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‫انٕحذح ‪8‬‬

‫)‪(Period 3‬‬
‫أٔال‪ :‬انصفبد ْ‪ ٙ‬كهًبد تصف االسًبء‪ ْٙٔ ،‬تقسى انٗ اسثؼخ إَاع‪:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬صفبد قص‪ٛ‬شح يخم …… ‪big, small, cheap, tall, cold, tidy, smart,‬‬
‫‪ .2‬صفبد غٕ‪ٚ‬هخ يخم ‪wonderful, beautiful, dangerous, comfortable, famous,‬‬
‫‪ .3‬صفبد خبصخ تؼًم ػًم انصفبد ٔانظشٔف ْٔ‪hard, late, fast, early, :ٙ‬‬
‫‪ .4‬صفت‪ ٍٛ‬شبراد ْٔ‪good + bad ٙ‬‬
‫حبَ‪ٛ‬ب‪ُْ :‬بك حالث حبالد نهًقبسَخ ٔانتفع‪ٛ‬م ْٔ‪:ٙ‬‬
‫‪ .1‬انًقبسَخ ْٔ‪ ٙ‬تتى ث‪ ٍٛ‬ػُصش‪ ٍٚ‬أ ش‪ٛ‬ئ‪ًٚٔ ،ٍٛ‬كٍ تً‪ٛ‬ضْب يٍ ٔجٕد ػُصش‪ ٍٚ‬ف‪ ٙ‬انجًهخ أ كهًخ ‪than‬‬
‫‪ .2‬انتفع‪ٛ‬م ٔتؼُ‪ ٙ‬تفع‪ٛ‬م ش‪ٙ‬ء ػهٗ األش‪ٛ‬بء األخشٖ‪ًٚٔ ،‬كٍ تً‪ٛ‬ضْب ػبدح يٍ ٔجٕد ‪ in\of‬ثؼذ انفشاؽ أ كهًخ ‪ the‬قجم انفشاؽ‬
‫‪ .3‬انتسبٔ٘ ٔػذو انتسبٔ٘ ٔتؼُ‪ ٙ‬تشبثّ ػُصش‪ ٍٚ‬ف‪ ٙ‬صفخ يحذدح أ ػذو تشبثّ‪.‬‬
‫حبنخب‪ٕٚ :‬جذ أسثؼخ قٕاػذ نهًقبسَخ ٔتفع‪ٛ‬م انصفبد كًب ‪ٚ‬ه‪:ٙ‬‬
‫أٔال‪ :‬قبػذح انصفبد انقص‪ٛ‬شح ْٔ‪ ٙ‬تقسى كًب ‪ٚ‬ه‪:ٙ‬‬
‫‪ .1‬ػُذيب َقبسٌ ث‪ ٍٛ‬ش‪ٛ‬ئ‪ ٍٛ‬ثبستخذاو انصفبد انقص‪ٛ‬شح َع‪ٛ‬ف (‪ )er+than‬انٗ َٓب‪ٚ‬خ انصفخ‪ ،‬يخبل‪:‬‬
‫‪Ahmad is taller than Ali. Winter is colder than summer‬‬
‫‪ .2‬ػُذيب َفعم ش‪ٙ‬ء ف‪ ٙ‬يجًٕػخ فبَُب َعغ (‪ )the‬قجم انصفخ ٔ(‪ )est‬ف‪َٓ ٙ‬ب‪ٚ‬خ انصفخ‪ ،‬يخبل‪:‬‬
‫‪Ahmad is the tallest in his class. January is the coldest in the year.‬‬
‫حبَ‪ٛ‬ب‪ :‬قبػذح انصفبد انطٕ‪ٚ‬هخ ْٔ‪ ٙ‬تقسى كًب ‪ٚ‬ه‪:ٙ‬‬
‫‪ .1‬ػُذيب َقبسٌ ث‪ ٍٛ‬ش‪ٛ‬ئ‪ ٍٛ‬ثبستخذاو انصفبد انطٕ‪ٚ‬هخ َعغ (‪ )more‬قجم انصفخ ٔ(‪ )than‬ثؼذْب ٔتجقٗ انصفخ كًب ْ‪:ٙ‬‬
‫‪The red jacket is more beautiful than the black jacket.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬ػُذيب َفعم ش‪ٙ‬ء ف‪ ٙ‬يجًٕػخ فبَُب َعغ (‪ )the most‬قجم انصفخ يغ ثقبء انصفخ كًب ْ‪ ،ٙ‬يخبل‪:‬‬
‫‪The red jacket is the most expensive of them all.‬‬
‫حبنخب‪ :‬قبػذح انصفبد انشبرح ٔ‪ٚ‬جت حفظٓب ْٔ‪ ٙ‬كًب ‪ٚ‬ه‪:ٙ‬‬
‫‪( good > better than > the best‬‬ ‫‪bad > worse than > the worst‬‬
‫)‪Juice is better than fizzy drinks. (good) Water is the best of all drinks. (good‬‬
‫ساثؼب‪ :‬قبػذح انتسبٔ٘ أ ػذو انتسبٔ٘ ف‪ ٙ‬انصفبد‪ ْٙٔ ،‬كًب ‪ٚ‬ه‪:ٙ‬‬
‫‪ .1‬نهتؼج‪ٛ‬ش ػٍ تسبٔ٘ ش‪ٛ‬ئ‪ ٍٛ‬ف‪ ٙ‬انصفخ َستخذو انقبػذح ()‪as) + adjective + ( as‬‬
‫‪ .2‬نهتؼج‪ٛ‬ش ػٍ ش‪ٛ‬ئ‪ ٍٛ‬ال ‪ٚ‬تسبٔ‪ٚ‬بٌ ف‪َ ٙ‬فس انصفخ َستخذو ) ‪( not as ) + adjective + ( as‬‬
‫يالحظخ‪ًٚ :‬كُُب استخذاو َفس انقبػذح يغ انصفبد انقص‪ٛ‬شح أ انطٕ‪ٚ‬هخ‪.‬‬
‫‪Ali is as tall as Rami / Winter is as wonderful as summer.‬‬
‫‪Ali isn’t as tall as Rami / Winter isn’t as wonderful as summer.‬‬
‫يالحظخ‪ًٚ :‬كُُب استخذاو انقبػذح ‪ not as + adjective + as‬ثذال يٍ ص‪ٛ‬غخ انًقبسَخ‪ ،‬يخبل‪:‬‬
‫‪Omar is older than Ahmad. >>>>>>>>> Ahmad is not as old as Omar.‬‬

Period 7
11 ‫ٍ انظشٔف ٔغشق استخذايٓب صفحخ‬ٕٚ‫انصفبد ٔتك‬
I am proud. ‫ انصفبد تصف األسًبء‬.1
I wear the uniform proudly ‫ انظشٔف تصف األفؼبل‬.2
:ْٙٔ )11 ‫ صفحخ‬2 ٍٚ‫ٍ انظشٔف (تًش‬ٕٚ‫ُْبك أسثؼخ غشق نتك‬
proud > proudly :‫ انٗ انصفخ يخم‬ly ‫ إظبفخ‬.1
tidy > tidily ‫ انٗ انصفخ يخم‬ily ‫ ٔاظبفخ‬y ‫ حزف‬.2
comfortable > comfortably :‫ يخم‬able ‫ فقػ ارا كبٌ اخشْب‬y ‫ ٔاظبفخ‬e ‫ حزف‬.3
hard, fast, early, late ْٙٔ ‫ش‬ٛٛ‫ ال تغ‬.4
:)11 ‫ صفحخ‬3 ٍٚ‫ انجًم (تًش‬ٙ‫خ استخذاو انصفبد ٔانظشٔف ف‬ٛ‫ف‬ٛ‫ك‬
very, am, is, are, was, were ‫ َعغ صفخ ارا جبء قجم انفشاؽ‬.1
Khalid is good at painting. (good)
‫ َعغ ظشف ارا جبء قجم انفشاؽ فؼم أ اسى‬.2
Khalid paints well. (good) / I wear the uniform proudly. (proud)
Period 8
11 ‫يقبسَخ انظشٔف صفحخ‬
:ٙ‫ه‬ٚ ‫م انظشٔف كًب‬ٛ‫ٕجذ أسثؼخ قٕاػذ نًقبسَخ ٔتفع‬ٚ
hard, fast, early, late ْٙٔ )‫شح‬ٛ‫ قبػذح انظشٔف انشبرح (يخم انصفبد انقص‬:‫أٔال‬
:‫ يخبل‬،‫خ انظشف‬ٚ‫) انٗ َٓب‬er+than( ‫ف‬ٛ‫ٍ ثبستخذاو انظشٔف انشبرح َع‬ٛ‫ئ‬ٛ‫ٍ ش‬ٛ‫ ػُذيب َقبسٌ ث‬.1
Ahmad is faster than Ali.
:‫ يخبل‬،‫خ انظشف‬ٚ‫ َٓب‬ٙ‫) ف‬est(ٔ ‫) قجم انظشف‬the( ‫ يجًٕػخ فبَُب َعغ‬ٙ‫ء ف‬ٙ‫ ػُذيب َفعم ش‬.2
Ahmad is the fastest in his class.
:ٙ‫ه‬ٚ ‫ تقسى كًب‬ْٙٔ )‫هخ‬ٕٚ‫ (يخم انصفبد انط‬ly ‫خ ة‬ٛٓ‫ قبػذح انظشٔف انًُت‬:‫ب‬َٛ‫حب‬
:ْٕ ‫جقٗ انظشف كًب‬ٚٔ ِ‫) ثؼذ‬than(ٔ ‫) قجم انظشف‬more( ‫هخ َعغ‬ٕٚ‫ٍ ثبستخذاو انظشٔف انط‬ٛ‫ئ‬ٛ‫ٍ ش‬ٛ‫ ػُذيب َقبسٌ ث‬.1
Omar works more carefully than Ahmad.
:‫ يخبل‬،ْٕ ‫) قجم انظشف يغ ثقبء انظشف كًب‬the most( ‫ يجًٕػخ فبَُب َعغ‬ٙ‫ء ف‬ٙ‫ ػُذيب َفعم ش‬.2
Omar writes the most carefully of them all.
:ٙ‫ه‬ٚ ‫) كًب‬well \ badly( ٍٛ‫ قبػذح انظشف‬:‫حبنخب‬
(good) well > better than > the best badly > worse than > the worst
)badly( ْٕ )bad( ٍ‫) ٔاٌ انظشف ي‬well( ْٕ )good( ٍ‫الحع اٌ انظشف ي‬
Ali writes badly. Omar writes worse. Ahmad writes the worst. (bad)
Ahmed works well. Ali works better. Hany works the best. (good)
:ٙ‫ه‬ٚ ‫ كًب‬ْٙٔ ،‫ انظشٔف‬ٙ‫ قبػذح انتسبٔ٘ أ ػذو انتسبٔ٘ ف‬:‫ساثؼب‬
as) + adverb + ( as) ‫ انظشف َستخذو انقبػذح‬ٙ‫ٍ ف‬ٛ‫ئ‬ٛ‫ش ػٍ تسبٔ٘ ش‬ٛ‫ نهتؼج‬.1
( not as ) + adverb + ( as ) ‫ َفس انظشف َستخذو‬ٙ‫بٌ ف‬ٚٔ‫تسب‬ٚ ‫ٍ ال‬ٛ‫ئ‬ٛ‫ش ػٍ ش‬ٛ‫ نهتؼج‬.2
Bill gets up as early as Deema. (early) / Bill does not dress as well as Maria. (good)
:‫ يخبل‬،)2 ٍٚ‫غخ انًقبسَخ (تًش‬ٛ‫ ثذال يٍ ص‬not as + adverb + as ‫ًكُُب استخذاو انقبػذح‬ٚ :‫يالحظخ‬
Maria dresses better than Bill. >>>>>>>>> Bill does not dress as well as Maria.
Unit 9
Period 3 Page 17
some + any + many + much
1. Countable nouns: ‫ًكُُب ػذْب‬ٚ ٙ‫ األسًبء انت‬ْٙ ‫األسًبء انًؼذٔدح‬
boys - students – schools – apples – books –classes - cars – men – doors
2. Uncountable nouns: ‫ًكُُب ػذْب ٔتؼبيم يؼبيهخ انًفشد‬ٚ ٙ‫ األسًبء انت‬ْٙ ‫ش انًؼذٔدح‬ٛ‫األسًبء غ‬
water- juice – tea – sand – air –rice - meat – coffee – soup
3. We use some with affirmative statements with uncountable nouns and plural countable
‫ش يؼذٔدح‬ٛ‫ انجًم انًخجتخ يغ األسًبء انجًغ ٔااليسبء انغ‬ٙ‫) ف‬some( ‫تستخذو‬
There are some apples in the box. There is some water in the bottle
4. We use any with negative statements with uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns
There aren’t any apples in the box. There isn’t any water in the bottle.
‫ش يؼذٔدح‬ٛ‫خ يغ األسًبء انجًغ ٔااليسبء انغ‬ٛ‫ انجًم انًُف‬ٙ‫) ف‬any( ‫تستخذو‬
We also use any with questions with uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns.
‫ش يؼذٔدح‬ٛ‫ األسئهخ يغ األسًبء انجًغ ٔااليسبء انغ‬ٙ‫) ف‬any( ‫كًب تستخذو‬
Is there any water in the bottle? Are there any apples in the box?
‫تجؼٓب اسى جًغ‬ٚٔ ‫بء انًؼذٔدح‬ٛ‫) نهسؤال ػٍ ػذد األش‬How many( ‫ َستخذو‬.1
How many brothers have you got? How many students are there in your class?
‫ش يؼذٔد‬ٛ‫تجؼٓب اسى غ‬ٚٔ ‫ش انًؼذٔدح‬ٛ‫بء غ‬ٛ‫خ األش‬ًٛ‫) نهسؤال ػٍ ك‬How much( ‫ َستخذو‬.2
How much olive oil do you need? How much olive oil do you need?
Period 8 Page 23
{ a – an – the – X – some}
1. We use ( a \ an ) when we start talking something new. We use them before singular
countable nouns.
،‫ قجم االسى انًفشد انًؼذٔد فقػ‬ٙ‫ تبت‬ْٙٔ ‫ء َكشح ألٔل يشح‬ٙ‫ج ػٍ ش‬ٚ‫) ػُذ انحذ‬a \ an( ‫تستؼًم أدٔاد انُكشح‬
I bought a dress. I need a new pen.
)a, e, i, o , u( ْٙٔ ‫ ارا كبٌ االسى أ صفتّ تجذا ثحشف ػهخ‬an ‫َعغ‬
I bought an old mobile. I eat an apple every day.
2. we use the in two cases: ْٙٔ ٍٛ‫ حبنت‬ٙ‫) ف‬ ( ‫تستخذو أداح انتؼشف‬
A. when we talk about something for the second time ‫خ‬َٛ‫ء نهًشح انخب‬ٙ‫ػُذيب َتحذث ػٍ انش‬

I bought a dress. The dress is nice and beautiful.
B. when we specify something with a phrase after it ‫حذد االسى‬ٚٔ ‫خصص‬ٚ ‫ ثؼذ االسى يب‬ٙ‫أت‬ٚ ‫ػُذيب‬
The weather in Kuwait is hot and dry. The chair near the window is broken.
3. we use no article (X) when we talk about all things in a group. ٍ‫ج ػ‬ٚ‫ال َستؼًم أ٘ أداح ػُذ انحذ‬
We use wheat to make bread. Water is important for life. Lions are wild animals.
Put { a – an – the – X – some }
1. I bought …………..umbrella. ………….. umbrella is green and red.
2. Kuwait is ………….. desert country.
3. I am thirsty. I need ………….. water.
4. …………….. lions are wild animals.
5. Everyone knows that ………….. birds produce eggs.

Unit 10
‫استخذاو حشٔف انجش‬
coat, shirt, dress, T-Shirt, jeans, sweater ‫ يغ انًالثس فقػ يخبل‬in ‫ تستخذو‬.1
beard, moustache, glasses, backpack, sandwich ‫بء األخشٖ يخم‬ٛ‫ يغ األش‬with ‫ تستخذو‬.2
with green eyes - with glasses – with a beard - with a pack back
‫جت حفظٓب يخم‬ٚ ،ٌ‫ اشجبِ جًم يغ حشٔف جش انًكب‬.3
near Jericho – next to her – on the left – on the right - up the hill - under the tree
who / which / that page 35
.‫ٍ يؼب ٔاظبفخ يؼهٕيبد ػٍ انفبػم‬ٛ‫) نٕصم جًهت‬who/which( ‫َستخذو ظًبئش انٕصم‬
‫ٕاٌ يخبل‬ٛ‫ش انؼبقم أ انح‬ٛ‫) يغ االسى غ‬which( ‫تستخذو‬
Jericho is an old city which (that) stands in a deep valley.
That woman who is wearing dark blue dress is my aunt. ‫) يغ االسى انؼبقم‬who( ‫تستخذو‬
1. The teacher (which – who – what) teaches us Arabic is really wonderful..
2. The family like the cake (who – which – where) mum made yesterday.
3. I saw the driver (who – which – where) hit the boy and escaped.
4. The smoke (which – who – what) out of cars is very dangerous.

5. The junk food (where – that - when) is sold in the streets is very unhealthy.
6. I still remember the stories (where – that - when) I read when I was young.

Unit 11 Period 3 page 42

love / would love / would prefer
I love/like bananas. ‫) يخبل‬always like( ‫) ثًؼُٗ َحت دائًب‬love/like( ‫ تستخذو‬.1
)’d love( ‫) ٔتكتت ػبدح‬want( ‫ذ‬ٚ‫تجؼٓب اسى ثًؼُٗ اس‬ٚٔ )would love+noun( ‫ تستخذو‬.2
I would (I’d) like another cake.
)want to do something( ‫ئب‬ٛ‫ذ اٌ افؼم ش‬ٚ‫ حى انفؼم انًجشد ثًؼُٗ اس‬to ‫تجؼٓب‬ٚٔ )would love+to+inf( ‫ تستخذو‬.3
I would (I’d) love to watch the DVD.
:‫) نهؼشض أ انذػٕح‬Would you like( ‫ تستخذو‬.4
Would you like a cake? Would you like to watch TV?
)accept an offer( ‫) نقجٕل انذػٕح‬Yes, please( ‫ تستخذو‬.5
Would you like to watch TV? / Yes, please
)don't accept an offer( ‫قخ يؤدثخ‬ٚ‫) نشفط انذػٕح ثطش‬Thank you, but( ‫ تستخذو‬.6
Would you like a cake? / Thank you, but …..
)want to do something else( ‫ئب اخش‬ٛ‫تجؼٓب فؼم ثًؼُٗ أفعم ش‬ٚٔ )would prefer+to+inf( ‫ تستخذو‬.7
I would (I’d) prefer to play computer games.
1. I (love – would love – would like) reading.
2. Would you (like – likes – liked) a cake?
3. I would prefer (watch – to watch – watching) a video.
4. I would love (having – have – to have) another piece of cake.
5. Would you like (to come – come – coming) with me?
6. Thanks, but I (had – will – would) prefer to play tennis.
Period 7 page 47
in order to + infinitive
‫خ‬ٚ‫ش ػٍ انٓذف أ انغب‬ٛ‫) يتجٕػخ ثبنفؼم انًصذس نهتؼج‬in order to / to( ‫تستخذو‬
We can show the purpose of an action with to +infinitive or in order to + infinitive.
We go to school to learn = We go to school in order to learn.
:ٙ‫ه‬ٚ ‫) كًب‬so( ٍ‫) ثذال ي‬in order to( ‫تستخذو‬
I wanted to watch the film so I went to the cinema.
I went to the cinema to (in order to) watch the film.
ٗ‫ انجًهخ األٔن‬ٙ‫) ف‬to( ‫) حى َكتت يب ثؼذ حشف‬in order to( ‫ حى َكتت‬،‫خ‬َٛ‫ انجًهخ انخب‬ٙ‫) َٔجذأ انحم يٍ ثؼذْب ف‬so( ‫َحزف‬

Unit 12
Period 3 Page 54
Reported speech – statements
1. When we report, we often use a reporting verb in the present tense like he says / she says
say ‫ صيٍ انًعبسع يخم‬ٙ‫ش يجبشش) َستخذو فؼم قٕل ف‬ٛ‫ػُذيب َحٕل انكالو (غ‬
2. When we report, we usually have to change some pronouns. For example, the first person
changes to the third person: ‫ش ثؼط انعًبئش‬ٛ‫ش يجبشش) َغ‬ٛ‫ػُذيب َحٕل انكالو (غ‬.
direct indirect
I he / she
me him / her
my his / her
we they
us them
our their
you I
you me
your my
3. When we report, we usually have to change some verbs after (I).
I ‫ ثؼذ انفبػم‬ٙ‫ تبت‬ٙ‫ش ثؼط االفؼبل انت‬ٛ‫ش يجبشش) َغ‬ٛ‫ػُذيب َحٕل انكالو (غ‬
direct indirect
‫فؼم يعبسع‬ s ‫ف‬ٛ‫َع‬
have has
am is
don’t doesn’t
Peter: I need some books. Ben: I had a long chat yesterday.
He says he needs some books. He says I had a long chat yesterday.
The boys: We are ready. Rania: I have cleaned my bag.
The boys say they are ready. Rania says she has cleaned her bag.
1. Some of our computer details are wrong.
Marah says …………………………………………………………………
2. I need to check your personal details.
Reem says ………………………………………………………………..

3. I’m sorry to call Yasmeen in the evening.
Malik says ………………………………………………………………
4. We have started our task.
The boys say………………………………………………………………….
5. I am a student in grade 8.
Mohamad says ………………………………………………………………….
6. Ramzi says: I have bought a car.
Ramzi says ……………………………………………………………………….
7. They say: We worked hard.
They say ………………………………………………………………………….
8. I'm going to invite Omar to my birthday party.
The teacher says …………………………………………………………………..
Period 8 Page 59
Reported speech – questions
:‫خ‬ٛ‫) يٍ انؼُبصش انتبن‬wh( ‫تكٌٕ انسؤال‬ٚ .1
Wh (‫ )اداح‬+ helping verb ‫ يسبػذ‬+ subject ‫ فبػم‬+ main verb ‫………… فؼم‬. ?
where, when, what, why, how ‫ أداح انسؤال ٔآًْب‬ْٙ wh ٌ‫ج ا‬ٛ‫ح‬
is, are, was, were, have, has, do, does, did, will ‫خ‬ٛ‫ٔانفؼم انًسبػذ ْٕ احذ األفؼبل انتبن‬
‫) أ اسى يفشد أ اسى جًغ‬he, she, it, we, you, they( ‫ش‬ًٛ‫كٌٕ ظ‬ٚ ‫ٔانفبػم قذ‬
:ْٙ ‫الد انعًبئش انًطهٕثخ‬ٕٚ‫ تح‬.2
direct indirect
we they
us them
our their
you I
you me
your my

:‫ش يجبشش‬ٛ‫م انٗ سؤال غ‬ٕٚ‫خطٕاد انتح‬

‫ ٔتكٌٕ يؼطبح نهطبنت‬ask \ want to know ‫ صيٍ انًعبسع يخم‬ٙ‫ َستخذو فؼم انُقم ف‬.1
)٘‫ش ارا كبٌ ظشٔس‬ًٛ‫ش انع‬ٛ‫ فبَُب َعؼّ ثؼذ انفبػم (َٔغ‬is, are, was, were, have, has will ‫ ارا كبٌ انفؼم انًسبػذ‬.2
Where are they going now? He asks where they are going now.
:‫خ‬ٛ‫ َتجغ انقٕاػذ انتبن‬do, does, did ‫ ارا كبٌ انفؼم انًسبػذ‬.3
Why do you eat fast? He asks why I eat fast )‫ش انعًبئش اٌ تتطهت‬ٛٛ‫ فبَُب َحزفّ فقػ (تغ‬do ٌ‫ ارا كب‬.‫أ‬

)‫ش انعًبئش اٌ تتطهت‬ٛٛ‫ انًجشد (ثؼذ انفبػم) (تغ‬ٙ‫س‬ٛ‫ نهفؼم انشئ‬S ‫ف‬ٛ‫ فبَُب َحزفّ َٔع‬does ٌ‫ ارا كب‬.‫ة‬
How many books does he need? >>> He asks how many books he needs.
)‫ش انعًبئش اٌ تتطهت‬ٛٛ‫ (تغ‬ٙ‫ انًجشد (ثؼذ انفبػم) انٗ فؼم يبظ‬ٙ‫س‬ٛ‫ فبَُب َحزفّ َٔحٕل انفؼم انشئ‬did ٌ‫ ارا كب‬.‫د‬
What did our teacher say in the class? I want to know what their teacher said in the class.
1. Where are your family from?
he asks …………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Does he live in Poland? She asks ……………………………………………………………….
3. What does my name mean?
she wants to know ………………………………………………………………………………
4. Where were my family from? I ask …………………………………………………………….
5. When did people start using family names? He asks …………………………………………..
6. We worked hard. He asks ………………………………………………………………

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