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Task 1: The graph below shows the number of students in each group in 1997.

The bar chart compares boys and girls in terms of the figures for students
participating in four categories.
Overall, the number of boys joining in groups A, B, and C was higher than that of
girls, while that of girls showed more preference for group D. In addition, group D
occupied the most girls.
Regarding groups that have more boys than girls, the quantity of males in group
A, which was 20 students, was twice as large as females. Similarly, the figure for boys
in group B, which was 30 people, was 10 students higher than that of girls. Likewise,
males in group C accounted for 25 pupils, as opposed to 20 people for females.
When it comes to group D, girls stood out as the top ranking with 40 pupils, while
that of boys was smaller than 30 students.
Task 2: Today people stay away from their friends and family to find a job. Do
the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Nowadays, many people have a trend to leave their hometown and move to urban
areas to search for job opportunities. From my perspective, its cons outweigh the pros.
First and foremost, people should recognize that there are many disadvantages of
staying away from their hometown to find a job. A very important thing to consider is
that they will live alone and nobody can take care of them, so they will have health
and food habits. Because they choose to work in another environment, they must try
hard and work long hours since they are staying alone. A case in point is a magazine
that conducted a survey and reported that 75% of the individuals are having cancer
and stress because of having fast food and living away from their families. In addition,
living without their family and friends also hurts relationships in the long term.
On the other hand, according to many cons, it also has plenty of pros in this case.
If they move to urban areas, they will have an abundance of chances to search for job
opportunities. Therefore, citizens can enjoy a higher income compared to their
hometown and can live a happier life with their success. For instance, with a variety of
employment opportunities, people can offer a double or triple for the same job.
Besides that, they also cater to show their passion and experience for their jobs so
they can pursue their careers in various fields.
In conclusion, despite the advantages of this trend, I believe that the cons
outweigh the pros.

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