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Sample Lesson Plan (Using concept maps)

1. Subject - Chemistry
2. Class - Grade Nine
3. Time - 45 minutes
4. Title - Chapter (11), Oxides and Hydroxides
5. Lesson - Kinds of Oxides
6. Instructional Objectives
General Objective - To know the nature of concept maps strategy about
kinds of oxides
Specific Objectives - To describe the steps of concept maps strategy
- To present kinds of oxides concepts by using concept
maps strategy
- To describe six kinds of oxides
- To draw concept map effectively
7. Teaching Aids - Post-it notes, pictures of concept map, textbook
8. Instructional Procedure
Step Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activities Time
Step-1 Before the lesson begins, the teacher Students pay attention to 5 min
Designin introduces about the concept map as the the teacher and take
g following: notes about the concept
- Concept maps are graphical tools for maps.
organizing and representing knowledge.
They include concepts, usually enclosed in
circles or boxes of some type, and
relationships between concepts indicated
by a connecting line linking two concepts
(Novak & Canas, 2008).
Concept Map

Step-2 After telling about the concept map, Students listen to the
Impleme teacher explores how to create a concept teacher and take notes in mins
nting map. We need to do five steps in creating their books.
the concept map diagram are presented
below in chemistry teaching (Novak &
Canas, 2008).
Step 1- Define the context for a concept
map that is to construct a focus question.
Step 2- Identify the key concepts on the
post-it notes, list and order them.
concept concept

concept concept

concept concept

Step 3- Construct a preliminary concept

map by using the post-it notes from the
most general concepts to the most specific

concept concept

concept concept

Step 4- Add the linking words in the cross-

links between concepts on the map.


concept concept

concept concept

Step 5- Revise the map that lend to clarity

and better over-all structure.
While the teacher telling all of the steps in
concept map, teacher draws as an example
about “oxide”.
Step 1
Tr. states the focus question about oxide. Students answer the
What is an oxide? questions.
And then, tr. is asking some questions:
-Do you know oxide? -Yes.
-How many types of oxide are there? -Six.
-What are presented in each of oxide? -Only oxygen and an
Tr. tells them basic oxide contains metal Students pay attention to
and oxygen e.g. Mg+O2, acidic oxide the teacher and take note
contains non-metal and oxygen e.g. C+O2, in their books.
amphoteric oxide is both acidic and basic
and neutral oxide is neither acidic nor
Step 2
Students pay attention to
And then, Tr. identifies the key concepts on
and interested in making
the post-it notes, list and order them. Tr.
concept map.
gives them the post-it notes and asks to
They take the post-it
make concept maps individually by
notes and individually
following the teacher.
make concept maps step
Suggested concepts: kinds of oxides,
by step by following
basic oxide, acidic oxide, amphoteric
teacher’s action.
oxide, neutral oxide, peroxide,
compound oxide, metal, non-metal,
oxygen, both acidic and basic, neither
acidic nor basic
Step 3
Tr. constructs a preliminary concept map Students also construct a
by using post-it notes from the most preliminary concept
general to the most specific. maps.

Kinds of oxide


basic compound
oxide oxide
acidic amphoteric neutral
oxide oxide oxide

metal both neither

non-metal acidic
and nor
oxygen oxygen basic

Step 4
And then, Tr. adds the linking words on the
cross-links between the concepts on the
Kinds of oxides


oxide acidic amphoteric neutral
oxide oxide oxide
form has has
non-metal both neither
react with acidic acidic
react with and
Step 5
Finally, Tr. asks them to revise some Students also revise
concepts on the map and prepare final map some concepts on the
individually. map and prepare final
-When they are revising on the map, Tr. map individually.
walks around the class and give guidance if
they are need.
-After preparing their final maps, Tr. asks Students make to
them to review the maps in small groups groups, review the maps
and discuss in the whole calss. in small groups and
-After making about “oxide” by using discuss in the whole
concept mapping strategy, they all class.
understand and remember about oxide
clearly because of visual and manage

The teacher evaluates and fills up the The students pay 5mins
Evaluatin necessary words in the map constructed by attention to teacher’s
g the groups. summarization.
Finally, the teacher summarizes the lesson
using a concept map prepared by the

Step-4 The teacher makes comments on their 5

The students take notes mins
Final partial understanding and misconceptions.
and correct their

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