.
 Computer literacy: This includes accessing databases and other electronic document
management tools.

By promotion to the grade Senior Records Officer, Records Officer is a subject to following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Records Officer.
 A minimum of three (3) years’ service in the grade of Records Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Monitoring and Auditing of Records Management Systems;

 Effective records and library management practices;
 Classification of records;
 Storage of records;
 Records control;
 Data protection.


JOB TITLE: Assistant Records Officer
JOB GRADE: Assistant Records Officer
REPORTS TO: Prin. Records Supervisor
SUPERVISES: Assistant Records Officer
JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for assisting in archive creation, appraising, accessioning,
preserving, describing, maintaining and providing access archives management

 Assists in preserving and cataloguing materials for future access and availability upon
 Keeps abreast with latest technologies and requisite knowledge and expertise in all
types of document preservation type, such as manuscripts, photographs, maps,
websites, films, and even video/ sound recordings.
 Assists in acquisition, preservation, arrangement, description, and access to born-
digital materials
 Assists in creating research files relevant to business objectives
 Assists staff, researchers, and interns interested in accessing the Archives
 Completes organization, preservation, and description of document collections
 Maintains and updates archival database
 Helps other archivists and archives assistants with locating and preserving records.

 Within the limits determined by the Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director.


 Bachelor’s degree in history, art history, library science, or records management
 A minimum of three (3) years post-bachelor`s Degree relevant work experience in a
reputable institution.

 Analytical skills: Must be able to determine the origin, importance, and condition of
materials to decide which items to preserve.
 Organizational skills: in developing systems for storing materials and making them
available to the public.
 Interpersonal skills: Your ability to listen, verbally communicate, decipher body
language, and instruct people will facilitate your interactions with the public. You
might be called upon to work as part of a team.
 Reading comprehension: must be able to understand written documents.
 Computer literacy: This includes accessing databases and other electronic document
management tools.

By promotion to the grade Records Officer, Assistant Records Office is a subject to
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Records Officer.
 A minimum of three (3) years’ service in the grade of Assistant Records Office.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Monitoring and Auditing of Records Management Systems;
 Effective records and library management practices;
 Classification of records;
 Storage of records;
 Records control;
 Data protection.

JOB TITLE: Office Manager
JOB GRADE: Office Manager
REPORTS TO: Senior Records Officer
SUPERVISES: Assistant Office Manager
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical and operational support for effective and efficient
performance of records management function of the ORC

 Implements record management programmes and activities;
 Collect data for development of guidelines, procedures and processes on the
management of records;
 Collect data for the development and maintenance of documented information;
 Liaise with facility management vendors, including cleaning, catering and security
 Supervise the storage, disposal and transfer of records and library resources in
accordance with specific guidelines;
 Maintain the office condition and arrange necessary repairs;
 Organize office operations and procedures
 Coordinate with relevant department on all office equipment;
 Manage office G&A budget, ensure accurate and timely reporting;
 Collect data for the preparation of annual and other periodic report of the unit;
 Supervise and appraise the performance of immediate subordinate staff.

 Within the limits determined by the Chief Records Officer, Assistant Director.


 A minimum Master`s Degree from an accredited tertiary institution in Records
Management, Information Studies, Archival Science or any other relevant field from
accredited tertiary institution, or other related disciplines;
 A professional qualification in a relevant field will be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years post-bachelor`s Degree relevant work experience in a
reputable institution.

 Good knowledge in records management;
 Organisational skills;
 Problem solving and Analytical skills;
 Awareness of information management principles;
 Familiarity with information systems and archives;
 Attention to details;
 Communication skills;
 Up-to-date knowledge of data protection and freedom of information legislation;
 Knowledge of library and data bases.

 Nil.

 Monitoring and Auditing of Records Management Systems;
 Effective records and library management practices;
 Classification of records;
 Storage of records;
 Records control;
 Data protection.



JOB TITLE: Head of the Procurement Management and Stores Unit
JOB GRADE: Principal Procurement and Supply Chain Manager
REPORTS TO: Deputy Registrar of Companies – Support Services
SUPERVISES: Procurement and Supply Chain Officers and Managers
JOB PURPOSE: To provide operational leadership in the development and implementation of
procurement strategies and plans in the ORC. To lead the purchasing team that buys goods
and services for the ORC. This includes developing policies and procedures for purchasing.

 Developing purchasing policies and procedures for the ORC;
 To manage the procurement unit: optimizing organization, recruiting new talent,
leading, and training the team, etc.;
 To manage the procurement department: optimizing organization, recruiting new
talent, leading, and training the team, etc. the purchasing function of the ORC;
 Using auditing software to manage the assets of the ORC;
 Seeking and implementing relevant improvements to purchasing and the supply
 Leading an efficient purchasing team;
 Developing and mentoring members of the purchasing team in order to maintain
motivation levels and optimize performance;
 Ensuring the organisation’s budget is balanced as per recognized constraints;
 Negotiating cost effective contracts with suppliers while adhering to the policies and
procedures of the organization;
 Creating and managing relationships with suppliers;
 Monitoring suppliers and procurement performance: drawing up specifications,
defining key performance indicators, overseeing overall procurement costs and
budgets, regular reporting, etc.

 Within the limits determined by the Deputy Registrar of Companies – Support


 A minimum of Master of Science Degree in Procurement or a related discipline
awarded by a recognized tertiary institution or its equivalent professional
qualification Additional qualification in (minimum postgraduate certificate) in
Government Contract Law is desirable;
 Be a Chartered Member of one of the professional institutions (Institute of Purchasing
and Supply/ Institute of Logistics and Transport/ Institute for Supply Management or
a recognized equivalent institution);
 Must have a minimum of nine (9) years post qualification relevant work experience.


 Working knowledge in Public Financial Laws and Regulations, especially Public
Financial Management Act, 2016 (Act 921); Internal Audit Agency Act, 2003 (Act 658)
;Public Procurement Act 2003, (Act 663) as amended by Public Procurement
(Amendment) Act 2016, (Act 914) ; and other related legal frameworks;
 Knowledge of the Civil Service Act 327 (1993) and Rules and Regulations
 Knowledge in Microsoft office suite and internet
 Sales and negotiation techniques;
 Currently available procurement management tools and solutions, such as e-
procurement or e-sourcing;
 The business environment: sector of activity, professions, economic and
organisational constraints, products and services necessary for production and proper
 Essential legal knowledge: commercial law, customs regulations, transport of goods,
 Economic culture as well as national and international news;
 Project management and tendering procedures;

 Nil

 Public Administration
 Continuous Professional Development
 Leadership, Governance and Management
 Communication and Public Relation
 Contract Management
 Public Financial Administration and Procurement Management
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution
 Financial Resource Management


JOB TITLE: Senior Procurement Officer
JOB GRADE: Procurement and Supply Chain Manager
SUPERVISES: Procurement Officer
JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for the support with timely and accurate processing of
purchasing orders and transactions for functions of ORC.

 Receive RFPs, and support with the issuing orders in accordance with specifications
 Record all details for all tenders, contracts, purchase requisitions and purchase
orders in a purchasing database.
 Prepare the required procurement documents, and review and process purchase
requisitions in line with ORC's policies, procedures and processes.
 Support with the technical evaluation process and the commercial evaluation of
acceptable bids; support with the preparation of award recommendations for
 Support with the follow up with suppliers on the receipt of required materials in a
timely and accurate manner.
 Ensure the delivery of procured products/services to the relevant parties in ORC.
 Support with the periodic market research and stay abreast on new products,
equipment and services emerging in the market.
 Support with the updating of database on active contracts, reports on status and

 Follow up with ORC functions about supplier evaluation forms to verify that purchase
requests/specifications are up to standards.

 Within the limits determined by the Public Financial Management Act (PFMA) and by
the Head, AMD to ensure the transparent, accountable, judicious and economic use
of budgetary appropriations at the ORC.


 Minimum of Bachelor's degree in a relevant field is required e.g. Supply Chain
Management, Industrial Engineering, Business Administration, Commerce.
 Minimum of six years of work experience in Procurement or any relevant field.

 Working knowledge in Public Procurement Act 2003, (Act 663) as amended by Public
Procurement (Amendment) Act 2016, (Act 914) ; and other related legal frameworks;
 Ability to deliver organisational and departmental vision, values and goals;
 Business management skills and understanding of delivering an excellent internal
customer service in a complex organisation with both social and commercial
 Project management approach to workload, able to work under pressure, give
informed advice and make sound judgements and decisions;
 Analytical and problem solving skills for successful resolution of complex
procurement issues
 Able to appraise performance and manage risk;
 Ability to work effectively in partnership with managers, senior colleagues,
employees, stakeholders and boards;
 Ability to effectively collaborate and influence results across the group;
 Excellent communicator and able to influence and negotiate;
 Ability to produce clear, concise and well written reports on complex issues;
 Presentational skills and the ability to communicate effectively with a wide range of
 Well-developed ambassadorial, influencing, networking, promotional and negotiating
skills. Procurement Officer.

By promotion to the grade Head of the PMSU, Senior Procurement Officer is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Head of the PMSU.
 A minimum of four (3) years in the grade of Senior Procurement Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration
 Continuous Professional Development
 Leadership, Governance and Management
 Communication and Public Relation
 Contract Management
 Public Financial Administration and Procurement Management
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution
 Financial Resource Management

JOB TITLE: Procurement Officer
JOB GRADE: Procurement and Supply Chain Officer

REPORTS TO: Senior Procurement Officer, PMSU
SUPERVISES: Assistant Procurement Officer
JOB PURPOSE: responsible for the support with timely and accurate processing of purchasing
orders and transactions for functions of ORC.

 Preparing plans for the purchase of equipment, services, and supplies;
 Following and enforcing the company's procurement policies and procedures;
 Reviewing, comparing, analyzing, and approving products and services to be
 Managing inventories and maintaining accurate purchase and pricing records;
 Maintaining and updating supplier information such as qualifications, delivery times,
product ranges, etc.;
 Maintaining good supplier relations and negotiating contracts;
 Researching and evaluating prospective suppliers;
 Preparing budgets, cost analyses, and reports.

 Within the limits determined by the Public Financial Management Act (PFMA) and by
the Head, AMD to ensure the transparent, accountable, judicious and economic use
of budgetary appropriations at the ORC.


 Minimum of Bachelor's Degree in accounting, business management or a similar field
 6 years of experience as a procurement officer or in a similar position.

 Working knowledge in Public Procurement Act 200, (Act 663) as amended by Public
Procurement (Amendment) Act 2016, (Act 914); and other related legal frameworks;
 Proficiency in Microsoft Office and purchasing software;
 Strong communication and negotiation skills;
 Good analytical and strategic thinking skills;
 Supervisory and management experience;
 Attention to detail.

By promotion to the grade of the Senior Procurement Officer, Procurement Officer is a
subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Procurement Officer.
 A minimum of four (3) years in the grade of Procurement Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relation;
 Contract Management;
 Public Financial Administration and Procurement Management;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution;
 Financial Resource Management.

JOB TITLE: Supply Officer
JOB GRADE: Supply Officer
REPORTS TO: Procurement Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To support the Procurement Management and Stores Unit’s functions to
deliver a timely, efficient and effective service to the organization. To provide
comprehensive administration support across all the PMSU processes.

 Coordinating procurement activities in strict compliance with the Public Procurement
 Assist in Procurement Planning;
 Preparation and review of Bidding Documents, within his/her remit, for procurement
of goods, works and services;
 Preparation and processing of Requests for Proposals and Expressions of Interest
including Local Purchase Orders;
 Assist in preparing Evaluation Reports;
 Assist in drafting contracts for the successful bidder;
 Monitor the progress of contracts and undertake contract administration tasks;
 Conduct supplier appraisal;
 Any other relevant duties as assigned by the PMSU Officers from time to time.


 A first degree from a recognised University majoring in Procurement and Logistics
Management or in Engineering, Business Administration, Finance, Economics, Public
 A minimum of six consecutive years of demonstrable relevant experience with track
record in a similar busy institution.

 Commercial awareness;
 Good knowledge of procurement, key drivers and key success factors;
 Ability to manage pressure and emotions with the public;
 Excellent communication skill;
 Strong computer skills in MS word and Excel;
 Understanding of and commitment to maintaining confidentiality and dealing with
sensitive information.

By promotion to the grade Procurement Officer of the PMSU, Supply Officer is a subject to
the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Procurement Officer of the PMSU.
 A minimum of four (3) years in the grade of Supply Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relation;
 Contract Management;
 Public Financial Administration and Procurement Management;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution;
 Financial Resource Management;

JOB TITLE: Stores Manager
JOB GRADE: Stores Manager
REPORTS TO: Head, Administration Manageent
JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for the support with the timely and keeping of accurate record
and tracking of materials in the store houses containing goods and materials in ORC.

 Following and enforcing the company's procurement policies and procedures.
 Reviewing, comparing, analysing, and approving inventory of products and services
 Managing inventories and maintaining accurate purchase and pricing records.
 Maintaining and updating supplier information such as qualifications, delivery times,
product ranges, etc.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Administration and Stores Unit to
ensure the transparent, accountable, judicious and economic use of purchased items
and materials stored at the ORC.


 Minimum of Bachelor's Degree in accounting, business management or a similar field
 6 years of experience as a procurement officer or in a similar position.

 Working knowledge in Public Procurement Act 200, (Act 663) as amended by Public
Procurement (Amendment) Act 2016, (Act 914); and other related legal frameworks;
 Proficiency in Microsoft Office and purchasing software
 Strong communication and negotiation skills.
 Good analytical and strategic thinking skills.
 Supervisory and management experience.
 Attention to detail.

By promotion to the grade Procurement Officer, Stores Manager is a subject to following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Procurement Officer.
 A minimum of three (3) years’ service in the grade of Store Manager.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Continuous professional development
 Public Administration
 Communication and Public Relations
 Report Writing and Presentation

JOB TITLE: Office Manager
JOB GRADE: Office Manager
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Secretariat of the
Head, PMSU

 Draws up appointments for the Head, PMSU;
 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents;
 Receives and attends to the Head, PMSU’s official visitors and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the Head, PMSU and ensures that only calls which require
urgent attention reach the Head, PMSU;
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders to the Head, PMSU on appointments;
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the Head, PMSU.

 Within the limits set by the Head, PMSU for effective delivery of administrative and
secretarial support services for the smooth running of the Secretariat for the Head,


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
School (GSS);
 A Bachelor’s Degree or a Higher National Diploma, preferably, in Secretaryship and
Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university or an
equivalent professional qualification with a strong office management experience
would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;

 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.

 Nil.

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.




JOB GRADE: Chief Planning Officer
REPORTS TO: Deputy Registrar of Companies – Support Services
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical and administrative leadership for efficient management
of the PMED

 Exercises administrative oversight responsibility for efficient management of the
resources (human, material and financial) of the PME Department;
 Oversees the provision of inputs for the formulation and implementation of policies on
planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation of the ORC’s programs and projects;
 Leads and guides the development and implementation of a project monitoring and
evaluation system with stakeholder participation;
 Directs the design and implements appropriate monitoring and evaluation systems for
the ORC that will also capture project indicators for the purposes of monitoring
project performance and eventual evaluation;
 Ensures that all service provider contracts include specifications for internal
monitoring and reporting, and the penalties for failure to report as specified;
 Prepares Semi-Annual and Annual Monitoring Reports on all aspects of project
implementation of the ORC;
 Oversees the preparation and submission of the annual budget of the ORC;
 Ensures the monitoring of budgetary expenditure and exercises appropriate budgetary
control to ensure that the ORC operates within agreed limits;
 Supervises the development of the ORC’s Business, Strategic and other relevant
 Oversees the preparation and submission of quarterly, mid-year, annual and other
periodic reports of the ORC.
 Supervises the conduct of research in support of registration of companies, business
names, partnerships, sole proprietorships, marriages, external companies, and
related activities of the ORC;

 Ensures effective monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the ORC’s
plans, programs, activities and objectives and makes recommendations for
 Coordinates the establishment of quality assurance systems for assessing planning,
budgeting, monitoring and evaluation of all programs and projects of the ORC;
 Ensures quality control and final editing of all reports and documents generated at
the Head Office and Regional Offices, ensuring all documents reflect sound
monitoring and evaluation practice and are accurate, clear and informative;
 Reviews proposals on planning, monitoring and evaluation activities of ORC for
approval; Plans and supervises the PME Department’s work assignments and identifies
training needs of the Department’s staff;
 Represents the Department on various committees of the ORC;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the PME
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other ORC senior staff during
temporary periods of absence and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Registrar-General.

 Within the limits determined by the Deputy Registrar General of Companies – Support
Services for the establishment of a reliable planning, budgeting, monitoring and
evaluation support systems to assess the operational effectiveness of the ORC’s
strategies and interventions.


 A minimum of Masters Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Planning, Statistics,
Project Management, Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a
recognized tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of fifteen (15) years post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service, including at least twelve (12) years’ working experience as a
Company Inspector in the Registrar- General’s Department.

 Good working knowledge of public administration;
 In-depth knowledge and experience of the various Acts which regulate the
Registration of Businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Must be familiar with the following Public Financial Management Acts and
Regulations:- Public Financial Management Act (PFMA), 2016 (Act 921) and its
accompanying regulations, Public Financial Management (PFM) Regulations (L.I 2378);
Ghana Revenue Authority Act (GRAA), 2015 (Act 896); Audit Service Act, 2000 (Act
584); Internal Audit Agency Act, 2003 (Act 658) and Public Procurement Act 2003,
(Act 663) as amended by Public Procurement (Amendment) Act 2016, (Act 914);
 Familiarity with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989);
 Good human/public relations and outstanding communication skills;
 Conflict management/resolution skills;
 Good knowledge of Appropriate/Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) tools available
to legal professionals;
 Superior organizational and multitasking skills;
 Quantitative and qualitative analytical skills with expert knowledge in SPSS and
Regression Analysis, SAS and other relevant statistical tools;
 Computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project and
other relevant software;
 Good knowledge of: principles and practices of performance-based budgeting;
Significant experience and comprehensive knowledge of Project Management; Good
working knowledge in Accounting for Non-Accounting Managers.

 Nil.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building; Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds.
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.


JOB TITLE: Office Manager

JOB GRADE: Office Manager
REPORTS TO: Head of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Department
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Head of Planning,
Monitoring and Evaluation Department.

 Draws up appointments for the Head of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents;
 Receives and attends to the Head of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
Department, official visitors and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the Head of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
Department and ensures that only calls which require urgent attention reach the
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders to the Head on appointments;
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the Head.

 Within the limits set by the Head, PMED for effective delivery of administrative and
secretarial support services for the smooth running of the Secretariat for the
Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Department.


 A minimum of Stenographer Secretary Certificate from Government Secretarial
School (GSS);
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.
 A minimum of three (3) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.
 Must pass an internal examination conducted by the Government Secretarial School;

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.

 Nil.

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.



JOB TITLE: Head, Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Unit
REPORTS TO: Head of Planning, Monitoring Evaluation and Budget Department
SUPERVISES: Senior Planning Officer, Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Unit
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical and operational leadership for planning, monitoring and
evaluation of ORC programs and projects.

 Supervises the coordination of planning inputs to the annual ORC budget from
departments, divisions and units
 Contributes to effective operations of the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit
by planning, organizing and directing activities and work programs of the Unit;
 Provides technical advice for implementation of planning, monitoring and evaluation
policies, plans and programs of the ORC, under the supervision of the Head, PMEBD;
 Monitors the implementation of all programs and projects initiated by the ORC
 In collaboration with Departments/Unit Heads, coordinates the development and
periodic review of monitoring and evaluation systems and procedures for assessment
of programs and projects of the ORC;
 Collaborates with the internal stakeholders of the ORC to support monitoring and
evaluation of all policies and interventions towards achieving the project outputs;
 Provides feedbacks to the Head PMEBD on project strategies and activities;
 Coordinates the collation of information and statistics for quarterly, annual and
other reports for the ORC;
 Supervise Analyses of data to measure the progress and impact of projects’
 Undertakes preliminary research by collation of data and information on specific
monitoring and evaluation issues and submits reports on findings to Head, PMEBD;

 Provides inputs into the annual budget of the ORC in accordance with established
procedures of the ORC;
 Keeps up-to-date with quality developments relevant to monitoring and evaluation
and related services;
 Acts as a role model in quality improvement, offering advice and support to senior
staff of the ORC on monitoring and evaluation;
 Provides inputs for facilitating the development of strategic plans to systematize the
operations of the ORC based on strategic policies and regulations of the ORC;
 Coordinates generating of reports on implementation of annual operational plans of
the ORC by conducting monitoring and evaluation (M&E) visits to all Regional Offices
of the ORC;
 Supervise preparation of data for processing by organizing information, checking for
any inaccuracies, and adjusting and weighting the raw data;
 Supervises the preparation of questionnaires for monitoring and evaluation of
programs of the ORC;
 Supervises Analyses and stores data into useful information for end users in the
public service;
 Supervises Evaluation sources of information in order to determine any limitations in
terms of reliability or usability;
 Evaluates the statistical methods and procedures used to obtain data in order to
ensure validity, applicability, efficiency, and accuracy;
 Examines theories, such as those of probability and inference in order to discover
mathematical bases for new or improved methods of obtaining and evaluating
numerical data
 Supervises Plans for data collection methods for specific projects of the ORC, and
determines the types and sizes of sample groups to be used;
 Supervises Processing of large amounts of data for statistical modeling and graphic
analysis, using computers;
 Supervises development and maintenance of statistical and information databases
for internal and external use;
 Facilitates the conduct of survey in support of registration of companies, business
names, partnerships, sole proprietorships, marriages, external companies, and
related activities of the ORC;
 Reviews proposals on planning, Monitoring and Evaluation activities of Unit for
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within thePlanning
Monitoring and Evaluation Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Head, PMEBD.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of PMEBD.


 A minimum of Master’s Degree, preferably, in Economics, Planning, Statistics,
Project Management, Commerce, Business Administration or a related discipline
awarded by a recognized tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service.

 Substantial experience and knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the
registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Good working knowledge of Registration Procedures and Processes;

 Must be familiar with all the Public Financial Management Acts and Regulations;
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Good knowledge of Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992), Corporate Insolvency and
Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152); Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act
151); Professional of Bodies Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015);
 Good human and public relations;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Conflict management and resolution skills;
 Ability to solve problems and make decisions;
 Superior organizational and multitasking skills;
 Quantitative and qualitative analytical skills with expert knowledge in SPSS and
Regression Analysis, SAS and other relevant statistical tools;
 Outstanding computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft
Project and other relevant software;
 Critical-thinking skills;
 Negotiation and influencing skills;
 Good knowledge of: principles and practices of performance-based budgeting;
 Significant experience and comprehensive knowledge of Advanced Project
 Must be familiar with Accounting for Non-Accounting Managers.

Promotion to the grade of Head of the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Department, is
subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Head of the Planning, Monitoring and
Evaluation Department.
 A minimum of four (4) years in the grade of Head PMEU.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.


JOB TITLE: Deputy Head of the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit
JOB GRADE: Senior Planning Officer
REPORTS TO: Head, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit
JOB PURPOSE: To provide support services to the Head of Planning, Monitoring and
Evaluation Unit.

 Provides inputs for the development and periodic review of monitoring and
evaluation systems and procedures for assessment of programs and projects;

 Participates in the monitoring and evaluation of all policies and interventions
towards achieving the project outputs;
 Collates information and statistics for quarterly, annual and other reports for the
PME Department;
 Under the supervision of the Head, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit,
compiles and analyses data to measure the progress and impact of projects’
 Undertakes preliminary research by collation of data and information on specific
monitoring and evaluation issues and submits reports on findings to supervisor;
 Provides inputs for facilitating the development of strategic plans to systematize the
operations of the ORC based on strategic policies and regulations of the ORC;
 Prepares data for processing by organizing information, checking for any
inaccuracies, and adjusting and weighting the raw data;
 Prepares questionnaires for monitoring and evaluation of programs of the ORC and
submits to supervisor for review;
 Facilitates the conduct of survey in support of registration of companies, business
names, partnerships, sole proprietorships, marriages, external companies, and
related activities of the ORC;
 Verifies annual returns to ensure compliance;
 Provides inputs into the annual budget of the ORC in accordance with established
procedures of the ORC.
 Serves as a member the of Strategic Planning Committee of the ORC;

 Within the limits determined by Head, PMEBD.


 A minimum of Masters Degree, preferably, in Economics, Commerce, Planning,
Statistics, Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized
tertiary institution;
 A minimum of nine (9) years post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service, including at least two (2) years’ working experience in the Registrar
General’s Department.

 Good working knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the registration of
Business in Ghana;
 Good knowledge of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 152);
Registration of Business Names Act, 1962, (Act 151); Professional of Bodies
Registration Act, 1972 (Act 1015);
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Good human and public relations;
 Good communication and presentation skills;
 Investigation and evaluation skills;
 Qualitative and quantitative analytical skills to be able to evaluate information and
solve complex problems; Computer skills with expert knowledge of Microsoft Office,
Microsoft Project and other relevant software; Report writing skills.

For promotion to the grade of Principal Planning Officer,the Senior Planning is a subject to
the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal Planning Officer .
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade Senior Planning Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.

 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Planning Officer
JOB GRADE: Planning Officer
REPORTS TO: Senior Planning Officer
SUPERVISES: Assistant Planning Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To provide on-field technical activities in a designated area of work in the BU

 Provide input to drafting policy papers, annual reports and action plans relating to
the ORC under the supervision of Head, BU;
 Facilitates service delivery and smooth implementation of developed projects;
 Analyses planning data for onward action;
 Provide input for the evaluation of the ORC’s programs and projects to determine
whether they are producing the desired results;
 Reviews and processes applications for registration of companies or businesses;
 Collates data and drafts quarterly reports on the performance of the PMED, under
the supervision of the Head, Planning and Budgeting Unit;
 Cross checks the Company’s Master Register to ensure that proper registration
arrangements and filing are done;
 Reviews and processes Inspection Reports prepared by team members;
 Provides technical advice for the improvement of companies, partnerships and
 Approves changes in structure and form of businesses or companies;
 Participates in official liquidation of companies;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Planning and
Budgeting Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other ORC staff during temporary
periods of absence and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent level of
responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Deputy Registrar of companies
– Support Services.

 Within the limits determined by the Head, Planning and Budget Unit.


 A minimum of Bachelor’s Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Planning, Statistics,
Project Management, Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a
recognized tertiary institution;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public

 Good knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the Registration of Businesses and
entities in Ghana;
 Good working knowledge of Registration Procedures and Processes;
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Conflict management and resolution skills;
 Organizational and multitasking skills;
 Qualitative and quantitative analytical skills with expert knowledge in SPSS and
Regression Analysis, SAS and other relevant statistical tools;
 Computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project and
other relevant software;
 Skills in the formulation of project proposals;
 Good working knowledge in project management and program management;
 Good knowledge of public sector management;
 Good knowledge of: principles and practices of performance-based budgeting.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Planning Officer, Planning Officer is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Planning Officer.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Planning Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration
 Continuous Professional Development
 Leadership, Governance and Management
 Communication and Public Relation
 Contract Management
 Public Financial Administration and Procurement Management
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution
 Financial Resource Management


JOB TITLE: Assistant Planning Officer
JOB GRADE: Assistant Planning Officer
REPORTS TO: Planning Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To assist on-field technical activities in a designated area of work in the BU.

 Provide input to drafting policy papers, annual reports and action plans relating to
the ORC under the supervision of Planning Officer;
 Assist service delivery and smooth implementation of developed projects;
 Analyses planning data for onward action;
 Assist for the evaluation of the ORC’s programs and projects to determine whether
they are producing the desired results;
 Assist in reviews and processes applications for registration of companies or
 Collates data and drafts quarterly reports on the performance of the PMED, under
the supervision of the Head, Planning and Budgeting Unit;

 Cross checks the Company’s Master Register to ensure that proper registration
arrangements and filing are done;
 Reviews and processes Inspection Reports prepared by team members;
 Provides technical advice for the improvement of companies, partnerships and
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other ORC staff during temporary
periods of absence and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent level of
responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Deputy Registrar of companies
– Support Services.

 Within the limits determined by the Head, Planning and Budget Unit.


 A minimum of Bachelor’s Degree, preferably, in Law, Economics, Planning, Statistics,
Project Management, Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a
recognized tertiary institution;
 A minimum of three (3) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in a
reputable organization, including the statutory National Service.

 Good knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the Registration of Businesses and
entities in Ghana;
 Good working knowledge of Registration Procedures and Processes;
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Conflict management and resolution skills;
 Organizational and multitasking skills;
 Qualitative and quantitative analytical skills with expert knowledge in SPSS and
Regression Analysis, SAS and other relevant statistical tools;
 Computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project and
other relevant software;
 Skills in the formulation of project proposals;
 Good working knowledge in project management and program management;
 Good knowledge of public sector management;
 Good knowledge of: principles and practices of performance-based budgeting.

By promotion to the grade of Planning Officer, Assistant Planning Officer is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Planning Officer.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Assistant Planning Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration
 Continuous Professional Development
 Leadership, Governance and Management
 Communication and Public Relation
 Contract Management
 Public Financial Administration and Procurement Management
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution
 Financial Resource Management

JOB TITLE: Office Manager
JOB GRADE: Office Manager
REPORTS TO: Head and Deputy Head of Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Unit.
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Head of Monitoring
and Evaluation Unit.

 Supports monitoring and evaluation of all policies, interventions, project activities
and progress towards achieving the project outputs;
 Assists in the provision of feedbackPlanning, Monitoring and Evaluation
 Unit on project strategies and activities;
 Collects and collates , information and statistics for quarterly, annual and other
 Participates in compiling data for measuring the progress and impact of projects’

 Within the limits determined by the Head of PMEU.


 A minimum of Bachelor’s Degree, preferably, in Economics, Commerce, Planning,
Statistics, Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized
tertiary institution;
 A minimum of three (3) years post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service, including at least one (1) years’ working experience in the Registrar
General’s Department.

 Good interpersonal and human relation skills;
 Good communication and presentation skills;
 Qualitative and quantitative analytical skills;
 Computer skills in word and excel and other relevant software; Report writing skills.
 Qualitative and quantitative analytical skills to be able to evaluate information and
solve complex problems; Computer skills with expert knowledge of Microsoft Office,
Microsoft Project and other relevant software;
 Report writing skills.

 Nil

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution

3.15.2. Budgeting Unit, BU

JOB TITLE: Office Manager
JOB GRADE: Office Manager
REPORTS TO: Head and Deputy Head of Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Unit.
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Head of Monitoring
and Evaluation Unit.

 Supports monitoring and evaluation of all policies, interventions, project activities
and progress towards achieving the project outputs;
 Assists in the provision of feedback Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
 Unit on project strategies and activities;
 Collects and collates , information and statistics for quarterly, annual and other
 Participates in compiling data for measuring the progress and impact of projects’

 Within the limits determined by the Head of PMEU.


 A minimum of Bachelor’s Degree, preferably, in Economics, Commerce, Planning,
Statistics, Business Administration or a related discipline awarded by a recognized
tertiary institution;
 A minimum of three (3) years post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service, including at least one (1) years’ working experience in the Registrar
General’s Department.

 Good interpersonal and human relation skills;
 Good communication and presentation skills;
 Qualitative and quantitative analytical skills;
 Computer skills in word and excel and other relevant software; Report writing skills.
 Qualitative and quantitative analytical skills to be able to evaluate information and
solve complex problems; Computer skills with expert knowledge of Microsoft Office,
Microsoft Project and other relevant software;
 Report writing skills.

 Nil

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous Professional Development Programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds;
 Alternative Dispute Resolution


JOB TITLE: Head of the Budget Unit(BU)

JOB GRADE: Principal Budget Analyst
SUPERVISES: Senior Budget Analyst, Budget Analyst, Assistant Budget Analyst, Office
JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for overseeing all the budget planning procedures of ORC, and
examine budget estimates for completeness, accuracy, and conformance with procedures
and regulations. Analyse budgeting and accounting reports.

 Contributes to effective operations of theBudgeting Unit by planning, organizing and
directing activities and work programs of the Unit;
 Provides technical advice for the formulation and implementation of policies and
programs relating to budgeting;
 Provides technical guidance and expertise in the management and implementation of
the budget of the ORC;
 Coordinates the preparation and harmonization of the Department`s strategies and
policy briefs;
 Keeps up-to-date with quality developments relevant to budgeting and related
 Acts as a role model in quality improvement, offering advice and support to senior
staff of the ORC onbudgeting;
 Coordinates budgeting of the Units, departments and divisions programs and
objectives and makes recommendations for improvement, in consultation with the
Head, PMEB;
 Coordinates the preparation of an annual budget plan, action plans and allocation of
resources for budget related activities of the Budgeting Unit for approval;
 Plans data collection methods for specific projects and programs of the Department,
and determines the types and sizes of sample groups to be used, in consultation with
the Head, PMEBD;
 Supervises the processing of large amounts of data for statistical modelling and
graphic analysis, using computer applications and modelings;
 Provides inputs into organizing seminars, workshops, training sessions, expert
meetings etc. within and outside the ORC and represents the Head, PMEBD at various
meetings as well as prepares relevant reports;
 Provides inputs for preparation of the Annual Performance Report of the ORC;
 Provides inputs for the review of the budget functions and activities of the
Department and ORC and develops strategies which will contribute towards
promotion and development of the ORC, in consultation with the Had of Department
 Supervises the preparation of the annual budget of the ORC, in collaboration with
Department/Unit Heads in accordance with established procedures of the ORC;
 Provides inputs for the development of medium and long term budget plans for the
 Collaborates with public affairs unit in the conduct of survey in support of
registration of companies, business names, partnerships, sole proprietorships,
marriages, external companies, and related activities of the ORC;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Budgeting
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other ORC staff during temporary
periods of absence and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent level of
responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Head, PMEBD.


 Within the limits determined by the Head, PMEBD for the establishment of a reliable
budgeting support systems to assess the operational effectiveness of the
Department’s strategies and interventions.


 A minimum of Master’s Degree, preferably, in Finance, Economics, Planning,
Statistics, Project Management, or a related discipline awarded by a recognized
tertiary institution;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service.
 MInimum of four(4) years of working experience in budgeting for a large institution
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;

 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Must be familiar with all the Public Financial Management Acts and Regulations;
 Good knowledge of registration procedures and processes;
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Conflict management and resolution skills;
 Superior organizational and multitasking skills;
 Quantitative, financial modeling and qualitative analytical skills with expert
knowledge in SPSS and Regression Analysis, SAS and other relevant statistical tools;
 Outstanding computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft
Project and other relevant software;
 Critical-thinking skills;
 Negotiation and influencing skills;
 Good knowledge of: principles and practices of performance-based budgeting;
Significant experience and comprehensive knowledge of Project Management; Good
working knowledge in Accounting for Non-Accounting Managers.
 Skills in the formulation of project proposals.

By promotion to the grade of Head of the Planning, Monitoring Evaluation and Budget
Department, Head of Budgeting Unit is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Head of the Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation
and BudgetDepartment.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Head BUU.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration
 Continuous Professional Development
 Leadership, Governance and Management
 Communication and Public Relation
 Contract Management
 Public Financial Administration and Procurement Management
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution
 Financial Resource Management

JOB TITLE: Senior Budget Analyst
JOB GRADE: Senior Budget Analyst
SUPERVISES: Budget Planning Officer
JOB PURPOSE: directs and controls the budget and financial forecasting activities for ORC.

 Co-ordinates budget preparation and the implementation of policies relating to
budget and financial administration of the ORC;
 Works with the Department and Unit Heads of the ORC to develop each Department
and Unit’s budget under the supervision of the Head, BU;
 Provides technical inputs into the preparation of annual budget for the ORC and
participates in defending the annual budget before Ministry of Justice and Attorney
General, Ministry of Finance (MOF) and the Parliamentary Select Committee on
 In collaboration with the Head, PMED and other Department/Unit Heads, provides
technical advice and guidance to the ORC on budgetary allocation, utilization of
funds, and on drawing limits;
 Advises Management on expenditure (cost implications and financial decisions) of the
ORC to ensure compliance with the budget of the ORC and determines whether
changes to funding levels are needed for certain programs;
 In collaboration with the Department and Unit Heads, evaluates the ORC’s programs
to determine whether they are producing the desired results;
 Under the supervision of the Head, Planning and Budget Unit, identifies,
communicates, and implements potential cost reduction initiatives;
 Co-ordinates the preparation of annual revenue and capital estimates of the ORC in
collaboration with Finance Division of the ORC and Budget Division of Ministry of
 In collaboration with the Department/Unit Heads, coordinates the preparation of
Draft Annual Revenue and Expenditure Budget for the ORC;
 Manages all issues relating to budget preparation, implementation and control within
the ORC in consultation with the Head, Planning and Budget Unit;
 Prepares and submits periodic financial report on expenditure as against revenue;
 Provides inputs for monitoring budgetary expenditure and exercises appropriate
budgetary control to ensure that the ORC operates within agreed limits;
 Implements improved systems of budgetary control and revenue expenditure in
conjunction with MOF;
 Under the supervision of the Head, PMED, advises the Finance Division of the ORC on
Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF);
 Investigates and reports on significant budget variations in the ORC under supervision
of with the Head, PMED;
 Evaluates how well a program of the ORC is doing, provides policy (implementation)
analysis, and provides inputs into drafting budget-related policies of the ORC;
 In collaboration with the Department/Unit Heads, coordinates the periodic in-service
training for staff in the ORC on budget preparation and management;
 Provides inputs into organizing seminars, workshops, training sessions, expert
meetings etc. within and outside the ORC and represents the Head, PMED at various
meetings as well as prepares relevant reports;
 Participates in the preparation of Procurement Plan in the ORC;
 Provides inputs for preparation of the Annual Performance Report of the ORC;
 Provides inputs for the development of medium and long term strategic plans for the

 Supervises and reviews the performance of all Budget Analysts within the Planning
and Budgeting Unit;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Planning and
Budgeting Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Head, PMED.

 Within the limits determined by the Ministry of Finance and the Head, Planning and
Budget Unit.


 A minimum of Bachelors Degree, preferably, in Economics, Commerce, Accounting,
Finance, or a related discipline awarded by a recognized tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of one of the following professional
bodies/institutes:- CITG, ACCA, ICAG, CIMA, CPA, CIA of the Institute of Internal
Auditors (IIA), or/and equivalent recognized professional institute/body;
 A minimum of nine (9) years post qualification relevant work experience in the Public

 Substantial experience and knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the
registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of registration procedures and processes;
 Good working knowledge of the following Public Financial Management Acts and
Regulations: Public Financial Management Act (PFMA), 2016 (Act 921) and its
accompanying regulations, Public Financial Management (PFM) Regulations (L.I 2378);
Ghana Revenue Authority Act (GRAA), 2015 (Act 896); Audit Service Act, 2000 (Act
584); Internal Audit Agency Act, 2003 (Act 658) and Public Procurement Act 2003,
(Act 663) as amended Public Procurement (Amendment) Act 2016, (Act 914);
 Must be familiar with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Good human and public relations;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Good knowledge in Project Management;
 Conflict management and resolution skills;
 Organizational and multitasking skills;
 Qualitative and quantitative analytical skills with expert knowledge in SPSS and
Regression Analysis, SAS and other relevant statistical tools;
 Computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project and
other relevant software;
 Critical-thinking skills;
 Negotiation and influencing skills.

By promotion to the grade of Head, BU, Senior Budget Analyst is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Head, BU.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Senior Budget Analyst.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration
 Communication and Public Relations
 Financial Resource Management
 Public Sector Accounting

JOB TITLE: Budget Analyst
JOB GRADE: Budget Analyst
REPORTS TO: Senior Budget Analyst
SUPERVISES: Assistant Budget Analyst
JOB PURPOSE: To provide operational support for planning and budgeting activities and work
programs of the PME Department.

 Provides inputs for the implementation of policies relating to budget and financial
administration of the ORC;
 Collate data for the preparation of annual revenue and capital estimates of the
Department in collaboration with Finance Department of the ORC and Budget
Division of Ministry of Finance;
 Collates data for the preparation of Draft Annual Revenue and Expenditure Budget
for the ORC;
 Provides inputs into all issues relating to budget preparation, implementation and
control within the ORC in consultation with the Head, Planning and Budgeting Unit;
 Prepares and submits periodic financial report on expenditure as against revenue;
 Provides inputs for monitoring budgetary expenditure and exercises appropriate
budgetary control to ensure that the ORC operates within agreed limits;
 Implements improved systems of budgetary control and revenue expenditure in
conjunction with MOF;
 Under the supervision of the Senior Budget Analyst, investigates and reports on
significant budget variations in the Division;
 Participates in evaluating how well a program of the ORC is doing, provides policy
analysis, and provides inputs into drafting budget-related policies of the ORC;
 Participates in the preparation of Procurement Plan in the ORC;
 Provides inputs into organizing seminars, workshops, training sessions, expert
meetings etc. within and outside the ORC and represents the Head, PMED at various
meetings as well as prepares relevant reports;
 Provides inputs for preparation of the Annual Performance Report of the ORC;
 Provides inputs for the development of medium and long term strategic plans for the
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Planning and
Budgeting Unit;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Head, PMED.
 Within the limits determined by the Head, Planning and Budgeting Unit.


 A minimum of Bachelors Degree, preferably, in Economics, Commerce, Accounting,
Finance, or a related discipline awarded by a recognized tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of one of the following professional
bodies/institutes:- CITG, ACCA, ICAG, CIMA, CPA, CIA of the Institute of Internal
Auditors (IIA), or/and equivalent recognized professional institute/body;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public

 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication and presentation skills;
 Must be familiar with all the Public Financial Management Acts and Regulations;

 Substantial experience and knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the
registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Must be familiar with registration procedures and processes;
 Conflict management and resolution skills;
 Qualitative and quantitative analytical skills with expert knowledge in SPSS and
Regression Analysis, SAS and other relevant statistical tools;
 Computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project and
other relevant software;
 Critical-thinking skills;
 Good working knowledge in Accounting for Non-Accounting Managers.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Budget Analyst, Budget Analyst is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Budget Analyst.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Budget Analyst.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration
 Communication and Public Relations
 Financial Resource Management
 Public Sector Accounting


JOB TITLE: Assistant Budget Analyst
JOB GRADE: Assistant Budget Analyst
REPORTS TO: Budget Analyst
JOB PURPOSE: directs and controls the budget and financial forecasting activities for ORC.

 Collects data for the development of the ORC’s policy and planning;
 Participates in the preparation of an annual work plan, action plans and allocation of
resources for the Unit;
 Provides inputs for the development of medium and long term strategic plans for the
 Participates in compiling of annual and other relevant reports on the operations of
the ORC;
 Provides inputs into the annual budget in accordance with established procedures of
the ORC;
 Provides inputs into the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the
ORC’s plans, programs and activities;
 Provides inputs for the preparation of draft Annual Budget of the ORC;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other ORC staff during temporary
periods of absence and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent level of
responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the Head, PMED.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of the Planning and Budgeting Unit.


 A minimum of Bachelor’s Degree, preferably, in Economics, Planning, Commerce,
Statistics, or a related discipline awarded by a recognized tertiary institution;

 A minimum of three (3) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in a
reputable organization, including the statutory National Service.

 Knowledge of Accounting processes
 Knowledge of Financial regulations, Procurement Act and best accounting practices
 Intermediate knowledge of accounting and finance principles, with the ability to
apply concepts within a treasury context.
 Forecasting expenditures based on current and previous expenses or other
appropriate factors
 Making arithmetic and statistical calculations based on financial data
 Maintenance of accurate and complete financial records
 Should have worked in a dynamic corporate environment before and be comfortable
with a flexible environment.
 Should have experience with budgeting and forecasting

By promotion to the grade of Budget Analyst, Assistant Budget Analyst is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Budget Analyst.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Assistant Budget Analyst.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration
 Communication and Public Relations
 Financial Resource Management
 Public Sector Accounting

JOB TITLE: Office Manager
JOB GRADE: Office Manager
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services

 Draws up appointments for the Head,BU;
 Types of confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents;
 Receives and attends to the Head, BU, official visitors and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the Head, BU and ensures that only calls which require
urgent attention reach the Head, BU;
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders to the Head, BU on appointments;
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the Head.

 Within the limits determined by the Head, BU.

 minimum of Stenographer Secretary Certificate from Government Secretarial School
 A minimum of three (3) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.
 Must pass an internal examination conducted by the Government Secretarial School.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of

 Nil

 Public Administration
 Communication and Public Relations
 Financial Resource Management
 Public Sector Accounting



JOB GRADE: Assistant Director IA
REPORTS TO: Deputy Registrar of Companies – Support Service
SUPPERVISES: Unit Heads, Protocol Officer, Office Manager
JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for the administrative and operational support of an
organization. The duties of an Administrative Director include long-term strategic planning,
overseeing daily operations, delegating tasks to staff and managing personnel.

 Negotiating contracts and agreement with vendors;
 Delegating tasks to administrative staff and monitoring daily operation;
 Acting as a liaison between the employees and upper management when it comes to
administrative issues;
 Developing and promoting policies that ensure positive interaction between
administrative staff and other personnel;
 Making changes to increase efficiency in the workplace;
 Organizing the workplace so that the workflow is streamlined Oversee the
administration and supervision of work in the AMD and Units;
 Ensure the implementation of programs, plans and activities of the AMD and Units;
 Establish and review standards and guidelines for the operational activities of the
 Supervise the compilation of annual and other periodic reports for the AMD and
 Appraise the performance of subordinate staff of the AMD and Units.

 A minimum of master’s degree in Business Administration (Finance Option),
Accounting, Commerce, Social Sciences or other related disciplines from an
accredited tertiary institution;
 A minimum of ten (10) years post qualification relevant work experience, five (5)
years of which should be in a Senior Management position in a reputable

 Established experience of evaluating, onboarding, training, supervising and
motivating employees in administration;
 Strong communication (both written and verbal), leadership and time management
 Proficient with the use of computers and software programs used in finance and
 At least two years of experience in an administrative position in a major corporation
or industry;
 Critical thinking, interpersonal and problem-solving skills;
 Strong analytical skills, detail-oriented and exceptional organizational and
multitasking abilities.

 Nil.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building; Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds.
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Office Manager
JOB GRADE: Office Manager
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Secretariat of the
Head, AMD

 Draws up appointments for the Head, AMD;
 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents;
 Receives and attends to the Head, AMD’s official visitors and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the Head, AMD and ensures that only calls which require
urgent attention reach the Head, AMD;
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;

 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders to the Head, AMD on appointments;
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the Head, AMD.

 Within the limits set by the Head, AMD for effective delivery of administrative and
secretarial support services for the smooth running of the Secretariat for the Head,


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
School (GSS);
 A Bachelor’s Degree or a Higher National Diploma, preferably, in Secretaryship and
Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university or an
equivalent professional qualification with a strong office management experience
would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.


 Public Administration
 Communication and Public Relations
 Financial Resource Management
 Public Sector Accounting

3.16.1. Estate/Facility Management and Security Unit, FMSU


JOB GRADE: Chief Estate Manager/Assistant Director IIA
SUPERVISES: Senior Estates Manager/Senior Facilities Manager, Estates Manager/Facilities
Manager, Assistant Estates Manager/Assistant Facilities Manager, Facilities Officer
JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for preserving the good condition of infrastructure and ensure
that facilities are safe and well-functioning.


 Plan and coordinate all installations (telecommunications, heat, electricity etc.) and
 Manage the upkeep of equipment and supplies to meet health and safety standards;
 Inspect buildings’ structures to determine the need for repairs or renovations;
 Review utilities consumption and strive to minimize costs;
 Supervise all staff facilities staff (custodians, technicians, groundskeepers etc.) and
external contractors;
 Control activities like parking space allocation, waste disposal, building security etc.;
 Allocate office space according to needs;
 Handle insurance plans and service contracts;
 Keep financial and non-financial records;
 Perform analysis and forecasting.

 Within the limits determined by the Head, AMD.


 BSc/BA in facility management, engineering, business administration or relevant
 Relevant professional qualification will be an advantage.

 Proven experience as facilities manager or relevant position;
 Well-versed in technical/engineering operations and facilities management best
 Knowledge of basic accounting and finance principles;
 Excellent verbal and written communication skills;
 Excellent organizational and leadership skills;
 Good analytical/critical thinking.

By promotion to the grade of Head of the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Department,
Head of Estate/Facilities Management and Security Unit is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Head of the Planning, Monitoring and
Evaluation Department.
 A minimum of twelve (12) years in the grade of Head FMSU.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relation;
 Contract Management;
 Public Financial Administration and Procurement Management;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution;
 Financial Resource Management.


JOB TITLE: Senior Estate/Facility Manager

JOB GRADE: Senior Estate/Facility Manager
REPORTS TO: Head of the Facilities Management and Security Unit.
SUPERVISES: Facilities Officer
JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for the security, maintenance and services of work facilities to
ensure that they meet the needs of the organisation and its employees.

 Overseeing and agreeing contracts and providers for services including security,
parking, cleaning, catering, technology and so on
 Supervising multi-disciplinary teams of staff including cleaning, maintenance,
grounds and security
 Ensuring that basic facilities, such as water and heating, are well-maintained
 Managing budgets and ensuring cost-effectiveness
 Allocating and managing space between buildings
 ensuring that facilities meet government regulations and environmental, health and
security standards
 advising businesses on increasing energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness
 overseeing building projects, renovations or refurbishments
 helping businesses to relocate to new offices and to make decisions about leasing
 drafting reports and making written recommendations.

 Within the limits determined by the Head, FMSU


 BSc/BA in facility management, engineering, business administration or relevant
 Relevant professional qualification will be an advantage.
 A minimum of nine (9) years’ post qualification relevant work experience

 Communication and influencing skills, in person and in writing
 Analytical and problem-solving skills
 Decision-making
 The ability to lead and manage teams and projects
 Teamworking
 Attention to detail but also the ability to see the implications for the bigger picture
 Commercial awareness
 Customer service
 Organisation, time management, prioritising and the ability to handle a complex,
varied workload.

By promotion to the grade of Head of the Estate/ Facilities Management and Security Unit,
Senior Estate/Facility Manager is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Head of the Estate/Facilities Management and
Security Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Senior Estate/Facility Manager.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration
 Continuous Professional Development
 Leadership, Governance and Management
 Communication and Public Relation
 Contract Management
 Public Financial Administration and Procurement Management


JOB TITLE: Estate/Facility Manager
JOB GRADE: Estate/Facilities Manager
REPORTS TO: Senior Estate/Facilities Manager
SUPERVISES: Assistant Estate/Facilities Manager
JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for the security, maintenance and services of work facilities to
ensure that they meet the needs of the organisation and its employees.

 Overseeing and agreeing contracts and providers for services including security,
parking, cleaning, catering, technology and so on
 Supervising multi-disciplinary teams of staff including cleaning, maintenance,
grounds and security
 Ensuring that basic facilities, such as water and heating, are well-maintained
 Managing budgets and ensuring cost-effectiveness
 Allocating and managing space between buildings
 ensuring that facilities meet government regulations and environmental, health and
security standards
 advising businesses on increasing energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness
 overseeing building projects, renovations or refurbishments
 helping businesses to relocate to new offices and to make decisions about leasing
 drafting reports and making written recommendations.

 Within the limits determined by the Head, FMSU


 BSc/BA in facility management, engineering, business administration or relevant field
 Relevant professional qualification will be an advantage.
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience.

 Communication and influencing skills, in person and in writing
 Analytical and problem-solving skills
 Decision-making
 The ability to lead and manage teams and projects
 Teamworking
 Attention to detail but also the ability to see the implications for the bigger picture
 Commercial awareness
 Customer service
 Organisation, time management, prioritising and the ability to handle a complex,
varied workload.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Estate/Facilities Manager, Estate/Facility Manager is a
subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Estate/Facilities Manager.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Estate/Facility Manager.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration
 Continuous Professional Development
 Leadership, Governance and Management
 Communication and Public Relation
 Contract Management
 Public Financial Administration and Procurement Management


JOB TITLE: Assistant Estate/Facilities Manager

JOB GRADE: Assistant Estate/Facilities Manager
REPORTS TO: Estate/Facility Manager
SUPERVISES: Facilities Officer
JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for providing support to ensure facilities services are provided in
an effective and efficient manner, as well as being the initial point of contact for the FMSU.

 Ensure the delivery of Facilities Management services to a high standard
 Identifying opportunities that will continuously improve all aspects of FM operations
 To be responsible for all external contractors in the building on a daily basis,
Cleaning, Maintenance, Catering, Plant Maintenance
 Carry out building & meeting room checks on a daily basis, ensuring any issues are
dealt with in a prompt and efficient manner.
 Update the Staff Floor Plans on a monthly basis and distribute to staff as required.
 Assisting the Facilities manager with office moves and other general ad-hoc projects.
 Ordering new furniture as and when required.
 Ensure attending contractors onsite have authority to work and have provided the
correct health and safety documentation to commence work. Record contractor
activities onsite.
 Support and assist the Estate/Facilities Manager and the team with administration
 Manage contractors, contracts and suppliers as directed to ensure service delivery.
 General health and safety duties including risk assessments, contractor monitoring
and other statutory and not statutory site requirements.
 Attend training and course as directed by the Facilities Manager.
 To proactively work towards promoting a sense of pride in the facility unit.

 Within the limits determined by the Head, FMSU.


 High school diploma or equivalent
 Experience working within a Facilities environment.
 Strong track record of managing external relationships.
 Demonstrable understanding of purchasing, invoicing & procurement processes.
 A minimum of three (3) years’ post qualification relevant work experience.

 Excellent written and spoken communication abilities
 A smart and professional appearance with a polite, courteous and professional
 Excellent interpersonal skills
 The ability to work under pressure.
 The drive to work pro-actively independently and as part of a team
 Communication style that allows positive and open dialogue with clients and
 Accurate, diligent, self-motivated, focussed and reliable.
 The ability to work un-supervised
 An appreciation of clear and exact communication of detail

By promotion to the grade of Estate/Facilities Manager, Assistant Estate/Facilities Manager
is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Estate/Facility Manager.

 A minimum of four (4) years in the grade of Assistant Estate/Facilities Manager.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration
 Continuous Professional Development
 Leadership, Governance and Management
 Communication and Public Relation
 Contract Management
 Public Financial Administration and Procurement Management

JOB TITLE: Facility Officer, FMSU
JOB GRADE: Facility Officer
REPORTS TO: Assistant Estate/Facility Manager, FMSU
JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for the security, maintenance and services of work facilities to
ensure that they meet the needs of the organization and its employees.

 Overseeing and agreeing contracts and providers for services including security,
parking, cleaning, catering, technology and so on;
 Supervising multi-disciplinary teams of staff including cleaning, maintenance,
grounds and security;
 Ensuring that basic facilities, such as water and heating, are well-maintained;
 Managing budgets and ensuring cost-effectiveness;
 Allocating and managing space between buildings;
 Ensuring that facilities meet government regulations and environmental, health and
security standards;
 Advising businesses on increasing energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness;
 Overseeing building projects, renovations or refurbishments;
 Helping businesses to relocate to new offices and to make decisions about leasing;
 Drafting reports and making written recommendations.

 Within the limits determined by the Head, FMSU.


 BSc/BA in facility management, engineering, business administration or relevant
 Relevant professional qualification will be an advantage.

 Communication and influencing skills, in person and in writing;
 Analytical and problem-solving skills;
 Decision-making;
 The ability to lead and manage teams and projects;
 Teamworking;
 Attention to detail but also the ability to see the implications for the bigger picture;
 Commercial awareness;
 Customer service;
 Organisation, time management, prioritising and the ability to handle a complex,
varied workload.



 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Communication and Public Relation.

JOB TITLE: Chief Headman
JOB GRADE: Chief Headman
JOB PURPOSE: To undertakes routine staff check and ensure that equipment’s are properly
utilized and maintained.

 Leads and supervises subordinates to undertake routine tasks such as cleaning;
 Ensures the development of the capabilities, skills and knowledge of staff;
 Appraise direct reports; and
 Undertake any other duties that may be assigned.

 Within the limits determined by the Head, FMSU.


 SSSCE/WASSCE with minimum of six (6) years progressive working experience in the
Public Sector organization;

 Excellent knowledge of security protocols
 Ability to operate security systems and emergency equipment
 Attention to detail
 Ability to react appropriately in stressful situations


 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Communication and Public Relation.

JOB GRADE: Headman
REPORTS TO: Chief Headman
JOB PURPOSE: Monitors and controls the activities of the subordinate employees in the

 Responsible for cleaning and maintaining institutional premises;
 Ensures the development of the capabilities, skills and knowledge of staff;
 Appraises direct reports; and
 Undertakes any other duties that may be assigned.

 Within the limits determined by the Head, FMSU.


 BECE with Minimum of 6 years of progressive working experience in the Public Sector

 Ability to operate security systems and emergency equipment
 Attention to detail
 Ability to react appropriately in stressful situations

By promotion to the grade of Chief Headman, Headman is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Chief Headman.
 A minimum of four (4) years in the grade of Headman.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Continuous Professional Development;
 Communication and Public Relation.


JOB TITLE: Headman/Cleaner
JOB GRADE: Headman Sanitary Labourer
REPORTS TO: Head of the FMSU
SUPERVISES: Sanitary Labourers
JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for keeping offices and other public area near the office neat
and organized.

 Responsible for all basic cleaning in and around ORC building.
 Cleans floors and rooms. including dust mopping, damp mopping, sweeping,
vacuuming, dusting, picking up larger objects off the floor, and spot cleaning glass
and windows.
 Cleans restrooms, including restocking dispensers, emptying trash, cleaning and
sanitizing fixtures, cleaning mirrors, spot cleaning partition doors and walls,
sweeping and mopping tile floors, and cleaning toilets and urinals.
 Vacuums, empties trash, and replaces liners.
 Sets up, stocks, and maintains cleaning equipment and supplies.
 Monitors and maintains sanitation and organization of assigned areas.
 Transports dirty linens to correct area to be cleaned and restocks areas with clean
 Assists other departments when needed to ensure optimum service to guests.
 Performs additional duties as needed.

 Within the limits determined by the Head, FMSU


 High school diploma or equivalent
 Previous cleaning experience a plus.

 Excellent communication and organizational skills

 Strong interpersonal and problem-solving abilities
 Highly responsible & reliable
 Ability to work cohesively as part of a team



JOB TITLE: Cleaner
JOB GRADE: Sanitary Labourer
REPORTS TO: Headman/Sanitary Labourer
JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for keeping offices and other public area near the office neat.

 Responsible for all basic cleaning in and around ORC building.
 Cleans floors and rooms. including dust mopping, damp mopping, sweeping,
vacuuming, dusting, picking up larger objects off the floor, and spot cleaning glass
and windows.
 Cleans restrooms, including restocking dispensers, emptying trash, cleaning and
sanitizing fixtures, cleaning mirrors, spot cleaning partition doors and walls,
sweeping and mopping tile floors, and cleaning toilets and urinals.
 Vacuums, empties trash, and replaces liners.
 Sets up, stocks, and maintains cleaning equipment and supplies.
 Monitors and maintains sanitation and organization of assigned areas.
 Transports dirty linens to correct area to be cleaned and restocks areas with clean
 Assists other departments when needed to ensure optimum service to guests.
 Performs additional duties as needed.

 Within the limits determined by the Head, FMSU


 Previous cleaning experience a plus.

 Highly responsible & reliable
 Ability to work cohesively as part of a team




JOB TITLE: Chief Security Officer
JOB GRADE: Chief Security Officer
SUPERVISES: Assistant Security Guard, Headman watchman

JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical and administrative leadership and supposed for effective
and efficient management of the security functions of the ORC.

 Provide input for the formulation of relevant policies;
 Oversee the efficient and effective execution of security management systems and
solutions for the ORC;
 Ensure maintenance of records on security incidence;
 Ensure protection and safety of employees, clients and visitors and properties of the
 Oversee the development, management and operation of a system for security
surveillance, inspection and threat assessment;
 Ensure the prevention of loss and damage of properties of the ORC;
 Oversee the completion of reports of occurrences and surveillance activities;
 Undertake investigations and submit report on security breaches;
 Coordinate security resources and manage emergency responses;
 Supervise the design and update of emergency plans and procedures on security
 Collaborate with appropriate security agencies for effective security management;
 Ensure the protection of the RGD`s assets relative to theft, assault, fire and etc.

 Within the limits determined by the Head, FMSU.


 A minimum of a Master`s Degree from an accredited tertiary institution on Security
Management, or any other related discipline or its equivalent professional
qualification from an accredited institution; or
 Must me a retired Security Officer of the rank of Warrant Officer or its equivalent in
other State Security Services;
 A minimum of 6 (six) years if post Bachelor`s Degree relevant work experience in a
reputable organisation.

 Safety and Security management skills;
 Ability to understand and follow complex instructions;
 Interpersonal skills;
 Knowledge of Security operations and procedures;
 Knowledge of Basic Security and Fire inspection procedures;
 Surveillance skills;
 Safety Management;
 Knowledge of Administrative procedures;
 Report writing skills.


 Continuous Professional Development programmes;
 Surveillance skills update;
 Occupational Health and Safety Procedures.


JOB TITLE: Assistant Security Guard
JOB GRADE: Assistant Security Guard
REPORTS TO: Chief Security Officer

SUPERVISES: Headman watchman
JOB PURPOSE: To provide operational support for the efficient and effective performance of
the security functions if the ORC.

 Ensures the protection of life and property within the premises of the ORC;
 Ensures identification and prevention of unauthorized persons, vehicles etc. from
entering the premises of the ORC;
 Implement emergency plans and procedures on security matters;
 Reports on matters of security;
 Ensures that relevant electrical appliances are switched off and doors are secured
after close of work;
 Provides support for effective operations of security equipment and systems;
 Provides guidance and direction to visitors and clients.

 Within the limits determined by the Head, FMSU.


 A minimum of SSSCR/WASSCE
 A minimum of three (3) years if relevant work experience.

 Safety and Security management skills;
 Ability to understand and follow complex instructions;
 Interpersonal skills;
 Knowledge of Security operations and procedures;
 Knowledge of Basic Security and Fire inspection procedures;
 Surveillance skills;
 Safety Management;
 Knowledge of Administrative procedures;
 Report writing skills.

By promotion to the grade of Chief Security Officer, Assistant Security Guard is a subject to
the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Chief Security Officer.
 A minimum of four (4) years in the grade of Assistant Security Guard.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Continuous Professional Development programmes;
 Security education;
 Occupational Health and Safety Procedures;
 Administrative Procedures.

JOB TITLE: Headman watchman
JOB GRADE: Headman watchman
REPORTS TO: Chief Security Guard
JOB PURPOSE: To provide operational support for the efficient and effective performance of
the security functions if the ORC.


 Protect life and property within the premises of the ORC;
 Identify and prevent unauthorized persons, vehicles etc. from entering the premises
of the ORC;
 Report on matters of security;
 Ensure that relevant electrical appliances are switched off and doors are secured
after close of work;
 Provides guidance and direction to visitors and clients.

 Within the limits determined by the Administration Management Department and its
accompanying regulations and by the Registrar-General.


 A minimum of SSSCR/WASSCE
 A minimum of one (1) year if relevant work experience;

 Safety and Security skills;
 Attention to details;
 Interpersonal skills;
 Knowledge of Security operations and procedures;
 Surveillance skills;
 Safety Management;
 Knowledge of Administrative procedures;
 Report writing skills.
By promotion to the grade of Assistant Security Guard, Headman watchman is a subject to
the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Assistant Security Guard.
 A minimum of four (4) years in the grade of Headman watchman.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Continuous Professional Development programmes;
 Security education;
 Occupational Health and Safety Procedures;
 Administrative Procedures.

3.16.2. Stores Unit, SU

JOB TITLE: Head of Stores Unit
JOB GRADE: Stores Manager
JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for the support with the timely and accurate processing of
purchasing orders and transactions for functions of ORC.


 Ensuring all items procured and received into stores are properly controlled and
utilized for the sole purpose of the ORC’s activities, as well as replaced on time;
 Oversees receiving, warehousing, and distribution operations;
 Implements operational policies and procedures;
 Implements and oversees security operations;

 Ensures effective and safe use of warehouse equipment;
 Ensures the safety of staff;
 Motivates and disciplines staff;
 Maintains documentation and keeps accurate records of stores activities;
 Maintains awareness and knowledge of the condition and location of goods.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of the Administration Management
Department and Stores Unit to ensure the transparent, accountable, judicious and
economic use of budgetary appropriations at the ORC.


 Minimum of Bachelor's Degree in accounting, business management or a similar field
 6 years of experience as a procurement officer or in a similar position.

 Working knowledge in Public Procurement Act 200, (Act 663) as amended by Public
Procurement (Amendment) Act 2016, (Act 914); and other related legal frameworks;
 Proficiency in Microsoft Office and purchasing software
 Strong communication and negotiation skills.
 Good analytical and strategic thinking skills.
 Supervisory and management experience.
 Attention to detail.

 Nil

JOB TITLE: Supply Officer
JOB GRADE: Supply Officer
REPORTS TO: Sales Manager
JOB PURPOSE: To support the Stores Unit’s functions to deliver a timely, efficient and
effective service to the organization. To provide comprehensive administration support
across all the Stores Unit processes.

 Helps to oversee receiving, warehousing, and distribution operations;
 Implementing and overseeing security operations.
 Ensures effective and safe use of warehouse equipment;
 Ensures the safety of his/hers staff;
 Maintains documentation and keeps accurate records of stores and warehouse
 Maintains awareness and knowledge of the condition and location of fleet vehicles;
 Assists with deliveries where required.
 .


 A first degree from a recognised University majoring in Procurement and Logistics
Management or in Engineering, Business Administration, Finance, Economics, Public
 A minimum of six consecutive years of demonstrable relevant experience with track
record in a similar busy institution.


 Commercial awareness;
 Good knowledge of procurement, key drivers and key success factors;
 Ability to manage pressure and emotions with the public;
 Excellent communication skill;
 Strong computer skills in MS word and Excel;
 Understanding of and commitment to maintaining confidentiality and dealing with
sensitive information.

By promotion to the grade Stores Manager, Supply Officer is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Stores Manages.
 A minimum of four (3) years in the grade of Supply Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relation;
 Contract Management;
 Public Financial Administration and Procurement Management;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution;
 Financial Resource Management;

JOB TITLE: Office Manager
JOB GRADE: Office Manager
REPORTS TO: Head of Stores Unit
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Secretariat of the
Head, PMSU

 Draws up appointments for the Head of Stores Unit;
 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents;
 Receives and attends to the Head of Stores Unit’s official visitors and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the Head of Stores Unit and ensures that only calls which
require urgent attention reach the Head of Stores Unit;
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders to the Head of Stores Unit on appointments;
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the Head of Stores

 Within the limits set by the Head of Stores Unit for effective delivery of
administrative and secretarial support services for the smooth running of the
Secretariat for the Head of Stores Unit.


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
School (GSS);
 A Bachelor’s Degree or a Higher National Diploma, preferably, in Secretaryship and
Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university or an
equivalent professional qualification with a strong office management experience
would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.

 Nil.

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.

3.16.3. Records Office, RO


JOB TITLE: Head of Record Office
JOB GRADE: Senior Record Officer
SUPERVISES: Senior Document Manager
JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for the overall operations of the documentation department of
ORC. To direct documentation projects, develop standardized documentation tools and
methods, edit projects, and authorize final approvals. To manage document flow and ensure
document accessibility for those who have access approval.

 Develop the document management plan and update it, as needed.
 Manage organizational documentation through the document life cycle.
 Maintain organizational documents and the document management system.
 Identify and investigate the need for documents of various types.
 Ensure that organizational documents go through a documented and approved
review-and-approval process before being stored.
 Ensure that internal controls are in place and are functional.
 Ensure the security, accessibility, and proper distribution of organizational

 Help develop and enforce documentation design, review, and storage guidelines.
 With the IT security manager, assign/approve user privileges.
 Plan and conduct meetings and presentations related to document management

 Within the limits determined by the Head, AMD.


 A minimum bachelor’s degree in library science is required;
 9+ years of document management experience.

 Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
 Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite or related software.
 Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail.
 Basic understanding of laws and regulations regarding document management.
 Excellent analytical and technical skills.
 Excellent and creative problem-solving skills.

 Nil.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relation;
 Contract Management;
 Public Financial Administration and Procurement Management;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution;
 Financial Resource Management.

JOB TITLE: Records Officer
JOB GRADE: Record Officer
SUPERVISES: Assistant Record Officer
JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for managing the flow of information within an organisation.
Ensures that documents are properly created, organised and stored so they can be easily
retrieved when needed.

 Administers ORC’s electronic and physical document management systems;
 Registers documents received and sent in the document management system, links
them to initiative documents and distribute them to departments by field of activity
or sending them to the addressees by e-mail;
 Identify and create process improvements that impact the organisation’s revenue;
 Collect and identify documentation from each Unit/Project, place in its correct
discipline system;
 Managing document workflow by creating new folders and filing documents according
to protocol;
 Preparing reports on document management activities such as statistics on file size,
storage capacity, and number of files stored;
 Ensuring that all ORC records are secure, accessible, and compliant with federal
 Collects, scans and stores physical records/documents.

 Within the limits determined by the Head, AMD.


 A minimum bachelor’s degree in library science is required;
 6+ years of document management experience.

 Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
 Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite or related software.
 Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail.
 Basic understanding of laws and regulations regarding document management.
 Excellent analytical and technical skills.
 Excellent and creative problem-solving skills.

By promotion to the grade of Head of the Record Office, Record Officer is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Head of the Record Office.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Record Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration
 Continuous Professional Development
 Leadership, Governance and Management
 Communication and Public Relation


JOB TITLE: Assistant Record Officer, RO
JOB GRADE: Assistant Record Officer
REPORTS TO: Record Officer
SUPERVISES: Records Assistant
JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for managing the flow of information within an organisation.

 Registers documents received and sent in the document management system, links
them to initiative documents and distribute them to departments by field of activity
or sending them to the addressees by e-mail;
 Managing document workflow by creating new folders and filing documents according
to protocol;
 Preparing reports on document management activities such as statistics on file size,
storage capacity, and number of files stored;
 Ensuring that all ORC records are secure, accessible, and compliant with federal
 Collects, scans and stores physical records/documents.

 Within the limits determined by the Head, AMD.


 A minimum bachelor’s degree in library science or related is required;
 3+ years of document management experience.

 Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
 Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite or related software.
 Excellent organisational skills and attention to detail.
 Basic understanding of laws and regulations regarding document management.
 Excellent analytical and technical skills.
 Excellent and creative problem-solving skills.

By promotion to the grade of Record Officer, Assistant Record Officer is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Record Officer.
 A minimum of four (3) years in the grade of Assistant Record Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration
 Continuous Professional Development
 Leadership, Governance and Management
 Communication and Public Relation

JOB TITLE: Record Assistant, RO
JOB GRADE: Record Assistant
REPORTS TO: Record Officer
JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for managing the flow of information within an organisation.

 Registers documents received and sent in the document management system, links
them to initiative documents and distribute them to departments by field of activity
or sending them to the addressees by e-mail;
 Managing document workflow by creating new folders and filing documents according
to protocol;
 Preparing reports on document management activities such as statistics on file size,
storage capacity, and number of files stored;
 Ensuring that all ORC records are secure, accessible, and compliant with federal
 Collects, scans and stores physical records/documents.

 Within the limits determined by the Head, AMD.


 A minimum bachelor’s degree in library science or related is required;
 1+ years of document management experience.

 Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
 Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite or related software.
 Excellent organisational skills and attention to detail.
 Basic understanding of laws and regulations regarding document management.
 Excellent analytical and technical skills.
 Excellent and creative problem-solving skills.

 By promotion to the grade of Assistant Record Officer, Record Assistant Manager is a
subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Assistant Record Officer.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Records Assistant.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration
 Continuous Professional Development
 Leadership, Governance and Management
 Communication and Public Relation

JOB TITLE: Office Manager
JOB GRADE: Office Manager
REPORTS TO: Head of Records Office
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Records Office.

 Draws up appointments for the Head of Records Office;
 Receives telephone calls of the Records Office and ensures that only calls which
require urgent attention reach Head of Records Office;
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders to the Head of Records Office on appointments;
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the Head of Records

 Within the limits set by the Head of Records Office.


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
School (GSS);
 A Bachelor’s Degree or a Higher National Diploma, preferably, in Secretaryship and
Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university or an
equivalent professional qualification with a strong office management experience
would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;

 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.

 Nil.

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.

3.16.4. Transport Unit


JOB TITLE: Head, Transport Unit
JOB GRADE: Transport Manager
JOB PURPOSE: responsible for directing, coordinating, planning and overseeing tasks and
operations within an organization involving transportation activities.

 Coordinate, plan and monitor the distribution of cars between units;
 Coordinate, plan and monitor driver availability;
 Conveys the ORC employees to and from designated destinations;
 Conducts checks for road worthiness of the ORC’s vehicles;
 Facilitates washing and cleaning of ORC’c vehicles;
 Collates records of fuel and other lubricants used on each vehicle of the ORC;
 Registers the movement of vehicles for the ORC;
 Provides support in the investigation of any of the vehicles involved in accident;
 Undertakes periodic examination of vehicles and submits reports as and when
 Performs any other incidental and job-related duties as directed by the Director,

 Within the limits set by the Head of AMD.


 A Bachelor’s degree;
 A minimum of West African School Certificate (WASC) or Senior Secondary School
Certificate (SSSC) or General Certificate of Education, Ordinary Level (GCE O’);
 Level) with passes in at least five subjects, including English Language and
 A professional level qualification or certification in Auto Mechanics or Defensive
Driving Certificate would be an added advantage;
 A valid Driver’s License not below ‘C’ Class from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing
Authority (DVLA);

 At least six (6) years post license relevant work experience in reputable organization.

 Knowledge of transport methods, costs and benefits;
 Math’s knowledge;
 Knowledge of engineering, science and technology;
 Design skills and knowledge;
 Analytical thinking skills;
 Ability to work well with others;
 Complex problem-solving skills;
 Good attention to detail.


 First aid and firefighting techniques;
 Security and safety education;
 Relevant IT application;
 Administrative Procedures;
 Defensive driving;
 Reports writing skills.

JOB TITLE: Chief Driver
JOB GRADE: Driver/Mechanic Grade I
REPORTS TO: Head, Transport Unit
JOB PURPOSE :To provide transportation services to the staff of the ORC and ensure the
maintenance of vehicles.

 Conveys the ORC employees to and from designated destinations;
 Conducts checks for road worthiness of the ORC’s vehicles;
 Facilitates washing and cleaning of ORC’s vehicles;
 Collates records of fuel and other lubricants used on each vehicle of the ORC;
 Registers the movement of vehicles for the ORC;
 Provides support in the investigation of any of the vehicles involved in an accident;
 Undertakes periodic examination of vehicles and submits reports as and when
 Performs any other incidental and job-related duties as directed by the Senior
Transport Manager and the management of the assigned Unit.

 Within the limits set by the Head of Transport Unit.


 A minimum of West African School Certificate (WASC) or Senior Secondary School
Certificate (SSSC) or General Certificate of Education, Ordinary Level (GCE O’)
 Level) with passes in at least five subjects, including English Language and
 A professional level qualification or certification in Auto Mechanics or Defensive
Driving Certificate would be an added advantage;
 A valid Driver’s License not below ‘C’ Class from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing
Authority (DVLA);

 At least six (6) years post-license relevant work experience in a reputable

 Knowledge in Modern Road Regulations;
 Knowledge of Changing Technology in Transport Management;
 Knowledge in Transport Security Education;
 Knowledge of driving rules and regulations, protocols and courtesies;
 Defensive Driving skills;
 Skills in First Aid and Fire Fighting Techniques;
 Skills in Vehicle Fire Management and Prevention;
 Communication and interpersonal skills;
 Basic computer literacy in relevant software.


 First aid and firefighting techniques;
 Security and safety education;
 Relevant IT application;
 Administrative Procedures;
 Defensive driving;
 Reports writing skills.

JOB GRADE: Driver/Mechanic Grade III
REPORTS TO: Head, Transport Unit
JOB PURPOSE: To provide transportation services to the staff of the ORC and ensure
maintenance of vehicles.

 Conveys the ORC employees to and from designated destinations;
 Log in trips and other relevant information in logbooks on official vehicles
 Conducts checks for road worthiness of the ORC’s vehicles;
 Facilitates washing and cleaning of ORC’s vehicles;
 Registers the movement of vehicles for the ORC;
 Provides support in the investigation of any of the vehicles involved in the accident;
 Undertakes periodic examination of vehicles and submits reports as and when
 Performs any other incidental and job-related duties as directed by the Senior
Transport Manager and the management of the assigned Unit.

 Within the limits set by the Head of Transport Unit.


 A minimum of West African School Certificate (WASC) or Senior Secondary School
Certificate (SSSC) or General Certificate of Education,
 A professional level qualification or certification in Auto Mechanics or Defensive
Driving Certificate would be an added advantage;
 A valid Driver’s License not below ‘C’ Class from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing
Authority (DVLA);

 At least sthree (3) years post license relevant work experience in reputable

 Knowledge in Modern Road Regulations;
 Knowledge of Changing Technology in Transport Management;
 Knowledge in Transport Security Education;
 High integrity and good ethical standarts
 Knowledge of driving rules and regulations, protocols and courtesies;
 Defensive Driving skills;
 Skills in First Aid and Fire Fighting Techniques;
 Skills in Vehicle Fire Management and Prevention;
 Communication and interpersonal skills;
 Basic computer literacy in relevant software.

By promotion to the grade of Chief Driver Grade subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Chief Driver grade I;
 A minimum of three (3) years on Driver grade III;

 First aid and firefighting techniques;
 Security and safety education;
 Relevant IT application;
 Administrative Procedures;
 Defensive driving;
 Reports writing skills.



JOB TITLE: Director, FMD
JOG GRADE: Chief Accountant
REPORTS TO: Deputy Registrar of Companies - Support Services
SUPERVISES: Office Manager, Heads of FMD Units
JOB PURPOSE: To provide leadership and technical direction for the performance of the
ORC’s finance


 Ensures the preparation of periodic financial reports of the ORC;
 Lead in the sourcing of funding to improve the revenue base of ORC;
 Advise on revenue mobilisation and management;
 Coordinate the provision of material and financial resources to support the activities
of the ORC;
 Ensure the collation and production of the annual budget of the ORC;
 Monitor and control the flow of cash receipts and disbursements to meet business
and investment needs of the ORC;
 Advise management on prudent financial practices;
 Oversee the administration and supervision of work in the FMD and Units;
 Ensure the implementation of programs, plans and activities of the FMD and Units;
 Establish and review standards and guidelines for financial activities of the ORC;
 Supervise the compilation of annual and other periodic reports for the FMD and
 Appraise the performance of subordinate staff of the FMD and Units.


 A minimum of master’s degree in Business Administration (Finance Option),
Accounting, Commerce, Social Sciences or other related disciplines from an
accredited tertiary institution.
 A Chartered Accountant (ICA GH, ACCA or CIMA) or Final Part of other recognised
professional accounting bodies.
 A minimum of fifteen (15) years post qualification relevant work experience, five (5)
years of which should be in a Senior Management position in a reputable

 Conversant with relevant Accounting systems;
 Negotiation, networking and lobbying skills;
 Leadership, mentoring and management skills;
 Capacity to inspire and motivate;
 Communication, report writing, and presentation skills;
 Knowledge of project and programmes management;
 Good knowledge in financial, procurement and auditing and labor regulations;
 Excellent computer skills;
 High integrity and ethics.


 Public Administration
 Continuous Professional Development
 Leadership, Governance and Management
 Communication and Public Relation
 Contract Management
 Public Financial Administration and Procurement Management
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution

JOB GRADE: Office manager
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Secretariat of the
Director, FMD

 Draws up appointments for the Director, FMD;
 Types confidential and sensitive memoranda, reports and other documents;
 Receives and attends to the Director, FMD’s official visitors and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the Director, FMD and ensures that only calls which
require urgent attention reach the Director, FMD;
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders to the Director, FMD on appointments;
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the Director, FMD.


 Within the limits set by the Director, FMD for effective delivery of administrative and
secretarial support services for the smooth running of the Secretariat for the
Director, FMD.


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
School (GSS);
 A Bachelor’s Degree or a Higher National Diploma, preferably, in Secretaryship and
Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university or an
equivalent professional qualification with a strong office management experience
would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the ORC.


 Communication and Public Relations
 Report writing
 Administration and Management
 Records management and archival studies

3.17.1. Financial Accounting and Control Unit, FACU


JOB GRADE: Principal Accountant
REPORTS TO: Director of the Finance Management Department
SUPERVISES: Senior Accountant, Accountant
JOB PURPOSE: To provide leadership and strategic direction for the effective financial
administration and management of the ORC

 Exercises administrative oversight responsibility for efficient management of the
resources (human, material and financial) of the FACU;
 Ensures that work of the Unit is organized into routine Accounting Units and
Decentralized Treasury Unit as provided by the Controller and Accountant General’s
 Liaises with the Ministry of Finance and the Accountant General’s Department to
facilitate the release of funds and authorization for disbursement;

 Supervises the preparation of the Annual Budget Estimates and attends Budget
Hearings at the Ministry of Finance;
 Issues code of instructions to regulate the financial business of the office indicating
among others the duties to be performed by specified officers, the account to be
kept and the returns to be submitted;
 Attends to Audit Reports and Queries promptly and ensures control measures and
systems are put in place to forestall future occurrences;
 Supervises the implementation of policy recommendation made by Management as
they affect the finances of the Department;
 Approves periodic reports on financial benchmark performance indicators to assess
the effectiveness in the utilization of financial resources in achieving the
Department’s long-term objectives.

 Within the limits determined by the Public Financial Management Act (PFMA) and its
accompanying regulations and by the Registrar of Companies.


 Must be a Chartered Accountant;
 An additional academic qualification of Master of Science (MSc) degree or Masters of
Business Administration (MBA) in Auditing, Finance, Accounting or a related discipline
awarded by a recognized tertiary institution required;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of one of the following professional
bodies/institutes: Chartered Institute of Taxation, Ghana (CITG), Association of
Certified Accountants (ACCA), Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ghana (ICAG),
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), Certified Public
 Accountants (CPA), Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) of the Institute of Internal
Auditors (IIA), or/and equivalent recognized professional institute/body;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years post qualification relevant work experience in a
reputable public or private sector organization, six (6) years of which must be at a
Senior Management position in the Public Service.

 Leadership, networking and management skills;
 Mentoring and coaching skills;
 Must have extensive working knowledge of all the Public Financial Management Acts
and Regulations;
 Expert knowledge of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS);
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Must be familiar with International Financial Institutions’ Procurement Guidelines
and Procedures;
 Communication, interpersonal and presentation skills;
 Relevant IT applications;
 Team Building;
 Performance Management skills.

By promotion to the grade of Chief Accountant of the Finance Management Division,
Principal Accountant of the Financial Accounting and Control Unit is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Chief Accountant of Finance Management
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Principal Accountant of the Financial
Accounting and Control Unit.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration
 Continuous Professional Development
 Leadership, Governance and Management
 Communication and Public Relation
 Contract Management
 Public Financial Administration and Procurement Management
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution


JOB GRADE: Senior Accountant
SUPERVISES: Accountant
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical and operational support for the implementation of a
realistic and sound accounting system at the ORC.

 Coordinates the implementation of efficient and effective financial policies and
ensures consistent application of the PFM Act;
 Maintains accounting records of all financial transactions by the ORC;
 Participates in the preparation of annual consolidated budget estimates of the ORC;
 Prepares accounts books for auditing purposes;
 Prepares quarterly and annual financial accounting evaluation reports;
 Ensures that all disbursements are recorded in the appropriate prime books; and
 Follows up on the release of funds and authorization for disbursement at the
Controller and Accountant-General’s Department.

 Within the limits determined by the Public Financial Management Act (PFMA) and by
the Director, FMD to ensure the transparent, accountable, judicious and economic
use of budgetary appropriations at the ORC.


 Must be a Chartered Accountant; PLUS
 A minimum of Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Business Administration,
Commerce or related field awarded by a recognized tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a professional recognized institute
e.g. CIA, ICAG, ACCA, CPA, CIMA etc.;
 A minimum of six (6) years post qualification relevant work experience in a
Public/civil Sector Organization.

 Decision-making skills;
 Financial Administration and Management
 Communication, Interpersonal and Presentation Skills
 Negotiating, Lobbying and Conflict Resolution Skills
 Capacity to Inspire and Motivate People
 Knowledge in Financial, Procurement, Budgeting and Auditing Regulations
 Computer Skills
 Qualitative and Quantitative Analytical Skills
 Extensive working knowledge and experience in Public Financial Management Laws
and Regulations;
 Communication, interpersonal and presentation skills;
 Conversant with major Accounting Software
 Negotiation, Lobbying and Conflict Management/Resolution skills;

 Governance and policy management;
 Relevant I.T applications;

By promotion to the grade of Principal Accountant of the Financial Accounting and Control
Unit, Senior Accountant is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal Accountant of the Financial
Accounting and Control Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Senior Accountant.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration
 Continuous Professional Development
 Leadership, Governance and Management
 Communication and Public Relation
 Contract Management
 Public Financial Administration and Procurement Management
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution

JOB GRADE: Accountant
REPORTS TO: Senior Accountant
JOB PURPOSE: To provide operational support for the implementation of accounting
instructions in the FACU.

 Monitors and coordinates bank transactions and conducts reconciliation activities to
facilitate efficient reporting standards;
 Enters all disbursements in the appropriate prime books for audit and records
 Writes out cheques for all payment vouchers processed by Treasury;
 Ensures the safe custody of all value books and essential documents;
 Collates monthly reconciliation statements on expenditure from the cash book and
submits reports to Senior Accountant;
 Compiles data on all withholding tax receipts and prepares Payment Vouchers;
 Conducts pre-audit which includes verification of Payment Vouchers and checks on
the balances in the cash book to ascertain funds available as a control measure;
 Registers purchase orders.

 Within the limits determined by the Director, FD to ensure transparent,
accountable, judicious and economic use of budgetary appropriations at the


 A minimum of Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Business Administration,
Commerce or related field awarded by a recognized tertiary institution OR Level 3
of the ICA;
 (Ghana) or analogous level as determined by ICA (Ghana);
 A minimum of three (3) years post qualification relevant work experience in a
reputable organization.


 Knowledge of Accounting processes;
 Knowledge of Financial regulations, Procurement Act and best accounting practices;
 Written and oral communication skills Interpersonal relationship skills;
 Quantitative and qualitative skills;
 Computer application skills.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Accountant of the Finance Accounting and Control Unit,
Accountant is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Accountant of the Finance Accounting
and Control Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Accountant.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Financial Resource Management;
 Public Sector Financial Management;
 Public Administration or Management; and
 Management Development Training Programmes.

3.17.2. Revenue Management Unit, RMU


JOB GRADE: Principal Accountant
SUPERVISES: Senior Accountant, Accountant
JOB PURPOSE: To provide leadership and strategic direction for the effective financial
administration and management of the ORC. Responsible for the overall revenue
management strategy of the ORC. Cooperates with the other departments to ensure that the
ORC is maximizing its revenue.

 Exercises administrative oversight responsibility for efficient management of the
resources (human, material and financial) of the RMU;
 Ensures that work of the Unit is organized into routine Accounting Units and
Decentralized Treasury Units as provided by the Controller and Accountant General’s
 Developing and implementing new revenue management strategies to increase
customer satisfaction and increase revenue;
 Monitoring customer complaints to ensure that the ORC responds to issues in a timely
 Developing and enforcing policies to ensure that all customers are treated fairly,
consistently, and equitably;
 Establishing metrics for measuring performance against goals in order to identify
areas for improvement or opportunities for growth;
 Overseeing the ORC’s collections efforts in order to ensure that bills are paid on time
and, that delinquent accounts are resolved quickly;
 Helping to manage the company’s inventory by ordering new supplies of items that
are running low;
 Reviewing financial reports and analysing data to identify trends that may affect the
ORC’s cash flow or overall profitability.


 Within the limits determined by the Public Financial Management Act (PFMA) and its
accompanying regulations and by the Registrar of Companies.


 Must be a Chartered Accountant;
 An additional academic qualification of Master of Science (MSc) degree or Masters of
Business Administration (MBA) in Auditing, Finance, Accounting or a related discipline
awarded by a recognized tertiary institution required;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of one of the following professional
bodies/institutes: Chartered Institute of Taxation, Ghana (CITG), Association of
Certified Accountants (ACCA), Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ghana (ICAG),
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), Certified Public
 Accountants (CPA), Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) of the Institute of Internal
Auditors (IIA), or/and equivalent recognised professional institute/body;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years post qualification relevant work experience in a
reputable public or private sector organization, six (6) years of which must be at a
Senior Management position in the Public Service.

 Leadership, networking and management skills;
 Mentoring and coaching skills;
 Must have extensive working knowledge of all the Public Financial Management Acts
and Regulations;
 Expert knowledge of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS);
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Must be familiar with International Financial Institutions’ Procurement Guidelines
and Procedures;
 Excellent oral and written communication skills.
 Excellent organization skills.
 Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
 Proficient at statistical and competitive analysis.
 Individual is high energy individual with a positive attitude is a must. Guest service
 team oriented.
 Strong interpersonal skills and possession of a full understanding of professional
 ethics, decorum and social skills.

By promotion to the grade of Chief Accountant of Finance Management Division, Principal
Accountant of Revenue Management Unit is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Chief Accountant of Finance Management
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Principal Accountant of Revenue
Management Unit.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration
 Continuous Professional Development
 Leadership, Governance and Management
 Communication and Public Relation
 Contract Management
 Public Financial Administration and Procurement Management
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution

JOB GRADE: Senior Accountant
SUPERVISES: Accountant
JOB PURPOSE: To provide accounting oversight of all government reimbursement programs
and ensures accurate and timely accounting in accordance with published regulations and
generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

 Conduct monthly close functions such as preparing and recording general ledger
entries by compiling and analysing assigned trial balance accounts, conducting
monthly reconciliations, and supporting necessary management reporting analysis;
 Perform contract reviews and work with other Units to ensure compliance with GAAP
and company revenue and contracting policies;
 Collaborate cross functionally with partners in the deal cycle as it relates to revenue
contract negotiations to ensure accuracy and revenue recognition compliance;
 Perform periodic analysis of stand-alone selling prices for existing and new products;
 Support month- and year-end close processes and assisting with annual audit
 Identify and support continual process and procedure improvements;
 Support other ad hoc projects in the Revenue Management team.

 Within the limits determined by the Public Financial Management Act (PFMA) and by
the Director, FMD to ensure the transparent, accountable, judicious and economic
use of budgetary appropriations at the ORC.


 Must be a Chartered Accountant; and
 A minimum of Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Business Administration,
Commerce or related field awarded by a recognised tertiary institution;
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a professional recognized institute
e.g., CIA, ICAG, ACCA, CPA, CIMA etc.;
 A minimum of six (6) years post qualification relevant work experience in a
Public/civil Sector Organization.

 Decision-making skills;
 Financial Administration and Management;
 Communication, Interpersonal and Presentation Skills;
 Negotiating, Lobbying and Conflict Resolution Skills;
 Advanced Microsoft Excel skills;
 High level of attention to detail, excellent organizational skills and ability to
prioritize demands and meet deadlines;
 Familiarity with accounting financial statements;
 Ability to work independently;
 Analytical and problem-solving skills;
 Bachelor’s in accounting.

By promotion to the grade of Principal Accountant of Revenue Management Unit, Senior
Accountant is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal Accountant of Revenue Management
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Senior Accountant.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.

 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relation;
 Contract Management;
 Public Financial Administration and Procurement Management;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.

JOB GRADE: Accountant
REPORTS TO: Accountant
JOB PURPOSE: Revenue accountant is responsible for tracking and reporting on the revenue
generated by an ORC.

 Calculating taxes due on taxable income using the appropriate tax code;
 Reviewing financial statements to ensure they are accurate and complete;
 Reviewing financial statements to ensure they are accurate and complete;
 Calculating payroll deductions and filing payroll tax returns;
 Processing invoices and payments to vendors, suppliers, creditors, and other parties
involved in business transactions;
 Analysing financial data to forecast future revenues and expenses;
 Reporting on financial status of departments or divisions within an ORC to
 Monitoring cash flow to ensure that there is enough money available to meet all
financial obligations.

 Within the limits determined by the PFMA, PAR, IAA, PAA and by the Director, FD to
ensure transparent, accountable, judicious and economic use of budgetary
appropriations at the Department.


 A minimum of Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Business Administration,
Commerce or related field awarded by a recognized tertiary institution OR Level 3 of
the ICA;
 (Ghana) or analogous level as determined by ICA (Ghana);
 A minimum of three (3) years post qualification relevant work experience in a
reputable organization.

 Knowledge of Accounting processes;
 Knowledge of Financial regulations, Procurement Act and best accounting practices;
 Written and oral communication skills Interpersonal relationship skills;
 Quantitative and qualitative skills;
 Computer application skills.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Accountant of the Revenue Management Unit,
Accountant is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Accountant of Revenue Management

 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Accountant.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relation;
 Contract Management;
 Public Financial Administration and Procurement Management;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.

3.17.3. Treasury Unit, TU


JOB GRADE: Principal Accountant
SUPERVISES: Senior Accountant, Accountant
JOB PURPOSE: forecast, manage and mitigate any associated risks within the Treasury
function, manage banking relationships and set a clear, well-defined Treasury strategy.

 Working closely with the business to minimize financial risk;
 Reviewing funding needs, monthly reporting of all treasury activities to senior
 Analysing and performing appropriate hedging and funding activities (Forex, swaps,
loans, deposits, etc.);
 Cash and liquidity management through cash flow planning and forecasting;
 Managing treasury operations and controls (cash pooling/sweeping, forex hedging
 Managing banking relationships;
 Driving treasury-specific projects/initiatives across the region.

 Within the limits determined by the PFMA, IAA, PAA and by the Assistant Director of
the Treasury Unit.


 Bachelor's Degree in Accounting, Finance, or Economics or equivalent work
 12 years of progressively responsible experience in treasury or cash management
 Experience in the National Service field is preferred.

 Knowledge of Accounting processes;
 Knowledge of Financial regulations, the Procurement Act and best accounting
 Intermediate knowledge of accounting and finance principles, with the ability to
apply concepts within a treasury context;
 An experienced business partner who is able to effectively manage stakeholders and
problem solve, with strong customer service skills: Manage internal customer
relationships through a competent, technically able, ‘can do’ service approach
ensuring agreed service levels are maintained;

 Excellent people management, communication, and organisational skills;
 Should have worked in a dynamic corporate environment before and be comfortable
with a flexible environment;
 Should have experience with budgeting and forecasting.

By promotion to the grade of Chief Accountant of the Finance Management Division,
Principal Accountant of the Treasury Unit is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Chief Accountant of Finance Management
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Principal Accountant of the Treasury
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relation;
 Contract Management;
 Public Financial Administration and Procurement Management;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.

JOB GRADE: Senior Accountant
SUPERVISES: Accountant
JOB PURPOSE: Monitor cash flow in companies and control money transmission tools.

 Oversee day-to-day treasury aspects of cash management and investment;
 Verify bank fees and all ORC transactions;
 Post all treasury related transactions to the general ledger and ERP system;
 Ensures the maintenance of the ORC’s liquidity and financial stability;
 Monitor the purchase and sale of investments, evaluating financial records;
 Monitor payment schedules for loans, investments, or client/supplier debts.

 Within the limits determined by the PFMA, IAA, PAA and by the Assistant Director of
the Treasury Unit.


 Commerce Bachelor’s degree (Accounting Department);
 Experience 9+ Years in the same role;
 Experience in the National Service field is preferred.

 Knowledge of Accounting processes;
 Knowledge of Financial regulations, the Procurement Act and best accounting
 Written and oral communication skills and Interpersonal relationship skills;
 Quantitative and qualitative skills;
 Computer application skills.


By promotion to the grade of Principal Accountant of the Finance Accounting and Control
Unit, Senior Accountant is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal Accountant of Treasury Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Senior Accountant.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Financial Resource Management;
 Public Sector Financial Management;
 Public Administration or Management; and
 Management Development Training Programmes.

JOB GRADE: Accountant
REPORTS TO: Senior Accountant, TU
JOB PURPOSE: Monitor cash flow in companies and control money transmission tools.

 Monitor financial activities and details, such as cash flow and reserve levels, to
ensure that all legal and regulatory requirements are met.
 Handling all disbursement orders issued by the financial Accountant and approved by
the financial manager.
 Receiving & documenting cash flow according to payment or Cash-in orders issued by
the financial Accountant and approved by the financial manager.
 Receive & Document cash and checks.
 Preparing Daily reports.

 Within the limits determined by the Assistant Director of the Treasury Unit.


 BSc/MSc in finance, accounting or a relevant field;
 3 years of experience;
 Experience in the National Service field is preferred.

 Knowledge of Accounting processes;
 Knowledge of Financial regulations, Procurement Act and best accounting practices;
 Written and oral communication skills Interpersonal relationship skills;
 Quantitative and qualitative skills;
 Presentation skills;
 Analytical skills;
 Excellent command of MS Office.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Accountant of the Finance Accounting and Control Unit,
Accountant is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Accountant of Finance Officer of
Treasury Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Accountant.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.


 Financial Resource Management;
 Public Sector Financial Management;
 Public Administration or Management; and
 Management Development Training Programmes.

3.17.4. Payroll Unit, PU


JOB GRADE: Principal Accountant
SUPERVISES: Senior Accountant, Accountant
JOB PURPOSE: responsible for overseeing all the payroll procedures of an ORC, administering
monthly payments to staff members, as well as managing personnel in charge of payroll

 Managing all aspects of the payroll process, such as approving transactions and
reviewing exemptions.
 Changing individual payrolls as stipulated by management, such as tax deductions or
salary adjustments.
 Maintaining payroll systems and reporting any issues to management.
 Supervising personnel involved in payroll and ensuring the best financial practices are
adhered to.
 Auditing payroll transactions to ensure that accounts, payment dates, and taxes are
accurate and up to date.
 Creating monthly and annual payroll reports for management review.
 Ensuring all payroll systems comply with federal tax laws.
 Attending to any payroll-related queries or questions from employees.

 Within the limits determined by the Assistant Director of Payroll Unit.


 Bachelor's degree in finance, Human Resources management, or a similar field.
 At least twelve (12) years' experience as a payroll director or payroll manager.
 Excellent knowledge of payroll software
 Familiarity with labour legislation and federal tax laws.

 Knowledge of Accounting processes
 Knowledge of Financial regulations, Procurement Act and best accounting practices
 Intermediate knowledge of accounting and finance principles, with the ability to
apply concepts within a treasury context.
 An experienced business partner who is able to effectively manage stakeholders and
problem solve, with strong customer service skills: Manage internal customer
relationships through a competent, technically able, ‘can do’ service approach
ensuring agreed service levels are maintained
 Excellent people management, communication, and organizational skills.
 Should have worked in a dynamic corporate environment before and be comfortable
with a flexible environment.
 Should have experience with budgeting and forecasting.

By promotion to the grade of Chief Accountant of Finance Management Unit, Principal
Accountant of the Payroll Unit is a subject to the following:

 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Chief Accountant of Finance Officer of Finance
Management Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Principal Accountant of the Payroll
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Financial Resource Management;
 Public Sector Financial Management;
 Public Administration or Management; and
 Management Development Training Programmes.

JOB GRADE: Senior Accountant
SUPERVISES: Accountant
JOB PURPOSE: responsible for overseeing all the payroll procedures of an ORC, administering
monthly payments to staff members, as well as managing personnel in charge of payroll

 Oversee employee pay checks;
 Calculate net salaries considering deductions and withholdings;
 Ensure payroll and tax documents are accurate;
 Update general ledger and payroll files;
 Prepare accounting files, records, and schedules;
 Monitor paid and unpaid leaves;
 Process overtime earnings or holiday deductions;
 Resolve payroll problems (e.g., overlooked bank holidays, late payments, etc.);
 Answer employee questions concerning payroll;
 Participate in payroll audits;
 Ensure compliance with governmental laws on payroll accounting and taxes.

 Within the limits determined by the Assistant Director of Payroll Unit.


 Bachelor's degree in finance, Human Resources management, or a similar field.
 At least nine (9) years' experience as a payroll director or payroll manager.
 Familiarity with labour legislation and federal tax laws.

 Knowledge of Accounting processes;
 Knowledge of Financial regulations, Procurement Act and best accounting practices;
 Intermediate knowledge of accounting and finance principles, with the ability to
apply concepts within a treasury context;
 Previous experience as a payroll accountant or in a similar role;
 Understanding local and governmental rules about payroll;
 Excellent knowledge of MS Office, especially Excel;
 Great computational ability;
 Attention to detail.

By promotion to the grade of Principal Accountant of the Payroll Unit, Senior Accountant of
the Payroll Unit is a subject to the following:

 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal Accountant of Payroll Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Senior Accountant.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Financial Resource Management;
 Public Sector Financial Management;
 Public Administration or Management; and
 Management Development Training Programmes.

JOB GRADE: Accountant
REPORTS TO: Senior Accountant, PU
JOB PURPOSE: responsible for overseeing all the payroll procedures of an ORC, administering
monthly payments to staff members, as well as managing personnel in charge of payroll

 Oversee employee pay checks;
 Calculate net salaries considering deductions and withholdings;
 Ensure payroll and tax documents are accurate;
 Update general ledger and payroll files;
 Prepare accounting files, records, and schedules;
 Monitor paid and unpaid leaves;
 Process overtime earnings or holiday deductions;
 Resolve payroll problems (e.g., overlooked bank holidays, late payments, etc.);
 Answer employee questions concerning payroll;
 Ensure compliance with governmental laws on payroll accounting and taxes.

 Within the limits determined by the Assistant Director of Payroll Unit.


 Bachelor's degree in finance, Human Resources management, or a similar field.
 At least three (3) years’ experience as a payroll director or payroll manager.
 Familiarity with labour legislation and federal tax laws.

 Knowledge of Accounting processes;
 Knowledge of Financial regulations, Procurement Act and best accounting practices;
 Intermediate knowledge of accounting and finance principles, with the ability to
apply concepts within a treasury context;
 Previous experience as a payroll accountant or in a similar role;
 Understanding local and governmental rules about payroll;
 Excellent knowledge of MS Office, especially Excel;
 Great computational ability;
 Attention to detail.

By promotion to the grade of Senior Accountant of the Payroll Unit, Accountant of the
Payroll Unit is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior Accountant of Payroll Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Accountant.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.

 Must pass a selection interview.

 Financial Resource Management;
 Public Sector Financial Management;
 Public Administration or Management; and
 Management Development Training Programmes.




JOB GRADE: Deputy Director of HRMD
REPORTS TO: Deputy Registrar of Companies – Support Services
SUPERVISES: Heads of HRMD Units, Principal Personnel Officer,

JOB PURPOSE: The Deputy Director of Human Resourcess will plan, lead, direct, develop,
and coordinate the policies, activities, and staff of the Human Resources (HR) department,
ensuring legal compliance and implementation of the organizations mission and talent
strategy. Serves as a Member of the ORC Strategic Planning and Change Management
Committee and takes the lead in restructuring and redesign efforts of units, divisions and
work processes and innovation within ORC


Supervises Unit Heads to perform the following duties:

 Recruits, interviews, hires, and trains new staff in the department.

 Oversees the daily workflow of the department.
 Provides constructive and timely performance evaluations.
 Handles discipline and termination of employees in accordance with organizational,
PSC and CSA policies
 Collaborates with senior leadership to understand the organizations goals and
strategy related to staffing, recruiting, and retention.
 Plans, leads, develops, coordinates, and implements policies, processes, training,
initiatives, and surveys to support the organizations Human Resources compliance
and strategy needs.
 Administers or oversees the administration of Human Resources programs including,
but not limited to, staffing and recruitment, personnel management, organizational
development and change management, compensation, benefits, and leave;
disciplinary matters; disputes and investigations; performance and talent
management; productivity, recognition, and morale; occupational health and safety;
and training and development.
 Identifies staffing and recruiting needs; develops and executes best practices for
hiring and talent management.
 Conducts research and analysis of organizational trends including review of reports
and metrics from the organizations Human Resources information system (HRIS) or
talent management system.
 Monitors and ensures the organizations compliance with , and local employment laws
and regulations, and recommended best practices; reviews and modifies policies and
practices to maintain compliance.
 Maintains knowledge of trends, best practices, regulatory changes, and new
technologies in Human Resourcess, talent management, and employment law;

applies this knowledge to communicate changes in policy, practice, and resources to
upper management.
 Develops and implements departmental budget.
 Facilitates professional development, training, and certification activities for HR
 Performs other duties as required.

 Within the limits determined by the Deputy Registrar of Companies – Support


 Minimum of Bachelors’ degree in Human Resourcess, Business Administration, or
related field required; Masters’ degree preferred.
 At least 12 years of Human Resources management experience required at a high
level of responsibility and management grade level

 Extensive working knowledge in the following Laws and Conventions:- National
Labour Act, 2003 (Act 651) ; Regulation 5 of Labour Regulations 2007 , (LI 1833);
Workmen’s Compensation Law, 1987, as amended by PNDCL 66; National Pensions
Act, 2008 (Act 766) as amended by National Pensions (Amendment) Act, 2014 (Act
883) and the accompanying Regulations (L. I. 1990); and International Labour
Organisation (ILO) Conventions; Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and
The Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Business Management & Leadership skills;
 Human capital development skills;
 Multicultural competency skills;
 Effective communication and interpersonal skills;
 Strategic thinking and planning skills;
 Workplace culture development;
 Relationship building;
 Negotiation and influencing;
 Knowledge and understanding of business, HR Processes and organizational
 Ability to inspire trust;
 Results oriented;
 Strict adherence to ethical stands;
 Excellent verbal and written communication skills;
 Excellent interpersonal and negotiation skills;
 Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail;
 Excellent time management skills with a proven ability to meet deadlines;
 Strong analytical and problem-solving skills;
 Strong supervisory and leadership skills;
 Ability to adapt to the needs of the organization and employees;
 Ability to prioritize tasks and to delegate them when appropriate;
 Thorough knowledge of employment-related laws and regulations;
 Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite or related software;
 Proficiency with or the ability to quickly learn the organizations HRIS and talent
management systems.


 Public Administration
 Leadership, Governance and Management;

 Continuous Professional development;
 Automated systems for Human Resources Management;
 Organizational Development and Change Leadership
 Conflict Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Team building.


JOB GRADE: Principal Personnel Officer
Supervises: Nil
JOB PURPOSE: The Principal Personnel Officer is responsible for a variety of duties and
responsibilities in support of the Head of HRMD providing technical and administrative
support related to a variety of Human Resourcess duties. Assignments may include compiling
and analyzing data, coordinating multiple concurrent activities, and interacting with
individuals and groups at most levels in the organization.

Main Duties:
 Assists the Director of HRMD with a variety of responsibilities and special projects;
 Maintains calendar for the Director of HR; schedules meetings as needed;
 Performs internal and external office communication: email, voicemail and
miscellaneous written correspondence (to include general clerical responsibilities);
 Greets and assists students, staff and community in person and by telephone, in a
courteous, professional, and friendly manner Screens and routes incoming telephone
 Files, makes copies, makes room reservations and other general clerical tasks;
 Receives, sorts and distributes office mail;
 Organizes and maintains the Human Resources filing system; ensures accuracy and
completeness of confidential personnel files and employee records; and files and
retrieved documents;
 Reviews, edits and formats draft and finalized materials ensuring completeness,
accuracy, compliance with policies and procedure and appropriate English usage
including grammar, punctuation and spelling;
 Prepares a variety of correspondence and departmental forms;
 Maintains employee confidence and protects operations by keeping Human Resources
information confidential;
 Maintain/update various department/district database tools (applications,
certification, contracts, employee appraisal, etc.;
 Gather and merge data to complete annual local, state and federal reports;
 Facilitate new employee activation process;
 Manage, organize and report data related to administrative leave;
 Collaborate with Finance Department on issues related to payroll, benefits,
employee leave and department budget;
 Schedule, plan and coordinate special events for the Human Resources Department
(recruitment, new staff orientation, training, negotiations and committee meetings);
 Coordinates employee placements;
 Maintains department webpage and complete weekly staffing updates;
 Data collection, processing and retrieval: maintains current records for new
applicants and position vacancies uses database inquiries to generate relevant
statistical information generates relevant HR reports (monthly);
 Other duties as assigned.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Human Resources Management.


 Previous experience as an Administrative Assistant, four years preferred;
 A minimum, of a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resourcess Management or equivalent
of work experience and academic experience leading to an HR degree/training;
 Proficiency in Microsoft Office and use/creation of spreadsheet and database
management tools.

 Organizational skills;
 Multi-tasking; ability to juggle many different activities successfully);
 Time Management;
 Effective communication;
 Data entry;
 People skills;
 Problem solving;
 Tech savvy (software, etc. google, calendar, apps);
 Exercising discretion and maintaining confidentiality;
 Event coordination (regular and virtual e.g., Video conferencing, Zoom).


 Public Administration
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Continuous Professional development;
 Automated systems for Human Resources Management;
 Organizational Development and Change Leadership
 Conflict Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Team building.

3.18.1. Recruitment and Career Management Unit, RCMU


JOB TITLE: Head of the Unit
JOB GRADE: Principal HR Manager
REPORTS TO: Director of the HRMD
SUPERVISES: Senior HR Manager, Assistant HR Manager, Principal Personnel Officer
JOB PURPOSE: Oversees the full cycle of recruitment in support of all of the business
functions within ORC. To work with hiring managers to identify the skills and experience
required for each role; source, screen candidates to find the best match for the
organization, ensuring remuneration levels foster organizational retention.

 Plans, develops, and directs processes to attract, evaluate, and refer candidates for
open positions through recruiting website, employee referrals, on-site recruiting and
other sourcing methods.
 Develops and enhances and organization's recruiting program, policies, and
 Executes a strategy to position the organization as a preferred employer.
 Evaluates and communicates key metrics to develop appropriate recruitment
strategies and ensure positions are filled efficiently and effectively.
 Maintains relationships with schools, advertisement, and recruitment agencies.
 Oversees the recruitment for senior level and executive positions.
 Manages through subordinate managers and professionals in larger groups of
moderate complexity.

 Provides input to strategic decisions that affect the functional area of responsibility.
 Gives input into developing the budget.
 Capable of resolving escalated issues arising from operations and requiring
coordination with other departments.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Human Resources Management.


 Master’s Degree holder in HR Management;
 Minimum of 12 years of managerial experience in recruitment and succession

 Communication;
 Knowledge of fair employment practices, anti-discrimination laws;
 Team Leadership;
 Management capabilities strategic development, succession planning;
 Change Management;
 Influencing;
 Strategic design;
 Community involvement.

By promotion to the grade of Deputy Director of the Human Resources Management Division,
Principal HR Manager of the Recruitment and Career Management Unit subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Deputy Director of the Human Resources
Management Division.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Principal HR Manager of the
Recruitment and Career Management Unit.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Contract Management;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.


JOB GRADE: Senior HR Manager
REPORTS TO: Principal HR Manager, RCMU
SUPERVISES: Senior HR Manager, Assistant HR Manager, Principal Personnel Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To assist organization to reach strategic goals by attracting and hiring top-
performing employees, from Corporate-suite level executives to support staff.

 Improving productivity and reducing turnover, by identifying and attracting top-
performing professionals to fill job openings.
 Developing and recommending recruiting strategies to ensure a successful search in a
given time frame.
 Working with hiring managers and HR personnel to determine staffing needs, along
with minimum qualifications and skills required for open positions.

 Developing and maintaining a strong network of contacts to identify and source
quality candidates.
 Revision of applications to identify and arrange preliminary interviews with the most
promising candidates.
 Screening and referring candidates for additional interviews as part of the are often
the next step in the senior HR recruitment process.
 Consulting with hiring managers on staffing and recruitment policies, ensuring
compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity mandates, and advising
management on hiring and compensation guidelines.
 Updating and tracking recruitment files, preparation and placement of job
advertising across appropriate media,
 Coordinating internal job postings and performing reference and background checks.
 Trains employees on HR issues and practices. Presents course materials
 Attending career fairs and networking events in furtherance of recruitment function.
 ability to attract talent by designing competitive compensation and benefits
 Use of data and statistics to make informed decisions that solve real-world business
 Development and measurement of the success of recruitment procedures
 Understanding of principles of developing and conserving Human Resources
 ability to Leverage advanced knowledge and skills to succeed as a senior HR recruiter
 Talent Management
 Establish a strong rapport with hiring managers at headquarters and in field offices
to develop a talent management strategy to fill all vacancies in a timely manner.
Ensure clear mutual understanding of staffing priorities and practical constraints.
Guide the hiring managers through the talent management process where needed.
 Manage communications between applicants, hiring managers and others to keep all
parties apprised of the status of each search.
 Work with the hiring managers to develop job descriptions and announcements. Job
descriptions need to reflect responsibilities and qualifications that are appropriate
for the title of the position.
 Post advertisements in a variety of newspapers, listservs, trade publications,
networks, etc. including internationally focused sources.
 Screen/review online applications evaluating such factors as job experience,
education, training, skills, knowledge, ability and develop a short list of potential
candidates to forward to the hiring managers.
 Coordinate pre-employment test schedules and conduct applicant preliminary
interviews (in person and/or on the phone).
 Present fully screened, qualified candidates to hiring managers in a timely manner.
Review candidate qualifications with hiring managers. Facilitate applicant interviews
with hiring managers (in person and/or on the phone).
 Arrange travel and lodging (international and domestic) for interview applicants, as
 Manage candidate interview results and selection decision with hiring manager.
Provide candidates feedback on interview results.
 Recommend improvements to current recruitment processes to ensure streamlined,
cost effective services are being provided to hiring managers.
 Place key documents on the Intranet, including policies, templates, forms, contact
lists, etc.
 Maintain the e-filing system of shared network drives: saving all relevant information
to the designated location.
 Facilitate and/or participate in learning communities and task forces.
 Respond to information requests from colleagues and the field in a timely manner.
 Performs all work safely and maintains a safe working environment.
 Performs other duties as assignedby supervisor


 Within the limits determined by the Head of Human Resources Management.


 Broad base of business knowledge, as well as Human Resourcess expertise.
 A Human Resourcess degree, along with relevant work experience.
 professional HR certification or advanced education, such as an HR master’s degree.
 Knowledge of employment law, Human Resources metrics, and statistical research,
workforce planning, and compensation.
 Minimum of nine (9) years of managerial experience in recruitment and succession
 Experience searching for candidates with executive, professional and technical
 Experience in screening and interviewing candidates via telephone and in person to
assess candidate skills, experience, education, fit with organizational culture and
other characteristics necessary to fill positions.

 solid set of consultative skills
 strong communication and interpersonal skills
 networking skills.
 demonstrated attention to detail
 Strong organizational skills
 Collaborative skills and
 planning skills
 highly emotional intelligence
 Demonstrated ability to perform and prioritize multiple tasks in a fast paced, high
volume environment.
 Demonstrated ability to develop positive working relationships with hiring managers.
 Knowledge and demonstrated use of a variety of advertising sources to attract
diverse candidates.
 Demonstrated ability to be flexible, resilient, solution oriented, creative.
 Cross-cultural sensitivity, knowledge of and ability to work with people of diverse
 Solid oral and written communication skills that are clear, concise and professional.
 Proficiency in word processing, spreadsheets and databases including resume
management systems.
 Excellent organizational skills and strong attention to detail.
 Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work effectively both in groups as well
as independently.
 Demonstrated sensitivity and discretion when handling confidential information.

By promotion to the grade of Principal HRM Manager of the Recruitment and Career
Management Unit, Senior HR Officer is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal HRM Manager of the Recruitment and
Career Management Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Senior HR Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Contract Management;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.

JOB GRADE: Assistant HR Manager
REPORTS TO: Senior HR Manager
SUPERVISES: Principal Personnel Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To assist organization to reach strategic goals by attracting and hiring top-
performing employees. Assistant HR Manager is an HR professional responsible for providing
support in the various Human Resourcess recruitment related functions, which include
recruitment and staffing.

 Plan, implement and manage the overall Talent Acquisition strategy
 Provide counselling and support on policies and procedures
 Perform duties such as job descriptions, job posting and promotion and hiring analytics
 Create, implement and manage onboarding plans
 Identified KPIs for HR department
 Plan and implement training programs
 Assist in performance management and employee evaluation
 Maintaining employee records and paperwork
 Adhere to laws and regulations
 Drawing up plans for future personnel hiring procedures and goals

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Human Resources Management.


 3years of experience as an HR Officer or similar HR role
 Excellent knowledge of various HR functions such as payment and benefits,
recruitment, onboarding, evaluation, training & development etc.
 Good understanding of Ghana labour laws
 Proficient in MS Office
 3 years of experience with HR software such as ATS, HRIS and Recruitment Marketing
 Outstanding organisational and time-management skills
 Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
 Problem-solver
 Good decision-making skills
 Strong ethical standards

 Advanced knowledge and work with management tools like ATS
 Use of applicant tracking
 Gamification techniques for recruiting
 Knowledge and application of different interview techniques
 Storytelling and employer branding knowledge
 Strategic thinking and business acumen
 Business acumen is a recruiter’s ability to understand different business scenarios,
understand business issues, adapt and remain flexible in the face of change,
understand business operations, and ensure business success.
 Strategic thinking;
 Create strategies to achieve company goals.
 Talent sourcing and OSINT techniques
 Using Google or LinkedIn to explore the experience, skills, and even character of
 Use of OSINT investigation method. OSINT, or Open-Source Intelligence to explore,
automate, and customize the hiring process with specialized tools to gain

information on previous work and academic experience, industry status, interests,
 Organizational skills
 critical thinking, Recruiters with
 strong organizational skills
 Communication skills
 Networking skills
 Online skills
 Attention to detail
 A good attitude to teamwork

By promotion to the grade of HR Manager, Assistant HR Manager is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of HR Manager.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Assistant HR Manager.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Contract Management;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.


JOB GRADE: Principal Personnel Officer
REPORTS TO: Assistant HR Manager
JOB PURPOSE: The Principal Personnel Officer will perform administrative tasks and services
to support effective and efficient operations of the organizations Human Resources

 Maintains accurate and up-to-date Human Resources files, records, and
 Answers frequently asked questions from applicants and employees relative to
standard policies, benefits, hiring processes, etc.; refers more complex questions to
appropriate senior-level HR staff or management.
 Maintains the integrity and confidentiality of Human Resources files and records.
 Performs periodic audits of HR files and records to ensure that all required
documents are collected and filed appropriately.
 Provides clerical support to the HR department.
 May assist with payroll functions including processing, answering employee questions,
fixing processing errors, and distributing checks.
 Acts as a liaison between the organization and external benefits providers and
vendors, which may include health, disability, and retirement plan providers.
 Conducts or assists with new hire orientation.
 Assists with planning and execution of special events such as benefits enrolment,
organization-wide meetings, employee recognition events, holiday parties, and
retirement celebrations.
 Performs other duties as assigned.
 Required Skills/Abilities:
 Excellent verbal and written communication skills.

 Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to manage sensitive and confidential
situations with tact, professionalism, and diplomacy.
 Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail.
 Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite or related software.
 Proficient with or the ability to quickly learn payroll management, Human Resources
information system (HRIS), and similar computer applications.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Human Resources Management.


 Bachelor's degree in Human Resourcess or related (essential).
 3 years of experience as an HR assistant (essential).
 Exposure to labour law and employment equity regulations

 Effective HR administration and people management skills.
 Exposure to payroll practices.
 Full understanding of HR functions and best practices.
 Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
 Works well under pressure and meets tight deadlines.
 Highly computer literate with capability in email, MS Office, and related business
and communication tools.
 Fantastic organizational and time management skills.
 Strong decision-making and problem-solving skills.
 Meticulous attention to detail.
 Ability to accurately follow instructions.

By promotion to the grade of Assistant HR Manager of the Recruitment and Career
Management Unit, Principal Personnel Officer is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Assistant HR Manager of the Recruitment and
Career Management Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Principal Personnel Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview conducted.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.

3.18.2. Organizational Development Unit, ODU


JOB TITLE: Head of the Unit
JOB GRADE: Principal HR Manager
REPORTS TO: Deputy Director of HRMD
SUPERVISES: Senior HR Manager, Assistant HR Manager, Principal Personnel Officer

JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for managing and supporting the assessment of organisational
needs and the design, implementation and evaluation of programs that facilitate the
professional development and continuous learning of team members, particularly executives

and emerging leaders. This position manages all employees of the OD function and is
responsible for the performance management and hiring of the employees within that ORC.

Supervise the OD Unit to:

 Manage organisational development (OD) strategies and processes.

 Conduct OD Diagnoses and assess OD needs of operations, business and functional
units and implement OD interventions and Organizational Effectiveness solutions
 Lead the design, development and implementation of OD programs, policies,
processes and strategies tailored to meet organizational effectiveness needs and
program goals within ORC;
 Design and execute key programmatic elements of the OD process including process
mapping, restructuring, redsign of processes and change management
 Evaluate strategies and programs to measure the achievement of established goals.
 Assists with the provision of expert facilitation and coaching to supervisors and
managers regarding OD methods and tools.
 Manage the individual development planning process for executives and emerging
 Provide consultative services to the business units regarding mentoring.
 Plan and lead short- and long-term planning for OD programs.
 Prepare budgetary recommendations that meet departmental goals and provide for
effective management of resources.
 Supervise a group of employees in various OD work units.
 Conduct Organisational development and process mapping and organizational

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Human Resources Management.


 Minimum of a Master’s degree in Operations Management, Human Resources
Management or related social science (business, administration, industrial relations,
labor economics, industrial psychology
 Minimum of twelve (12) years of managerial experience in Management, Change
Management or organizational development

 Superior verbal and written communication skills.
 Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite or related software.
 Excellent presentation and facilitator skills.
 .
 Excellent leadership skills.

By promotion to the grade of Deputy Director of the Human Resources Management Division,
Principal HR Manager of the Organizational Development Unit subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Deputy Director of the Human Resources
Management Division.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Principal HR Manager.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Contract Management;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.


JOB GRADE: Senior HR Manger
REPORTS TO: Principal HR Manager, ODU
SUPERVISES: Assistant HR Manager, Principal Personnel Officer
JOB PURPOSE: The Senior HR Manager develops, implements and administers OD
effectiveness programs for ORC employees. The Senior HR Officer also acts as liaison and
advisor to the organisation’s leadership and facilitates OD initiatives across the

 Identifies and incorporates best practices and lessons learned into program plans.
 Designs and develops HR training programs for management and employees.
 Develops learning activities, audio-visual materials, instructor guides and lesson
 Reviews evaluations of training courses, objectives and accomplishments.
 Makes assessments of effectiveness of training in terms of employee
accomplishments and performance.
 Consults with management on performance, organizational and leadership matters.
Conducts needs assessments to determine measures required to enhance employee
job performance and overall company performance.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Human Resources Management.


 Master’s Degree holder in HR Management orrelated social sciences (business,
administration, economics, communication, psychology);
 Minimum of nine (9) years of managerial experience in recruitment and succession

 Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
 Proven effective management skills.
 Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite or related software.
 Strong presentation skills.
 Adept with a variety of multimedia and elearning deployment platforms and
 Ability to conduct organizational diagnoses and process mapping
 Ability to evaluate and research training options and alternatives.
 Process design/mapping Computer applications

By promotion to the grade of Principal HR Manager of the Organisation’s Development Unit,
Senior HR Officer is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of the Principal HR Manager of the Organisation’s
Development Unit.

 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Senior HRM Manager.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Contract Management;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.


JOB GRADE: Assistant HR Manager
REPORTS TO: Senior HR Manager, ODU
Supervises: Principal Personnel Officer
JOB PURPOSE: The Assistant HR Manager, supports the Senior HR Officer in the
implementation, administration, and development of ORC and in the training of its
employees, also supports in liaising and advising the organisation leadership and facilitates
departmental initiatives across the organization.

 Conduct needs assessments for training and staff development to enhance the
effectiveness of employee performance in achieving the goals and objectives of the
 Identifies and implements identified best practices and lessons learned into program
 Supports in designing and developing HR training programs for management and
 Develops learning activities, audio-visual materials, instructor guides and lesson
plans based on departmental needs
 Supports in the reviews evaluations of training courses, objectives and
 Assesses effectiveness of training in terms of employee accomplishments and
 Conducts orientation and trains employees on HR & Inclusion issues and practices.
Presents course materials.
 In collaboration with the Assistant Director, consults with management on
performance, organizational and leadership matters.
 Conducts needs assessments to determine measures required to enhance employee
job performance and overall company performance.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Human Resources Management.


 Preferably a Master’s Degree in Organizational Development and Change
Management Minimum of Bachelor's degree in training and development or
organizational development.
 Three years of training experience, and at least one year of management experience
with a Master’s Degree; 3 years of training experience and at least three years of
Managerial experience with a Bachelor’s degree.
 Experience designing and implementing effective training and development


 Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
 Proven effective management skills.
 Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite or related software.
 Strong presentation skills.
 Adept with a variety of multimedia training platforms and methods.
 Ability to conduct organizational diagnoses and assessments
 Ability to evaluate and research

By promotion to the grade of Senior HR Manager of the Organisation’s Dvelopment Unit,
Assistant HR Manager is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior HR Manager of the Organisation’s
Dvelopment Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Assistant HR Manager.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Contract Management;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.


JOB GRADE: Principal Personnel Officer
REPORTS TO: Assistant HR Manager
JOB PURPOSE: To support the Organisational Development & Training functions to deliver a
timely, efficient and effective service to the organisation. To provide comprehensive
administration support across all the ODTU processes.

 To provide high quality administrative support to the ODU function.
 To support the promotion of Learning and Development within ORC.
 To provide advice and support to employees and managers, where appropriate, on
ODTU queries and enquiries.
 Support the ongoing development of Apprentices through a variety of ODU activities.
 To assist in the booking of learning and development events, organisation of L&D
materials and collating feedback from L&D events.
 To effectively manage the L&D email inbox.
 To scan and index training documents e.g., certificates, using the prescribed
electronic document imaging system.
 To assist with the administration of the content on the online learning platform,
including researching information and assisting with the course and information
 To support the team in the management of the content of the ODU intranet pages.
 To attend HR Team meetings, take minutes, compile and circulate agendas and
relevant papers, in advance of the meeting.
 To collate learning statistics and produce a range of statistical information on a
regular basis.
 To arrange ad-hoc meetings by checking attendees’ availability, booking venues,
circulating agendas and relevant papers and where necessary, taking minutes.
 Perform other activities directed by the management of the Unit.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Human Resources Management.


 Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Econoics or Psychology, with a
concentration in Learning, with one-year of work experience, inclusive of National

 Customer service, administration and/or previous HR/L&D experience.
 Developed and proven IT skills and MS Suite (Word/Excel/PowerPoint).
 Excellent communication and presentation skills.
 Ability to build effective working relationships.
 Ability to work as part of a team.
 Ability to use own initiative and work independently.
 Willingness to take ownership of duties and responsibilities.
 Understanding of and commitment to maintaining the confidentiality and dealing
with sensitive information.

By promotion to the grade of Assistant HR Manager of the Organisational Development Unit,
Principal Personnel Officer is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Assistant HR Manager of the Organisational
Development Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Principal Personnel Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview conducted.

 Strong analytical and critical thinking skills.
 Process designImprovement and Mapping
 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.
 Computer assisted process mapping, design and software applications

3.18.3. Performance Management, Training and Talent Development Unit,



Job Title: Head of the Unit
JOB GRADE: Principal HR Manager
REPORTS TO: Deputy Director of HRMD
SUPERVISES: Senior HR Manager, Assistant HR Manager, Principal Personnel Officer
JOB PURPOSE: Manages and coordinates organization-wide efforts to ensure that
performance management and quality improvement programs are developed and managed
using a data-driven focus that sets priorities for improvements aligned to ongoing strategic

 Provide professional expertise and support in the design, development and
implementation of the talent review process that is required to achieve business
goals and results in the creation of an internal bench of top talent.

 Collect, analyse and maintain data gathered to inform targeted leadership
development (e.g., succession planning).
 Participate in organizational strategic planning and provide leadership for
performance management and quality improvement policy development.
 Research and assist in the development of PM training programs that focus on
enabling the workforce to achieve improvements with priority organisational
 Develop, initiate and maintain effective programs for workforce retention,
promotion and succession planning.
 Manage the maintenance and execution of the performance management system,
including current job descriptions, standards of performance and performance
evaluation instruments.
 Create and maintain an environment of equal employment opportunity, diversity and
competitive advantage in support of the company's diversity and inclusion strategic
 Conduct presentations and training.
 Ability to evaluate and research training options and alternatives.
 Adept with a variety of multimedia training platforms and methods.
 Ability to design and implement effective training and development
 Directs the needs assessment for training and staff development to enhance the
effectiveness of employee performance in achieving the goals and objectives of the

 Ensure that organization-wide talent management and PM initiatives are focused and
aligned on improving operational and program efficiencies and effectiveness.
 Work closely with other HR Officers to collect and coordinate aggregate data for the
talent pool and translate those data into insights through data analysis that drives
deliberate action plans at the appropriate levels.
 Develop and implement creative and innovative sourcing strategies and techniques to
build a pipeline of qualified candidates.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Human Resources Management.


 Minimum of a Master’s degree in HR Management or related social science
(business, administration, economics, communication
 Minimum of twelve (12) years of managerial experience in recruitment and
succession planning

 Negotiations Skills
 Strong ability to withstand adversity and ambiguity
 Conflict management skills
 Effective listening and communication skills
 Planning and organizing
 Superior verbal and written communication skills.
 Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite or related software.
 Excellent interpersonal, counselling, and negotiation skills.
 Collaboration and team building skills
 Mediation skills
 Strong presentation skills.
 Facilitation skills
 Online training delivery and internet learning deployment

 Excellent leadership skills.
 Strong analytical and critical thinking skills.
 Thorough understanding of recruiting methods and best practices, as well as
applicable policies and local employment laws and regulations.
 Ability to design and implement full-cycle performance management programs.

By promotion to the grade of Deputy Director of the Human Resources Management Division,
Principal HR Manager of the Performance Management, Training and Talent Development
Unit subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Deputy Director of the Human Resources
Management Division.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Principal HR Manager.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Training and knowledge management anageent
 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Contract Management;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.


JOB GRADE: Senior HR Manager
REPORTS TO: Principal HR Manager, PMTTU
SUPERVISES: Assistant HR Manager, Principal Personnel Officer
JOB PURPOSE: The Senior HR Manager builds, implements and sustains a range of initiatives
to build leadership capability and manage talent across the organization.

 Support the scoping, design, and implementation of goal setting, assessing
performance, feedback and development conversations, talent reviews and for
 Prepare proposals and other documentation for HR Teams.
 Partner with and influence HR officers to support the performance management
practice including coaching them on how to design and implement the practice
within their client groups, including potentially coaching business leaders and
employees they support.
 Serve as a hub of performance management best practices within the business for HR
business partners.
 Partner with other HR units to develop and deliver training and job aids.
 Partner with Internal Communications to develop change and communications plans.
 Design and deliver learning materials to support the performance management
 Bring cross-functional teams together to make decisions and implement the
performance management practice.
 Run reports and provide analysis of the reports to senior leaders.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Human Resources Management.


 a Master’s Degree holder in HR Management or related social science (business,
administration, economics, communication);
 Minimum of nine (9) years of managerial experience in recruitment and succession

 Excellent communication, facilitation and presentation skills.
 Experience of designing and delivering learning materials for HR, leaders in the
business and employees.
 Exceptional project and process management skills with a demonstrated track record
of delivering high-quality results in a fast-paced, complex, dynamic business
 Proven ability to work with numbers and data.
 Substantial problem-solving skills with strategic focus on process mapping, task
management and execution.
 Track record of positive engagement with business stakeholders at all levels and at

By promotion to the grade of Principal HR Manager of the Performance Management,
Training and Talent Development Unit, Senior HR Officer is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of the Principal HR Manager of the Performance
Management, Training and Talent Development Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Senior HR Manager.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Contract Management;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.


JOB GRADE: Assistant HR Manager
REPORTS TO: Senior HR Manager, PMTTU
SUPERVISES: Principal Personnel Officer
JOB PURPOSE: Plans, develops, implements and administers performance development and
training programs for ORC employees, HR officer also acts as liaison and advisor to the ORC’s
leadership and facilitates initiatives across the organisation.

 Directs the need assessment for training and staff development to enhance the
effectiveness of employees’ performance in achieving the goals and objectives of the
 Identifies and incorporates best practices and lessons learned into the program plans;
 Design and develop HR training programs for management and employees
 Reviews evaluations of training courses, objectives and accomplishments;
 Makes assessments of the effectiveness of training in terms of employees’
accomplishments and performance;
 Consults with management on performance, organisational and leadership matters;
 Conducts needs assessments to determine measures required to enhance employee
job performance and overall ORC performance.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Human Resources Management.


 Master’s Degree in Organizational Development and Training,
 Three years of training experience and at least one year of management experience
with a Master’s Degree; 6 years of training experience and at least three years of
Managerial experience with a Bachelor’s degree.
 Experience designing and implementing effective training and development

 Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
 Proven effective management skills.
 Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite or related software.
 Strong presentation skills.
 Adept with a variety of multimedia training platforms and methods.
 Ability to evaluate and research.

By promotion to the grade of Senior HR Manager of the Performance Management, Training
and Talent Development Unit, Assistant HR Manager is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior HR Manager of the Performance
Management, Training and Talent Development Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Assistant HR Manager.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Contract Management;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.


JOB GRADE: Principal Personnel Officer
REPORTS TO: Assistant HR manager
JOB PURPOSE: To support the PMTTU functions to deliver a timely, efficient and effective
service to the organisation. To provide comprehensive administration support across all the
PMTTU processes.

 To provide high-quality administrative support to the PMTTU functions.
 Helping with staff performance management and payroll processes.
 Schedule meetings, interviews, and HR events and keep agendas.
 Organize training sessions and seminars.
 Solid understanding of HR regulations.
 Perform orientations and update new employee records.
 Generate and submit reports on the assigned activities and processes.
 We process payroll and resolve any payroll errors.
 Fill out the paperwork to complete and exit the discussion.
 Stay up to date with the latest HR trends and best practices.
 Perform other activities directed by the management of the Unit.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Human Resources Management.


 Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Organizational
Development and Learning, with one year of work experience, in performance
management and Talent management inclusive of National Service.

 Strong communication and people skills.
 Ability to handle challenges and over-coming them using conflict management skills
 Time management and ability to meet deadlines.
 Strong command of verbal and written English language.
 Attentive listening and capacity to follow directions.
 Excellence in both teamwork and individual tasks.
 Basic knowledge of the Human Resources department and its working.
 Confident, optimistic, and empathetic demeanor.
 Computer skills and comfort with handling IT equipment.
 Strong organisational and problem-solving capabilities.

By promotion to the grade of Assistant HR Manager of the Performance Management,
Training and Talent Development Unit, Principal Personnel Officer is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Assistant HR Manager of the Performance
Management, Training and Talent Development Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Principal Personnel Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview conducted.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.

3.18.4. Welfare and Labor Relations Unit, WLRU


JOB TITLE: Head of the Unit
JOB GRADE: Principal HR Manager
SUPERVISES: Senior HRM Manager, Assistant HR Manager, Principal Personnel Manager
JOB PURPOSE: Oversees the full cycle of recruitment in support of all of the business
functions within RGD. To work with hiring managers to identify the skills and experience
required for each role; source, screen candidates to find the best match for the
organization, ensuring remuneration levels foster organizational retention.

 Plans, develops, and directs processes to attract, evaluate, and refer candidates for
open positions through recruiting website, employee referrals, on-site recruiting and
other sourcing methods.
 Develops and enhances and organization's recruiting program, policies, and

 Executes a strategy to position the organization as a preferred employer.
 Evaluates and communicates key metrics to develop appropriate recruitment
strategies and ensure positions are filled efficiently and effectively.
 Maintains relationships with schools, advertisement, and recruitment agencies.
 Oversees the recruitment for senior level and executive positions.
 Manages through subordinate managers and professionals in larger groups of
moderate complexity.
 Provides input to strategic decisions that affect the functional area of
 Gives input into developing the budget.
 Capable of resolving escalated issues arising from operations and requiring
coordination with other departments.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Human Resources Management.


 Minimum of a Bachelor's degree in HR or related social science (business,
administration, economics, communication); Preferably, a Master’s Degree holder in
HR Management
 Minimum of twelve (12) years of managerial experience in recruitment and
succession planning

 Communication
 Knowledge of fair employment practices, anti-discrimination laws
 Team Leadership
 Management capabilities strategic development, succession planning
 Change Management
 Influencing
 Strategic design
 Community involvement

By promotion to the grade of Deputy Director of the Human Resources Management
Directorate, Principal HR Manager of the Welfare and Labor Relations Unit subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Deputy Director of the Human Resources
Management Division.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Principal HR Manager.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Contract Management;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.


JOB GRADE: Senior HRM Officer
REPORTS TO: Principal HR Officer, WLRU
SUPERVISES: Assistant HR Officer, Principal Personnel Officer

JOB PURPOSE: To assist organization to reach strategic goals by attracting and hiring top-
performing employees, from Corporate-suite level executives to support staff.

 Improving productivity and reducing turnover, by identifying and attracting top-
performing professionals to fill job openings.
 Developing and recommending recruiting strategies to ensure a successful search in a
given time frame.
 Working with hiring managers and HR personnel to determine staffing needs, along
with minimum qualifications and skills required for open positions.
 Developing and maintaining a strong network of contacts to identify and source
quality candidates.
 Revision of applications to identify and arrange preliminary interviews with the most
promising candidates.
 Updating and tracking recruitment files, preparation and placement of job
advertising across appropriate media,
 Attending career fairs and networking events in furtherance of recruitment function.
 Post advertisements in a variety of newspapers, listservs, trade publications,
networks, etc. including internationally focused sources.
 Screen/review online applications evaluating such factors as job experience,
education, training, skills, knowledge, ability and develop a short list of potential
candidates to forward to the hiring managers.
 Coordinate pre-employment test schedules and conduct applicant preliminary
interviews (in person and/or on the phone).
 Arrange travel and lodging (international and domestic) for interview applicants, as
 Manage candidate interview results and selection decision with hiring manager.
Provide candidates feedback on interview results.
 Recommend improvements to current recruitment processes to ensure streamlined,
cost effective services are being provided to hiring managers.
 Maintain the e-filing system of shared network drives: saving all relevant
information to the designated location.
 Facilitate and/or participate in learning communities and task forces.
 Respond to information requests from colleagues and the field in a timely manner.
 Performs all work safely and maintains a safe working environment.
 Performs other duties as assigned.
 Other duties as designated by supervisor

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Human Resources Management.


 MAster’s Degree in Human Resources Management

 Knowledge of employment law, Human Resources metrics, and statistical research,
workforce planning, and compensation.
 Minimum of nine (9) years of managerial experience in recruitment and succession
 Experience searching for candidates with executive, professional and technical
 Experience in screening and interviewing candidates via telephone and in person to
assess candidate skills, experience, education, fit with organizational culture and
other characteristics necessary to fill positions.

 Recruitment and interviewing skills

 Consulting Skills
 Effective communication and interpersonal skills
 Facilitation Skills
 Networking skills.
 Demonstrated attention to detail
 Strong organizational skills
 Collaborative skills and
 Planning skills
 High emotional intelligence.
 Demonstrated ability to perform and prioritize multiple tasks in a fast paced, high
volume environment.
 Demonstrated ability to develop positive working relationships with hiring
 Cross-cultural sensitivity, knowledge of and ability to work with people of diverse
 Solid oral and written communication skills that are clear, concise and professional.
 Proficiency in word processing, spreadsheets and databases including resume
management systems.
 Excellent organizational skills and strong attention to detail.
 Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work effectively both in groups as well
as independently.
 Demonstrated sensitivity and discretion when handling confidential information.

By promotion to the grade of Principal HRM Manager of the Welfare and Labor Relations
Unit, Senior HR Manager is subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal HR Manager of the Welfare and
Labor Relations Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Senior HR Manager.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration
 Continuous Professional Development
 Leadership, Governance and Management
 Communication and Public Relations
 Contract Management
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution


JOB GRADE: Assistant HR Manager
REPORTS TO: Senior HR Manager
SUPERVISES: Principal Personnel Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To assist organization to reach strategic goals by attracting and hiring top-
performing employees. HR Recruitment Officer is an HR professional responsible for
providing support in the various Human Resourcess recruitment related functions, which
include recruitment and staffing.

 Plan, implement and manage the overall Talent Acquisition strategy
 Provide counselling and support on policies and procedures
 Perform duties such as job descriptions, job posting and promotion and hiring
 Create, implement and manage onboarding plans
 Identified KPIs for HR department

 Plan and implement training programs
 Assist in performance management and employee evaluation
 Maintaining employee records and paperwork
 Adhere to laws and regulations
 Drawing up plans for future personnel hiring procedures and goals

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Human Resources Management.


 Bachelor’s degree in business, HR, Marketing, Industrical Relations, Economics
Social Sciences or Psychology
 Excellent knowledge of various HR functions such as payment and benefits,
recruitment, onboarding, evaluation, training & development etc.
 Good understanding of Ghana labour laws
 Proficient in MS Office
 Minimum of three (3) years of managerial experience in recruitment and succession
 Outstanding planning and organizing and time-management skills
 Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
 Problem-solver
 Good decision-making skills
 Strong ethical standards

 Advanced knowledge and work with management tools like ATS;
 Use of applicant tracking;
 Gamification techniques for recruiting;
 Knowledge and application of different interview techniques;
 Storytelling and employer branding knowledge;
 Strategic thinking and business acumen;
 Business acumen is a recruiter’s ability to understand different business scenarios,
understand business issues, adapt and remain flexible in the face of change,
understand business operations, and ensure business success;
 Strategic thinking;
 Create strategies to achieve company goals;
 Talent sourcing and OSINT techniques;
 Organizational skills;
 Critical thinking;
 Recruiters with strong organizational skills;
 Communication skills;
 Networking skills;
 Online skills;
 Attention to detail;
 A good attitude to teamwork.

By promotion to the grade of Senior HR Manager of the Welfare and Labor Relations Unit,
Assistant HR Manager is subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior HR Manager of the Welfare and Labor
Relations Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Assistant HR Manager.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.


 Public Administration
 Continuous Professional Development
 Leadership, Governance and Management
 Communication and Public Relations
 Contract Management
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution


JOB TITLE: Principal Personnel Manager
JOB GRADE: Principal Personnel Manager
REPORTS TO: Assistant HR Officer
JOB PURPOSE: To perform administrative tasks and services to support effective and
efficient operations of the organizations Human Resources department.

 Maintains accurate and up-to-date Human Resources files, records, and
 Answers frequently asked questions from applicants and employees relative to
standard policies, benefits, hiring processes, etc.; refers more complex questions to
appropriate senior-level HR staff or management.
 Maintains the integrity and confidentiality of Human Resources files and records.
 Performs periodic audits of HR files and records to ensure that all required
documents are collected and filed appropriately.
 Provides clerical support to the HR department.
 May assist with payroll functions including processing, answering employee
questions, fixing processing errors, and distributing checks.
 Acts as a liaison between the organization and external benefits providers and
vendors, which may include health, disability, and retirement plan providers.
 Conducts or assists with new hire orientation.
 Assists with planning and execution of special events such as benefits enrolment,
organization-wide meetings, employee recognition events, holiday parties, and
retirement celebrations.
 Performs other duties as assigned.
 Required Skills/Abilities:
 Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
 Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to manage sensitive and confidential
situations with tact, professionalism, and diplomacy.
 Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail.
 Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite or related software.
 Proficient with or the ability to quickly learn payroll management, Human Resources
information system (HRIS), and similar computer applications.

 Within the limits determined by the Head of Human Resources Management.


 Bachelor's degree in Human Resourcess or related (essential);
 Three (3) years of experience as an HR assistant (essential);
 Exposure to labour law and employment equity regulations.

 Effective HR administration and people management skills.
 Exposure to payroll practices.
 Full understanding of HR functions and best practices.
 Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

 Works well under pressure and meets tight deadlines.
 Highly computer literate with capability in email, MS Office, and related business
and communication tools.
 Fantastic organizational and time management skills.
 Strong decision-making and problem-solving skills.
 Meticulous attention to detail.
 Ability to accurately follow instructions.

By promotion to the grade of Assistant HR Manager of the Welfare and Labor Relations Unit,
Principal Personnel Officer is a subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Assistant HR Manager of the Welfare and
Labor Relations Unit.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Principal Personnel Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.



JOB TITLE: Head of Department
JOB GRADE: Chief IT/IM Officer
REPORTS TO: Deputy Registrar of Companies – Support Services
SUPERVISES: Principal IT/IM Officer (Infrastructure, Networks and Security Unit), Principal
IT/IM Officer (IS Development Unit), Principal IT/IM Officer (IS Service Desk).
JOB PURPOSE: To provide technical leadership for the attainment of the objectives of the
ICT Department

 Exercises administrative oversight responsibility for efficient management of the
resources (human, material and financial) of the ICT Divisions;
 Leads the development of IT strategic plans for the ORC;
 Reviews procedures, standards and guidelines to support the implementation of IT
systems within the ORC;
 Recommends technical specifications for the requisitioning, procurement and the
deployment of IT infrastructure for the ORC;
 Ensures the management and development of IT skills for staff of the ORC;
 Manages the design, development and the deployment of IT projects of the ORC;
 Monitors and manages security violations involving the use of the Organization’s IT
installations and systems;
 Serves as the Chief Technical Advisor on IT matters for the ORC;
 Submits annual performance report on the work of the ICT Division;
 Represents the ICT Division on various committees of the ORC;
 Appraises the performance of the immediate subordinates within the Division;
 Assists, when required, in covering the duties of other senior ORC staff during
temporary periods of absence and undertakes such other duties of an equivalent
level of responsibility as may subsequently be agreed with the ORC.


 Within the limits determined by the Deputy Registrar of Companies – Support


 A minimum of Master of Science Degree, preferably, in Computer Science, Computer
Engineering, Information Technology (IT), Management Information Systems (MIS), or
a related discipline awarded by a recognized university;
 Industry-recognized information security management certifications such as:
Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Certified Information
Systems Manager (CISM), or Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC)
 Must be a certified member, in good standing, of a recognized professional body;
 A minimum of fifteen (15) years post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service of Ghana, including at least seven (7) years’ working experience as a
Company Inspector in the Registrar- General’s Department or ORC.

 Good human and public relations skills;
 Outstanding communication and presentation skills;
 Substantial experience and knowledge of the various Acts which regulate the
registration of businesses and entities in Ghana;
 Mastery level understanding of information security concepts, principles and drivers;
 Mastery level understanding of security, privacy, IT audit and legal security
standards, guidelines and principles;
 Strong understanding of state of the art security technology and technical concepts;
 Proficiency with common information security management frameworks;
 Superior organizational skills with strong capacity in multitasking;
 Conflict management/resolution skills and decision-making ability;
 Must be familiar with Appropriate/Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) tools
available to legal professionals;
 Must be familiar with all the Public Financial Management Acts and Regulations;
 Familiarity with the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) and The
Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720);
 Quantitative and qualitative analytical skills;
 Good computer skills with expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project;
 Data Management and Data Dissemination;
 Significant experience and comprehensive knowledge of Project Management;
 Good knowledge of public sector management;
 Good knowledge in Accounting for Non-Accounting Managers.

 Nil.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Computing and Financial Resource Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Negotiating, Diplomacy, Lobbying and sourcing of funds.
 Alternative Dispute Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Office Manager
JOB GRADE: Office Manager
REPORTS TO: Head of Information and Communication Technology Department
JOB PURPOSE: To provide secretarial and clerical support services to the Head of
Information and Communication Technology Department

 Draws up appointments for the Head of Information and Communication Technology
 Receives and attends to the Head of Information and Communication Technology
Department official visitors and guests;
 Receives telephone calls of the Head of Information and Communication Technology
Department and ensures that only calls which require urgent attention reach the
Director of Information and Communication Technology Department;
 Creates and maintains relevant databases and files in an easy-to-retrieve format as
 Types official letters and manuscripts for circulation during internal workshops or
 Opens and reads all mails to determine which mails should be treated as urgent;
 Takes minutes for brief letters and correspondences;
 Ensures that all office equipment is kept clean and in good working order;
 Writes and/or sends reminders to the Director of Information and Communication
Technology Department on appointments;
 Performs any other incidental and related duties as directed by the Director of
Information and Communication Technology Department.

 Within the limits set by the Director of Information and Communication Technology
Department for effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services
for the smooth running of the Director Information and Communication Technology


 A minimum of Certificate in Private Secretaryship from Government Secretarial
School (GSS);
 A Bachelor’s Degree or a Higher National Diploma, preferably, in Secretaryship and
Management Studies or a related discipline awarded by a recognized university or an
equivalent professional qualification with a strong office management experience
would be an added advantage;
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Knowledge of business registration procedures;
 Must be familiar with the various Acts which regulate the registration of businesses
and entities in Ghana;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of

 Nil.

 Communication and Public Relations;
 Report writing;
 Administration and Management;
 Records management and archival studies.

3.19.1. Infrastructure, Networks and Security Unit, INSU


JOB TITLE: Head of Infrastructure, Networks and Security Unit
JOB GRADE: Principal IT/IM Officer
REPORTS TO: Chief IT/IM Officer
SUPERVISES: Snr IT/IM Officer, Chief IT/IM Technician, Principal IT/IM Technician, Asst IT/IM
JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for designing, implementing and supporting an effective
hardware and software architecture for ORC and external parties that use ORC IT Services.

 Develop project plans for activities, manage work stream activities and liaise with
peer and supervisory team members;
 Assist in resolution of IT Services through clear communication with IT team
 Provide recommendations about continual improvement in services;
 Maintain current and accurate inventory of technology hardware, software and
 Manage the Third Line Systems Support team and external parties support team;
 Ensure the effective deployment of IT hardware for operation of IT Computing
Services ;
 Response to change Respond quickly and efficiently to changes in user needs;
 Develop medium and long term coordinated plans based on ORC’s objectives to keep
ORC up to date with developments in technology;
 Assist in the implementation of major developments of the IT service;
 Advise ICTD Team on issues affecting IT Services or IT users.

 Within the limits set by the Director of Information and Communication Technology
Department for effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services
for the smooth running of the Director Information and Communication Technology


 Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) preferably in computer
science, information systems, mathematics, or related field is required;
 A first-level university degree in combination with qualifying experience may be
accepted in lieu of an advanced university degree;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;

 Proficiency in the following development technologies: ASP.NET (C#),.NET Core, SQL,
HTML/CSS, JavaScript, JSON, Visual Studio;
 Experience in any one database management tools (RDBMS); i.e., MSSQL, Oracle,
MySQL, etc.
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision.

By promotion to the grade of Chief IT/IM Officer, Principal IT/IM Officer r is a subject to
the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Chief IT/IM Officer.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Principal IT/IM Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.


JOB TITLE: Senior IT/IM Officer
JOB GRADE: Senior IT/IM Officer
REPORTS TO: Chief IT/IM Officer
JOB PURPOSE: Responsible for designing, implementing and supporting an effective
hardware and software architecture for ORC and external parties that use ORC IT Services.

 Conduct diagnosis test on computer and makes recommendations;
 Monitors the functioning of computer and writes reports with appropriate
recommendations on their statuses;
 Advises on the required computer software packages for installations;
 Supervises and regulates safety codes regarding computer usage within the IT policy;
 Ensures the development of the capabilities, skills and knowledge of staff;
 Appraises direct reports and
 Undertakes any other tasks that may be assigned.

 Within the limits set by the Director of Information and Communication Technology
Department for effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services
for the smooth running of the Director Information and Communication Technology


 Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) preferably in computer
science, information systems, mathematics, or related field is required;
 A first-level university degree in combination with qualifying experience may be
accepted in lieu of an advanced university degree;

 A minimum of nine (9) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Proficiency in the following development technologies: ASP.NET (C#),.NET Core, SQL,
HTML/CSS, JavaScript, JSON, Visual Studio;
 Experience in any one database management tools (RDBMS); i.e., MSSQL, Oracle,
MySQL, etc.
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision.

By promotion to the grade of Principal IT/IM Officer, Senior IT/IM Officer is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal IT/IM Officer.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Senior IT/IM Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.

CHIEF IT/IM Technician

JOB TITLE: Chief IT/IM Technician
JOB GRADE: Chief IT/IM Technician
REPORTS TO: Principal IT/IM Officer
SUPERVISES: Principal IT/IM Technician, Asst IT/IM Technician.
JOB PURPOSE: To support the professional leadership to manage IT/IM issues.

 Produces draft technical reports;
 Coordinates the activities of sub-professional IT/IM to resolve all IT/IM issues;
 Assists to update staff records in the database;
 Collates and analyses information from helpdesk to support decision making;
 Appraises direct reports and
 Undertakes any other tasks that may be assigned.

 Within the limits set by the Director of Information and Communication Technology
Department for effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services
for the smooth running of the Director Information and Communication Technology


 Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) preferably in computer
science, information systems, mathematics, or related field is required;
 A first-level university degree in combination with qualifying experience may be
accepted in lieu of an advanced university degree;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Proficiency in the following development technologies: ASP.NET (C#),.NET Core, SQL,
HTML/CSS, JavaScript, JSON, Visual Studio;
 Experience in any one database management tools (RDBMS); i.e., MSSQL, Oracle,
MySQL, etc.
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision.

By promotion to the grade of Principal IT/IM Officer, Chief IT/IM Technician is a subject to
the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal IT/IM Officer.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Chief IT/IM Technician.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.


JOB TITLE: Principal IT/IM Technician
JOB GRADE: Principal IT/IM Technician
REPORTS TO: Chief IT/IM Technician
SUPERVISES: Asst IT/IM Technician.
JOB PURPOSE: To support the professional leadership to manage IT/IM issues.

 Examine current and new digital/business procedures.
 Identify effective solutions for business software system issues.
 Report common patterns, questions, and other issues to management.
 Recommend solutions for improving and restructuring company procedures.
 Assess company performance, information, and plans by conducting regular tests and
 Monitor company systems status and report any progress or changes.
 Coordinates the preparation of the unit’s periodic reports;
 Assist in the installation and implementation of newly procured IT/IM system;
 Executes authorized IT/IM system upgrades;

 Provides technical support for the delivery of end-users training;
 Undertakes troubleshooting on IT/IM infrastructure and systems and submit
appropriate report for action;
 Provides regular in-house IT/IM system support to all authorized end users;
 Collects and collates data on in-house IT/IM system development;
 Appraises direct reports and
 Undertakes any other tasks that may be assigned;

 Within the limits set by the Director of Information and Communication Technology
Department for effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services
for the smooth running of the Director Information and Communication Technology


 Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) preferably in computer
science, information systems, mathematics, or related field is required;
 A first-level university degree in combination with qualifying experience may be
accepted in lieu of an advanced university degree;
 A minimum of nine (9) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Proficiency in the following development technologies: ASP.NET (C#),.NET Core, SQL,
HTML/CSS, JavaScript, JSON, Visual Studio;
 Experience in any one database management tools (RDBMS); i.e., MSSQL, Oracle,
MySQL, etc.
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision.

By promotion to the grade of Chief IT/IM Technician, Principal IT/IM Technician is a subject
to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Chief IT/IM Technician.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Principal IT/IM Technician.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.


JOB TITLE: Assistant IT/IM Technician
JOB GRADE: Assistant IT/IM Technician
REPORTS TO: Chief IT/IM Technician

JOB PURPOSE: To provide frontline IT/IM support services.

 Undertakes basic data entries;
 Assists in basic troubleshooting of IT infrastructure;
 Provides basic user-support services;
 Assists in the storage and retrieval of data and
 Undertakes any other tasks that may be assigned.

 Within the limits set by the Director of Information and Communication Technology
Department for effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services
for the smooth running of the Director Information and Communication Technology


 Post-secondary school or Technical/Professional qualification in the relevant subject
 A minimum of three (3) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Proficiency in the following development technologies: ASP.NET (C#),.NET Core, SQL,
HTML/CSS, JavaScript, JSON, Visual Studio;
 Experience in any one database management tools (RDBMS); i.e., MSSQL, Oracle,
MySQL, etc.
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision.

By promotion to the grade of Principal IT/IM Technician, Asst IT/IM Technician is a subject
to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal IT/IM Technician.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Assistant IT/IM Technician.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.

3.19.2. IS Development Unit, ISDU


JOB TITLE: Head of IS Development Unit

JOB GRADE: Principal IT/IM Officer
REPORTS TO: Chief IT/IM Technician
SUPERVISES: Senior IT/IM Officer, Chief IT/IM Technician, Principal IT/IM Technician,
Assistant IT/IM Technician
JOB PURPOSE: To assist in the development and application of IT/IM standards and quality
assurance systems in the implementation, development and the deployment of IT/IM
systems and resources.

 Advises on the provision and maintenance of computers and accessories;
 Contributes to addressing IT problems and issues in the organization;
 Assists in the design and implementation of security measures to protect the IT/IM
installations, infrastructure and systems;
 Supervises the operations of the Integrated Personnel Payroll Unit;
 Advises on the procurement and deployment of IT/IM software;
 Ensures the development of the capabilities, skills and knowledge of staff;
 Appraises direct reports and
 Undertakes any other tasks that may be assigned.

 Within the limits set by the Director of Information and Communication Technology
Department for effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services
for the smooth running of the Director Information and Communication Technology


 Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) preferably in computer
science, information systems, mathematics, or related field is required;
 A first-level university degree in combination with qualifying experience may be
accepted in lieu of an advanced university degree;
 A minimum of twelve (12) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Proficiency in the following development technologies: ASP.NET (C#),.NET Core, SQL,
HTML/CSS, JavaScript, JSON, Visual Studio.
 Experience in any one database management tools (RDBMS); i.e., MSSQL, Oracle,
MySQL, etc.
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision.


 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.

JOB TITLE: Senior IT/IM Officer
JOB GRADE: Senior IT/IM Officer
REPORTS TO: Principal IT/IM Technician
SUPERVISES: Chief IT/IM Technician, Principal IT/IM Technician, Assistant IT/IM Technician
JOB PURPOSE: To assist in the development and application of IT/IM standards and quality
assurance systems in the implementation, development and the deployment of IT/IM
systems and resources.

 upgrade interfaces;
 Directing system testing and validation procedures;
 Directing software programming and documentation development;
 Consulting with departments or customers on project status and proposals;
 Working with customers or departments on technical issues including software
system design and maintenance;
 Analyzing information to recommend and plan the installation of new systems or
modifications of an existing system;
 Consulting with engineering staff to evaluate software hardware interfaces and
develop specifications and performance requirements;
 Designing and developing software systems using scientific analysis and mathematical
models to predict and measure outcomes and design consequences;
 Preparing reports on programming project specifications, activities, or status;
 Conferring with project managers to obtain information on limitations or capabilities.
 Advises on the provision and maintenance of computers and accessories;
 Contributes to addressing IT problems and issues in the organization;
 Assists in the design and implementation of security measures to protect the IT/IM
installations, infrastructure and systems;
 Supervises the operations of the Integrated Personnel Payroll Unit;
 Advises on the procurement and deployment of IT/IM software;
 Ensures the development of the capabilities, skills and knowledge of staff;
 Appraises direct reports and
 Undertakes any other tasks that may be assigned.

 Within the limits set by the Director of Information and Communication Technology
Department for effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services
for the smooth running of the Director Information and Communication Technology


 Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) preferably in computer
science, information systems, mathematics, or related field is required;
 A first-level university degree in combination with qualifying experience may be
accepted in lieu of an advanced university degree;
 A minimum of nine (9) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Proficiency in the following development technologies: ASP.NET (C#),.NET Core, SQL,
HTML/CSS, JavaScript, JSON, Visual Studio.
 Experience in any one database management tools (RDBMS); i.e., MSSQL, Oracle,
MySQL, etc.

 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision.


 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.


JOB TITLE: Chief IT/IM Technician
JOB GRADE: Chief IT/IM Technician
REPORTS TO: Principal IT/IM Officer
SUPERVISES: Principal IT/IM Technician, Assistant IT/IM Technician
JOB PURPOSE: to design, develop and install software solutions of ORC.

 Develop flowcharts, layouts and documentation to identify requirements and
 Write well-designed, testable code;
 Produce specifications and determine operational feasibility;
 Integrate software components into a fully functional software system;
 Develop software verification plans and quality assurance procedures;
 Document and maintain software functionality;
 Troubleshoot, debug and upgrade existing systems;
 Deploy programs and evaluate user feedback;
 Comply with project plans and industry standards;
 Ensure software is updated with latest features.

 Within the limits set by the Director of Information and Communication Technology
Department for effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services
for the smooth running of the Director Information and Communication Technology


 Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) preferably in computer
science, information systems, mathematics, or related field is required;
 A first-level university degree in combination with qualifying experience may be
accepted in lieu of an advanced university degree;
 A minimum of nine (9) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;

 Proficiency in the following development technologies: ASP.NET (C#),.NET Core, SQL,
HTML/CSS, JavaScript, JSON, Visual Studio.
 Experience in any one database management tools (RDBMS); i.e., MSSQL, Oracle,
MySQL, etc.
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision.

 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.


JOB TITLE: Principal IT/IM Technician
JOB GRADE: Principal IT/IM Technician
REPORTS TO: Chief IT/IM Technician
SUPERVISES: Assistant IT/IM Technician
JOB PURPOSE: To oversee the analysis and development of an ORC’s digital operations.

 Examine current and new digital/business procedures.
 Identify effective solutions for business software system issues.
 Report common patterns, questions, and other issues to management.
 Recommend solutions for improving and restructuring company procedures.
 Assess company performance, information, and plans by conducting regular tests and
 Monitor company systems status and report any progress or changes.
 Research and estimate the costs of upgrades and improvements.
 Establish specifications for new projects by developing project goals, phases, and


 Bachelor’s degree in business, computer science, or relevant field.
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Within the limits set by the Director of Information and Communication Technology
Department for effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services
for the smooth running of the Director Information and Communication Technology

By promotion to the grade of Chief IT/IM Technician, Principal IT/IM Technician is a subject
to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Chief IT/IM Technician.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Principal IT/IM Technician.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Ability to work in a collaborative environment.
 Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
 Highly analytical mindset.
 Proficient in Microsoft Office.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Proficiency in the following development technologies: ASP.NET (C#),.NET Core, SQL,
HTML/CSS, JavaScript, JSON, Visual Studio.
 Experience in any one database management tools (RDBMS); i.e., MSSQL, Oracle,
MySQL, etc.
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision.


JOB TITLE: Assistant IT/IM Technician
JOB GRADE: Assistant IT/IM Technician
REPORTS TO: Chief IT/IM Technician
JOB PURPOSE: To oversee the analysis and development of an ORC’s digital operations.

 Examine current and new digital/business procedures.
 Identify effective solutions for business software system issues.
 Report common patterns, questions, and other issues to management.
 Recommend solutions for improving and restructuring company procedures.
 Assess company performance, information, and plans by conducting regular tests and
 Monitor company systems status and report any progress or changes.
 Research and estimate the costs of upgrades and improvements.
 Establish specifications for new projects by developing project goals, phases, and


 Bachelor’s degree in business, computer science, or relevant field.
 A minimum of six (6) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the Public
Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Within the limits set by the Director of Information and Communication Technology
Department for effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services
for the smooth running of the Director Information and Communication Technology

By promotion to the grade of Principal IT/IM Technician, Asst IT/IM Technician is a subject
to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal IT/IM Technician.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Asst IT/IM Technician.

 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Ability to work in a collaborative environment.
 Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
 Highly analytical mindset.
 Proficient in Microsoft Office.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Proficiency in the following development technologies: ASP.NET (C#),.NET Core, SQL,
HTML/CSS, JavaScript, JSON, Visual Studio.
 Experience in any one database management tools (RDBMS); i.e., MSSQL, Oracle,
MySQL, etc.
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision.
 High-level written and verbal communication skills.

3.19.3. IT Service Desk, ITSD


JOB TITLE: Head of IT Service Desk
JOB GRADE: Principal IT/IM Officer
REPORTS TO: Chief IT/IM Technician
SUPERVISES: Senior IT/IM Officer, IT/IM Officer, Assistant IT/IM Officer, Principal IT/IM
Senior IT/IM Technician, IT/IM Technician, Assistant IT/I Technician, Data Entry Operator.
JOB PURPOSE: To be responsible for smooth operations of the ORC Service Desk functions.

 Taking overall responsibility for incident management and request fulfilment of the
Service Desk.
 Ensuring the IT Service Desk staff is meeting and exceeding expectations in regard to
performance, meeting defined metrics/benchmarks.
 Participating in all the IT senior management meetings, putting forward suggestions
with regards to improvement, changes, and trends.
 Ensuring that working practices and processes exist, meet Business requirements, are
standardized where possible, repeatable, and support the Service Desk teams’ day-
to-day activities.
 Managing improvements to the Service Desk incident logging system to provide more
effective and efficient service to customers.
 Training, coaching, and mentoring Service Desk Specialist including career
 Constant monitoring of trends and changes and know how to improve the customer
satisfaction levels using the latest methodologies
 Responsible for providing a higher level of satisfaction to the clients/customers,
monitor and evaluate the quality of the call. Noting down the client/customer
feedback regarding the support.

 Ensuring communication takes place both upwards and downwards across all areas of
 Coordinating with sales department to incorporate plans to increase customer

 Within the limits set by the Director of Information and Communication Technology
Department for effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services
for the smooth running of the Director Information and Communication Technology


 Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) preferably in computer
science, information systems, mathematics, or related field is required.
 A first-level university degree in combination with qualifying experience may be
accepted in lieu of an advanced university degree.
 A minimum of five (5) years’ post qualification relevant work experience in the
Public Service of Ghana or a comparable Private Sector Organization.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good Communication skills;
 A strong sense of ethics and integrity;
 Leadership Experience;
 Critical Thinker and problem solver;
 Analytical skills;
 Customer Service skills.


 Public Administration;
 Continuous Professional Development;
 Leadership, Governance and Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 Organizational Development and Conflict Resolution.


JOB TITLE: Senior IT/IM Officer
JOB GRADE: Senior IT/IM Officer
REPORTS TO: Principal IT/IM Officer
SUPERVISES: IT/IM Officer, Assistant IT/IM Officer
JOB PURPOSE: Senior IT/IM Officer is responsible for designing, implementing and supporting
an effective software architecture for ORC and external parties that use ORC IT Services.

 Develop project plans for activities, manage work stream activities and liaise with
peer and supervisory team members across the ORC;
 Assist in resolution of IT Services through clear communication with IT team
 Provide recommendations about continual improvement in services;
 Maintain current and accurate inventory of technology hardware, software and
 Manage the Third Line Systems Support team and external parties support team;

 Undertakes analysis of well-defined modules within the system, develops
enhancements and new features to existing systems; may design and implement
small, stand-alone systems as needed (e.g., to meet individual user requirements);
 Writes and develops programs to interface with existing systems;
 Assists in the design, development, and installation of information systems;
 Participates with senior staff in assessing and testing new technology;
 Ensure the effective deployment of IT hardware for operation of IT Computing
 Response to change Respond quickly and efficiently to changes in user needs;
 Assists in the set-up and monitoring of software performance measures;
 Ensures data security and integrity;
 Prepares, updates and maintains system’s documentation and related
technical/procedural manuals;
 Develop medium and long term coordinated plans based on ORC’s objectives to keep
ORC up to date with developments in technology;
 Assist in the implementation of major developments of the IT service;
 Participates in Helpdesk support services;
 Advise ICSS Team on issues affecting IT Services or IT users;
 Performs other duties as may be reasonably required and in line with the
incumbent’s scope of services above.

 Within the limits set by the Director of Information and Communication Technology
Department for effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services
for the smooth running of the Director Information and Communication Technology


 Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) preferably in computer
science, information systems, mathematics, or related field is required.
 A first-level university degree in combination with qualifying experience may be
accepted in lieu of an advanced university degree.
 A minimum of nine (9) years’ post qualification relevant work experience.

 Good working knowledge of office procedures and impression management;
 Good human and public relations skills;
 Effective communication skills;
 Proficiency in the following development technologies: ASP.NET (C#),.NET Core, SQL,
HTML/CSS, JavaScript, JSON, Visual Studio.
 Experience in any one database management tools (RDBMS); i.e., MSSQL, Oracle,
MySQL, etc.
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine;
 Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in taking and preparing of minutes of
 Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision;
 Ability to work extra hours when necessary to support business initiatives of the RGD.

By promotion to the grade of Principal IT/IM Officer, Senior IT/IM officer is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Principal IT/IM Officer.
 A minimum of three (3) years in the grade of Senior IT/IM Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Strategic and Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Public Policy Analysis;
 Team Building;
 Leadership;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 Communication and Public Relations;
 IT and Financial Resource Management
 Alternative Dispute Resolution

REPORTS TO: Senior IT/IM Officer
SUPERVISES: Assistant IT/IM Officer
JOB PURPOSE: IT/IM Officer is responsible for designing, implementing and supporting an
effective software architecture for ORC and external parties that use ORC IT Services.

 Assist in resolution of IT Services through clear communication with IT team
 Provide recommendations about continual improvement in services;
 Participates in preparing user requirements and other technical specifications;
 Undertakes analysis of well-defined modules within the system, develops
enhancements and new features to existing systems; may design and implement
small, stand-alone systems as needed (e.g., to meet individual user requirements);
 Writes and develops programs to interface with existing systems;
 Assists in the design, development, and installation of information systems;
 Participates with senior staff in assessing and testing new technology;
 Maintain current and accurate inventory of technology hardware, software and
 Ensure the effective deployment of IT hardware for operation of IT Computing
 Response to change Respond quickly and efficiently to changes in user needs;
 Assists in the set-up and monitoring of software performance measures;
 Ensures data security and integrity;
 Prepares, updates and maintains system’s documentation and related
technical/procedural manuals;
 Assist in the implementation of major developments of the IT service;
 Participates in Helpdesk support services;
 Delivers appropriate personnel actions and educational and training programs to
ensure high quality professional staff performance in the area(s) of oversight;
 Advise ICSS Team on issues affecting IT Services or IT users;
 Performs other duties as may be reasonably required and in line with the
incumbent’s scope of services above.

 Within the limits set by the Director of Information and Communication Technology
Department for effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services
for the smooth running of the Director Information and Communication Technology


 Bachelor's degree; at least 4 years of progressively responsible work experience
directly related to the duties and responsibilities specified.
 Completed degree(s) from an accredited institution that are above the minimum
education requirement may be substituted for experience on a year for year basis.

 Knowledge and understanding of the current and developing strategic information
requirements of a major public sector institution;
 Knowledge of current trends and developments in information technology;
 Knowledge of business analysis techniques;
 Strong interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work effectively
with a wide range of constituencies in a diverse community;
 Skill in organizing resources and establishing priorities;
 Strategic planning and advanced leadership skills;
 Ability to develop requests for and evaluate proposals in reference to leading-edge
information services technology;
 Ability to provide strategic guidance and counsel to clientele in the assessment and
development of existing and/or proposed systems;
 Ability to foster a cooperative work environment;
 Proficiency in the following development technologies: ASP.NET (C#),.NET Core, SQL,
HTML/CSS, JavaScript, JSON, Visual Studio;
 Experience in any one database management tools (RDBMS); i.e., MSSQL, Oracle,
MySQL, etc.;
 Knowledge of Security Education and Records Management;
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook);
 Knowledge in the use of printers, photocopiers, scanners and the fax machine.

By promotion to the grade of Senior IT/IM Officer, IT/IM Officer is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior IT/IM Officer.
 A minimum of four (3) years in the grade of IT/IM Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 Team Building;
 Organizational Development and Change Management;
 IT Audit;
 IT Competencies.


JOB TITLE: Assistant IT/IM Officer
JOB GRADE: Assistant IT/IM Officer
JOB PURPOSE: Assistant IT/IM Officer supports effective software architecture for ORC and
external parties that use ORC IT Services.

 Install and configure appropriate software according to specifications;
 Develop and maintain local networks in ways that optimize performance;
 Ensure security and privacy of computer systems;

 Organize and schedule upgrades and maintenance without deterring others from
completing their work;
 Maintain records/logs of repairs and fixes and maintenance schedule;
 Identify computer or network equipment shortages and place orders.

 Within the limits set by the Director of Information and Communication Technology
Department for effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services
for the smooth running of the Director Information and Communication Technology


 Bachelor’s or associate degree in IT or a related field, such as Computer Science,
Electronics, Software, Information Systems, or Telecommunications and at least 1
years of progressively responsible work experience directly related to the duties and
responsibilities specified.

 Proven experience as IT/IM Officer or relevant position;
 Excellent diagnostic and problem solving skills;
 Excellent communication ability;
 Outstanding organizational and time-management skills;
 Certification as IT Technician will be an advantage (e.g., CompTIA A+, Microsoft
Certified IT Professional).

By promotion to the grade of IT/IM Officer, Assistant IT/IM Officer is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of IT/IM Officer.
 A minimum of four (3) years in the grade of Assistant IT/IM Officer.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 IT Competences.


JOB TITLE: Principal IT/IM Technician
JOB GRADE: Principal IT/IM Technician
REPORTS TO: Principal IT/IM Officer
SUPERVISES: Senior IT/IM Technician, IT/IM Technician, Assistant IT/I Technician, Data Entry
JOB PURPOSE: Principal IT/IM Technician provides technical support related to the software
of ORC.

 Install and configure appropriate software and functions according to specifications;
 Develop and maintain local networks in ways that optimize performance;
 Ensure security and privacy of computer systems;
 Provide orientation and guidance to users on how to operate new software;
 Organize and schedule upgrades and maintenance without deterring others from
completing their work;
 Perform troubleshooting to diagnose and resolve problems (debugging etc.);
 Maintain records/logs of repairs and fixes and maintenance schedule.

 Within the limits set by the Director of Information and Communication Technology
Department for effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services
for the smooth running of the Director Information and Communication Technology


 Bachelor's degree; at least 6 years of progressively responsible work experience
directly related to the duties and responsibilities specified.
 Completed degree(s) from an accredited institution that is above the minimum
education requirement may be substituted for experience on a year for year basis.

 Proven experience as IT Technician or relevant position;
 Excellent diagnostic and problem-solving skills;
 Excellent communication ability;
 Outstanding organizational and time-management skills;
 In-depth understanding of diverse computer systems and networks;
 Good knowledge of internet security and data privacy principles;
 Degree in Computer Science, engineering or relevant field;
 Certification as IT Technician will be an advantage (e.g., CompTIA A+, Microsoft
Certified IT Professional).

By promotion to the grade of Principal IT/IM Officer, Senior IT/IM Technician is subject to
the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of IT/IM Officer.
 A minimum of four (3) years in the grade of Senior IT/IM Technician.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 IT competencies.


JOB TITLE: Senior IT/IM Technician
JOB GRADE: Senior IT/IM Technician
REPORTS TO: Principal IT/IM Technician
SUPERVISES: IT/IM Technician, Assistant IT/I Technician, Data Entry Operator.
JOB PURPOSE: Senior IT/IM Technician provides technical support related to the software of

 Install and configure appropriate software and functions according to specifications;
 Develop and maintain local networks in ways that optimize performance;
 Ensure security and privacy of computer systems;
 Provide orientation and guidance to users on how to operate new software;
 Organize and schedule upgrades and maintenance without deterring others from
completing their work;
 Perform troubleshooting to diagnose and resolve problems (debugging etc.);
 Maintain records/logs of repairs and fixes and maintenance schedule.

 Within the limits set by the Director of Information and Communication Technology
Department for effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services
for the smooth running of the Director Information and Communication Technology


 Bachelor's degree; at least 4 years of progressively responsible work experience
directly related to the duties and responsibilities specified.
 Completed degree(s) from an accredited institution that is above the minimum
education requirement may be substituted for experience on a year for year basis.

 Proven experience as IT Technician or relevant position;
 Excellent diagnostic and problem-solving skills;
 Excellent communication ability;
 Outstanding organizational and time-management skills;
 In-depth understanding of diverse computer systems and networks;
 Good knowledge of internet security and data privacy principles;
 Degree in Computer Science, engineering or relevant field;
 Certification as IT Technician will be an advantage (e.g., CompTIA A+, Microsoft
Certified IT Professional).

By promotion to the grade of Principal IT/IM Technician, Senior IT/IM Technician is subject
to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of IT/IM Technician.
 A minimum of four (3) years in the grade of Senior IT/IM Technician.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes;
 Public Administration;
 IT competencies.

JOB TITLE: IT/IM Technician
JOB GRADE: IT/IM Technician
REPORTS TO: Senior IT/IM Technician
SUPERVISES: Assistant IT/I Technician, Data Entry Operator.
JOB PURPOSE: IT/IM Technician provides technical support related to the software of ORC.

 Install and configure appropriate software according to specifications;
 Develop and maintain local networks in ways that optimize performance;
 Ensure security and privacy of computer systems;
 Organize and schedule upgrades and maintenance without deterring others from
completing their work;
 Maintain records/logs of repairs and fixes and maintenance schedule;
 Identify computer or network equipment shortages and place orders.

 Within the limits set by the Director of Information and Communication Technology
Department for effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services

for the smooth running of the Director Information and Communication Technology


 Bachelor’s or associate degree in IT or a related field, such as Computer Science,
Electronics, Software, Information Systems, or Telecommunications and least 3 years
of progressively responsible work experience directly related to the duties and
responsibilities specified.

 Proven experience as IT Technician or relevant position;
 Excellent diagnostic and problem solving skills;
 Excellent communication ability;
 Outstanding organizational and time-management skills;
 Certification as IT Technician will be an advantage (e.g., CompTIA A+, Microsoft
Certified IT Professional).

By promotion to the grade of Senior IT/IM Technician, IT/IM Technician is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Senior IT/IM Technician.
 A minimum of four (3) years in the grade of IT/IM Technician.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Project Management;
 Continuous professional development programmes.


JOB TITLE: Assistant IT/IM Technician
JOB GRADE: Assistant IT/IM Technician
REPORTS TO: IT/IM Technician
SUPERVISES: Data Entry Operator
JOB PURPOSE: Assistant IT/IM Technician provides technical support related to the software
of ORC.

 Install and configure appropriate software according to specifications;
 Develop and maintain local networks in ways that optimize performance;
 Ensure security and privacy of computer systems;
 Maintain records/logs of repairs and fixes and maintenance schedule;
 Identify computer or network equipment shortages and place orders.

 Within the limits set by the Director of Information and Communication Technology
Department for effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services
for the smooth running of the Director Information and Communication Technology


 Bachelor’s or associate degree in IT or a related field, such as Computer Science,
Electronics, Software, Information Systems, or Telecommunications and least 1 years
of progressively responsible work experience directly related to the duties and
responsibilities specified.

 Proven experience as IT Technician or relevant position;
 Excellent diagnostic and problem solving skills;
 Excellent communication ability;
 Outstanding organizational and time-management skills;
 Certification as IT Technician will be an advantage (e.g., CompTIA A+, Microsoft
Certified IT Professional).

By promotion to the grade of IT/IM Technician, Assistant IT/IM Technician is a subject to the
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of IT/IM Technician.
 A minimum of four (3) years in the grade of Assistant IT/IM Technician.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Continuous professional development programmes.


JOB TITLE: Data Entry Operator
JOB GRADE: Data Entry Operator
REPORTS TO: Assistant IT/IM Technician
JOB PURPOSE: Data Entry Operator provides technical support to the IT Services Desk team.

 Compiles and verifies data to ensure accuracy while appropriately formatting it;
 Codes information, troubleshoots processing errors;
 Assists IT Services Desk team in their daily tasks.

 Within the limits set by the Director of Information and Communication Technology
Department for effective delivery of administrative and secretarial support services
for the smooth running of the Director Information and Communication Technology


 Bachelor’s or associate degree in IT or a related field, such as Computer Science,
Electronics, Software, Information Systems, or Telecommunications and least 1 years
of progressively responsible work experience directly related to the duties and
responsibilities specified.

 Proven experience as Data Entry Operator or relevant position;
 Excellent diagnostic and problem solving skills;
 Excellent communication ability;
 Outstanding organizational and time-management skills;
 Certification as IT Technician will be an advantage (e.g., CompTIA A+, Microsoft
Certified IT Professional);
 Attention to detail.

By promotion to the grade of the Assistant IT/IM Technician, Data Entry operator is a
subject to the following:
 Availability of vacancy in the grade of Assistant IT/IM Technician.

 A minimum of four (3) years in the grade of Data Entry Operator.
 Must have a satisfactory Staff Performance Appraisal Report.
 Must pass a selection interview.

 Continuous professional development programmes.

Appendix 1

Learning for Change

It is one thing to have a new structure, job descriptions and units in place with the
hopes of building a new and effective organization. These in themselves do not
offer a guarantee for organizational effectiveness. The ORC is a new organization
and as a result, it offers a unique opportunity to build into its structure, an
organization culture from the onset that will set the institution up for success. As
the saying goes, it is easier to start something up from the beginning than to change
a legacy system that already exists midway. In the Organizational culture map
below, the ORC strategy, structure and goals have been delineated in this
document. Those elements in terms of strategy, structure, leadership aspirations
and organizational goals intersect with leadership culture, businesses processes and
practices. The optimum or ideal culture is what sits as the “As-Is” Culture and it is
reflected in the behaviors, values and norms that will be demonstrated hitherto.
These are all reflected in the “actions” of the organization’s leadership and staff.
These have to be carefully crafted to ensure that when the change is being
measured, the required frameworks have already been laid out to provide the right
information that can be measured, tested and integrated. See table below.

Since ORC is a function of a decoupling (restructuring and redesign) from RGD, it is
expected that legacy actions that may not be ideal, may flow into the new ORC
structure. To offset this risk, a change management Training/Learning plan should
accompany and be integrated into the decoupling plan as a component of it. The
change learning plan should follow the model outlined below.

3.19.4. Change Management Training/Learning February 2023:


1 Implementing Change Supervisors and Managers, February 2023 Hi Touch,
Management within an Change Management Task Roundtabl
Organization: Orientation Force e
for Supervisors and Workshop
2 Communicating Change: Supervisors and Managers, February 2023 Hi Touch,
Roles of Change Change Management Task Roundtabl
Communication Force e
Team/Taskforce Workshop
3 Implementing Change: HR, Supervisors and February 2023 Hi Touch,
Human Resources Managers, Change Roundtabl
Management Team Management Task Force e
4 •Recruiting for Change and HR/Hiring Managers February 2023
to Drive Performance
5 Who Moved My Cheese: How HR/Supervisors February 2023 Brown
to Handle Resistance to Bag Lunch
Change Series
6 Developing Rewards and HR/Supervisors February 2023 Workshop
Incentives to Drive Behavior
Change and Adoption of
7. Measuring Change: How to HR/Supervisors/Change Task February 2023 Workshop
Monitor, Evaluate and Test Force
8. How to Give Feeback Supervisors/HR February 2023 Brown
Effectively Bag
9 How to Communicate Supervisors/HR February 2023 |Brown
Negative Feedback Bag/Lunc
Effectively h & Learn
4 Changes in ORC – Update on All Staff March 2023 Brown

the Transition Process Bag
10 Effective Conflict Supervisors/HR February 2023 Workshop
Management in the Work
11 Diversity and Inclusion as Supervisors/HR February 2023 Workshop
Drivers of Behavior Change
12 Effective Supervision Supervisors/HR February 2023 Workshop
13 Effective Delegation Supervisors/HR February 2023 Workshop
14 Orientation/Onboarding: Supervisors February 2023 Workshop
Understanding the Business
of ORC and How to be
Successful in Achieving
Performance Goals
15 Ethics and Integrity as core All Staff February 2023 Workshop
values of ORC Culture
16 How Staff Performance will All Staff/\HR February 2023 Workshop
be Measured in ORC
17 Customer Service is All Staff February 2023 Workshop
Everyone’s Business –
Integration into the
Performance Measure and
Evaluation of Every Staff
18 Measuring Change: How to Change Task Force February 2023 Workshop
Monitor, Evaluate and Test
Change Management Training/Learning March 2023:
No Training Description Target Audience Period Type of
1 Understanding the 360% HR/Supervisors/Staff March 2023 Workshop
Performance Evaluation
Process as an Instrument for
Performance Excellence and
Behaviour Change
2 Behaviours that engender HR/Staff March 2023 Workshop
diversity and inclusion

3 Key Performance indicators HR/Staff/Supervisors March 2023 Workshop
for Change in ORC
4 Changes in ORC – Update on All Staff March 2023 Brown
the Transition Process Bag
5 Understanding Guiding Change Task Force and HR March 2023 Brown
Principles for ORC Change Bag
and Transition and
Employee Role in the
Change/Decoupling Process
6 Successful and Respectful HR/Staff March 2023 Workshop
Workplace Behaviors
7 Leveraging IT as Part of IT/HR/Staff March 2023 Workshop
Everyday Work Culture
8 Financial Measurement and Finance/Change Task March 2023 Brown
Accountability as a Key Force/Staff Bag
Component of Change
9 How Internal Call Centers IT/Legal/HR/Communication March 2023 Half Day
can be used to Develop /Documentation/Archives Symposiu
Experts and Generate m
10 Understanding the E- IT/HR March 2023 Lunch &
Registrar Platform Learn
11 The Road to Becoming a Change Task Force/HR/Staff March 2023 Half Day
World Class Institution –
What it entails
12 Developing Rewards and HR/Change Task Force March 2023 Workshop
Incentives to Drive Behavior
Change and Adoption of
13 Measuring Change: How to HR/Change Task Force/M&E March 2023 Brown
Monitor, Evaluate and Test Bag
14 Team Building Practicum – Change Task Force/HR March 2023 Offsite
All for One, One For All

Change Management Training/Learning April 2023:
No Training Description Target Audience Period Type of
1 Decoupling Process – Status Staff April 2023 High
Update Touch in-
person –
2 hours
2 Measuring Change: How to Supervisors E-
Monitor, Evaluate and Test Learning/
Change Lunch
3 Team Building - Practicum Staff April 2023 Offsite
4 Personal Branding Staff April 2023 Workshop
5 Understanding the E- IT/HR April 2023 Lunch &
Registrar Platform Learn
6 The Road to Becoming a Change Task Force/HR/Staff April 2023 Half Day
World Class Institution –
What it entails
7 Effective Conflict April 2023 Workshop
Management in the
8 Behaviors that engender HR/Staff April 2023 Workshop
diversity and inclusion
9 Customer Service is All Staff April 2023 Workshop
Everyone’s Business –
Integration into the
Performance Measure and
Evaluation of Every Staff
10 Exercising Emotional All Staff April 2023 Workshop
11 Effective Conflict All Staff April 2023 Workshop
Management in the
These courses are expected to be evaluated and repeated throughout the year upon need and

3.19.5. Candidate Recruitment and Selection Criteria

Recommendation for Staff filling ORC vacancies will be based on examination and satisfaction with
the following criteria in the best interest of ORC:

Examples of Selection Criteria based on Minimum Requirement for relevant position

No Examples of Selection Criteria based on job

1 Relevant Technical Qualifications, Relevant Certifications and Required
Competencies for the position based on the advertised job description
2 Skills required to effectively perform duties, including computer automation
and internet proficiency
3 Minimum years of relevant experience
4 Minimum years of experience
5 Desired competencies based on ORC’s job function and core values and culture
6 Successful completion of tests for effective performance in the job (minimum of
70% pass rate)
7 Successful completion of Behavioural and Case Interviews
8 Assessment of Performance review if internal candidate performance track
9 Fit/Match with ORC Core Values and organizational culture (eg. Ethics,
Transparency, Integrity, Emotional Intelligence, Honesty, Customer Centric)
10 Reference letters (if external candidate)
11 Age (to access early retirement if necessary or to determine if adequate years
of professional contribution can be obtained from the candidate
12 ORC Diversity and Inclusion Policy
13 Ability to Learn new skills and behaviours for skill and competencies
14 Candidate willingness to resign to join a new organization?
15 Background/Security check/Security Clearance
16 Candidate Transfer policy
17 Candidate on Secondment policy in Ghana Public Sector
18 Computer Automation/Internet and Tech Savvy

3.19.6. Suggested Timeline for Candidate Selection during the Transition

No. Actions leading to Candidate Selection: Period/Duratio Duration
n of activity during
1 Establishing of a Timeline for Candidate 3 days Week 1
selection and filling of all vacancies February 2023
2 Budgeting for the Candidate Selection process 1 Day Week 1
February 2023

3 Ensuring completeness of job descriptions and 5 days Week 2
vacancy announcement in terms February 2023
qualifications, skills, competencies, years of
relevant experience and fit
4. Posting of Internal Candidate Job Vacancy 3 days Week 2
Announcements to relevant institutions February 2023
4 Posting of External Vacancy announcement for 5 days Week 3
prescribed duration in the absence of February 2023
successful internal candidates
5 Constituting of interview panels based on 5 days Week 4
experts needed and examinations to be February 2023
6 Determination of scoring criteria/guidance for 3 days Week 1
interviewing of candidates during the February 2023
interview based on weighted averages on
minimum selection criteria
7. Interviewing of Candidates* 28 days March 2023
8. Conduct of background, security and 5 days Week 1 April
reference checks on successful interview 2023
9 Compiling a manual of performance reviews 7 days Week 2Aprily
all internal interview candidates for reference 2023
purposes during the candidate selection
10 Submission of report on successful candidates 5 days Week 3 April
and completing justification report on 2023
candidates not selected
11 Preparation of appointment letters to 5 days Week 4 April
successful candidates 2023
12 Onboarding of Successful Candidates 5 days Week 1 May
(orientation), ensuring placement in required 2023
office space with requisite work tools such as
new computer desk, and chair and phone,
working internet and air condition
* Date will depend on length of vacancy posting policy for positions in the Ghana Legal/Civil/Public

3.19.7. Recommended Post Candidate Selection Activities:

3.19.8. Timeline

No. Action Duration Implementation

1 Determination of number and type of 5 days Week 1 May

transitional learning to be offered to 2023
identified candidates and targeted number
of staff based on skills-competency audit
of job descriptions and Organizational
Change targets
2 Establishment of timeline for 5 days Week 2 May
implementation along with development 2023
of budget
3 Development of yearly organizational 5 days May 2023
learning plan post transition period with
budget to include type, number and cost
associated with each learning.

3.19.9. Options for Recruitment of candidates into ORC during the Transition

3.19.10. Candidates Identified Internally Who Meet Selection Criteria

No Candidates Identified Internally Who meet selection criteria

1  Build Competencies and skills first through aggressive skills learning,
certification, coaching and mentoring prior to candidate recruitment and
 This approach will give all potential ORC staff a fair chance to prepare and
hopefully pass the interview processes. The risk level for resistance to change
and propensity to disrupt or rebel against the transition will be low. Candidates
who do not make it will know they were given a chance to succeed but did not
make it.
 The approach can lead to a high internal candidate selection feedback.
 It will also lead to less resistance to change during the transition period.
 Supervisors have a chance to share vacancy notices with their teams for
discussion and learning prior to candidate recruitment. It will engender
transparency and build trust.
2 Salary, Benefits and allowances for positions should be adequately competitive
enough to attract the best of talent within and outside the organization to build
the desired “world class organization” as articulated in core values. This should
include offering health and dental benefits, overtime, risk allowance,
transportation and housing allowance to those staff in the administrative category
allowances. This should be matched with job descriptions that are equally rigorous
and competitive.
3 Reach of vacancy announcements should extend beyond the Legal, Civil, Public
service into national and international civil servants’ domain.
4 Organise Career Fairs for key Universities and lead Recruitment Missions at
designated locations (including Ghanaian Diaspora in US, UK, Europe, Canada and

Australia) to identify, and conduct initial interviews of candidates and collect CVs.
This can be done online as well. This activity can bring in a high number of diverse
CVs for candidate prospecting.
5 Develop a communication strategy and campaign around the recruitment of
candidates for ORC. It should be costed and budgeted for. It is also an opportunity
to brand organisation. Develop a clear employer brand; create job posts that
reflect ORC; Use the most appropriate medium (LinkedIn) to target talent; invest
in an applicant tracking system; explore niche job boards; college recruiting; find
passive candidates and let them know you want them; successful employee
referral program; use talent head-hunter;
6 Offer learning opportunities to interviewing panels to be constituted, covering
evaluation expectations to familiarise them with quality considerations for
successful candidate identification and selection.
7 Consider offering signing bonuses to successful candidates in certain grades.

3.19.11. Civil Service Training Being Offerred
1 Action Plan Development and
2 Administering Performance Appraisal
Instrument for Public Servants
3 Administrative Writing Skills
4 Attitudinal Change for Productivity
Improvement in the Public Service
5 Basic Customer Care
6 Basic Customer Care Course for Public
7 Briefs & Speaking Notes
8 Business Communication
9 Business Process Mapping and
10 Business Process Reengineering and
Continuous Improvement (Kaizen)
11 Cabinet Memorandum
12 Civil Service Administrative Management
13 Communication Skills and Public Relations
14 Communication Skills for Secretaries in
the Public Service
15 Contract Management and Administration
16 Customer Care for Secretaries in the
Public Service
17 Effective Communication and
Interpersonal Skills
18 Effective Delegation
19 Effective Managerial/Supervisory Skills
20 Effective Office Administration and
21 Emotional Intelligence for Senior and
Middle level Public Servants
22 Ethical Leadership
23 Evidence Informed Policy Making
24 Excel usage for Operational Excellence
25 Finance And Administration (F&A)
26 Functional English Language (Advanced)
27 Functional English Language
28 Functional English Language
29 Gender And Organizational Development
30 Gender Mainstreaming
31 Gender Mainstreaming into Civil Service
32 Gender Monitoring and Reporting
33 General Administrative Procedure (Modern

34 Human Resource Function
35 Information Communication Technology
36 Introduction to Project Management
37 Introduction to Strategic Management
38 Inventory Control and Management
39 Leadership Development and Team
40 Leading And Influencing in Supply Chain
41 Managing People and Supervision
42 Memo Writing Skills
43 Minutes Writing Skills
44 Monitoring and Evaluation (Part I) for
Middle level Public Servants
45 Monitoring and Evaluation (Part II) for
Middle Level Public Servants
46 Negotiation Skills
47 Office Procedure and Business
48 Organizational Security
49 Organizational Basic Security/Risk and
Safety Management
50 Organizing and Conducting Meetings
51 Organizing Meetings and Minutes Writing
52 Performance Coaching and Mentoring
Skills for Senior level Public Servants
53 Performance Management
54 Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
55 Planning for Retirement
56 Policy Formulation and Analysis
57 Policy Formulation and Analysis for middle
level Civil Servants
58 Policy Planning, Budgeting Monitory and
Evaluation Function
59 Practical Office Procedures
60 Practical Proposal Writing for Public
61 Problem Analysis Techniques
62 Productivity Improvement
63 Productivity Improvement at the
Workplace for Public Servants
64 Professional Leadership Skills
65 Professional Office Management
66 Professional Work Ethics/Attitude
67 Proof Reading & Editing Skills
68 Proposal Writing Skills
69 Public Accountability and Internal Controls
70 Public Financial Administration
71 Public Private Partnership Course
72 Public Service Delivery Improvement
73 Report Writing Skills
74 Research, Statistics and Information
Management Function

75 Services Procurement Management
76 Speech Writing Skills
77 Strategic Thinking and Planning
78 Supply Chain Relationship Management
79 Team Building and Team Work
80 Time And Stress Management
81 Total Quality Management
82 Women In Leadership and Governance
83 Workplace Auditing
84 Proof Reading and Editing Skills
85 Public Private Partnership (PPP) for Public
86 Public Service Administrative Skills for
Public Servants
87 Quality Productivity Improvement
88 Report Writing Skills
89 Scheme of Service Training ( SG2‐ SG1,
Front Desk Officers)
90 Scheme of Service Training ( SS‐ PS and
91 Scheme of Service Training (ADI - Dep.
Directors and Analogous)
92 Scheme of Service Training (ADIIA, ADIIB
and Analogous)
93 Scheme of Service Training (SG2‐ SG1,
Front Desk Officers )
94 Security Education (Advanced)
95 Security Education (Intermediate)
96 Security Education (Introduction)
97 Self and People Management
98 Speech Writing and Delivery Skills for
Public Servants
99 Staff Performance Reporting (Public
100 Staff Performance Reporting for Senior
Public Servants
101 Strategic Management and Leadership
102 Supervisory Skills for Middle Level Public
103 Supervisory Skills for Public Service
104 Task Analysis and Target Setting (Public
Servants/Senior Level)
105 Training of Trainer (ToT) (Training and HR
106 Work Ethics and Work Standards
1 Full-Time 2-year Post-Secondary
Stenography Programme (SGI)
2 Access Programme –Typing for Beginners
3 Access Programme – Shorthand for
Beginners (SGII)

4 Upgrading programmes exclusively for
Secretarial Class
5 Competency Based Programmes for
workers (SS/PS)
6 Computer Proficiency Programmes
7 Tailor made / Refresher / Short Modular
Programmes for Secretaries in the Public /
Private organizations
8 Special Capacity Development Programme
for top level Secretaries in the Civil Service
9 Proficiency course for Parliamentary

1 Effective Driving Techniques
2 Effective Maintenance Management
3 Effective Occupational Health and Safety
4 Effective Practice of Supervision
5 Effective Security Techniques
6 Effective Stores Management
7 Facilities Management
8 Junior Course Module 1
9 Junior Course Module 2
10 Junior Course Module 3
11 Junior Technical Supervisory Management
12 Planning For Your Formal Retirement
13 Robotics and Automation
14 Senior Technical Supervisory Management
15 Special Senior Course Module 1
16 Special Senior Course Module 2
17 Special Senior Course Module 3
18 Technical Report Writing
19 Workplace Improvement Technique

Source: Ghana Civil Service Training Policy and Guidelines for Implementation.


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