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“Develop a passion for learning.

If you do, you will never cease

to grow.”
May respect to our very
workaholic yet efficient and
pogi school principal IV Mr.
Joseph C.
Hinanay. Special greetings to
all school department heads and
to all teachers. Good morning.
This is the virtual and physical
gathering of Atimonan National
Comprehensive High School
(School-Based INSET)
Leadership and pedagogical
skills of Empowered
School Personnel through
INSET 2021”
“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow. ”May respect to our very
workaholic yet efficient School Principal II Mr. Arturo P. Dumlao Special greetings to our school
Department Heads and to all Teachers. Good morning. This is the School Based In Service Training
Manaring Integrated School(School-Based INSET).

This is the recapitulation of Day 2

Hi! My name is Vince M.

Marasigan. Teacher 1 from
Filipino Department. My task
today is to
refresh you about what had
happen yesterday during our
INSET 2021.
My task today is to refresh you about what had happen yesterday during our INSET.
The first speaker was Arturo P. Dumlao he discussed about DepEd order no.3 s. 2023 an order
allowing the conduct of Inperson Activity in School. He discussed about curricular and
cocurricular activities that involve the Inperson Gathering. He emphasized that In curricular
activities it is the part of the lesson. While in co-curricular activities this is after quarterly exam
like math club science club. etc. and in Extracurricular Activities this are the celebrations of
National Heroes Day, Fun Run, Sports activities. He also discussed about D.o. no.2 series of
2015- Establishment of IPCR Result Based Management.He also discussed about Professional
Roles of a Teacher. As a teacher we need to improved our self. If there is one thing to teach to
your student is to accept change.
The second speaker is no other than sir Fernando M. Teodoro he discussed about the RPMS Tools for
teacher I-III, Proficient Teachers S.Y. 2022, 2023. He said that in an Interdisciplinary we need to integrate
other area across the curriculum area one or two teaching areas.

The third speaker was Antonio Tarayao he discussed about the guidelines for classroom observations.

The the fourt speaker was Bonabel Dacquil the topic that she discussed is about The 21 st Century
Teachers as a Facilitator of Learning. She said that facilitative teaching is teaching that guides, instigate,
and motivates students to learn. She also discussed about the roles of facilitative teacher. The
characteristic and behavior of facilitative teachers is attentive, genuine, understanding, respectful,
knowledgeable and communicative. She also discussed about the teaching stile the way in which
teaching tasks are chosen and carried out(Mohanna, Chambers and Wall, 2008). She also discussed
about the three learning styles the visual, auditory,and kinesthestic.

The fifth speaker was Jenissi Cabigon “ She discussed about the teacher’s role in the students career
development. She emphasized that teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions.”
Teachers serve as a role model to students of someone who has made career decisions ; they spend
more time with the student and can easily spot special abilities and flairs students have they also shape
students view about the world of work through their teachings. She also emphasized that a teacher’s
pupose is not to create students in his image, but to develop students who can create their image.

The last speaker was Ana Mae Telan she discussed about the Capacitating Teachers in Teaching Reading
Techniques and strategies for beginner readers using “Marungko Approach’’. Marungko approach was
first introduced in a public elementary school in Marungko, Angat, Bulacan, devised by Nooriah Ali and
Josefina Ubando.

Mrs. Lilian Q. Fernandez lead

the National Athem, while Ms.
Melina C. Aguilar for
and Mrs. Cecilia C. Alvano for
roll call of participants via
google meet.

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