G04 - District Girl Empowerment Initiative

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" Youl l Never Bleed Alone!

A. . A r e a s o f F ocus :: M a t e r n a l a n d C h i l d H e a lt h ,, Disease
P r e v e n t i o n a n d Tre a t m e n t ,, Peacebuilding and
Conflict Prevention

B. . This is a Women/ Girl Empowerment Initiative and

an " Each Bring One" Pad Movement of Interact
One, , District
3800 ..

C. . Objectives

for menstrual l or sani i ta ry care awareness parti i c ulla r lly iin

margi i n alliiz ed communi i ti i e s
for giir lls to be empowered so they can diis cuss the topi ic wiith
anyone and to stay confi i d ent even duri i n g thei i r peri io d
to educate those who stiil ll make iit a taboo so that those who
have thei ir menstruati i o n wiil ll not be bullliie d or diis criim iin ated

Interact Clubs Of Rotary International District3800

i a c d i st r i c t 3 8 0 0 @ g m a i l . c o m
" Youl l Never Bleed Alone! "
Each Interactor will be requested to donate at least
one sanitary pad and put an encouraging note or
reminder about caring for your health and well- being. .

Int eractors are welcome to collect pads f rom

R o t a r i a n s ,, R o t a r a c t o r s ,, family members, , r e l a t i v e s ,, and
f r iends. .

The Interact Clubs will collect the pads f rom their club
m e m b e r s a n d p u t t h e m i n o n e b a g ..

The Interact Clubs will bring their donations/ collected

pads to l AC Discon 2023 ( November) and drop them on
the designated boxes. .

Interact Clubs Of Rotary International District3800

i a c d i st r i c t 3 8 0 0 @ g m a i l . c o m
" Youl l Never Bleed Alone! "
The Interact Club with the most number of donated
pads will receive a Cash Prize which will be announced
during the District Mid- Year Review. .

The collected pads will be donated to girls/ women in

marginalized/ indigent communities in collaboration
w i t h t h e W o m e n / G i r l | E m p o w e r m e n t C o m m i t t e e ..

O f f i c i a l H a s h t a g s ::
#RotaryInternational # InteractDistrict380 0
#BeImaginative #ImagineRotary #ImagineInteract
# Empower Girls Now D 3800 # Youll Never Bleed

Interact Clubs Of Rotary International District3800

i a c d i st r i c t 3 8 0 0 @ g m a i l . c o m

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