Medical Nursing I MCQs .

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The following are purposes of assessment EXCEPT

A. Determining baseline data
B. Evaluating nursing interventions
C. Formulating nursing diagnosis
D. Requesting patient history

2. The assessment technique that determines whether the underlying tissue is filled with air, fluid, or
solid is ………………
A. Auscultation
B. Inspection
C. Palpation
D. Percussion

3. Which of the following assessment technique uses a stethoscope to augment the sense of hearing?
A. Auscultation
B. Inspection
C. Palpation
D. Percussion

4. Which of the following devices is used to detect abnormalities in the central or peripheral nervous
system during the physical assessment?
A. Ophthalmoscope
B. Otoscope
C. Reflex hammer
D. Tuning fork

5. Normal body fluids PH ranges from…………….

A. 7.0-7.44
B. 7.0-7.35
C. 7.35-7.44
D. 7.44-7.55

6. Which of the following solution exert the same osmotic pressure as found in plasma?
A. Dextrose 5%
B. Normal saline 0.9%
C. 0.3% sodium chloride
D. Dextrose 10%


7. In adjusting the flow rate of an intravenous infusion, the nurse considers the following except
A. Age
B. Body size
C. Intravenous site
D. Patient condition

8. Which of the following I.V fluids will be appropriate for resuscitating a client with severe trauma
or burns?
A. 5% Dextrose
B. Dextrose saline
C. Normal saline
D. Ringers lactate

9. I.V 1 litre normal saline has been prescribed to be administered in 24hours. Calculate the drop
rate with a drop factor of 10 drops/ml.
A. 6 drop/minute
B. 7 drop/minute
C. 8 drop/minute
D. 9 drop/minute

10. Which of the following causes metabolic acidosis?

A. Constipation
B. Gastric suction
C. Loss of potassium
D. Starvation

11. In managing a patient with metabolic acidosis, the nurse…………………

A. Encourages voluntary holding of breaths
B. Gives carbon dioxide as prescribed
C. Gives oxygen as prescribed
D. Monitor electrolyte

12. An adult with a weight of 88kg with a height of 1.4m can be described as …………..
A. Normal weight
B. Obese
C. Overweight
D. Under weight


13. During patient teaching of an obese patient, the nurse encourages the patient to do the following
A. Avoid intake of alcohol
B. Eat energy dense food
C. Exercise
D. IncreaseMr. Boadu, a 32 year old man is suffering from tuberculosis and has HIV and on

an isolation ward. Care providers should do all the following except:

A. Recap needles after use and dispose into puncture proof container
B. Wash hands after contact with patient
C. Wear clean gloves when touching blood or body fluids
D. Wear face mask when attending to patient

14. Collection of sputum specimen for diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis is best done
A. After eating
B. At any time
C. Before bed time
D. early in the morning

15. Which of the following symptoms best describes tetanus infection in a patient?
A. Kernig’s sign
B. Lockjaw
C. Nuchal
D. Opisthotonus

16. Which of the following viruses cause chicken pox?

A. Epstein bar
B. Herpes simplex
C. Rhinovirus
D. Varicella-zoster

17. The commonest parasite responsible for malaria in Ghana is plasmodium……………..

A. Falciparum
B. Malariae
C. Ovale
D. Vivax


18. Which of following is considered a symptom that a patient may complain?
A. Breathlessness
B. Diarrhea
C. Fever
D. Nausea

19. Which of the following laboratory investigations would confirm the diagnosis of malaria.
A. Blood film for malaria parasites
B. Blood for white cell count
C. Complete blood count
D. Grouping and cross matching

20. Kwaku Manu is discharged after a brief breakdown with Hepatitis B infection. What would be
your advice to him?
A. Eat a lot of sweets
B. Exercise a lot
C. Sleep throughout the day
D. Take in copious fluid containing glucose

21. What should be the focus of a nurse when giving advice to a patient with HIV?
A. Teach him to eat a lot
B. Teach him to abstain from sex
C. Teach him to avoid social isolation
D. Teach him not to wear condom when having sex with his wife

22. Severe diarrhea can result in one of the following

A. Fever
B. Malaise
C. Sexual weakness
D. Shock
23. In the management of malaria, one of the responsibilities of the nurse is to…………
A. Prescribe anti-malarial drugs
B. Report the condition to the doctor
C. Take blood sample for malaria parasite
D. Tepid sponge the patient when necessary


24. The purpose of educating people on diseases is to:
A. Create rapport between the patient and the nurse
B. Facilitate research work
C. Meet patient’s informational needs
D. Reinforce the doctors instruction to the patient

25. Dracunculus medinensis is mainly transmitted through …………….

A. Ingestion of water containing water fleas
B. Inhalation of the spores of the organism
C. Inoculation
D. Skin penetration

26. All the following manifest in marasmus except:

A. Crying unnecessarily
B. Frequent small stools
C. Flaky skin which peels off
D. Wasting of muscles

27. A single dose of yellow fever vaccine is effective for………………

A. 10 weeks
B. 10 months
C. 10 years
D. 10 decades

28. One of the following diagnostic measure best suits gonorrhea?

A. Complete blood count
B. Gram staining of exudates from vagina
C. Pap smear
D. Vital signs

29. Edema may result from the following situations except:

A. An increase in plasma protein concentration
B. Increased capillary permeability
C. Increased venous pressure
D. Obstruction of lymphatic vessels


30. Poor skin turgor, hypotension and a rapid thready pulse may suggest……………………
A. Fluid deficit
B. Fluid excess
C. Potassium excess
D. Sodium excess
31. The following people are at risk of pulmonary tuberculosis, except……………
A. Alcohol brewers
B. Immunocompromised people
C. Miners
D. Nurses

32. One of the following diseases can be transmitted from consuming the carcass of infected animal.
A. Anthrax
B. Gonorrhea
C. leprosy
D. trypanosomiasis

33. In the management of Koch’s disease, the following drugs are used except:
A. Cotrimoxazole
B. Ethambutol
C. Isoniazid
D. Rifampicin

34. In taking sputum samples for AFB, ……………………..samples are needed

A. 5 sputum
B. 3 Sputum
C. 2 sputum
D. 1 sputum

35. Directly observed treatment is used to administer the medication in one of the following
A. Acidosis
B. Kwashiorkor
C. Pulmonary tuberculosis
D. Pneumonia


36. The first action a nurse is likely to take when managing a patient with cholera is ……………..
A. To administer humidified nasal oxygen
B. To prop him up
C. To administer prescribed blood
D. to administer I.V fluids

37. Cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, vitreous humor are examples of …………………..
A. Extracellular fluid
B. Intracellular fluid
C. Intravascular fluid
D. Trans cellular fluid

38. Physical assessment includes collection of ………………….. data

i. Physical
ii. Mental
iii. Social
iv. Spiritual
A. I and II only
B. II and III
C. I,II and IV only

39. Which of these diets would be suitable for a child suffering from Kwashiorkor?
A. Adequate carbohydrates, high protein, vitamins
B. High carbohydrates, low protein, low salt
C. High protein, salt-free, low carbohydrates
D. Vitamins, low salt, low protein


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