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Maneuvers Table

General Actions Test Type Description
+3 to next Ranged Combat test, or +1 for Close
Aim 1 None
Delay 0 None Hold action until later in the round
Dodge 1 Swiftness Test result is new TN for all attacks
Parry/Block 1 Test result is new TN for a single attack

Armed Maneuvers Test Type Description
Basic Attack 1 Armed Combat -
Blunt Attack 1 Armed Combat See stun table below (Stamina test to halve)
-2 attack, +2 dodge or parry/block vs that
Defensive Attack 1 Armed Combat
Power Attack 2 Armed Combat +2 to be hit, +3 damage
Precise Attack 1 Armed Combat +2 attack, -2 damage
Sweep Attack 2 Armed Combat -4 vs two opponents, -6 vs three
Two-handed Attack 2 Armed Combat +2 to be hit, +4 damage
+1 attack, -3 defense, x1.5 damage and possible
Charge 2 Armed Combat
knockdown: Str test of TN(Str+2)
Ranged Attack 2 Ranged Combat -

Unarmed Action
Test Type Description
Maneuvers Cost
Grab 1 +5 TN to all actions, break free by opposed Str
(Squeeze/Throttle) 1 None 1d6 + Str mod damage to grabbed target
(Maintain Hold) 1 None +3 bonus to opposed Str roll vs grabbed target
(Throw) 1 None 1d6 + Str mod damage to grabbed target
Punch/Kick 1 1d6+2 damage (+ Str mod)
Trip 1 Nimbleness vs Nimbleness or Swiftness or fall

Stun Effects
Degree of Success Reaction TN Duration Effect (Failed/Successful)
1 Complete Success 5 3d6x3 rounds Unconsciousness / -5 test penalty
2 Superior Success 10 2d6+3 minutes Unconsciousness / -9 test penalty
3 Extraordinary Success 15 1d6x10 minutes Unconsciousness / -12 test penalty

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