6 Building Trust and Cohesiveness in Teams - The Systems Thinker

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V O L . 20 N O . 4 M AY 2 0 0 9



ver several years, I had devel- The Team’s Current State we operate. It’s a challenge to get
O oped a strong relationship with through an agenda with this group.”
In the meeting I attended, I observed a
the leadership team of a $3 billion team that was ill equipped to work in a These one-on-one conversations
division of a Fortune 100 organization. collaborative and productive manner. helped validate my hypotheses around
A shuffling of portfolio and responsi- Some of the behaviors I saw included: specific concerns and enlisted the
bilities had precipitated a 360-review • An inability to focus on an agenda executives in Sam’s overall objective—
and a new leader assimilation and and make decisions of creating a cohesive team who could
coaching process for the global senior • A lack of willingness to engage in work well together in executing an
vice president of manufacturing, Sam dialogue aggressive and critical element of the
Allard. As part of the coaching process, • Poor capacity to listen to one organization’s strategy.
Sam invited me to observe a business another I also used a team effectiveness
meeting of his global manufacturing • An apparent lack of respect for one questionnaire from Edgar Schein (from
team in which they were discussing another’s ideas Process Consultation: Its Role in Organi-
key priorities and agreeing on the • A tendency to personalize the con- zation Development, Addison-Wesley,
strategic agenda for the year ahead. versation and get defensive 1988, p. 57–58) to get the team to self-
It was a long day of heated discus- assess and have a structured view of
sions with little agreement or progress their current effectiveness.When I
In the meeting I attended,
against an ambitious agenda. Sam asked shared the results of this assessment,
how I thought it had gone. I recall say- I observed a team that was one of the executives commented, “I
ing, “It depends on your desired out- had no idea we were so disruptive in
ill equipped to work in a
come. If success meant getting through the way we operated.”
the agenda and getting resolution on collaborative and productive Based on the assessments, and
the issues, you did not meet that objec- with Sam’s agreement, my mandate for
tive. If, however, you wanted to get a a 12-month engagement was to create
view of the team dynamics, I believe a team that:
you had a very successful meeting.” He These observations led to some • Made sound business decisions in a
laughed and said, “What should I do preliminary hypotheses—that the considered and timely manner
about this situation? I need a team of group lacked trust and the willingness • Had the ability to work together to
VPs who can work together to create to operate as a team; that they were solve critical production and quality
uniform standards of manufacturing focused on furthering their individual issues
that are necessary for us to achieve our agendas; and that they would be • Engaged in meetings that were pro-
revenue and profitability targets. Can unsuccessful in creating a standardized ductive, energetic, and constructive
you help me?” manufacturing platform for the com- • Showed evidence of listening, collab-
pany unless they were able to come oration, and mutual respect
together and operate with mutual • Set aside personal agendas and
respect, trust, and a willingness to listen depersonalized the conversation
to and learn from each other. • Collaborated to develop and imple-
TEAM TIP During conversations concerning ment a world-class manufacturing
Use the tools outlined in this Sam’s 360-review, I had developed a strategy
article—the Human Structural rapport with each member of the
Dynamics Model, the four behaviors team. I leveraged this to have open and The Design of Interventions
of dialogue, and Kantor’s Four-Player honest discussions on what I’d I saw this as an amazing opportunity to
System—as a guide for developing the observed during their business meeting. delve into territory that is typically not
skills needed for a high-performing One of them commented, “It was explored. I based the design of my
team. interventions on a model of human
embarrassing to have you witness that
meeting.That is so typical of the way structural dynamics derived from the

2 Copyright © 2009 Pegasus Communications, Inc. (www.pegasuscom.com)

All rights reserved. For permission to distribute copies of this article in any form, please contact us at permissions@pegasuscom.com.
Koehler, 1999; Elliott, Locating the
Energy for Change: An
Traditional Territory Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry, Inter-
Less national Institute for Sustainable Devel-
Environment opment, 1999).
Broader • The ability to listen deeply allows for
Social Business connection and a foundation for col-
laboration and “thinking together”—
the essence of dialogue (Isaacs,
Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together,
E Currency/Doubleday, 1999).
Face-toFace Doing the Work S More • Dialogue fosters and maintains the
Levels of U
Structure Structures
Interpersonal Behavior
Visible high levels of openness and trust that
T are present in healthy teams.
S “Progress Toward Trust and Cohe-
Mental Models siveness” demonstrates how the differ-
ent elements were integrated to guide
Deeper Beliefs the team’s progress toward trust and
Structures cohesion. In addition to determining
the current state, five other building
Critical Images and Stories
Least blocks contributed toward creating a
team that was able to sustain behavioral
Less Acknowledged Territory changes that enabled an environment
Source: Ober, Kantor, and Yanowitz, 1995 of trust, collaboration, and cohesiveness:
This model suggests that human interactions are a function of the social context in which they take
place and of what goes on in people’s hearts and minds. Establishing Structural Elements. Sam
wanted the team to own and follow
basic housekeeping guidelines.This set
work of David Kantor (see “Human and at some point sharing of deep of interventions was aimed at establish-
Structural Dynamics Model”).This imagery from each individual, it would ing a process by which the team could
model suggests that human interactions help this team coalesce and begin the focus its discussions and deliberations
are a function of the social context in process of trusting each other. and make decisions in an effective
which they take place and of what goes manner. It involved clarifying roles and
on in people’s hearts and minds (Ober, The Team Interventions responsibilities, delineating decision
Kantor,Yanowitz, “Creating Business At the team level, the interventions rights, and setting up operating guide-
Results Through Team Learning, The were designed to help develop
Systems Thinker, V6N5, June/July, 1995, trust and connection, and start
pp.1–5). I chose to focus on two to develop the capacity for lis- PROGRESS TOWARD TRUST AND
aspects of this model—the team or tening. The following models, COHESIVEN ESS
what is described as the face-to-face beliefs, and assumptions influ-
structure, and the deeper individual enced the choice of interven- Establishing Structural Elements
structures and how they might influ- tions:
ence the team’s interactions, either • A high-performing team is
one-on-one or in the team. characterized in part by strong
Ap Cap

I chose to include individual-level personal commitments to the


pr ab
ys r
o S ve

ec ilit
n t ser

iat ie

interventions because they cover growth and success of each

tio Ob

ing s a

ground that is typically less acknowl- team member (Katzenbach and

ela an

Di nd S

ve k
n R ing

edged and yet significantly impacts Smith, The Wisdom of Teams:

rs ills

lf i m

Se co

behavior—what we see at the face-to- Creating the High Performance of Change

of Be

face level. It also meshed well with my Organization, Harper Business,

belief as an OD practitioner that all 1993).
Developing Capacity for New Behaviors
change starts with individual change, • Appreciation of individual
and that our behavior as adults is experiences and gifts is a
strongly influenced by our mental powerful foundation for
models, core beliefs, and stories—many transformation and allows for Determine the Current State
of these arising from experiences in creation of powerful outcomes
The interventions were integrated to guide the team’s progress
our formative years. I had a sense that (Cooperrider and Whitney,
toward trust and cohesion.
if I was able to allow for the surfacing Appreciative Inquiry, Berrett-

© 2 0 0 9 P E G A S U S C O M M U N I C AT I O N S 781.398.9700 THE SYSTEMS THINKER® M AY 2 0 0 9 3

lines between Sam and his team, as well for listening without judgment and with this team and continues to be a
as within the team. reaction, and at another it was aimed at core part of the team’s operating model.
helping them experience how deep lis-
Developing the Capacity for Deep tening could result in more powerful Appreciating the Diversity of Skills and
Listening and Dialogue. The more outcomes and decisions. Above all, it was Capabilities. While most of Sam’s team
challenging aspects of this engagement aimed at building trust within the team. had been at this company for many
were around creating a safe container for Over the course of my engagement years and had deep roots in the industry,
the team to have strong dialogue.To (and subsequently), the team adopted some of the more recent additions were
achieve this, I introduced the principles sitting in a circle as part of their meeting brought in with different industry expe-
and intentions of council to structure the protocol. Initially they struggled with rience, including experience in creating
meetings (Zimmerman and Coyle, The the some of the practices of council—in world-class manufacturing organizations.
Way of Council, Bramble Books, 1996; particular with holding a silence.They The input of these individuals was often
Baldwin, Calling the Circle:The First and tended to reach for the talking stick not considered and valued by their col-
Future Culture, Bantam, 1998).These before the person who was speaking had leagues. As Sam put it,“I hired Joel and
principles included always being seated finished. Over time, as they became Charisse for their expertise in Lean
in a circle and using a talking piece that more comfortable with the practices, the Manufacturing. I am concerned the rest
the team co-created.The intentions of use of the talking stick as a mechanism of the team is shutting them out. I sup-
council are speaking from the heart or to allow “one voice at a time” and to pose I could be more directive by sim-
being honest and authentic; listening help “hold the silence” evolved from a ply telling people we have to rely on
from the heart or being deeply present forced behavior to a more natural and their experience, but I don’t want to add
and attentive when another speaks; being comfortable one.Their discussions went to the resistance.”
“lean of expression” and learning to be from individuals fighting to say their The team needed to operate in an
succinct; and allowing for silence as well piece to comments that were more environment of respect and appreciation
as spontaneous expression. indicative of listening and building on for the diversity of style, skills, experi-
To facilitate their interactions what has been said.The reaction to ences, and contributions.They also
within this structure and to help them silence went from a rush to fill it to needed to understand how to work
make the distinctions that would allow actually asking for a moment of reflec- effectively with this diversity and lever-
them to realize the intentions of council, tion during the course of a conversation. age the strengths of each other.To create
I introduced the four behaviors of dia- Although there was evidence of this culture and capacity, I used interven-
logue as described by Bill Isaacs—voic- progress, it was more of an iterative tions derived from Appreciative Inquiry,
ing, listening, respecting, and suspending process than a linear progression.The team role preference (Margerison and
(see “Developing the Capacity for New awareness and reinforcement of dialogic McCann,“Team Management Profiles:
Behaviors”). At one level, the intention behaviors was one that continued Their Use in Managerial Development,”
was to help the team develop a capacity throughout my 12-month engagement Journal of Management Development,Vol 4,
No 2, pp 34–37, 1985), and individual
assessments such as DiSC as building
DEVELOPING THE CAPACITY FOR NEW BEHAV IORS blocks on the foundation of dialogue.
These interventions had the
desired impact. For instance, the Appre-
• Speaking the truth of one’s
VOICING own authority, what one
ciative Inquiry exercise used in the first
really is and thinks session allowed for a breaking of the
• Asks: What needs to be said? ice in the team.The team found many
points of connection—shared experi-
ences, interests, hopes, and desires. After
that session, some of the sources of ten-
• Suspension of assumptions, • Without resistance sion dissipated, such as the resentment
judgment, and certainty or imposition of the role an individual played or the
• Asks: How does this work? • Asks: How does this feel? lack of industry experience. In addition,
the resistance to being seen as and
operating as a team started to fall away
RESPECTING as they worked through their stories of
• Awareness of the integrity of positive team experiences.
another’s position and the impossibility In using the Team Management
of fully understanding it
• Asks: How does this fit?
Profiles, the team was able to appreciate
Source: Isaacs, 1999
the different work preferences and styles
that were present in the room. It
The four behaviors of dialogue as described by Bill Isaacs are voicing, listening, respecting, and allowed them to identify strategies that
would be most effective in interacting

4 T H E S Y S T E M S T H I N K E R ® V O L . 2 0 , N O. 4 w w w. p e g a s u s c o m . c o m © 2 0 0 9 P E G A S U S C O M M U N I C AT I O N S
tive dialogue. It the verbal, left-brain activities that this
would help them team was facile with to a process that
MOVER notice whether their would invite them to activate in a posi-
Without movers, conversations were tive way some of the drivers of their
there is no direction dialogic in nature or behavior—their beliefs, values, and men-
at the level of dis- tal models. As the team moved from
cussion and debate. sharing individual values and beliefs to
At a minimum, it co-creating a shared set of guiding prin-
BYSTANDER FOLLOWER would increase their ciples and vision, they exhibited respect
Without bystanders, Without followers, self-awareness of for individual ideas and the diversity of
there is no perspective there is no completion
how they showed up opinions.There was a remarkable
and help them absence of the heated arguments that
develop a capacity to had characterized the first meeting I’d
become observers of attended. In its place was an energy of
Without opposers,
their own behavior. collaboration and partnership, resulting
there is no correction To facilitate their in the creation of a shared vision that
learning, I video- each individual had contributed to,
Source: David Kantor in Isaacs, 1999 taped some of their owned, and had personalized through
meetings and had the storytelling process.
Kantor’s Four-Player System helps team members understand the roles they
tend to play in conversations. them analyze their
interactions after- The Individual Interventions
ward. While working with the team as an
with this group of individuals and to One of the insights that emerged entity, I was also coaching individual
value the different roles each member was the difference in expectations of members. A core outcome for the
of the team tended to prefer in a team how the team should operate. For coaching sessions was to help the indi-
setting. It also gave them a snapshot of instance, Sam expected his team to be vidual become an observer of the self
what might be missing and how they his equal partners in the decisions they and understand what drove behavior so
could develop those roles as a collective. made.There were some members who they were able to choose how to act,
would defer to Sam’s decisions. rather than acting from a place of
Becoming an Observer of the Self. As I Another insight came from seeing two habitual tendency.The ultimate goal for
worked with the team, I felt it was members of the team frequently engag- the “Human Structural Dynamics
important to facilitate the development ing in a move-oppose dynamic and Model” is authenticity; insight, mastery,
of their capacity for diagnosis and action how it stymied the progression of the and alignment are intermediate stages
in order to make them self-correcting conversation. that lead to authenticity. In an effort to
and self-sustaining after I had transi- be pragmatic (and recognizing the
tioned out of the process. I also wanted Creating Sustainability of Change. The journey toward authenticity is a life-
them to have a greater awareness of how emphasis of each intervention was to long one), I focused on a realistic goal
to facilitate a dialogue by understanding help them not only become familiar of building the capacity for insight
the roles they tended to gravitate to in a with the skills but also to practice and through self awareness and inquiry into
conversation. I introduced another ele- develop a level of mastery with that skill. the underlying causes of behaviors,
ment of structural dynamics—that of Each session built on the previous ones. along with varying degrees of mastery.
boundary profiles and, more specifically, The final intervention was a visual Using a subset of the human struc-
David Kantor’s “four-player system” image storytelling process (Reeve, Creat- tural dynamics model as a base, I
(Kantor and Lonstein,“Reframing Team ing a Catalyst for Change via Collage- worked to help each individual become
Relationships: How the Principles of Inspired Conversations, unpublished aware of their feelings, mental models,
‘Structural Dynamics’ Can Help Teams Master’s thesis, Fielding Graduate Uni- belief systems, and deeper stories that
Come to Terms with Their Dark Side,” versity, 2005) where the team incorpo- governed their behavior in the team
The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook, Currency/ rated the various building blocks (i.e., context. Specifically, the intent was to
Doubleday, 1994). practices of dialogue, appreciation and make visible those factors that were
My intention was to get this team knowledge of self and other, and obser- invisible or less visible and enable the
of individuals to see their patterns of vation) to co-create their vision for their individual to act in an authentic manner.
interaction. I believed if they were con- team. It required them to collaboratively As I used this model to guide the
scious of their operating tendencies, create the guiding principles and core individual coaching sessions with each
how these impacted their effectiveness, values of the team, and the behaviors executive, my role evolved in the fol-
and what roles were being played out in that would govern their interactions lowing manner:
their team interactions, they might be going forward, by building on the values • Help the individual become aware of
able to shift the roles they played and and vision of each individual. I chose a feelings, mental models, belief systems,
engage in more productive and effec- visual process to shift the context from and deeper stories

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• Create and strengthen their capacity “breakdown.” Probably one of the passion for themselves, they developed
for embracing these deeper structures more profound changes I saw was their the capacity for compassion toward oth-
• Facilitate their understanding of how ability to maintain a quality of inquiry. ers. This in turn allowed for a level of
these structures impact their behavior At rare moments, particularly in our trust and a commitment to each other’s
and how to recognize the shadow last session together, there were success, which provided a strong basis for
aspects moments when their interactions had collaboration.
• Help them develop the ability to elements of flow.
reframe and choose the internal struc- At the individual level, the changes Critical Success Factors
tures that influence behavior varied depending on the person. Cer- I was operating at two levels of the sys-
tainly some of them moved more than tem simultaneously and addressed not
Interplay Between Individual others.As their capacity to observe their only the behaviors that emerged in
and Team Interventions own behavior grew, it created greater team interactions but also the underly-
Having simultaneous interventions at awareness and ownership of their own ing triggers of these behaviors. One
the individual and team levels and issues, and led to more courage and reason I was able to successfully take
playing a dual role as facilitator for the honesty in their communications.As this path was Sam’s uncompromising
team and as personal coach allowed me they stepped in to appreciate and value sponsorship and support, as well as the
to observe shifts that occurred as indi- their own contributions and role on the trust we had built as a result of our
viduals gained insight into their behav- team, their insecurities went down; they long-standing relationship and my can-
ior and changed how they interacted developed more confidence and demon- dor in the early stages of the engage-
with the team.The team meetings also strated a greater sense of presence as ment. Over the course of the 12
provided me with direction on how to leaders.The awareness and legitimizing months, he allowed me tremendous
intervene at the individual level with of their individual stories allowed them creative freedom to introduce the ideas
different executives. to have respect for and appreciation of behind council practices and dialogue.
the same in others. By practicing com- He’d been exposed to the practices and
The Results
Over the 12-month period, there were
many visible changes at both the team
level and with individuals. For instance, BEIN G A REFLECTIVE PRACTITION ER
the team’s interactions were much less
fractious and chaotic.Their discussions In the course of this engagement, I found myself engaging in a great deal of reflection
resulted in key decisions being made in around my capacity as an OD practitioner. At various points, I explored different
questions, including:
a timely manner with each individual
feeling heard even if their idea was not • What is my typical stance with clients?
included.They had greater appreciation • How am I showing up? How does it feel?
and respect for what their colleagues • How do my own inner stories and mental models influence me?
brought to the team—“I had no idea • How can I consciously choose to shift from my “tendency”?
Charisse had such wide-ranging experi-
• What will it take to shift my stance to what is needed?
ence. It is quite refreshing to have some-
• What is the impact if I shift my stance? What is the risk if I don’t shift my stance?
one who hasn’t grown up in this
industry.” The process of being both coach and facilitator provided me with a powerful illustration
They were able to appreciate of the importance of having a strong container for individual and collective transforma-
silence and the quality of reflection and tion. I was constantly stepping into a place of modeling the behaviors I introduced to the
insight that came from it—“I realized team—learning to honor silence; bringing a mindset of appreciation to the conversation;
how much of my time is filled with making the invisible visible in my own context; acting with courage in situations that chal-
doing things—meetings, conference lenged me personally, such as not being compelled to have all the answers, not taking
their resistance to some of the ideas I introduced as personal criticism, and being a mir-
calls. I never get time to think. I was
ror for them when situations that contributed to the dysfunction in the team came up.
actually able to think about and find a
I used this engagement to expand my comfort zone. Since I was working closely with this
solution to this problem.”There was a
team over a significant period of time, I took a reflective stance for each encounter and
greater sense of camaraderie and trust expressly asked, “What could I have done differently to make this session more effective
among them. In self-assessing their for you?” It allowed the team to see that it was acceptable to not be perfect; it gave me
progress on the team effectiveness a chance to get real-time feedback that could improve my capacity as a facilitator and
instrument used at the beginning of helped me explore my own growing edge around feedback and criticism.
the process, on all measures, the team Another area I consciously worked with was to develop my ability to let go of managing
had moved from a “below average” the outcome. I actively practiced being present to and responding more in the
score to an “above average” rating. moment—operating with a sense of connection to my own insight and intuition, with
When I started my work with the powerful positive outcomes.This engagement built my capacity to be an observer of
myself and of the system. It has strengthened my ability as an intervener and has con-
team, I would have described members
tributed significantly to the development of my voice and my own transformation.
as exhibiting behaviors characteristic of

6 T H E S Y S T E M S T H I N K E R ® V O L . 2 0 , N O. 4 w w w. p e g a s u s c o m . c o m © 2 0 0 9 P E G A S U S C O M M U N I C AT I O N S
was a great believer in the notion of make decisions for the business?” For- Summary
“going slow to go fast.” tunately, given Sam’s experience with The human structural dynamics model
Although some members of the dialogue, he was able to support me provided a valuable set of lenses to
team were initially resistant to the team and provide a context of “We are mak- examine this team’s issues. At the same
process, because of my work with them ing decisions. By talking about and time, it allowed for improvisation in
individually, they grew to trust me with resolving the issues, our decisions are the choice of interventions used to
their inner stories and thus trust the becoming clearer.” It took them a address different team issues.The occa-
process I was taking the team through. while to realize that by being in dia- sion to work with an intact team over
Their cynicism and resistance started to logue, they were “in action” around an extended period of time helped
wear down as they experienced having decisions. create a robust foundation wherein the
a voice in the conversation and being In creating the experience of skills introduced had a chance of tak-
heard as a result of using council and being an observer of the self and using ing hold. It helped build trust with
dialogue practices. the four-player model, there were some each individual and created a space for
One of the other unexpected con- unintended consequences. During the personal growth.This systemic
tributors to the success of the engage- debrief, one of the team commented, approach presented a powerful learn-
ment was my knowledge of the ing opportunity for all of us engaged
organization, its business, and the in the process. •
dynamics within the industry. It
allowed me to connect the interven- The human structural dynamics
A longer version of this article appears in
tions aimed at strengthening team model provided a valuable set Reflections:The SoL Journal on
effectiveness to core business issues the Knowledge, Learning, and Change, Volume
team was dealing with, rather than of lenses to examine this 9 Number 1. For more information, go to
have “stand-alone” team-building ses- team’s issues. www.solonline.org/reflections.
sions. By integrating business issues
into the design of the interventions,
the team had an immediate context for Deepika Nath (dnath@indicaconsulting.com) is
applying and practicing their new skills, “We sure were on our best behavior the founder and principal of Indica Consulting,
which enhanced the capacity for reten- today. I suppose we knew we were where her focus is on bridging strategy and organi-
zational development to bring about growth and
tion and recall of new behaviors. being watched.” Had I anticipated this
lasting transformation. She is a trusted advisor and
better, I might have introduced a dis- coach to senior executives seeking to define an
Challenges Encountered turbance to the system to raise the authentic and effective leadership style. Her experi-
There were some challenges during stakes, because when the stakes are ence spans 15 years of strategy and organizational
consulting with leading firms such as the Boston
the course of this engagement. Even as high, people tend to revert to “default”
Consulting Group and Ernst & Young. A member of
they saw the value of the practices of or typical behaviors, especially in early SoL, she holds a PhD in Management and an MA in
council and dialogue, the team didn’t stages of behavioral change. Organizational Development.
readily embrace some aspects. It took a
while for them to honor silence and
not jump into the fray. “I find it so dif-
ficult to sit still and not say something NEXT STEPS
when no one is speaking. It makes me
wonder if I did something wrong,” said Guidelines for Working with Our Learning “Selves”
one of the executives early in our ses-
The following guidelines and practices may be useful in a continuing journey toward a
sions. While this reflected the challenge more expansive, open, and “learning” self:
of holding silence, it was also a power-
ful example of how our inner story • Practice saying “I don’t know” whenever appropriate. You may find it to be quite freeing
to admit that you don’t know something.
shows up in our behavior. Over time,
and with the help of reflective practices • Learn to “let go” of the need to be in control of yourself or others. In order for us to
learn, we must care more about learning than about being in control.
in their individual coaching as well as
in their team sessions, they started to • Continually challenge yourself to hold your perceptions up to the light. This means
continually studying them from all angles. Remember that these beliefs may reflect
see the value of having silence and
more truths about yourself than about reality.
silent time in their process.
• Admit when you are wrong. Try to freely and openly admit when you are wrong (or
Another difficulty that was more
admit that your assumptions may be inaccurate even the first time you state them!).
present in earlier sessions than in later
• “Seek first to understand, and then to be understood.” Steven Covey suggests asking
ones was a desire to be “in action.”
yourself, “Do I avoid autobiographical responses, and instead faithfully reflect my
This is reflected in the comment from understanding of the other person before seeking to be understood?”
a team member that “we talk a lot and
In “Opening the Window to New Learning” by Kellie Wardman, Leverage (Pegasus Communications, Inc., May 1999)
I enjoy our sessions, but when do we

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