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REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem

Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA

as lectured by Atty. Henedino Brondial
REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA

The following are the materials used for this work:

1. Lectures and syllabus of Fiscal Serafin Salazar

2. “Evidence: The Bar Lectures Series” (2016) by Dean Willard Riano; and
3. “Notes and Cases in Remedial Law Volume IV (Evidence)” (2019) by Atty.
Salvador Moya II

Some of the contents of the above have been paraphrased and questions propounded differently in
order to tailor the author’s learning method.

Answers to some questions are likewise tailored to the personal preference of the author (e.g.
answers to midterm examination questions and bar questions)

I do not guaranty the absolute correctness of this work due to human errors and failure to
understand the question or concept perfectly. I apologize in advance for any error you may
encounter in this work.

However, please see to it that the error is an opportunity to learn, as Dean Jose Sundiang puts it
“The beauty of an error is to correct it, and not to perpetuate it.”
REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA



JURISDICTION …………………………………………………………………………. 1
RULE 1; GENERAL PROVISIONS …………………………………………………..
RULE 2; CAUSE OF ACTION ………………………………………………………..
RULE 3; PARTIES TO CIVIL ACTIONS ……………………………………………
RULE 4; VENUE OF ACTIONS …………………………………………………….
RULE 6; KINDS OF PLEADINGS …………………………………………………..
RULE 9; EFFECT OF FAILURE TO PLEAD ....................................................
REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
CIVIL PROCEDURE Kung tatlo ang girlfriend mo, yung una lang
original, yung iba concurrent na)
Kinds of original jurisdiction
Jurisdiction may be classified as
follows, according to its: The following are the kinds of original
1. Nature:
a. Original; 1. Exclusive; and
i. Exclusive; and 2. Concurrent
ii. Concurrent
b. Appellate: Concurrent jurisdiction
i. Exclusive ONLY
It is when several courts, regardless of
2. Object, over the: rank, has the authority to hear the
a. Subject matter; same subject matter
b. Person of the parties;
c. Res; As such, the SC, CA, and RTC, has
d. Issues; and concurrent jurisdiction over:
e. Territory
1. Petitions for:
Jurisdiction according to its nature a. Habeas Corpus
b. Quo warranto; and
The following are the kinds of 2. Petition for issuance of writs of:
jurisdiction according to jurisdiction: a. Certiorari;
b. Prohibition;
1. Original; and c. Mandamus; and
2. Appellate d. Continuing Mandamus

Original v. appellate jurisdiction Q: Thus, that there are three (3) possible
courts to file the above stated petitions,
Jurisdiction is original if the court namely the SC, CA, and RTC, is the
took cognizance of the case for the 1st plaintiff vested with the absolute right to
time. choose the court to which he will file the
On the other hand, it is appellate, if
the court took cognizance of the case No, as there are principles that must
in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and so on and so be observed.
forth instance/s.
Principles observed in case of concurrent
(NOTE: Iisa lang ang original, di pwedeng jurisdiction
The following must be observed:
Do not confuse it with concurrent
1. Hierarchy of courts;

REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
2. Doctrine of transcendental Q: Assuming that the CA took cognizance
importance; and of the case, it is exercising its concurrent
3. That the SC is NOT a trier of jurisdiction as with the RTC and SC?
It is not anymore concurrent as the
Q: What is the only instance when a CA is now exercising its appellate
petitioner may file directly to SC? jurisdiction

Only in cases of pure question of Appellate

Kinds of appellate jurisdiction
This is in accordance with the
doctrine of transcendental Exclusive ONLY (1:1)
importance. Thus, the rule as to
direct filing in the SC is as follows: Q: Is there appellate concurrent
GR: CANNOT be allowed,
as the doctrine of No, as the party cannot choose the
hierarchy of courts court to take the appeal.
must be observed
In fact, the court of original filing shall
ER: In cases of be determinative of the appellate
transcendental court.
importance, the SC
may nevertheless take Jurisdiction according to its object
cognizance and
disregard the doctrine The following are jurisdictions based
of hierarchy of courts on its object, specifically over the:

Q: Assuming that a petition for certiorari 1. Subject matter;

is to be filed, where should the petitioner 2. Persons of the parties;
file it first? 3. Res;
4. Issues; and
First and foremost to the RTC, as the 5. Territory
general rule is that the doctrine of
hierarchy of courts cannot be Jurisdiction over the subject matter
Q: How is jurisdiction over the subject
Q: Assuming that a petition for certiorari matter acquired?
has been filed, and was dismissed, where
is the proper court to appeal? It is conferred by law (legislative)

It is the CA which has jurisdiction Q: Is the above rule absolute?

over the appeal.
No, as an exception, the jurisdiction
Notice that before arriving to of the SC is in the Constitution.
the CA, it went first to the
REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
Therefore, if the legislative would Nevertheless, the case continued for some
legislate on the jurisdiction of the SC, time and numerous motions and petitions
it would amount to an encroachment were exchanged between both parties.
of powers.
Six years into the case, Y filed a motion
Most important principle of jurisdiction with the CA to dismiss on the ground that
there was no valid service of summons
“Any judgment, decision, or final over her co-defendant X, thus there was a
order, rendered by a court without failure to obtain jurisdiction over his
jurisdiction is null and void.” person, and hence the case against her
should be dismissed.
(NOTE: For purposes of the bar,
Atty. Brondial said to MEMORIZE On the other hand, BERI argued that X is
this principle, as a last resort if the already estopped to question the
examinee is having a hard time jurisdiction of the court considering that it
answering jurisdictional questions. was only on the 6th year from the inception
In his own words, “You may not be of the case that she questioned the same
perfect, but you cannot be wrong.”) and is only questioning such for the first
time on appeal. Who is correct?
Q: Is the above principle absolute?
NONE of them is correct. But for
No, as there is an exception, which is purposes of this case, the case should
jurisdictional estoppel. Thus the rule is not be dismissed.
as follows:
As to Y’s contention, the Court
GR: Any order rendered by resolved it by returning to the nature
a court without of the obligation, which is solidary.
jurisdiction shall be Thus, it may be resolved by
null and void demanding from any one of them.

ER: Jurisdictional estoppel In addition, another available

remedy for BERI is to file
Q: Spouses X and Y had a loan agreement against the estate of X. But it
with BERI. In the said agreement, their is no longer necessary
obligation is solidary. considering that they already
filed a case against the solidary
Due to failure of the X and Y to pay the co-debtor.
value of the loan, a case for collection of
sum of money was filed in the RTC Neither is X an indispensable
against them in 2008. party, as again, the nature of
the case is solidary and hence
No service of summons was served upon resort to any one of the co-
X as he was already dead at 2005, debtors is sufficient.
evidenced by a certificate of death
presented by Y. On the other hand, BERI’s contention
is misplaced, to the extent that what
could be subjected to estoppel by laches
REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
is ONLY JURISDICTION OVER applies only to jurisdiction over the
THE SUBJECT MATTER subject matter

While it is true that jurisdiction Sa madaling salita there is no such

estoppel is an exception to the thing as jurisdictional estoppel over
otherwise lack of jurisdiction the person.)
of the court taking cognizance
of the case, it is ONLY Q: What kind of estoppel and to what kind
APPLICABLE TO of jurisdiction will such apply in order for
JURISDICTION OVER a party be said to estopped to question the
THE SUBJECT MATTER. jurisdiction of the court?

Thus, if the issue is on the It is estoppel by laches and ONLY

subject matter, it can be raised to jurisdiction over the subject
even for the first time on matter (Tijam v. Sibonghanoy)
Estoppel by laches
Therefore, estoppel cannot
attach considering that what is It refers to an estoppel which:
being questioned is
jurisdiction over the person. 1. Arises from the negligence or
omission to assert a right;
And thus, it cannot be said 2. Within a reasonable time; and
that Y is estopped by virtue of 3. Warranting a presumption that the
her participation in the party entitled to assert it either has
proceedings, as what she abandoned or declined to assert it
questioned is jurisdiction over (Alday v. FGU Insurance
the person of X. Corporation)

Nevertheless, the case against Y must Q: X files a case for recovery of possession
proceed, as the jurisdiction over X is and ownership of land in the RTC against
not actually an issue to the authority A, and Spouses B and C.
of the RTC nor the CA, still going
back to the nature of the obligation. Said land was allegedly valud at
Php57,113.98 as contained in a Xerox copy
That the motion to dismiss is belatedly of a Declaration of Real Property, without
filed, considering that what is being any annotations.
questioned only on appeal is
jurisdiction over the person, the A was declared in default, for failure to file
motion should not have been allowed, an answer, while B and C participated in
as what is allowed is questioning the proceedings via a compromise
jurisdiction over the subject matter agreement entered with X.
even in the first time on appeal.
(Boston Equity Resources v. CA Eventually, judgment was rendered in
and Lolita Toledo) favour of X, ordering A to vacate and pay
damages to X.
(NOTE: Jurisdictional estoppel is not
applicable here because estoppel
REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
Aggrieved, X filed a Motion for New Trial, over it. However, Xerox copies are
on the defense that as a tenant he turned without any evidential value, as it is
over the summons and complaint to D, not an original.
his landlord, believing that the latter had a
better right to the land. The RTC denied Thus, the question is about
the motion. jurisdiction over the subject matter,
which can be raised even for the first
Not to be hampered, X again filed a time on appeal.
Petiton for Relief from Judgment with the
RTC, under the same allegations in the Likewise, A cannot be held to be
previous motion, and further claiming, estopped by laches, considering his
that there is a failure to implead D as an previous acts of filing an MNT and a
indispensable party considering the petition for relief from judgment.
question of ownership. (Duero v. CA)

However, the petition is likewise denied, (NOTE: As early as during trial, he

and the MR alleging that the RTC has no was already assailing the jurisdiction of
jurisdiction considering the Xerox as the court via the filing of the MR on
proving jurisdictional value has no the order denying the petition for
evidentiary value to prove such, has been relief from judgment
dismissed as well.
Thus, he cannot be said to be
As such, a Writ of Execution was issued in estopped by laches)
favour of X.
Summary of the rule on judgment
This led to A’s filing of a Petition for rendered without jurisdiction
Certiorari in the CA questioning the
jurisdiction of the RTC as the GR: Any judgment, decision, or
jurisdictional value has not been final order, rendered by a
established to be within its own court without jurisdiction is
jurisdiction as the proof of valuation is null and void
merely a Xerox copy.
ER: Jurisdictional estoppel by
On the other hand, X claims that A is now laches over the subject matter,
estopped to question the jurisdiction of in which case the party shall
the court considering that he questioned be deemed to have waived his
only in the CA, and not in the RTC. right to question the
jurisdiction of the court
The CA granted the petition. Is the CA
correct in holding that A is NOT estopped EER: Jurisdictional estoppel by
to question the jurisdiction of the RTC? laches over jurisdiction over
the person, res, issues, and
Yes, the CA is correct. territory, as estoppel
It is worthy to note that X relied on SUBJECT MATTER
mere Xerox copies to prove the value
of the land and eventually made the Jurisdiction over the persons of the parties
RTC believe that it has jurisdiction
REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
Parties in a civil case As a general rule, there is only one
party, the petitioner.
There can be a maximum of five (5)
parties in a civil case However, as an exception, in cases
for a petition for issuance of a writ of
A Plaintiff; habeas corpus, there are two (2) parties,
B Defendant; the petitioner and the respondent.
C Co-defendant;
D 3rd (4th, etc.) party defendant; This is so because the
and preliminary citation must
E Intervenor contain the name of the
person holding custody
(NOTE: For purpose of discussion, (respondent)
the above letter designations shall be
used during recitations and lectures) Q: In a petition for adoption, a defendant
filed his opposition thereto. Is it correct to
Parties in a criminal case say that there are two (2) parties to this
special proceeding?
There is a maximum of two (2) parties
in a criminal case: No, as the defendant only becomes an
oppositor, and NOT necessarily a
1. Plaintiff (Republic of the party.
Philippines); and
2. Accused Q: B, B1, and B2 are impleaded as
defendants to a case. Illustrate a cross-
Q: Is the private complainant a party to claim.
the case?
A cross-claim may be had between the
No, as he is merely an interested party defendants.

Q: Under Rule 132 of the Rules of Court, Thus, B against B1, B to B2, B1 to B,
the trial court has the power to exclude B1 to B2, B2 to B, B2 to B1, so on
person/s during trial. and so forth.

Can the trial court exclude the private Q: Can there be a cross-claimant if there
complainant during the trial of his is no co-defendant?
criminal case?
There could be no cross claim, if there
No, as he has an interest in the case. is no co-defendant

(NOTE: Under the previous Rule Q: A filed a civil case against B, and there
132, the private complainant is a 3rd party claim. Is it A who filed the 3rd
CANNOT be excluded. At present, party claim?
the private complainant is deemed to
have an interest, and thus cannot be No, as it is only the defendant who
excluded.) may file a 3rd party claim

Party/ies in special proceedings

REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
Q: What pleading should be filed to Q: How is jurisdiction over the person are
become an intervenor? acquired in special proceedings

By a motion to intervene under Rule It must comply with the requirement

19 on publication. In line with this, an
affidavit of the publisher and the
Q: How is jurisdiction acquired over the clippings of the publication must be
person of the plaintiff? submitted.

Court acquires jurisdiction over the Summary of requirement/s to acquire

plaintiff upon: jurisdiction over the person/s

1. Filing of the initiatory complaint; MEANS

AND Plaintiff Filing of the inititatory
complaint; and
2. Payment of docket fees: Timely payment of the
a. Timely (paid on time); correct docket fees
b. Appropriate (correct Defendant, co- Valid service of
amount) defendant, 3rd (4th, etc.) summons; or
party-defendant, Voluntary appearance
Q: How is jurisdiction over the persons of Accused Lawful arrest; or
the defendant, co-defendant, and 3rd (4th, Voluntary surrender
etc.) party defendant acquired by the
court? Intervenor Upon approval of the
motion for leave to
It is acquired by:
Special proceedings After complying with
1. VALID service of summons; or publication requirements
2. Voluntary appearance
Jurisdiction over the res
Q: When is jurisdiction over the person of
the intervenor acquired? Res literally means the “thing” which
is the subject matter of the action
Upon the approval of the motion for
leave to intervene Q: Considering that it is a “thing”, does it
strictly mean that it is limited to tangible,
(NOTE: Both 3rd (4th, etc.) party- real or personal, property?
complaints and actions for
intervention must be preceded by a No, as it may refer to the “status” of a
motion for leave) person. (e.g. status of the spouse in a
petition for declaration of nullity of
Q: How is jurisdiction acquired over the marriage)
person of the accused?
While generally a thing refers to real
It may be acquired by the following: or personal property, for academic
purposes, it includes status of persons
1. Lawful arrest; or
2. Voluntary surrender
REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
Q: Is it necessary for the court to acquire Does it follow, that all personal actions are
jurisdiction over the res? in personam and all real actions are in
As a general rule, no, as jurisdiction
over the person would suffice. No, it is not restricted to such, as both
may be in personam or in rem despite it
However, as an exception, being a personal or real action
jurisdiction over the res is required in
order for the court to take proceed Criteria to determine if an action is in
with the case whenever the personam or in rem
jurisdiction over the person of the
defendant cannot be acquired in The basis shall be the binding effect
actions which are strictly in personam of the action.

Q: Mr. X owes Mr. A the amount of It is in personam, if the binding

Php100,000. effect is limited to the defendant.

Mr. X has left the country and is now a On the other hand, it is in rem, if the
permanent resident of Canada. binding effect is binding to the whole
It would be very taxing for Mr. A to cause
a publication in Canada. Jurisdiction over the issues

Can his case for collection of money filed Q: How is jurisdiction over the issues
against Mr. X proceed to trial even if the acquired in civil actions?
court cannot acquire jurisdiction over the
latter? It is determined by the allegations in
the pleading
Yes, if the court can acquire Thus, if it is NOT alleged in the
jurisdiction over the properties of X information, the court has no
found in the Philippines, in jurisdiction
accordance with Rule 57 on
Preliminary Attachment. Q: Is it necessary for the court the acquire
jurisdiction over the issues?
In this case, the court will still have
jurisdiction to try the case despite Yes, as without any allegation thereof,
having no jurisdiction over the person the court cannot rule upon it.
(X), as it has jurisdiction over the res
(properties of X in the Philippines) In line with Rules on Evidence, no
proof would be necessary as to those
By preliminary attachment, the action NOT alleged, as the court never
in personam is turned into an action acquired jurisdiction to try such.
quasi in rem, which does not require
jurisdiction over the person over the Q: A filed a case against B for collection of
defendant. sum of money

Q: Under Rule 2 of the ROC, actions are A never alleged that he demanded
classified into personal and real actions. payment via a demand letter
REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
During the trial, A started to present Thus double jeopardy did not attach,
evidence of demand letters. considering that the court had no
authority to try it in the first place.
Is the presentation of the demand letters
objectionable? Q: An information was filed where the
alleged crime committed was qualified
Yes, as the court has no jurisdiction rape of a thirteen (13) year old by her
over the demand letters, as it was uncle.
never alleged in the pleading.
In the information, there was no
Thus, the objection must be sustained, allegation as to the minority nor the
as one cannot present evidence to relationship of the respondent to the
establish proof of those not alleged in victim.
the pleading.
Assuming that during this time, death can
If there is no allegation, what is there still be imposed, can the court impose the
to prove? extreme penalty of death?

(NOTE: The remedy then of the No, as the circumstances amounting

plaintiff should be amendment of the to rape being qualified was never
pleading. But observe that under the alleged.
new Sec. 5 of Rule 10, it is no longer
stated. As to the reason, di ko pa alam, Q: Considering that in civil and criminal
wait lang daw sabi ni LeBrondi) actions, jurisdiction over the issues is
acquired via the allegations in the
Q: How is jurisdiction over the issues pleadings, does the same hold true in
acquired in criminal actions? special proceedings?

It is via the arraignment, specifically in No, as in case of special proceedings,

the information or complaint- jurisdiction over the issues is provided
affidavit. for by law

Thus, if circumstances are not alleged Q: In a petition for adoption, it was

in the information, the court cannot alleged by the petitioner that “I am very
appreciate those circumstances to capable of adopting X, as I am very rich.
mitigate, exempt, or aggravate liability Likewise, X is capable of being adopted as
her parents have already told me that I
Q: If there was no arraignment, and can”, without any further proof proving
subsequently the case was dismissed, such. Did the court acquire jurisdiction by
another case was filed against the the mere representations in the allegation?
respondent, can the respondent raise the
defense of double jeopardy? No, as in special proceedings,
jurisdiction over the issues is provided
No, as in the first place, the court for by law.
acquired no jurisdiction over the
issues of the case. Mere allegations as to the status of the
adopter and the adoptee are
insufficient, considering that the law
REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
requires certain documents, such as a ER: To avoid miscarriage
judicial declaration of the child as of justice, the SC may
available for adoption. order for a change of
Jurisdiction over the territory
Q: Is jurisdiction over the territory JURISDICTION
required in civil actions?
The following are principles on
No, as jurisdiction over the territory is jurisdiction:
only a matter of venue in civil actions,
and therefore, is NOT jurisdictional 1. Jurisdiction over the subject
Hence, under Rule 4, venue may be
waived by the parties, even by failure a. Any court rendering a
to object. judgment, final order, or
resolution, without
Q: Is jurisdiction over the territory jurisdiction shall be null
required in criminal actions? and void;

In contrast, venue is i. As an exception,

JURISDICTIONAL in criminal the lack of
actions. jurisdiction shall
not apply in cases
Q: That venue is jurisdictional in criminal of jurisdictional
actions, is it correct to say that even if the estoppel;
private complainant is being harassed in
the territory due to the influence of the ii. The estoppel
respondent, it cannot be changed to other referred to in
venues no matter what? jurisdictional
estoppel refers to
No, as Sec.5 of Art. VIII provides that estoppel by
it is within the jurisdiction of the SC laches (Tijam v.
to: Sibonghanoy);

“Order a change of venue or iii. Estoppel by laches

place of trial to avoid a attaches only to
miscarriage of justice” jurisdiction over
the subject
Thus, the rule as to venues in criminal matter, and NOT
actions is as follows: to jurisdiction over
the person, issues,
GR: Jurisdictional, and res, or territory;
hence must be tried in
the place where the b. Jurisdiction over the
crime occurred or any subject matter is
of its material elements conferred by law;
REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
i. As an exception, inferior courts
the jurisdiction of before resort to
the SC is NOT the higher courts;
conferred by law,
as it is provided by ii. As an exception,
the Constitution the SC may
disregard the
c. At the time of hierarchy in cases
determination by the court of transcendental
of its jurisdiction over the importance; and
complaint filed, it must
restrict itself with the iii. The Supreme
allegations in the pleading, Court is not a trier
and CANNOT consider of facts
evidence during such time,
as evidence is a matter of 2. Jurisdiction over the person of
trial. (First Sarmiento the parties:
Property Holdings, Inc.
v. PBCom) a. Jurisdiction over the
person of the plaintiff is
d. Regular courts both have acquired by the filing of
original and appellate the initiatory pleading
jurisdiction AND timely payment of
the correct docket fees;
i. As exceptions,
both the CA and b. Jurisdiction over the
SC do not have person of the defendant,
original co-defendant, and 3rd
jurisdiction over (4th, etc.) party-
criminal cases, as defendant is acquired by
they only have the valid service of
appellate summons or voluntary
jurisdiction over appearance;
c. Jurisdiction over the
e. While the RTC, CA, and person of the accused is
SC has concurrent acquired via a legal arrest
jurisdiction over petitions or voluntary surrender;
for certiorari, prohibition,
and mandamus, the d. Jurisdiction over the
following principles shall intervenor is acquired
be observed: upon the approval of the
motion for leave to
i. Doctrine of intervene;
hierarchy of
courts, in that 3. Jurisdiction over the issues
resort must first be
made to the
REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
a. Jurisdiction over the issues 7. First level courts:
in civil and criminal a. Metropolitan Trial Court
actions is acquired by the (MeTC):
allegations in the b. Municipal Trial Court
pleadings; (MTC)
c. Municipal Trial Courts in
i. As an exception, Cities (MTCC); and
in special d. Municipal Circuit Trial
proceedings, the Courts (MCTC)
issues are 8. Sharia’h Courts:
conferred by law a. Sharia’h Circuit Court
4. Jurisdiction over the res: b. Sharia’h District Court
a. It is only required in c. Sharia’h Appellate Court
cases where jurisdiction (SAC); and
over the person of the 9. Quasi-Judicial Tribunals
defendant cannot be
acquired in actions (NOTE: ALL other tribunals, except
strictly in personam those enumerated from 1-8, are
considered quasi-judicial courts
5. Jurisdiction over the territory:
But wait teka lang one minute may
a. In civil cases, jurisdiction surprise mamaya)
over the territory is NOT
required, as it is territory Basis of judicial power
is merely for the purpose
of venue in civil actions; Art. VIII, Sec. 1; The judicial power shall be
vested in one Supreme Court and in such
b. In criminal cases, lower courts as may be established by law.
jurisdiction over the
territory is required, as Judicial power includes the duty of the courts
territory is jurisdictional of justice to settle actual controversies
in criminal actions involving rights which are legally demandable
and enforceable, and to determine whether or
not there has been a grave abuse of discretion
JURISDICTION OF REGULAR amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on
COURTS the part of any branch or instrumentality of
the Government.
When we talk of jurisdiction, it applies
to regular courts, which are as follows: Q: What are the kinds of jurisdiction held
by regular courts?
1. Supreme Court (SC);
2. Court of Appeals (CA); As a general rule, regular courts both
3. Court of Tax Appeals (CTA); have ORIGINAL AND
4. Sandiganbayan (SB); APPELLATE jurisdiction.
5. Regional Trial Court;
6. Family Courts;
REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
However, as an exception, the SC (d) All criminal cases in which
and the CA only have APPELATE the penalty imposed is reclusion
jurisdiction over criminal cases. perpetua or higher.

Thus they do NOT have ORIGINAL (e) All cases in which only an
jurisdiction over criminal cases, only error or question of law is
appellate jurisdiction involved.

Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court (3) Assign temporarily judges of lower

courts to other stations as public
Art. VIII, Sec. 5; The Supreme Court shall interest may require. Such temporary
have the following powers: assignment shall not exceed six
months without the consent of the
(1) Exercise original jurisdiction over judge concerned.
cases affecting ambassadors, other
public ministers and consuls, and over (4) Order a change of venue or place
petitions for certiorari, prohibition, of trial to avoid a miscarriage of
mandamus, quo warranto, and habeas justice.
(5) Promulgate rules concerning the
(2) Review, revise, reverse, modify, or protection and enforcement of
affirm on appeal or certiorari, as the constitutional rights, pleading,
law or the Rules of Court may practice, and procedure in all courts,
provide, final judgments and orders of the admission to the practice of law,
lower courts in: the integrated bar, and legal assistance
to the underprivileged. Such rules shall
(a) All cases in which the provide a simplified and inexpensive
constitutionality or validity of procedure for the speedy disposition
any treaty, international or of cases, shall be uniform for all
executive agreement, law, courts of the same grade, and shall not
presidential decree, diminish, increase, or modify
proclamation, order, substantive rights. Rules of procedure
instruction, ordinance, or of special courts and quasi-judicial
regulation is in question. bodies shall remain effective unless
disapproved by the Supreme Court.
(b) All cases involving the
legality of any tax, impost, (6) Appoint all officials and employees
assessment, or toll, or any of the Judiciary in accordance with the
penalty imposed in relation Civil Service Law.
(c) All cases in which the
jurisdiction of any lower court Exclusive original jurisdiction of the SC
is in issue.
The SC, has exclusive original
jurisdiction over petitions for:
REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
1. Certiorari; 1. Originally via a petition for certiorari, a
2. Prohibition; and Special Civil Action under Rule 65;
3. Mandamus and
2. By appeal under Rule 45 (Petition for
Over actions emanating from these six review on certiorari)
(6) tribunals:
Distinctions of R.45 and R.65
1. CA;
3. Commission on Audit (COA); Nature Mode of Special Civil
appeal Action
4. SB;
5. CTA decisions en banc; and Kind of action Appellate Original
6. SAC, once they have organized
Relation to Continuation Independent of
Q: Are all decisions of the CTA capable of the original the originating
appeal to the SC by a petition certiorari, case case
prohibition, or mandamus? Question Of law and Of law
No, as decision of the CTA division
must be appealed to the CTA en banc. Error Of judgment Of jurisdiction

Stay of Stayed, as it is NOT stayed,

The order by the CTA en banc is the
judgments an appeal UNLESS
only one which can be appealed via a appealed from enjoined/restricted
petition for certiorari, prohibition, or
mandamus. Requirement Required NOT required
as to prior
Kind of jurisdiction in 1st and 2nd MR
Parties Original Tribunal, board,
paragraphs of Art. VIII, Sec. 5 parties officer is
impleaded as the
1st paragraph refers to original respondent
Where filed SC only RTC, CA, or SC
On the other hand, the 2 paragraph
refers to appellate jurisdiction, Q: If the SC passes a regulation
specifically by judicial review (Memorandum Circular) regulating
special courts, is it an exercise of judicial
Q: Are those mentioned under the 1st legislation which encroaches upon the
paragraph referring to original and constitutional right of congress?
exclusive jurisdiction of the SC?
No, but must be limited to protection
No, they are merely concurrent with of constitutional rights, rules of
the RTC procedure, etc.

Thus, the doctrine of hierarchy of Q: When does Congress encroach the

courts must still be observed courts?

Two (2) ways to appeal to the SC

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If it encroaches the jurisdiction of the
Supreme Court, as it is vested by the These provisions shall not apply to decisions
Constitution. and interlocutory orders issued under the
Labor Code of the Philippines and by the
(NOTE: Thus, jurisdiction is Central Board of Assessment Appeals.
conferred by law and can be legislated
upon (e.g. SB, CTA, CA), EXCEPT Exclusive original jurisdiction of the CA
the Supreme Court, as it is vested by
the Constitution) The CA shall have exclusive original
jurisdiction over actions for
Jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals annulment of judgements of the
RTC under Rule 47
Sec. 9. Jurisdiction;
The Intermediate Appellate Court shall Q: What is the nature of all other
exercise: jurisdictions of the CA aside from the
(1) Original jurisdiction to issue writs above?
of mandamus, prohibition, certiorari,
habeas corpus, and quo warranto, and All the rest are concurrent
auxiliary writs or processes, whether
or not in aid of its appellate Q: X, an aggrieved party in an MeTC
jurisdiction; decision, filed for an action for annulment
of judgment of the MTC in the CA. Will
(2) Exclusive original jurisdiction over his action prosper?
actions for annulment of judgments of
Regional Trial Courts; and No, as the CA only has exclusive
original jurisdiction to annul
(3) Exclusive appellate jurisdiction judgments of the RTC
over all final judgments, decisions,
resolutions, orders, or awards of Q: Where then should X file his action to
Regional Trial Courts and quasi- annul the judgment of the MTC?
judicial agencies, instrumentalities,
boards or commissions, except those To the RTC, as prescribed under Sec.
falling within the appellate jurisdiction 10 of Rule 47, which reads as follows:
of the Supreme Court in accordance
with the Constitution, the provisions “47.10. Annulment of
of this Act, and of subparagraph (1) of judgments or final orders of
the third paragraph and subparagraph Municipal Trial Court;
(4) of the fourth paragraph of Section An action to annul a judgment
17 of the Judiciary Act of 1948. or final order of a Municipal
Trial Court shall be filed in the
Regional Trial Court having
The Intermediate Appellate Court shall have
jurisdiction over the former. It
the power to try cases and conduct hearings,
shall be treated as an ordinary
receive evidence and perform any and all acts
civil action and Sections 2, 3,
necessary to resolve factual issues raised in
4, 7, 8 and 9 of this Rule shall
cases falling within its original and appellate
jurisdiction, including the power to grant and be applicable thereto.”
conduct new trials or further proceedings.
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Q: Y is an aggrieved party in case heard in thousand pesos (P20,000.00) or for
the DARAB. civil actions in Metro Manila, where
such the value exceeds Fifty thousand
He filed an action to annul the judgment pesos (50,000.00) except actions for
of the DARAB, will his action prosper? forcible entry into and unlawful
detainer of lands or buildings, original
No, as the remedy is only available jurisdiction over which is conferred
against the RTC upon Metropolitan Trial Courts,
Municipal Trial Courts, and Municipal
Q: What then is the proper remedy of Y? Circuit Trial Courts;

He may file an appeal to the CTA (3) In all actions in admiralty and
under Rule 43. maritime jurisdiction where he
demand or claim exceeds One
Q: Z has been convicted of murder by the hundred thousand pesos
RTC. He seeks to annul the judgment (P100,000.00) or , in Metro Manila,
against him. where such demand or claim exceeds
Two hundred thousand pesos
Thus he filed an action to annul the (200,000.00);
judgment of the RTC. Will his action
prosper? (4) In all matters of probate, both
testate and intestate, where the gross
No, as an action for annulment is not value of the estate exceeds One
available in criminal cases. hundred thousand pesos
(P100,000.00) or, in probate matters in
(Eh di sana, lahat nag file na) Metro Manila, where such gross value
exceeds Two hundred thousand pesos
Q: What then is the proper remedy of Z? (200,000.00);

The only remedy is appeal, and for

compelling reasons, certiorari (5) In all actions involving the
contract of marriage and marital
Jurisdiction of the RTC relations;

Sec.19. Jurisdiction in civil cases; (6) In all cases not within the exclusive
Regional Trial Courts shall exercise exclusive jurisdiction of any court, tribunal,
original jurisdiction: person or body exercising jurisdiction
or any court, tribunal, person or body
(1) In all civil actions in which the exercising judicial or quasi-judicial
subject of the litigation is incapable of functions;
pecuniary estimation;
(7) In all civil actions and special
(2) In all civil actions which involve proceedings falling within the
the title to, or possession of, real exclusive original jurisdiction of a
property, or any interest therein, Juvenile and Domestic Relations
where the assessed value of the Court and of the Courts of Agrarian
property involved exceeds Twenty Relations as now provided by law; and
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(8) In all other cases in which the Q: Where should the RTC base its
demand, exclusive of interest, determination if an action is incapable of
damages of whatever kind, attorney's pecuniary estimation?
fees, litigation expenses, and costs or
the value of the property in It should solely be based on the
controversy exceeds One hundred allegations of the pleading as held in
thousand pesos (100,000.00) or, in First Sarmiento Property Holdings,
such other abovementioned items Inc. v. PBCom
exceeds Two hundred thousand pesos
(200,000.00). The ruling, as written by Justice
Leonen, effectively overturned past
(NOTE: Take note of the jurisprudence, to the extent that, back
jurisdictional amount which has then, evidence is considered to
already been raised from Php100,000 determine if an action is incapable of
and Php200,000 to Php300,000 to pecuniary estimation.
Php400,000, respectively.
In explaining so, Justice Leonen
Likewise, actions concerning marriage explained that evidence cannot be
and marital relation are already considered to determine such, as
transferred to the FC, which is a court evidence is a matter of trial.
distinct and separate from the RTC.
During the time of acquisition of
If called to read the jurisdiction of the jurisdiction, the courts are limited to
RTC, raise the jurisdictional amounts the allegations in the pleading, and
and remove marriage and marital cannot require parties to present
relations, as Lolo LeBrondi would be evidence thereon as, again, evidence is
angry and you wasted your saliva.) a matter of trial.

Q: Under BP 129, the RTC is vested with Q: Assuming that money is involved in an
the jurisdiction over cases involving otherwise designated “action incapable of
marriage and marital relations. Is it pecuniary estimation”, is it automatic that
correct to say, at present, that they have it is not?
jurisdiction over a petition for declaration
of nullity of marriage? It depends. If the money is merely
incidental to the action, it is within the
No, as it is now EXCLUSIVELY ambit of an “action incapable of
under the jurisdiction of the FC (kung pecuniary estimation”.
lumang Rules of Court binabasa mo itapon
mo na) As such, an annulment of
foreclosure of real estate
Q: Considering that a Family Court is mortgage is an action
actually an RTC, can the former be incapable of pecuniary
classified under the latter? estimation.

No, they are different. In fact their What is being sought here is
jurisdiction is different from one the annulment of the
another agreement itself.
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The selling amount of the Q: B borrowed money from A, in the
property is merely incidental amount of Php250,000.
to the main action
B failed to pay.
On the other hand, if it is a recovery
action, that which is sought to be As such, A filed a case against B for the
recovered determines its action, in amount of Php250,000 and included
effect the value of the property shall Php100,000 as interests, Php100,000 in
be the basis of jurisdiction. damages, and Php50,000 as attorney’s
fees, all in all 500k.
Evidence is applicable only to
trial, as such during the Where should A file the case?
determination of jurisdiction,
it cannot be the basis. (First He should file the case with the MTC,
Sarmiento Property as the basis would only be the value of
Holdings, Inc., v. the loan.
Philippine Bank of
Communications) Interest, damages, and attorney’s fees
shall not be included in the
Q: Is annulment of a real estate mortgage determination of jurisdictional value
(REM) an action incapable of pecuniary
estimation? (NOTE: As an exception, damages
shall be included and be the basis if it
Yes, as what is being sought is the is the main action itself.)
annulment of the agreement, as the
principal action. Q: B borrowed money from A, in the
amount of Php250,000.
If there is money involved in the
action for annulment, it is merely B failed to pay.
incidental to the principal action of
annulment. As such, A filed a case against B for the
amount of Php250,000 and included
Q: Is foreclosure of a REM an action Php100,000 as interests, Php100,000 in
incapable of pecuniary estimation? damages, and Php50,000 as attorney’s
fees, all in all 500k.
No, as it involves money principally,
and recovery of property, thus the But prior to the filing by A, he first wrote
value of the property shall be B demanding payment of Php500,000, in
determinative of the proper the same manner enumerated above.
B answered the demand via a letter in this
(NOTE: Do not confuse annulment manner:
of the REM with its foreclosure. As
held in Agarrado v. Agarrado, I am going to pay you, just don’t
foreclosure involves money, in file the case.
contrast with an annulment, which
merely seeks to sever the agreement.) So A did not pursue to file the case.
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But after the time promised by B to pay 2. Minor; the jurisdiction shall be
the Php500,000, as stated in his letter to A, with the Family Court
B failed to pay.
Admiralty cases
As such, A filed the case, in the amount
enumerated as above. These refers to maritime cases which
involves the seas
Which court has jurisdiction over the
case? Q: Under BP 129, the RTC has
RTC, as it is incapable of pecuniary
estimation due to a breach of “In all cases not within the
contract. exclusive jurisdiction of any court,
tribunal, person or body exercising
The letter sent by B, and the jurisdiction or any court, tribunal,
subsequent acknowledgment by A, person or body exercising judicial
resulted in an agreement. or quasi-judicial functions. x x x”

Thus, the failure to pay by B is a Is the above jurisdiction referring to

breach to that agreement. equity jurisdiction?

That it is a breach, it is considered as No, it refers to general jurisdiction.

an action incapable of pecuniary
estimation, and the RTC has As an example, the RTC may take
jurisdiction over such. cognizance of a boundary dispute
between two (2) municipalities
(NOTE: While the jurisdictional
value would nevertheless vest Q: What happened to the then designated
jurisdiction in RTC, it would be the “criminal courts”?
wrong basis. This was given in the bar
several years ago.) They have been abolished, considering
that the judges assigned to it are
Q: What type of succession can be possible subjects of assassination
recognized by the RTC as a settlement of
estate? Jurisdiction of MTC

It can recognize both, as it is Sec.33. Jurisdiction of Metropolitan Trial

irrespective of whether it is testate or Courts, Municipal Trial Courts and
intestate. Municipal Circuit Trial Courts in civil
Q: Is a petition for guardianship under the Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial
exclusive jurisdiction of the RTC? Courts, and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts
shall exercise:
No, a distinction must be made, based
on the person, if he is a/an: (1) Exclusive original jurisdiction over
civil actions and probate proceedings,
1. Incompetent; the jurisdiction shall testate and intestate, including the
be in the RTC: or
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grant of provisional remedies in Provided, That value of such property
proper cases, where the value of the shall be determined by the assessed
personal property, estate, or amount value of the adjacent lots.
of the demand does not exceed One
hundred thousand pesos Procedures observed in the MTC
(P100,000.00) or, in Metro Manila
where such personal property, estate, There are three (3) procedures
or amount of the demand does not applicable in the lower courts,
exceed Two hundred thousand pesos
(P200,000.00) exclusive of interest 1. Regular procedure;
damages of whatever kind, attorney's 2. Summary procedure; and
fees, litigation expenses, and costs, the 3. Procedure for small claims cases
amount of which must be specifically
alleged: Provided, That where there Threshold of summary procedure (SP)
are several claims or causes of action
between the same or different parties, “All other cases, except probate
embodied in the same complaint, the proceedings, where the total amount
amount of the demand shall be the of the plaintiff's claim does not exceed
totality of the claims in all the causes one hundred thousand pesos
of action, irrespective of whether the (P100,000.00) or two hundred
causes of action arose out of the same thousand pesos (P200,000.00) in
or different transactions; Metropolitan Manila, exclusive of
interest and costs.” (AM-02-11-09-
(2) Exclusive original jurisdiction over SC, 25 November 2002)
cases of forcible entry and unlawful
detainer: Provided, That when, in such Threshold of small claims cases (SCC)
cases, the defendant raises the
question of ownership in his pleadings “Sec.2. Scope;
and the question of possession cannot These Rules shall govern procedure in
be resolved without deciding the issue actions before the Metropolitan Trial
of ownership, the issue of ownership Courts (MeTCs), Municipal Trial
shall be resolved only to determine the Court in Cities (MTCCs), Municipal
issue of possession. Trial Courts (MTCs), and Municipal
Circuit Trial Courts (MCTCs) for
(3) Exclusive original jurisdiction in all payment of money where the value of
civil actions which involve title to, or the claim does not exceed the
possession of, real property, or any jurisdictional amount of these courts
interest therein where the assessed under Republic Act No. (R.A.)
value of the property or interest 7691(Four Hundred Thousand Pesos
therein does not exceed Twenty (Php400,000.00) for the MeTCs and
thousand pesos (P20,000.00) or, in Three Hundred Thousand Pesos
civil actions in Metro Manila, where (Php300,000.00) for the MTCCs,
such assessed value does not exceed MTCs, and MCTCs) exclusive of
Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) interests and costs” (OCA Circular
exclusive of interest, damages of 45-2019)
whatever kind, attorney's fees,
litigation expenses and costs: Dilemma
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Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
The above stated procedures are subject
different from each other, and are matter
applicable in their own unique way.
Third-party complaints
However, it is now quite confusing, Interventions
considering the jurisdictional amount Memoranda
Small Claims has now been raised to Motion for:
Php400,000 and Php300,000, as the
Bill of Particulars;
case may be, considering that the
New Trial;
jurisdictional amount in Summary Reconsideration;
Procedures are those that does not Reopening of Trial;
exceed (Php100,000.00) or Extensions of Time to file
(Php200,000.00) pleadings, affidavits, or any
other paper;
To declare defendant in
It follows, that the jurisdictional default; and
amount of the latter, is within the Dilatory motions for
jurisdictional amount of the former postponement
Petitions for:
Q: Could the confusion be resolved by
Relief from Judgment;
resorting to those “purely civil” in nature? Certiorari, mandamus, or
prohibition against any
No, as it is still within the jurisdiction interlocutory order issued by
of both the court
Period to 10 days from service of
file summons
Q: A is a resident of QC who files a case responsive
against B a resident of Manila for the sum pleading
of Php199,000, is the case governed by
Summary Procedure (SP) or Small Claims Period to Not later Same day
cases (SCC)? promulgate than thirty
judgment/ (30) days
decision from
It depends, upon the following: termination
SP SCC of trial
Counsel’s Allowed NOT allowed
Initiatory Complaint Statement of
Salient points of SP and SCC
pleading Claim
Responsive Answer Response The following are the salient points:
Prohibited Motion to Motion to 1. Applicable only in the lower court,
pleadings dismiss dismiss NOT in the higher courts;
ER: Failure 2. Both have prohibited pleadings:
to comply a. As exceptions, the
with following are allowable
barangay pleadings in the SP:
conciliation i. Motion to dismiss
and due to lack of
Lack of jurisdiction over
jurisdiction the subject matter
over the
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is available, in SCC (a) Provincial
it is a prohibited governors, vice-
pleading; and governors, members
ii. Rejoinder, in SCC of the sangguniang
it is a prohibited panlalawigan, and
pleading; provincial treasurers,
3. Prescriptive periods are much assessors, engineers,
shorter compared to regular and other provincial
procedure department heads:
(b) City mayors, vice-
Q: Is a demurrer to evidence a prohibited mayors, members of
pleading in a SP? the sangguniang
panlungsod, city
No, as a demurrer to evidence is treasurers, assessors,
consistent with the purpose of an SP, engineers, and other
which is to expedite the case city department heads;

Jurisdiction of Sandiganbayan (c) Officials of the

diplomatic service
Sec.4. Jurisdiction; occupying the position
The Sandiganbayan shall exercise exclusive of consul and higher;
original jurisdiction in all cases involving:
(d) Philippine army
a. Violations of Republic Act No. and air force colonels,
3019, as amended, otherwise known naval captains, and all
as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt officers of higher rank;
Practices Act, Republic Act No. 1379,
and Chapter II, Section 2, Title VII, (e) Officers of the
Book II of the Revised Penal Code, Philippine National
where one or more of the accused are Police while occupying
officials occupying the following the position of
positions in the government, whether provincial director and
in a permanent, acting or interim those holding the rank
capacity, at the time of the of senior
commission of the offense: superintendent and
(1) Officials of the executive
(f) City and provincial
branch occupying the
prosecutors and their
positions of regional director
assistants, and officials
and higher, otherwise
and prosecutors in the
classified as Grade ’27’ and
Office of the
higher, of the Compensation
Ombudsman and
and Position Classification Act
special prosecutor;
of 1989 (Republic Act No.
6758), specifically including:
(g) Presidents,
directors or trustees,
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or managers of from the same or closely related transactions
government-owned or or acts in an amount not exceeding One
controlled million pesos (P1,000,000.00).
corporations, state
universities or Subject to the rules promulgated by the
educational institutions Supreme Court, the cases falling under the
or foundations. jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Court under
(2) Members of Congress and this section shall be tried in a judicial region
officials thereof classified as other than where the official holds office.
Grade ’27’ and higher under
the Compensation and In cases where none of the accused are
Position Classification Act of occupying positions corresponding to Salary
1989; Grade ’27’ or higher, as prescribed in the said
Republic Act No. 6758, or military and PNP
(3) Members of the judiciary officers mentioned above, exclusive original
without prejudice to the jurisdiction thereof shall be vested in the
provisions of the Constitution; proper regional trial court, metropolitan trial
court, municipal trial court, and municipal
(4) Chairmen and members of circuit trial court, as the case may be, pursuant
the Constitutional to their respective jurisdictions as provided in
Commissions, without Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, as amended.
prejudice to the provisions of
the Constitution; and The Sandiganbayan shall exercise exclusive
appellate jurisdiction over final judgments,
(5) All other national and local resolutions or orders of regional trial courts
officials classified as Grade whether in the exercise of their own original
’27’ and higher under the jurisdiction or of their appellate jurisdiction as
Compensation and Position herein provided.
Classification Act of 1989.
The Sandiganbayan shall have exclusive
original jurisdiction over petitions for the
b. Other offenses or felonies whether
issuance of the writs of mandamus,
simple or complexed with other
prohibition, certiorari, habeas corpus,
crimes committed by the public
injunctions, and other ancillary writs and
officials and employees mentioned in
processes in aid of its appellate jurisdiction
subsection a. of this section in relation
and over petitions of similar nature, including
to their office.
quo warranto, arising or that may arise in
cases filed or which may be filed under
c. Civil and criminal cases filed
Executive Order Nos. 1, 2, 14 and 14-A,
pursuant to and in connection with
issued in 1986: Provided, That the jurisdiction
Executive Order Nos. 1, 2, 14 and 14-
A, issued in 1986. over these petitions shall not be exclusive of
the Supreme Court.
Provided, That the Regional Trial Court shall The procedure prescribed in Batas Pambansa
have exclusive original jurisdiction where the Blg. 129, as well as the implementing rules
information: (a) does not allege any damage to that the Supreme Court has promulgated and
the government or any bribery; or (b) alleges may hereafter promulgate, relative to
damage to the government or bribery arising appeals/petitions for review to the Court of
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Appeals, shall apply to appeals and petitions Q: Is the SB a constitutional court?
for review filed with the Sandiganbayan. In all
cases elevated to the Sandiganbayan and from No, the better view is that it is a
the Sandiganbayan to the Supreme Court, the constitutionally-mandated court.
Office of the Ombudsman, through its special
prosecutor, shall represent the People of the While its creation is mandated by the
Philippines, except in cases filed pursuant to constitution, the constitution itself did
Executive Order Nos. 1, 2, 14 and 14-A, not create it.
issued in 1986.
As such, the law, specifically the
In case private individuals are charged as co- legislature, created it.
principals, accomplices or accessories with the
public officers or employees, including those Q: Considering that the SB is merely a
employed in government-owned or controlled constitutionally mandated court, one
corporations, they shall be tried jointly with made by the legislature, is it restricted
said public officers and employees in the only to original jurisdiction?
proper courts which shall exercise exclusive
jurisdiction over them. No, the SB both have ORIGINAL
and APPELLATE jurisdiction, just
Any provisions of law or Rules of Court to like any other regular court
the contrary notwithstanding, the criminal
action and the corresponding civil action for Laws governing SB
the recovery of civil liability shall at all times
be simultaneously instituted with, and jointly The following laws created and
determined in, the same proceeding by the governs the SB:
Sandiganbayan or the appropriate courts, the
filing of the criminal action being deemed to a) Creating a Special Court to be
necessarily carry with it the filing of the civil known as “Sandiganbayan” and for
action, and no right to reserve the filing of other purposes (PD 1486);
such civil action separately from the criminal
action shall be recognized: Provided, however, b) Revising Presidential Decree No.
That where the civil action had heretofore 1486 creating a Special Court to
been filed separately but judgment therein has be known as "Sandiganbayan" and
not yet been rendered, and the criminal case is for other purposes (PD 1606);
hereafter filed with the Sandiganbayan or the
appropriate court, said civil action shall be c) An Act to Strengthen the
transferred to the Sandiganbayan or the Functional and Structural
appropriate court, as the case may be, for Organization of the Sandiganbayan,
consolidation and joint determination with the amending for that purpose
criminal action, otherwise the separate civil Presidential Decree No. 1606, as
action shall be deemed abandoned. amended (RA 7975);

Nature of SB d) An Act further defining the

jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan,
Fundamentally, it is a criminal court, amending for the purpose
but however may recognize civil cases Presidential Decree No. 1606, as
as well amended, providing funds
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therefor, and for other purposes position of regional
(RA 8249); and director and higher (AKA
Grade ‘27’ of RA 6758),
e) An Act strengthening further the including:
Functional and Structural
Organization of the Sandiganbayan, i. Provincial:
further amending Presidential
Decree No. 1606, as amended, 1. Governors;
and appropriating funds therefor 2. Vice-
(RA 10660) governors;
3. Members
Summary of SB’s Exclusive Original of the
Jurisdiction sangguniang
The SB has original exclusive n;
jurisdiction over: 4. Treasurers;
5. Assessors;
a) Those officials with at least Salary 6. Engineers;
Grade 27 and above: and
7. Other
a. Violations of “Anti-graft provincial
and Corrupt Practices department
Law” (RA 3019); heads;
b. Forfeiture of illegally ii. City
acquired wealth (RA
1379); 1. Mayors;
2. Vice-
c. Crimes committed by mayors;
public officers (Title VII, 3. Members
Chapter II, Sec.2, RPC); of the
i. Bribery; panlungsod;
1. Direct; 4. Treasurers;
2. Indirect; 5. Assessors;
3. Qualified 6. Engineers;
ii. Corruption of and
public officials; 7. Other city
b) Where one or more of the accused heads;
are officials occupying the
following positions in the iii. Officials of the
government, whether in a diplomatic service
permanent, acting or interim occupying the
capacity, at the time of the position of
commission of the offense:
1. Consul;
a. Officials of the executive and
branch occupying the 2. Higher;
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2. Directors;
iv. Philippine army 3. Trustees;
and air force: or
4. Managers
1. Colonels;
2. Naval b. Members of Congress
captains; and officials thereof
and (classified as Grade ‘27’
3. All officers and higher under the
of higher CPCA of 1989);
c. (3) Members of the
v. Officers of the judiciary without
PNP while prejudice to the provisions
occupying the of the Constitution;
position of:
d. Chairmen and members of
1. Provincial the Constitutional
director; Commissions, without
and prejudice to the provisions
2. Senior of the Constitution; and
intendent; e. All other national and
3. Or higher; local officials (classified as
Grade ‘27’ and higher
vi. City and under the CPCA of 1989)
c) Other offenses or felonies
1. Prosecutors; committed in relation to their
2. Their office by the public officials and
assistants, employees, whether simple or
complexed with other crimes;
vii. Office of the
Ombudsman: d) Criminal cases under executive
orders (EO):
1. Officials;
2. Prosecutors; a. Creating the Presidential
and Commission on Good
3. Special Government (EO 1)
b. Regarding the funds,
viii. GOCC/ State moneys, assets, and
universities/ properties illegally
Educational acquired or
institutions/ misappropriated by former
Foundations: President Ferdinand
Marcos, Mrs. Imelda
1. Presidents; Romualdez Marcos, their
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close relatives, e) Criminal cases under executive
subordinates, business orders (EO):
associates, dummies, a. Creating the Presidential
agents, or nominees (EO Commission on Good
2) Government (EO 1)
b. Regarding the funds,
c. Defining the jurisdiction moneys, assets, and
over cases involving the properties illegally
ill-gotten wealth of former acquired or
president Ferdinand E. misappropriated by former
Marcos, Mrs. Imelda R. President Ferdinand
Marcos, members of their Marcos, Mrs. Imelda
immediate family, close Romualdez Marcos, their
relatives, subordinates, close relatives,
close and/or business subordinates, business
associates, dummies, associates, dummies,
agents and nominees (EO agents, or nominees (EO
14) 2)
d. Amending executive order c. Defining the jurisdiction
no. 14 (EO 14-A) over cases involving the
e) Private individuals in conspiracy ill-gotten wealth of former
with the above officials president Ferdinand E.
Marcos, Mrs. Imelda R.
Summary of offenses/crimes punishable Marcos, members of their
under the SB by law immediate family, close
relatives, subordinates,
The following offenses/crimes are close and/or business
punishable under the SB: associates, dummies,
agents and nominees (EO
a) Violations of “Anti-graft and 14)
Corrupt Practices Law” (RA d. Amending executive order
3019); no. 14 (EO 14-A)
b) Forfeiture of illegally acquired
wealth (RA 1379); (NOTE: As a short hand answer, the
c) Crimes committed by public crimes/offenses given by law are as
officers (Title VII, Chapter II, follows:
Sec.2, RPC);
a. Bribery; a) Violation of RA 3019 or the Anti-
i. Direct; graft and corrupt practices law;
ii. Indirect; b) Recovery of ill-gotten wealth of
iii. Qualified the Marcoses under EOs 1, 2 14,
b. Corruption of public 14-A and RA 1379;
officials; c) Crimes under the RPC:
d) Other offenses or felonies a. Bribery;
committed in relation to their b. Corruption of Public officials;
office, whether simple or and
complexed with other crimes; d) Plunder
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Q: Is the SB strictly a criminal court? engaging in such exercise. Nowhere
has it been shown that SB is prepared
No, as there are civil cases that the SB to rule over such.
may take cognizance of.
Thus, drug cases is an exception to the
As an example, special laws may rule that those violations committed
provide, such as the exclusive by public officers can be tried by the
jurisdiction over plunder SB, as this is vested specifically with
the RTC designated as a drug court.
Q: Are laws the sole source of the crimes/ (De Lima v. SB)
offenses cognizable by the SB?
(NOTE: Thus, in drug cases, no
No, as jurisprudence may provide for matter who the offender is, it is within
others, as such the following have the RTC designated as a drug court)
been declared as cognizable by the SB:
Fundamental questions in determing the
a) Anti-money laundering law; SB’s jurisdiction over the case
b) Estafa (Serana v. SB);
c) Murder (Crisostomo v. SB); In determining whether the SB has
d) Acts of lasciviousness (Esteban jurisdiction, the following questions
v. SB) must be asked:

(NOTE: However, as to the last two 1. What crime/offense was

(2) cases, do not treat it as a general committed?
rule, as these cases are exceptional) 2. Who committed the
Q: Senator X is being charged for 3. How was the crime/offense
violation of RA 9165 in the RTC, for committed?
selling of drugs in the Bilibid Prison.
Persons falling under the jurisdiction of
X moved to quash the information against the SB
her, stating that as she is a public officer,
the case must be tried in the SB. Is X The following persons fall under the
correct? jurisdiction of the SB:

No, X is incorrect. 1. Those public officers who has a

salary grade of 27 (SG 27);
RA 9165 is the special law relative to 2. Those persons who conspired
drugs. Under said law, jurisdiction with the public officer having SG
over violations of its provisions shall 27;
be vested with the RTC specially 3. Those who have lower than SG 27
designated as a drug court. who committed the crime/offense
in relation to his office provided
Drugs are technical matters upon that he is among those
which the SC assigns to the RTC as a enumerated
drug court. In fact, Judges of RTCs in
said courts are given training in the Q: Where can you determine if the public
Philippine Judicial Academy before officer is of SG 27 and higher?
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Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
Via the Salary Standardization Law Commission Member II;
Commissioner I;
Council Chairman I;
SG 27 and higher salary and officers as of Council Member II;
2020 Dentist VII;
Deputy Administrator II;
Deputy Commissioner II;
The following enumerations are not Deputy Commissioner of Customs;
exclusive: Deputy CIR;
Deputy Executive Director IV;
Director IV;
S SALARY OFFICERS Executive Clerk of Court III;
G Executive Director III;
2 123,839 Asst. CIR; Government Corporate Attorney IV;
7 Asst. Regional Cabinet Secretary; Graft Investigation Officer III;
Asst. Regional Executive Secretary; Insurance Commissioner;
Board Member I; Judicial Staff Head;
Chairman, Police Regional Appellate Medical Specialist VI;
Board; MTC Judge;
Chief of Mission, Class II; Municipal Mayor II;
City of Government Department Head PHILJA Deputy Executive Secretary;
III; Presidential Legislative Liaison Officer
City Trial Court Judge; II;
Clerk of the Commission; Presidential Protocol Officer;
Commission Member I; Professor V;
Council Member I; Project Manager IV;
Court Attorney VI; Prosecutor III;
CA Reporter II; Provincial Vice-Governor;
Deputy Administrator I; Public Attorney V;
Deputy Commissioner I; Regional Agrarian Reform Adjudicator;
Deputy Executive Director III; Regional Chief of Staff;
Deputy Insurance Commissioner; Scientist III;
Director III; Secretary of the Regional Commission
Executive Clerk of Court II; on Appointments;
Executive Director II; Sergeant-at-Arms III;
Government Corporate Attorney III; Solicitor III;
Graft Investigation Officer II; Special Prosecution Officer III;
Head Executive Asst.; State Counsel V;
Lupon Chairman; SUC President II;
Medical Center Chief II; SUC Vice-President IV;
Municipal Mayor I; University Secretary I;
Professor IV; Veterinarian VII
Project Manager III;
Prosecutor II; 2 158,131 Administrator II;
Provincial Agrarian Reform Adjudicator; 9 Assistant Cabinet Secretary;
Public Attorney IV; Assistant Chief of Staff (OVP);
Regional Treasurer; Assistant Chief State Counsel;
Register of Deeds IV; Assistant Commissioner, Constitutional
Sangguniang Panlalawigan Member; Commission;
Sangguniang Panglungsod Member II; Assistant Director General;
Scientist II; Assistant Executive Secretary;
Solicitor II; Assistant General Manager;
Special Prosecution Officer II; Assistant Government Corporate
State Counsel IV; Counsel;
SUC President I; Assistant Ombudsman;
SUC Vice President III Assistant Press Secretary;
Assistant Solicitor-General;
2 139,939 Administrator I; Board Chairman II;
8 Board Chairman I; Board Governor;
Board Member II; Board Member III;
Chancellor I; Chancellor II;
Chief Executive Staff; Chief Justice Staff Head;
City Vice Mayor II; Chief of Mission, Class I;
Commission Chairman I;
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College Professor; Clerk of the Electoral Tribunal;
Commission Chairman II; Commission Chairman III;
Commission Member III; Commission Member IV;
Commissioner II; Commissioner III;
Council Chairman II; Commissioner of Customs;
Council Member III; CIR;
Department Assistant Secretary; Commissioner, Constitutional
Department Legislative Liaison Officer; Commission;
Deputy Administrator III; Council Chairman III;
Deputy Chief Public Attorney; Council Member IV;
Deputy Clerk of the Electoral Tribunal; Court Administrator of the SC;
Deputy Commissioner III; Department Undersecretary;
Deputy Executive Director V; Deputy Court Administrator of the SC;
Deputy Government Corporate Deputy Director-General;
Counsel; Deputy Executive Secretary;
Deputy Regional Governor; Deputy Ombudsman;
Deputy Secretary of the House Electoral Deputy Press Secretary;
Tribunal; Deputy Secretary of the Commission on
Deputy Secretary of the Senate Electoral Appointments;
Tribunal; Deputy Secretary of the Senate;
Deputy Special Prosecutor; Deputy Secretary-General of the HOR;
Deputy Treasurer of the Philippines; Director VI;
Director V; Executive Clerk of Court V;
Executive Clerk of Court IV; Executive Director V;
Executive Director V; General Manager;
Inspector General; Government Corporate Counsel;
Labor Arbiter; Jurisconsult;
Legislative Staff Head; Medical Specialist VII;
Member, Regional Assembly; Member, Constitutional Commission;
PHILJA Executive Secretary; Overall Deputy Ombudsman;
PHILJA Professor I; PHILJA Professor II;
Presidential Legislative Liaison Officer PHILJA Vice-Chancellor;
III; Presidential Assistant I;
Professor VI; Presidential Legislative Adviser;
Prosecutor IV; Presidential Legislative Assistant;
Regional Cabinet Secretary; Provincial Governor;
Regional Executive Secretary; Regional Vice-Governor;
Regional Legislative Secretary; Scientist V;
RTC Judge; Secretary of the House Electoral
Scientist IV; Tribunal;
SDC Judge; Secretary of the Senate Electoral
Special Presidential Representative; Tribunal;
SUC Executive Vice-President; Sergeant-At-Arms IV;
SUC President III; Solicitor-General;
Trade Commissioner; Speaker, Regional Assembly
University Secretary II; Special Prosecutor;
UP Vice-President SUC President IV;
Treasurer of the Philippines;
3 178,688 Administrator III; University Professor;
0 Assistant Court Administrator of the UP Executive VP;
Associate Justice; 31 262,965 Associate Justice of SC;
Associate Justice, CA; Board Chairman IV;
Associate Justice, SB; Cabinet Secretary;
Board Chairman III; Chairman, Constitutional Commission;
Board Member IV; Commission Chairman IV;
Cabinet Undersecretary; Council Chairman IV;
Chancellor III; Department Secretary;
Chief of Staff (OVP); Director-General;
Chief Prosecutor; Executive Secretary;
Chief Public Attorney; Member of the HOR;
Chief State Counsel; Ombudsman;
City Mayor; PHILJA Chancellor;
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Presidential Adviser; Highest and lowest SG in the executive
Presidential Adviser on Legislative
Presidential Assistant II; The highest is the President, having
Presidential Spokesman; SG 33.
Presiding Justice;
Presiding Justice, CA;
Presiding Justice, SB; While the lowest is the Janitor, having
Press Secretary; SG 1
Regional Governor;
Secretary of the Commission on
Appointments; Q: X has been appointed by Pres. E to be
Secretary of the Senate; the student regent of the University of the
Secretary-General of the HOR;
Senator; Philippines (UP).
UP President
Her successor, Y, found anomalies in the
3 313,512 Vice President;
2 Senate President;
budget regarding a construction of the
Speaker of the HOR; Vinzons Hall in UP.
SC Chief Justice

3 395,858 President
As such, a case against X was filed in the
3 SB.

SG 27 in AFP and PNP X filed a motion to quash, on the ground

that she cannot be considered as a public
In the PNP, SG 27 officers start at officer.
Further, even assuming that X is a public
On the other hand, in the AFP, SG officer, she is not one with SG 27, as in
27 officers start at colonel fact she has no salary, and thus not within
the jurisdiction of the SB. Is X correct?
Q: X, Y, Z, are captains of the navy, army,
and air force. In case a crime is No, a public officer may come within
committed within the jurisdiction of the the ambit of the SB’s jurisdiction even
SB, who can be tried in the SB based on if she is not one with SG 27 or
SG? without SG.

Only X can be tried based on his SG, This is true, as a “student regent” is
as he has SG 27. among those enumerated in the law,
being part of the “Board of Trustees”.
Both Y and Z have an SG lower than
27. Under the succeeding paragraphs of
the provision concerning jurisdiction,
Thus a captain in the navy has a the officers contemplated therein thus
higher SG compared to those in the not consider the SG 27, as long as
army and air force. they are among those enumerated, and
that they have committed the act
(NOTE: I cannot find any document complained of by reason of her public
to support this, so just believe your office.
Furthermore, her position was given
to her to exercise public functions.
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Thus the act complained of is As deliberated in the sponsorship of
facilitated by the public office. the bill “regional director or higher” is
(Serana v. SB) equivalent to SG 27 or higher.

Importance of Serana case The purpose for requiring a higher SG

is for the SB to focus on the “big fish”
It revolutionized the fundamental rather than the “small fish” which can
questions to ask in determining the be tried in other courts.
jurisdiction of the SB:
That a certification that X is a director
1. Who? It is not restricted to those having SG 26 does not come within
having SG 27 or higher, as it may the ambit of “Regional Director or
be even by one without a salary; higher (Duncano v. SB)

2. What and how? It is NOT (NOTE: X would not come within

necessary that public office is an the ambit of those enumerated, as he
element of the crime, but rather as does not belong to it. He is merely on
long as the public office the 1st portion of the provision, thus
facilitated the crime applicability of “in relation to office”
would not apply.)
Q: X is a Regional Director. After an
anomaly was found in his Statement of New concept of primary jurisdiction in
Assets and Liabilities (SALN), the relation to conduct of preliminary
Ombudsman filed a case against him in investigation by the Department of Justice
the SB. (DOJ) or the Office of the Ombudsman
X moved to quash the information, on the
ground that he is not a public officer, as Under a Memorandum of Agreement
evidenced by a certification by the Officer (MOA) entered into by the DOJ and
In Charge of the BIR stating that he is a OMB, under DOJ Department
“Regional Director, with SG 26”. Circular No. 38, Series of 2012 (DOJ-
DC No. 38, S. of 2012), the following
On the other hand, the OMB opposed the have been agreed upon:
same on the ground that under the law,
the statement “Regional Director or A. Jurisdiction
higher” means that the RD and those
whom are higher are treated different from 1. The OMB has primary jurisdiction in
each other. Thus SG is not considered in the conduct of preliminary
the RD to be within the SB’s jurisdiction. investigation and inquest proceedings
over complaints for crimes cognizable
Who is correct? by the Sandiganbayan. x x x
X is correct, only those with SG 27 In line with this the OMB has primary
are within the ambit of the SB’s jurisdiction in conducting preliminary
jurisdiction. investigations in ALL cases cognizable
by the SB in the exercise of its
original jurisdiction.
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Corollary thereto, if the case is in the Jurisdiction of the Court of Tax Appeals
exercise of the SB’s appellate
jurisdiction, the DOJ shall have Q: City of Manila (Manila) assessed taxes
authority to conduct preliminary against eight (8) business establishments
investigation thereto. Thus: (Businesses) by virtue of the Revised
Revenue Code of Manila (RRCM).
SB Original: OMB
SB Appellate: DOJ Aggrieved, Businesses filed for a tax
refund with prohibition and preliminary
Effect of DOJ-DC No. 38, S. of 2012 injunction in the RTC of Pasay, which the
latter granted.
It somehow amended the ruling in
Sanchez v. Demitriou In response, Manila filed in the CA a
petition for certiorari against the RTC
Q: Mayor X is being charged for the crime decision.
of rape. The preliminary investigation was
conducted by the DOJ. The same was The CA dismissed the case, on the ground
originally filed with the SB. that it has no jurisdiction to issue the
questioned writ, as it is a local tax case
He questions the validity of the DOJ’s thus must be filed in the CTA. Is the CA
conduct of preliminary investigation, as correct?
he claims that being a mayor it must be
conducted by the OMB. Is X correct? Yes, RA 9282 raised the CTA to a
regular court.
Yes, as in the exercise of the SB’s
jurisdiction the preliminary As a regular court, it has authority to
investigation must be conducted by issue writs in line with its appellate
the OMB by virtue of the primary jurisdiction over tax cases, which it
jurisdiction agreed upon by the DOJ has expertise of.
and OMB
To allow the CA to have jurisdiction
(NOTE: The facts are essentially the over issuance of writs involving tax
same as Sanchez v. Demitriou, cases would result to split jurisdiction,
except that at the time of the case, in where it may happen that one court
2009, the SC held that both the DOJ would try the main case while the
and OMB have concurrent other tries other questions.
jurisdiction over the conduct of PI.
Split jurisdiction, should be
However, by the MOA entered in disallowed, as it is anathema to the
2012, an original case’s preliminary proper administration of justice. (City
investigation must be conducted by of Manila v. Judge Cuerdo)
the OMB.
Significance of RA 9282
Thus, if the case were to happen
today, the preliminary investigation by It raised the CTA to a regular court
the DOJ cannot prevail, as the latter
can only do so if the SB is exercising Q: Under RA 9282, no express grant has
its appellate jurisdiction) been given to the CTA as to issuance of
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Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
writs. What was only expressly given was The following are the classification of
the appellate jurisdiction. Is it then not Shari’ah Courts:
authorized to issue such?
1. Shari’ah Circuit Court (SCC);
No, as regular courts are deemed to 2. Shari’ah District Court (SDC); and
possess such power in order to fully 3. Shari’ah High Court/Supreme
accomplish their appellate jurisdiction Court (SHC/SSC)

Q: Does it follow, then, that quasi-judicial (NOTE: Under RA 9054, SAC does
courts although not given the express not appear. However, if inspected, in
grant may issue such writs? its face, it would seem that the SHC is
merely a new name for the SAC, as
No, as the rule would be different as their jurisdiction are alike
to quasi-judicial courts, as there must
be an express grant for them to Further, under the Bangsamoro Law,
exercise such power. “Shari’ah Supreme Court does not
appear, but rather a “Shari’ah High
The CTA is a regular court as elevated Court
by RA 9282.
For purposes of this class, it may refer
As a consequence thereof, it may issue to the same thing, as Atty. Brondial
writs as it is a regular court, despite no always uses SSC rather than SHC, and
express grant to that effect. never actually made mention of SHC)

The rule does not apply to quasi- Restrictions as to exclusivity of cases

judicial courts, as it needs express
grant to issue such. Sharia’h courts have exclusive
jurisdiction over cases if the following
Sharia’h Courts requisites concur:

Applicable law 1. BOTH parties must be Muslims;

The "Organic Law for the 2. Residents WITHIN the
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Autonomous Region of Muslim
Muslim Mindanao” (RA 11054) is the Mindanao (ARMM)
latest law on Sharia’h courts
Q: What if the incident or cause of action
It effectively overturned “An Act to arose outside of ARMM?
Strengthen and Expand the Organic
Act for the Autonomous Region in Then the jurisdiction is no longer
Muslim Mindanao, Amending for the exclusive, and is now concurrent with
Purpose Republic Act No. 6734, the regular courts.
entitled "An Act providing for the
Autonomous Region in Muslim Q: What if any one of the parties are not
Mindanao," as amended” (RA 9054) Muslims?

Classification of Shari’ah Courts in

accordance with the Bangsamoro Law
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As a general rule, it is not within the (6) Maintenance and support,
exclusive jurisdiction of the Sharia’h and consolatory gifts; and
(7) Restitution of marital
However, as an exception, the non- rights;
Muslim may voluntarily submit to the
jurisdiction of the Sharia’h Court (c) All case involving disputes relative
to communal properties;
Jurisdiction of SCC
(d) All cases involving ta'zir offenses
Art. X, Sec. 5; Jurisdiction of the Shari'ah defined and punishable under Shari'ah
Circuit Courts; law enacted by the Parliament
The Shari'ah Circuit Courts in the punishable by arresto menor or
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region shall corresponding fine, or both;
exercise exclusive original jurisdiction over the
following cases where either or both parties (e) All civil actions under Shari'ah law
are Muslims: Provided, That the non-Muslim enacted by the Parliament involving
party voluntarily submits to its jurisdiction: real property in the Bangsamoro
Autonomous Region where assessed
(a) All cases involving offenses value of the property does not exceed
defined and punishable under Four hundred thousand pesos
Presidential Decree No. 1083, where (₱400,000.00); and
the act or omission has been
committed in the Bangsamoro (f) All civil actions, if they have not
Autonomous Region; specified in an agreement which law
shall govern their relations, where the
(b) All civil actions and proceedings demand or claim does not exceed
between parties residing in the Two hundred thousand pesos
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region (₱200,000.00).
who are Muslims or have been
married in accordance with Article 13 Jurisdiction of SDC
of Presidential Decree No. 1083,
involving disputes relation to: Art. X, Sec. 6. Jurisdiction of the Shari'ah
District Courts;
(1) Marriage; The Shari'ah District Courts in the
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region shall
(2) Divorce; exercise exclusive original jurisdiction over the
following cases where either or both are
(3) Betrothal or breach of Muslims: Provided, That the non-Muslim
contract to marry; partry voluntarily submits to its jurisdiction:
(4) Customary dower or mahr;
(a) All cases involving custody,
guardianship, legitimacy, and paternity
(5) Disposition and and filiation arising under Presidential
distribution of property upon Decree No. 1083;
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Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
(b) All cases involving disposition, Muslim and is located in the
distribution, and settlement of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region;
estate of deceased Muslims, probate
of wills issuance of letters of (i) All civil actions under Shari'ah law
administrators or executors regardless enacted by the Parliament involving
of the nature or the aggregate value of real property in the Bangsamoro
the property; Autonomous Region where the
assessed value of the property exceeds
(c) Petitions for the declaration of Four hundred thousand pesos
absence and death, and for the (₱400,000.00); and
cancellation or correction of entries in
the Muslim Registries mentioned in (j) All civil actions, if they have not
Title VI of Book Two of Presidential specified in the agreement which law
Decree No. 1083; shall govern their relations where the
demand or claim exceeds Two
(d) All actions arising from customary hundred thousand pesos
and Shari'ah compliant contracts in (₱200,000.00).
which the parties are Muslims, if they
failed to specify the law governing The Shari'ah District Court in the
their relations; Bangsamoro Autonomous Region shall
exercise appellate jurisdiction over all cases
(e) All petitions for mandamus, decided upon the Shari'ah Circuit Courts in
prohibition, injunction, certiorari, the Bagsamoro Autonomous Region within
habeas corpus, and all other auxiliary its territorial jurisdiction as provided under
writs and processes, in aid of its Article 144 of Presidential Decree No. 1083,
appellate jurisdiction; as amended.
(f) Petition for the constitution of a
Jurisdiction of the SHC/SSC
family home, change of name, and
commitment of an insane person to
an asylum; Art. X, Sec. 7. Shari'ah High Court;
There is hereby created within the
(g) All other personal and real actions Bangsamoro territorial jurisdiction, as part of
not falling under the jurisdiction of the Philippine judicial system, a Shari'ah High
the Shari'ah Circuit Courts wherein Court. It shall exercise exclusive original
the parties involved are Muslims, jurisdiction over the following cases where
except those for forcible entry and either or both parties are Muslims: Provided,
unlawful detainer, which shall fall That the non-Muslim party voluntarily
under the exclusive original submits to its jurisdiction:
jurisdiction of the Municipal Trial
Court; (a) All petitions for mandamus,
prohibition, injunction, certiorari,
(h) All special civil actions for habeas corpus, and all other auxiliary
interpleader or declaratory relief writs and processes, in aid of its
wherein the parties are Muslims appellate jurisdiction; and
residing in the Bangsamoro
Autonomous Region or the property (b) All actions for annulment of
involved belongs exclusive ly to judgements of Shari'ah District Courts
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Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
within outside the Bangsamoro It is appealable to the SHC.
Autonomous Region.
Q: Given that the SSC is designated as a
The decisions of the Shari'ah High Court shall “Supreme Court’, is it correct to say that it
be final and executory except on questions of is not capable of review by the SC, as it is
law which may be raised before the Supreme a co-equal court?
Court following the procedure for appeals
from the Court of Appeals to the Supreme No, it is incorrect, as the Constitution
Court. provides that there should be ONE
Supreme Court.
Nothing contained herein shall affect the
original and appellate jurisdiction of the Thus, it would be unconstitutional to
Supreme Court as provided in the place the SSC in the same level as the
Constitution. SC.

Pending the complete organization of the In effect, the SSC is subject to review
Shari'ah High Court, the decisions of the of the SC.
Shari'ah Courts shall be appealable to the
Court of Appeals. Quasi-judicial tribunals

Q: Where should the decision of the SCC 43.01. Scope;

and SDC be appealed to? This Rule shall apply to appeals from
judgments or final orders of the Court of Tax
It may be appealed to the SAC/SHC, Appeals and from awards, judgments, final
as the case may be. orders or resolutions of or authorized by any
quasi-judicial agency in the exercise of its
However, for the time being, until an quasi-judicial functions. Among these
SHC has been organized, appeals agencies are the Civil Service Commission,
must be taken to the CA Central Board of Assessment Appeals,
Securities and Exchange Commission, Office
As of 2015, there is yet to be a SAC, of the President, Land Registration Authority,
as such it was held that it may be Social Security Commission, Civil Aeronautics
appealed to the CA, which shall then Board, Bureau of Patents, Trademarks and
create a Special Division, preferably of Technology Transfer, National Electrification
Muslim CA Justices (Lomondot v. Administration, Energy Regulatory Board,
Balindong) National Telecommunications Commission,
Department of Agrarian Reform under
Q: Where should decisions of the SHC be Republic Act No. 6657, Government Service
appealed to? Insurance System, Employees Compensation
Commission, Agricultural Inventions Board,
It is appealable to the SC, just like Insurance Commission, Philippine Atomic
from the CA to the SC Energy Commission, Board of Investments,
Construction Industry Arbitration
Q: Considering, that RA 9054 created the Commission, and voluntary arbitrators
SAC, where should appeals from the order authorized by law.
of the SAC be taken to?
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Under this provision, the following
are quasi-judicial tribunals: Authority of administrative agencies as
quasi-judicial courts
1. Civil Service Commission (CSC);
2. Central Board of Assessment “An administrative agency, acting in
Appeals (CBAA); its quasi- judicial capacity, is a tribunal
3. Securities and Exchange of limited jurisdiction which could
Commission (SEC); wield only such powers that are
4. Office of the President; specifically granted to it by the
5. Land Registration Authority enabling statutes.” (Unduran v.
(LRA); Abestaruri)
6. Social Security Commission (SSC);
7. Civil Aeronautics Board; Doctrine of primary jurisdiction
8. Bureau of Patents, Trademarks
and Technology Transfer; It is the doctrine which requires resort
9. National Electrification first to the administrative agencies
Administration; (quasi-judicial agencies), as these
10. Energy Regulatory Board (ERB); agencies are equipped with expertise
11. National Telecommunications regarding technicalities in some
Commission (NTC); subject matter.
12. Department of Agrarian Reform
(DAR); Doctrine of exhaustion of administrative
13. Government Service Insurance remedies
System (GSIS);
14. Employees Compensation In relation to the above stated
Commission (ECC); doctrine, a party’s case may be
15. Agricultural Inventions Board; dismissed if it did not resort to the
16. Insurance Commission; administrative agency concerned
17. Philippine Atomic Energy before going to the superior court/s.
18. Board of Investments; The rationale for such is to allow the
19. Construction Industry Arbitration administrative agency to resolve to
Commission (CIAC); and case which is its expertise, which the
20. Voluntary arbitrators authorized court may not personally have
by law knowledge thereof.

Q: Is the above enumeration exclusive? Q: Is a “barangay” or the local

government unit a court?
No, as the executive and/or legislation
may add tribunals from time to time No, as it is merely a part of the
as they see fit. (e.g. HLURB) administrative arm of the executive
branch of the government.
Q: In cases where an adverse decision is
obtained, where should a decision coming Q: A “Lupon Tagapamayapa” is vested
from a quasi-judicial agency be elevated with the authority to settle the case
to? between parties at the barangay level.
Considering that it is vested with such
To the CA only, under Rule 43 authority, is it a court?
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Yes, considering that a court martial is
No, as likewise, it is merely an acting as an administrative agency in
administrative arm of the executive case for violation of the Articles of
branch War, res judicata will NOT attach
against the Ombudsman
Q: Considering that all other courts not (Ombudsman v. Mislang)
mentioned under the enumeration of
regular courts shall be deemed as quasi- Q: Court martial acquitted Y for an
judicial courts, is a “court martial” offense under the Revised Penal Code, as
(military court), considered as a regular it is not covered by the Articles of War.
Subsequently, a case was filed in the
It would depend: Ombudsman against X involving the
same set of facts, and for the same
1. In an administrative offense.
disciplinary character;
a. to those cases which are Will the case against X prosper?
offenses under the Articles
of War that are service No, considering that the Court-Martial
connected and the Manual in resolving cases NOT covered by
for Court-Martial; or the Articles of War and Manual for
Court-Martial is acting as a regular
2. As a regular court; court.
a. insofar as those NOT
provided under the Thus, acting as a regular court, an
Articles of War and the acquittal from the Court-Martial
Manual for Court-Martial, amounts to a judgment of acquittal
where the Revised Penal unto which double jeopardy may
Code is suppletory in attach.
character (Ombudman v.
Mislang) Q: X is a civil service servant working in
the military.
(NOTE: This is in contrast with the
ruling in the Trillanes case, where it A case against him was filed in the court
was held that a court martial is NOT a martial.
regular court in toto)
Will the case prosper?
Q: Court martial acquitted X for a
violation of the Articles of War No, as in this case the proper forum
should be the regular courts, as X is
Subsequently, a case was filed in the not technically considered as part of
Ombudsman against X involving the the military.
same set of facts, and for the same
violation. (NOTE: A civil service servant,
despite being in the military, shall not
Will the case against X proceed? be considered as a military to the
extent that he/she can be subjected to
the jurisdiction of the Court Martial)
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2. The value of the land does NOT
OTHER KINDS OF JURISDICTION exceed Php100,000, as determined
Other kinds of jurisdiction includes: a. Claimant’s Affidavit; or
b. Claimants’ Agreement, if there
1. Delegated; is more than one claimant; or
2. Special; c. Corresponding tax
3. Limited; declarations on the real
4. Primary; property
5. Residual;
6. Equity; 3. The lots in question have no:
7. Epistolary; a. Controversy; or
8. Split; b. Opposition
9. Expanded/extended
Q: In the exercise of the MTC’s delegated
Delegated jurisdiction jurisdiction, a party seeks for an appeal to
its decision.
Sec.34; Delegated jurisdiction in cadastral
and land registration cases; Said party filed the appeal to the RTC, as
Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial it is next court in line and has jurisdiction
Courts, and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts over appeals coming from the MTC
may be assigned by the Supreme Court to decisions.
hear and determine cadastral or land
registration cases covering lots where there is Will his appeal prosper?
no controversy or opposition, or contested
lots the where the value of which does not No, the proper appellate court is the
exceed One hundred thousand pesos CA in appeal of decisions rendered by
(P100,000.00), such value to be ascertained by the MTC acting in its delegated
the affidavit of the claimant or by agreement jurisdiction.
of the respective claimants if there are more
than one, or from the corresponding tax In the exercise of such, the MTC is
declaration of the real property. Their acting as an RTC.
decisions in these cases shall be appealable in
the same manner as decisions of the Regional (NOTE: This is the ONLY instance
Trial Courts. in which an appeal may be taken from
the MTC to the CA)
Thus the MeTCs/MTCs/MCTC/
MTCC has delegated jurisdiction to Special jurisdiction
hear and determine cadastral or
land registration cases, under the Sec.35; Special jurisdiction in certain
following circumstances: cases;
In the absence of all the Regional Trial Judges
1. The SC has assigned such case to in a province or city, any Metropolitan Trial
any of them; Judge, Municipal Trial Judge, Municipal
Circuit Trial Judge may hear and decide
petitions for a writ of habeas corpus or
applications for bail in criminal cases in the
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province or city where the absent Regional
Trial Judges sit. 1. Probate court in cases of
testate succession;
The MeTC/ MTC/ MCTC/ MTCC 2. MTC in unlawful detainer and
Judges has special jurisdiction to hear forcible entry cases
and decide on following petitions:
Q: That the court probating the will has
1. Issuance for a writ of habeas corpus; limited jurisdiction, is it correct to say that
and said court loses jurisdiction after the
2. Applications for bail probate?

In the exercise thereof, the following No, it is a misnomer.

circumstances must concur:
After the probate of the will, the same
1. ALL of the provincial or city court shall proceed with the ultimate
Regional Trial Judges are absent; distribution of such.
2. The MeTC/ MTC/ MCTC/ It is only “limited” in that it cannot go
MTCC Judge is within the beyond the provisions of the will.
jurisdiction of the absent RTC
Judge’s/s’ seat Limited jurisdiction in unlawful
detainer/forcible entry cases
(NOTE: It is not the absence of
RTCs considered, but rather the It is limited to the extent that it is only
absence of RTJs. It is untenable to for determination of possession.
think that there are no RTJs, if in the
first place if there are no RTCs.) Thus, as a general rule, it cannot
resolve issues of ownership.
Limited jurisdiction
However, as an exception, it may
“…a court of limited jurisdiction, or a resolve the ownership issue to
court acting under special powers, has DETERMINE POSSESSION, if
only the jurisdiction expressly such issue is raised in the pleading.
delegated. x x x
Q: Assume that an ownership issue is
Limited or special jurisdiction is that raised in the pleading, and the court
which is confined to particular causes resolved such. Would such resolution
or which can be exercised only under apply as res judicata?
limitations and circumstances
prescribed by the statute. (Unduran No, as the MTC has the limited
v. Abestaruri) jurisdiction to go over issues of
As such, its determination of
The following are examples of cases in ownership is merely incidental to the
which courts exercise limited determination of possession and
jurisdiction: CANNOT be a basis for res judicata in
future cases of ownership.
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Elder/Leaders who participated in the
Primary jurisdiction attempt to settle the dispute that the same has
not been resolved, which certification shall be
“Primary jurisdiction is the power and a condition precedent to the filing of a
authority vested by the Constitution petition with the NCIP. (Indigenous
or by statute upon an administrative Peoples’ Rights Act of 1997 or RA 8371)
body to act upon a matter by virtue of
its specific competence.” (Unduran Thus, the NCIP has primary
Abestaruri) jurisdiction over, and is limited to,
claims and disputes involving the
“The doctrine of primary jurisdiction rights between and among Indigenous
tells us that courts cannot, and will Peoples (IPs) or (ICCs) belonging to
not, resolve a controversy involving a the same ICC/IP group. (Unduran v.
question which is within the Abestaruri)
jurisdiction of an administrative
tribunal, especially where the question Q: If a claim or dispute involves the rights
demands the exercise of sound between IPs or ICCs belong to different
administrative discretion requiring the ICC/IP groups, who has jurisdiction?
special knowledge, experience and
services of the administrative tribunal It would be the proper regular courts.
to determine technical and intricate (Unduran v. Abestaruri)
matters of fact.” (Paloma v. Mora)
Primary jurisdiction of the Department of
Purpose Agrarian Reform Adjudicatory Board
As they are experts in their field/s,
they are in a better position to resolve Sec.50. Quasi-Judicial Powers of the DAR;
the issues The DAR is hereby vested with primary
jurisdiction to determine and adjudicate
Rationale agrarian reform matters and shall have
exclusive original jurisdiction over all matters
This is in line with the doctrine of involving the implementation of agrarian
exhaustion of administrative reform, except those falling under the
remedies exclusive jurisdiction of the Department of
Agriculture (DA) and the Department of
Jurisdiction of the National Commission Environment and Natural Resources
on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) (DENR). (Comprehensive Agrarian
Reform Law of 1988 or RA 6657)
Sec.66. Jurisdiction of the NCIP;
The NCIP, through its regional offices, shall In addition, Executive Order (E.O.)
have jurisdiction over all claims and disputes No. 229 also vested the DAR with:
involving rights of ICCs/IPs: Provided,
however, that no such dispute shall be 1. Quasi-judicial powers to
brought to the NCIP unless the parties have determine and adjudicate agrarian
exhausted all remedies provided under their reform matters; and
customary laws. For this purpose, a
certification shall be issued by the Council of
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2. Jurisdiction over all matters of an expropriation case bound to abide
involving the implementation of by said judgment as res judicata?
agrarian reform, except those
falling under the exclusive original No, as expropriation does not come
jurisdiction of the Department of within the ambit of “tenurial
Agriculture and the Department arrangements”.
of Environment and Natural
Resources. Just compensation in the
DARAB refers to that from
Agrarian reform matters the private land owner, to the
agrarian reform beneficiary.
It refers to disputes relating to tenurial
arrangements (LBP v. Dalauta) On the other hand, in
expropriation, it refers to the
Jurisdiction of the Special Agrarian Courts payment of compensation for
(SAC) acquisition of land by the
government from the private
Sec.57. Special Jurisdiction; land owner.
The Special Agrarian Courts shall have
original and exclusive jurisdiction over all The latter, refers to the State’s power
petitions for the determination of just of eminent domain, which has been
compensation to landowners, and the held as a judicial function. It cannot
prosecution of all criminal offenses under this be properly given to administrative
Act. The Rules of Court shall apply to all agencies.
proceedings before the Special Agrarian
Courts, unless modified by this Act. In line with such, res judicata would not
attach, considering that the DARAB
The Special Agrarian Courts shall decide all has no primary jurisdiction over such
appropriate cases under their special case in the first place. (LBP v.
jurisdiction within thirty (30) days from Dalauta)
submission of the case for decision. (RA
6657) (NOTE: This ruling overthrown the
ruling in Limkaichong v. LBP in
Thus, the SAC is an RTC designated 2016, which ruled that the SAC must
to have exclusive and original respect the decision of the DARAB
jurisdiction over ALL: regarding just compensation.

1. Petitions for the determination As it stands now, just compensation is

of just compensation to NOT within the primary jurisdiction
landowners; and of the DARAB, and even if passed
upon, will not amount to res judicata, as
2. Prosecution of all criminal expropriation being an exercise of
offenses under RA 6657 eminent domain is a judicial function
Q: Assume that after an issue regarding vested upon the jurisdiction of the
just compensation was passed upon by SAC)
the DARAB, is the SAC taking cognizance Residual jurisdiction
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“The “residual jurisdiction” of the trial However, no delivery of the titles were
court is available at a stage in which made to ABC. This prompted ABC to file
the court is normally deemed to have a motion to call on X’s bond.
lost jurisdiction over the case or the
subject matter involved in the appeal.” The RTC denied the motion on the
ground that it no longer has jurisdiction to
In sum, it is the jurisdiction that issue the same.
remains even after it lost its
jurisdiction. X filed a petition for certiorari and
mandamus in the CA, arguing that by
Purpose virtue of the RTC’s residual jurisdiction, it
may issue protective orders such as the
The purpose is as follows: one he motioned.

1. Issuance of orders which DO Likewise, the petition on the matter was

NOT involve matters litigated by dismissed by the CA. Is the CA correct in
appeal, that are protective and dismissing the petition?
preservative of the rights of the
parties; Yes, the CA is correct in dismissing
2. Approve compromises; the petition.
3. Permit appeals by indigent
litigants; In order for residual jurisdiction to
4. Order execution pending appeal attach, a trial on the merits must have
(Rule 39.02); and been conducted.
5. Allow the withdrawal of the
appeal A dismissal due to improper venue is
a dismissal without prejudice.
As a dismissal without prejudice, it is
The requisites are as follows: not prohibited to refile the same.
Therefore, there is no trial on the
1. Trial on the merits; merits, as the court did not rule upon
2. Court rendered judgment; and it and may be subjected to refiling.
3. Aggrieved party appealed (DBP v. Carpio)

Q: By virtue of a loan agreement, X filed Perfection of appeal

for the delivery of the 228 certificates of
title to him which were submitted to ABC 41.09. Perfection of appeal; effect thereof;
Corp. for safekeeping. A party's appeal by notice of appeal is deemed
perfected as to him upon the filing of the
Subsequently, the 228 certificates of title notice of appeal in due time.
were seized and delivered to him by the
Sheriff. A party's appeal by record on appeal is
deemed perfected as to him with respect to
Thereafter, ABC filed a motion to dismiss the subject matter thereof upon the approval
on the ground of improper venue, which of the record on appeal filed in due time.
the RTC granted.
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In appeals by notice of appeal, the court loses
jurisdiction over the case upon the perfection 1. Notice of appeal:
of the appeals filed in due time and the
expiration of the time to appeal of the other a. Perfection of appeal;
parties. b. The original record has been
transmitted; and
In appeals by record on appeal, the court c. Expiration of the period to
loses jurisdiction only over the subject matter appeal which is fifteen (15)
thereof upon the approval of the records on days from notice of judgment;
appeal filed in due time and the expiration of
the time to appeal of the other parties. 2. Record on appeal:
a. Upon approval of the records
In either case, prior to the transmittal of the of appeal;
original record or the record on appeal, the b. The records on appeal has
court may issue orders for the protection and already been transmitted; and
preservation of the rights of the parties which c. Expiration of the period to
do not involve any matter litigated by the appeal, which is thirty (30)
appeal, approve compromises, permit appeals days from notice of judgment
of indigent litigants, order execution pending
appeal in accordance with Section 2 of Rule Q: A filed a case against X, Y, and Z. The
39, and allow withdrawal of the appeal. trial court rendered judgment in favor of
Q: When can residual jurisdiction be
exercised? A copy of the judgment was received by X,
Y, and Z, on the 5th, 10th, and 15th of
It can be exercised under the January, respectively.
following circumstances:
When will the trial court lose jurisdiction?
1. After appeal has already been
perfected AND the expiration of The trial court shall lose jurisdiction
the period to file an appeal, or within fifteen (15) days from the
upon approval of the record on notice of judgment.
appeal, as long as prior to the
transmittal of the: If counted from the 15th day
of January as the last notice
a. Original record; or upon a defendant, the last day
b. Record on appeal; or to appeal would be on the 30th
day, and the court loses its
2. Before the CA gives due course to jurisdiction specifically on the
the petition, in case of a petition 31st day of January.
for review under Rule 42.
Thus, filing of an appeal would not
Q: When will the trial court lose its suffice as to the loss of jurisdiction, as
residual jurisdiction? the expiration of the period is still
Corollary thereto, the trial court shall
lose residual jurisdiction upon:
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Q: Assume, that on the 8th day of January, It is only applicable in cases where
X appealed. When is appeal perfected as there is NO law applicable to given
to X, Y, and Z? situation

As to X, the appeal is perfected on the Thus, if there is a law, equity cannot

8th of January. control over the provisions of the
positive law.
However, as to Y and Z, appeal was
not perfected, as they did not file a In this regard, equity is applicable only
notice of appeal. in cases where there is a “vacuum” or
a “hiatus” in the law to satisfy fair play
Q: If Y is to appeal, on what day is the last or justice.
day to do so?
On the 25th day of January
The purpose is to:
Q: If Z is to appeal, on what day is the last
day to do so? 1. Prevent unjust enrichment; and
2. Ensure restitution (Regulus
On the 30th day of January Development Corporation v.
Dela Cruz)
Q: Assume that X, Y, and Z properly filed
their appeals, and no original records were Q: In an ejectment case, the MTC ruled in
transmitted yet, when will residual favor of the lessor XYZ. Upon appeal by
jurisdiction of the trial court commence? lessee, A, the RTC denied the appeal. All
the while, A consigned the payments
On the 31st of January, considering allegedly refused by XYZ to receive.
that it is the first day after the
expiration of the period to appeal. As such, a petition for certiorari was filed
by A to the CA. The CA reversed the
Q: Assume that the original records were decision and dismissed the ejectment
transmitted on the 5th day of February, case.
when will the trial court lose residual
jurisdiction? That the ejectment case has been
dismissed, and at this time has not
It is lost on the same day, specifically received what is rightfully owned by him,
on the 5th day of February, as during XYZ filed a motion to withdraw the
this time the original records were consigned funds with the RTC, which the
already transmitted latter granted.

Equity jurisdiction A contested the granting by the RTC,

which however was denied.
It is the jurisdiction of the courts
based on fairness and justice Upon receipt of XYZ, it determined that
the consigned funds are insufficient to
Q: When is equity jurisdiction applicable? cover the dues, and as such prayed that
the RTC allow the levy of A’s properties,
to which, again, was granted.
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and NOT an authority to determine
Thus, an auction commenced to which and hear a case.
XYZ was the highest bidder.
As applied in the United States and
Aggrieved, again, A contested the England, it refers to the authority of
granting of the levy in the CA. Whilst the strangers, as 3rd persons, to initiate the
case is pending, A redeemed the property prosecution of a case despite not
subject of the levy. having any interest in the case.

Surprisingly, the CA reversed the decision Q: A, B, and C, filed a case in behalf of

and held that the MTC should have marine animals. In the caption of the case,
jurisdiction considering it is the court it was stated as “Resident Marine
where it was originally filed. Is the CA Mammals as represented by A, B, and C,
correct? jointly referred to as the Stewards v.
No, as the RTC has properly exercised
its equity jurisdiction. They are filing the case against XYZ for
the latter’s acts of exploration and
To note, the case in the MTC has long utilization of the internal waters of the
been dismissed, and hence it cannot Philippines. According to the Stewards,
be said to have jurisdiction over it. they are causing damage to the Resident
Marine Mammals as there are reported
Further, the questioned order of levy cases of oil spills.
is exercised by the RTC, and as such
the execution is likewise within it. Thus, the Stewards are requesting that the
Resident Marine Mammals be recognized
As in this case, if the withdrawal of as real parties in interest, without which
funds and the subsequent levy were no final determination can be had of the
not allowed, unjust enrichment would case. Can the Stewards’ contention be
result (Regulus Development allowed?
Corporation v. Dela Cruz)
No, our jurisdiction is not ready to
Q: How would you change the facts of the accept such position.
to turn it into residual jurisdiction?
Inanimate objects, nor other living
If after the filing of the appeal of the things, while allowed in other
RTC and prior to the transmittal of jurisdictions to file a case for
the records, the MTC may exercise themselves, Philippine courts are not
residual jurisdiction. ready to give them personality, as the
Rules of Courts defines only natural
Epistolary jurisdiction and juridical persons, or entities
authorized by law as possible parties
The term is a misnomer, as there is to a case.
NO such jurisdiction.
Nevertheless, our Environmental laws
The term “epistolary” is a Biblical recognize the fact that the citizens
term, which means “letters”. As may file a case in behalf of the future
“letters” it merely refers to messages,
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generations, but NOT for the
environment itself. Under this provision, a party is a real
party in interest if the party:
However, again, the environment
itself cannot have a standing in court. 1. Stands to be benefitted or injured
(Resident Marine Mammals v. by the judgment; or
Reyes) 2. Is entitled to the avails of the suit

(NOTE: In this case, epistolary In line with such, the SC held that it is
jurisdiction was applied as the not possible to know the Resident
lowering of the benchmark for locus Marine Mammals’ feeling, and hence
standi) cannot know if indeed they felt
damaged or not.
Rationale for disallowing locus standi for
Resident Marine Mammals Split jurisdiction

3.01. Who May Be Parties; Plaintiff and “It would be somewhat incongruent
Defendant; with the pronounced judicial
Only natural or juridical persons, or entities abhorrence to split jurisdiction to
authorized by law may be parties in a civil conclude that the intention of the law
action. The term "plaintiff" may refer to the is to divide the authority over a local
claiming party, the counter-claimant, the tax case filed with the RTC by giving
cross-claimant, or the third (fourth, etc.) — to the CA or this Court jurisdiction to
party plaintiff. The term "defendant" may issue a writ of certiorari against
refer to the original defending party, the interlocutory orders of the RTC but
defendant in a counterclaim, the cross- giving to the CTA the jurisdiction
defendant, or the third (fourth, etc.) — party over the appeal from the decision of
defendant. the trial court in the same case.

Under this provision, only the It is more in consonance with logic

following can be parties: and legal soundness to conclude that
the grant of appellate jurisdiction to
1. Natural persons; the CTA over tax cases filed in and
2. Juridical persons; or decided by the RTC carries with it the
3. Entities authorized by law power to issue a writ of certiorari
when necessary in aid of such
Resident Marine Mammals are not appellate jurisdiction.
among the above enumeration
The supervisory power or jurisdiction
3.02. Parties in Interest; of the CTA to issue a writ of certiorari
A real party in interest is the party who stands in aid of its appellate jurisdiction
to be benefited or injured by the judgment in should coexist with, and be a
the suit, or the party entitled to the avails of complement to, its appellate
the suit. Unless otherwise authorized by law jurisdiction to review, by appeal, the
or these Rules, every action must be final orders and decisions of the RTC,
prosecuted or defended in the name of the in order to have complete supervision
real party in interest. over the acts of the latter.” (City of
Manila v. Judge Cuerdo)
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Rationale for disallowing split jurisdiction Under its expanded jurisdiction,

courts can now delve into acts of any
It is an anathema to procedure to branch or instrumentality of the
otherwise allow a different court to Government traditionally considered
have authority to issue writs, while it is as political if such act was tainted with
trying the main case. grave abuse of discretion.” (Lagman
v. Pimentel III)
As an appellate court having
supervision over the case, it should (NOTE: Thus, under the expanded
have all powers necessary to review jurisdiction, political questions may be
the case without need of resorting to brought to the SC if the question of
another court which has no actual abuse of discretion is raised.)
technical expertise over such.

Expanded jurisdiction

Art.VIII, Sec.1. The judicial power shall be

vested in one Supreme Court and in such
lower courts as may be established by law.

Judicial power includes the duty of the courts

of justice to settle actual controversies
involving rights which are legally demandable
and enforceable, and to determine whether or
not there has been a grave abuse of discretion
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on
the part of any branch or instrumentality of
the Government.

“Section 1, Article VIII of the

Constitution pertains to the Court's
judicial power to settle actual
controversies involving rights which
are legally demandable and
enforceable, and to determine whether
or not there has been grave abuse of
discretion amounting to lack or excess
of jurisdiction on the part of any
branch or instrumentality of the

The first part is to be known as the

traditional concept of judicial power
while the latter part, an innovation of
the 1987 Constitution, became known
as the court's expanded jurisdiction.
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c) A special proceeding is a remedy by
When rules not applicable which a party seeks to establish a
status, a right, or a particular fact.
01.04. In What Cases Not Applicable;
These Rules shall not apply to election cases, Kinds of civil actions and rules governing
land registration, cadastral, naturalization and such
insolvency proceedings, and other cases not
herein provided for, except by analogy or in a 1. Ordinary, governed by Rules 1-56;
suppletory character and whenever practicable 2. Special, governed by Rules 62-71
and convenient.
Q: What governs special civil actions?
Q: Is the above enumeration exclusive?
The special law governing them, and
No, as other cases may include the in the insufficiency thereof, the regular
following: rules of procedure shall apply

1. Labor cases; Q: In case of conflict between the ROC

2. Agrarian cases; and the special law concerning the special
3. Other administrative agencies civil action, which shall prevail?

Q: Does that mean then, that the ROC The special law shall prevail
would not apply at all to these cases?
Q: Are all special civil actions filed via a
No, as the ROC may apply petition?
No, as there are others which are filed
CASES GOVERNED via a complaint such as Forcible Entry
and Unlawful Detainer Cases
01.03. Cases Governed;
These Rules shall govern the procedure to be COMMENCEMENT
observed in actions, civil or criminal, and
special proceedings. 01.05. Commencement of Action;
A civil action is commenced by the filing of
a) A civil action is one by which a party the original complaint in court. If an
sues another for the enforcement or additional defendant is impleaded in a later
protection of a right, or the pleading, the action is commenced with
prevention or redress of a wrong. regard to him on the date of the filing of such
later pleading, irrespective of whether the
motion for its admission, if necessary, is
A civil action may either be ordinary denied by the court.
or special. Both are governed by the
rules for ordinary civil actions, subject
Q: Is it enough that the person files a
to the specific rules prescribed for a
special civil action. complaint in order the court to acquire
b) A criminal action is one by which the
State prosecutes a person for an act
or omission punishable by law.
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No, as aside from such filing, it must answer, considering that the court
be accompanied by the payment of never acquired jurisdiction over the
docket fees. permissive counterclaim. (Alday v.
FGU Insurance)
When payment of docket fees proper
(NOTE: The ruling in Alday was
In order for docket fees be deemed as promulgated on 23 January 2001.
proper, the following must be
observed: However, in Korea Technologies
Co., Ltd v. Lerma, dated 7 January
a) Correct amount is paid; and 2008, it ruled that irrespective of the
b) Paid on time kind of counterclaim, docket fees are
Q: XYZ Insurance Corp. filed a case
against A, for failure of the latter to remit a As there is an outcry from numerous
sum of money pertaining to the insurance practitioners, in Mercado v. CA dated
contracts. 17 October 2008, it overturned the
ruling in Korea Tech, and thus returned
A filed his Answer with Counterclaim, for to doctrine in Alday.)
recovery of unpaid bonuses, commission,
etc. Compulsory v. permissive counterclaims

To the counterclaim, XYZ failed to “In general, a counterclaim is any

answer in time. claim which a defending party may
have against an opposing party.
XYZ interposed that the court did not
acquire jurisdiction over A’s counterclaim, A compulsory counterclaim is
as the latter failed to pay docket fees. Is one which, being cognizable
XYZ correct? by the regular courts of justice,
arises out of or is connected
Yes, XYZ is correct. with the transaction or
occurrence constituting the
The nature of A’s counterclaim is subject matter of the opposing
permissive, considering that A’s relief party’s claim and does not
does not necessarily arise from the require for its adjudication the
same occurrence or transaction as presence of third parties of
“remittance” and “bonuses, whom the court cannot
commission, etc” are different acquire jurisdiction.
obligations, nor will the same evidence
support or refute the same. A compulsory
counterclaim is barred
As a permissive counterclaim, if not set up in the
payment of docket fees is required same action.
before the court may acquire
jurisdiction over such case. On the other hand, a
counterclaim is permissive if it
Thus, that no payment was made, does not arise out of or is not
XYZ is justified in not filing an necessarily connected with the
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subject matter of the opposing
party’s claim. Thus, payment of docket fees is
required in the following instances:
It is essentially an
independent claim that a) Filing of original complaint;
may be filed separately b) Permissive counterclaim; and
in another case.” (Sy- c) Appeal (SLU v. Cobarrubias
Vargas v. Ogsos) and Gipa v. SLI)

COMPULSORY PERMISSIVE When payment of docket fees NOT

Effect if not FATAL, NOT FATAL, required
set up considering that if as it is tried in
not set up, shall another action
be barred forever In the following instances, payment of
docket fees is not required:
Payment of NOT NEEDED, NEEDED, as it
filing fees as it is currently is a different a) Damages or claims (Proton
suspended action, then it is Pilipinas Corporation v. BNP):
necessary to pay
in order for the a. Arising after the filing of the
court to acquire initiatory pleading;
jurisdiction b. Awarded despite no prayer of
Necessity of NOT NECESSARY, b) Indigent litigant
an answer NECESSARY, as as it is a
the allegations in different action c) Failure of the adverse party to
the counterclaim timely object to the issue of non-
are automatically payment;
deemed d) Civil aspect instituted with the
controverted, criminal action where no
specifically by the
allegations in the specification of the damages has
complaint been provided;
e) Petition for a writ of amparo; and
Availability in AVAILABLE NOT f) Indigent petition for a writ of
in a Summary AVAILABLE habeas data

Necessity of NOT NECESSARY Q: Does it mean that in the above

Certification NECESSARY situations, no such docket fees are
Against charged to the party?
No, as in the first four cases, the
docket fees shall be a lien on the
“Transaction or occurrence” judgment award.
It refers to the facts out of which a In the 5th and 6th cases, petitioners
cause of action may arise. therein are exempted for payment of
docket fees.
Specifically, it is the facts unto which
the original complaint is anchored Q: Is the rule on payment of docket fees
strictly adhered to?
When payment of docket fees required
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No, as in a case where the Clerk
committed an error in the
computation of docket fees, it may
order the payment of additional
docket fees instead of dismissing the
same. (Ruby Shelter Builders v.
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RULE 2; CAUSE OF ACTION by which a party suit or to
violates the right institute an
of another action
Q: Where no cause of action exists, can
02.02. Cause of Action, Defined;
there be a right of action?
A cause of action is the act or omission by
which a party violates a right of another.
No. Instead, right of action can only
exist if there is a cause of action
Q: Where does cause of action lie?
Q: Is the right of action restricted to the
It lies upon the defendant, as he is the plaintiff only?
one who committed the act or
omission No, as it refers to a “party”, hence,
even the defendant.
Elements of Cause of Action
The following are its elements: ACTION
1. Legal right of the plaintiff;
02.03. One Suit For A Single Cause of
2. Legal duty of the defendant to
respect such rights; and
A party may not institute more than one suit
3. Act or omission of defendant in a
for a single cause of action.
violation of such right; and
4. Resulting injury or damage to
plaintiff Rationale for disallowing splitting a single
cause of action
Q: In what pleading should the cause of
action be put into? It is anathema to procedure, as it
results in forum shopping where two
(2) complaint are filed for a single
06.03. Complaint;
cause of action.
The complaint is the pleading alleging the
plaintiff’s or claiming party's cause or causes
Thus, the rule is one (1) act or
of action. The names and residences of the
omission can only give rise to one (1)
plaintiff and defendant must be stated in the
Q: B borrowed money from A in January,
Q: Is Cause of Action synonymous with April, and December.
Right of Action?
A filed three (3) complaints against B.
B argued that A splitted a single cause of
Cause of Action (CoA) v. Right of Action action, considering that the transactions
(RoA) are entered into by the same parties, A
and B. Is B correct?
NATURE Substantive Procedural
No, B is incorrect.
DEFINITION Act or omission Right to file a
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A can properly file three (3) d) Where the claims in all the causes of
complaints against B, as each pertains action are principally for recovery of
to a different transaction. money, the aggregate amount claimed
shall be the test of jurisdiction.
(NOTE: Splitting should not refer to
the parties themselves, but rather the Q: B, a resident of Tagaytay, borrowed
cause of action) money from A, a resident of QC, in
January, April, and December, in the
Q: A and B entered into a lease contract amount of Php250k, Php500k, and Php1m,
over a parcel of land for one (1) year, after respectively.
one (1) year B should return the parcel of
land. A said regarding the December loan that:

For B’s failure, A files a case for recovery “I will only lend you Php1m if you
of the parcel of land and another for secure it with a Real Estate
recovery of unpaid rentals. Is A justified in Mortgage.”
doing so?
As such, B executed a REM over his land
No, as in this case A splits a single in Tagaytay in favor of A for the Php1m.
cause of action as it pertains to only
one (1) transaction How many cases can A file against B in
case of failure to pay?
A can file three (3) cases at most:
02.05. Joinder of Causes of Action;
A party may in one pleading assert, in the a) Small claims as to the Php250k;
alternative or otherwise, as many causes of b) Collection of sum of money as to
action as he may have against an opposing the Php500k; and
party, subject to the following conditions: c) Foreclosure of the REM as to the
a) The party joining the causes of action
shall comply with the rules on joinder Q: Can A join ALL of the above causes of
of parties; action?

b) The joinder shall not include special No, as small claims is governed by
civil actions or actions governed by special rules.
special rules;
Likewise, foreclosure is governed by
c) Where the causes of action are special rules, specifically Rule 68
between the same parties but pertain
to different venues or jurisdictions, Q: Can A join the collection of sum of
the joinder may be allowed in the money and the foreclosure of REM?
Regional Trial Court provided one of
the causes of action falls within the Yes, as in a foreclosure case,
jurisdiction of said court and the foreclosure is merely optional, and the
venue lies therein; and plaintiff may opt to just collect a sum
of money as an alternative option.
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In such a case, it is to be designated as Q: What then is B’s proper remedy?
a collection of sum of money.
B can file a motion for severance
Take note however, recourse to such
is a bar to the remedy of foreclosure Q: Assume, that upon the RTC’s granting
of a motion for severance, A failed to
Q: Where should A file the small claims comply the same. What is B’s remedy?
B may file a motion to dismiss due to
In the MTC of QC or Tagaytay, in his the fault of the plaintiff, for failure to
discretion comply with the order of the court, in
line with Rule 17, Sec. 3.
Q: Where should A file if he is to join the
collection cases? Nevertheless, the RTC itself may motu
proprio order its dismissal
He should file the same with the RTC
either of Tagaytay or QC, at his Q: A owns a land in Tagaytay, which was
discretion, as this is a personal action leased by B.

Q: If A opts to pursue the foreclosure, Assuming that B failed to pay, A wanted

where should he file the case? to file a complaint for recovery of property
and collection of the rentals.
He must file it with the RTC of
Tagaytay, as it is where the land is Can A join such causes, considering that
located, pursuant to the rule on venue one is a personal action while the other is
of real actions a real action?

Q: If A files a case for a collection of sum Yes, A can join such causes, as there is
of money and foreclosure in the RTC of no prohibition on joining personal
QC, can B file a motion to dismiss on the and real actions
ground of misjoinder of actions?
Q: Where should A file the case?
No, as Sec. 6 provides of Rule 2
provides: RTC QC or Tagaytay, at his discretion

“Misjoinder of Causes of Recovery of property v. Foreclosure

Misjoinder of causes of action Recovery of property is merely
is not a ground for dismissal governed by rules ordinary civil
of an action. A misjoined actions.
cause of action may, on
motion of a party or on the On the other hand, foreclosure is
initiative of the court, be governed by special rules, specifically
severed and proceeded with under Rule 68.

Thus, misjoinder is NOT a ground for

a motion to dismiss.
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RULE 3; PARTIES TO CIVIL ACTIONS Under the above stated provisions,
joinder of parties is necessary in order
Kinds of parties to afford the parties a FINAL and
COMPLETE relief.
The following are the kinds of parties:
Indispensable party
1. Fundamental parties:
a. Indispensable party; and Under Sec. 7 of Rule 3, it was stated in
i. Real party in this wise:
b. Necessary party; “Parties in interest without
2. Other parties: whom no final determination
a. Nominal; and can be had of an action…”
b. Representative parties;
3. Parties according to certain Parties-in-interest (real party in interest)
a. Unwilling co-plaintiff; and 3.02. Parties in Interest;
b. Indigent party (Pauper A real party in interest is the party who stands
litigant); to be benefited or injured by the judgment in
the suit, or the party entitled to the avails of
FUNDAMENTAL PARTIES the suit. Unless otherwise authorized by law
or these Rules, every action must be
Rationale for parties’ being fundamental prosecuted or defended in the name of the
real party in interest.
3.06. Permissive Joinder of Parties;
All persons in whom or against whom any Necessary parties
right to relief in respect to or arising out of
the same transaction or series of transactions 3.08. Necessary Party;
is alleged to exist, whether jointly, severally, or A necessary party is one who is not
in the alternative, may, except as otherwise indispensable but who ought to be joined as a
provided in these Rules, join as plaintiffs or be party if complete relief is to be accorded as to
joined as defendants in one complaint, where those already parties, or for a complete
any question of law or fact common to all determination or settlement of the claim
such plaintiffs or to all such defendants may subject of the action.
arise in the action; but the court may make
such orders as may be just to prevent any Real party in interest v. necessary party
plaintiff or defendant from being embarrassed
or put to expense in connection with any To distinguish one from the other, the
proceedings in which he may have no interest. words FINAL and COMPLETE
must be kept in mind:
3.07. Compulsory Joinder of Indispensable
Parties; 1. A party is indispensable, if no
Parties in interest without whom no final FINAL determination can be had
determination can be had of an action shall be of an action if he is not joined;
joined either as plaintiffs or defendants.
2. On the other hand, a party is
merely necessary, if his joinder is
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for a COMPLETE relief to be Neither are they necessary parties,
accorded to those already parties considering that complete relief may
be accorded to A)
Q: Is a co-owner an indispensable or a
necessary party? Q: Assume the same facts, except the
obligation of W, X, Y, and Z, are joint, will
It would depend W and X’ contention prevail?

Q: W and X authorized A to be real estate Still no, as in this case, only the
broker of a parcel of land co-owned by the liabilities of W and X are in question,
former, along with Y and Z. In exchange, considering that each co-owner is
commissions and bonuses shall be proportionately liable to their share.
solidarily paid by the four (4) co-owners.
(NOTE: In this situation, still, Y and
After the sale of land was consummated, A Z are not indispensable parties.
filed a case against W and X for the
recovery of deficiency commission on the However, Y and Z are necessary
brokership. parties considering that in order for A
to have the whole relief sought, they
W and X argued that as there is a failure to must be impleaded.
implead Y and Z, the other co-owners, A’s
case must fail. Is W and X correct? Summary of rules relative to co-owner’s
being indispensable or necessary
No, the suit against W and X is
Joint Yes No
In case of a solidary obligation, the Solidary No No
whole liability may be enforced any
one of the solidary debtors, thus to Q: X1, an impostor of X, successfully
one, to some, or against all. executed a mortgage over the land of X for
a loan secured by X1 from ABC Bank.
There is no necessity of joining Y and
Z, considering that the same may be X, upon knowing, sought the nullification
enforced against W and X. of the mortgage against ABC.

In turn, W and X, may demand for ABC moved to dismiss on the ground that
the payment of the respective share in there is failure to implead an
the obligation against Y and Z. (De indispensable party, X1. Is ABC’s
Castro v. CA) contention correct?

(NOTE: Thus, in this case, it has No, considering that the case can
been held that the mere fact of co- proceed despite X1’s absence, as the
ownership does not automatically real owner of the mortgaged land.
render each co-owner as an
indispensable party. Furthermore, non-joinder and
misjoinder of parties is not a ground
for dismissal. (China Banking Corp.
v. Oliver)
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(NOTE: In sum, the indispensability court the order the joinder or
of a party would depend on the nature dropping of the party to the case.
of the action.
Thereafter, if there is a failure on the
Considering that this is an action for part of the party against whom the
nullity of the mortgage, the owner order is directed to comply, the court
thereof is a sufficient indispensable may dismiss the complaint
Q: Is the employer an indispensable
Applicability of China Banking Corp. v. party?
Oliver as to indispensability of parties in
an action for nullity of mortgage As a general rule, it is required, as it
is being enforced against him.
Thus, the indispensable parties to an
action for nullity of mortgage are as However, as exceptions, the
follows: employer may not be an indispensable
party in the following cases:
GR: Mortgagor and
mortgagee 1. Independent contracting;
2. Job-contracting in cases where
ER: The real owner of the what is being sought is other than
mortgaged property, wages
which was fraudulently
mortgaged, and the Q: Why is there no need to implead the
mortgagee. employer of an independent contractor as
an indispensable party?
Q: Assume, that instead of an action for
nullity of mortgage, X filed a case for As it has no employer in the first place
damages against ABC, and the latter
moved to implead X1 as an indispensable Q: ABC Corporation, a service contractor,
party, is the contention correct? provided its employees to the principal
DEF Corporation.
Yes, ABC’s contention is correct.
The employees were told by DEF
In such a case, it is imperative to Corporation to refrain from going to the
include X1, considering that he was promises everyday, and will just be called
the one who committed the damaging in case there is a need for them.
As such, they filed case a case for
Q: Considering, that misjoinder and non- constructive dismissal, and prayed for the
joinder of parties are NOT grounds for payment of backwages, service incentive
the dismissal of the case, would it then leaves, 13th month pay, and other benefits
never result in the dismissal of the case? against ABC and DEF.

No, as upon the initial finding by the Eventually, the LA and subsequently the
court of such non-joinder or NLRC ruled that the employer of the
misjoinder, it shall be the duty of the employees is ABC.
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Upon appeal by the employees to the CA, As such, the liability as to what is
impleading only DEF, the decision was being sought, aside from wages, shall
reversed, to the extent that it held that the be upon the employer, specifically the
employer of the employees is DEF, and contractor ABC.
not ABC, as the latter is merely acting as
an agent of DEF, holding that it engaged Q: X filed an action for reconveyance of
in labor-only contracting. lot against ABC Corporation, in the RTC.

DEF claims that the CA failed to acquire X died pending the case, as such his wife,
jurisdiction over an indispensable party, now widower, Y, was substituted.
ABC, and thus no final decision can be Eventually, the RTC granted X’s case.
had. Is DEF correct?
However, a certain Z claims that he has
Yes, DEF is correct. been assigned all the rights of X, and as
such must be the one who was
In case of labor-only contracting, the substituted.
principal and the contractor are jointly
and severally liable for liabilities. The RTC merely noted Z’s motion for
substitution, but never made an action to
Thus, a decision rendered, as in this it.
case, which held such liability, would
undoubtedly affect ABC. (Lotte Phil. Aggrieved, Z filed a petition for Certiorari
Co., Inc. v. Dela Cruz) in the CA, impleading only the RTC, but
not Y. Subsequently, the CA granted the
Q: Assume, that in the above case, the CA petition. Is the CA Order valid?
upheld the ruling that indeed, the
employer was ABC and is a legitimate job No, it is invalid for failure to implead
contracting, would ABC be an an indispensable party, Y.
indispensable party? Or even DEF?
Any proceeding that had transpired in
Yes, considering that they are the CA would adversely affect Y’s
solidarily liable. interest, in that instead of her, another
person, specifically Z, would be
However, such liability is limited to entitled thereto. (Vda. De Santiago
the payment of wages. v. Vilar)

All of the other reliefs shall be Q: Who are indispensable parties in a case
indispensably against ABC, as for settlement of estate?
contractor, only
The compulsory heirs (Divinagracia
Q: Assume further, what was sought was v. Parilla)
all of such except the payment of wages, is
DEF an indispensable party? Q: If a compulsory heir is not included in
the settlement of the estate, what would
No, as it is limited to the payment of be the remedy of the compulsory heir left
the wages. out?
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It would be Declaratory Relief under Q: X, wife of Y, filed a petition for
Rule 63, Section 1 of which states: appointment as sole administratrix of the
conjugal partnership.
“Who may file petition; Any
person interested under a Impleaded are Y, and Z, mistress of Y. Is
deed, will, contract or other Y an indispensable or necessary party in
written instrument … may, this case?
before breach or violation
thereof, bring an action in the No, as X’s remedies are against Y, by
appropriate Regional Trial virtue of the Family Code concerning
Court to determine any the property relations between
question of construction or husband and wife.
validity arising, and for a
declaration of his rights or In fine, Z has nothing to do with the
duties, thereunder. x x x” property relations of X and Y, to the
extent that the causes of action of X
Q: What if there is an unknown are against and can be resolved only
compulsory heir, will the court err in with the presence of Y as a
continuing the settlement? defendant.(Relucio v. Lopez)

No, as it may continue despite his Q: Assume that instead, a case for
absence, considering that at the time recovery of conjugal partnership was filed
of settlement, his presence is yet to be by X, would your answer be the same?
No, as now, Z shall be an
Of course, this is without prejudice, to indispensable party, as it no longer
the unknown compulsory heirs right pertains to the administration of the
to refile the same. conjugal property, but rather of
returning what pertains to the
Q: Taxpayer filed a case for cancellation conjugal property by virtue of Z’s acts.
of a loan entered by the Municipality with
the Land Bank of the Philippines. Indispensability of transferees of interest

They allege that there is an illegality 3.19. Transfer of Interest;

caused by the excessive amount of the In case of any transfer of interest, the action
loan, considering the project to be funded. may be continued by or against the original
party, unless the court upon motion directs
He filed the case against LBP, the Mayor the person to whom the interest is transferred
and other officers of the Municipality. Did to be substituted in the action or joined with
the taxpayer successfully implead all the original party.
indispensable parties?
Thus, the rule is as follows:
No, as the Municipality itself must
have been impleaded considering that GR: Merely necessary;
it involves disbursement of public ER: Indispensable if
funds (Land Bank of the ordered by the court
Philippines v. Cacayuran)
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Q: Are all indispensable parties with real As it is in the interest of the State
interest in the case?
Q: Is it only the OSG who may appear in
As a general rule, yes, as an behalf of the State?
indispensable party is one who is to be
benefitted or injured by the judgment No, as in a petition for declaration of
in the suit. nullity of marriage designates Fiscals
in order to avoid collusion or
However, as an exception, a nominal suppression of evidence
party is an indispensable party despite
having no real interest in the suit. OTHER PARTIES
Thus the rule is as follows:
Nominal parties
GR: ALL indispensable
parties must have real They are parties whom no final
interest determination of the case can be had
without their presence, but are not
ER: Nominal parties, as parties in interest.
they are indispensable
despite having no real In sum, they are parties without whom
interest the case cannot be continued.

Q: When is the OSG an indispensable However, these parties are exceptional

Nominal v. indispensable parties
3.22. Notice to the Solicitor General;
In any action involving the validity of any NOMINAL INDISPENSABLE
treaty, law, ordinance, executive order, Is their Yes Yes
presidential decree, rules or regulations, the required for
court, in its discretion, may require the final
appearance of the Solicitor General who may determination
be heard in person or through a representative of the case?
duly designated by him.
Are they No Yes
Thus, the court MAY order the benefitted or
appearance of the OSG, in cases injured by the
questioning the validity of a: judgment in
the suit?
a) Treaty;
b) Law; Examples of nominal parties
c) Ordinance;
d) Executive order; The following are examples of
e) Presidential decree; or nominal parties:
f) Rules or regulations
1. Petition for Certiorari; the
Q: Why is the OSG indispensable in the tribunal, board, or officer;
above cases?
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2. Petition for Mandamus or The following are examples:
Prohibition; the corporation or
the person 1. Trustee;
2. Guardian;
(NOTE: In the above examples, 3. Executor/ Administrator; or
while the said parties do not have a 4. Party authorized by law
real interest in the subject suit, they
are however required by the rules to Q: Is it sufficient that in the pleading one
be impleaded. states that he is representing someone?

In such a case, the real party in No, as they must be indicated in the
interest would be the petitioner and pleading, as the person you are
the private respondent) representing, and that you are merely
Q: In a Certiorari case, impleaded are
public respondent Judge X, and private Q: Is the above rule absolute?
respondent Z. Is X bound to file
comments and/or memorandum thereto? No, as an agent is not bound to
disclose the principal’s name in cases
No, as he is merely a nominal party, of transactions not in the name of the
and only impleaded as such as the latter
rules so requires
Rule as to agent’s representation of
Representative parties undisclosed principal

3.03. Representatives as Parties; GR: Allowed, if acted under the his

Where the action is allowed to be prosecuted own name, for the benefit of
or defended by a representative or someone the undisclosed principal
acting in a fiduciary capacity, the beneficiary
shall be included in the title of the case and ER: NOT allowed, if the thing
shall be deemed to be the real party in involved belongs to the
interest. A representative may be a trustee of principal
an express trust, a guardian, an executor or
administrator, or a party authorized by law or Rationale for allowing representation by
these Rules. An agent acting in his own name the agent
and for the benefit of an undisclosed principal
may sue or be sued without joining the Art. 1883. If an agent acts in his own name,
principal except when the contract involves the principal has no right of action against the
things belonging to the principal. persons with whom the agent has contracted;
neither have such persons against the
Thus, a representative is NOT a real principal.
party in interest, as he merely
represents the actual real party in In such case the agent is the one directly
interest bound in favor of the person with whom he
has contracted, as if the transaction were his
Examples of representative parties own, except when the contract involves things
belonging to the principal.
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The provisions of this article shall be Q: Would the apparentness of the
understood to be without prejudice to the incompetency suffice for the court to
actions between the principal and agent. appreciate such?
(New Civil Code)
No, as the court determines, the
In this case, while it is true that the circumstances must be placed in the
agent is acting in behalf of the pleading.
principal, the latter is generally not
needed to be disclosed, considering In practice, there would be a Judicial
that the transaction occurred between Declaration to that effect.
the agent and the third party alone.
Incompetent Executors v. Guardians
Take note however, that in cases
where what was involved are the An incompetent executor includes
things belonging to the principal, he those:
should be disclosed.
1. Minors;
Minors or incompetent persons 2. Non-resident of the Philippines;
3.05. Minor or Incompetent Persons; 3. Those in the opinion of the court
A minor or a person alleged to be are unfit to execute the duties of
incompetent, may sue or be sued, with the the trust by reason of:
assistance of his father, mother, guardian, or if a. Drunkenness;
he has none, a guardian ad litem. b. Improvidence;
c. Want of understanding or
Thus, a minor or incompetent person, integrity; or
in order to sue or be sued, must be 4. Convicted of an offense involving
represented by any of the following: moral turpitude

1. Father; While an incompetent guardian

2. Mother; includes those:
3. Guardian; or
4. Guardian ad litem, in the absence 1. Penalized with civil interdiction;
of all of the above 2. Hospitalized lepers;
3. Prodigals;
Q: Is incompetent under this provision 4. Deaf and dumb who are unable to
restricted to physical impairment? read and write,
5. Of unsound mind, even though
No, as it relates to those who cannot they have lucid intervals; and
decide for themselves such as: 6. Persons NOT being of unsound
mind, who cannot, without
1. Insane; outside aid, take care of
2. Imbecile; themselves and manage their
3. Those penalized with civil property, becoming thereby an
interdiction, as such person loses easy prey for deceit and
capacity exploitation by reason of:
a. Age;
b. Disease;
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c. Weak mind; and him. The amount of the docket and other
d. Other similar causes. lawful fees which the indigent was exempted
from paying shall be a lien on any judgment
(NOTE: Thus, the definition of rendered in the case favorable to the indigent,
incompetents may differ depending unless the court otherwise provides.
on the case involved)
Any adverse party may contest the grant of
PARTIES ACCORDING TO CERTAIN such authority at any time before judgment is
CIRCUMSTANCES rendered by the trial court. If the court should
determine after hearing that the party declared
Unwilling co-plaintiff as an indigent is in fact a person with
sufficient income or property, the proper
3.10. Unwilling Co-plaintiff; docket and other lawful fees shall be assessed
If the consent of any party who should be and collected by the clerk of court. If payment
joined as plaintiff cannot be obtained, he may is not made within the time fixed by the court,
be made a defendant and the reason therefor execution shall issue or the payment thereof,
shall be stated in the complaint. without prejudice to such other sanctions as
the court may impose.
It is a party who is supposed to be a
plaintiff to the case whose consent 141.19. Indigent litigants exempt from
cannot be obtained. payment of legal fees;
Indigent litigants
This provision provides the
affirmative relief against such party a) whose gross income and that of their
immediate family do not exceed an
Q: What is the remedy of the plaintiff amount double the monthly minimum
against an unwilling co-plaintiff? wage of an employee; and

He may be made a defendant, and b) who do not own real property with A
must state the reasons in the FAIR MARKET VALUE AS
DECLARATION of more than
Indigent/pauper litigant THREE hundred thousand
(P300,000.00) pesos
3.21. Indigent Party;
A party may be authorized to litigate his shall be exempt from the payment of legal
action, claim or defense as an indigent if the fees.
court, upon an ex parte application and
hearing, is satisfied that the party is one who The legal fees shall be a lien on any judgment
has no money or property sufficient and rendered in the case favorable to the indigent
available for food, shelter and basic necessities litigant unless the court otherwise provides.
for himself and his family.
To be entitled to the exemption herein
Such authority shall include an exemption provided, the litigant shall execute an affidavit
from payment of docket and other lawful that he and his immediate family do not earn a
fees, and of transcripts of stenographic notes gross income abovementioned, nor they own
which the court may order to be furnished any real property with the fair value
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aforementioned, supported by an affidavit of a) Ex parte application; attaching:
a disinterested person attesting to the truth of a. Affidavit stating the above
the litigant’s affidavit. The current tax facts, executed by the:
declaration, if any, shall be attached to the i. Litigant; and
litigant’s affidavit. ii. Disinterested
person; and
Any falsity in the affidavit of litigant or b. Current tax declarations
disinterested person shall be sufficient cause b) Hearing
to dismiss the complaint or action or to strike
out the pleading of that party, without Effect of allowing to litigate as an indigent
prejudice to whatever criminal liability may
have been incurred. The said litigant shall be exempt from
the payment of the following:
Q: Who is a pauper litigant?
a) Docket and other lawful fees; and
In line with the above stated b) Transcripts of stenographic notes
provisions, a litigant is indigent or a which the court may order to be
pauper if the court determines that: furnished him

a) That he has no money or property Q: Is it true then that no such amount will
sufficient for himself and his be received by the court by virtue of the
family for: exemption?
a. Food;
b. Shelter; and No, as a general rule, the amounts of
c. Basic necessities such shall be a lien to the judgment
b) Gross income of litigant and favourable to him.
a. Does not exceed double However, as an exception, the court
the monthly minimum may order otherwise, thus may order
wage of an employee (x2 that there may be no lien at all.
monthly minimum)
c) Real property: Remedy of adverse party against the
a. Does not own any real determination of indigency
property of more than
three hundred thousand He may contest such grant, as long as
pesos (Php300,000); made before judgment
b. Such value shall be
dependent on the FMV as Q: Y, an indigent defendant as
stated in the CURRENT determined by the court, secured a
Tax Declaration. favourable judgment.

Q: Is it sufficient that the above matters After the judgment, X contested the
appear in the pleading to be considered as indigent status of Y, and claims that Y is
an indigent? not an indigent litigant as he has 99
parcels of land under his name. Should
No, as there must be a/an: X’s contest be upheld?
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No, as the contest is no longer Thus, only the following may be
available considering that there already parties:
is a judgment
a) Persons:
Effect if court determines that the party is a. Natural; or
NOT an indigent b. Juridical
b) Entities authorized by law (e.g.
It will result in the following: estate, as a continuation of the
personality of the decedent party)
a) The clerk of court shall assess and
collect proper docket and other Q: A, B, and C, entered into a business
lawful fees; collectively known as ABAKADA.
b) In case of failure to pay within the
time allowed, execution shall issue ABAKADA entered into a contract with X,
for payment thereof for the building of their office.

Effect of falsity in litigant’s and/or However, after constructions were made,

disinterested person’s affidavit no payment was received by X.

It shall have the following effects: X discovered, that ABANKKBSANPLAQ

was not registered in any government
a) Sufficient cause to dismiss the: agency. Can X sue
a. Complaint; or ABANKKBSANPLAQ?
b. Action;
b) Sufficient cause to strike out Yes, considering the following
pleading of such party; provisions:
c) In the event of ordering any of the
above, it is without prejudice, to 3.15. Entity Without
any criminal liability incurred (e.g. Juridical Personality as
falsification of public documents) Defendant;
When two or more persons
OTHER CONCEPTS not organized as an entity with
juridical personality enter into
Who may be parties a transaction, they may be
sued under the name by which
3.01. Who May Be Parties; Plaintiff and they are generally or
Defendant; commonly known.
Only natural or juridical persons, or entities
authorized by law may be parties in a civil In the answer of such
action. The term "plaintiff" may refer to the defendant, the names and
claiming party, the counter-claimant, the addresses of the persons
cross-claimant, or the third (fourth, etc.) — composing said entity must all
party plaintiff. The term "defendant" may be revealed.
refer to the original defending party, the
defendant in a counterclaim, the cross- 14.07. Service upon Entity
defendant, or the third (fourth, etc.) — party without Juridical
defendant. Personality;
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When persons associated in an a) Case between the spouses;
entity without juridical b) Case involving the exclusive
personality are sued under the property of one spouse
name by which they are
generally or commonly Q: Husband, H, filed a case for judicial
known, service may be separation of property against his Wife, W.
effected upon all the Can W invoke that spouses must be sued
defendants by serving upon jointly, and as such include H as
any one of them, or upon the defendant?
person in charge of the office
or place of business No, (duh), it is a case against each
maintained in such name. But other and hence the general rule
such service shall not bind would obviously not apply
individually any person whose
connection with the entity has, Death of a party
upon due notice, been severed
before the action was filed. 3.16. Death of Party; Duty of Counsel;
Whenever a party to a pending action dies,
Thus, the Rules contemplate a and the claim is not thereby extinguished, it
situation wherein a group of people shall be the duty of his counsel to inform the
tries to avoid liability by raising the court within thirty (30) days after such death
defense that such entity is non- of the fact thereof, and to give the name and
existent for failure to register. address of his legal representative or
representatives. Failure of counsel to comply
However, despite non-registration, the with this duty shall be a ground for
Rules treat the entity authorized by disciplinary action.
law which can be sued in its name,
and service of summons to any one of The heirs of the deceased may be allowed to
those constituting the entity shall be be substituted for the deceased, without
sufficient. requiring the appointment of an executor or
administrator and the court may appoint a
Husband and wife guardian ad litem for the minor heirs.

3.04. Spouses as Parties; The court shall forthwith order said legal
Husband and wife shall sue or be sued jointly, representative or representatives to appear
except as provided by law. and be substituted within a period of thirty
(30) days from notice.
Thus, the rule is as follows:
If no legal representative is named by the
GR: Jointly files or sued counsel for the deceased party, or if the one
ER: Separate, in cases so named shall fail to appear within the
provided for by law specified period, the court may order the
opposing party, within a specified time, to
Examples of cases where general rule procure the appointment of an executor or
does not apply administrator for the estate of the deceased
and the latter shall immediately appear for and
It includes: on behalf of the deceased. The court charges
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in procuring such appointment, if defrayed by b) In the absence of the above, that
the opposing party, may be recovered as the heirs be substituted for the
costs. decedent;
a. In case of minors, a
Q: Who is the person referring to in this guardian ad litem be
provision as the one who died? appointed;
c) Order their appearance within
It refers to any party to the case, thirty (30) days from notice
including the plaintiff, defendant, or
even the intervenor. Q: Is substitution always necessary?

Duty of counsel No, as voluntary appearance may

nullify its necessity, considering that
If during the pendency of the case, the the representative/s already submitted
party died, it shall be the counsel’s to the jurisdiction of the court
duty to:
Actions of the court if counsel named no
a) Inform the court within thirty (30) representative or despite identification,
days of such death; and failed to appear within thirty (30) days
b) Give the names and addresses of
the legal representative/s The court shall order the opposing
party to procure the appointment,
(NOTE: Such duty is for purposes of within a specified period of time, of
possible substitution, if the nature of an executor or administrator.
the case would allow)
The said executor or administrator,
Q: Are legal representative’s strictly shall appear immediately after
referring to heirs? appointment.

No, as it can even be the counsel who Q: Who should bear the costs for such
represented the party, or the executor appointment?
or administrator, as the case may be
The opposing parties, subject to
Effect of counsel’s failure to comply recovery as costs

It shall be a ground for disciplinary Q: Is the application of substitution in

action against the counsel case of a dead party absolute?

Actions of the court after compliance No, as it does not apply in cases
where the action DOES not survive
After the compliance, the court may the death of the party
do the following:
Examples of actions that survive despite
a) Substitute the executor or the party’s death
administrator, a appointed by the
probate court, to the case; The following cases continue despite
the party’s death:
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a) Recovery of property from estate the moment as he is tending to matters
(e.g. unlawful detainer); concerning the land, and will just demand
b) Enforcement of lien on the the same after it.
property (e.g. foreclosure of
mortgage); or Nevertheless, small payments were made
c) Recovery of damages for an injury from time to time, when requested by X.
to person or property (e.g. civil
aspect of the crime, tortuous act) Subsequently, Y and Z came to know that
the conflict of X concerning the land has
(NOTE: Notice that for the first two ceased. Despite such, X refused to transfer
(2) items, what are involved are the same land to the former.
proprietary rights.
Y and Z filed a case against X, for specific
In these cases, substitution is performance.
At the time the case was submitted for
Examples of actions which DOES NOT decision, X died. This death however, was
survive the death of a party not reported to the court.

The following actions do not survive Upon an adverse decision against X, A,

the death of a party: the counsel of X, appealed the case,
stating that for failure to substitute X with
a) Death in a criminal action; his representatives, the proceedings were
a. Notice that in this null and void. Is A correct?
situation, only the criminal
liability is extinguished but No, the trial court cannot be faulted
NOT the crime, thus there for the failure of the lawyer to report
is civil liability which the same.
serves as damages for the
crime; That what is involved in the case is
b) Death in annulment of marriage proprietary rights, it is true that the
case could continue by the
(NOTE: Normally, these are actions substitution of the heirs.
which are strictly in personam)
However, at this moment that
Q: What should be the action of the court judgment on the merits has been
if the action do not survive the death of a reached, and the error raised is not the
party? fault of the court, it cannot now raise
such defense. (Carabeo v. Dingco)
It should dismiss the case
(NOTE: Thus, the court can
Q: X agreed to sell his land to Sps. Y and nevertheless continue the case despite
Z. As per their agreement, initial payment the death of the party under the
was made and the remaining to be paid following circumstances:
on a certain date.
a) The lawyer failed to inform the
However, upon the arrival of the said date, court of such death;
X asked that Y and Z keep the money for
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b) The failure to do so is without the continue until the entry of final judgment. A
court’s negligence; and favorable judgment obtained by the plaintiff
c) The case is of such nature that will therein shall be enforced in the manner
survive despite the death of the especially provided in these Rules for
party) prosecuting claims against the estate of a
deceased person.
Q: What is the effect of death to the
lawyer-client relationship? This provision is premised on Rule 3,
Section 16
It terminates such relationship
Q: A filed a case for collection of sum of
Q: Why then is it allowed that the case money against B, for Php500,000 arising
continue despite the death of the lawyer’s from a contract.
Pendente lite, B died, and was substituted
As if otherwise disallowed, it would be by the heirs.
detrimental to procedural due process,
considering that it will cause delay Eventually, judgment was rendered in
because a new action would need to favor of A.
be instituted.
By virtue of such judgment, he moved for
In short, the court would be back to the execution of the judgment pursuant to
square one. Rule 39, as it is within the five (5) year
period to do the same. Is his recourse
However, this is an exceptional case, correct?
as generally, the lawyer-client
relationship is terminated upon the No, such claim must be satisfied
death of the client. against the estate, pursuant to Rule 86

Q: Assume that the lawyer for the Q: Assume, that as the five (5) years has
deceased failed to inform the same, and passed, A moved for Revival of Judgment.
the adverse counsel has knowledge of Is it now the correct remedy?
such death, is the latter duty bound to
inform the court? Still no, such claim must be satisfied
against the estate, pursuant to Rule 86
Claims against the estate
Action on Contractual Money Claims
86.05. Claims which must be filed under
3.20. Action on Contractual Money the notice. If not filed, barred; exceptions;
Claims; All claims for money against the decedent,
When the action is for recovery of money arising from contract, express or implied,
arising from contract, express or implied, and whether the same be due, not due, or
the defendant dies before the entry of final contingent, all claims for funeral expenses and
judgment in the court in which the action was expenses for the last sickness of the decedent,
pending at the time of such death, it shall not and judgment for money against the decedent,
be dismissed but shall instead be allowed to must be filed within the time limited in the
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notice; otherwise they are barred forever, person or property, real or personal, may be
except that they may be set forth as commenced against him.
counterclaims in any action that the executor
or administrator may bring against the In sum, the following rules shall be
claimants. Where an executor or administrator followed:
commences an action, or prosecutes an action
already commenced by the deceased in his a) Against the estate; if among
lifetime, the debtor may set forth by answer those enumerated under Rule
the claims he has against the decedent, instead 86.05;
of presenting them independently to the court b) Against the executor/
as herein provided, and mutual claims may be administrator; if outside of those
set off against each other in such action; and enumerated in Rule 86.05
if final judgment is rendered in favor of the
defendant, the amount so determined shall be Q: All said, where should the contractual
considered the true balance against the estate, money claim on Sec. 20 be filed against?
as though the claim had been presented
directly before the court in the administration It should be against the estate, as it is
proceedings. Claims not yet due, or among those that should be filed
contingent, may be approved at their present against it, and if not, would be barred
value. forever.

Thus, claims that must be filed against Q: Is the claim under Sec. 20 subject to
the estate are as follows: the statute of limitations?

a) Money claims No, rather it is subject to the statute

b) Funeral expenses of non-claims, which is the period
c) Expenses for last illness; and within which a creditor must file his
d) Money judgment claim, and failure to do so shall bar
the recovery forever.
Effect if not filed within time limit within
notice Statute of non-claims relative to Sec. 20

It shall be barred forever As it is a special proceeding, such

claim must be filed:
To whom filed against
“…which shall not be more
87.01. Actions which may and which may than twelve (12) nor less than
not be brought against executor or six (6) months after the date of
administrator; the first publication of the
No action upon a claim for the recovery of notice.” (Rule 86.02)
money or debt or interest thereon shall be
commenced against the executor or (NOTE: Considering such period to
administrator; but actions to recover real or file, the five (5) year period to move
personal property, or an interest therein, from for execution is therefore inconsistent.
the estate, or to enforce a lien thereon, and
actions to recover damages for an injury to Nevertheless, even if such
motion is filed within the
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period within the statute of (NOTE: This is different from a sale
non-claims, it would not be on execution)
the proper remedy.
Death or separation of a public officer
More so will the revival of judgment
be inconsistent, considering that it is 3.17. Death or Separation of A Party Who
available only after five (5) years have is a Public Officer;
passed from the finality of judgment, When a public officer is a party in an action in
and thus way past the statute of non- his official capacity and during its pendency
claims) dies, resigns, or otherwise ceases to hold
office, the action may be continued and
Q: Assume, that a money judgment was maintained by or against his successor if,
indeed rendered in your favor, however no within thirty (30) days after the successor
settlement of estate was instituted by the takes office or such time as may be granted by
heirs. Are you left with the only recourse the court, it is satisfactorily shown to the
of waiting? court by any party that there is a substantial
need for continuing or maintaining it and that
No, as you can filed the case as a the successor adopts or continues or threatens
preferred creditor, within the ambit to adopt or continue the action of his
of those interested in the estate of the predecessor. Before a substitution is made,
deceased: the party or officer to be affected, unless
expressly assenting thereto, shall be given
Devisees reasonable notice of the application therefor
Executor/administrator and accorded an opportunity to be heard.
Testamentary/ compulsory When applicable
Any other person interested in The provision applies when a public
the estate officer during the pendency of the
Q: During the trial of the case, preliminary
attachment was issued against the a) Dies;
property of defendant. Pendente lite, b) Resigns; or
defendant died. Is the attachment c) Ceases to hold office
Q: Who substitutes said public officer?
No, death does not discharge the
attachment, it can only by discharged The successor to the office concerned
by posting a counter-bond or a
motion Conditions in order for the case to
Q: What then is the remedy of the plaintiff
in the above case? The following are the conditions for
the continuation of the case:
It is to run after the property under
custodia legis, and thereafter undertaking
a sale of attachment.
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a) It is satisfactorily shown that there Not knowing who the culprit is, is X’s
is a substantial need for continuing remedy limited to the filing of two
or maintaining the case; separate complaints?
a. What is shown? That the
successor adopts or No, as he may implead defendants in
continues or threatens to the alternative.
adopt or continue the
action of his predecessor; In this case, the plaintiff does not
b) Period to prove such: know against whom he has a right to
a. GR; within 30 days from recover.
successor’s taking of
office; As such, pleading alternative
b. ER; when the court defendants enables him to bring both
requires other periods to parties to determine which of them is
comply liable.

Alternative defendants Class suit

3.13. Alternative Defendants; 3.12. Class Suit;

Where the plaintiff is uncertain against who of When the subject matter of the controversy is
several persons he is entitled to relief, he may one of common or general interest to many
join any or all of them as defendants in the persons so numerous that it is impracticable
alternative, although a right to relief against to join all as parties, a number of them which
one may be inconsistent with a right of relief the court finds to be sufficiently numerous
against the other. and representative as to fully protect the
interests of all concerned may sue or defend
Q: X, is engaged with the production of for the benefit of all. Any party in interest
high quality longganisa flavoured hotdogs shall have the right to intervene to protect his
with bacon bits. individual interest.

His product is so popular that buyers are Q: Is a party in a class suit a

spread all over the country. representative party?

As such, his deliveries comes from Luzon No, as in this case the party in a class
to Visayas, and from Visayas to suit shares a common cause of action.
Mindanao, which is delivered by ABC and
DEF, respectively, where the former While a representative party on the
brings all of the orders for Visayas and other hand, is not a real party in
Mindanao and distributes the Visayas interest.
Orders. In turn, the latter receives the
products for Mindanao.

During one transaction, buyers from

Mindanao claimed that they did not
receive the same.
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RULE 4; VENUE e) Civil actions for libel; RTC where:
a. The libelous article is printed
General rule and first published; or
b. Offended parties’ residence at
04.04. When Rule not Applicable; the time of commission;
This Rule shall not apply: f) Petitions for declaration of nullity,
annulment of marriage, and legal
a) In those cases where a specific rule or separation; FC where:
law provides otherwise; or a. Petitioner or respondent
resides for the last six (6)
b) Where the parties have validly agreed months prior to filing; or
in writing before the filing of the b. In case of a non-resident
action on the exclusive venue thereof. respondent, where he may be
found, at the election of the
Thus, the rule is as follows:
g) Petition for rehabilitation under the
Financial Rehabilitation and
GR: Specific rule or law, or
Insolvency Act of 2010 (FRIA);
agreement of the parties, shall
RTC/Special Commercial Court
govern venue
a. The petitioner has his
ER: In the absence of such, the
principal office;
provisions of Rule 4 shall
h) Small Claims Cases;
a. Where the plaintiff is engaged
in lending, banking, or similar
(NOTE: In sum, if there is a
business, he must file the same
provision of the law requiring a
at the defendant’s residence
specific venue, that should be the
within which it has its branch
venue. In the absence of such, then
and only then will the Rules apply)
Q: When can parties agree upon a venue?
Q: Can parties agree upon where to file a
Only upon the absence of any specific
guardianship case?
rule on venue
No, as the Rule specifically provides
Kinds of stipulation as to venue
that it should be filed in the residence
of the ward.
It may be any of the following:
Examples of specific rules on venue
1. Restrictive:
a. Suit may be filed only in
a) Guardianship; ward’s residence;
the place agreed upon; or
b) Adoption; adopter’s residence;
2. Permissive:
c) Quo Warranto; respondent’s
a. Parties may file their suit
not only in the place
a. ER: Manila, if filed by the
agreed upon but also in
d) Deposition before action (Rule 24); the places fixed by law.
respondent’s residence; (Planter’s Development
Bank v. Sps. Ramos)
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Q: Will it mean then that the word “shall” Q: A, a resident of Manila, filed a case for
automatically result in a restrictive venue? damages against B, a resident of QC.
Prior to the filing, A and B agreed that in
No, as the following must be case of an action, the same “…shall be
observed: filed in the RTC of Makati”. Where can A
file the case?
1. The agreement must be in writing;
2. Such agreement was made prior to He may file in Manila, QC, or Makati,
the filing of the action; and at his election.
3. The venue must stipulate such for
purposes of convenience, In this case, the words “shall” failed to
specifically that it is among those exclusively rule out any other venue,
venues allowed by the Court; and considering that it is not couched in
4. That the exclusivity be couched in such terms.
such terms as to exclude any other
courts As such, Makati shall be treated as an
additional venue, considering that it is
Rationale for restrictions as to stipulations a permissive agreement.
in venue
Q: A, a resident of Manila, filed a case for
“The settled rule on stipulations damages against B, a resident of QC.
regarding venue… is that while they Prior to the filing, A and B agreed that in
are considered valid and enforceable, case of an action, the same “…shall be
venue stipulations in a contract do filed ONLY in the RTC of QC”. Where
not, as a rule, supersede the general can A file the case?
rule set forth in Rule 4 of the Revised
Rules of Court in the absence of A can only file the case in QC.
qualifying or restrictive words.
The words use effectively ruled out
They should be considered merely as any other venue, specifically as to the
an agreement or additional forum, not Manila venue, considering that it was
as limiting venue to the specified couched in such terms that it is indeed
place. exclusive.

They are not exclusive but, Furthermore, the purpose for the
rather permissive. agreement is for convenience,
considering that it is among the
If the intention of the parties were to venues in which each of the parties
restrict venue, there must be have residence therein
accompanying language clearly and
categorically expressing their purpose Q: A, a resident of Manila, filed a case for
and design that actions between them damages against B, a resident of QC.
be litigated only at the place named by Prior to the filing, A and B agreed that in
them.” (Pacific Consultants case of an action, the same “…shall be
International Asia, Inc. v. filed ONLY in the RTC of Baguio City”.
Schonfeld) Where can A file the case?
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He may file the case in Manila, QC, or of Pampanga on 15 July 2020. Can MTC
Baguio City, at his election. take cognizance of the case, considering
that both Nueva and Ecija are proper
In this case, despite the terms being venues?
couched in such terms of exclusivity,
Baguio City is not a convenient venue. No, only Nueva Ecija may take
cognizance of the case
As such, an inconvenient venue will
never be restrictive, as it will always be In this case, apply by analogy the rule
permissive. on concurrent jurisdiction, in that the
first court who took cognizance of
Exception to the Rule such shall exercise jurisdiction over
the case, to the exclusion of others.
Venue of real actions
Thus, that the case was filed earlier in
4.01. Venue of Real Actions; Nueva Ecija, the MTC has jurisdiction
Actions affecting title to or possession of real over it, to the exclusion of Pampanga.
property, or interest therein, shall be
commenced and tried in the proper court Q: What is the residence of a corporation?
which has jurisdiction over the area wherein
the real property involved, or a portion It is where the corporation has its
thereof, is situated. Forcible entry and principal office
detainer actions shall be commenced and tried
in the Municipal Trial Court of the Q: Is the above venue always available?
municipality or city wherein the real property
involved, or a portion thereof, is situated. No, as there is a specific rule in cases
of small claims where the corporation
Thus, it is to be filed in the area is so engaged in:
wherein the real property involved,
or a portion thereof, is situated 1. Lending;
2. Banking; or
Real actions 3. Similar business

Those involving real property: In this situation, the case shall be filed
in the defendant’s residence wherein
1. Title to; the said corporation has a branch
2. Possession of; or therein
3. Interest therein
Q: By virtue of a loan agreement secured
Q: A filed a case against B, for unlawful by a mortgage, XYZ Corporation, with
detainer of a parcel of land. Said land has principal office at Makati City,
half of it located in Nueva Ecija, while the successfully foreclosed the house and lot
other half is set on Pampanga. A filed the of A, located in Tondo, Manila, which was
case in the MTC of Nueva Ecija on 30 authorized by the RTC of Manila.
June 2000. As A is impatient, considering
the slow response of the MTC of Nueva As there is a deficiency, XYZ filed an
Ecija, he filed the same case in the MTC action to recover deficiency in the RTC of
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A opposed the same, considering that the Capability to CANNOT be Can be agreed
action is a real one, the same should be be agreed agreed upon, as it upon
upon is conferred by
filed where the subject lot is located. Is A law
Waivability As a general rule, Can be waived
No, A is incorrect. CANNOT be
An action to recover deficiency filed As an exception,
after the extrajudicial foreclosure is of jurisdiction would
a personal nature. attach
nevertheless, in
As a personal action, it may be filed at case there is a
the residence of the plaintiff or estoppel
defendant, at the former’s election.
(BPI v. Sps. Yujuico) Relationship Between the Between the
concerned parties and the parties
(NOTE: Under Rule 68, recovery of court themselves
deficiency may be filed via a motion,
however it would seem that it is
different from this case, considering
that what it filed is an action.)

4.02. Venue of Personal Actions;

All other actions may be commenced and
tried where the plaintiff or any of the principal
plaintiffs resides, or where the defendant or
any of the principal defendants resides, or in
the case of a non-resident defendant where he
may be found, at the election of the plaintiff.

Thus it may be filed in any of the

following, at the election of the

1. Plaintiff or any of the plaintiffs

2. Defendant or any of the
defendant’s residence; or
3. In case of a non-resident
defendant, where he may be found

Jurisdiction v. Venue

Nature The authority Place where
itself, to hear, try, such authority
decide, and may be
execute cases exercised
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the plaintiff is solely for payment or
RULE 5: reimbursement of sum of money. The claim
a) For money owed under any of the
Rule following:

As a general rule, trial courts (MTC 1) Contract of Lease;

and RTC) have uniform procedures 2) Contract of Loan;
(regular procedure) 3) Contract of Services;
4) Contract of Sale; or
However, as an exception, the MTC 5) Contract of Mortgage;
has a different procedure observed in
the following:
b) For liquidated damages arising from
a) Small claims; and contracts;
b) Summary procedure
c) The enforcement of a barangay
(NOTE: For further discussion, refer amicable settlement or an arbitration
to the Jurisdiction of the MTC) award involving a money claim
covered by this Rule pursuant to Sec.
Small claims cases 417 of Republic Act 7160, otherwise
known as The Local Government Code of
When applicable 1991.

Sec. 2. Scope; In short, it shall apply when the action is

These Rules shall govern the procedure in for payment of money, the value of which
actions before the Metropolitan Trial Courts does NOT exceed Php300,000, or
(MeTCs), Municipal Trial Courts in Cities Php400,000, as the case may be, arising
(MTCCs), Municipal Trial Courts (MTCs) and out of:
Municipal Circuit Trial Courts (MCTCs) for
payment of money where the value of the 1) Money owed under a contract of:
claim does not exceed Two Hundred a. Lease;
Thousand Pesos (P200,000.00) exclusive of b. Loan;
interest and costs. c. Service;
d. Sale; or
e. Mortgage
Jurisdictional values has been raised to
2) Liquidated damages arising from
Php300,000, or Php400,000, for
within and outside the NCR,
3) Enforcement of money claim from:
a. Barangay amicable settlement;
Sec. 5. Applicability; b. Arbitration award
The Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal
Trial Courts in Cities, Municipal Trial Courts, Venue
and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts shall apply
this Rule in all actions that are purely civil in The rule is as follows:
nature where the claim or relief prayed for by
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GR: Rule 4 shall apply No, as a motion for reconsideration is
a prohibited pleading in small claims
ER: In case plaintiff is cases
engaged in banking,
lending, and similar Summary proceedings
activities, and has a
branch wherein Sec.1. Scope;
defendant resides, it This rule shall govern the summary procedure
shall be filed wherein in the Metropolitan Trial Courts, the
said branch is located Municipal Trial Courts in Cities, the Municipal
Trial Courts, and the Municipal Circuit Trial
Nature of decisions rendered in small Courts in the following cases falling within
claims cases their jurisdiction:

They are: A. Civil Cases:

a) Final; 1) All cases of forcible entry and

b) Executory; and unlawful detainer, irrespective of the
c) Unappealable amount of damages or unpaid rentals
sought to be recovered. Where
Q: After finding that the evidence attorney's fees are awarded, the same
presented by the plaintiff is not sufficient shall not exceed twenty thousand
to prove his small claims against the pesos (P20,000.00).
defendant, the MTCC held as such.
2) All other cases, except probate
Plaintiff filed a Petition for Certiorari proceedings, where the total amount
before the RTC, which held that the of the plaintiff's claim does not exceed
proper remedy should be appeal. one hundred thousand pesos
(P100,000.00) or two hundred
The CA likewise affirmed the RTC. Is the thousand pesos (P200,000.00) in
CA and RTC correct? Metropolitan Manila, exclusive of
interest and costs.
No, plaintiff properly invoked Petition
for Certiorari, considering that Barangay conciliation proceedings
decisions in Small Claims Cases are
immediately final, executory, and Rule
GR: ALL disputes must undergo
Thus, that it cannot be subject to barangay conciliation
appeal. Rule 65 on a Petition for proceedings
Certiorari is the proper remedy. (A.L.
Ang Network, Inc. v. Mondejar) ER: In cases where it is not needed
(See below)
Q: Considering that it is subject to Rule
65, is it required that a Motion for When applicable
Reconsideration is needed prior to the
filing of a petition for certiorari?
Sec.412. Conciliation;
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a) Pre-condition to Filing of Complaint 4) Where the action may otherwise
in Court; be barred by the statute of
No complaint, petition, action, or limitations. x x x
proceeding involving any matter within
the authority of the lupon shall be filed or All disputes are subject to Barangay
instituted directly in court or any other conciliation pursuant to the Revised
government office for adjudication, unless Katarungang Pambarangay Law, and prior
there has been a confrontation between recourse thereto is a pre-condition before
the parties before the lupon chairman or filing a complaint in court or any government
the pangkat, and that no conciliation or offices, except in the following disputes:
settlement has been reached as certified by
the lupon secretary or pangkat secretary as 1. Where one party is the government,
attested to by the lupon or pangkat or any subdivision or instrumentality
chairman or unless the settlement has thereof;
been repudiated by the parties thereto. x x
x 2. Where one party is a public officer or
employee, and the dispute relates to
As a short answer, all disputes, civil and the performance of his official
criminal in nature where parties actually functions;
reside in the same city or municipality are
subjected to proceedings of amicable 3. Where the dispute involves real
settlement in the barangay properties located in different cities
and municipalities, unless the parties
Cases which need not be brought to thereto agree to submit their
barangay conciliation proceedings difference to amicable settlement by
an appropriate Lupon;
Sec.412. Conciliation;
xxx 4. Any complaint by or against
corporations, partnership or juridical
b) Where Parties May Go Directly to entities, since only individuals shall be
Court; The parties may go directly to parties to Barangay conciliation
court in the following instances: proceedings either as complainants or
1) Where the accused is under
detention; 5. Disputes involving parties who
actually reside in barangays of
2) Where a person has otherwise different cities or municipalities,
been deprived of personal liberty except where such barangay units
calling for habeas corpus adjoin each other and the parties
proceedings; thereto agree to submit their
differences to amicable settlement by
3) Where actions are coupled with an appropriate Lupon;
provisional remedies such as
preliminary injunction, 6. Offenses for which the law prescribes
attachment, delivery of personal a maximum penalty of imprisonment
property and support pendente exceeding one (1) year or a fine over
lite; and five thousand pesos (P5,000.00);
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7. Offenses where there is no private Nature of barangay conciliation
offended party; proceedings

8. Disputes where urgent legal action is It is a condition sine qua non to the
necessary to prevent injustice from filing of a case
being committed or further continued,
specifically the following: Q: Is it a requirement by the Rules, or a
requirement of the laws?
a. Criminal cases where accused
is under police custody or It is a requirement of the laws,
detention); specifically of the Local Government
b. Petitions for habeas corpus by
a person illegally deprived of Q: Considering that it is not a requirement
his rightful custody over of the Rules, and that there is a deletion of
another or a person illegally Rule 16 on a motion to dismiss, does it
deprived or on acting in his mean then that a motion to dismiss
behalf; cannot be had against the absence of
barangay conciliation proceedings?
c. Actions coupled with
provisional remedies such as No, as it is a requirement of law, such
preliminary injunction, requirement still stands.
attachment, delivery of
personal property and support Thus, if there is a failure to observe
during the pendency of the such, it shall be a ground for the
action; and dismissal of the case

d. Actions which may be barred Q: X and Y are residents of Mayon, QC,

by the Statute of Limitations. and Sampaloc, Manila, respectively. In
case an action will arise, would there be a
need to undergo barangay conciliation
9. Any class of disputes which the
President may determine in the
interest of justice or upon the
No, as they are resident of different
recommendation of the Secretary of
While they are very near from each
10. Where the dispute arises from the
other, the fact remains, that they are
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
from different cities.
Q: X and Y are residents of E. Rodriquez,
11. Labor disputes or controversies
QC, and Sampaloc, Manila, respectively.
arising from employer-employee
In case an action will arise, would there be
a need to undergo barangay conciliation
12. Actions to annul judgment upon a
compromise which may be filed
directly in court Yes, barangay conciliation is required.
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While it is true that they reside in
different cities, the facts pertain to
adjacent areas.

Thus, the rule is as follows:

GR: No barangay
conciliation is needed
if parties are of
different cities

ER: Barangay conciliation is

needed if, despite the
parties’ being of
different cities, they
are adjacent from each
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INTRODUCTION TO THE 2020 merely presents
AMENDMENTS TO THE RULES OF voluminous pieces of
CIVIL PROCEDURE evidence, thus it is an
exception to an
Discussion actionable document

The amendment of the Rules has in Q: A contracted loans with B covered by

mind the expedition of proceedings. several receipts. If B is to file a case, and
attached a summary of the receipts,
Rule 6 is the beginning point to which should A file an answer to deny the
amendments. genuineness and due execution of the
Aside from the Rules of Civil
Procedure, the Rules of Evidence has No, there is no need to deny the
likewise been amended, to adapt to summaries under oath, considering
technological advancements and the receipts are not actionable
incorporation of jurisprudence. documents, only evidence of delivery.

The salient changes include the Furthermore, even assuming that the
following, among others: receipts are to be considered evidence
of the actionable document, it is not
1. Gender sensitivity; instead of subject to an answer to deny,
he/him alone, it has been changed considering that summaries are NOT
to he or she, or him or her; actionable documents, and is actually
2. Periods; changes in periods were an exception to an actionable
made in order for compliance to document.
be assured within the time
specified, and no motion for The actual actionable document here
extension is allowed except for the should be the contract of loan itself.
filing of the answer;
3. Contents of a pleading;
evidentiary facts are included in
the initiatory pleading;
4. Availability of reply and/or
rejoinder; it can only be made if
the answer or reply is based on an
actionable document;
a. Rejoinder is a new
pleading under Civil
Procedure, as it is only
available then to Criminal
Procedure, designated as a
5. Summaries; a summary of pieces
of evidence which are voluminous
as it tends to prove the same fact;
a. Summaries are not
actionable documents, as it
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RULE 6: A counterclaim is any claim which a
Kinds of Pleadings defending party may have against an opposing
6.08. Cross-Claim;
6.01. Pleadings Defined; A cross-claim is any claim by one party against
Pleadings are the written statements of the a co-party arising out of the transaction or
respective claims and defenses of the parties occurrence that is the subject matter either of
submitted to the court for appropriate the original action or of a counterclaim
judgment. therein. Such cross- claim may cover all or
part of the original claim.
Thus, that it includes claims and
defences, pleadings are those filed by 6.09. Counter-Counterclaims and Counter-
the plaintiff or defendant, as the case Cross- Claims;
may be A counterclaim may be asserted against an
original counter-claimant.
Kinds of pleadings
A cross-claim may also be filed against an
6.02. Pleadings Allowed; original cross- claimant.
The claims of a party are asserted in a
complaint, counterclaim, cross-claim, 6.10. Reply;
third (fourth, etc.)-party complaint, or All new matters alleged in the answer are
complaint-in- intervention. deemed controverted. If the plaintiff wishes
to interpose any claims arising out of the new
The defenses of a party are alleged in the matters so alleged, such claims shall be set
answer to the pleading asserting a claim forth in an amended or supplemental
against him or her. complaint. However, the plaintiff may file a
reply only if the defending party attaches an
An answer may be responded to by a reply actionable document to his or her answer.
only if the defending party attaches an
actionable document to the answer. A reply is a pleading, the office or function of
which is to deny, or allege facts in denial or
6.03. Complaint; avoidance of new matters alleged in, or
The complaint is the pleading alleging the relating to, said actionable document.
plaintiff's or claiming party's cause or causes
of action. The names and residences of the 6.11. Third, (Fourth, etc.)-Party
plaintiff and defendant must be stated in the Complaint;
complaint. A third (fourth, etc.)-party complaint is a
claim that a defending party may, with leave
6.04. Answer; of court, file against a person not a party to
An answer is a pleading in which a defending the action, called the third (fourth, etc.)-party
party sets forth his or her defenses. defendant for contribution, indemnity,
subrogation or any other relief, in respect of
6.06. Counterclaim; his or her opponent's claim.

The third (fourth, etc.)-party complaint shall

be denied admission, and the court shall
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require the defendant to institute a separate b. Cross-claim
action, where:
Q: What pleadings may the party file?
a) the third (fourth, etc.)-party defendant
cannot be located within thirty (30) a) Plaintiff:
calendar days from the grant of such a. Complaint;
leave; b. Reply;
c. Rejoinder;
b) matters extraneous to the issue in the d. Counter-counterclaim, against:
principal case are raised; or i. Defendant; or
ii. 3rd (4th, etc.) party
c) the effect would be to introduce a new defendant
and separate controversy into the e. Answer to permissive
action. counterclaim
b) Defendant/ Co-defendant:
a. Against the plaintiff:
6.13. Answer to Third (Fourth, etc.)-Party
i. Answer;
ii. Reply;
A third (fourth, etc.)-party defendant may
iii. Rejoinder:
allege in his or her answer his or her defenses,
iv. Counterclaim
counterclaims or cross-claims, including such
b. Against co-defendant;
defences that the third (fourth, etc.)-party
i. Cross-claim;
plaintiff may have against the original
ii. Counter-cross-claim
plaintiff's claim. In proper cases, he or she
iii. Answer;
may also assert a counterclaim against the
iv. Reply;
original plaintiff in respect of the latter's claim
v. Rejoinder;
against the third- party plaintiff.
c. Against 3rd party:
i. 3rd party complaint
In sum, the following are the ii. Answer;
pleadings allowed under the Rules: iii. Reply;
iv. Counter-counterclaim;
a) Complaint; rd
c) 3 party defendant;
a. Original; and a. Answer to 3rd party complaint;
b. –in-intervention; b. Counterclaim against:
b) Counterclaim; i. 3rd party plaintiff; or
c) Cross-claim; ii. Original plaintiff;
d) 3rd (4th, etc.) party complaint; c. Rejoinder
e) Answer; d. 4th party complaint;
a. To Complaint;
b. To Counterclaim; d) Intervenor;
c. To Cross-clain; a. Complaint-in-intervention;
d. To 3rd (4th, etc.) party b. Answer-in intervention
e. –in-intervention
f) Reply;
g) Rejoinder;
h) Counter-:
a. Counterclaim;
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as “Answer with Counterclaim”, it
ANSWER TO PERMISSIVE pertains to two (2) different pleadings,
COUNTER-COUNTERCLAIM as the former is a responsive pleading
REPLY to the complaint, while the latter is a
claim arising from the same
occurrence or transaction raised in the
REPLY CROSS-CLAIM COMPLAINT Q: A filed a case against B and C. If C
REJOINDER wants to implead D, what should he file?
4TH PARTY C should file a 3rd party complaint
CROSSCLAIM Q: In the above case, what are the
designations of C and D in relation to the
3rd party complaint?
(NOTE: For purpose of brevity, the
following abbreviations shall be used C is the 3rd party plaintiff, while D is
for the further use of diagrams the 3rd party defendant
referring to pleadings:
Q: If C, instead of wanting to implead D,
Complaint: C wants to implead D1, must he file 4th party
Answer: A complaint?
Counterclaim: CC
Compulsory CC: CCC No, as D1 remains a 3rd party
Permissive CC: PCC defendant considering that it is to be
Cross-claim XC filed by C
Counterclaim: CoCC Q: If D, after being impleaded by C as a
Cross-claim: CoXC 3rd party defendant, wants D1 to be
3rd party complaint: 3PC impleaded in the case, what should he
4th party complaint: 4PC file?
In intervention:
Complaint: CII He shall file a 4th party complaint
Answer: CII
Reply RP Q: In the above case, what are the
Rejoinder RJ) designations of C, D, and D1, in relation
to the 3rd and 4th party complaint?
Q: Considering that to impose a
counterclaim, it must be filed with the C is the 3rd party plaintiff.
answer, is it correct to say that it is one
and the same pleading? D is the 3rd party defendant, and the
4th party plaintiff.
No, they are different from each
other. Finally, D1 is the 4th party defendant.

While it is true that they are failed at (NOTE: In sum, there can be no 4th
the same time, the pleading designated party complaint, if there is no 3rd party
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complaint, considering that it is the 3rd However, as an exception, the last
party defendant who files the 4th party sentence of Section 13 of Rule 16
complaint) states that:

Q: A filed a case against B and C. C filed a “In proper cases, he or she

3rd party complaint against D and D1. may also assert a counterclaim
Who can file crossclaims? against the original plaintiff in
respect of the latter's claim
Either B or C can file a cross claim against the third- party
against each other, and likewise, either plaintiff.”
D or D1 can file a cross claim against
each other Thus, if the counterclaim is raised by
virtue of the original claim against the
Q: Can D, 3rd party complainant, file an 3rd party plaintiff, then, the
answer against A? counterclaim may be allowed.

No, as the 3rd party complaint is Take note however, it still remains
different from the original complaint that it is not him who is involved in
the counterclaim concerned, but
Q: To whom can D then file his answer? merely raising defences that the 3rd
party plaintiff may have against the
To the 3rd party plaintiff original plaintiff.

Q: Is it true then that he cannot raise any Q: Can the court render a decision over
defense against A? the 3rd party complaint prior to a decision
to the original complaint?
No, as he may raise such defense of
the 3rd party plaintiff has against the Yes, considering that the 3rd party
original plaintiff. complaint is a separate and
independent action from the original
Take note however, that the answer complaint
remains against the 3rd party plaintiff.
3rd (4th, etc.) party complaint v. 3rd (4th,
Q: Can D file a counterclaim against the etc.) party claim
In the former, once impleaded, they
Yes shall be original parties to the case.

Q: Can D file a counterclaim against the On the other hand, the one who files
original plaintiff? is not an original party to the case

As a general rule, no, it cannot be Rules governing 3rd (4th, etc.) party claim
ordinarily be allowed, considering that
the original party is not an opposing The following are examples of 3rd (4th
party as to him. etc.) party claims:
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a) Property levied claimed by other A document is said to be actionable
parties aside from the judgment when the claims or defences is based
obligor or agent (Rule 39.16) on a written instrument or document
b) Property subject of attachment
being claimed by other parties Purpose of requiring reply and/or
(Rule 57.14); rejoinder in case of an answer and/or
c) Property subject of replevin reply based on actionable document
claimed by other parties (Rule
60.07) 8.08. How to Contest Such Documents;
When an action or defense is founded upon a
(NOTE: In the above cases, the party written instrument, or attached to the
against whom the judgment was corresponding pleading as provided in the
rendered was NOT the actual owner, preceding section, the genuineness and due
and hence other parties files against execution of the instrument shall be deemed
the enforcement against said admitted unless the adverse party, under oath
property.) specifically denies them, and sets forth what
he or she claims to be the facts; but the
Q: In case the defendant files a requirement of an oath does not apply when
counterclaim against the plaintiff, what the adverse party does not appear to be a
are the latter’s available pleadings to be party to the instrument or when compliance
filed against it? with an order for an inspection of the original
instrument is refused.
He may file any of the following:
It is for the purpose of specifically
a) Answer to a permissive denying under oath the actionable
counterclaim; or document
b) Counter-counterclaim
Effect of failure to specifically deny under
Q: Is there no answer to a compulsory oath the actionable document
The due execution and genuineness of
No, as it is no longer necessary the actionable document shall be
considering that in a compulsory deemed admitted
counterclaim, the allegations in such
are automatically controverted Q: Is the denial of the actionable
document an absolute rule, to the effect
Q: When is a reply allowed? that in the failure of such would always
lead to the admission of the due execution
It is allowed ONLY if the answer is and genuineness of said document?
based on an actionable document
No, as exceptions, the genuineness
Q: When is a rejoinder allowed? and due execution of the actionable
document shall NOT be deemed
It is allowed ONLY if the reply is admitted despite failure to deny under
based on an actionable document oath, in the following cases:
Actionable document
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a) The party bound to deny under (NOTE: See Rule 1 for further
oath is NOT a party to the discussion on counterclaims)
instrument; or
b) If there is a refusal of the party AMONG PLEADINGS
alleging the actionable document
to comply with the order for Nature
CC not
Like CCC,
purposes of inspection of original pleading which required to must be set and
must be barred, up distinct
instrument of said document be set considering immediately, from
up in that it can in order to main
order be tried in avoid being action
Q: A filed a cases against Sps. X and Y for to
a separate
recovery of ownership property and thus being
the cancellation of their title, alleging that
the latter’s title was obtained through Payment
Yes No Yes Yes if RTC Yes

fraud, specifically by a forged signature in docket No if MTC

the deed of sale.
Filing of Yes No Yes Yes Yes
X and Y filed their counterclaim for answer

damages and/or recovery of purchase

price in case the deed was declared as a
forgery. They further claim, that the said
deed arose from the loans obtained by A’s
mother, and on the other end, that when
they received the deed in question it was
already signed without them having a say
thereto, thus a unilateral deed.

A claims that the counterclaim should be

dismissed, considering that by raising
alternative defences, their counterclaim is
permissive and their non-payment of
docket fees means that the court had not
acquired jurisdiction over their case. Is A

No, the nature of the reliefs sought

under the counterclaim filed by Sps. X
and Y necessarily arise out of the same
transaction, and the same evidence
would support or refute the same.

While it is true that alternative

defences were raised, it shall be
treated as valid, considering that
alternative causes of action are
allowed, then alternative defences are
likewise allowed. (Alba v. Malapajo)
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RULE 7: a) Every pleading and other written
PARTS AND CONTENTS OF A submissions to the court must be signed
PLEADING by the party or counsel representing him
or her.
2020 Amendments
b) The signature of counsel constitutes a
To highlight, evidentiary matters are certificate by him or her that he or she
now required to be placed in the has read the pleading and document; that
pleading to the best of his or her knowledge,
information, and belief, formed after an
Prior thereto, only ultimate facts are inquiry reasonable under the
required circumstances:
1. It is not being presented for any
PARTS OF A PLEADING improper purpose, such as to
harass, cause unnecessary
It include the following: delay, or needlessly increase the
cost of litigation;
a) Caption;
a. Name of the court; 2. The claims, defenses, and other
b. Title of the action; legal contentions are warranted
c. Docket number, if by existing law or
assigned; and jurisprudence, or by a non-
d. Names and designation of frivolous argument for
parties; extending, modifying, or
b) Body; reversing existing
a. Numbered paragraphs; jurisprudence;
b. Headings; as to the
cause/s of action 3. The factual contentions have
c. Relief; evidentiary support or, if
d. Date specifically so identified, will
c) Signature and address; likely have evidentiary support
a. Other requirements: after availment of the modes of
i. Email address; discovery under these rules;
ii. Contact number; and
iii. MCLE
Compliance No. 4. The denials of factual
iv. Roll No. contentions are warranted on
v. IBP No. the evidence or, if specifically
vi. PTR No. so identified, are reasonably
d) Verification; and based on belief or a lack of
e) Certification against Forum information.
c) If the court determines, on motion or
Signature and address motu proprio and after notice and
hearing, that this rule has been
7.03. Signature and address; violated, it may impose an appropriate
sanction or refer such violation to the
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proper office for disciplinary action, on 3. By a non-frivolous
any attorney, law firm, or party that argument for
violated the rule, or is responsible for extending,
the violation. Absent exceptional modifying, or
circumstances, a law firm shall be held reversing existing
jointly and severally liable for a jurisprudence;
violation committed by its partner, iii. The factual contentions
associate, or employee. The sanction have:
may include, but shall not be limited 1. Evidentiary
to, non-monetary directive or sanction; support; or
an order to pay a penalty in court; or, if 2. If specifically so
imposed on motion and warranted for identified, will
effective deterrence, an order directing likely have
payment to the movant of part or all of evidentiary support
the reasonable attorney’s fees and after availment of
other expenses directly resulting from the modes of
the violation, including attorney’s fees discovery under
for the filing of the motion for these rules; and
sanction. The lawyer or law firm iv. The denials of factual
cannot pass on the monetary penalty contentions are warranted
to the client. on:
1. The evidence; or,
Effect of lawyer’s signature 2. If specifically so
identified, are
Under the amended rule, the lawyer’s reasonably based
signature has the following effects: on belief or a lack
of information.
1. That he has read the pleading;
2. That to the best of his or her Hence, under this amendment, the
knowledge, information, and signature assures that the pleading or
belief, formed after an inquiry document has evidentiary support.
reasonable under the
circumstances: (NOTE: Under the former rule, a
i. It is not being presented counsel’s signature only warrants the
for any improper purpose, following:
such as to :
1. Harass; 1. He has read the pleading;
2. Cause unnecessary 2. To the best of his knowledge,
delay; or information, and belief, there is
3. Needlessly increase good ground to support it; and
the cost of 3. It is not interposed for delay
ii. The claims, defenses, and Clearly, evidentiary support was not
other legal contentions are included as a warranty of the
warranted by : signature.)
1. Existing law; or
2. Jurisprudence; or Inquiry reasonable under the
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No definition has been provided in The law firm shall be held jointly and
the Proposed Amendments nor by the severally liable with the partner,
Supreme Court considering the associate, or employee.
novelty of the Proposed Amendments
As an exception, the law firm may be
Effect of violating this provision absolved from liability under
exceptional circumstances, hence:
The court may impose an appropriate
sanction or refer such violation to the GR: Jointly and severally
proper office, the sanction of which liable;
may include, but not limited to: ER: NOT liable, under
1. Non-monetary directive or circumstances
2. Order to pay penalty in court; Other requirements under signature and
3. Order to pay movant of part or all address
of the reasonable attorney’s fees
for the filing of the motion for Q: Is an email address and contact
sanction, if: number required under the Rules?

a. It is imposed through a No, it is not specifically required by

motion by the movant; and the Rules.
b. Warranted for effective
deterrence However, Lolo Brondi said that
nevertheless, it is required in some
Q: Who may move to determine the courts.
Q: Upon the court’s finding that the
A party may file a motion for MCLE Compliance No. is not placed in
sanction. the pleadings, should the court dismiss
the case outright?
However, the court may, motu proprio,
determine such violation without need No, as it may be cured by submitting
of a motion for such purpose. it later.

Persons liable Thus, the court shall order compliance

The following persons may be held
liable for violation this rule: If in case there is failure to comply
with the order, then and only then will
1. Attorney; dismissal can be had (People v.
2. Law Firm; or Arojado)
3. Party that violated this rule or is
responsible for such (NOTE: Prior to this case, dismissal
is warranted outright. However, by the
Liability of law firms as to their partner, ruling in this case, the MCLE
associate, or employee
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Compliance No. requirement has thus special power of attorney, should be
been liberated.) attached to the pleading, and shall allege
the following attestations:
Q: X is a dedicated teacher in the Best
Law School of the Philippines for 10 years, a) The allegations in the pleading
and since has not litigated a case as he are true and correct based on
enjoyed teaching. his or her personal knowledge,
or based on authentic
One day, a big time former client went to documents;
him and wants to him to return to
litigation as this is a high profile case and b) The pleading is not filed to
involves millions of money. harass, cause unnecessary
delay, or needlessly increase the
Upon reading the case of People v. cost of litigation; and
Arojado, he realized that an MCLE
Compliance is needed, but his case needs c) The factual allegations therein
to be filed next week as it would prescribe have evidentiary support or, if
already. specifically so identified, will
likewise have evidentiary
Thus he has not time to comply with the support after a reasonable
MCLE requirement considering that he opportunity for discovery
must attend seminars. What can he do?
The signature of the affiant shall further
He may request for an Exemption serve as a certification of the truthfulness
Number instead of an MCLE of the allegations in the pleading.
Compliance No.
A pleading required to be verified that
A teacher who has been teaching for contains a verification based on “information
10 years is exempted from MCLE and belief,” or upon “knowledge, information
Requirement and may rather request and belief,” or lacks a proper verification,
for an Exemption No. shall be treated as an unsigned pleading.
(NOTE: An Exemption No. is valid
Certification against forum shopping
for three (3) years from issuance)

Verification Sec.5. Certification against forum

The plaintiff or principal party shall certify
7.04. Verification;
under oath in the complaint or other initiatory
Except when otherwise specifically required
pleading asserting a claim for relief, or in a
by law or rule, pleadings need not be under
sworn certification annexed thereto and
oath or verified.
simultaneously filed therewith:
A pleading is verified by an affidavit of an
affiant duly authorized to sign said a) that he or she has not theretofore
verification. The authorization of the commenced any action or filed any
affiant to act on behalf of a party, whether claim involving the same issues in any
in the form of a secretary’s certificate or a court, tribunal or quasi-judicial agency
and, to the best of his or her
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knowledge, no such other action or However, as an exception, the lawyer
claim is pending therein; may be allowed to sign the same, if so
b) if there is such other pending action authorized by the party concerned,
or claim, a complete statement of the and said authorization is attached to
present status thereof; and the pleadings

c) if he or she should thereafter learn Forms of authorization

that the same or similar action or
claim has been filed or is pending, he It may be by:
or she shall report that fact within five
(5) calendar days therefrom to the a) Special power of attorney (SPA);
court wherein his or her aforesaid b) Secretary’s certificate or Board
complaint or initiatory pleading has Resolution, in case of a
been filed. corporation

The authorization of the affiant to act on Q: Considering that a corporation is a

behalf of a party, whether in the form of a juridical personality and cannot sign the
secretary’s certificate or a special power of verification nor the certification against
attorney, should be attached to the forum shopping on its own, who can sign
pleading. the same?

Failure to comply with the foregoing As a general rule, it is the person

requirements shall not be curable by mere who is named as authorized under the
amendment of the complaint or other Secretary’s Certificate, or Board
initiatory pleading but shall be cause for the Resolution.
dismissal of the case without prejudice, unless
otherwise provided, upon motion and after However, as exceptions, the
hearing. The submission of a false following persons may sign despite no
certification or non-compliance with any of Secretary Certificate or Board
the undertakings therein shall constitute Resolution to that effect, namely its:
indirect contempt of court, without prejudice
to the corresponding administrative and a) Chairperson;
criminal actions. If the acts of the party or his b) President;
or her counsel clearly constitute willful and c) Manager:
deliberate forum shopping, the same shall be a. General; or
ground for summary dismissal with prejudice b. Acting;
and shall constitute direct contempt, as well as d) Personnel Officer; and
a cause for administrative sanctions. e) Employment specialist in a labor
case (Powerhouse v. Rey)
Q: Who signs the verification or
certification against forum shopping? Q: Who are “employment specialists”

As a general rule, it should be the They refer to the human resource

party himself, considering that he is department
the best person to know the facts
stated in the pleading Q: The Commission on Appointments
(COA) dropped X from its roll of
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X thus filed a case against COA in the Rule as to signature required in case there
CSC which found that the dismissal was are several plaintiffs or defendants
improper and hence ordered for
reinstatement. GR: ALL must sign

CA affirmed the CSC. ER: Signature of one is substantial

compliance, if:
Atty. A, counsel for COA, thus filed a
petition for certiorari in the SC. In said a) There is a commonality of
petition, Atty. A signed the verification interest among all
and certification against forum shopping. plaintiffs or defendants;
Did Atty. A validly sign such? and
b) An authorization was
No, Atty. A’s signature is improper given to such person
insofar as the certification against signing (Medado v.
forum shopping is concerned. Consing)

The rule is stricter in the signature Jurisprudential pronouncements as to

requirement under the certification, verification and certification against
that it requires that only the party forum shopping
himself may sign such.
While it is true that in a verification it SHOPPING
would suffice that the person who Nature Formal requirement Substantial requirement
signed the same has personal When GR: NOT Required
knowledge thereof, the same does not needed required
hold true in a certification against ER: When
forum shopping. required
by law
Effect of NOT fatal GR: Fatal
And further, while there are instances non- ER: Substantial
compliance compliance, or
where another person other than the / defective special
party may sign the certification, there circumstances/
must be an authority to that effect, reasons
which in this case is wanting. (COA v.
Curability Order submission or CANNOT be cured by
Paler) correction subsequent submission or
(NOTE: Thus, the rule that the party Substantial If the one who signs Said signing party must
must sign is strictly applied in the compliance has ample knowledge have:
in case of as to the veracity of
certification. multiple the facts a) Commonality
parties of interest with
the others; and
On the other hand, verification is b) Authorization
loose to the extent that as long as from the other
personal knowledge can be attributed
to the person signing, then the Effect of Generally would not If substantial compliance
non-signing matter, considering or other exceptions would
necessary authorization is of no of other that only one would not apply, then the parties
moment) parties suffice as long as who did not sign shall be
chargeable with the dropped as parties to the
facts case
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Summary of sanctions under Rule 7 Every pleading stating a party's claims or
defenses shall, in addition to those mandated
GR ER by Section 2, Rule 7, state the following:
Violation of Disciplinary Law firm shall
warranties of action for the be solidarily
lawyer’s signing lawyer liable if for a) Names of witnesses who will be
signature and in case of a exceptional presented to prove a party's claim or
law firm, circumstances defense;
solidarily liable
with the latter.
b) Summary of the witnesses' intended
Lack of proper Unsigned If there is a testimonies, provided that the judicial
verification pleading, but failure to affidavits of said witnesses shall be
NOT fatal comply with the attached to the pleading and form an
considering that order to correct integral part thereof. Only witnesses
the court may or submit,
order ground for
whose judicial affidavits are attached
submission or dismissal; and to the pleading shall be presented by
correction the parties during trial. Except if a
subsequently Substantial party presents meritorious reasons as
compliance basis for the admission of additional
witnesses, no other witness or
Failure to Dismissal Dismissal
comply with without WITH affidavit shall be heard or admitted by
requirements prejudice prejudice, the court; and
of certification determined by
against forum the court after c) Documentary and object evidence in
shopping motion and
support of the allegations contained in
the pleading.
False Indirect
certification or contempt; Under the new Rules, contents refers to
non- Administrative evidentiary matters which is now required
compliance and criminal
with actions
to be attached
in certification Rule as to evidentiary matters
against forum
shopping GR: In order to be considered,
Willful and Summary
must be included in the
deliberate dismissal WITH pleading
forum prejudice;
shopping ER: For meritorious reasons,
Direct evidence not appearing in the
pleading shall nevertheless be
Administrative admitted
Effect of amendments
If thus no evidence supports the facts
7.06. Contents; alleged in the first place, then there
would be necessity to proceed to trial.
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At the moment of filing, it can already c. Relief;
be ascertained by the court if indeed d. Date
the case would thrive. e. CONTENTS:
i. Names of
In effect, it expedites the case witnesses:
considering that as at the time of 1. Who will
filing, evidence shall already be be
considered, and in the absence of presented
which, the court may in its discretion to prove a
dismiss the case. party’s
claim or
Q: What kind of evidence shall be defense
included in the pleading? ii. Summary of
witnesses’ intended
ALL kinds of evidence as such, testimonies
documentary, object, and testimonial. 1. Judicial
(NOTE: Of course, do not take it (JA) shall
literally that the “document” or be attached
“object” itself shall be attached. iii. Documentary and
object evidence
What matters is that it is stated in the 1. In support
pleading, including the specifications, of
pictures, etc., and most importantly it allegations
should be readily available for c) Signature and address;
production and inspection) a. Other requirements:
i. Email address;
Q: What is the effect if an evidence is not ii. Contact number;
included in the pleading? iii. MCLE
Compliance No.
Then, it cannot be offered iv. Roll No.
v. IBP No.
CONTENTS OF A PLEADING d) Verification; and
e) Certification against Forum
Thus, a pleading shall include: Shopping

a) Caption;
a. Name of the court;
b. Title of the action;
c. Docket number, if
assigned; and
d. Names and designation of
b) Body;
a. Numbered paragraphs;
b. Headings; as to the
cause/s of action
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RULE 8: Negative v. affirmative defense
ALLEGATIONS IN A PLEADING Negative defense consists in specific
denial of the material fact or facts.
On the other hand, affirmative
Sec.5. Defenses; defense consists in the allegation of a
Defenses may either be negative or new matter that would prevent or bar
affirmative. recovery.

a) A negative defense is the specific Affirmative defences

denial of the material fact or facts
alleged in the pleading of the claimant 8.12. Affirmative defences;
essential to his or her cause or causes a) A defendant shall raise his or her
of action. affirmative defenses in his or her
answer, which shall be limited to the
b) An affirmative defense is an allegation reasons set forth under Section 5(b),
of a new matter which, while Rule 6, and the following grounds:
hypothetically admitting the material
allegations in the pleading of the 1. That the court has no
claimant, would nevertheless prevent jurisdiction over the person of
or bar recovery by him or her. The the defending party;
affirmative defences include fraud, 2. That venue is improperly laid;
statute of limitations, release, 3. That the plaintiff has no legal
payment, illegality, statute of frauds, capacity to sue;
estoppel, former recovery, discharge 4. That the pleading asserting the
in bankruptcy, and any other matter claim states no cause of action;
by way of confession and avoidance. and
5. That a condition precedent for
Affirmative defenses may also include filing the claim has not been
grounds for the dismissal of a complaint, complied with.
specifically, that the court has no b) Failure to raise the affirmative
jurisdiction over the subject matter, that defenses at the earliest opportunity
there is another action pending between shall constitute a waiver thereof.
the same parties for the same cause, or
that the action is barred by a prior c) The court shall motu proprio resolve
judgment. the above affirmative defenses within
thirty (30) calendar days from the filing
Types of the answer.

The following are the types of d) As to the other affirmative defenses

defences: under the first paragraph of Section
5(b), Rule 6, the court may conduct a
a) Affirmative; summary hearing within fifteen (15)
b) Negative: calendar days from the filing of the
a. Specific denial; and answer. Such affirmative defenses
b. Lack of knowledge shall be resolved by the court within
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thirty (30) calendar days from the c. That the plaintiff has no
termination of the summary hearing. legal capacity to sue (no
locus standi);
e) Affirmative defenses, if denied, shall d. That the pleading asserting
not be the subject of a motion for the claim states no cause
reconsideration or petition for of action; and
certiorari, prohibition or mandamus, e. That a condition precedent
but may be among the matters to be for filing the claim has not
raised on appeal after a judgment on been complied with
the merits. 3. Rule 9.01:
a. Court has no jurisdiction
over the subject matter;
b. Litis pendentia; or
Three groups of affirmative defences c. Res judicata; and
d. Statute of limitations
Accordingly, it would seem that there
are three groups: (NOTE: Notice that the ground
under the last paragraph of Rule
1. Rule 6.05(b): 6.05(b) and in Rule 9.01 are almost the
a. Fraud; same)
b. Statute of limitations;
c. Release; Q: That Rule 16 has been deleted, are the
d. Payment; grounds under the then Motion to
e. Illegality; Dismiss now gone?
f. Statute of frauds;
g. Estoppel; No, they are still complete and merely
h. Former recovery; transposed to other portions of the
i. Discharge in bankruptcy; rule. In loving memory of Rule 16, the
j. Any other matter by way then grounds are as follows:
i. Confession; and 16.01. Grounds;
ii. Avoidance; Within the time for but before filing the
k. Grounds for the dismissal answer to the complaint or pleading asserting
of the complaint: a claim, a motion to dismiss may be made on
i. Court has no any of the following grounds:
jurisdiction over
the subject matter; a) That the court has no jurisdiction over
ii. Litis pendentia; or the person of the defending party;
iii. Res judicata
2. Rule 8.12: b) That the court has no jurisdiction over
a. Court has no jurisdiction the subject matter of the claim;
over the person of the
defending party; c) That venue is improperly laid;
b. The venue is improperly
laid (improper venue); d) That the plaintiff has no legal capacity
to sue;
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e) That there is another action pending iv. Failure to state cause
between the same parties for the same of action; (g)
cause; v. Failure to comply with
condition precedent
f) That the cause of action is barred by a (j);
prior judgment or by the statute of c. Rule 9.01:
limitations; i. Lack of jurisdiction
over the subject
g) That the pleading asserting the claim matter; (b)
states no cause of action; ii. Litis pendentia; (e)
iii. Res judicata; (f)
h) That the claim or demand set forth in iv. Prescription; (f)
the plaintiff's pleading has been paid,
waived, abandoned, or otherwise (NOTE: Notice that there are
extinguished; repeating grounds, specifically those
relating to residual prerogatives,
i) That the claim on which the action is considering that they can be raised
founded is enforceable under the merely as an affirmative defense rather
provisions of the statute of frauds; than a motion to dismiss.
Further, ground “h” under the then
j) That a condition precedent for filing Rule 16 has been severed.)
the claim has not been complied with
Q: Considering that the grounds for
In sum, the above grounds can be residual prerogative are likewise
found in the following provisions, the enumerated as an affirmative defense, is it
letters corresponding are those to then correct to say that a motion to
which they were originally designated dismiss is not proper in case of those
under the then Rule 16: enumerated under Rule 9.01?

a. Rule 6.05 (b): No, as it may happen that the

i. Prescription (f); defendant merely wants to raise the
ii. Payment, waiver, grounds as an affirmative defense,
abandonment, or rather than a motion to dismiss.
extinguishment (h);
iii. Statute of frauds (i); If raised as an affirmative defense, the
iv. Lack of jurisdiction court on its own may dismiss the case
over the subject upon a finding that such ground does
matter; (b) exist.
v. Litis pendentia; (e)
vi. Res judicata; (f) Thus it would expedite the cases,
b. Rule 8.12; considering that no motion to dismiss
i. Lack of jurisdiction is needed to be heard, as it may
over the person; (a) dismiss the case on the basis of the
ii. Improper venue; (c) affirmative defense.
iii. Lack of locus standi; (d)
Availability of preliminary hearing to hear
affirmative defense
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As a general rule, a motion to hear No
affirmative defense is a prohibited
motion. Hence, grounds under 8.12 Q: What is the proper remedy?
cannot be subjected to a summary
hearing. The remedy is to go to trial

However, in case of those mentioned Q: In case of an adverse judgment, what is

under the first paragraph of Rule the remedy?
6.5(b) may be subjected to a summary
hearing, as these matters may require To appeal the case, and put the denial
the presentation of evidence. of the affirmative defense in issue.
The provision enumerated the above
RESOLVE remedies as unavailable, which means
that the order denying the affirmative
1st May be ordered Within thirty (30) Forty-five is deemed as a final order, hence the
paragraph by the court, to days from the (45) days remedy is appeal:
of 6.5(b) be conducted termination of
within fifteen summary hearing
(15) days from “It is settled that the proper
the filing of the
answer remedy to obtain a reversal of
judgment on the merits, final
8.12 PROHIBITED Within thirty (30) Thirty (30)
days from the days order or resolution is appeal.”
filing of the (Nuque v. Aquino)

As a remedy is available in law, via

Effect if affirmative defense allowed
appeal, the above remedies cannot be
availed of.
The court may motu proprio dismiss the
case, considering that the defense
Q: What would be advisable assuming
raised effectively bars recovery from
that the defense of lack of jurisdiction over
the plaintiff.
the person was denied, and eventually was
appealed from, in order for the acts not to
This in effect, declogs court dockets,
be tantamount to a voluntary submission
as trial no longer needed to be
to the court?
Dean Mawis advised that the party
Q: Assume that the affirmative defense
must be consistent in questioning the
was denied by the court, is a motion for
jurisdiction despite the denial of the
reconsideration the remedy?
affirmative defense, as to avoid being
deemed as voluntary submitting to the
Q: How about a petition for certiorari?
Effect of raising affirmative defense
It has the effect of hypothetically
admitting the allegations against him,
Q: How about a petition for mandamus?
but raises a defense which would
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nevertheless bar recovery from the The first and second sentence refers
plaintiff. to specific denial, while the last
sentence refers to lack of knowledge
What follows is a reverse trial, for the
defendant to prove such defense/s Q: X is filing a case for payment of the
allegedly borrowed amount of Php10,000
Q: While normally, order of trial begins by Y. Y said in his pleading that he had
with plaintiff, why is it that the defendant already paid the amount. Did Y raise a
is the one to first present his evidence negative defense?
when he raises an affirmative defense?
No, rather Y raised an affirmative
As there is nothing to prove for the defense.
plaintiff, considering that the facts are
already hypothetically admitted. Raising the defense of payment, he
raised an affirmative defense in which
That it is hypothetically admitted, thus while admitting the facts, raising a fact
the plaintiff has no burden to prove that would nevertheless bar recovery
the evidence-in-chief, specifically his by X.
Q: How then could Y possibly raise a
(NOTE: In contrast, in criminal negative defense?
cases, reverse trial is NOT mandatory,
as the burden of proof rests upon the By specifically denying the claim
prosecution all throughout the against him.
As an example, Y could raise that it is
Negative defences not him who contracted and
borrowed the money, but rather Z, his
Specific denial and lack of knowledge brother.

8.10. Specific denial; It is a negative defense considering

A defendant must specify each material that he denied such fact and never
allegation of fact the truth of which he or she admitted the same.
does not admit and, whenever practicable,
shall set forth the substance of the matters Q: Should Y’s answer containing a
upon which he or she relies to support his or specific denial be under oath?
her denial. Where a defendant desires to deny
only a part of an averment, he or she shall
specify so much of it as is true and material No
and shall deny only the remainder. Where a
defendant is without knowledge or Q: When then should an answer
information sufficient to form a belief as to containing a specific denial be under
the truth of a material averment made to the oath?
complaint, he or she shall so state, and this
shall have the effect of a denial. Only in cases of specifically denying
actionable documents
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Actionable documents Q: Is such provision limited to
8.07.Action or defense based on
document; No as it includes any pleading in
Whenever an action or defense is based upon which a responsive pleading can be
a written instrument or document, the filed.
substance of such instrument or document
shall be set forth in the pleading, and the It is with the exception of course of
original or a copy thereof shall be attached to those which does not require a
the pleading as an exhibit, which shall be response thereto, considering that
deemed to be a part of the pleading. those facts are deemed automatically
controverted despite no response.
8.08. How to contest such documents;
When an action or defense is founded upon a Q: Y specifically denied the genuineness
written instrument, or attached to the of the actionable document allegedly
corresponding pleading as provided in the executed by them. He claims that he had
preceding section, the genuineness and due never seen such document, nor wrote on
execution of the instrument shall be deemed such, and further met the plaintiff X. Will
admitted unless the adverse party, under oath Y’s denial prosper to the effect that he
specifically denies them, and sets forth what contested the genuineness and due
he or she claims to be the facts; but the execution of said actionable document?
requirement of an oath does not apply when
the adverse party does not appear to be a No, as specific denial of actionable
party to the instrument or when compliance documents must be under oath.
with an order for an inspection of the original
instrument is refused. Without any showing that it is under
oath, the specific denial alone is
Thus, in line with the above provision,
denial of the actionable document can
In effect, he did not contest such
only be done by specifically denying
document, and admitted the facts.
under oath, by the responsive
pleadings such as the answer, and
Q: A, an employee of X, was accused of
specifically reply and rejoinder in
taking shabu while at work. In answering
which they are specifically available
thereto, A said that “I do not use shabu
while at work”. Did A successfully denied
specifically the allegation against him?
Effect of failure to specifically deny
No, as his denial is deemed as a
Sec.11. Allegations not specifically denied negative pregnant
deemed admitted:
Material averments in a pleading asserting Negative pregnant
a claim or claims, other than those as to the
amount of unliquidated damages, shall be It is a denial pregnant with an
deemed admitted when not specifically admission.
It so happens when the allegation is a
Failure to deny shall admit the facts complex compound (containing a
REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
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qualifier), to the extent that what is For failure to deny such, it is deemed
being denied is merely the qualifier, admitted that indeed there is an affair
but not the allegation itself. between Y and Z. (Valdez v. Dabon)

In effect, the party denying is Q: Atty. X and Atty. Y are spouses. X is

admitting the fact itself, but qualifying currently handling a case. One time, X
it by denying such qualifier. mistakenly handed over to Y the pleading,
to which the latter signed, thinking that it
Q: A, an employee of X, was accused of is her case, and that she was in a hurry.
taking shabu. Can there be a negative Eventually, when asked about such fact,
pregnant in case of denial by A? Atty. X stated:

No, considering that a qualifier to “I only raise my guns, and honed

which a denial can attach does not them, only to point at statements
exist. which are monumental”

In this case, A can only specifically Did Atty. X successfully deny specifically
deny by saying “I do not take shabu” that it was not her wife, Atty. Y, who
signed the pleading but instead it is him?
Q: A accused Y of having affairs with his
wife Z. No, as there is a failure to deny such
According to A, Z confessed to him that
she has an affair with Y. Such affair was Instead of specifically stating reasons
characterized by Z to be abusive and thereto, Atty. X answered vaguely and
tormenting, considering the physical and artistically.
verbal abuse, drug inducement, and
blackmailing against her made by Y that if However, despite the art, said
she leaves her, someone will die. statement did not pertain to the
allegation needed to be denied.
Y answered, in this manner: (Lacurom v. Jacoba)

“I did not abuse nor torment Z. Q: For recovery of ill-gotten wealth, the
Neither did I physically or verbally PCGG filed a case against X, Y, and Z,
abuse Z, drugged Z, nor family members of then President A, a
blackmailed Z.” dictator.

Did Y successfully denied specifically the PCGG claims that they have several Swiss
allegation against him? bank accounts and that they have a
deposit amounting to $300,000,000.
No, as he merely denied the qualifiers.
In answering thereto, X, Y, and Z, denied
As he merely denied the qualifiers, he in the following manner:
failed to specifically deny the fact
which is being qualified, which in this “They could not have known
case, is the illicit relationship. anything, as they are NOT privy to
the contracts;
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We could not recall, considering No, it is sufficient to attach an
that it is a long time ago” authenticated copy of such judgment
or decision.
Did X, Y, and Z successfully deny the
allegation against them? The rationale for such is that
jurisdiction is presumed.
No, considering that they failed to
deny the material allegation, which is
the existence of Swiss accounts and
the amount of bank deposit.

By raising the defense of the PCGG’s

lack of knowledge, and that they could
not remember the amounts, they
effectively raised a negative pregnant,
and thus admitted the following:

a) That indeed there are Swiss

accounts; and
b) That the amount is $300,000,000
(Republic v. Sandiganbayan)

Alleging official documents

8.09. Official document or act;

In pleading an official document or official
act, it is sufficient to aver that the document
was issued or the act was done in compliance
with law.

Alleging judgments

8.06. Judgment;
In pleading a judgment or decision of a
domestic or foreign court, judicial or quasi-
judicial tribunal, or of a board or officer, it is
sufficient to aver the judgment or decision
without setting forth matters showing
jurisdiction to render it. An authenticated
copy of the judgment or decision shall be
attached to the pleading.

Q: Is it necessary that in alleging a

judgment, the jurisdiction of said court be
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RULE 9: d) Extent of relief to be awarded. — A
EFFECT OF FAILURE TO PLEAD judgment rendered against a party in
default shall neither exceed the
ORDER OF DEFAULT amount or be different in kind from
that prayed for nor award unliquidated
Sec.3. Default; Declaration of; damages.
If the defending party fails to answer within
the time allowed therefor, the court shall, e) Where no defaults allowed. — If
upon motion of the claiming party with notice the defending party in an action for
to the defending party, and proof of such annulment or declaration of nullity of
failure, declare the defending party in default. marriage or for legal separation fails to
Thereupon, the court shall proceed to render answer, the court shall order the
judgment granting the claimant such relief as Solicitor General or his or her
his or her pleading may warrant, unless the deputized public prosecutor, to
court in its discretion requires the claimant to investigate whether or not a collusion
submit evidence. Such reception of evidence between the parties exists, and if there
may be delegated to the clerk of court. is no collusion, to intervene for the
State in order to see to it that the
a) Effect of order of default. — A evidence submitted is not fabricated.
party in default shall be entitled to
notices of subsequent proceedings but It is an order declaring the defending
shall not take part in the trial. party in default for failure to file an
answer to the complaint within the period
b) Relief from order of default. — A allowed
party declared in default may at any
time after notice thereof and before Q: A filed a case of B for sum of money for
judgment, file a motion under oath to amounting to Php250k.
set aside the order of default upon
proper showing that his or her failure B received summons on 10 January
to answer was due to fraud, accident,
mistake or excusable negligence and On February 15, B has not filed his answer
that he or she has a meritorious to the complaint.
defense. In such case, the order of
default may be set aside on such terms A moved to declare B in default, to which
and conditions as the judge may the court did. Did the court properly
impose in the interest of justice. declared B in default?

c) Effect of partial default. — When a No, the order of default is improper

pleading asserting a claim states a
common cause of action against In the example, order of default not
several defending parties, some of valid, as summary procedure/small
whom answer and the others fail to do claims
so, the court shall try the case against
all upon the answers thus filed and Q: A filed a case of B for sum of money for
render judgment upon the evidence amounting to Php500k.
B received summons on 10 January
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On February 15, B has not filed his answer As a litigious motion, there must be a
to the complaint. hearing considering that the court
cannot act upon said motion without
The court declared defendant in default. prejudicing the rights of the adverse
Is the court correct in declaring such? party.

No, as the court cannot declare the Thus, absent any showing that a
defendant in default motu proprio. hearing was conducted, or due process
at least, then the order should be
In order to be valid there must be a deemed invalid.
motion by the adverse party
Effect of order of default
Q: A filed a case of B for sum of money for
amounting to Php500k. He loses personality to the case.

B received summons on 10 January While he is still entitled to notice and

other court processes, he cannot
On February 15, B has not filed his answer however participate in the trial of the
to the complaint. case.

A moved to declare B in default, to which Q: As an order of default has been decreed

the court did. Did the court properly against him, X filed a Motion for
declared B in default? Reconsideration. Will his motion prosper?

No, the order of default is improper No, the proper remedy should be a
Motion to Lift Order of Default
In the example, order of default not (BDO v. Tansipek)
valid, as summary procedure/small
claims Effect of granting Motion to Lift Order of
Q: A filed a case of B for sum of money for
amounting to Php500k. Defaulted party regains his
personality, and thus can participate in
B received summons on 10 January the proceedings

On February 15, B has not filed his answer Q: Is a motion to lift order of default
to the complaint. available in trial only?

A moved to declare B in default. The next No, as personality can be regained

day, the court declared B as in default. Is even after judgment, for purposes of
the court’s order valid? post-judgment remedies such a
Motion for New Trial or
No, it is invalid. Reconsideration, or even Appeal

A motion to declared defendant in Q: For failure to attend pre-trial, the court

default is a litigious motion. declared X in default. Subsequently, a
judgment by default was rendered against
her. Is the judgment valid?
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No, as it did not precede an order of are controverted despite no answer to
default. that effect.

An order of default can ONLY BE On the other hand, as an exception

HAD IN CASES OF FAILURE to the exception, while it is a
TO FILE AN ANSWER, NO compulsory counterclaim, failure to
MORE, NO LESS. file an answer thereto would lead to a
declaration in default, if the said
Thus, the order declaring X in default compulsory counterclaim is anchored
is invalid, as it is rooted from her on an actionable document, to which
failure to appear in pre-trial, and as an answer is needed to specifically
such, an order of default cannot be deny under oath the genuineness and
had from such failure. (Salvador v. due execution of the actionable
Rabaja) document. Thus:

(NOTE: Thus, the only ground to file GR: May be declared in

a motion to declare defendant in default for failure to
default, is for failure to file an answer) file an answer to a
Q: For failure to respond to the petition counterclaim;
for nullity of marriage of Husband H,
Wife W was declared in default. Did the ER: Would not be declared
court properly order such default? in default despite no
answer, in cases of
No, as no order of default can attach compulsory
in a petition for nullity of marriage, counterclaim;
considering that the family is an
inviolable institution. EER: Can be declared in
default if there is a
For preventing such order, a judgment failure to answer a
by default is thereby prevented. compulsory
counterclaim anchored
(NOTE: Aside from default, a on an actionable
summary judgment cannot be had in document
such proceedings, considering that no
judgment by stipulation of facts or Rule as to judgment by default
admission shall be rendered thereto)
GR: Every judgment by default
Q: May a plaintiff be declared in default? must be preceded by an order
of default;
Yes, as a general rule, he may be
declared in default for failure to file an ER: Section 5, Rule 29; Failure to
answer to a permissive counterclaim. comply with modes of
discovery, specifically on
However, as an exception, he cannot deposition, which states:
be declared in default for failure to
answer a compulsory counterclaim,
considering that matters raised therein
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29.05. Failure of Party to Attend or
Serve Answers;
If a party or an officer or managing
agent of a party wilfully fails to appear
before the officer who is to take his or
her deposition, after being served with
a proper notice, or fails to serve
answers to interrogatories submitted
under Rule 25 after proper service of
such interrogatories, the court on
motion and notice, may strike out all
or any part of any pleading of that
party, or dismiss the action or
proceeding or any part thereof, or
enter a judgment by default against
that party, and in its discretion, order
him or her to pay reasonable expenses
incurred by the other, including
attorney's fees.

(NOTE: This is the ONLY instance

where a judgment by default is valid
despite no order of default prior
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RULE 10: It refers to any of the following which
Amendment v. Supplement
1. Transactions;
10.01. Amendments in General; 2. Occurrences; or
Pleadings may be amended by adding or 3. Events
striking out an allegation or the name of any
party, or by correcting a mistake in the name (NOTE: In sum, amendments pertain
of a party or a mistaken or inadequate to presently available facts which can
allegation or description in any other respect, be changed. On the other hand,
so that the actual merits of the controversy supplements pertain to those which
may speedily be determined, without regard to merely arose after the pleading
technicalities, in the most expeditious and concerned)
inexpensive manner.
Q: When a pleading is amended or
It refers to the amendment of the supplemented, would the fact remain that
pleadings’: the amended pleading or supplemented
pleading still be considered as a judicial
1. Allegation: admission?
a. Adding;
b. Striking out; No, the amended or supplemented
c. Correcting if: pleading shall cease to be a judicial
i. Mistaken; or admission, considering that the facts
ii. Inadequate consisting in the prior pleading are
2. Name of any party: now changed.
a. Adding;
b. Striking out; Q: What then is the effect on the amended
c. Correcting mistake; or supplemented pleading, evidentiary
3. Description: wise?
a. Correcting if:
i. Mistaken; or The amended or supplemented
ii. Inadequate pleading shall be deemed as an
extrajudicial admission.
10.06. Supplemental Pleadings;
Upon motion of a party, the court may, upon Thus, as an extrajudicial admission,
reasonable notice and upon such terms as are proof is necessary.
just, permit him or her to serve a
supplemental pleading setting forth In contrast, if it is a judicial admission,
transactions, occurrences or events which proof is no longer necessary.
have happened since the date of the pleading
sought to be supplemented. The adverse party Amendments
may plead thereto within ten (10) calendar
days from notice of the order admitting the Q: Is an amendment available only to civil
supplemental pleading. cases?
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No it is available for both civil AND parties, especially the offended
criminal cases party.

Q: That amendment applies to both civil If it appears at any time before

and criminal cases, are they the same in judgment that a mistake has
toto? been made in charging the
proper offense, the court
No. While they have the same shall dismiss the original
meaning, they differ in the concept of complaint or information
substitution. upon the filing of a new one
charging the proper offense
In a civil case, substitution of the in accordance with section 19,
parties is allowed. Rule 119, provided the
accused shall not be placed in
On the other hand, in criminal cases, double jeopardy. The court
substitution of parties is NOT may require the witnesses to
allowed, what is being substituted in give bail for their appearance
criminal cases are pleadings. To wit: at the trial.

110.14. Amendment or Kinds of amendments

A complaint or information 1. As to necessity of leave of court:
may be amended, in form or a. As a matter of right; or
in substance, without leave of b. Discretionary;
court, at any time before the 2. As to the nature of amendment:
accused enters his plea. After a. Formal;
the plea and during the trial, a b. Substantial;
formal amendment may only
be made with leave of court Amendment as a matter of right
and when it can be done
without causing prejudice to 10.02. Amendments as a Matter of Right;
the rights of the accused. A party may amend his pleading once as a
matter of right at any time before a responsive
However, any amendment pleading is served or, in the case of a reply, at
before plea, which any time within ten (10) calendar days after it
downgrades the nature of the is served.
offense charged in or excludes
any accused from the Under this mode of amendment, the
complaint or information, can party has the ABSOLUTE RIGHT to
be made only upon motion by amend his pleadings.
the prosecutor, with notice to
the offended party and with Requisites
leave of court. The court shall
state its reasons in resolving a) Before a responsive pleading served;
the motion and copies of its and
order shall be furnished all b) Availed only once
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Responsive pleading Thus, it is one which requires leave of
court, considering that it is
As it refers to a responsive pleading, discretionary
the right is available to:
Q: When can substantial amendments be
a) Plaintiff as to his complaint, done?
before answer served; or It may be done in the following
b) Defendant as to his answer, circumstances:
before service of reply
1. During availment of amendment
Q: Is a motion to dismiss a responsive as a matter of right;
pleading to which the amendment of a 2. With leave of court:
pleading as a matter of right shall be a. After responsive pleading
barred? has been filed; or
b. In case of a reply, after ten
No, it is NOT a responsive pleading. (10) days have elapsed
from receipt thereof
Thus, during the pendency of said
motion, the amendment is still Summary of availability of amendment
After the order of dismissal is served, RIGHT OF COURT
When availed Before service After service of
the right is still available within fifteen of responsive responsive
(15) days. pleading; or pleading
In case of a
However, after said fifteen (15) days, reply, within 10
the order has already become final and days from
receipt thereof
the right is no longer available.
Court’s duty Ministerial Discretionary
Amendment by leave of court What Formal and Formal and
amendments substantial substantial
10.03. Amendments by Leave of Court; allowed
Except as provided in the next preceding
Section, substantial amendments may be made Q: X, corporate treasurer of ABC, filed a
only upon leave of court. But such leave shall case in behalf of the latter against DEF, Y,
be refused if it appears to the court that the and Z, for annulment of mortgage over a
motion was made with intent to delay or parcel of land owned by entered into by
confer jurisdiction on the court, or the the president Y and secretary Z of ABC
pleading stated no cause of action from the with DEF. X claims that her signature was
beginning which could be amended. Orders falsified.
of the court upon the matters provided in this
Section shall be made upon motion filed in In answering, DEF moved to dismiss the
court, and after notice to the adverse party, case, and argued that nowhere in the
and an opportunity to be heard. pleading that it states the authority of X to
file the case, and that the case involves an
intra-corporate dispute considering that
he is filing the case for transactions
entered by its own officers.
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On the other hand, Y and Z denies the That it is without jurisdiction, it never
falsification, and that they were actually had jurisdiction over the original
authorized to mortgage the property complaint, and thus nothing is to be
owned by ABC. amended

ABC and X received the answers. Amendments in relation to issues not

raised in the pleading
Thus, the complaint of ABC was
dismissed. However, it filed a Motion for 10.05. No Amendment Necessary to
Reconsideration, and pending thereto, Conform to or Authorize Presentation of
filed a Motion to Admit Amended Evidence;
Complaint, which the court denied. Did When issues not raised by the pleadings are
the court correctly deny the motion? tried with the express or implied consent of
the parties, they shall be treated in all respects
(ANSWERING IN as if they had been raised in the pleadings. No
ACCORDANCE TO NEW amendment of such pleadings deemed
RULES) amended is necessary to cause them to
conform to the evidence.
Yes, the court is correct. Under the
Rules, an amendment which seeks to Thus, as a rule, as long as the parties
confer jurisdiction upon the court consented to the trial of the issue not
shall be refused. appearing on the pleadings, no
amendment of the pleading is
(NOTE: The ruling in Lisam necessary to conform to the
Enterprises, Inc. v. BDO states that evidence.
despite the amendment concerns
conferring jurisdiction upon the court, Q: Why is amendment unnecessary in
it may be allowed by the court case of issues tried with the consent of the
considering that the case did not go to parties?
trial yet, and by virtue of liberality
must be allowed, as it will further the As under the new Rules, evidence is
facilitation of justice. already in the pleading.

The ruling no longer holds true, Back then, it would be necessary to

considering that under the new Rules, amend as the evidence is not included
an amendment of such nature shall be in the pleadings.
Supplemental pleadings
In effect, the ruling in Lisam is now
ineffective) Q: Does it apply to criminal cases?

Q: Why is an amendment seeking to No, it does not apply to criminal

confer jurisdiction upon the court cases, unlike amendments. Thus:
As from the start, the court has no Civil Yes Yes
jurisdiction. Crim Yes NO
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Q: A files an action for sum of money
against B, by virtue of loans incurred on
January, March, and December.

A filed the complaint, on October, with

respect to the January and March loans.

Eventually, on December, it became due.

What is A’s remedy?

He must supplement his pleading,

considering that the December loan’s
being due is a fact which transpired
after the complaint.
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RULE 11: Summary of periods to respond in relation
WHEN TO FILE RESPONSIVE to who files the pleading

Summary of periods in relation to days

Of Defendant Foreign Receipt DFJE + RA: 30 ANSWER TO PCC: 20
Juridical Entity (DFJE), of DFJE + OADT: 30 DFJE + RA: 30
summons Amendment: DFJE + OADT: 30
summons received by as a matter of right: 30 Amendment as a
government official by leave of court: 15 matter of right: 30
designated by law DFJE + Gov’t: 60
Notice Extraterritorial: 60 REPLY: 15
If extraterritorial service Unknown: 60 BOP: 10
ANSWER on a non-resident availed Summary Procedure: 10
60 REPLY: 15
Of defendant whose BOP: 10
identity/ whereabouts are
unknown REPLY:
General rule BOP: 10
summons received by TO PCC: 20
as a matter of right: 30
resident agent BOP: 10
by leave of court: 15

Receipt BOP: 10
Summons received by any of
of the following within the summons
ANSWER Philippines:
1. Officer; ANSWER TO 3PC: 20 REPLY: 15 REPLY: 15
2. Agent; BOP: 10 BOP: 10
3. Directors; or Amendment
4. Trustees as a matter of right: 30
by leave of court: 15 ANSWER
To amendment as a Service of TO PCC: 20
matter of right amended BOP: 10 BOP: 10
To 3rd (4th, etc.) party Receipt
complaint of
To CC Service of
ANSWER To XC pleading
20 To Supplemental Complaint Notice of
the same
To amendment by leave Notice of TO CII: 15
ANSWER of court order BOP: 10
To CII admitting
15 the same
REPLY Of party responding to an From
answer anchored on an service of
actionable document the
BILL OF Of party against whom the From
PARTICUL bill of particulars is directed receipt of
10 ARS order
the same
ANSWER To complaint in Summary Service of
Procedure summons
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RULE 12: To move for a definite
BILL OF PARTICULARS statement on any matter which is
lacking definiteness and particularity,
Definition as to enable him to properly plead a
responsive pleading
In a civil case, it is the:
How effected
“…complementary procedural
document consisting of an Via a motion
amplification or more
particularized outline of a When effected
pleading, and is in the nature
of a more specific allegation of It must be prior to the filing of the
the facts recited in the responsive pleading
In case of a reply, to file a rejoinder, it
On the other hand, in a criminal must be filed within 10 days from
case, it refers to: service thereof.

“…further specification of the Requisites

charges or claims in an action,
which an accused may avail of The following must be done:
by motion before arraignment,
to enable him to properly 1. File a motion for bill of
plead and prepare for trial.” particulars:
a. Prior to filing his
In both cases, the general function is responsive pleading; or
to: b. In case of a reply, within
10 days from service
“…guard against surprises thereof
during trial” (Enrile v. 2. Shall indicate:
Sandiganbayan) a. Defects complained of;
b. Paragraphs where they are
Purpose contained; and
c. Details desired
12.01. When Applied for; Purpose;
Before responding to a pleading, a party may 12.02. Action by the Court;
move for a definite statement or for a bill of Upon the filing of the motion, the clerk of
particulars of any matter, which is not averred court must immediately bring it to the
with sufficient definiteness or particularity, to attention of the court, which may either deny
enable him or her properly to prepare his or or grant it outright, or allow the parties the
her responsive pleading. If the pleading is a opportunity to be heard.
reply, the motion must be filed within ten (10)
calendar days from service thereof. Such Thus, the court may do any of the
motion shall point out the defects complained following:
of, the paragraphs wherein they are contained,
and the details desired. 1. Outright:
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a. Deny; or If the motion is granted, either in whole or in
b. Grant; or part, the compliance therewith must be
2. Give parties opportunity to be effected within ten (10) calendar days from
heard notice of the order, unless a different period is
fixed by the court. The bill of particulars or a
Q: Sen X has been charged in the SB for more definite statement ordered by the court
plunder. may be filed either in a separate or in an
amended pleading, serving a copy thereof on
In order to answer the offense charged the adverse party.
against him, X filed a Motion for Bill of
Particulars. Period to comply

After hearing, however, the motion was GR: Within 10 days from notice of
denied. the order granting such

X now comes to the SC, arguing grave ER: Different period fixed by the
abuse of discretion on the part of the SB, court
considering that his motion should have
been granted as it is a ministerial duty. Is How complied
X correct?
It may be complied by any of the
No, X is incorrect. A distinction must following:
be made between the act of resolving
and the resolution itself. 1. Separate pleading; or
2. Amended pleading
As a rule, a court cannot decline to
resolve a motion, as it is ministerial Effect of non-compliance to an order for
upon it. bill of particulars

On the other hand, the resolution 12.04. Effect of Non-Compliance;

itself, is discretionary upon the court. If the order is not obeyed, or in case of
insufficient compliance therewith, the court
Therefore, as a motion is within the may order the striking out of the pleading or
discretion of the judge to grant or the portions thereof to which the order was
deny, it follows that a judgment of directed, or make such other order as it deems
denial is not grave abuse of discretion. just.
(Enrile v. Sandiganbayan)
Upon failure to comply, the court may
(NOTE: A motion is under the opt to do any of the following:
complete control of the court,
considering that it is within its powers 1. Striking out:
to resolve such and therefore may a. Pleading; or
grant or deny such motion) b. Portion thereof; or
2. Other order as it deems just
Effect of granting
12.05. Stay of Period to File Responsive
12.03. Compliance with Order; Pleading;
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After service of the bill of particulars or of a was denied on the same day, and a copy
more definite pleading, or after notice of of the denial was given on the same day,
denial of his or her motion, the moving party until when can he file an answer?
may file his or her responsive pleading within
the period to which he or she was entitled at He has twenty-five (25) days from the
the time of filing his or her motion, which denial of said motion.
shall not be less than five (5) calendar days in
any event. That he filed a motion for Bill
of Particulars after five (5)
After service of the bill of particulars, days from the receipt of
or a more definite pleading, or after summons, effectively he only
notice of denial of the motion, he may has twenty-five (25) days out
file his responsive pleading within the of the thirty (30) days to file an
period he is entitled at the time of answer.
filing the motion.
Q: Assume, that instead, he filed the
In NO CASE, that it shall be less than Motion for Bill of Particulars on February
five (5) calendar days 4. It was denied. Will the filing of the
responsive pleading be until February 9,
12.06. Bill a Part of Pleading; considering that in no case shall the filing
A bill of particulars becomes part of the of the responsive pleading be less than
pleading for which it is intended. five (5) days from the denial?

The bill becomes part of the pleading No, this cannot hold true.
Nowhere in the said facts that the
Effect of denial order denying the same has already
reached B.
If the motion has been denied, the
movant must file a responsive That there is no showing as such, the
pleading within the corresponding time to file a responsive pleading from
balance of the thirty (30) day period the denial shall not commence.

Q: Summons was served upon B on (NOTE: Always check if the order

January 10. Up to when can he file an has been received, otherwise, the
answer? period would not commence)

Until February 5 Q: Assume, that instead, he filed the

Motion for Bill of Particulars on February
Q: Can he only file an answer? 4.

No, he may move for a Bill of It was denied, and the order was received
Particulars as well within the same by B on March 10.
Up until when can he file a responsive
Q: If B filed a Motion for Bill of pleading considering that at the time he
Particulars on January 10, but however filed the Motion, only 1 day remains?
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He may file the responsive pleading
within five (5) days from the order
denying the Motion.

Thus, he may file up until March 15

Q: B failed to file his responsive pleading

on March 15.

On March 20, he filed a Motion to Admit

Answer, arguing that he has fifteen (15)
days from the order of denial, and thus
can file his responsive pleading until
March 30, in line with the Fresh Period
Rule as held in Neypes v. CA.

Is B correct in invoking the Neypes


No, the Neypes doctrine does NOT

apply to an order of denial of a
motion for bill of particulars.

As such, he only has five (5) days

from the order of denial.

Other instances where Neypes doctrine

will not apply:

Aside from an order denying a motion

for bill of particulars, it also does not
apply in the following denials:

1. Motion to dismiss;
2. Motion to dismiss an interpleader
(Rule 62);

(NOTE: Thus, in the above cases, the

remaining balance of the period to file
a responsive pleading shall be the
basis of the period to file, which in no
case shall be less than five (5) days)
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RULE 12: a) Initiatory pleadings and initial
FILING AND SERVICE OF responsive pleadings, such as an
b) Subpoenae, protection orders, and writs;
Filing v. Service
c) Appendices and exhibits to motions,
Filing is the act of presenting the or other documents that are not
pleadings or other paper to the clerk readily amenable to electronic
of court. scanning may, at the option of the
party filing such, be filed and served
Service is the act of providing the conventionally; and
adverse party the copy of the pleading.
d) Sealed and confidential documents or
Effect of amendments records

Rule 12 has been liberalized by Conventional

expanding the modes and manner of
filing and service This term refers to those pleadings or
other court processes which
Modes of filing v. service CANNOT be served or filed
Personal service Under this provision it may only be
Registered mail allowed to be served or filed via:
Accredited courier
Electronic mail or means 1. Personally; or
Facsimile 2. Registered mail, when allowed
International However, as an exception, electronic
conventions filing may be allowed if the Court gave
Ordinary mail its express permission. Hence the rule
Substituted service is as follows:

Conventional Filing and Service GR: Personal; or

Registered mail, if
Sec.14. Conventional service or filing of allowed
orders, pleadings and other documents;
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the following ER: Electronically, if the
orders, pleadings, and other documents must Court expressly
be served or filed personally or by registered permitted
mail when allowed, and shall not be served or
filed electronically, unless express permission Orders, pleadings, and other documents
is granted by the Court: to be filed and served conventionally

The following can only be served

personally or by registered mail:
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1. Initiatory pleadings; In the first case, the clerk of court shall
2. Initial responsive pleadings (e.g. endorse on the pleading the date and hour of
answer); filing. In the second and third cases, the
3. Subpoenae; date of the mailing of motions, pleadings, and
4. Protection orders; other court submissions, and payments or
5. Writs; deposits, as shown by the post office stamp
6. Sealed and confidential on the envelope or the registry receipt, shall
documents; be considered as the date of their filing,
7. Sealed and confidential records payment, or deposit in court. The envelope
8. Optional to party who will file: shall be attached to the record of the case. In
a. Appendices to motions; the fourth case, the date of electronic
and transmission shall be considered as the
b. Exhibits to motions; date of filing.
c. Documents that are not
readily amenable to How pleadings and other court
electronic scanning submissions filed

Q: Are all of the above documents 1) Personal filing;

mandatorily to be conventionally filed and 2) By registered mail;
served? 3) By accredited courier; or
4) By electronic mailing/means
No, as to with appendices and exhibits
to motion, and those documents Other court submissions
which are not readily amenable to
electronic scanning, the party filing Any paper filed with the court other
may opt to resort to conventional than a motion or pleading, which do
filing. NOT seek relief from the court.

However, it is merely optional Examples are entry of appearance,

manifestations, etc.
Date of receipt
13.03. Manner of filing;
The filing of pleadings and other court “In the first case (personal service),
submissions shall be made by: the date of filing is the date of receipt.

a) Submitting personally the original In the second case (registered mail),

thereof, plainly indicated as such, the date of mailing is the date of
to the court; receipt.
b) Sending them by registered mail;
c) Sending them by accredited xxx
courier; or
d) Transmitting them by electronic It is established jurisprudence that
mail or other electronic means as “the date of delivery of pleadings to a
may be authorized by the Court in private letter-forwarding agency
places where the court is (accredited courier) is not to be
electronically equipped. considered as the date of filing thereof
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in court,” instead “the date of actual Hence, the ruling in the Heirs of
receipt by the court is deemed the date Numeriano Miranda that in case of
of filing of that pleading.” (Heirs of a private courier, the date of filing
Numeriano Miranda, Sr. v. shall be the date of actual receipt, is
Miranda) the controlling rule.

In the case of electronic mailing or Accredited courier

means, the date of receipt shall be the
date of electronic transfer. It is a private courier (e.g. LBC) which
must be accredited.
Personal Service Date of filing Hence, the fact of the availment via a
Registered Mail Date of mailing private courier is not sufficient, as it
Accredited Courier Date of actual receipt
Electronic Date of electronic transfer
must be accredited first
Requisites of electronic mailing/means
The provision provides for such
Notice this portion provided under requisites, as follows:
the provision:
1) Must be authorized by the Court;
“In the second and third and
cases, the date of the mailing 2) That the court must be
of motions, pleadings, and electronically equipped
other court submissions, and
payments or deposits, as (NOTE: Observe that under the first
shown by the post office requisite, the amendment stated the
stamp on the envelope or the Court, then this may mean that the
registry receipt, shall be authority shall come from the
considered as the date of their Supreme Court)
filing, payment, or deposit in
court.” Date of electronic transmission

The second and third cases refers to It is the actual moment when the send
filing by registered mail and by button has been pressed.
accredited courier, respectively.
In this wise, Dean Mawis advised the
Observe that the post office stamp on following:
the envelope or the registry receipt
shall be considered the date of filing. 1) Take images of such sending;
2) Save a copy of the sent mail which
However, said stamp cannot appear includes the details thereof
on when it is made via accredited
courier, as the latter does not operate Q: Would a filing through FaceBook or
through the post office, nor are there Viber suffice?
any registry receipts to prove the
same. While there is no definite ruling on it
yet, Dean Mawis reminded that the
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provision provides that it is the court 4) Electronic mail, facsimile
who must be well equipped, and NOT transmission, or other electronic
the court staff means as may be authorized by
the Court;
Q: Can all pleadings and other court 5) As provided in international
submissions resort to availing filing by conventions to which the
accredited courier or electronic mailing? Philippines is a party;
6) Ordinary mail (Sec.7); or
No, as there are those which must be 7) Substituted service (Sec.8)
conventionally filed, meaning only
personally or through registered mail Q: Can all pleadings, motions, notices,
only, these are as follows: orders, judgments, and other court
submissions be served through electronic
1. Initiatory pleadings mail?
2. Initial responsive pleadings (e.g.
answer) No, the following must be filed
3. Sealed and confidential documents conventionally, hence personally or via
or records; and registered mail:
4. Optional to party filing:
a. Appendices and exhibits 1. Initiatory pleadings;
to motions; or 2. Initial responsive pleadings (e.g.
b. Documents which are not answer);
readily amenable to 3. Subpoenae;
electronic scanning 4. Protection orders;
5. Writs;
Modes of Service 6. Sealed and confidential
Sec.5. Modes of Service; 7. Sealed and confidential records
Pleadings, motions, notices, orders, 8. Optional to party who will file:
judgments, and other court submissions a. Appendices to motions;
shall be served personally or by registered and
mail, accredited courier, electronic mail, b. Exhibits to motions
facsimile transmission, other electronic c. Documents that are not
means as may be authorized by the Court, readily amenable to
or as provided for in international electronic scanning
conventions to which the Philippines is a
party. Personal service

How pleadings, motions, notices, orders, Sec.6. Personal Service;

judgments, and other court submissions Court submissions may be served by
served personal delivery of a copy to the party or to
the party’s counsel, or to their authorized
It may be done via the following: representative named in the appropriate
pleading or motion, or by leaving it in his or
1) Personal service; her office with his or her clerk, or with a
2) Registered mail; person having charge thereof. If no person is
3) Accredited courier; found in his or her office, or his or her office
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is not known, or he or she has no office, then Service by registered or ordinary mail
by leaving the copy, between the hours of
eight in the morning and six in the evening, at Sec.7. Service by mail;
the party's or counsel's residence, if known, Service by registered mail shall be made by
with a person of sufficient age and discretion depositing the copy in the post office, in a
residing therein. sealed envelope, plainly addressed to the party
or to the party’s counsel at his or her office,
Who may receive court submissions if if known, otherwise at his or her residence, if
residence/office known known, with postage fully pre-paid, and with
instructions to the postmaster to return the
The following persons may receive mail to the sender after ten (l0) calendar days
court submissions: if undelivered. If no registry service is
available in the locality of either the sender or
1) Party him/herself; the addressee, service may be done by
2) Counsel; ordinary mail.
3) Authorized representative named
in the pleading or motion; Nothing has been changed in the
4) Office: above provision
a. His or her clerk; or
b. Person having charge Ordinary mail
It may be resorted to if there is no
Q: At what time should the above be registry service available in the locality
served? of either the sender or the addressee

The provision did not provide for a Q: Why is there no ordinary mail in cases
specific time, hence it can be served at of filing?
any time within the day.
Because of the prescriptive periods of
Who may receive court submissions if no filing.
person was found in the office, or office
was not known, or person has no office By this mode, it is comparatively
slower than the others, and it may so
It may be received by a person in the happen that at the time the pleading
party’s or counsel’s residence, who has been filed, the prescriptive period
must possess the following: has already expired.

1) Sufficient age; Substituted service

2) Discretion; and
3) Resident therein Sec.8. Substituted service;
If service of pleadings, motions, notices,
Q: At what time may the above be served? resolutions, orders and other papers cannot
be made under the two preceding sections,
The provision provides that in case of the office and place of residence of the party
the above, it must be served between or his or her counsel being unknown, service
8:00am and 6:00pm may be made by delivering the copy to the
clerk of court, with proof of failure of both
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personal service and service by mail. The Service by facsimile shall be made by
service is complete at the time of such sending a facsimile copy to the party’s or
delivery. counsel’s given facsimile number.

Nothing has been changed in the Requisites

above provision
In this provision, an additional
Requisites requisite has been laid down:

1) Service cannot be made either 1) Authorized by the Court;

personally or by registered mail; 2) That the court is electronically
2) The office and place of residence of equipped; and
the party and counsel are unknown; 3) Parties consented to such mode of
and service
3) Proof of failure of both above
mentioned modes of service How made

Q: To whom delivered? It may be done by sending the party

or counsel:
To the clerk of court
1) E-mail to electronic mail address;
When service complete 2) Through other electronic means
of transmission:
At the time of delivery to the clerk of a. As agreed by the parties;
court or
b. Upon direction of the
Q: Is there a substituted service of court
In case of facsimile, it shall be done by
No, as considering that it emanates sending a facsimile copy to the party’s
from the court, prompt receipt must or counsel’s given facsimile number
be ensured
Mawis tips
Service by electronic means and facsimile
In case of a law firm, assume that a
Sec.9. Service by electronic means and lawyer has resigned and said lawyer
facsimile; gave his e-mail address for the case he
Service by electronic means and facsimile was originally handling.
shall be made if the party concerned
consents to such modes of service. The said situation would result in
Service by electronic means shall be made
by sending an e-mail to the party’s or What would be advisable is to have a
counsel’s electronic mail address, or main e-mail address which handling
through other electronic means of lawyers will use.
transmission as the parties may agree on,
or upon direction of the court.
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In this case, e-mails would be there is already a presumptive service.” Is
centralized and confusion may be there a presumptive service?
Yes, that the court and the addressee
Presumptive service are in the same judicial region, there is
already a presumptive service.
Sec.10. Presumptive service;
There shall be presumptive notice to a There has already been a lapse of 21
party of a court setting if such notice days from 10 March 2020, hence the
appears on the records to have been 20 day requirement was already met.
mailed at least twenty (20) calendar days
prior to the scheduled date of hearing and Q: On the day of trial on 31 March 2020,
if the addressee is from within the same Atty. X, arrived in RTC Makati.
judicial region of the court where the case
is pending, or at least thirty (30) calendar However, Atty. Y, from Baguio City, did
days if the addressee is from outside the not arrive.
judicial region.
Atty. X went to the clerk and asked for the
This is a new provision which may be records, and it appeared that the notice of
used strategically. It would that it is hearing was mailed on 10 March 2020.
made available in order to expedite the
case, which is consistent with the aim Due to such, Atty. X said to the court
of these amendments “Your Honor, I would like to move for the
presentation of our evidence ex parte, as
Requisites there is already a presumptive service.” Is
there a presumptive service?
1) Notice appears on the record;
2) Such record show that it was mailed at No, there is no presumptive service,
least: as the court and the addressee were
a. 20 days, if the addressee is not from the same judicial region.
within the same judicial
region; or In such a case, 30 days should have
b. 30 days, if the addressee is passed before a presumptive service
outside the judicial region may be availed of.

Q: On the day of trial on 31 March 2020, As there are only 21 days since the
Atty. X, arrived in RTC Makati.. mailing, it did not meet the required
number of days.
However, Atty. Y, from Makati City as
well, did not arrive. Q: Is there a presumptive service of
Atty. X went to the clerk and asked for the summons?
records, and it appeared that the notice of
hearing was mailed on 10 March 2020. No, there is no such counterpart
under Rule 14.
Due to such, Atty. X said to the court
“Your Honor, I would like to move for the This is more in line with the purpose
presentation of our evidence ex parte, as of summons, considering that there
are requirements to be followed in
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order for jurisdiction be acquired by pleading or other document, and each
the summons. submission served by facsimile shall
contain sufficient information to enable
Sec.11. Change of electronic mail address the court to ascertain from the title:
or facsimile number;
A party who changes his or her electronic a) the party or parties filing or serving
mail address or facsimile number while the paper,
the action is pending must promptly file, b) nature of the paper,
within five (5) calendar days from such c) the party or parties against whom
change, a notice of change of e-mail relief, if any, is sought, and
address or facsimile number with the d) the nature of the relief sought.
court and serve the notice on all other
parties. The requirements merely require that
the prescribed format shall be
Service through the electronic mail followed, and that the addressee can
address or facsimile number of a party readily ascertain the aforementioned
shall be presumed valid unless such party requirements.
notifies the court of any change, as
aforementioned. While it may be new, court processes
are already required to have such facts.
Q: What should be filed in the court where
the case is pending by a party in case he Sec.13. Service of Judgments, Final Orders
changes his e-mail address or facsimile or Resolutions;
number? Judgments, final orders, or resolutions shall be
served either personally or by registered mail.
He should file a notice of change of Upon ex parte motion of any party in the
e-mail address or facsimile number case, a copy of the judgment, final order,
or resolution may be delivered by
Q: To whom said notice must it be accredited courier at the expense of such
served? party. When a party summoned by
publication has failed to appear in the action,
It must be served on all other parties judgments, final orders or resolutions against
him or her shall be served upon him or her
Effect of failure to file notice in court also by means of publication at the expense of
the prevailing party.
Any service through the former e-mail
address or facsimile number shall be How judgments, final order, or resolutions
presumed valid served

Sec.12. Electronic mail and facsimile It may be served by any of the

subject and title of pleadings and other following:
The subject of the electronic mail and 1) Personal service;
facsimile must follow the prescribed 2) By registered mail;
format: case number, case title and the 3) By accredited courier;
pleading, order or document title. The 4) By publication
title of each electronically-filed or served
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Q: If the addressee’s locality do not have a Summary of availability of modes of
registry service available, can ordinary service
mail be resorted to?
1. General rule:
No, ordinary mail cannot be availed to a. Personal;
in this case b. Registered mail;
c. Accredited courier;
Requisites of service by accredited courier d. Electronic mail or means
e. Other means as authorized by
1) An ex parte motion, filed by the party the court;
who wants to avail; f. Facsimile transmission;
2) Said party must pay the expense g. International conventions;
h. Ordinary mail; and
Requisites of service by publication i. Substituted service

1) Party was previously summoned by 2. Conventional service of

publication; initiatory pleadings and initial
2) Said party failed to appear; responsive pleadings, such as
3) The prevailing party must pay the an answer, subpoenae,
expenses protection orders, and writs,
appendices and exhibits to
Q: Can all judgments, final order, or motions, or other documents
resolutions be served via electronic mail? that are not readily amenable to
electronic scanning may, at the
No, as the following must be served option of the party filing such,
conventionally via personal service or be filed and served
registered mail: conventionally, and sealed and
confidential documents or
1. Subpoenae; records:
2. Protection orders; a. Personal;
3. Writs; b. Registered mail, when allowed;
c. Electronic, IF the Court gave
(NOTE: According to Dean Mawis, its express permission
in her own opinion, judgments which
are final should be served personally, 3. Judgments, final orders, or
considering that it is final. resolutions:
a. Personal;
It may be based on the fact that if b. Registered mail;
initiatory pleadings must be filed c. Accredited courier, upon ex
personally, which begins the action, parte motion; or
why should final orders, which is the d. Publication, if defendant
ending of an action, not be treated in summoned by publication and
the same manner?) failed to appear

Q: Is there a substituted service of (NOTE: See to it that numbers 2 and

judgments, final orders, or resolutions? 3 are exceptions to the general rule.)

No, it does not apply

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Q: XYZ, during the trial of the case, filed service is not effective or complete if the
and served an omnibus motion via LBC, a party serving the document learns that it
private courier. did not reach the addressee or person to
be served.
Is the filing and service valid?
Service by facsimile transmission is
Yes, it is a mode recognized under our complete upon receipt by the other party,
Rules. as indicated in the facsimile transmission
(NOTE: Thus the ruling in Palileo v.
Planters Development Bank, in When service deemed completed
which Justice Del Castillo stated the
following, no longer holds true: MODE WHEN DEEMED
“Indeed, its filing or service of Personal service Upon actual delivery
a copy thereof to petitioners Registered mail Whichever is earlier:
by courier service cannot be
trivialized. Service and filing of Upon actual receipt by
pleadings by courier service is addressee; or
a mode not provided in the
After 5 days from the date
Rules.”) of receipt of postmaster’s
1st notice
Ordinary mail GR: Upon expiration
Sec.15. Completeness of service; of 10 days after
Personal service is complete upon actual
delivery. Service by ordinary mail is complete ER: The court
upon the expiration of ten (10) calendar days provides
after mailing, unless the court otherwise otherwise, for a
provides. Service by registered mail is different period
complete upon actual receipt by the Accredited courier Whichever is earlier:
addressee, or after five (5) calendar days
from the date he or she received the first Upon actual receipt by
notice of the postmaster, whichever date is addressee; or
earlier. Service by accredited courier is
Upon expiration of 5 days
complete upon actual receipt by the after the 1st attempt to
addressee, or after at least two (2) deliver
attempts to deliver by the courier service,
or upon the expiration of five (5) calendar Electronic service At the time of electronic
days after the first attempt to deliver, transmission; or
At the time the electronic
whichever is earlier. notification of service is
sent, if available
Electronic service is complete at the time Facsimile Upon receipt by the party
of the electronic transmission of the as indicated in the
document, or when available, at the time facsimile transmission
that the electronic notification of service
of the document is sent. Electronic
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Q: Defendant Y, after sending an email the sender after ten (10) calendar
containing his reply to Plaintiff X, almost days if not delivered.
immediately received a message from the
site that he used that there was failure to c) If the pleading or any other court
send his message. Considering that it was submission was filed through an
electronically transmitted upon the accredited courier service, the
pressing of the send button, is the service filing shall be proven by an
complete? affidavit of service of the person
who brought the pleading or other
No, as an exception, there is no document to the service provider,
completed service even if electronic together with the courier’s official
transmission has been done if the receipt and document tracking
party learns that it did not reach the number.
addressee or person to be served.
d) If the pleading or any other court
Basis for completeness of service through submission was filed by electronic
facsimile mail, the same shall be proven by
an affidavit of electronic filing of
That date indicated in the facsimile the filing party accompanied by a
transmission printout paper copy of the pleading or other
document transmitted or a written
PROOF OF FILING AND SERVICE or stamped acknowledgment of its
filing by the clerk of court. If the
Sec.16. Proof of filing; paper copy sent by electronic mail
The filing of a pleading or any other court was filed by registered mail,
submission shall be proved by its existence paragraph (b) of this Section
in the record of the case. applies.
a) If the pleading or any other court
submission is not in the record, but If the pleading or any other court
is claimed to have been filed submission was filed through other
personally, the filing shall be proven authorized electronic means, the same
by the written or stamped shall be proven by an affidavit of
acknowledgment of its filing by the electronic filing of the filing party
clerk of court on a copy of the accompanied by a copy of the electronic
pleading or court submission; acknowledgment of its filing by the court.

b) If the pleading or any other court Sec.17. Proof of service;

submission was filed by registered Proof of personal service shall consist of a
mail, the filing shall be proven by written admission of the party served, or the
the registry receipt and by the affidavit official return of the server, or the affidavit of
of the person who mailed it, the party serving, containing a statement of
containing a full statement of the date the date, place, and manner of service. If the
and place of deposit of the mail in the service is made by:
post office in a sealed envelope
addressed to the court, with postage a) Ordinary mail. – Proof shall consist of
fully prepaid, and with instructions to an affidavit of the person mailing
the postmaster to return the mail to
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stating the facts showing compliance mailed it;
with Section 7 of this Rule.
Accredited courier 1. Affidavit of the
person who
b) Registered mail. – Proof shall be made brought the
by the affidavit mentioned above pleading or other
and the registry receipt issued by the document to the
mailing office. The registry return card service provider;
2. Courier’s official
shall be filed immediately upon its receipt; and
receipt by the sender, or in lieu 3. Tracking
thereof, the unclaimed letter together number
with the certified or sworn copy of the
notice given by the postmaster to the Electronic mail 1. Affidavit of
addressee. electronic filing
of the filing
party; and
c) Accredited courier service. – Proof 2. Paper copy of
shall be made by an affidavit of the pleading or
service executed by the person who other document
brought the pleading or paper to transmitted;
the service provider, together with or
the courier’s official receipt or
document tracking number. Written or
Electronic mail, facsimile, or other of its filing by
authorized electronic means of the CoC.
transmission. – Proof shall be made by an
affidavit of service executed by the person Other authorized 1. Affidavit of
electronic means electronic filing
who sent the e-mail, facsimile, or other
of the filing
electronic transmission, together with a party; and
printed proof of transmittal. 2. Copy of the
Common denominator acknowledgment
of its filing by
the court.
Both filing and service, to be proved,
involves affidavits Requisites of affidavit of person who
mailed via registered mail
How filing proved
It shall comply with the following:
Personal filing (but Written or stamped
does not appear on the acknowledgment by the 1. Full statement of the date and
record) clerk of court (CoC) of its place of the deposit of mail in the
filing, on a copy of the post office
pleading or court 2. In a sealed envelope;
3. Addressed to the court;
Registered mail 1. Registry receipt; 4. With postage fully prepaid; and
and 5. With instruction to the postmaster
2. Affidavit of to return the mail to the sender
person who after 10 days if not delivered
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How service proved

Personal service Written admission of
party served; or

Official return of the

server; or

Affidavit of party serving

Registered mail Affidavit of person who
mailed it;

Accredited courier 1. Affidavit of the

person who
brought the
pleading or other
document to the
service provider;
2. Courier’s official
receipt; and
3. Tracking

Electronic mail 1. Affidavit of

electronic filing
of the filing
party; and
2. Paper copy of
the pleading or
other document


Written or
of its filing by
the CoC.

Other authorized 1. Affidavit of

electronic means electronic filing
of the filing
party; and
2. Copy of the
of its filing by
the court.
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14.04. Validity of summons and issuance
Definition of alias summons;
Summons shall remain valid until duly served,
It is a writ or a process of the court unless it is recalled by the court. In case of
mandating the attendance of the loss or destruction of summons, the court
defendant in an action. may, upon motion, issue an alias summons.

It is for purposes of acquiring There is failure of service after unsuccessful

jurisdiction over the person of the attempts to personally serve the summons on
defendant. the defendant in his or her address indicated
in the complaint. Substituted service should
Summons v. summonses be in the manner provided under Section 6 of
this Rule.
Summons is the singular form, while
summonses is the plural form Thus, the rule is as follows:

Q: Why is it relevant to know whether it is GR: Valid until duly served;

in the singular or plural form? ER: Recalled by the court

In order to determine the number of Q: What are alias summons?

It is any summons issued other than
Q: A filed a case against XYZ, summons the initially issued summons.
was served upon the latter on 1 March.
Until when can he file his responsive It is issued by virtue of the following
pleading? grounds, relating to the initial
He can file the case until April 1
1. Loss; or
Q: A filed a case against X, Y, and Z, and 2. Destruction
summonses were served upon the latter on
5, 10, and 15 March, respectively. Until WHO CAN SERVE SUMMONS
when can they file their responsive
pleadings? General rule

X can file until 5 April, while Y can 14.03. By whom served;

file until 10 April, and finally for Z up The summons may be served by the sheriff,
until 15 April his or her deputy, or other proper court
officer, and in case of failure of service of
(NOTE: In sum, the singular or summons by them, the court may authorize
plural form determines the number of the plaintiff - to serve the summons - together
the summons, which is crucial in the with the sheriff.
determination of the period to
respond) In cases where summons is to be served
outside the judicial region of the court where
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the case is pending, the plaintiff shall be The sheriff shall execute the returns
authorized to cause the service of summons.
Q: Can the juridical entity itself serve the
If the plaintiff is a juridical entity, it shall summons?
notify the court, in writing, and name its
authorized representative therein, attaching a No, as it legally impossible for it to do
board resolution or secretary’s certificate so.
thereto, as the case may be, stating that such
representative is duly authorized to serve the In case of juridical entities, it shall
summons on behalf of the plaintiff. name its representative by doing the
If the plaintiff misrepresents that the
defendant was served summons, and it is later 1. Notification in writing;
proved that no summons was served, the case 2. Attaching:
shall be dismissed with prejudice, the a. Board resolution; or
proceedings shall be nullified, and the plaintiff b. Secretary’s certificate;
shall be meted appropriate sanctions. 3. Statement that said person is duly
authorized to serve the summons
If summons is returned without being served
on any or all the defendants, the court shall Effect if summons returned without being
order the plaintiff to cause the service of served on any or all defendants
summons by other means available under the
Rules. Court shall order the plaintiff to cause
the service of summons by other
Failure to comply with the order shall cause means available
the dismissal of the initiatory pleading without
prejudice. Sanctions under this provision

Thus, the rule under this provision is CIRCUMSTANCE EFFECT

as follows, depending on the Misrepresentation Dismissal WITH
whereabouts of the defendant in that summons were prejudice
comparison with the judicial region served
where the case is pending: Proceedings nullified

1. Within judicial region: Appropriate

a. Sheriff; sanctions
i. His or her deputy;
b. Other proper court officers; or Failure to comply Dismissal of initiatory
c. Plaintiff + Sheriff, in case of with order of pleading WITHOUT
failure to serve by the above serving summons prejudice
2. Outside judicial region: by other means
a. Plaintiff, as authorized by the
court Prisoner

Q: What is the role of the sheriff in case 14.08. Service upon prisoners;
the plaintiff is authorized to serve the When the defendant is a prisoner confined in
summons? a jail or institution, service shall be effected
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upon him or her by the officer having the a. Sheriff;
management of such jail or institution who is i. His or her deputy;
deemed as a special sheriff for said purpose. b. Other proper court officers; or
The jail warden shall file a return within c. Plaintiff + Sheriff, in case of
five (5) calendar days from service of failure to serve by the above
summons to the defendant. 2. Outside judicial region:
a. Plaintiff, as authorized by the
Thus, the jail warden shall serve the court;
summons as a special sheriff 3. Jail warden, as a special sheriff, in
case of service upon prisoners;
Q: Is there a need for the warden to be 4. Counsel; In case of a special
authorized as a special sheriff by the court appearance questioning the
before he can serve such summons? validity of the service of summons

No, it is not needed MODES OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS

Special appearance in case of allegedly The following are the modes of

improperly served summons service of summons:

14.13. Duty of counsel of record; 1. Service in person on defendant;

Where the summons is improperly served and 2. Substituted;
a lawyer makes a special appearance on behalf 3. Publication;
of the defendant to, among others, question 4. Extraterritorial; and
the validity of service of summons, the 5. Others allowed under
counsel shall be deputized by the court to international conventions
serve summons on his or her client.
Service in person on defendant
Q: Atty. X, counsel of A, questioned the
validity of the summons served against his Sec.5. Service in person on defendant;
client. Whenever practicable, the summons shall be
served by handing a copy thereof to the
What will the court do? defendant in person and informing the
defendant that he or she is being served,
The court shall deputize Atty. X to or, if he or she refuses to receive and sign for
serve summons upon A it, by leaving the summons within the
view and in the presence of the defendant.
(NOTE: In explaining so, Atty.
Tranquil Salvador tagged this Q: Considering that it is personally
provision as “Wala nang takas! Na serve handed over the defendant, is it the same
pa din summons eh”) as “personal service” in filing and service?

Summary of person who may serve No, “personal service” applies only to
summons filing and service under Rule 13.

The following may serve summons: In case of summons, the proper term
is “service in person on defendant”
1. Within judicial region:
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Ways of serving in person on defendant No, Rule 69 as an action quasi in rem
requires extraterritorial service of
There are two ways under this mode: summons.

1. Handing over the summons; and Under extraterritorial service, only the
2. Tender following may be done:

Tender 1. Service in person;

2. Publication;
In order to be resorted to, the 3. International conventions; or
following shall concur: 4. Other means as the court may
deem sufficient
1. The defendant is informed that he
or she is being served; There is NO tender of summons
2. Defendant’s refusal to sign and available for extraterritorial service of
receive; and summons. (Valmonte v. CA)
3. Leaving the summons:
a. Within the view; and (NOTE: Further, under the new
b. In the presence of the Rule, spouses need be served
defendant individually their summons.

Q: Is it required that handing or tender be Thus, the facts of the case would still
done in the residence of the defendant? be resolved in favor of the spouses if
it had transpired at present)
No, as no such requirement appears in
the provision Substituted service

Q: A files a case against Spouses B and C, Sec.6. Substituted service;

for partition of real property under Rule If, for justifiable causes, the defendant cannot
69. be served personally after at least three (3)
attempts on two (2) different dates, service
B and C are non-resident citizens, as they may be effected:
are US residents. However, B from time to
time flies to the Philippines, as he works a) By leaving copies of the summons at
in Ermita as a lawyer. the defendant's residence to a person
at least eighteen (18) years of age
Summons were served personally upon B and of sufficient discretion residing
during the time when he was here. therein;
B however, refused to receive the b) By leaving copies of the summons at
summons for her wife C. As such, the the defendant's office or regular place
sheriff tendered the summons within the of business with some competent
view and presence of B. person in charge thereof. A
competent person includes, but is
Was summons properly served? not limited to, one who
customarily receives
correspondences for the defendant;
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c) By leaving copies of the summons, 1. Actual receipt of summons by the
if refused entry upon making his or person (who should not have
her authority and purpose known, received it considering he is not
with any of the officers of the enumerated) served;
homeowners’ association or 2. Said person must sign a receipt or
condominium corporation, or its the returns; and
chief security officer in charge of 3. There was actual receipt by the
the community or the building corporation (actual person
where the defendant may be found; intended to receive the summons)
and (Millenium Industrial
Commercial Corporation v.
d) By sending an electronic mail to Tan)
the defendant’s electronic mail
address, if allowed by the court. Publication

Crucial point in substituted service 14.14. Service upon foreign private

juridical entities;
In order to be valid, it must first be xxx
proven that there was an attempt to
serve the summons in person on If the foreign private juridical entity is not
defendant (Manotoc v. CA) registered in the Philippines, or has no
resident agent but has transacted or is doing
Requisites business in it, as defined by law, such service
may, with leave of court, be effected outside
The following must conquer: of the Philippines through any of the
following means:
1. That there is a failure to serve in
person on defendant on: xxx
a. At least 3 attempts;
b. On 2 different dates; (b) By publication once in a
newspaper of general circulation in the
Q: Can a security guard receive country where the defendant may be
summons? found and by serving a copy of the
summons and the court order by
Yes, under the new Rules a security registered mail at the last known
may receive summons PROVIDED address of the defendant; x x x
that he regularly receives
correspondence 14.16. Service upon defendant whose
identity or whereabouts are unknown;
Q: Is it necessary that there is a strict In any action where the defendant is
compliance in case of receipt of designated as an unknown owner, or the like,
summons? or whenever his or her whereabouts are
unknown and cannot be ascertained by
No, as substantial compliance may diligent inquiry, within ninety (90) calendar
be allowed if the following requisites days from the commencement of the
concur: action, service may, by leave of court, be
effected upon him or her by publication in a
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newspaper of general circulation and in such 2. Upon defendant with unknown:
places and for such time as the court may a. Identity; or
order. b. Whereabouts;
3. Extraterritorial service upon a
14.17. Extraterritorial Service; non-resident defendant;
When the defendant does not reside and is 4. Upon resident temporarily out of
not found in the Philippines, and the action the Philippines
affects the personal status of the plaintiff or
relates to, or the subject of which is, property (NOTE: Take note however, that in
within the Philippines, in which the defendant case of an extraterritorial service, it
has or claims a lien or interest, actual or would seem that it can only be availed
contingent, or in which the relief demanded of if the action is in rem or quasi in rem,
consists, wholly or in part, in excluding the as declared by jurisprudence.
defendant from any interest therein, or the
property of the defendant has been attached On this point, Atty. Riguera said that
within the Philippines, service may, by leave the interpretation is problematic. In
of court, be effected out of the Philippines by his opinion, the basis should be
personal service as under Section 6; or as whether or not the action falls under
provided for in international conventions to the cases stated in Sec. 17)
which the Philippines is a party; or by
publication in a newspaper of general Requisites
circulation in such places and for such time as
the court may order, in which case a copy of In order to be availed of, the
the summons and order of the court shall be following must concur:
sent by registered mail to the last known
address of the defendant, or in any other 1. It should be made only in the
manner the court may deem sufficient. Any instances stated above;
order granting such leave shall specify a 2. Application for leave:
reasonable time, which shall not be less than a. To effect service of summons
sixty (60) calendar days after notice, within by publication;
which the defendant must answer. b. Through motion in writing;
c. Affidavit:
i. Set forth the grounds
14.18. Residents temporarily out of the
for application
3. Order for Publication granting the
When any action is commenced against a
defendant who ordinarily resides within the
4. Copy of summons AND order for
Philippines, but who is temporarily out of it,
service may, by leave of court, be also effected
a. Deposited in the post office;
out of the Philippines, as under the preceding
b. With postage prepaid;
c. Directed by registered mail
to defendant’s last known
When available address
5. Proof of service by way of
It can be availed of in the following affidavits
Extraterritorial service
1. Upon FPJE;
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14.17. Extraterritorial Service; a. Personal status of plaintiff; or
When the defendant does not reside and is b. Property within the
not found in the Philippines, and the action Philippines:
affects the personal status of the plaintiff or i. Defendant has or
relates to, or the subject of which is, property claims an interest; or
within the Philippines, in which the defendant ii. Relief demanded
has or claims a lien or interest, actual or consist of excluding
contingent, or in which the relief demanded defendant from any
consists, wholly or in part, in excluding the interest thein
defendant from any interest therein, or the c. Property of defendant has
property of the defendant has been attached been attached within the
within the Philippines, service may, by leave Philippines
of court, be effected out of the Philippines by
personal service as under Section 6; or as Q: Is the effecting of extraterritorial
provided for in international conventions to service of summons to vest jurisdiction
which the Philippines is a party; or by upon the party-defendant?
publication in a newspaper of general
circulation in such places and for such time as No, it is for the purpose of acquiring
the court may order, in which case a copy of jurisdiction over the res
the summons and order of the court shall be
sent by registered mail to the last known Philippine courts cannot acquire
address of the defendant, or in any other jurisdiction over the person who does
manner the court may deem sufficient. Any NOT reside and NOT found in the
order granting such leave shall specify a Philippines.
reasonable time, which shall not be less than
sixty (60) calendar days after notice, within In line with jurisdiction over the res,
which the defendant must answer. the relief sought is directed towards
the property or status of the
Modes of effecting extraterritorial service defendant.

The following are the modes: International conventions

1. Service in person on defendant; At present, the following conventions

2. Publication; are among those to which the
3. International conventions; and Philippines is a party:
4. Other manner that the court may
deem sufficient 1. Hague “Service” Convention;
2. Apostille Convention;
When availed of 3. Inter-American Convention

In order to be allowed, the following Process of availing service under the

must concur: Hague Convention

1. Defendant: The following should be observed:

a. Non-resident; and
b. Not found in the Philippines; 1. Motion for leave to avail
2. Action: extraterritorial service;
2. Attachments:
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a. Model Form; In case of substituted service, it shall
b. Original documents or CTCs be given to:
with annexes;
c. Certified Translations of the 1. In residence;
above, if necessary for a. A resident:
Requested State; i. At least 18 years of
d. Undertaking to pay in full the age; AND
fees required; ii. Of sufficient discretion
e. Other requirements depending 2. Office or regular place of
on Requested State business:
3. Court, through OCA, will a. Competent person:
evaluate; i. Manages or is in
a. If deemed that extraterritorial charge of the office or
service is necessary, will corporation; or
forward the order and the ii. One who customarily
above documents to the receives
Central Authority of correspondence for
Requested State; the defendants
4. Central Authority of Requested 3. Homeowner’s association or
State shall confirm receipt condominium corporation:
a. Officer; or
Apostille b. Chief Security
4. Electronic mail to defendants’
It is a certificate that authenticates the email address, IF ALLOWED BY
origin of a public document. THE COURT

It is more expeditious considering that Specific kinds of defendants

it does not require the “red ribbon”
authentication. The following are defendants based
on specific circumstances which
Authorities makes the recipient of the service of
summons different:
SC, through the Department of 1. Minors/incompetents;
Office of the Court Foreign Affairs – 2. Spouses:
Administrator Office of Consular 3. Juridical entities:
Affairs (DFA-OCA) a. Without juridical personality
b. Public corporations:
WHO RECEIVES SUMMONS c. Private entities
i. Domestic
General rule ii. Foreign; and

The defendant Minors

Substituted service 14.10. Service upon minors and

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When the defendant is a minor, insane or abandoned, and now requires that
otherwise an incompetent person, service of EACH spouse is served individually
summons shall be made upon him or her
personally and on his or her legal guardian if Q: Is the above rule absolute?
he or she has one, or if none, upon his or her
guardian ad litem whose appointment shall be No, for obvious reasons, as
applied for by the plaintiff. In the case of a exceptions, summons need not be
minor, service shall be made on his or her served to both in the following cases:
parent or guardian.
1. Case between and against each
Service upon minors v. incompetents other; or
2. Case involving the exclusive
In the case of minors, service to the property of one spouse
parents shall suffice.
Juridical entities
However, in case of incompetents,
service must be made upon: Without juridical personality

1. Him/her; AND 14.07. Service upon entity without juridical

2. Parents/guardian/guardian ad litem personality;
When persons associated in an entity without
Q: Why is there a necessity to give the juridical personality are sued under the name
incompetent with summons? by which they are generally or commonly
known, service may be effected upon all the
Not all incompetents are insane, and defendants by serving upon any one of them,
in the same way not all insane or upon the person in charge of the office or
defendants are always insane, because place of business maintained in such name.
of the possibility of lucid intervals But such service shall not bind individually
any person whose connection with the entity
As such, those who has been has, upon due notice, been severed before the
convicted of a crime which has the action was filed.
penalty of civil interdiction shall be
served with summons. Thus, the rule is as follows:

While incompetent, he still has GR: Service to one, service

discretion, but limited legal to all
ER: Will not bind a person
Spouses who severed its ties
with the entity, by due
14.11. Service upon spouses; notice, prior to the
When spouses are sued jointly, service of filing of the action
summons should be made to each spouse
individually. Public corporations

Thus, the rule pertaining to spouses 14.15. Service upon public corporations;
under the previous Rules are
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Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
When the defendant is the Republic of the personality, service may be made on the
Philippines, service may be effected on the president, managing partner, general manager,
Solicitor General; in case of a province, city or corporate secretary, treasurer, or in-house
municipality, or like public corporations, counsel of the corporation wherever they may
service may be effected on its executive head, be found, or in their absence or unavailability,
or on such other officer or officers as the law on their secretaries.
or the court may direct.
If such service cannot be made upon any of
Thus, the rule is as follows based on the foregoing persons, it shall be made upon
the defendant: the person who customarily receives the
correspondence for the defendant at its
1. Republic of the Philippines; principal office.
Solicitor General;
2. Province, city, municipality, or In case the domestic juridical entity is under
the like: receivership or liquidation, service of
a. Executive head; or summons shall be made on the receiver or
b. Officer/s as the law or court liquidator, as the case may be.
may direct
Should there be a refusal on the part of the
Q: A case is being filed against the persons above-mentioned to receive
Province of Pucha Pucha. The court took summons despite at least three (3) attempts
judicial notice of Gov. X’s busy schedule, on two (2) different dates, service may be
considering that it is the month where made electronically, if allowed by the court, as
Governors of Luzon are placed in a provided under Section 6 of this Rule.
seminar facility, for one month. How can
the court direct summons in this case? Thus, the person/s who must be
served are as follows:
The court may order that other
officer/s be served with the 1. Officers:
summons. a. President;
b. Managing partner;
Of course, it would be hard, in c. General manager;
practice, to serve summons upon a d. Corporate secretary;
public servant considering the e. Treasurer; or
“workload” of such. f. In house counsel of the
Thus, the Rules provide that it may be 2. Secretaries of the above; in case
served upon other officer/s to which of absence or unavailability;
the court or law may direct. 3. Person who customarily
receives correspondence for
Domestic private juridical entity (DPJE) defendant at its principal office,
if it cannot be served with the
12. Service upon domestic private juridical above enumerated persons
entity; including their secretaries;
When the defendant is a corporation, 4. Rehabilitator; in case of
partnership or association organized under the receivership; or
laws of the Philippines with a juridical 5. Liquidator; in case of liquidation;
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6. Substituted service by a) By personal service coursed
electronic mail or means through the appropriate court in
the foreign country with the
Q: Is it necessary that the service to the assistance of the department of
officers be made at the principal office? foreign affairs;

No, considering that the provisions b) By publication once in a

states that “wherever they may be newspaper of general circulation in
found” the country where the defendant
may be found and by serving a
Q: After going to XYZ Corporation, and copy of the summons and the court
failing to serve the summons upon its order by registered mail at the last
officers, secretaries, and persons known address of the defendant;
customarily receiving correspondence on
2 March, A moved that substituted service c) By facsimile;
be allowed. Will it prosper?
d) By electronic means with the
No, considering that it is substituted prescribed proof of service; or
service, it must comply with the
requisites. e) By such other means as the court,
in its discretion, may direct.
Considering that he only attempted
once, and on one day only, it cannot Thus, a distinction must be made:
be allowed.
1. FPJE registered, has transacted,
Foreign private juridical entity and is doing in the Philippines:
a. Resident agent;
Sec.14. Service upon foreign private b. Government official designated by
juridical entities; law, in case the above is wanting;
When the defendant is a foreign private or
juridical entity which has transacted or is c. Any of the following WITHIN
doing business in the Philippines, as defined the Philippines:
by law, service may be made on its resident i. Officers;
agent designated in accordance with law for ii. Agents;
that purpose, or, if there be no such agent, on iii. Directors; or
the government official designated by law to iv. Trustees
that effect, or on any of its officers, agents, 2. FPJE NOT registered, but is doing
directors or trustees within the Philippines. business in the Philippines:
a. Personal service;
If the foreign private juridical entity is not b. Publication;
registered in the Philippines, or has no c. Facsimile;
resident agent but has transacted or is d. Electronic means; or
doing business in it, as defined by law, e. Such other means as the court
such service may, with leave of court, be may direct
effected outside of the Philippines
through any of the following means: (NOTE: While similar, the modes
under this specific defendant is
REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
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different from that of extraterritorial i. Competent person:
service. 1. Manages or is
in charge of
In FPJE NOT registered, it allows the office or
facsimile and email, while corporation; or
extraterritorial service do not 2. One who
In extraterritorial service, it allows receives
those provided for in international correspondenc
conventions. e for the
NEVERTHELESS, as both has a c. Homeowner’s association
saving clause, specifically that the or condominium
court may order a specific mode, the corporation:
distinction, per se, would not matter as i. Officer; or
the court may order as long as it ii. Chief Security
deems sufficient) d. Electronic mail to
defendants’ email address, IF
Examples of government officials ALLOWED BY THE
designated by law COURT

The following are government 3. Minors:

officials designated by law to receive a. To parents sufficient
4. Incompetents:
1. Insurance Commissioner; as to a. To incompetent; AND
foreign insurance corporations; b. Parent/guardian/guardian ad
2. Deputy Governor of the litem
Bangko Sentral; as to foreign
banks; 5. Spouses:
3. SEC; as to FPJE NOT registered a. Husband; AND
who issued or if liable under the b. Wife
6. Entities without juridical
Summary of recipient of summons personality:

1. Defendant; a. Service to one service to all;

2. Substituted service: 7. Public corporations:

a. In residence; a. Republic of the Philippines;
i. A resident: i. Solicitor General;
1. At least 18 b. Province, city, municipality,
years of age; or the like:
AND i. Executive head; or
2. Of sufficient ii. Officer/s as the law or
discretion court may direct
b. Office or regular place of
business: 8. DPJE:
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i. President;
ii. Managing partner; 14.20. Return;
iii. General manager; Within thirty (30) calendar days from
iv. Corporate secretary; issuance of summons by the clerk of court
v. Treasurer; or and receipt thereof, the sheriff or process
vi. In house counsel of server, or person authorized by the court,
the corporation shall complete its service. Within five (5)
b. Secretaries of the above; in calendar days from service of summons,
case of absence or the server shall file with the court and
unavailability; serve a copy of the return to the plaintiff’s
c. Person who customarily counsel, personally, by registered mail, or
receives correspondence for by electronic means authorized by the
defendant at its principal Rules.
office, if it cannot be served
with the above enumerated Should substituted service have been
persons including their effected, the return shall state the
secretaries; following:
d. Rehabilitator; in case of
receivership; or 1) The impossibility of prompt
e. Liquidator; in case of personal service within a period of
liquidation; thirty (30) calendar days from issue
f. Substituted service by and receipt of summons;
electronic mail or means 2) The date and time of the three (3)
attempts on at least (2) two
9. FPJE registered, has different dates to cause personal
transacted, and is doing in the service and the details of the
Philippines: inquiries made to locate the
a. Resident agent; defendant residing thereat; and
b. Government official
designated by law, in case the 3) The name of the person at least
above is wanting; or eighteen (18) years of age and of
c. Any of the following sufficient discretion residing
WITHIN the Philippines: thereat, name of competent person
i. Officers; in charge of the defendant’s office
ii. Agents; or regular place of business, or
iii. Directors; or name of the officer of the
iv. Trustees homeowners’ association or
condominium corporation or its
10. FPJE NOT registered, but is chief security officer in charge of
doing business in the the community or building where
Philippines: the defendant may be found.
a. Personal service;
b. Publication; Period to complete service
c. Facsimile;
d. Electronic means; or Within thirty (30) days from issuance
e. Such other means as the court of summons
may direct
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Under the present rules if a defendant
However, as an exception, if there is asks for an affirmative relief aside
an impossibility of doing so, it should from the dismissal due to lack of
be stated in the returns. jurisdiction over the person, it SHALL
be deemed as a voluntary appearance
Period to file returns
Examples of affirmative relief
Within five (5) days from service of
summons Affirmative relief may consist in the
14.21. Proof of service;
The proof of service of a summons shall be 1. Motion for extension of time to
made in writing by the server and shall set file an answer;
forth the manner, place, and date of service; 2. Motion to set aside order of
shall specify any papers which have been default;
served with the process and the name of the 3. Motion for leave
person who received the same; and shall be
sworn to when made by a person other than a (NOTE: Notice that in the above
sheriff or his or her deputy. motions, the defendant is asking a
relief which will enable him to
If summons was served by electronic mail, participate in the proceedings.
a printout of said e-mail, with a copy of
the summons as served, and the affidavit That it is an affirmative relief, it
of the person mailing, shall constitute as SHALL be deemed as a voluntary
proof of service. appearance)

14.22. Proof of service by publication; Q: Is it true then that no affirmative

If the service has been made by publication, defense can be raised?
service may be proved by the affidavit of the
publisher, editor, business or advertising No as it may still happen that despite
manager, to which affidavit a copy of the an affirmative defense raised, the
publication shall be attached and by an defendant’s raising of lack of
affidavit showing the deposit of a copy of the jurisdiction over his person is
summons and order for publication in the UNEQUIVOCAL and
post office, postage prepaid, directed to the CATEGORICAL.
defendant by registered mail to his or her last
known address. In short, in doing so, the defendant
must leave no room for doubt
VOLUNTARY APPEARANCE (Millenium Industrial Commercial
Corporation v. Tan; thus, the
doctrine somewhat still applies)
14.23. Voluntary appearance;
The defendant's voluntary appearance in the Q: Is a motion to dismiss considered a
action shall be equivalent to service of voluntary appearance?
summons. The inclusion in a motion to
dismiss of other grounds aside from lack of No, it does not amount to VA,
jurisdiction over the person of the defendant considering that it is asking the court
shall be deemed a voluntary appearance. to dismiss the case
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Q: If instead of raising the lack of
jurisdiction over the person of the
defendant, he raised such ground as an
affirmative defense in his answer, is it a
voluntary appearance?

Yes, considering that he did not move

to dismiss it, rather he submitted to
the court his possible defense in the
case by an answer.

By submitting the answer, he placed

the issue upon the hands of the court




13 14
Pleadings from Summons
parties and courts
(final orders,
resolutions, or
Filing AND service Service only

Q: Why is it that substituted service in 13

and 14 are different, in that the former
mentions “office and residence”, while the
latter mentions residence, before resort to
office or place of business?

Notice that in 13, more or less, the

party/ies has a lawyer already.

On the other hand, in 14, no lawyer

yet represents the defendant
REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
RULE 15: the motion, C is not a party nor part
MOTIONS of the records to the case

15.01. Motion Defined; Hearing

A motion is an application for relief other
than by a pleading. 15.06. Notice of Hearing on Litigious
Motions; Discretionary;
Motions v. pleadings The court may, in the exercise of its
discretion, and if deemed necessary for its
In a motion, the party is asking for a resolution, call a hearing on the motion. The
particular relief, which is in contrast notice of hearing shall be addressed to all
with pleadings, which seeks a parties concerned, and shall specify the time
general relief and date of the hearing.

Evidence on motion Thus, it is the duty of the court to set

the case for hearing IF necessary
15.02. Motions Must be in Writing;
xxx Q: If the motion filed is a litigious motion,
When a motion is based on facts not and as a counsel of the party against
appearing on record, the court may hear the whom the motion is directed, what can
matter on affidavits or depositions presented you do if the court did not set a hearing?
by the respective parties, but the court may
direct that the matter be heard wholly or Manifest to the court, or file a motion
partly on oral testimony or depositions. to set the case for hearing.
(Bulabugin mo yung court)
These are motions based on facts not
appearing on the record LITIGIOUS AND NON-LITIGIOUS
Q: A files a case against B, a solidary co-
debtor with C. He did not implead C 15.05. Litigious Motions;
considering that his obligation is not yet
due. a) Litigious motions include:

However, the at the course of the 1) Motion for bill of particulars;

proceedings, the obligation of C became 2) Motion to dismiss;
due. 3) Motion for new trial;
4) Motion for reconsideration;
What are the options of A in order to 5) Motion for execution pending
implead C? appeal;
6) Motion to amend after a
He may file a supplemental pleading, responsive pleading has been
and in lieu thereof, he may file a filed;
motion to implead C. 7) Motion to cancel statutory
Such motion is an evidence on 8) Motion for an order to break
motion, considering that the time of in or for a writ of demolition;
9) Motion for intervention;
REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
10) Motion for judgment on the h) Other similar motions.
11) Motion for summary These motions shall not be set for hearing and
judgment; shall be resolved by the court within five (5)
12) Demurrer to evidence; calendar days from receipt thereof.
13) Motion to declare defendant
in default; and Litigious v. non-litigious motions
14) Other similar motions.
Litigious motions are those which
b) All motions shall be served by the court MAY NOT act upon
personal service, accredited private without prejudicing the rights of the
courier or registered mail, or adverse party.
electronic means so as to ensure their
receipt by the other party. On the other hand, non-litigious
motions are those which the court
c) The opposing party shall file his or her MAY act upon without prejudicing
opposition to a litigious motion within the rights of the adverse party
five (5) calendar days from receipt
thereof. No other submissions shall be Common denominator
considered by the court in the
resolution of the motion. The enumerations in both provisions
are NOT exclusive
The motion shall be resolved by the court
within fifteen (15) calendar days from its Oral motions
receipt of the opposition thereto, or upon
expiration of the period to file such 15.02. Motions Must be in Writing;
opposition. All motions shall be in writing except those
made in open court or in the course of a
15.04. Non-Litigious Motions; hearing or trial.
Motions which the court may act upon
without prejudicing the rights of adverse A motion made in open court or in the course
parties are non-litigious motions. These of a hearing or trial should immediately be
motions include: resolved in open court, after the adverse party
is given the opportunity to argue his or her
opposition thereto. x x x
a) Motion for the issuance of an alias
b) Motion for extension to file answer Q: Atty. X made an oral motion for leave.
c) Motion for postponement; When should the judge resolve such?
d) Motion for the issuance of a writ of
execution; Immediately resolve in open court
e) Motion for the issuance of an alias
writ of execution; Omnibus motion
f) Motion for the issuance of a writ of
possession; In case of on omnibus motion
g) Motion for the issuance of an order (omnes, meaning all) all the defences
directing the sheriff to execute the available must be raised, and the
final certificate of sale; and failure to do so results in the waiver of
REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
such defense then available. Thus, in testify. If the motion is granted based
the following motions, ALL available on such exceptions, the moving party
defences must be stated: shall be warned that the presentation
of its evidence must still be terminated
As such, Motion for New Trial must on the dates previously agreed upon.
state all available defences. A motion for postponement, whether written
or oral, shall, at all times, be accompanied by
Q: Is the rule on defences not raised are the original official receipt from the office of
waived absolute? the clerk of court evidencing payment of the
postponement fee under Section 21 (b), Rule
No as it subject to grounds mentioned 141, to be submitted either at the time of the
under residual prerogatives (Magic filing of said motion or not later than the next
4) hearing date. The clerk of court shall not
accept the motion unless accompanied by the
15.12. Prohibited Motions; original receipt.
The following motions shall not be allowed:
Q: Is a motion to dismiss forever gone?
a) Motion to dismiss except on the
following grounds: No, while it is labelled as a prohibited
pleading, it still has grounds for the
1) That the court has no filing of such, which are, again, the
jurisdiction over the subject grounds under residual prerogatives
matter of the claim; or the Magic 4

2) That there is another action Further, again and again, the grounds
pending between the same under the then Rule 16 is transposed
parties for the same cause; and to other portions of the Rules.

3) That the cause of action is If raised as an affirmative defense, the

barred by a prior judgment or court may motu proprio dismiss the case
by the statute of limitations. if it sees that indeed, the defense
raised, would bar recovery
b) Motion to hear affirmative defenses;
c) Motion for reconsideration of the
In effect, the other grounds
court's action on the affirmative
CANNOT be raised in a motion to
dismiss, but IF sufficient to warrant a
d) Motion to suspend proceedings
dismissal, the court will in its own
without a temporary restraining order
dismiss the case, thus the same effect
or injunction issued by a higher court;
with a Motion to Dismiss.
e) Motion for extension of time to file
pleadings, affidavits or any other
Q: What if, despite the strength of your
papers, except a motion for extension
affirmative defences, that would
to file an answer as provided by
supposedly increase the likelihood of
Section 11, Rule 11; and
dismissal, the court’s inaction failed to
f) Motion for postponement intended
notice such, what can you do?
for delay, except if it is based on acts
of God, force majeure or physical
inability of the witness to appear and
REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
File a motion to “remind the court
that it is NOT doing something”

Q: Is an MR a prohibited pleading?

No, what is prohibited is an MR

directed against the court’s action after
the hearing of the affirmative
REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
RULE 17: a) Plaintiff twice dismissed the
b) Based on or including the
“Rule nang mga tanga” same claim; and
c) In a court of competent
Q: What are the grounds upon which the jurisdiction
plaintiff may dismiss his own complaint?
Notice that under the third requisite, it
NONE, considering that it is he who must be in a court of competent
filed the case in the first place jurisdiction. Hence, if it is wrongly
filed in a court which has no
DISMISSAL BY NOTICE jurisdiction, the rule would not apply.

17.01. Dismissal upon notice by plaintiff; (NOTE: However, as explained by

A complaint may be dismissed by the plaintiff Atty. Riguera, in his opinion, the first
by filing a notice of dismissal at any time dismissal need NOT be a notice, as it
before service of the answer or of a motion may be via a motion.)
for summary judgment. Upon such notice
being filed, the court shall issue an order Q: As a counsel for a plaintiff who already
confirming the dismissal. Unless otherwise dismissed his case first, what would be
stated in the notice, the dismissal is without your recourse if he wants to dismiss his
prejudice, except that a notice operates as an case AGAIN and he want to refile the case
adjudication upon the merits when filed by a AGAIN in the future?
plaintiff who has once dismissed in a
competent court an action based on or File a motion, instead of a notice, as it
including the same claim. would not be an adjudication on the
merits considering that in the two-
Under this mode of dismissal, the dismissal rule, the notice is what
dismissal itself is the notice, NOT the results in an adjudication on the
confirmation issued by the court. merits
Hence, this dismissal is a matter of
right. Class suit

Rule as to the nature of the dismissal Take note that under the next section,
class suit cannot be dismissed without
GR: Without prejudice the approval of the court.
ER: If stated in the notice; or
Two-dismissal rule Hence, dismissal upon notice cannot
be made in case of a class suit
Two-dismissal rule
Under the last portion of the
provision, the dismissal by notice shall 17.02. Dismissal upon motion of plaintiff;
be with prejudice under the following Except as provided in the preceding section, a
requisites: complaint shall not be dismissed at the
plaintiffs instance save upon approval of the
court and upon such terms and conditions as
REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
the court deems proper. If a counterclaim has Under the last portion of the
been pleaded by a defendant prior to the provision, a class suit can ONLY be
service upon him of the plaintiffs motion for DISMISSED or COMPROMISED
dismissal, the dismissal shall be limited to the with the APPROVAL OF THE
complaint. The dismissal shall be without COURT.
prejudice to the right of the defendant to
prosecute his counterclaim in a separate Hence, class suit cannot be dismissed
action unless within fifteen (15) days from by notice.
notice of the motion he manifests his
preference to have his counterclaim resolved DISMISSAL DUE TO FAULT OF
in the same action. Unless otherwise specified PLAINTIFF
in the order, a dismissal under this paragraph
shall be without prejudice. A class suit shall 17.03. Dismissal due to fault of plaintiff;
not be dismissed or compromised without the If, for no justifiable cause, the plaintiff fails to
approval of the court. appear on the date of the presentation of his
evidence in chief on the complaint, or to
Under this mode of dismissal, the prosecute his action for an unreasonable
plaintiff needs the approval of the length of time, or to comply with these Rules
court, as the answer or the motion for or any order of the court, the complaint may
summary judgment has already been be dismissed upon motion of the defendant
filed. or upon the court’s own motion, without
prejudice to the right of the defendant to
Those that does not fall under prosecute his counterclaim in the same or in a
dismissal upon notice, shall fall under separate action. This dismissal shall have the
this provision effect of an adjudication upon the merits,
unless otherwise declared by the court.
Rule as to counterclaims
Under this mode of dismissal, the
The dismissal under this provision is court motu proprio or upon motion of
limited ONLY TO THE the defendant may move for such,
COMPLAINT. Hence, the under specific grounds
counterclaim remains, and the
defendant may prosecute: Grounds

GR: In a separate action a) Failure to appear, without justifiable

ER: Manifests his intent to reason on the date of the presentation
prosecute the counterclaim in of his evidence in chief;
the same action within fifteen b) Failure to prosecute his action for an
(15) days from receipt of the unreasonable length of time (non-
notice prosequitur);
c) Failure to comply with the Rules; or
Rule as to the nature of the dismissal d) Failure of the plaintiff to comply with
the court’s order
GR: Without prejudice
ER: If stated in the order Q: Who may file?

Class suit It would depend:

REMEDIAL LAW REVIEW 1 2020-2021, 1st Sem
Atty. Henedino Brondial PJA
1. If no summons served yet; the
court, as the defendant has yet to
2. If summons already served; the
court or the defendant

Rule as to the nature of the dismissal

GR: With prejudice

ER: Declared by court


Nature Matter of Upon court’s Available
right discretion upon
of ground

Who may Plaintiff Plaintiff Court or

file defendant

When Before After service Upon

filed service of of answer or presence
answer or motion for of the
motion for summary ground
summary judgment

Prejudice GR: Without GR: Without GR: With

ER: If stated ER: If ER:
in the notice declared by Declared
court by court

Q: Is the dismissal without prejudice

refiling absolute?

No, as it is still subject to prescription,


GR: Can be refiled

ER: CANNOT be refiled if
already prescribed

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