Sec A - 2021112 - Week 4

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While envy is the drive to get what you do not have, jealousy is the urge to keep what you
already have. These emotions, which upend relationships, society, and the entire globe, are
innate survival mechanisms that are part of the human condition but are no longer as
effective in modern civilization.
Allow me to regale you with a tale of a situation I once encountered, which is a common
occurrence for many individuals. In my former place of employment, I was privy to the
admiration and approbation of my superiors for my exceptional decision-making skills.
However, my co-workers were not as forthcoming with their compliments. Instead, they were
beset by envy and resentment towards me, as they took umbrage with my ideas being used
by our manager, who deemed them appropriate for the given situation. It was quite a peculiar
spectacle, as they did not exhibit the same envy when similar ideas were put forth by higher
authorities. This was a demonstration of the insidious and detrimental effects of jealousy and
envy on the workplace dynamic.
This I realised happens when we encounter the people at our level getting appreciation and
not when the same appreciation is for the people who are at a higher authority.
This is one of the examples of bias from envy and jealousy I have faced in my life.

Submitted by:
Shristi Vaish

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