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Theory Examination Type Training

acc. EASA Part-66.B.130, Appendix III 4.

Theory Examination Type Training

Course Designation
acc. EASA Part-66.B.130, Appendix III 4.

Name of Trainee: _____________________________

(Signature Trainee)

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Theory Examination Type Training
acc. EASA Part-66.B.130, Appendix III 4.

Examination Questions

1. The pylons to attach the XXX …..?

□ a. are the same in ….

□ b. are different in execution and …..
□ c. are ……

2. Where is the …….?

□ a. are the …….

□ b. are different …
□ c. are different in construction ……

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Theory Examination Type Training
acc. EASA Part-66.B.130, Appendix III 4.

General rules

• The examination has to follow the regulation of the EASA Part-66 Appendix III point 4 and
EASA Part-147.A.135.

• The examination is a closed book examination.

• It is not allowed to use calculators.

• To complete the exam successfully, 75% of the questions must be answered correctly.

• The total time is based on the total number of questions and the time for answering is based upon a
nominal average of 90 seconds per question.

• Just one answer is the correct one.

• Please choose the right answer for each question and mark it with a X.

• If you decide that your given choices was wrong mark your new answer with a X and dash the wrong
one like this example. → X.

• It is only to use a permanent marker to make notes on the examination sheets.

• If the trainee fails the Exam he can make a new attempt in 30 days.

• The examination staff shall ensure the security of all questions.

• Any student found during a knowledge examination to be cheating or in possession of material

pertaining to the examination subject other than the examination papers and associated authorized
documentation shall be disqualified from taking the examination and may not take any examination for
at least 12 months after the date of the incident. The competent authority shall be informed of any
such incident together with the details of any enquiry within one calendar month.

• Any examiner found during a knowledge examination to be providing question answers to any
student being examined shall be disqualified from acting as an examiner and the examination
declared void. The competent authority must be informed of any such occurrence within one calendar

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Theory Examination Type Training
acc. EASA Part-66.B.130, Appendix III 4.

Examination Questions Answer Sheet


Questions Correct
number Answers

1. a. b. c.
2. a. b. c.
3. a. b. c.
4. a. b. c.
5. a. b. c.

Final score : _______________ (%)

Examination successful : YES* NO*

Date of Exam : _______________

Start Time : _______________

End Time : _______________

Location : _______________

Name of Examiner/AML No : _________________________

(Signature Examiner)

With the sign of the examiner, he confirms the successful conclusion of

the theoretical training according EASA Part-66.B.130, Appendix III 4.

* If the exam was successful dash NO, if the exam was not dash YES.

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