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SUBJECT Counselling and Learner Support 1


Mobile: 0812457456

Welcome to the Counselling and Learner Support course module. The main
focus of the tutorial letter is to guide you on how to answer the assignment.
Assessment policy
Continuous assessment per semester module consists of one assignment of 120
marks. The amount of marks for the assignment and examination paper is 120
marks. The examination has a duration of two and a half hours. Semester mark
contributes 40% towards your final pass mark.
Prescribed material
 Corey, G. 2013. Theory and Practice of Counselling and Psychotherapy.
9th Ed. Belmont: Thomson, Brooks/Cole
 Culley, S. & Bond, T. 2011. Integrative counselling Skills. London: Sage
 Van Niekerk, E. & Hay, J. (editors) 2009. Handbook of Youth
Counselling. 2nd edition. Johannesburg: Heinemann. ISBN 978 0 79622
 Study Guide, face- to- face sessions, IOL centres, feedback on
Study Guide
The study guide will guide you through the prescribed material. Study the
content of the study material according to the directions given in the study
guide. Take the outcomes of each unit as well as that of the module into
consideration. Remember to attempt all the learning activities as a means of
self-assessment. You can expect similar questions during the examination.
Problem Areas
At the end of this module you should be able to understand more about the
psychological processes involved in perception, learning and socialization. Thus
you are able to understand the behaviour of children. You should therefore
ensure that you do not only reproduce the content of this module in the
assignment and examination, rather show that you are also able to apply this
knowledge in the classroom and in real life situations.
Interpretation of question is the big challenge to many students, so read and
understands the question well, before you answer. Students are entitled to their
own opinion when answering assignments/examination questions, but
remember to link your opinions to the facts of theory.
Contact Sessions
It is very important that you attend all the contact sessions in your area, as it
will give you clear guidelines on aspects that are important for this module.
Possible answers to assignment questions will be discussed. Students will be
made aware of how to structure the assignment according to the stipulations as
set out in the study guide.
The final contact session will be for examination information and discussions.
The facilitator will help you to answer the assignment questions as well as other
questions in order to prepare you for examination. You should study all the
units and attempt your assignments in advance so that you can identify problem
Assignment questions
This assignment is the first attempt to the completion of your studies, so
completing it at the prescribed time is important. The assignment will qualify
you to sit for the exams. The due date for your assignment is 08th July 2021.
Instructions to students
 ALL questions are compulsory.
 Reflective, clear and critical responses will earn you points
 Number all answers clearly and correctly
 Observe the thinking level of the verb in questions
 Please read the questions carefully in order to establish exactly what is
Question 1 [20]
Approaches are mostly used by educators in classrooms. Describe characteristics of
the behavioural approach, person-centred approach and problem-solving approach.

Behavioural approach – it advocates the use of empirical methods. It implies

regularities, verifications, techniques and values.
Person centred approach – treat people with dignity, compassion and
respect. Provide coordinated care, support and treatment. Offer
personalised care.
Problem solving approach -

Question 2 [20]
Sanchez is a learner who said to be shown emotional warning signs that need
intervention. He was referred to you for counselling by his register teacher. Your
task is to work very closely with him to rescue the situation. To assist him, you
need to answer the following questions.

2.1 State any three warning signs that Sanchez may be displaying. (3)

Personality change , hopelessness and decline in personal care

2.2 Explain the possible factors that are likely to impact his school work. (9)
Physical factors
Intellectual factors
Learning factors
Mental factors
Emotional factors
Teacher’s personality

2.3 Outline the effect of the problems on Sanchez’s school work. (8)
Failure, lack of understanding, school drop out, traumatic experiences, use of
alcohol, few friends, Unhealthy relationships

Question 3 [20]
As a counsellor, you are tasked to assist fellow teachers in your educational region
on Individualised Education Program (IEP). In any school, there is a learner(s) who
is/are in need of IEP. Demonstrate to fellow teachers how the learner(s) can be
assisted. Compile/ design an individualised education programme that would cater
for the learner in need. In this programme indicate the following areas:
3.1 Identified a learner who is in need of IEP programme (emotional/ behavioural
problem) include the learner’s status (age, gender, grade) (4)

3.2 Design the action plan for the identified learner (6)

3.3 Discuss steps/ways to be followed for the programme to function well. (10)

Question 4 [20]
As an educator, you are quite aware of the enemy called substance abuse. You are
tasked to speak to parents and their children to inform them about the danger of
substance abuse. The idea is to caution them. In your speech, justify the reasons for
substance abuse by learners. Also, analyse the possible treatment measures to be
used to assist addicted adolescents.
4.1 Justify the reasons for substance abuse by learners. (10)
Peer pressure
Self medication
Performance improvement

4.2 Analyse the possible treatment measures to be used to assist the addicted
adolescents. (10)
Offer counselling services
Take life skills subject serious so that every learner understands the life processes
Offer cognitive behavioral therapy

Question 5 [20]
 A team from the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture have notified your school for
a visit. They aim to understand how poverty is a challenge to your learners for the
past years.
5.1 Examine the impact that poverty has on learners’ ability to learn and school
performance. (14) 
Poverty decreases a child’s readiness for school through aspects of health,
homelife, schooling and Neighbourhoods. Children from low income families often
do not receive the stimulation and do not learn the social skills required by them to
prepare for school.
5.2 If a learner dropped out of school, clarify the recommendations/steps that could
be taken to address school dropout problem. (6)
Be supportive and involved
Give tactics that keep kids engaged in school
Communicate with parents and all stakeholders
Talk about career realities
Don’t pressure them, just give encouragement and motivational words to focus on
school matters.

Question 6
Your region has delegated your centre to co-ordinate a workshop on nutrition to
assist parents and guardian on how to take care of children. The principal asks you
to address participants (parents/guardians), knowing that you are an expert in
nutrition. In your presentation, critically discuss the consequences caused by eating
disorders (anorexia nervosa and obesity). These should be based
on physical and emotional. Be a creative thinker.       [20]
Consequences cause by eating disorders such as anorexia are slow heart
rate, low blood pressure, fatigue and fainting, heart failure, reduction of bone
density, dehydration, muscle loss, weakness and kidney failure.
Consequences caused by eating nervosa are such as rapid weight loss or
weight gain when overeating, dizziness, confusion known as insanity and
Obesity may result in many consequences such as poor mental health
outcomes, reduced quality of life, may cause heart diseases, stroke which
may result in death.
These can also cause cancers.

______________________________TOTAL MARKS: 120____________________

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