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The true reason remains with the musannif, but he could have adopted a sunnah of
Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬or he may have adopted the practice of his teacher.
Adaab – literally, to call someone to eat your food; etiquette; to use such words and do
actions which are praiseworthy; to adopt the best of character; to hold fast unto things
which are commendable; to honour and respect those above you; to be soft, gentle and
easy-going to those younger than you; some say akhlaaq and adaab are synonymous, but Ml
said akhlaaq and adaab are separate
Ma’duba is a food prepared for people to partake from
The ulama mention that people are comfortable and seek the company of those who have
adopted adab. Adab attracts people towards the mu’adab (one who adopts adab).

َ ‫ وي َُوقِّ ْر‬، ‫صغيرنا‬

‫كبيرنا‬ َ ‫ليس منا من لم يرح ْم‬
Who is adab incumbent upon? Everyone, regardless of age, gender, race, age,
knowledgeable or not. Every one of us is responsible for being the best humans we can be.
Adab in duaa – duaa of Ayoob and Khidr make duaa in such humble ways. Khidr attributed
the making a hole in the ship to himself, but erecting the wall, he says your Lord. When
Adam was placed on the earth he attributed the sin to himself
Hadith musarsal – narrating a hadith in the same manner that one’s teacher narrated said it
e.g., once Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬narrated a hadith on dates, he passed zam zam and kajoor to his
sahaba. Thus, every narrator will do the same thing. Although some of these things may not
be from Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬because, sometimes we practice the actions of our ustadh. However,
one must always be careful not to attribute things to Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬unless he specifically did
say/do something. As Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬said, the one who attributes something to him which
was not his, should pick his place in hellfire.

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