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Tibia Shaft Fractures in Adolescents: How and When Can

They be Managed Successfully With Cast Treatment?
Christine A. Ho, MD*w

was a single heel ulcer that healed uneventfully. There

Abstract: Despite the increasing popularity of operative treat- were no compartment syndromes.
ment in adolescent tibia fractures, casting remains a viable first- Although individual adolescents can vary greatly in
line treatment. Because the selection bias in published reports their skeletal maturity, many surgeons define an adoles-
does not allow direct comparison between casting and flexible cent as girls aged 10 years or above and boys aged 12
nail treatment of closed pediatric tibia fractures, it is unclear years or above.9 At this age, there is <4 years of skeletal
whether flexible nailing offers any advantages over casting. This growth remaining, and remodeling is limited compared
overview discusses parameters of acceptable alignment, in- with younger patients, making anatomic alignment more
dications, techniques for successful reduction and casting, sub- of a consideration.
sequent inpatient and outpatient management including
wedging of casted tibia fractures, expected outcomes, and
comparison of casting with flexible nailing. As with any ortho- PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT
paedic procedure, careful attention to patient selection, in- Before discussion of management, the parameters of
dications, and detail facilitates successful cast treatment in this acceptable alignment for tibial fractures must be defined.
older pediatric population. The seminal works of Sarmiento10 clearly define acceptable
Key Words: tibia fracture, casting, adolescents, pediatric limits for cast/functional brace treatment of adult tibial
shaft fractures as 5 degrees of coronal angulation, 10 to 15
(J Pediatr Orthop 2016;36:S15–S18) degrees of sagittal angulation, <50% displacement, and 10
to 15 mm of shortening,11 and these parameters continue
to be accepted today.12,13 Interestingly, the acceptable

A lthough the vast majority of tibial shaft fractures in

children heal quickly with simple cast immobilization,
flexible nail fixation has become more popular, especially
parameters for alignment for tibial diaphyseal fractures in
pediatric patients below 8 years of age are not much more
than for adults, with 10 degrees of coronal and sagittal
in the adolescent population.1–5 However, there have angulation, 50% translation, and 10 mm of shortening as
been significant complications reported with the use of published guidelines.14,15 It follows that adolescent tibial
flexible nails in pediatric tibia fractures, including com- shaft fracture guidelines must fall somewhere between the
partment syndrome,6,7 malunion, nonunion, and nail parameters for children and adults although there are no
migration.7,8 published studies relating final radiographic alignment in
At the author’s institution, casting continues to be this age group with clinical outcomes or arthritis.
the mainstay of treatment of all closed tibial shaft frac- When considering cast treatment, thought must be
tures, including in the adolescent population. In our re- given to the energy of injury, surrounding soft tissue
port of 75 adolescent tibial shaft fractures treated with swelling, pattern of the fracture, other concomitant in-
reduction and casting, only 3 patients failed cast treat- juries, the size of the leg and the patient, and whether the
ment and subsequently underwent surgical fixation, al- fracture is open or closed. In general, most surgeons will
though 61% of patients required longer than 3 months of treat adolescent tibia shaft fractures with surgery in the
immobilization (which included removable boots).9 In following situations:
addition, the only reported complication in this cohort  open fractures,
 large, obese children that are difficult to cast and are at
increased risk for compartment syndrome,7
 severe swelling with a concern for compartment
From the *Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children—Children’s
Health Dallas; and wDepartment of Orthopaedics, University of
Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX.  segmental fractures,
The author declares no conflicts of interest.  polytrauma,
Reprints: Christine A. Ho, MD, Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Chil-  floating knees, and
dren – Children’s Health Dallas, Department of Orthopaedics,  patterns that cannot be controlled in the cast (espe-
University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, 1935 Medical
District Dr., E2300-E2.01, Dallas, TX 75235. E-mail: Christine. cially >10 degree varus with an intact fibula).16 Patients and parents should be warned that cast treat-
Copyright r 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. ment may require longer than 3 months of immobilization,

J Pediatr Orthop  Volume 36, Number 4 Supplement 1, June 2016 | S15

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Ho J Pediatr Orthop  Volume 36, Number 4 Supplement 1, June 2016

and that the return to full activities occurs at an average cast or a removable fracture boot, with gradual return to
of 15 weeks.9 However, it has not been demonstrated weight-bearing as per the patient’s comfort.
that time to union and time to return to activities are The treating practitioner must be aware that this
sooner for tibia shaft fractures treated with flexible nail- can be a labor intensive process, requiring multiple fol-
ing.5,6,17 low-up radiographs and clinic visits to ensure alignment is
For patients who do not required formal reduction maintained, and that interventions such as wedging or
of a minimally displaced fracture, a well molded long-leg even completely replacing an ill-fitting cast may be
cast can be placed with postcasting radiographs to verify needed. This must be discussed with the family before
maintenance of alignment. When the fracture requires embarking on cast treatment. Any pain in the cast must
manipulation, this is best accomplished with the child be investigated by the treating practitioner. Compartment
under conscious sedation in the emergency room or op- syndrome must be strongly considered in the setting of
erating room, with fluoroscopy to check the alignment increasing, unrelenting pain and swelling that occurs in
after the initial application of cast material. A qualified, the first 48 to 72 hours. It has been shown that increasing
experienced assistant such as a cast technician is agitation, anxiety, and need for analgesic medication are
extremely helpful, especially in unstable patterns and the most sensitive indicators of compartment syndrome in
large legs. Careful padding around areas of prominence the pediatric population.18 After the swelling has sub-
(especially the Achilles insertion and calcaneus) can avoid sided, pain in the cast may be because of skin irritation
skin breakdown. A 3-point mold is crucial in counter- from the cast rubbing, and this may lead to ulcerations
acting the deforming forces, which is typically varus, es- and pressure sores if not remedied. Objects placed in the
pecially in tibia fractures with an intact fibula. Unlike cast by the child, such as pencils, erasers, coins, and even
adults, Achilles contractures are not typically encoun- small toys (the author has encountered a dinosaur inside a
tered after casting in the pediatric population, and 15 to cast) may also be offenders and must be removed.
20 degrees of plantar flexion can be helpful. Knee flexion
of 30 to 45 degrees in the cast helps to provide rotational DISCUSSION
control and prevent a noncompliant teenager from As treatment of pediatric long-bone fractures be-
weight-bearing. If fiberglass is used for the cast, the au- comes increasingly more surgical, casting is in danger of
thor strongly recommends univalving the cast to allow for becoming a lost art. The advantages of flexible nailing
expected swelling and to decrease the risk of compartment over casting of adolescent tibia fractures are unclear, es-
syndrome. pecially since all of the reports regarding flexible nails in
Our institution routinely admits to the hospital tibia pediatric tibias combine both open and closed injuries,
fractures that require reduction and casting for soft tissue leading to bias in these reports.
monitoring, elevation, and neurovascular monitoring to
assess for any changes in examination. These patients are Duration of Immobilization
discharged with a large pillow to elevate the leg and re- Sarmiento initially transitioned his adult patients
main on bedrest for 48 hours after casting to ensure from a long-leg cast to a functional brace at an average of
continued elevation. They are instructed to call the clinic 3.8 weeks.11 Our institution reported an average duration
(or return to the emergency department if after hours or of immobilization of 13.8 weeks with the majority of
on the weekend) if the child develops pain or swelling that patients transitioned to a short leg cast or boot at the
does not improve with elevation and oral pain medi- 6-week mark.9 Many tibia fractures require a cast even
cations. after surgical stabilization. Sankar et al5,6 reported that
After casting, close radiographic monitoring is re- all surgically stabilized tibia fractures were immobilized,
quired for the first 1 to 2 weeks as there may be some loss with an average of 7 weeks in a cast.
of alignment as the soft tissue swelling resolves. Some
fractures may require 3 consecutive weeks of radiographic Union Time
monitoring. Wedging casts in the clinic is an essential In the author’s institution’s casted pediatric pop-
component to successful cast treatment as this can im- ulation, the mean return to activities was at 15 weeks,
prove angulation in the first few weeks without the need which compares favorably to a mean union time of 18.1
for further sedation.9,14 The author recommends an weeks for casted adults.11 Union time with flexible nails
opening wedge technique to avoid the risk of fracture has been reported by Sankar et al5,6 to be between 11 and
shortening and skin impingement that can occur with a 13 weeks, but Srivastava et al17 reported a union time of
closing wedge technique. A cast saw is used to carefully 22.5 weeks for 9 closed tibial fractures treated with flex-
cut circumferentially around the cast, perpendicular to ible nails.
the long axis of the tibia, at the level of the apex of the
fracture (Fig. 1). Small commercially available spacers up Malunion Rates
to 1 cm in width can be used to open the wedge on the cast Sarmiento reported an 11% rate of angulation >7
side opposite the location of the fracture apex. degrees in the coronal plane, 5% rate of angulation >10
Tibia fractures that are length unstable are non– degrees in the sagittal plane, and 1.4% rate of shortening
weight-bearing until callus is present (generally 4 to 6 wk). >20 mm in adults treated with casting.10 The author’s
At this time, patients may be transitioned into a short leg reported experience in adolescent casted tibias was 5%

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J Pediatr Orthop  Volume 36, Number 4 Supplement 1, June 2016 Casting Adolescent Tibia Shaft Fractures

FIGURE 1. A, A 13+ 10-year-old boy twisted his leg while sliding into base during baseball, resulting in a diaphyseal distal tibia
fracture with a proximal fibula fracture, with loss of reduction and valgus malalignment 1 week after initial reduction. B,
Alignment improved after wedging of the cast in the clinic. C, Acceptable alignment at final follow-up, 3 months postinjury.

rate of angulation >5 degrees in the coronal plane and outcomes when compared with casting, although se-
3% rate of angulation >10 degrees in the sagittal plane.9 lection bias makes it impossible to compare the groups.
Goodwin et al1 published that 10% of their pediatric tibia The possibility for prolonged casting in adolescents may
fractures treated with flexible nails had angular deformity be minimized by transitioning to a fracture brace instead
>10 degrees, and Sankar et al6 similarly reported a 12% of a short leg cast or boot. There is no data comparing the
rate of malangulation >10 degrees. quality/value/safety of flexible nailing versus casting of
adolescent tibia fractures.
Complications In short, successful casting is accomplished by the
The only complication in our reported adolescent following:
series was 1 heel ulcer.9 No patient suffered a compart-  establishing a common understanding between the
ment syndrome. Three of 75 patients (4%) failed cast treating practitioner and family regarding expected
treatment and were treated with surgical stabilization (all treatment duration, need for clinic and radiographic
3 of these were involved in vehicular collisions). During follow-up, and need for possible clinic interventions;
the study time period (7 y), only 6 other patients under-  having a low threshold for hospital admission to
went immediate surgical stabilization. Pandya et al7 re- monitor for swelling and pain;
ported a 20% rate of compartment syndrome in their  strict elevation of the fractured leg for at least 48 hours
patients treated with flexible nails, and Sankar et al6 re- after casting;
ported a 2% rate of compartment syndrome with another  experienced assistants present for cast application(in
2% of patients requiring an unplanned return to the op- the author’s institution, these are certified cast techni-
erating room. It must be emphasized that the flexible nail cians);
cohorts included open fractures, which suffered higher  experience in the art of casting with special expertise in
energy injuries and therefore may these groups may have molding and wedging;
already been biased toward more complications.  meticulous attention to padding prominent areas in the
It has not been demonstrated that closed pediatric cast; and
tibia fractures treated with flexible nails have faster union  immediate investigation of any pain reported in the
rates, decreased complications, or improved functional cast.

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Ho J Pediatr Orthop  Volume 36, Number 4 Supplement 1, June 2016

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