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1.1 Project Description

U-FARMLY is a startup that focus to develop urban farming technology. We have a big
plan to develop hydroponic automation technology, basic need hydroponic, and indoor farming
technology. To start the big plan, now we are developing hydroponic nutrients automation
designed for hydroponic farmer.
The hydroponic nutrients automation that use internet of thing is designed for monitoring
and controlling nutrients and water precisely in hydroponic garden. It can help hydroponic
farmer to increase their yields quality and quantity. Besides that, hydroponic farmer can monitor
and control even when they not in the garden.

Product Feature:
 LCD Display, Bluetooth, and Wifi connection choices to monitor and regulate the
 Monitor hydroponic nutrients level (in ppm)
 Monitor pH of hydroponic nutrients (in pH)
 Monitor water level (in %)
 Add hydroponic nutrients to container
 Add water to container
 Timer for regulating nutrients pump to the main pipe/gully

1.2 Target Beneficiaries

The main goal of U-FARMLY in this LMP Project is to research about product and
market. The product development is targeted for hydroponic farmer. The scope is hydroponic
farmer in around Bandung with visiting their garden directly and outside Bandung with
personally chat with picture and video visualization.
Hydroponic farmer around Bandung with one of below qualify:
 Have minimum 1 hydroponic garden and sell their yields
 Hydroponic hobbyist who are busy but they want to keep plant vegetable hydroponically
in their home
Hydroponic farmer outside Bandung with below qualify:
 Have minimum 1 hydroponic garden and sell their yields

1.3 Unique Value Proposition

Based on market validation in Griya Hijau Hidroponik, they need the technology that not
only can measure the nutrients (ppm, pH, and water level) but also can add nutrients and water
automatically. If we look the competitor that exist in the market that only measure the nutrients
(ppm and pH), we decide to make the product with the uniqueness below:
 One solution for hydroponic nutrients automation, include:
 Monitor hydroponic nutrients level and pH
 Add nutrients and water to container automatically
 Timer for regulate nutrients pump to the main pipe/gully

1.4 Marketing Strategy

Market Research Strategy
We will conduct two kind of market research through offline (visiting hydroponic garden
directly) and online (chat or call via Whatsapp). The strategy for offline market research is
 Visit hydroponic garden around Bandung
 Interview and Focus Group Discussion
 Ask them to explain their garden first
 Use divergen strategy (explain the product first and then ask for their opinion
whether the product help them or not) to make the research effectively
The strategy for online market research is below:
 Gather hydroponic farmer Whatsapp contact
 Chat frequently to build relationship
 Give an explanation about the product with picture or video visualization and ask for
their opinion about that
Branding Strategy
We want to make U-FARMLY as a leader for urban farming technology company in
Indonesia. So, we make a branding strategy to introduce the business and change & affect
customer paradigm:
 Branding after the final product made
 Introduce the product to influencer people at hydroponic and non-hydroponic and
cooperate with them
 Stick sticker and pamphlet in every greenhouse hydroponic
 Branding after the advanced product made (after LMP end)
 Advertise direct and indirect
Direct: word of mouth, chat and call
Indirect: TV, social media, billboard, megatron, or videotron
 Cooperate with big company related with hydroponic

1.5 Target That to be Achieved at the End of Semester

We have target to launch the business and the first product in the end of semester, so we
divide the target into below part:
Product Development : Final Product (Function and Design)
Market Strategy : Product Launch and Branding Strategy
Finance : Calculate Profitability, BEP, Payback Period, IRR, and ROI

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