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Mention the communities termed as

‘desirables’ and ‘undesirables’ by the
Nazis. 2
SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER 6. Mention any four causes of poverty in
2021-22 India 3
TERM II Describe how the poverty line is
CLASS IX estimated in India.
7.Explain any three conditions which
SOCIAL SCIENCE - CODE 087 make the election process more
Time Allowed: 2 Hours democratic. 3
8.What do you understand by the
Maximum Marks: 40
‘Retreating of the Monsoon’? When does
------------------------------------------------ it occur? 3
General Instructions: 9. Mention five consequences of Nazism
i.. All questions are compulsory. in Germany. 5
ii.Question no. 1 to 5 are very short 10. Prime Minister is the head of the
government.” Justify the statement. 5
answer type questions of 2 marks each.
Answer to each question should not 11. Read the given text and answer the
exceed 40 words. following questions:
iii.Question no. 6 to 8 are short answer
type questions, carrying 3 marks each. Removal of poverty has been one
of the major objectives of Indian
Answer to each question should not developmental strategy. The current anti-
exceed 80 words. poverty strategy of the government is
iv.Question no. 9 and 10 are long based broadly on two planks (1)
answer type questions, carrying 5 promotion of economic growth (2)
targeted anti-poverty programmes.
marks each. Answer to each question Over a period of thirty years lasting
should not exceed 120 words. up to the early eighties, there were little
v. Question no. 11 and 12 are Case per capita income growth and not much
Based questions. reduction in poverty. Official poverty
estimates which were about 45 per cent in
vi. Question no. 13 is map based, the early 1950s remained the same even
carrying 3 marks with two parts, 13.1 in the early eighties. Since the eighties,
from History (1 mark) and 13.2 from India’s economic growth has been one of
Geography (2 marks). the fastest in the world. The growth rate
jumped from the average of about 3.5 per
-------------------------------------------- cent a year in the 1970s to about 6 per
1. Explain the main demands of “April cent during the 1980s and 1990s. The
Theses”. 2 higher growth rates have helped
2. Why are most of the Peninsular river significantly in the reduction of poverty.
draining into the Bay of Bengal? Give two Therefore, it is becoming clear that there
reasons. Name two rivers draining into the is a strong link between economic growth
Arabian Sea. 2 and poverty reduction. Economic growth
3. Describe the need for political widens opportunities and provides the
institutions in India. 2 resources needed to invest in human
4. Explain any two social indicators development. This also encourages
through which poverty is looked upon. 2 people to send their children, including the
girl child, to schools in the hope of getting
better economic returns from investing in animals found are lion, tiger, pig, deer and
education. However, the poor may not be elephant. A huge variety of birds, lizards,
able to take direct advantage from the snakes and tortoises are also found here
opportunities created by economic growth.
Moreover, growth in the agriculture sector 12.1 The dry deciduous forests are found
is much below expectations. This has a in areas having rainfall between _______ .
direct bearing on poverty as a large 1
number of poor people live in villages and 12.2 Name any two of the important
are dependent on agriculture. species of Moist Deciduous Forests. 1
12.3 Why do dry forests area is
11.1 What is per Capita income? 1 decreasing? 2
11.2 What was the India’s economic
growth during the 1980s and 1990s ? 1 13. 13.1 On the given outline map of
11.3 Name any one anti poverty world locate, the countries that were
programme launched by the central powers in the First World War 1
government? 2

12. Read the given text and answer the

following questions:

These are the most widespread

forests of India. They are also called the
monsoon forests and spread over the
region receiving rainfall between 200 cm
and 70 cm. Trees of this forest type shed
their leaves for about six to eight weeks in
dry summer. On the basis of the
availability of water, these forests are
further divided into moist and dry
deciduous. The former is found in areas
receiving rainfall between 200 and 100 13.2 Locate and label the following items
cm. These forests exist, therefore, mostly on the given map(Any two) 2
in the eastern part of the country — 1 The strait separating Sri Lanka and
northeastern states, along the foothills of India
the Himalayas, Jharkhand, West Odisha 2 Salt water lake in Kerala
and Chhattisgarh, and on the eastern 3 Largest fresh water lake in India
slopes of the Western Ghats. Teak is the 4 A group of islands lying East of the
most dominant species of this forest. mainland of India
Bamboos, sal, shisham, sandalwood, 5 Islands group lying close to Malabar
khair, kusum, arjun and mulberry are coast and Kerala
other commercially important species.
The dry deciduous forests are
found in areas having rainfall between 100
cm and 70 cm. These forests are found in
the rainier parts of the Peninsular plateau
and the plains of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.
There are open stretches, in which teak,
sal, peepal and neem grow. A large part
of this region has been cleared for
cultivation and some parts are used for
grazing. In these forests, the common
II) It collects taxes and spends
money on administration, defence and
developmental programmes.
III) It formulates and implements
several welfare schemes.
Political institutions are needed to
attend to all these tasks.
4. Poverty today is looked upon through
social indicators like illiteracy level, lack of
access to healthcare, lack of job
opportunities etc.:-
i) People are poor because they are
illiterate and they are illiterate
because they are poor.
ii) Poverty is a situation where sick
people cannot afford treatment, i.e.,
they lack access to healthcare.
5. a) The ‘desirables’ included blond, blue-
eyed, Nordic German Aryans. He wanted
Answer: a society of pure and healthy Nordic
1. In April 1917, the Bolshevik leader b)The ‘undesirables’ included many
Vladimir Lenin returned to Russia from his gypsies, blacks, Jews remained the worst
exile. He and the Bolsheviks had opposed sufferers. Even those ‘ Germans who
the war since 1914. Now he felt it was were seen as impure or abnormal had no
time for soviets to take over power. He put right to live.
three demands which were known as c) Under the Euthanasia Programme
Lenin’s April Theses. they were condemned to death. Even
The three demands were : Germans who were mentally and
(a) He declared that the war to be ended physically unfit were put to death.
(b) Land to be transferred to the peasants 6. a) Low level of economic development
(c) The banks to be nationalized. under the British rule in India.
b) Decline of Indian handicrafts
2. Most of the Peninsular rivers drain into industry which led to unemployment,
the Bay of Bengal because of the poverty and misery which were
following reasons: responsible for the low rate of income
(a) The Eastern Ghats are lower than the growth.
Western Ghats and are also c) Social factors like caste system,
discontinuous thus making it easier for religious faiths and beliefs also kept
the rivers to reach the Bay of Bengal. certain section of people in society in
(b) The Deccan Plateau has a gentle poverty.
slope towards the east, thus the rivers d) High growth rate of population led to
drain towards the east. a very low per capita income in the
Two rivers draining into the Arabian Sea country.
are the Narmada and the Tapi.
3. I) The government is responsible
In India, for determining the poverty line,
for ensuring security to the citizens and the accepted average calorie requirement
providing education and health facilities to is 2,400 calories per person per day in
all. rural areas and 2,100 calories per person
per day in urban areas. In the year
2011-12, the poverty line for a person whole country.
was fixed at ? 816 per month for the rural (d) Special surveillance and security
areas and ? 1,000 for the urban areas. forces were created to control and order
society in ways Nazi wanted.
7. a) One vote, one value: To (e) He believed in the survival of the fittest
choose/elect the representative every one and established an exclusive racial
must have one note with equal value. This community of pure Aryans.
is to avoid any type of conflicting situation.
b) Regular Election: There should be 10. Prime Minister is the head of the
regular elections in every democratic government. The statement can be
country so that people have their choice justified in the following ways:
at regular intervals. a) He leads the majority party in the
c) Free and Fair Election: In order to Parliament.
ensure a fair chance to the people there b)He summons and presides over
should be free and fair election in every the meetings of the cabinet.
democratic country. c) All the decisions by his cabinet
d) Political competition: In order to have are taken under his leadership,
democratic election parties, candidates consent and authority.
should be free to contest elections and d) He acts as an adviser to the
should offer some real choice to the president over the appointment of
voters. his ministers, judges of Supreme
Court and high courts.
8. a) Withdrawal of the monsoon from the e) He is free to choose his ministers
country is known as the retreating of the and can change their portfolios.
monsoon. 11.1 Total income is divided by the total
(b) The withdrawal is a gradual process. population of the country is termed as per
In September the monsoon withdraws capita income.
from the north western states and by 11.2 6%
October from the northern half of the 11.3. MNERGA
peninsular. 12.1 100 cm and 70 cm
(c) The monsoon finally withdraws from 12.2 Teak, bamboos, sal, shisham,
the country by early December. sandalwood, khair, kusum, aijun and
mulberry are some of the important
9. The consequences of Nazism in species of Moist Deciduous Forests.
Germany were: 12.3 A large part of this region has been
(a) Weimar Republic came to an end. cleared for cultivation and some parts are
Under Nazism, Germany became a used for grazing.
dictatorial state, democracy was
destroyed. 13.1
(b) Hitler assigned the responsibility of
economic recovery to the economist
Hjalmar Schacht. He aimed at full
production and full employment through
state-funded work-creation programme.
This project produced the famous German
highways and peoples car Volkswagen.
(c) In foreign policy, Germany left the
League of Nations in 1933, reoccupied
Rhineland in 1936, annexed Austria in
1938. He then took Sudentenland, a part
of Czechoslovakia and finally took the

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