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Barriers to Cultural Diversity

in e Hospitality and Tourism

Multicultural Diversity in Workplace for the Tourism Professional

Presented by: Mesurado/Nepomuceno

Topic to be discussed

Barriers to cultural diversity in the hospitality and

tourism organization
Cultural Diversity
Cultural diversity is the representation of different

cultural and ethnic groups in society. It refers to differences

among people because of their racial or ethnic backgrounds,

language, dress and traditions.

Barriers to cultural diversity in e hospitality

and tourism ganization

1 Communication problems
4 Stereotypes and prejudices

2 Commitment and loyalty

3 Decision making
Communication Problems
For ethnically diverse organizations, communication is a big

difficulty because of perceptual, cultural, and linguistic difficulties. As the

process of managing cultural diversity in the hospitality and tourism industry

presents several obstacles. One of them is combining elements from many

traditional cultures. This can make communication difficult in the job, as

language is an important aspect of communication and is also utilized by

many as their primary source of cultural identification.

Commitment and Loyalty

Commitment usually attaches to the cultural background group;

employees feel loyalty to their original cultural background groups rather

than to the whole organization which has different cultural groups.

Decision Making

Cultural diversity also complicates decision-making. It is not

easy to find solutions and compromises to complicated ethical

dilemmas. The principles of ethical decision-making certainly differ for

the employees of the organization with different values, beliefs, and

rituals. Changes in values affect people’s thoughts and actions which

likely results in conflicts.

Stereotypes and Prejudice

Stereotypes and prejudice in the workplace can exist in the

form of unconscious bias. It can be difficult to tackle as it is

rooted in preconceived ideas about gender, ethnicity, education,

sexuality, disability and socioeconomic status.


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