2010 RSL Presidents Report

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The Returned & Services League of Australia

(Victorian Branch ) Inc

Presidents Report
January - December 2010

The Returned & Services League of Australia (Victorian Branch Inc.)

ACN A0028777L

Patron: Her Majesty the Queen State President: Major General D J McLachlan AO Chief Executive Officer: Colonel M H Annett CSC State Senior Vice President: Dr R S Webster State Vice President: Mr G McL Logan RFD State Honorary Treasurer: Mr J F Cullen OAM Chief Financial Officer: Mr M P Sherlock

Members of State Executive: Messrs K V Rossi AM OBE RFD ED, R N Slaughter, J Paterson*, A T Wilson AM PSM RFD, F Matons OAM*, P J Byrne OAM*, H Heslop JP, M L Johns*, M S Brown JP, D Lewien, J McKay (Resigned Nov 2010), G Keating (Appointed Nov 2010) Mrs A Pahl *(Retired July 2010)

Victorian Branch Corporate Plan 2008 2015

Vision Statement
In 2015, the Victorian Branch of the Returned & Services League will continue to be the most relevant ex-service organisation in the State having broadened our membership and enhanced our profile and appeal in the community.

nsure that our veterans and their dependants and all our members E have ready access to Welfare and Pensions Services acilitate high quality aged care and accommodation for those F members in need of such consideration Maintain appropriate commemorative activities Maximize availability and use of technology and resources urther develop appropriate strategies incorporating best practice F to achieve: a. Broadening and growth of our membership b. nhancement of our image/relevance and appeal to the wider E community Ensure the RSLs integrity Embrace other ex-Service Organisations Foster Pride in Australia and Loyalty to our Nation Engage the Youth of the State in the Affairs of the League Develop Effective Communication Strategies oster and enhance Working Relationships between the State F Branch and Sub-Branches Lead our Sub-Branches to Superior Performance Encourage Good Comradeship

Mission Statement
To support the well being and betterment of our members, (former and other serving and ex-serving men and women of the ADF), and their dependants, with the provision of welfare and commemorative services and, where appropriate, contribute to worthy needs within the broader community.

Front & Back Cover: Shrine of Remembrance, David Grant from John Brown Photography services

RSL Victorian Branch State Executive Message from the State President Chief Executive Officers Notes Reports Veteran Welfare & Entitlement Support Aged & Health Support Veterans Affairs, Welfare & Aged Care Coordinating Committee Membership of the League Appeals in 2010 Memorials & Commemorations Property Committee Youth & Community RSL Licensed Sub-Branches Association Activities of the League Kindred Organisations & Unit Associations Committee Storywriting & Arts Competition Mufti Sporting Associations RSL Womens Council ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day 2010 State RSL Annual Remembrance Service Springvale 2010 State & National Conferences 2010 State Conference 2010 National Congress Commemoration Ceremonies

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Personnel Vale State Executive Sub-Branch Membership Awards Sub-Branch Reports State Honorary Treasurers Report Financial Statements

RSL Victorian Branch State Executive

2010/2011 State Executive Members left to right: Seated: Anne Pahl, George McL Logan RFD, Michael Annett CSC, MajGen David McLachlan AO, Dr Robert Webster, John Cullen OAM Standing: Tony Wilson AM PSM RFD RAN (Rtd), David Lewien, Graham Keating, R Neil Slaughter, Harold Heslop JP, Keith Rossi AM OBE RFD ED, Mark Brown Absent: Mark Sherlock (Inset)

Message from the State President

Major General David McLachlan AO

2010 certainly presented its challenges. One can never ceased to be amazed at the achievements of our Branch and Sub-Branches in continuing to provide support to our members and indeed the wider community, particularly in regional Victoria. While we speak of members, the League makes no distinction when it comes to the serving and ex-service men and women of the Australian Defence Force who are in need, be it for welfare or advocacy support in pursuit of entitlements and thats how it should be. In the pages that follow in this Report is exacting detail of the work undertaken by the various sections of the Headquarters and indeed some of our Sub-Branches. I encourage you to read these reports as they provide a significant insight into what we are all about. With that in mind, you will see that we continue to maintain a very positive focus on our core business of welfare and the support of those who serve and have served and the commemoration of the brave deeds of men and women in the defence of our country. To this end, the Community Benefit Statement for 2010, issued separately to this Annual Report, will show that throughout the year we had working in the Branch and in our Sub-Branches some 7,700 volunteers who provided 1,114,032 volunteer hours of support and assistance to both the ex-service and wider community in pursuit of the objects of the League. Our volunteers are the life blood of the RSL and ensure that we remain both connected with and supported by the wider community. Our Aged & Health Support Department works diligently to ensure that our volunteers are well informed in undertaking their roles, whether that be in relation to the dissemination of new legislation that may impact on them or relevant to heightening the public image of the RSL as a volunteering organisation. During 2010, over $250,000 was provided to the education of and assistance to the young; $1,170,000 to sporting clubs and the maintenance of sporting facilities within Sub-Branches; and a further $990,000 in welfare and support services. This is an incredible outcome which can only be applauded. Despite the economic environment, the Victorian public very generously supported both our appeals this year. The ANZAC Appeal saw an increase of over $207,000 on that of 2009 and the Poppy Appeal an increase of over $242,000 based on the previous year. These results are outstanding and we are ever grateful to the community and the many volunteers from within the League and the other external corporations and agencies that support us in this very important aspect of our work. The proceeds of both appeals are Patriotic Funds and are used for those purposes. Membership continues to grow despite the loss of some from that wonderful band of World War II veterans. However, there are still many in the community that we need to attract, both those who have served and/or serving and those that fit into the Affiliate categories. Several programs were conducted throughout the year

to assist in meeting our recruiting targets and, in the main, they have been successful as can be seen from the figures contained in this Report. Our membership holds up well, with Affiliate membership now almost on par with that of our Service membership. We must be thankful for the support provided by Affiliates as they undertake more and more of the Committee and commemoration roles within our Sub-Branches. Financially the Branch has done well again with a surplus of $353,902 being achieved in the Administration Account for Vic Branch. This is a continuation of our desire to provide a sound financial footing for future years. New arrangements post August 2012 for our Licensed SubBranches were codified with the decision to go with the gaming service provider TGS made by those Sub-Branches in June. All SubBranches within the network, with the exception of one, signed up to this arrangement and it is a tribute to the strength of the network that the arrangements accepted could be put in place. While some may believe that they could have perhaps done better had they gone out on their own, it was the network coming together to look after the smaller Sub-Branches that was incredibly important. As State President I congratulate the network on this decision. 2011 will present many challenges as we come to grips with various changes that are occurring in the environment in which we operate. There will be some Sub-Branches that will need our assistance to continue their operations to August 2012. There will be others that will need to merge or indeed close. ANZAC House is very aware of those situations and will work closely with affected Sub-Branches to ensure the best outcome, not only for themselves but for the League as a whole within the State of Victoria. Some of our more traditional Sub-Branches will have difficulty through declining membership because of the passing of our World War II veterans and we will work with them to ensure the continuation of the great work that they and their forefathers have done. I know that we at ANZAC House look forward to the challenges of 2011 and we ask you to work with us to overcome them. May I, on your behalf , thank all of the staff at ANZAC House, both paid and voluntary, for the great work that they have done throughout the year in support of our extensive network of SubBranches and thank you for the support that you provide to us at ANZAC House in achieving our objectives. To my personal staff, I say a sincere thank you to Rosemary and Elizabeth. I particularly thank Louise for her support and help in this role.

ANZAC House Staff and Volunteers 2011 left to right: Seated: Mark Johnson, Jeff Jackson OAM, Michael Annett CSC, David McLachlan AO, Brian Cairns, Wendy Bateman Standing: Ian Ward OAM, Geraldine Goodlet, Elizabeth Weir, Bill Mountford, Lilian Ly, Peter Smith OAM, Rosemary Kennedy, Liz Guthrie, Tony Ruddell, Jude Beshears, Bernard Churchill, Luke Gilholme, Julie Murphy, Penny Dixon, Linda Mancuso, Sharen Peart, Bryan Arendse, Penny Gressieux, Bruce Errol, Sue Nicholson, Elizabeth Mansfield Absent: Wayne Bell, Robert Buchanan, Diana David, Erica DLasselle, Bob Greig, John Hanlon, Graham Marty, Steve Nativo, Mark Sherlock, Bruce Turner, Linda Yemm

Chief Executive Officers Notes

Colonel Michael Annett CSC

2010 has been a year of continued achievement in the delivery of our welfare and veteran services and we continue to enjoy strong support from the public for our commemorative and educational objectives. At the same time we have continued to implement many of the changes identified in 2008|2009 to meet future challenges structural, demographic and commercial. The Branch Corporate Plan continues to guide this longer term focus and activity through till 2015. VETERANS AND DEPENDANT SUPPORT SERVICES We continue to be well served by Jeff Jackson and his team of professional advocates who assist veterans and dependants throughout the State with DVA related claims and entitlements. Jeff also works very closely with our Aged and Health Support team at ANZAC House and mentors our volunteer pensions and welfare officers in Sub-Branches. The TIP trained personnel here, and in the Veteran Centres that are run as a partnership between the RSL and VVAA, are always in a position to refer cases of need back to Jeff at ANZAC House if extra resources are required to assist. Jeff provides expert support to the State President in his representation of the Branch at NVAC and we continue to find new areas where the knowledge and assistance of Jeff and his team is required. One example is the continued development of an RSL presence on Defence bases with HMAS Cerberus and Puckapunyal being established or approved in 2010. This adds to our existing strong profile at RAAF East Sale and Bandiana. Jeff has continued to oversight the operation of the Bushfire Relief Fund which we established immediately after the Black Saturday fires to assist RSL members, staff and family affected. We received wonderful support from other State Branches and also many Sub-Branches nationwide and well over $100,000 had been provided in assistance by the end of 2010. The Branch returned unused funds to those Branches and Sub-Branches that requested this once we consulted with them and the residual will be used for other RSL emergency relief, both within Victoria and for sister Branches. As 2010 drew to a close we were ironically now providing flood relief payments! The introduction of e-learning modules for MRCA will also enable our RSL Advocates and many of our volunteer pension officers to get the skills they need to support our younger veterans. The Aged and Health Support team continues to do great work under the pro-active leadership of Wendy Bateman, who provides a strong voice on the many representative bodies on aged care and wellness that the RSL has a seat at. In 2010 our Aged Care Co-coordinators or equivalent staff in the employ of larger licensed Sub-Branches, have continued to do fantastic work, mentored and supported by both Wendy and Jeff. Volunteer management in terms of handbooks, protocols, ID cards and the inevitable Government regulation continues to be co-ordinated for our Sub-Branches by ANZAC House. Our dispatch of Christmas Parcels to those in hospital, aged care facilities or at home alone over Christmas gets more popular each year, with many rural and regional Sub-Branches now

involved. The most important part of this is of course the personal visit, delivering the parcel, by someone from a Sub-Branch. Erica DLasselle, Wendys PA, does great work in co-coordinating this effort with over 7,000 parcels being delivered in 2010. Our relationship with Vasey RSL Care also continues to be a constructive and practical one in meeting Veterans needs in terms of aged care accommodation and services, with the Leagues ongoing mission and interests being represented on Vaseys Board of Management by Dr Rob Webster, State Senior Vice President, Philip Fox, Beresford Kind and Brian Flynn. APPEALS Our Appeals underpin much of our commitment to the Veteran community, with resources generously donated by the Victorian public and 2010 was another excellent year with new records being set for both the ANZAC and Poppy|Remembrance Day Appeals. Peter Smith has brought fresh ideas and energy to the role as we knew he would and we promoted our Appeals through Channel 9 and other commercial partners in 2010. Using commercial partners to supplement our older veterans in CBD token|poppy sales was expanded beyond 2009 and was again very successful. A complete revamp of the range with new items such as wrist bands and decals to appeal to a younger demographic, has been progressively implemented in 2010 and we will further develop the synergies between marketing our Appeals and also promoting the Leagues work more broadly. Peter is wonderfully supported by his small team of Penny and Bob, but equally the Branch relies on our huge army of volunteer sellers who do a fantastic job year in and year out. This group is ageing and dwindling with each passing year and one of our major challenges remains finding new volunteer sellers and appropriate alternatives. PROPERTY, COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL AFFAIRS Our financial affairs remain well managed through the efforts of the Chief Financial Officer Mark Sherlock and his staff. In Victoria the stewardship of Patriotic Funds, both Building and Welfare is actively reviewed and checked by State Branch, who ensure SubBranches are in accord with the Veterans Act. Bernard Churchill has continued to develop our Property and Legal support to SubBranches and Rob Gay in his new role as Financial Manager has provided an invaluable service in forensic accounting and general audit support to many Sub-Branches with difficult or complex financial problems through 2010. Bryan Arendse continues to provide rigour and oversight to both the Patriotic Funds area and the application and processing cycle of Government Grants and has been joined in late 2010 by Tony Ruddell whose accounting and teaching skills will be developed in 2011 to provide a proactive approach from the Branch to support Sub-Branches in their Funds Management. In 2010 the Branch staff worked closely with PKF, who were providing management consultancy to the National

Headquarters, in identifying a hitherto untapped source of Volunteer Support Grants for our smaller traditional Sub-Branches. Many Sub-Branches across the nation benefitted from this and a total of 42 Sub-Branches in Victoria received grants and we hope to see this programme continue in 2011 with Branch assistance to the network in making applications. The Branch staff actively assist Sub-Branches, especially those Licensed Sub-Branches with commercial activities, in their financial management and during 2010 the need for a pro-active approach in regard to this has become even more evident. We have also welcomed to the team Luke Gilholme, with extensive commercial and gaming experience in the club industry, both in Australia and overseas, and Luke is now providing accurate and real time performance data to all our Licensed Sub-Branches to assist them in pre-empting cash flow issues and making sound management and operational decisions. The Quality Assurance programme, overseen by Dennis Everitt, ensures that we certify and quantify the very significant Veteran and broader community support that flows from the commercial activity of our Licensed Sub-Branches. This data provides a powerful argument for the Branch in dealings with Government, especially in the context of Licensed Gaming. A small number of our Licensed Sub-Branches have continued to have significant cash flow, liquidity or commercial operational viability issues. In the main this has stemmed from a lack of relevant skills on committees or a systemic problem between management and the committee, often exacerbated in 2010 by reduced patronage and cash flow and the demands of preparing for 2012 licensed gaming changes. One of our major challenges for the future is ensuring the right skills are present on committees and they work effectively with the manager in allowing him to get the business right in operational matters. This has been reflected in changes to Bylaw 11, the Corporate Governance guidance for Licensed Sub-Branches, which has given greater guidance and direction in the responsibilities of Committees, the interaction between the Committee and management|staff, and the core obligations of Sub-Branch activity in supporting the Veteran community. PROJECT 2012 In 2010 the Branch commercial and financial team worked hard on preparing the Licensed Sub-Branch network for the changes to gaming arrangements in 2012. There were very significant meetings in the first half of 2010 by both the 2012 Steering Committee and the whole LSBA network to consider the options and factors involved in going with one provider or another an enormous amount of planning, negotiation and consultation by Mark Johnson and Mark Sherlock, in support of the State President went into this. An outcome which promises to be an extremely positive one for the whole network, and for the future of the Branch as a whole was signed off by the LSBA Sub-Branches on 30th June 2010 which sees us partnering with TabCorp Gaming Services (TGS) for ten years from 2012 with a significant revamp of Licensed Sub-Branch gaming areas as part of the transition period leading into August 2012. Mark Johnson also oversighted the RSL Victorian Branch submission to the 2012 Productivity Commission Inquiry and Report into Gaming which gave us important profile as best practice operators in this area and much insight into future trends in the industry. The

fact that our commercial operations are simply a means to an end and revenue which is generated responsibly ultimately goes back to members and the community is well understood and we are confident TGS and the Government regulatory bodies will in their respective domains support the League in making this strategic decision a success in Victoria. Brian Cairns, as the Licensed Sub-Branch Executive Officer|Chief Operations Officer has focused on monitoring and enhancing the operational and commercial performance of all our Licensed Sub-Branches. Mark Johnson has kept the network updated and prepared the ground work for moving to new arrangements which promise greater autonomy for our network and sustainable viability beyond 2012. In the latter part of 2010, after the 30th June decision, the senior Finance and Commercial staff conducted, with the State President, a review with every Licensed Sub-Branch as part of an extensive strategic analysis of what each Sub-Branch needs in terms of transitioning to the 2012 arrangement and beyond. This was a central part of the Branch supporting the LSB network as we approach 2012 and builds on the work done with Sub-Branches in 2009 on financing gaming machine entitlements. John Mackay and his successor Graham Keating as Chairmen of the Licensed Sub-Branch Association have worked closely with Mark Johnson, Mark Sherlock and Brian Cairns on these issues. The Association continues to act as a cohesive body to assist all members of the group operationally and to recognise Sub-Branch and individual achievement through the Hall of Fame awards, which were presented at a Gala Dinner at the Melbourne Town Hall in November marking the 10th Anniversary of the Awards and this was wonderfully organised by Liz Guthrie, our Marketing and Events Manager. Some of the notable winners this year at a splendid evening were Greensborough, Bairnsdale, Seaford and Morwell Sub-Branches. The focus on volunteers and meeting our welfare objective was again to the fore and this was also reflected in the fourth edition of our Community Benefits statement telling of the work of Sub-Branches and individuals in delivering over one million volunteer hours in support of the Leagues objectives across Victoria in the past year. MEMBERSHIP The membership focus for 2010 has remained on building Service member numbers, culminating in an incentive campaign to retain existing members and attract new ones and the successful launch of the online RSL Defence Sub-Branch, a national initiative to gain more serving ADF members, and administered by the Victorian Branch. The Ambassador Discount Scheme has resulted in many new members and importantly a significant number of previously social members becoming Affiliates. As Affiliates their direct financial support of the Branch is welcomed, as well as their ability to serve on Sub-Branch Committees and other important League forums and committees. The synergies between boosted member numbers and the lifeblood of volunteers for appeals work, together with the links between marketing our appeal work and recruiting opportunities, has seen Peter Smith take Membership under his supervision, though the CEO remains involved, especially through his National role in chairing the Membership and Marketing Forum. We also welcomed Sharen Peart to the team this year, who with her extensive Army personnel management background now has

the administration of the Defence Sub-Branch as a key priority. Elizabeth Mansfield has provided excellent part time support to Geraldine Goodlet in dealing with the normal high tempo of the department, especially in the period immediately after Steve Partridges departure, who retired with our best wishes to be closer to family in Queensland. The distribution of a completely re-written Membership Handbook with guidance for Sub-Branch Membership Officers at the start of 2010 also stimulated Sub-Branches to try new methods of attracting younger members and our first Branch Open Day in February 2010 will certainly be conducted again in 2011; not just from a membership recruiting perspective, but also to raise local communities awareness of the work of the League and the profile of their local Sub-Branch. WOMENS AUXILIARIES Our Womens Council and the 99 Auxiliaries across the State have had a successful and progressive year with a well attended Annual Conference which had a focus on fellowship and shared endeavour and built on the reforms approved last year. The results achieved by the Auxiliaries in support of their respective Sub-Branches continue to give great support to the League. At the State level the decision of the Council to make a donation for the Comfort Packs that the RSL at the National level now sends to seriously wounded soldiers while in hospital overseas, is a wonderful gesture and a real indication of the ongoing relevance and importance of our Auxiliaries in the RSLs mission. ANZAC HOUSE VOLUNTEERS Our Librarian Fred Pratt has done a great job in 2010 continuing to archive and catalogue our valuable primary source collection of papers, letters and photographs and making the space available in the collection area for a research|reading annex. His re-cataloguing and filing has put our collection on a sound basis for the future and his support to the State President in his work with the Blamey Trust is also very important. Keith Rossi our Branch Historian continues to provide invaluable insight and knowledge to so many enquiries seeking help with research and family stories, especially from the Second World War, and Chris Handley ensures our medal collection is well managed and he assists with medal mounting, replacements and other queries on related matters. We continue to work on developing more assistance and guidance to Sub-Branches with their memorabilia collections and in 2010 we have gained another very capable volunteer to assist in this area with Hugh Morrison. Our initial Veterans Heritage Workshop, conducted as a result of increasing support from the Victorian Governments Veteran Unit and Museums Victoria, promises a range of expertise and technical

support we can further develop and provide in 2011. Bruce Shelton and Rob Ferguson continue to provide good support in the weapons collections area to our Sub-Branch network. We also host a large number of other Ex-Service Organisations at ANZAC House for their meetings and gatherings and Steve Nativo supports all this activity in his usual quiet and effective style. Two great examples of our delivery of RSL community objectives during the year remain in our Cadet Achievement Awards and our Branch wide sponsorship of needy children at a Portsea Summer Camp. The Cadet services each identify their most outstanding Cadet and they are then formally recognised in the presence of the State Governor at our Remembrance Day Reception. The event is a great thrill for the young people involved and the Cadet staff and parents who attend. A further selection interview with the State President sees one of the three awarded a berth on the Young Endeavour training ship and the others are offered the opportunity to attend a leadership and teamwork activity week at the Lord Somers Camp on the Mornington Peninsula. This year 79 children from around the State, from generally disadvantaged or needy backgrounds have been sponsored by local Sub-Branches to attend a summer holiday camp at Portsea. This is a great opportunity to promote the role of the RSL as a vital part of local communities and strengthen the existing links with schools and youth groups around the State and has been added to the portfolio of responsibilities for the RSL Youth and Community Sub-Committee chaired by David Lewien. However the day to day co-ordination of this activity falls to Julie Lindsay our front entrance receptionist and she has done a wonderful job in her first year in this role. We farewelled Annie Waugh, after many years of loyal service in a variety of roles at ANZAC House. We will all miss her bright and cheery manner but expect to see her back from time to time, working her wizardry in the kitchen for special functions. The Victorian Branch looks forward to 2011 with confidence, having made some important strategic decisions about our future in a cohesive and League minded way, and also successfully supported, on behalf of the League nationally, some very important initiatives. We continue as a Branch to maintain our core welfare, commemorative and educational objectives in a contemporary and innovative fashion. I would like to thank all the State Branch Staff for their professionalism and unstinting commitment to the League and its objectives in 2010 and also pay tribute to the many volunteers who work at ANZAC House as they are an integral part of what we deliver and achieve. They remain a great inspiration and reflect the bedrock of the RSLs values and capacity.

Veterans Welfare & Entitlement Support
Manager: Jeff Jackson

Well another year has come and gone. It was a busy year for the State Branch in terms of Pension and Welfare support to the exservice community throughout Victoria. In terms of assistance the State Branch received in excess of 250 individual requests for support or assistance throughout 2010. The State Branch through its General Appeals Patriotic Trust Fund provided in excess of $350,000.00 grants-of-aid to members of the ex-service community in Victoria. In 2009 that figure was $296,541.71. The requests for support or assistance were many and varied but one thing is becoming quite obvious; it is getting tougher for older veterans and widows who are on a fixed income (aged pension) to meet their financial commitments. With the cost of living escalating from year to year due to increases in energy bills and increases to basic food items, many older Australians are battling. At the other end of the scale we have a number of applicants who have requested support or assistance in the past year who are recent members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and who have been discharged because of difficulties associated with their service. Most of the applicants are restricted from engaging in any form of remunerative employment at the present time. In the majority of cases they are young and have one or more dependants. In the majority of these cases the member is placed on what is termed incapacity benefits. Incapacity benefits are payments for economic loss due to the inability because of injury or disease that has been accepted as service related under the Military Rehabilitation & Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA). These payments are at least something, but dont go too far when you have a young family to support. It is through the kind generosity of the Victorian public who continually give to the two RSL appeals conducted in Victoria each year that we can continue to deliver services to all those former serving members of the ADF who are now experiencing financial hardship or distress. The support or assistance provided to members of the ex-service community and their families by the State Branch is conducted in a caring, non-judgmental and confidential manner. On behalf of the State President and Chief Executive Officer of the Victorian State Branch, I would like to thank all those hard-working and dedicated volunteer welfare and pensions officers throughout the RSL network in Victoria who have given and continue to give freely of their time and energy to assist those in the ex-service community who are in need. Volunteers are the backbone of the RSL. I would also like to take this opportunity to say thank-you to our brother and sister ex-service organizations throughout Victoria for their friendship and co-operative support in providing help to members of the ex-service community throughout 2010. Long may our relationship prosper.

COMPENSATION - ADVOCACY The Victorian State Branch - RSL Advocates/Pension Officers continue to be a vital part of the overall RSL welfare support network throughout Victoria. The assistance provided by the State Branch and Sub-Branch Advocates and Pension Officers is provided free of charge to all members of the ex-service community in Victoria. All Victorian Branch RSL Advocates are Training & Information Program (TIP) trained. They adhere to the TIP Code of Conduct. The Advocates provide advice and/or assistance on compensation matters in relation to the Veterans Entitlements Act 1986[(VEA), Safety & Rehabilitation Compensation Act 1988 (SCRA) as amended by the Military Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 1994 (MCRA) and the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA). The State Branch has three (3) full-time Advocates out-posted in Regional Veterans Centres across Victoria. Bruce Turner who works from the Bayside Regional Veterans Centre in Edithvale; Bruce Errol who works from the Southern Peninsula Veterans Centre at Rosebud, and Wayne Bell who works from the Gippsland Veterans Welfare Centre at Sale. The Victorian State Branch considers it very important that the RSL in Victoria continue to work alongside and support the good work done by the volunteers in the Regional Veterans Centres throughout Victoria. Our Melbourne Office located within the Department of Veterans Affairs in Latrobe Street is staffed by Advocate Bob Buchanan and our Office Administrative Assistant Linda Mancuso. We have recently seen the long awaited release of the Review of Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) - Funded Ex-Service Organization (ESO) Advocacy and Welfare Services Report by the Minister for Veterans Affairs, Warren Snowdon. The Review was instigated by the previous Minister for Veterans Affairs, Alan Griffin. The Review made some 45 recommendations, all of which have been accepted by Minister Snowdon. I encourage all RSL SubBranch Committees, Advocates, Pension and Welfare Officers to read the full review. It can be accessed at www.dva.au/grants. The State Branch is working its way through the recommendations to see what impact it will have in the future. In 2010 the Advocates Office received a total of 257 new appeals arising out of denial of primary claims, mainly under the Veterans Entitlements Act 1986. At the end of December 2010 the Advocates Office held a total of 209 appeals with an average caseload per advocate of just over 50 cases each. During 2010 there were 163 Certificates of Readiness (COR) lodged with the Veterans Review Board. A total of 183 matters were listed for hearing before the Veterans Review Board in 2010. These were mostly in relation to appeals under the Veterans Entitlements Act 1986. The State Branch Advocates dealt with 12 appeals under the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004. During 2010 the Veterans Review Board in Victoria had 13 weeks of no hearings.

There were 50 requests for intervention submitted under s.31 of the Veterans Entitlements Act 1986 (VEA). 44 of those submissions were accepted by the delegate. There were five (5) matters subject to non-intervention with one (1) matter being withdrawn. The State Branch Advocates appeared before the Administrative Appeals Tribunal in Melbourne on a total of seven (7) matters. In regards to primary claims assistance in 2010, the State Branch Advocates provided assistance with the lodgment of 91 primary claims for compensation under the Veterans Entitlements Act 1986, 28 primary claims under the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 and seven (7) primary claims under the Safety and Rehabilitation Compensation Act 1988. One of the big recent initiatives has been to allow ex-service practitioners onto Defence bases in Victoria. This project is designed to give greater access for current serving members to obtain advice or assistance in regards to their compensation entitlements. We now have one of our advocates visiting RAAF Base East Sale one (1) day per week. We have a presence onboard HMAS Cerberus.

The Albury/Wodonga Military Area (AWMA) has been well served for many years and continues to be so by the men and women of the Hume Veterans Information Centre. We now have a presence at Puckapunyal Military Area (PMA) one (1) day per week. The State Branch would like to acknowledge the support given by senior military staff and the Defence Community Organization (DCO) in the Puckapunyal Military Area. The ex-service community in Victoria continues to enjoy a very good relationship with the Department of Veterans Affairs office in Victoria. On behalf of all RSL Advocates, Welfare and Pensions Officers throughout the RSL network I would like to thank the Deputy Commissioner and the staff of the Victorian office of the Department of Veterans Affairs for their continuing ongoing support and assistance. I would also like to thank the Registrar and staff of the Veterans Review Board in Melbourne for their co-operation and support throughout 2010. Lastly, I would like to congratulate Anne Pahl on her appointment to the Veterans Review Board as a Services Member. I wish Anne all the best in her new appointment.

Aged & Health Support

Manager: Wendy Bateman

It seems amazing that another year has come to an end. For the Aged & Health Support team 2010 was another very busy and challenging year. Requests for assistance to access aged care services and affordable housing continue to play a major role in our work, although requests to assist our younger veterans continue to rise. As a result of the increase in support required for younger veterans we introduced a new brochure to ensure that veterans of all ages, and their families, knew they could access our services. Our education commitments continued to increase, and we took an active role in the numerous aged care reviews generated by the Commonwealth Government. Jane, Linda and I continue to hold membership on a wide variety of committees and to attend training sessions to increase our knowledge so that we can continue to provide the best support possible to the ex-service community. I would like to take this opportunity to highlight some of the work we undertook in 2010. SUPPORT PROVIDED TO THE EX-SERVICE COMMUNITY You may recall that in 2009 I reported that we had received record number of requests for assistance; 2010 was higher again. With the ageing of our World War II veterans, requests regarding aged care services and health issues continue to be a major component of our work. However, the needs of our younger veterans are more complex than those of our older veterans, which is complicated further by the shortage of available services for younger people with physical disabilities and/or mental illnesses. The need to, and ability to support our younger veterans is possibly the biggest area of challenge that we have faced over the past couple of years, and unfortunately it is an area that will most likely continue to be in demand in the future. Of course the increased numbers of younger veterans requesting our assistance is also a positive. Previously younger veterans did not see the unit as necessarily appropriate, ie AGED & Health Support; however we are now receiving more requests from Sub-Branches, Ex-Service Organisations and Government Departments to provide assistance for this younger cohort. The continued growth in requests for education has resulted in the need for advanced bookings. While the interest for veteran specific education is very satisfying, it is sometimes difficult to juggle the schedule to accommodate them all. Sessions delivered in relation to veteran specific education were provided to aged care providers, both residential and community care providers, allied health professionals, and Aged Care Assessment Teams, and of course we continue to present at regular events such as DVA Aged Care Forums and aged care expos. The provision of veteran specific aged care information to care staff has always been a high priority for Aged & Health Support. While we receive many requests for education from aged care providers our difficulty was in getting the message to new staff coming into

the industry. As such our new venture in 2010 with Holmesglen TAFE and Vasey RSL Care have assisted us to provide new aged care staff with veteran specific knowledge before they commence in their roles. Education provided to Holmesglen TAFE included veteran specific information sessions as part of Certificate III courses for aged care students, and also for students completing courses for HACC (Home and Community Care) services. Mid 2010 we commenced a schedule of education with Vasey RSL Care providing veteran specific information to new staff during orientation days, and providing updates for current staff and managers. Following numerous requests for information from individuals, another area that we now provide education is in relation to Powers of Attorney. In March 2010, Linda attended a pilot training course offered through the Office of the Public Advocate. This training offered us an opportunity to spread this very important message to the ex-service community. Linda has received many requests from Sub-Branches and Day Clubs for presentations on this topic. Fortunately the Office of the Public Advocate are running more training courses in 2011 and Jane and I will also undertake the training to meet this growing need. Another area that kept us very busy in 2010 was the numerous Aged Care Inquiries that were underway. Aged & Health Support was heavily involved with the formulation of written submissions from National RSL. The inquiries started with a Senate Inquiry regarding access to planning options and services for people with a disability, then concluded with two Productivity Commission Inquiries, one in relation to disability care and support and the other in relation to caring for older Australians. Towards the end of 2010 consultations were being conducted with interested parties in relation to the National Carer Strategy, Enhanced Prudential/Regulation of Aged Care Bonds, and the Development of a new front end for aged care. Again Aged & Health Support were heavily involved in the consultations ensuring that the needs of the ex-service community were represented. Our involvement with written submissions and attending consultations, along with membership of national aged care groups ensures that we can use our expertise, experience and knowledge to try to influence governmental decisions for the benefit of the exservice community. VOLUNTEERS Where would we be without our wonderful team of volunteers? The Home & Hospital Visiting program continues to be strong across the State. An analysis of the home and hospital visits undertaken by Sub-Branches tells us that we have the same number of volunteers visiting a greater number of people and travelling greater distances to do so. In particular, we can see that volunteers are visiting more and more people living in residential aged care facilities than they have at any other time. We can expect this trend to continue as people age and require greater levels of care in the future.

Jane, Linda and I were also kept occupied undertaking Hospital visits in 2010, conducting visits to St Vincents (Private and Public), Mercy Private, Epworth Richmond, the Alfred, the Royal Freemasons, the Royal Melbourne, and the Melbourne Clinic. While we only conduct these visits on request, 2010 was an extremely busy year with high numbers of requests being received each month. Jane has been kept busy again in 2010 developing new education sessions, including a new training package for volunteers in relation to Elder Abuse and Leadership. The elder abuse training presents information to Welfare Officers and Home & Hospital Visitors regarding what elder abuse is, the different types of elder abuse, why people experience elder abuse, and how to support people living with elder abuse. Jane was also invited to present at Volunteering Australias biannual conference held here in Melbourne. Jane presented a paper covering social inclusion and how the RSL translates this concept into its every day volunteering practice. The paper was well received and achieved the added benefit of promoting the RSL and its welfare mission and activities. And Im sure you will be all happy to know that Jane successfully completed her Diploma of Business (Volunteer Management). The RSL Christmas parcels were again a great success with 2010 breaking another record for the number of parcels ordered; 7,950 parcels were packed and distributed to the RSL Sub-Branches for delivery to those individuals they support who live alone in the community, in residential aged care, or are laid up in hospital. As usual, Erica spent many months sourcing the RSL Christmas gifts and did a sensational job. While Janes expertise in volunteer management supported the great success of the project, this venture can never be realised without the tireless efforts of our volunteers. For the first time since the inception of the project, 18 volunteers from the community joined the RSL volunteers to pack the parcels. Community volunteers were recruited via the new statewide web portal set up by the Victorian Department for Planning

& Community Development (DPCD). Existing RSL volunteers were asked to buddy with and mentor community volunteers and it is hoped that those who participated in the project will continue to volunteer with the RSL into the future. AGED CARE COORDINATORS AND WELFARE COORDINATORS In undertaking our support of Sub-Branches and individuals from the ex-service community, we are greatly assisted by the invaluable RSL Aged Care Coordinators. The five Aged Care Coordinators, Heather Hockley (Warrnambool), Maree Jane (Geelong), Lynne Redman (Ballarat), Sharon Armstrong (Watsonia), and Kevin Spooner (Rosebud) continue to provide substantial support to the veteran community, assisting with a wide range of issues/ concerns. We are also fortunate that there are a number of SubBranches with paid Welfare Coordinators who we can always rely on to assist individuals in their area. So a special thanks to the Aged Care Coordinators, Welfare Coordinators and all our extraordinary volunteer Welfare Officers whose special contributions benefit so many in the ex-service community. APPRECIATION In closing I would like to send a few messages of appreciation. Firstly, a big thank you to Anne Pahl and Jeff Jackson for their unwavering support, assistance and friendship throughout the year. To the members and observers of VAWACCC, your ongoing commitment and hard work continues unabated and is so valuable in assisting us in our duties. A special thank you to the Sub-Branches and all the representatives whose work often goes unheralded but never unappreciated. And finally, to Jane, Linda and Erica, a wonderful team to work with. I sincerely appreciate the professional way you approach your roles, and your commitment to ensuring that everything we do in Aged & Health Support is to the benefit of the ex-service community.


Veterans Affairs, Welfare & Aged Care Coordinating Committee

Chair: Anne Pahl

2010 has been a very busy and productive year for the Veterans Affairs Welfare and Aged Care Coordinating Committee (VAWACCC). For the past 12 months, VAWACCC has meet regularly and has been responsible for providing monthly reports to all State Executive meetings, regarding issues concerning welfare, pensions and aged care for all members of the ex-service community across all the regions. During 2010 membership of this Committee has expanded to include new regions and their observers. Some of these members travel great distances to come to each meeting and it is always a pleasure to see such dedication and enthusiasm ensuring that we provide a 2 way communication between what is taking place within the regions and ANZAC House. At every VAWACCC meeting, regular agenda items regarding topics relating to aged care, volunteer support, health issues and new initiatives concerning male and female members of the ex-service community, pension, welfare and compensation entitlements and young veterans matters are always discussed. Members are well informed of upcoming National and State veteran meetings/ information/education sessions promoted by the RSL, DVA, VVCS, and other Ex-service organisations or community disability groups. It is vital that we all continue to support information programs/sessions as it will only better equip us with the necessary skills and knowledge when working in assisting with welfare for all our veterans.

As Chairman of VAWACCC, I would like to acknowledge the excellent assistance I receive from Ms Wendy Bateman, the Aged and Health Support team and Mr Jeff Jackson, VIC RSL Veterans Welfare and Entitlements Support Officer. Throughout the year, both Jeffs and Wendys departments have regularly provided members of VAWACCC with current information and important material regarding DVA policies, better ways in which we all can support our veterans. I would like to personally say a huge thank you to Jeff, Wendy, Jane, Linda and Erica for their tireless dedication, hard work, enthusiasm, assistance and friendship on making VAWACCC such a pleasure to chair. Finally, in keeping with the mission of the RSL Victorian Branch, the VAWACCC Committees highest priority will always be the welfare and the betterment of our serving men and women of the ADF, our ex-service men and women and their dependants. The help provided by Jeff and Wendys team, brought together by this committee regularly meeting, provides a very strong support base in its delivery of welfare to all Regions, Licensed Sub-Branches and to our traditional ones. VAWACCC members will now be looking forward to another busy year ahead, where we will always look forward at ways of improving our core business within the RSL network and the ex-service community.


Membership of the League

Chair: Mark Brown

Once again membership of the Victorian Branch has been very active and a lot of hard work by our dedicated membership staff has been both rewarding to the Branch and to the Sub-Branches themselves. Welcoming our newest staff member Sharen Peart, who came to us after retiring from an extensive administrative military career. As announced in last years report, the concept of an online National Defence Sub-Branch was successfully launched, by the National RSL President and the Vice CDF. It is pleasing to state that this concept has been taken up and we have approx 2,500 members to date. By request of National, the Victorian Branch has assumed the responsibility to administer this OnlineSub-Branch and website.

The concept of an RSL Open Day last year was tried and by all reports it was a success, once again this year combined with the LSBA, it is planned to be held State wide on 26th March 2011. Sub-Branches also received a new Membership Handbook to assist them in recruiting and retention and it also includes the revised National Membership By Law. This combined with a renewed force in the Regional Forum on looking at collective recruiting opportunity will help every Sub-Branch keep member numbers healthy.

Membership 2010
Service Membership Life Member/Subscriber Affiliate Members Affiliate Life Subscribers Total

Service Members

Life Members/Subscribers


Affiliate Members


Membership 2007-2009

2009 32,795

2008 33,587

2007 34,537

2009 1,655

2008 1,683

2007 1,956

2009 29,573

2008 22,862

2007 25,365

2009 64,093

2008 62,132

2007 61,858

Also the Victorian Sub-Branches have registered on Clubs Online: Social Members 47,332; and Community Members 1,102. So as can be seen the Membership of the Victorian Branch is healthy, but having said this it is still up to individual Sub-Branches and their members to actively recruit new members into the League.

Also paying particular attention to the State policy of Reciprocal Rights to all members, who visit Sub-Branches, is a fine way of fostering membership and the recruiting of new members within the state, and nationally, where I believe Victoria leads the way.


Appeals in 2010
Director: Peter Smith OAM

Once again the cause of veteran welfare has been generously supported by the Victorian donating public with both Appeals setting new records in 2010. A feature of 2010 was to consolidate and further develop the strategies for the Appeals. This effort is very much work in progress and will continue to guide the work of the Appeals Department through the coming years. In 2010 we sought to increase the overall awareness of the RSLs Appeals and to support the work done at the Sub-Branches. On the awareness front, we have increased the amount of exposure in TV, radio and print media without resorting to paid advertising. We are now equipped with two evocative Community Service Announcements (CSA) which were screened over the Channel Nine and Win networks as well as having a radio version on that medium Statewide. We secured some very good photo exposure in the mainstream newspapers and a lot of effort was directed at getting local stories in local newspapers. Thanks go to Sharon Hobart (Marketing and Communications), Diane Falzon (Publicity), The Campaign Palace (creation and production of the CSA) and Channel Nine for their hard work and generosity.

The new CSA for the ANZAC Appeal was aired in the lead up to ANZAC Day and was very well received. Thanks go to all those involved in the making of this important and moving message. POPPY APPEAL 2010 The 2010 Poppy Appeal was very well supported and yet another record was broken with the total amount raised reaching and exceeding the $2,000,000 mark for the first time. The final amount raised was $2,070,198.34. This represents a year on year increase of more than 13%, an outstanding result in any circumstances. The very moving Community Service Announcement which was broadcast for the first time during the 2009 Poppy Appeal was aired again in the 2010 campaign and was very well received. The Poppy Dress was also used again and proved to be very popular.

Eloise Webster A series of Appeals forums were conducted which enabled Subhands poppies Branches to meet and discuss issues of common interest. Forums to her father, were conducted in Melbourne at ANZAC House, Box Hill and State Senior Frankston while another was conducted regionally in Geelong. Vice President, These forums will continue in 2011, especially in regional areas. Dr Robert Webster at the Shrine of ANZAC APPEAL 2010 Remembrance The 2010 ANZAC Appeal set another record with $2,811,937.27 being raised, the vast majority of which was raised by the SubBranches through the wonderful work of the volunteers. Well done to all involved in this magnificent achievement. A special feature of ANZAC Appeal 2010 was the introduction of a new range of backing cards for the ANZAC badges which depicted images of contemporary men and women of the Australian Defence Force on operations. The new range also included a more stylised version of the iconic Rising Sun badge for the $10 and $20 badges. An enhanced $3 wristband as well as new stickers and temporary tattoos for the younger generation also proved popular. Selling ANZAC badges in the streets of the Melbourne CBD on our allocated day and also at the MCG for the Essendon vs Collingwood AFL match was also very successful and thanks must go to the Sub-Branches which participate in the City Selling Day and the volunteers who sell at the MCG including the Watsonia, Greensborough, Bentleigh, and Footscray Sub-Branches, sailors from HMAS Cerberus, students from Carey Grammar and ANZAC House staff. APPRECIATION It is appropriate that I thank the many people who in 2010 did so much to make the Appeals so successful. I thank: he members of the State Executive who have endorsed and t continue to support our marketing strategies our Sub-Branch Appeals Officers and their teams ub-Branch committees and staff for their support of the S Appeals effort ur wonderful Appeals volunteers without whom we would o be lost taff at ANZAC House, many of whom give freely of their time s to assist the Appeals effort throughout the year I must also acknowledge the work done by my colleagues in the Appeals Department at ANZAC House: Penny Gressieux Appeals Administration Bob Greig, RFD, ED Appeals Logistics


Memorials & Commemorations

Chair: Harold Heslop JP

We have quite a bit of activity in process at the moment. A new development at Laurimar in Doreen is one example, the developers were interested in including a monument in their design. We have had a request from Golden Plains Shire Council to provide them with Commemorative dates so that they can schedule their maintenance and upgrading activities so as to not interfere with these dates. Ringwood clock tower precinct was one of much concern to us, but thanks to the Sub-Branchs intervention and a change of Government things are on hold at the moment. Shepparton are in the process of erecting a memorial in honour of Sir Murray Bouchier, Commander of the 4th Light Horse Regiment at Beer Sheba. Frankston RSL and Council are investigating the options of relocating the current memorial to cater for the increasing numbers attending commemoration ceremonies, there are too many for the current site and this creates safety issues.

Bacchus Marsh have had a lot of issues with the proposed road realignment affecting the Avenue of Honour and at this time things have been put on hold until the new Government reviews the matter. At our last meeting the matter of informing the community of commemorative events was raised, as most Councils have newsletters circulated regularly, it was resolved that Sub-Branches make use of these to keep the locals informed as well as utilising other media outlets. During the year we unfortunately lost the services of Bruce Hughes who was forced to resign due to ill health, we wish him all the best in the future. Finally I wish to thank all of the Committee for their input and in particular our Secretary, Peter McPhee for his outstanding contribution.

Property Committee
Chair: Tony Wilson AM PSM RFD RAN (Retd)

The Branch Property Committee met 18 times during the year and, amongst other things; made recommendations to State Executive relating to: 24 property improvements to the value of $6M 4 property sales to the value of $1.98M A property purchase of $266k The Property Committee wish to remind Sub-Branches that in order for applications to proceed without delay it is important that the application be lodged with all the required supporting documentation at least one week prior to the date of the Property Committee meeting, the Property Committee usually meets on the first Thursday of each month. Every application must be supported by a copy of the Minutes of a Sub-Branch Committee meeting or Annual General Meeting at which the Sub-Branch approved the application. I succeeded John Cullen as Chairman and chaired my first meeting on 12 August 2010; John remains a member of the Property Committee as Deputy Chairman. Lee Webb (President of Greensborough) replaced Peter McPhee who resigned as a member of the Property Committee and Lee attended his first Property Committee meeting on 12 August 2010.

The other members of the Property Committee are Dr Rob Webster (State Senior Vice President), John Wells, Mark Sherlock (Chief Financial Officer), Rob Gay (Forensic Accountant), Bryan Arendse (Patriotic Funds Liaison Officer), Bernard Churchill (Property & Legal Manager) and Luke Gilholme (Business Analyst). On behalf of the Property Committee members I would like to acknowledge the outstanding efforts of John Cullen during his lengthy period as Chairman of the Property Committee, the Property Committee members are more than pleased that John has agreed to stay on as Deputy Chairman. The Property Committee would also like to thank Peter McPhee for his work as a member of the Property Committee over a number of years and thank Annie Waugh for her work in the Property Department; Annie retired at the end of last year. Finally, I personally acknowledge and thank those members of the Property Committee who are not on staff at ANZAC House who give freely of their time, the Staff of ANZAC House, the State President and the Chief Executive Officer for their ongoing support which is invaluable.


Youth & Community

Chair: David Lewien

The Youth and Community Commitees first task after its structural revamp in July 2010 was to recommend an amendment to the Branch Youth policy document and to also revise its own Terms of Reference. This task was duly completed and endorsed by the State Executive. The Committee also undertook to identify all of the resources available to it to enable future and long term youth project development. A key role for the Committee has been to commence co-ordinating all existing Youth activities that are activated from ANZAC House, this task will be further enhanced during 2011. PORTSEA CAMP 2011 On the 19th January 2011, 79 Sub-Branch sponsored children left home from places as far flung as Port Fairy, Pyramid Hill, Mallacoota and numerous places in-between to travel to Portsea Camp 2011. Thankfully after a week of adventurous activity all were returned home safely to their families. Many Sub-Branches undertook to sponsor children to Portsea Camp for the first time and are to be commended for their efforts and hopefully will consider giving more children this opportunity in 2012. The administration and logistics of making Portsea Camp happen is immense and could not have happened in 2011 without the efforts and dedication of Julie Murphy at ANZAC House, a task well done! A big thank you is also extended to those many SubBranches and the volunteers involved, who undertook to provide meals and accommodation and in some cases transport, children direct to and from Portsea. It is the aim of the Youth Committee to make Portsea Camp 2012 an even more successful activity. This can only be achieved by more Sub-Branches becoming involved and taking ownership of the project in their area. This will ensure that a far greater number of children are given the opportunity to undertake a most rewarding and fulfilling week at Portsea.

RSL (VICTORIA BRANCH) ADF CADET OF THE YEAR 2010 The ADF Service Cadets of the Year were announced at ANZAC House in early November NAVY Cadet Petty Officer KIRSTY REAKS ARMY Cadet Warrant Officer MATTHEW HINES RAAF Cadet Under Officer TOM HOWARD

Cadet Petty Officer KIRSTY REAKS 2010 ADF Cadet of the Year After a further extensive interview (with the State President) Cadet Petty Officer KIRSTY REAKS was named as the 2010 ADF Cadet of the Year. All three Cadets are to be commended for the manner in which during the selection process they represented with distinction their service, their Cadet Units and most importantly themselves. Kirsty undertook her award of an 11 day leadership cruise on the HMAS Young Endeavour in January this year. During this trip Kirsty displayed outstanding leadership skills by being selected by her peers as Youth Captain for the trip. Kirsty has also become a seconded member of the Youth Committee for 2011. SIR BRIAN MURRAY MEMORIAL AWARD 2010 This award is presented to the outstanding graduate from the Navy Officer Engineering Course, conducted at HMAS Cerberus. The 2010 recipient of the award was Midshipman David Tugwell. As the Youth Committee continues to liaise with other agencies and works to develop relevant and lasting beneficial Youth projects during 2011, the Committee also acknowledges the outstanding work being undertaken within most Sub-Branches in Youth development and support in their areas

... Portsea Ca mp, it was the best Ca mp ever and I had the time of my life. I met nice people and the leaders were nice too. My favourite activity was the jet boat ride. It was fast and I loved it. Once again thank you and I definitely recommend the Ca mp to other kids. Chelsea Moore Werribee

RSL Licensed Sub-Branches Association

Chairman: Graham Keating

PROJECT 2012 Another year on and a few additional pieces of the Governments post 2012 gaming model puzzle fell into place during 2010. Whilst the Gambling Licences Review (GLR) grappled with the new legislation the LSBAs focus was firmly on the development of its own gaming model for the RSL Licensed Sub-Branch network in the new gaming regime. The Project 2012 Steering Committee under the direction of the Project Director Mark Johnson continued to evaluate all the options available to the LSBA. A number of the LSBA Forums held in early 2010 also focussed their attention on the proposed Gaming Entitlements Auction whereby the remainder of Victorias gaming machine entitlements not allocated in the Club Pre Auction Allocation would be purchased by Clubs and Hotels. A large number of our Sub-Branch network participated in that auction held on the 10th May 2010 at the Melbourne Convention Centre. At the conclusion of that auction process the LSBA network had secured 3128 gaming machine entitlements for operation in our Sub-Branches post the 2012 era. Whilst the general consensus amongst those Club venues who participated in the auction was that the cost of the entitlements was generally lower than the Club Pre Auction Allocation price there certainly were members of our network who paid significantly higher prices at the auction. There were also a significant number of Sub-Branches who purchased additional gaming machine entitlements at the auction along with a small number who reduced their numbers of gaming machines. With the auction completed the LSBA moved quickly into the next stage of its Project 2012 strategy which was the finalisation of a proposed gaming operations model. A number of final presentations were made to the Project 2012 Steering Committee by various gaming service providers looking to secure our network gaming operations. Following a recommendation from the Project 2012 Steering Committee both the State and LSBA Executives ratified the appointment of TABCORP Gaming Solutions (TGS) as the provider of gaming services to the RSL network in the post 2012 licence period. This TGS proposal was then presented to the LSBA members on the 30th June 2010 at the Sofitel Hotel which also included the 2010 LSBA AGM. Whilst this proved to be a very challenging decision for all of our licensed Sub Branches involved ultimately it was a decision made with the future of the Victorian RSL Sub-Branch network firmly in mind. LSBA NETWORK OPERATIONS During 2010 we were continually challenged in the commercial operations of the Licensed Sub-Branch network. The LSBA in conjunction with State Branch continued to work with a number of Sub-Branches who were experiencing difficulties in a range of areas. The appointment of a number of Management Advisory Groups (MAG) throughout the network in 2010 sought to inject a level of expertise and experience into Sub-Branches requiring that assistance. The LSBA would like to acknowledge the support of those people who provided their time and effort during 2010 to assist those Sub Branches in need. Whilst it was not always an easy task as an

appointed member of a MAG it has been of great benefit to those Sub-Branches requiring this level of support. ADVOCACY The LSBA continued to work closely with the Victorian Government throughout 2010 on a wide range of projects affecting our commercial operations. The LSBA represented the network as a peak body member of the Responsible Gambling Project Reference Group which was overseeing the new Responsible Gambling Codes of Conduct and Self Exclusion Programs. The LSBA also was responsible for the co-ordination of the RSL Code of Conduct review process and subsequent final report to the VCGR. During 2010 the LSBA worked closely with the Department of Justice during the development, launch and introduction of the Venue Support Workers Program as a member of the Project Reference Group. On behalf of the Victorian RSL State Branch the LSBA will continue to represent the best interests of the RSL Licensed Sub-Branch network on a number of peak body industry groups and forums. TRAINING One of the really positive outcomes for 2010 was the work done by the LSBA in the development of the inaugural RSL Diploma of Management. For some years now the LSBA has been endeavouring to introduce an accredited training course specifically aimed at the next group of RSL Sub-Branch management leaders. To finally have that program now in place with 20 enthusiastic students ready to begin their studies in 2011 is a wonderful result for the work that has gone into getting this program off the ground. The LSBA looks forward to developing our new partnership with training provider Franklyn Scholar throughout 2011 and also acknowledges the support of TGS for the sponsorship of this outstanding initiative. The LSBA acknowledges the work put into this program by our Executive Officer along with the assistance of LSBA Training Sub Committee members Rob Morrison and Barry Thompson. COMMUNICATIONS We welcomed the introduction of the LSBA eNews during 2010 which continued our focus on improving communication to our network and the weekly newsletter kept all Sub-Branches up to date on a wide variety of current issues. We also look forward to the introduction in early 2011 of the new and improved SIAG RSL Website which will provide the network with access to a wide range of industrial relations and human resource materials at the simple click of a computer mouse. MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL CAMPAIGN The 2009/2010 Membership Campaign promoted through all SubBranches saw an increase in memberships and assisted to expedite renewal payments. A delighted member from Seaford RSL was the lucky recipient of the prize which was a trip for two travelling on The Ghan to Darwin. Further promotions will be run again in the future renewal periods to increase percentage of renewing members and promote membership to groups unaware of eligibility.


CBS REPORT The third Community Benefits report entitled Serving Your Community was released at the LSBA AGM. This report outlines benefits provided to local communities across the state for the 2008-2009 financial year. Here is a snapshot of information included in the report: 3 0% of the Victorian RSL network increased their volunteer numbers 1.1 million volunteer hours have been provided to the veteran and wider community equating to $22.23 million in volunteered time 1.78 million was donated in financial assistance to non veteran $ related charitable or local organisations along with $1.6 million in-kind support 2% of the LSBA network held or increased their employment 8 levels during the GFC 12.5 million was spent on redevelopments for improved facilities $ for our members 1.9 million was provided in direct grants to the veteran and $ senior community This report has been found to be well received within the network and throughout business and Government. The Annual Community Benefits Report is an invaluable tool in promoting the hard work of the RSL in all areas of the community. OPEN DAY 2010 saw the launch of the inaugural State-wide RSL Open Day in Victoria. Many Sub-Branches all across the state participated with a great response. Radio and newspaper coverage was well received in a number of areas. Additional promotion was sought through direct email to all members on the database plus Tatts assisted with letterbox drops of 5,000 flyers per Tatts Gaming Sub-Branch. Later in the year State Branch participated in another promotional activity the Victorian Seniors Week Opening Festival at Federation Square. This exercise provided a great opportunity to spread the word about membership and volunteering at local RSL SubBranches. Sub-Branches are encouraged to take part in many similar festivals that occur in their local area. GRAND FINAL LUNCHEON 2010 saw the LSBA work once again in conjunction with corporate partners IMG in staging the Annual RSL Grand Final Luncheon. Corporate Partner ANZ Business Banking continued the partnership as the presenting sponsor for the event which was well received and appreciated. Following the move back to the Hilton on the Park a crowd of 420 guests were entertained by AFL greats Tim Watson, Jason Dunstall, Alastair Clarkson, Wayne Schwass, MC Craig Hutchison and comedian Andrew Startin. TELSTRA CONNECTED SENIORS PROGRAM In late 2010 RSL Victoria were awarded with a third consecutive state wide grant to run the Telstra Connected Seniors Program throughout Sub-Branches in Victoria. Telstra Connected Seniors is a program that provides training on how to use mobile phones and the internet. The grant awarded in 2010 commenced late in the year and training will run through 2011. This grant round will focus on the northern Victorian region, aiming to train over 600 members and providing them with the confidence of using this technology.

HALL OF FAME 2010 marked the 10th Anniversary of the LSBA Hall of Fame Gala Dinner. The Melbourne Town Hall was selected as the location for this fantastic celebration of the network. Sub-Branch of the Year was awarded to Greensborough RSL Sub-Branch Inc. and three remarkable people were inducted into the Hall of Fame: John Meehan, Geoffrey Andrews and David Twidle. ACKNOWLEDGMENT On behalf of all the LSBA members I would like to acknowledge the commitment of our Executive during 2010 and also the work of our previous Chairman John Mackay during his 2 years at the helm. Johns commitment to the LSBA network was unwavering during his term of office with his experience and knowledge proving invaluable during the often protracted and difficult negotiations which formed part of the Project 2012 process. We look forward to working closely with our new gaming partner TGS during 2011 as we prepare for the road ahead however I am confident that with the support of the LSBA members we will continue to meet the challenges before us as we strive for a strong, viable and sustainable RSL Licensed Sub-Branch network in the future.


Hall of Fame Dinner 2011

Activities of the League

Kindred Organisations & Unit Associations Committee
Chair: Geoff Burrows

Welcome. A year older, hopefully a year wiser? Again this year we received a large number of notifications advising of units and associations choosing to disband. I appreciate that the passing of time does reduce our numbers, but am saddened that such deaths mean a loss of our history. How many of those people made, or were part of history? Hopefully their stories have been told and recorded so that the generations to follow will learn and appreciate the efforts of those before them. Thankfully, though the units have reduced, the attendance at our meetings has remained pretty steady. This is particularly evident when ANZAC Day arrangements are on the agenda, as they often are. A lively debate is almost assured, as it was in February 2011 when final details of the March were announced. Not all representatives were keen on the new arrangements, as decided by the ANZAC Day Commemoration Council. The media became involved and many and varied views expressed. My one hope is that these plans facilitate the continued involvement of our Second World War veterans, without unreasonable risk to their health and wellbeing. During the year we had the benefit of learning from speakers; Jane Goninon, RSL Vic Branch Volunteer Support Director regarding Aged and Health support services provided by State Branch, John

Vincent regarding the Dedication and last burial at Fromelles in July 2010. John had an uncle identified and re-buried. With his wife Erif, he was able to attend the re-burial and associated services. He was deeply moved by his experience. Ted Worthington from Bereavement Assistance Funerals. Ted set up this charity in 1997, with former Police Chief Commissioner M I (Mick) Miller as its Patron. Some of you may recall the RSL Womens Council donating a hearse to assist. Again, a huge thank you to Mike Annett, RSL State Branch CEO who attends all our meetings, and seems to answer all the difficult questions. The State President, David McLachlan, the organising team, and all the staff at ANZAC House, especially Diana and Jude. Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the support and friendship extended to me personally by representatives of the various associations. I do appreciate their comments and little chats before and after our meetings. It is a pleasure to work with such nice people.


Storywriting & Arts Competition

Chair: Michael Fidler
The SWAC competition for 2010 in conjunction with the Department of Veteran Affairs was organised by Austin Health, back to where it started at Heidelberg Repatriation all those years ago. A homecoming so to speak. Year 2012 will see the 50th Anniversary of the competition, which will be a very special occasion. A lot of work by everyone will be needed to make this as great a success as possible. Contributions for 2010 included Special Writing Category - True Wartime Experiences True Life Experiences Fictional Stories Poetry & prose Photography Craft Art 47 entries; 46 entries; 43 entries; 51 entries; 96 entries; 82 entries; 82 entries; 174 entries. Gwen Watt Datura Alan Hicks Seascape in Blue

The RSL and radio station Magic 1278 together with the Department of Veterans Affairs supplied vital support which assisted in making this years SWAC competition a great success. The competition is still fulfilling its objectives of offering support to the service community and their families. On behalf of the SWAC Steering Committee I would like to again thank Our Patron, Major General David McLachlan, State President RSL of Australia (Victoria); Austin Health, the Department of Veteran Affairs and Radio Station 1278 The New Magic for their continued and generous support.

Alan Chowner Australian Lighthorse Engagement Palestine

James Saxton Printz Elvis, Iguana Ck

Anthony Stancombe 1RAR on Patrol At Bien Hoa


Chair: Dr Rob Webster

Committee: Dr Rob Webster, Jude Beshears, Bryan Arendse, Liz Guthrie and Brian Cairns. The Committee met on a number of occasions during the year to advance the publication of the next issue of Mufti. Jude collates and co-ordinates the material that is provided to the editor for the production of final copy. We thank Jude for stalwart work in getting the material for Mufti together. Much of the material for Mufti comes from Sub-Branches and we would like to continue to encourage this source. Sub-Branch news is one of the most read areas of Mufti. In order to produce high class Sub-Branch news we need reports and photographs from your activities; however when you are photographing events please ensure that your digital camera is set to the highest resolution possible as this allows for the best possible image to be printed. It should also be noted that it is difficult to re-publish material that has been previously published in other sources; local papers and the like, due to copyright restrictions. Please also remember that it is the policy of Mufti not to publish Obituaries or Poetry. There are changes in the wind for Mufti with a new publisher having recently been appointed to take over with effect from the June edition in 2011. Our thanks go to Mr Graham Barry and the staff of Acumen Publishing over the last five years. Details regarding the new publisher will be provided in a State CEO circular in the near future. A new editorial committee has been appointed with Mr John Stoward and Brigadier David Gilroy having been recently appointed.

During the year many book reviewers contributed reviews that have been published in Mufti. Their enthusiastic support and contribution is also acknowledged.

Sporting Associations
Chair: Dr Rob Webster
Membership: Dr Rob Webster (Chair), John Cullen OAM, Peter Smith OAM, Penny Gressieux (Secretary) and representatives of the various RSL Sporting Associations. The Appeals Office administers the Sporting Association activities and organise the well attended meetings. The sporting bodies meet each quarter and reports on the individual sporting activities are included in each edition of Mufti. Highlights during the year included: Sunshine winning the Edinburgh Shield with Sale being the runner-up. At the Victorian RSL State Fours championship the winner was Pascoe Vale and the runner up, Rye. In the interstate RSL lawn bowls carnival held in Adelaide Victoria were, again, runners-up to NSW in the Jack Hamilton VC trophy. In the interstate RSL billiards and snooker competitions Victoria visited NSW and managed to win the billiards, but lost the snooker, and the overall aggregate; individual honours going to Bob Heeps and Bob Bellinger. Players and supporters report that it was a great week in which all games were played with enormous spirit and friendships were renewed. The 2010 Diggers Golf Day was again hosted by Long Island Country Club in September. The weather was close to perfect and the course was beautifully prepared for the more than 120 golfers. A wide range of sponsors including Frankston RSL, Clive Peeters, LePine Funerals, the RAR Association and the Korean Veterans Association supported the golf day. A reminder that this tournament is set down for Friday 16th September 2011. Entry forms will be available in June. A team of eleven bowlers from the RSL Indoor Carpet Bowls journeyed to Adelaide to take part in the annual Interstate tournament. SA emerged triumphant in the competition; Jim Kendall was crowned the most consistent Victorian bowler. My specific thanks to both Peter and Penny for their administrative work for the Sporting Sections.


RSL Womens Council

Secretary: Gill Coughlan

It is hard to believe that it is report time again, another year gone ever so quickly and with so much happening around our state, not to mention the terrible floods at the beginning of 2011. To our Auxiliaries in the following areas; Far North West, North West A, North West B, North East A and North East B, our thoughts are with you all, as they are also with our sister Auxiliaries in Queensland first hit with the floods and then by cyclone Yasi. 2010 saw the disbanding of seven (7) Auxiliaries, with two (2) reforming and coming along in leaps and bounds. We also saw the demise of forty one (41) members over the past year; our thoughts are with the auxiliaries and their families. President Joan and the Committee have had a very busy year attending Area Meetings, AGMs, social functions and seminars across Victoria, also in South Australia and Queensland. We are delighted to say that on a par with other States, S.A and Vic. Seem to have the best support at State level than some of the other states we are in contact with. Our conference in August was well attended as was the social evening the night before. With only 2 weeks until conference it was looking like our numbers would not meet the figures required for the venue, thankfully we made the grade and were able to go ahead without too many changes. Sadly for the venue though, despite the great effort from the organising staff, the staff on the evening and the following day did not do as well. This was very disappointing to all concerned. The decision to hold future conferences at ANZAC House, had been made by the Executive prior to conference; and was unanimously agreed to by those in attendance in 2010. The agenda items were robustly discussed with a majority of positive outcomes.

As has been reported at Conference our Auxiliaries are to be congratulated on the wonderful support given to their SubBranches and the community; the following figures will give you an over view of their efforts. Country Members raised $ 485,402.89, donations to Sub-Branches totalled $174,928.06, and External donations tallied $25,317.99. Out of 78 country Auxiliaries only 56 submitted financial reports in time to be included, with a reported membership of 1272 including 88 Life Members. Metropolitan Members raised $204,220.81, donations to SubBranches totalled 103,240.00 and External donations were $10,002.00. Metropolitan Auxiliaries total 29 with 22 submitting reports, membership numbers being 491 including 61 Life Members. All efforts are to be congratulated. We were delighted that the new National President Rear Admiral Ken Doolan Rtd AO was able to be in attendance for both days and appreciated his input on both occasions. He spoke very encouragingly of the importance of the Womens Auxiliaries and like all of us hopes that there are many more years ahead for them. The Special Project for 2010 2011 was encouraged by both State and National that we raise funds for B Paks, this has been greatly supported and for the year ending Dec 31st 2010 donations have reached in excess of $30,000.00 with Womens Council yet to put in their donation of $5000.00. What a superb effort from August to December, congratulations and thankyou to all. In closing I would like to thank President Joan and all the Committee, Major General David McLachlan AO Rtd, Colonel Michael Annett CSC, as well as the staff at ANZAC House for the support and assistance given to Womens Council and myself over the past year. Remembering We Also Serve


Commemoration Ceremonies
ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day 2010
Commemorative Activities ANZAC and Remembrance Day 2010
ANZAC Day 2010 continued the trend of recent years with strong and growing attendances at the Dawn Service at the Shrine of Remembrance and several major suburban and regional centres. Preceding ANZAC Day, the Reception at ANZAC House and the Church Service at the Wesley Church were both well supported and successful activities. Indeed the Shrine Service was estimated at between 35,000 to 40,000 and strong attendances also supported the March and the Official Commemoration Service that followed. A number of mobility aids and increased free public parking close to the route assisted marchers and despite the increasing age and gaps in the ranks of Second World War veterans many descendants and younger veterans took part, some 11,000 in all. Regrettably a vehicle accident involving our Ceylonese WW2 Veterans marred the closing stages of the March, but thankfully no one was critically injured though the incident will be one aspect of several that will see us review the use of vehicles and the need for all our WW2 participants to ride in vehicles in 2011. The AFLs Essendon vs Collingwood ANZAC Day game was again a sell out crowd of almost 100,000, with the State President presenting the winning trophy to Collingwood a popular result with the massive crowd. Fortunately the weather was kind to the Commemorative Services and the March this year. A respectful tribute to our war dead and strong crowd support to the Veteran motorcade again characterised the lead up to the game at the MCG. The historical focus this year was on the Korean War with Korean Veterans well represented in the motorcade. Veterans were again guests of the AFL for lunch and the match. Thanks to the support of the AFL we were again able to have HMAS Cerberus sailors sell ANZAC tokens at the MCG before the game and we were also able to provide game tickets to our ADF School of Catering staff and trainees who do such a great job for us at the Gunfire Breakfast at the Shrine. The RSL again conducted the Remembrance Sunday Memorial Service at the Springvale War Cemetery with the Chief of Armys representative MAJGEN John Caligari as the Guest Speaker. Mal Carson, our convenor did his normal splendid job with the arrangements and the day was very well supported. The Official Commemorative Service at the Shrine on 11th November, presided over by the State Governor, Professor David de Kretser was again well attended in brilliant sunshine and continued the recent trend of strong support from school contingents and the general public for this longstanding tradition. In all our commemorative endeavours, as in so much else, Rosemary Kennedy EA to the State President, Jude Beshears our General Office Manager and Diana David, PA to the CEO do wonderful and sustained work, supporting not just the Branch Headquarters but the whole Sub-Branch network.

Gunfire Breakfast 2010


State RSL Annual Remembrance Service Springvale

Chair: Mal Carson
The 25th Annual State Branch Remembrance Service was held at the Springvale War Cemetery on Remembrance Day, Sunday 7th November 2010. This Service is now a major Remembrance commemorative event in Victoria and traditionally it is held on Remembrance Sunday, i.e., the Sunday before Remembrance Day. The Address was delivered by Major General John Caligari, DSC, AM, the Head of Modernisation and Strategic Planning for the Army. The conditions for the Service were fine and warm. The usual excellent turnout was in attendance, including Federal and State politicians from surrounding electorates, many local Mayors, Australian Defence Force heads, senior officers of the State Branch, members of the ex-service community and the public. The Springvale Botanical Cemetery and Australian War Graves Commission staffs had each worked hard in advance to present the Cemetery and surrounds in the very best condition for the Service. As is usual each year, the roses bloom at exactly the right time. We were fortunate that our good winter and spring weather contributed to the Service site looking its absolute best on the day. The Service was supported by the Box Hill City Band, under Bandmaster, Mr David Farrell. The Band provided march music for the ex-servicemen and women in attendance as well as musical accompaniment for the Service, including a bugler for the playing of the Last Post and Reveille. The singing was led by the Melbourne Male Choir under the direction of Mr Chris Stock. Mr Kelvin Mounsey was the piper for the Service. The Catafalque Party was provided by Monash University Regiment once more. Mounted troopers from the Light Horse and Field Artillery Museum gave great atmosphere to the Service, as they do each year. Other troopers, dressed in World War I infantry battledress, as worn by Australian soldiers on the Western Front, were provided by the Australian Great war Association. Special thanks are due to the Reverend Bryan Nicholls and Mr Ian Ward, OAM, as well as to Mr John Hanlon from ANZAC House, for their outstanding support and assistance during the lead-in to, and conduct of, the Service and especially to the office staff of ANZAC House for their contribution


State & National Conferences

2010 State Conference
State Conference 2010
The 2010 State Conference was held at Caulfield Racecourse on 7th|8th July and was officially opened by Mr Andrew Bolt who gave a well received and thought provoking address and he was joined by the Minister for Veterans Affairs Alan Griffin, Shadow Minister Louise Markus and in the Veterans portfolio at the State level, Tony Robinson. The Conference had the benefit of a number of topical presentations ranging from Veterans Heritage and Memorabilia to a comprehensive overview of the challenges facing the Veteran community from the new National President. These presentations generated some good questions from delegates and complemented the CEOs presentation on membership issues. Key remits passed by Conference included greater flexibility in filling Sub-Branch Committee positions with skilled individuals and providing more direction to Regional Forums on their tasks and their local structure. A total of 52 remits were discussed, ranging from Veterans Affairs and Welfare matters to medical entitlements and municipal concessions on rates and utilities for Veterans and widows. The Conference saw the results of League and ANZAC Award nominations from Victoria and the outcomes of our first statewide ballot for all State Executive positions, bringing to fruition the changes approved at the 2009 Conference. There was no change to the Branch Officer positions, with the State President elected unopposed for another term. The Conference, from both an Agenda and social perspective was a harmonious and positive gathering for the League in Victoria and all delegates were happy with the current structure and the informal supper on the evening of Day One was well received as was the early finish on the second day.

Flag Party

Guest Speaker Andrew Bolt and National President Rear Admiral Ken Doolan AO RAN (Retd)

Major Frank Bell RFD and John Riches from the Kyneton RSL

Wendy Bateman, Director at the Aged Care Facilitation Display

Peter Smith, Director & Penny Gressieux at the Appeals Display


2010 National Congress

The 95th Annual National Congress of the Returned & Services League of Australia was held in Dubbo, NSW on 14 September and was officially opened by the Mayor of Dubbo, Councillor Alan Smith. The Official Opening was held at the Dubbo Regional Theatre. The Shadow Minister for Veterans Affairs, Mrs Louise Markus MP spoke during the Opening Ceremony and the Minister for Veterans Affairs, The Hon Warren Snowdon MP, spoke during the first business session of the Congress. The National President, Rear Admiral Ken Doolan AO RAN (Rtd), in his Report to Congress, highlighted the importance of: The future direction of the League; RSL support for Defence personnel; RSL engagement in the community. A wreath laying ceremony was held at The Cenotaph in Victoria Park, and the business sessions of the Congress were held in the Dubbo RSL Club. During the Congress, the following national officers were returned: NATIONAL PRESIDENT: Rear Admiral Ken Doolan AO RAN (Retd) DEPUTY NATIONAL PRESIDENT: Mr Don Rowe OAM NATIONAL TREASURER: Mr David Sinclair OVERSEAS GUESTS attending the Congress were: Mr Barry Clark, National VP, Royal New Zealand Returned & Services Association Dr Stephen Clarke, CEO, Royal New Zealand Returned & Services Association Mr Glover Anderson, District President, Royal New Zealand Returned & Services Association AVM Ret. F X Soejitno, Head, Organisation Dept LVR Indonesia The League ANZAC, Commemoration, Ceremonial and Memorials Defence and Foreign Affairs Defence Conditions of Service

MESSAGES Messages for a successful congress were received from the following overseas ex-service organisations: Royal Commonwealth Ex-Services League The Royal British Legion Royal Canadian Legion The American Legion Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Veterans Federation of the Philippines

FUNCTIONS Congress delegates attended a Mayoral Reception, hosted by the Mayor of Dubbo, Councillor Alan Smith. The National Congress Dinner was held in the Dubbo RSL Club. THANK YOU The general arrangements for the conduct of the National Congress are regularly organised by the National Headquarters staff in Canberra, but any successful Congress could not be achieved without the direct assistance of the host State. This year we also acknowledge the assistance of the Dubbo RSL Sub-Branch and Club. Our sincere thanks go to all involved. Their efforts were very much appreciated. 2011 NATIONAL CONGRESS This Congress resolved that the 2011 National Congress would be held in Melbourne.

MOTIONS 42 Motions were tabled and debated, covering the following topics: RSL Constitution Veterans Affairs Matters Social Security and Tax Defence Services Homes


Trustees/Victorian branch Property
Trustees in office at the date of this report: Dr R S Webster (Chairman), Major-General D J McLachlan AO, J F Cullen OAM, Major F Bell RFD ED and Mr Barry Jones. Mr M P Sherlock is the Secretary to the Trustees. During the year the State Executive approved the appointment of John Cullen and Barry Jones as Trustees. The Trustees note, with regret, the recent passing of C O (Bill) Harry AM OBE long time RSL State Treasurer and Trustee. The Trustees administer the Victoria House Building Trust (the Building Patriotic Fund that owns ANZAC House) with primary responsibility for both RSL and other tenancies. At the end of 2010 the tenant of the 4th and 5th floors has announced their intention to vacate at the expiration of their lease in mid-2011. A letting agent has been appointed to lease the space with minimum period of vacancy. During the year the building suffered some minor damage due to water penetration on the third floor, partly associated with blocked down pipes. Current work is being undertaken to repair the problem I would like to thank Mr Bernard Churchill for his continued good work in supervising the property and building management.

Victorian Branch Personnel 2010/2011

Administration: Office Services Manager Receptionist Advocates Office: Advocate Aspendale/Edithvale Rosebud Sale Secretary Aged & Health Support: Director Assistant Training & Projects Officer Information Officer Jude Beshears Julie Murphy Robert Buchanan Bruce Turner Bruce Errol Wayne Bell Linda Mancuso Wendy Bateman Erica DLasselle Jane Goninon Linda Yemm Finance & Property: Chief Financial Officer Business Analyst Property & Legal Manager Property Administrator Forensic Accountant Head Office Accountant Accounts Payable Patriotic Funds Council Liaison Officer Patriotic Funds Quality Assurance Officer Mark Sherlock Luke Gilholme (March 2010) Bernard Churchill Annette Waugh (Retired Dec 2010) Robert Gay Suzanne Nicholson Lilian Ly Bryan Arendse Tony Ruddell (Sept 2010) Dennis Everitt

Appeals/Membership & Trading/Sports:: Director Peter Smith Assistant Penny Gressieux Warehouse Supervisor Robert Greig Membership Officer Steve Partridge (Resigned April 2010) Membership Officer Sharen Peart (April 2010) Membership Officer Geraldine Goodlet Chief Executives Office Chief Executive Secretary Administrative Assistant Functions: Functions and Meetings Michael Annett Diana David Elizabeth Mansfield Steve Nativo

Licensed Sub-Branches Association: Executive Officer Brian Cairns Executive Assistant Penny Dixon Marketing & Events Manager Elizabeth Guthrie Website Elizabeth Guthrie Project 2012: Director of Strategic Planning & Projects State Presidents Office: State President Assistant Driver to State President

Mark Johnson

David McLachlan Rosemary Kennedy Elizabeth Weir

Veterans Welfare Entitlement Support: Manager Jeff Jackson



It is with regret that we report the following deaths recorded by the State Executive during 2010. They were: Jan Feb Nil M r Robert Charles Hayes BEM JP, past President, Secretary and Trustee of the Northcote RSL; Former State Councillor and recipient of Life Membership with Gold Badge and the Meritorious Service medal passed away 9th February 2010. N il M r Harry Toole, recipient of the ANZAC of the Year Award in 2008 Passed away April 2010

Aug Casualties in Afghanistan Lieutenant Tim ODonnell, RNZIR killed in action 7th August 2010 Trooper Jason Brown killed in action 14th August 2010 Private Grant Kirby killed in action 21st August 2010 Private Tomas Dale killed in action 21st August 2010 Lance Corporal Jared MacKinney killed in action 24th August 2010 Brigadier Rohan Boyer, serving Brigadier passed away 13th August 2010 Oct Colonel Les Power passed away 25th August 2010 Mr Donald Shields, former member of the State Council, Life Member and past President of the Cranbourne RSL Sub-Branch passed away 4th September 2010 Mr Frederick Laird, long time Secretary and volunteer of the Australian National Flag Association passed away 4th September 2010 Sep Nil

Mar Apr

May rigadier Alfred Thomas (Ding) Bell OBE passed away 21st B April 2010 Jun Jul Nil R ear Admiral Nigel Coates AM, RAN who died on 2nd June 2010. Soldiers killed in Afghanistan: Sapper Jacob Moerland Sapper Darren Smith Private Tim Aplin Private Benjamin Chuck Private Scott Palmer Private Nathan Bewes Leading Seaman Combat Systems Operator Andrew Wakely. M r Kenneth Campbell Goudie, volunteer historian who compiled the list of Honour Boards in Victoria passed away 6th May 2010

Nov Nil Dec Nil

State Executive
RSL State Executive 2010-2011
State President: Senior Vice President: Vice President: Chief Executive Officer: Chief Financial Officer: State Executive Member State Executive Member State Executive Member State Executive Member State Executive Member State Executive Member Major General David McLachlan AO Dr Robert Webster George Logan RFD Michael Annett CSC Mark Sherlock Keith Rossi AM OBE RFD ED R Neil Slaughter Anthony Wilson AM PSM RFD Harold Heslop JP Mark Brown JP David Lewien Additional Members: In accordance with Rule 7.1 (4) (b) Mr John Mackay, and Mrs Anne Pahl were appointed by the Executive on the 15th July 2010. Mr Mackay resigned in November 2010 and in accordance with this Rule, Mr Graham Keating was appointed in November 2010. Meetings: The newly elected State Executive met in July, August, October, November and December 2010.

State Honorary Treasurer: John Cullen OAM


Sub-Branch Membership
Note: total numbers for each Sub-Branch includes Affiliate Members where applicable Headquarters 1st Serbian Alexandra Altona Anglesea Apollo Bay Ararat Aspendale/Edithvale Avenel Avoca Bacchus Marsh Bairnsdale Ballan Ballarat Balmoral Balwyn Barwon Heads Bayswater BCOF Beaumaris Beechworth Benalla Bendigo District Bentleigh Berwick Birchip Birregurra Blackburn Boort Boronia Box Hill Briagolong Bright Broadford Buninyong Bunyip Burwood Camberwell City Camperdown Cann River Casterton Castlemaine Caulfield Cavendish Charlton Chelsea Cheltenham/Moorabbin Clayton Clunes Cobram/Barooga Coburg 662 19 67 717 65 54 186 580 30 33 112 1750 46 374 13 63 64 158 42 529 54 192 821 1519 197 26 14 144 16 237 2048 41 167 47 50 29 27 104 58 8 97 127 510 23 23 701 302 615 38 133 114 Cockatoo Cohuna/Leitchville Colac Coleraine Corryong Cranbourne Creswick/Smeaton Crib Point Croydon Dandenong Ranges Dandenong Darebin Daylesford Derrinallum Diamond Creek Dimboola Donald Doncaster Dookie Dromana/Red Hill Drouin Drysdale Dunkeld Dunolly-Bealiba East Malvern Echuca/Moama Edenhope Eildon Elmore Eltham Elwood Emerald Ensay-Swifts Creek Epping Essendon Euroa Fairfield/Alphington Fawkner Fish Creek Flemington/Kensington Flinders Footscray Foster Frankston Geelong Gembrook Girgarre Gisborne-Macedon Ranges Glenroy Glenthompson Greensborough 23 125 402 47 39 842 43 101 172 24 1777 740 71 11 60 29 32 109 8 509 78 78 21 66 575 107 45 32 12 19 236 86 7 1070 70 42 71 120 25 27 27 94 45 2813 1543 51 18 634 7 1728 4 Gunbower Hamilton Hampton Harrow Hastings Hawthorn Healesville Heathcote Heidelberg Hellenic Heyfield Heywood Highett Hopetoun Horsham Hurstbridge Inglewood-Bridgwater Interstate Transfers Inverleigh Inverloch Italian Ivanhoe Kangaroo Flat Kaniva Katunga Keilor East Kerang & District Kew Kiewa Kilmore Koo Wee Rup Koondrook Korea Korumburra Kyabram Kyneton Lake Bolac Lakes Entrance Lang Lang Langkoop-Apsley Lara Leongatha Lilydale Loch Sport Longwarry Lorne Macarthur Maffra Maldon Mallacoota Malta-George Cross 106 349 17 123 3 610 294 88 188 153 36 27 783 17 383 15 23 13 34 81 18 127 103 14 9 879 44 131 31 57 29 33 19 36 61 632 15 559 27 23 110 700 56 150 15 13 26 91 35 41 4


Manangatang Mansfield Maribyrnong-Maidstone Maryborough Marysville Mathoura Meeniyan Melbourne Melton Mentone Merbein Merchant Navy Meredith Metung Mildura Minyip Mirboo North Miscellaneous List Mitcham Mitiamo-East Loddon Moe Monbulk Montmorency Mornington Mortlake Morwell Mount Beauty Mount Evelyn Murchison Murtoa Myrtleford Nagambie Nar Nar Goon Nathalia-Picola Natimuk New Zealand Newport Nhill Noble Park Norlane North Balwyn Numurkah Oakleigh/Carnegie Ocean Grove Omeo Orbost Ouyen Pakenham Pascoe Vale Patchewollock Paynesville

20 10 37 65 23 14 36 150 104 395 48 22 12 57 543 12 22 1 268 13 681 74 838 207 18 1121 33 38 20 23 56 51 16 42 19 25 82 38 715 123 100 90 205 130 25 38 9 43 884 8 37

Peninsula Ex-Servicewomen Penshurst Phillip Island Piangil Polish Port Fairy Portarlington-St Leonards Portland Prahran Pyramid Hill Queenscliff-Point Lonsdale Rainbow Red Cliffs-Irymple Red Shield Republic Of Vietnam Reservoir Returned & Servicewomen Returned Nurses Richmond Ringwood Ripon-Beaufort Robinvale Rochester Rokewood Romsey-Lancefield Rosebud RSL Defence Sub-Branch Rupanyup Rushworth Rutherglen Rye Sale Sea Lake Seaford Sebastopol Seymour Shepparton Sorrento-Portsea Spotswood-Kingsville Springvale St Arnaud St Kilda Stanhope Stawell Stratford Strathmerton Sunbury Sunshine Swan Hill Talbot Tallangatta

52 17 1343 24 9 53 104 103 105 10 136 2 113 56 25 554 99 69 15 1954 26 49 42 30 46 2389 1921 25 26 50 996 360 28 295 86 137 890 280 29 347 99 150 16 76 51 14 198 344 228 11 27

Tatura Templestowe Terang Thornton Tongala Toora Toorak Torquay Trafalgar/Thorpdale Tramways-East Melbourne Traralgon Turkish Upper Beaconsfield Upper Yarra Upwey-Belgrave Victorian Chemists Violet Town Wangaratta Warburton Warracknabeal Warragul Warrandyte Warrnambool Watsonia Waverley Wedderburn-Korongvale Werribee West Heidelberg Whitfield Whittlesea Willaura Williamstown Whittlesea Wodonga Wonthaggi Woodend Woods Point Woorinen Wycheproof Yallourn-Newborough Yarra Glen Yarram Yarraville Yarrawonga-Mulwala Yea

47 94 25 3 43 39 122 138 38 32 464 12 16 284 188 11 40 399 55 49 250 58 294 1674 1124 56 771 82 18 54 7 338 23 307 45 78 37 24 7 25 23 72 23 410 44



Meritorious Service Medal Mr Frank Bell Mr Frederick Lyons Mr Kevin OBrien Mr Francis Orriss Mr Keith Payne Mr William Taylor Mr William Vale Mr Cyril Molyneux Kyneton Horsham Sebastopol Horsham St Arnaud Horsham Mortlake Doncaster

Life Membership with Gold Badge Mr Geoff Burrows Watsonia Mr William Holmes Emerald Honorary Life Membership Mrs Anne Davies Leongatha National Certificate of Appreciation Sue Coombes Mentone Marj Gorman Sunshine Pam Hughes Kyneton Shirley OReilly Colac Alan Scott Altona National RSL Certificate of Merit with Gold Badge Mrs Ena Baker Berwick Mrs Lois Rae Doncaster Mrs Edna Toole Clunes 2010 ANZAC of the Year Ian McKenzie (Anaesthetist) Alison Wray (Neurosurgeon) 2010 RSL Peace Prize Mr John (Vehici) Basarin Sportsman of the Year Mr Terry Bennett

Life Membership Graham Charles Burgess Bruce Raymond Jeffrey Eric Kneebone John Biles Kevin Fox John McMahon Bruce Shelton Trevor Langford Bruce Raymond Jeffrey John Johnson OAM Christopher Goodman Edmond James Roberts James George Ross Kenneth Morrison John Meehan John McLeod Robert Clyde Renton Roy Mervyn Smith John Dunstan Douglas Bell Simon Kinch Harrison Seymour Life Subscription Terrance Kavanagh Juay Chee Phua Lak Pin Tan John McCabe George Moxham Allan Went Lewis William Bridges Russell Dawson Dimitrios Harizanis Edward Pitfield John F Wilson Brian Milner

Morwell Morwell Rochester Seaford Seaford Swan Hill Phillip Island Prahran Morwell Keilor East Avoca Red Cliffs|Irymple Williamstown Donald Noble Park Boronia Kyneton Paynesville Yarrawonga|Mulwala Blackburn Blackburn Ringwood Lakes Entrance Box Hill Box Hill Moe Box Hill Q ueenscliff| Pt Lonsdale Prahran Drouin Hellenic Geelong Rye Headquarters

50 Year Long Service Kenneth White John McMahon Allen Martin Keith Coburn William Goodes Betty Clark Herbert Morrow John Raymond Smith John Ryan Leonard Wright William Potts Leonard Elson James Robson Clifford Spiers Eric Davey Leo Byrne Stanley Cawthan Harold Scholten Lance Gliddon George Ralph Stanley McQueen Herbert Rasmussen John Laughton Albert John Trewin Alfred Henry Joiner Edward Robert Norton Nelson Colin Burn Harold Hunter Watson

Bentleigh Swan Hill Swan Hill Swan Hill Swan Hill Werribee Werribee Werribee Werribee Blackburn Broadford Broadford Broadford Echuca Castlemaine Castlemaine Castlemaine Castlemaine Castlemaine Castlemaine Castlemaine Castlemaine Dandenong Orbost Orbost Orbost Orbost Echuca

Life Subscription Affiliate Edna Tennant Bacchus Marsh Gemma Milner Warragul

Womens Auxiliary Life Membership Irene Torney St Arnaud Freda Yalden Lakes Entrance Sharron Kavanagh Lakes Entrance Helen Hawking Rutherglen Margaret Saxon Geelong Melva McPherson Numurkah Mary (Molly) Anderson Traralgon Marie Denning Mallacoota Valerie Melville Yarrawonga|Mulwala Womens Auxiliary 50 Year Long Service Jean Hobson Warracknabeal Audrey Hoffmann Warracknabeal Hilda Fraser Donald Valda Poulton Hopetoun Mary Anderson Traralgon


Metropolitan Group 1-50 51-100 101-250 251-500 501-1000 1001+ Sub-Branch New Zealand Diamond Creek Melbourne Seaford Darebin Greensborough Increase 127.27% 3.45% 11.94% 31.70% 15.99% 15.51% Country Group 1-50 51-100 101-250 251-500 501-1000 1001+ Sub-Branch Balmoral Woodend Cohuna/Leitchville Sorrento/Portsea Moe Phillip Island Increase 160% 40.98% 32.98% 10.67% 58.37% 4.84%


Sub-Branch Reports
Bob Larkin, President Caulfield Sub-Branch / Sam Smith, President NZ Sub-Branch
In mid-2009, the Caulfield Sub-Branch learnt that the New Zealand Sub-Branch of the RSL was in danger of disbanding for a number of reasons, including the lack of a place to call home. The NZ SubBranch which comprises expatriate members of the NZ armed forces living in Victoria has been in existence for many years, but was facing an ageing membership and the lack of somewhere to hang their hats (or lemon squeezers). After an approach by then Caulfield President John Decker, the Kiwis put together a plan to re-organise themselves and take up Johns offer for Caulfield to assist with their administration and give them a permanent home at St Georges Rd. Caulfield has always had a resident population of Kiwi members stretching back to 1920, when New Zealanders who had received treatment at the Caulfield Military Hospital settled locally, usually because of the better employment prospects, or had married a local. Under the guidance of President Sam Smith and Secretary James Coutts, the membership re-established itself and held their first big get-together after the March on ANZAC Day 2010. They were joined by a crew of New Zealand Navy sailors who were here to march and pick up a Destroyer being commissioned at the Tenix Shipyard at Williamstown. It also helped that then Minister Julia Gillard (who was assisting with the commentary on the ANZAC march) advised listeners that they could join the rest of the New Zealanders at Caulfield RSL. It was a very successful day, which included a spirited HAKA by the navy and some of the members. It was also an opportunity to recruit new members. Recently, incoming Secretary Wayne Harris returned to NZ where he completed a NZ RSA basic welfare course and, as a result he is now able to advise proper procedures for launching NZ disability claims as well as other aspects of NZ Welfare. On February 5, 2011 the Sub-Branch celebrated Waitangi Day at Caulfield RSL. The morning commenced with a traditional Maori welcome ceremony followed by a flag raising and Maori music. Shortly after that the sign at the front of the club proclaiming that this was also the home of the New Zealand Sub-Branch was unveiled by the New Zealand Consul General Daniel Taylor and blessed by the NZ Sub-Branchs Padre Rev Vic Wilson. It was all watched with great interest by a large number of both Caulfield and NZ members as well as local residents. Consul Taylor then delivered the Waitangi day address on behalf of the NZ Government. Later in the day the club was visited by a visiting school group from New Zealand who performed traditional and modern Maori music, songs and dancing to the delight of all watching. Caulfield RSL is now firmly established as a true ANZAC Sub-Branch. The flags of both countries and the RSL are proudly flown at the front of the club and members from both Sub-Branches are enjoying each others company. Their presence at the club will only be tested when a choice has to be made whether its Rugby or Australian rules on the big screen. In the meantime the management is stocking NZ beer and wine, and looking for a place in the car park for a traditional Hangi Pit. Both Sub-Branches say Haere Mai (Welcome) to any visiting Kiwis or Aussies and invite them to call in and say Gday.

Back L-R. Danny Allen, VP NZ Sub-Branch, Sam Smith Pres. NZ Sub-Branch, Bob Larkin Pres. Caulfield Sub-Branch. Daniel Taylor, NZ Consul General. Front. Rev Vic Wilson. NZ Sub-Branch Padre. James Coutts, Sec. NZ Sub-Branch. John Decker. Immed. past Pres. Caulfield. Sue Pennicuik MLC. Caulfield Club member and Victorian Parliamentarian


Peter Fraser, Hon. Secretary/Treasurer
The Mirboo North Sub-Branch attracted five new members in 2010 bringing our total membership to 29. The upgrade to our kitchen was completed prior to ANZAC Day and used for the first time for a Sub-Branch lunch for all members. The improved facilities have seen an uptake in the use of the hall by community groups which in turn has allowed funds earned to be spent on replacement of obsolete and heavy tables and chairs more conducive for the use of older members. The Sub-Branch operates a twelve-seat RSL Community Bus to support the members, the wider veteran community and the township. A replacement bus was ordered but not delivered within the year. Funding from the Bushfire Recovery organisation allowed the old bus to be retained and operated by the Sub-Branch doubling our capacity for in-house use and external hiring. Christmas lunch was a great success for members, veterans and others from the Aged Care facility as well as Legacy Widows.



John G Brown, President
The Cohuna/Leitchville RSL Sub-Branch continues to maintain their progressive attitude gaining 23 new members against the loss of 4 WWII Veterans. The Sub-Branch membership now totals 125 maintaining the steady increase over the past six years from 75 members to 125 64 of whom are affiliated members indicating that the townsfolk are very aware of the need to help our veterans and families and to maintain our memorial services into the future. Our local school children are heavily involved in all of our memorial services and some organise their own inviting our veterans to attend. For ANZAC Day we conduct services at our four schools as well as at the local retirement village. Our major undertakings, with the help of grants, for the past year have been: a) he renovating of our kitchen with new bench tops, new T cupboards, dish washer and non slip floor covering. b) paving around the cenotaph, depicting three branches of our defence forces and the RSL emblem. c) The placing of an honour board in our memorial Hall for our peacekeepers and those currently serving in theatres of war. Over 60 members were present at our May meeting to hear local girl, Capt Angela Dent S02 Corps Health Services, Latchford Barracks as the guest speaker. Our Memorial Day Services attract growing numbers with over 400 attending the last ANZAC Day services Town population 2000. Major social events ANZAC eve Social Dinner Melbourne Cup Eve BBQ and Social Christmas Dinner and Social evening still prove to be popular with over 70 members and their partners attending these events each year. Cohuna/Leitchville Cenotaph

Capt Angela Dent SO2 Health Services, Latchford


Bernie Considine, Secretary
The Remembrance Day Service, Thursday 11th November 2010, held at the RSL Kingston Memorial Park Mentone was a most memorable and solemn occasion which was much appreciated by the three Council Dignitaries attending, the large groups of organised School Students from Mentone Girls Grammar, St Bedes College, Mentone Grammar, Mentone Park Primary, Mentone Secondary College, Kilbreda College, Mentone Primary, St Patricks Primary, St. Louis De Montford, Parktone Primary, St Brigids Mordialloc, Parkdale Primary, and the local residents and members of the Mentone RSL. The crowd was estimated to be in excess of 350. The Service was organised by Col. John H Lee RFD ED (Retd) and Officiated by Commodore Tony Wilson AM PSM RFD (Retd) on an absolutely perfect day. A splendidly turned out and expertly drilled Catafalque Guard was provided by Mentone Grammar School Cadets as well as an experienced Bugler. The Victorian Re-enactment Society provided a replica WW1 Field Dressing Station which was a great attraction but may have left some potential Medical Students having second thoughts. Afterwards, all were invited to a morning feast of Party Pies, Fairy Bread, Cakes and Slices of every description, Soft Drinks and Tea and Scones for the elderly, all organised by the Mentone RSL Womens Auxiliary.

Mentone Remembrance Day 2010



John Filmer
Another very satisfying year in supporting the needs of our Ex-service community and local worthy projects. Our total monetary commitment being $189,000. After subsidising meals to the value of $61,000, and paying $ 35,000. In capitation fees for our respected over 80s members, we also supported the Doveton Special Soccer Club, two Cricket clubs, a football team, and the Dandenong-Casey-Cardinia Umpires Association. We proudly support two Day Clubs, The Whirleybirds and the Freedom Day Club, the latter being for Vietnamese Ex-servicemen and their families. One of our proudest annual events is our ANZAC Day Parade. As well as our respected Veterans leading the March, other participants include the Italian Alpini, Turkish, Vietnamese, Iraqi interpreters, Police, Police Cadets, Lions Club, Girl Guides and various others. Our ceremonies are supported by our local Army Reserve and Army Cadet Units, and Navy members from HMAS Cerberus, and of course a fly-past at low level by our RAAF Roulettes.


Russell Adams, President / Greg Weaver, Secretary
The Ensay/Swifts Creek Sub-Branch RSL is located in the remote high country of East Gippsland, near Omeo and Mt Hotham. Our Sub-Branch has suffered a substantial loss of members over the years. Last year we had only about six members and we were discussing amalgamation with the Omeo Sub-Branch RSL. At our General Meeting in December 2010, Affiliate Member Bev Cook suggested that we try to recruit new Affiliate Members. This has proved to be a surprising winner as we have recruited thirteen new Affiliate Members and two new Service Members. Our total membership has risen from six to twenty members, with several others wanting to join. This has been achieved in only two months. REEDY FLAT MEMORIAL The Reedy Flat memorial is dedicated to WW1 veterans. It is located on a dirt track about 10 kilometres from Ensay. It is only 1 kilometre from uninhabited bush country which stretches from Ensay to Mt Kosciusko. A beautiful and remote place, but in the early 1900s the area was quite heavily populated by farmers and their workers. Today there are about 4 farm houses left scattered over thousands of acres. The Reedy Flat memorial has 33 names inscribed on it, about 10 of them died in WW1. It seems remarkable that so many from that area served in WW1, but now the whole area is virtually deserted. Recently the Bairnsdale RSL made funds available to renew the name inscriptions on the memorial and we thank them for their contribution



Brent Clyne, Secretary
Frankston RSL was founded in 1919 by a group of Veterans following the Great War. Since its first meeting Frankston has moved, expanded and grown into arguably one of the most successful and progressive Sub-Branches in the State. Over the past five years the site has seen substantial redevelopment to cater for an ever changing market and members needs and last year we were able to host over 650 members and guests on ANZAC Day. To ensure that we are well placed to cater for future requirements 2010 saw us focus on a Master Plan strategy so that future development will see a synergetic approach to the need of members in the coming decades. In addition to our site works we have also strengthened our links with other Ex Service Organizations and our hard working Womens Auxiliary to ensure the best possible level of support and co-operation for all Veterans and their dependants and now have our own Welfare Coordinator on site who works closely with the local DVA Office in Frankston. Frankston has a very strong Welfare Group with Team members from all areas and backgrounds willing and able to answer questions from our oldest conflicts up to todays Peacekeepers, this team also includes visitation teams and Chaplains, our Welfare Coordinator is also well connected into the Aged Care network in our area including Vasey RSL Park and its many facilities. We are now pleased to have a younger veteran on our Welfare Team and have tasked him with the job of locating and engaging some of the reported 30,000 Peacekeepers in Victoria with a Special Project, we all wish him well in the most challenging project and as usual he goes with our full and dedicated support. Welfare does not stop at our Veterans but is extended into the wider local community via the provision of heavily subsided meals for many in local aged care facilities. We also support the wider community with a strong and hard working Womens Auxiliary who through their efforts have been able in recent times to the Queensland Floods, the Portsea Camp for Children and a magnanimous effort in support of our ADF Members with a $6,000.00 donation towards the supply of supplementary packs to those who are seriously wounded in action and require specialist hospital attention. These truly dedicated ladies have the full support of the Management and Committee in all of their endeavours. Out of our Community involvement a few have touched the heart of both Staff and Committee and these have gone just that bit further to assist. Our involvement with Woorinyan, a not-for-profit organisation that provides day training support services and employment support services to approximately 173 persons with disabilities started off with a Christmas function and is now a strategic and professional partnership with them our principal grounds maintenance contractors and the most eager team we have ever had on site. Woorinyan Garden Crew Frankston RSL One other such as this is Menzies Homes. Menzies assist in the care of our younger community and we have recently completed significant refurbishment of one of their houses, again this has grown into a rewarding partnership that we are proud to be involved with. Our most recent community support has been for City Life who cares for the needy in the Frankston area. Our members donated hundreds of cans of food for their Larder and the Committee and staff gave financial support and also supplied Christmas lunch for many. These are in addition to the usual support afforded to the Good Friday Appeal, McGrath Foundation, VSK, Coastguard, and Pink Ribbon just to name a few. Frankston has a strong and dedicated team working for the betterment of all, from a great Management and staff team and a cohesive committee with 50% being Vietnam Vets. We have been able to form strong alliance with many local Ex Service Organizations including the Frankston Vietnam Veterans, Naval Association, Legacy but to name a few.

City Life CEO Mark Whitby , Frankston RSL GM Rob Morrison


State Honorary Treasurers Report

Major General D.J. McLachlan AO State President Returned & Services League of Australia (Victorian Branch) Inc Dear Sir, Please find enclosed the financial statements and the independent auditors report to the members of the Returned & Services League of Australia (Victorian Branch) Inc. for the period ended 31st March 2011. I consider the main items of interest are: Administration Account otal revenue of $4,025,559 compared with the previous T year of $3,331,258. An increase of 21%. apitation fees of $1,862,537 compared with the previous C year of $1,663,913. An increase of 12%. otal expenditure of $3,670,634 compared with $3,218,831 T in the previous year. An increase of 14%. As a result of the above a surplus of $354,925 was achieved compared to the previous year of $112,427. RSL (Victoria House) Building Fund A very generous donation of $1m from the members of the West St Kilda Sub-Branch, coming about due to the sale of the SubBranch property, enabled the Trust to have a Surplus of $852,680. In recognition of the donation the State Branch and Trustees had no hesitation in naming a meeting room at ANZAC House, the West St Kilda Room. Appreciation It is an opportune time to express my appreciation to the Chief Financial Officer, Mark Sherlock for his professionalism and his proficient staff consisting of, Penny Dixon (Executive Assistant), Sue Nicholson (Head Office Accountant), Lillian Smith (Accounts Payable), Dennis Everitt (Quality Assurance), Rob Gay (Forensic Accountant), Bryan Arendse (Patriotic Funds Liaison Officer), Bernard Churchill (Property and Legal Manager), Luke Gilholme (Business Analyst) and Tony Ruddell (Patriotic Funds). Thanks also to my colleagues on the Finance and Property SubCommittees for their valuable contribution to the State Branch. I would personally like to thank Penny Dixon for looking after me during such a difficult year. We all look forward to the challenges ahead especially 2012. Yours faithfully

Summary Consolidation of the RSL Administration Account of the Victorian Branch resulted in total equity of $3,563,129 with a surplus of $353,992, continuing your desire to continue our policy to provide a sound financial footing for future years. It is fair to say that it was a year of consolidation to enable the Victorian Branch to meet the future commitments for both our welfare needs and our commercial interests. I make the point that the Victorian Branch has the necessary cash reserves to meet our ongoing employee benefit liabilities as at the date of this report as and when they fall due. RSL General Appeals Patriotic Fund ANZAC Day and Poppy Day Appeals raised $3,849,413 compared to the previous year total of $3,425,187 an increase of $424,226 or 12%. We continue to be taken aback at the commitment our Sub-Branches have to the Appeals. They are truly magnificent considering the natural disasters that have befallen the State of Victoria

John F Cullen OAM





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