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Lerios, Janine Kyla G. Activity #1.

BSN 3-YB-11 PPGC 111

Do you agree that politics should be discuss in a highly objective and politically neutral manner? Qualify your

If we were to reflect on the most recent national election campaign in our nation, we would see that each
member of the populace had personal biases that caused us to have varying political philosophies and
viewpoints. During the most recent campaign season, many young people, including myself, had their eyes
opened to how politics may impact the everyday lives of ordinary Filipinos. Back then, we would joke about
turning everything into politics, but now that we have the resources to look back at our history and our
ancestors' mistakes, we have the power to make an informed choice to lessen the likelihood of repeating our
history. Being politically aware offers you the choice to vote for the candidate you believe has the guts to
change your country for the better and support the ideas you believe in, and we may use what philosopher
George Santayana said, "Those who cannot recall the past are destined to repeat it." Studying politics
objectively is crucial because it will enable us to exercise our rights, identify our personal political views, and
gain a deeper understanding of the benefits and drawbacks of the wide range of political ideologies. I cast my
first ballot in the most recent election, so at first, I did not know who to support, but now I know who I should
not. Being politically neutral is essential because a responsible citizen should put his country and fellow citizens
first. To analyze and contrast the candidates' strengths and flaws, which would greatly benefit our country, I
should be doing a study on them as responsible citizens. Our country's and our fellow citizens' lives are in our
hands. In Imus, Cavite, where I also participated, you could truly see how many people are ignorant as we were
conducting our door-to-door campaigns, especially in the impoverished regions of Imus. Indeed, it feels
wonderful to bring attention to these individuals since we now understand why they are the subject of false
information. It is nice to stand up for your nation, even in small methods of assistance, because you can see for
yourself how that assistance impacted Philippine history. Our government ought to serve us, not the other way
around. We chose them because we saw their potential for leading our nation and its various branches. Because
we can appoint government officials, we should also have the authority to remove them when they are not
faithfully serving our nation and its citizens. Instead of us being terrified of our government officials, they
should be afraid of us.

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