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Classification and external resources ICD-10 F04, R41.3 [1] ICD-9 MeSH 294.0 [2] , 780.9 [5] [3] , 780.93 [4]


Amnesia (from Greek ) is a condition in which memory is disturbed or lost. The causes of amnesia have traditionally been divided into categories. Functional causes are psychological factors, such as mental disorder, post-traumatic stress or, in psychoanalytic terms, defense mechanisms. Amnesia may also appear as spontaneous episodes, in the case of transient global amnesia.[6]

Forms of amnesia
Anterograde amnesia, is the loss of short-term memory, the loss or impairment of the ability to form new memories through memorization. Persons may find themselves constantly forgetting information, people or events after a few seconds or minutes, because the data does not transfer successfully from their conscious short-term memory into permanent long-term memory. Retrograde amnesia, the loss of pre-existing memories to conscious recollection, beyond an ordinary degree of forgetfulness. The person may be able to memorize new things that occur after the onset of amnesia (unlike in anterograde amnesia), but is unable to recall some or all of their life or identity prior to the onset. However, there are different types of memory, for example procedural memory (i.e. automated skills) and declarative memory (personal episodes or abstract facts), and often only one type is impaired. For example, a person may forget the details of personal identity, but still retain a learned skill such as the ability to play the piano. In addition, the terms are used to categorize patterns of symptoms rather than to indicate a particular cause (etiology). Both categories of amnesia can occur together in the same patient, and commonly result from drug effects or damage to the brain regions most closely associated with episodic memory: the medial temporal lobes and especially the hippocampus. An example of mixed retrograde and anterograde amnesia may be a motorcyclist unable to recall driving his motorbike prior to his head injury (retrograde amnesia), nor can he recall the hospital ward where he is told he had conversations with family over the next two days (anterograde amnesia). The effects of amnesia can last long after the condition has passed. Some sufferers claim that their amnesia changes from a neurological condition to also being a psychological condition, whereby they lose confidence and faith in their own memory and accounts of past events. Another effect of some forms of amnesia may be impaired ability to imagine future events. A 2006 study showed that future experiences imagined by amnesiacs with bilaterally damaged hippocampus lacked spatial coherence, and the authors speculated that the hippocampus may bind different elements of experience together in the process of re-experiencing the past or imagining the future.[7]


Types and causes of amnesia

Post-traumatic amnesia is generally due to a head injury (e.g., a fall, a knock on the head). Traumatic amnesia is often transient, but may be permanent of either anterograde, retrograde, or mixed type. The extent of the period covered by the amnesia is related to the degree of injury and may give an indication of the prognosis for recovery of other functions. Mild trauma, such as a car accident that results in no more than mild whiplash, might cause the occupant of a car to have no memory of the moments just before the accident due to a brief interruption in the short/long-term memory transfer mechanism. The sufferer may also lose knowledge of who people are. Dissociative amnesia results from a psychological cause as opposed to direct damage to the brain caused by head injury, physical trauma or disease, which is known as organic amnesia. Dissociative amnesia can include: Repressed memory refers to the inability to recall information, usually about stressful or traumatic events in persons' lives, such as a violent attack or rape. The memory is stored in long term memory, but access to it is impaired because of psychological defense mechanisms. Persons retain the capacity to learn new information and there may be some later partial or complete recovery of memory. This contrasts with e.g. anterograde amnesia caused by amnestics such as benzodiazepines or alcohol, where an experience was prevented from being transferred from temporary to permanent memory storage: it will never be recovered, because it was never stored in the first place. Formerly known as "Psychogenic Amnesia". Dissociative Fugue (formerly Psychogenic Fugue) is also known as fugue state. It is caused by psychological trauma and is usually temporary, unresolved and therefore may return. The Merck Manual defines it as "one or more episodes of amnesia in which the inability to recall some or all of one's past and either the loss of one's identity or the formation of a new identity occur with sudden, unexpected, purposeful travel away from home." [8] While popular in fiction, it is extremely rare. Posthypnotic amnesia is where events during hypnosis are forgotten, or where past memories are unable to be recalled. Lacunar amnesia is the loss of memory about one specific event. Childhood amnesia (also known as infantile amnesia) is the common inability to remember events from one's own childhood. Sigmund Freud notoriously attributed this to sexual repression, while modern scientific approaches generally attribute it to aspects of brain development or developmental psychology, including language development Transient global amnesia is a well-described medical and clinical phenomenon. This form of amnesia is distinct in that abnormalities in the hippocampus can sometimes be visualized using a special form of magnetic resonance imaging of the brain known as diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI). Symptoms typically last for less than a day and there is often no clear precipitating factor nor any other neurological deficits. The cause of this syndrome is not clear, hypotheses include transient reduced blood flow, possible seizure or an atypical type of migraine. Patients are typically amnestic of events more than a few minutes in the past, though immediate recall is usually preserved. Source amnesia is a memory disorder in which someone can recall certain information, but they do not know where or how they obtained the information. Memory distrust syndrome is a term invented by the psychologist Gisli Gudjonsson to describe a situation where someone is unable to trust their own memory. Blackout phenomenon can be caused by excessive short-term alcohol consumption, with the amnesia being of the anterograde type.

Korsakoff's syndrome can result from long-term alcoholism or malnutrition. It is caused by brain damage due to a vitamin B1 deficiency and will be progressive if alcohol intake and nutrition pattern are not modified. Other neurological problems are likely to be present in combination with this type of Amnesia. Korsakoff's syndrome is also known to be connected with confabulation. Drug-induced amnesia is intentionally caused by injection of an amnesiac drug to help a patient forget surgery or medical procedures, particularly those not performed under full anesthesia, or likely to be particularly

Amnesia traumatic. Such drugs are also referred to as "premedicants." Most commonly a 2'-halogenated benzodiazepine such as midazolam or flunitrazepam is the drug of choice, although other strongly amnestic drugs such as propofol or scopolamine may also be used for this application. Memories of the short time frame in which the procedure was performed are permanently lost or at least substantially reduced, but once the drug wears off, memory is no longer affected. Electroconvulsive therapy in which seizures are electrically induced in patients for therapeutic effect can have acute effects including both retrograde and anterograde amnesia. Prosopamnesia is the inability to remember faces, even in the presence of intact facial recognition capabilities. Both acquired and inborn cases have been documented. Situation-Specific amnesia can arise in a variety of circumstances (e.g., committing an offence, child sexual abuse) resulting in PTSD. It has been claimed that it involves a narrowing of consciousness with attention focused on central perceptual details and/or that the emotional or traumatic events are processed differently from ordinary memories.

[1] http:/ / apps. who. int/ classifications/ apps/ icd/ icd10online/ ?gr40. htm+ r413 [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] http:/ / www. icd9data. com/ getICD9Code. ashx?icd9=294. 0 http:/ / www. icd9data. com/ getICD9Code. ashx?icd9=780. 9 http:/ / www. icd9data. com/ getICD9Code. ashx?icd9=780. 93 http:/ / www. nlm. nih. gov/ cgi/ mesh/ 2011/ MB_cgi?field=uid& term=D000647 eMedicine - Transient Global Amnesia : Article by Roy Sucholeiki (http:/ / www. emedicine. com/ neuro/ topic380. htm) Patients with hippocampal amnesia cannot imagine new experiences (http:/ / www. pnas. org/ cgi/ content/ abstract/ 0610561104v1), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [8] The Merck Manuals Online (http:/ / www. merck. com/ mrkshared/ mmanual/ section15/ chapter188/ 188c. jsp)

Article Sources and Contributors

Article Sources and Contributors

Amnesia Source: Contributors: 2D, A333A, AGToth, AaronY, Addshore, Ahoerstemeier, Ahpook, Ajk91, Al1encas1no, Alansohn, Alex43223, Alksub, Alterego, Amelia Hewitt, Amorrow, Anakata, AnakngAraw, Andres, Angela, Anna512, AnotherSolipsist, Arbi12, Arcadian, Ariel., Asymptote, Awesomnialistic, Axeman89, Becritical, Beyond My Ken, Bisected8, BlueAzure, Bluerasberry, Bobo192, Bongwarrior, Bradlegar, Brandon, BrettAllen, Brockzilla, Btcc11, CFitzp, Cabdirazzaq, Can't sleep, clown will eat me, CanadianLinuxUser, Canderson7, Catgut, Clarityfiend, Closedmouth, Cmdrjameson, Cogpsych, Coll7, Coolotter88, Csigabi, Cyst, Daichi358, Dalric, Damian Yerrick, Daniel Quinlan, DanielCD, Dasani, Davemcarlson, DavidOaks, Davidm617617, Dekisugi, Delldot, Deltabeignet, Denisarona, Difu Wu, Doctorevil64, Drkamran, Dwayne, EDUCA33E, ESkog, Edgar181, Ekko, El C, Elkman, Emote, Enviroboy, Ewk, Exeunt, Exir Kamalabadi, Exploding Boy, Falcon8765, Fallerd, FelisLeo, Finlay, Fl, Foomanwoo, Fredrik, FrozenMan, Frdrick Lacasse, Fui in terra aliena, Furrykef, Gakmo, Gardenman13, Gilisa, Gilliam, Ginsengbomb, Glane23, Gobonobo, Gokupiccilo, Graham87, Granpuff, Grey Shadow, Grstain, Gwrede, HPRappaport, Heathinv, Hectorthebat, HedgeHog, Hende jman, Hmrox, Holg.Klein, Hoponpop69, Hut 6.5, Hveziris, Iain99, IceKarma, Ida Shaw, Ifnord, Insanity Incarnate, Iridescent, J.delanoy, JAF1970, JQF, Jack-A-Roe, JackLumber, Jackelfive, Jacob.lister, Jake Wartenberg, JakeCocktail, JamesAM, Jaranda, Jared Hunt, Jdf1955, Jeff Silvers, JenKilmer, Jfdwolff, Jkoz86, Jobe457, Joe Cool555, John Vandenberg, JohnWittle, Jojhutton, Jon Ascton, Joniscool98, Joshua Issac, Jpeeling, Jrs parrott, Juliancolton, Jusdafax, Kafziel, Kakoui, Karada, Kennard2, Khendon, Kjramesh, Klbrownie, KnightRider, Koraki, Kummi, Kusyadi, Kwsn, L Kensington, LOL, Lauren 261194, Leafyplant, Levineps, Ling.Nut, Linsilou, Lisasmall, Little Mountain 5, Liztanp, Lowtolerance, LupusEvolve, MajorStovall, Manufracture, Marek69, Martarius, MayaSimFan, Mbmaciver, Meco, Mehru724, Meodipt, Michal Nebyla, Mikeeltoro27, Mindspillage, Miserlou, Misscutie27, Moanzhu, Moe Epsilon, My76Strat, NHRHS2010, Nataeiy1, NawlinWiki, Nburden, Nivenus, Noclevername, Nunquam Dormio, Pairadox, Patriarch, Patrick, Penwhale, Peter.C, PeterSymonds, Petlif, Petrb, Philip Trueman, Philopedia, Pile-Up, Pinethicket, Pladask, Psy3330 W10, Pulsar06, Purantiwari, Ravedave, Rcsprinter123, Red thirteenthousandsskillions, RedWordSmith, Remurmur, ResearchEditor, RexNL, Ridernyc, Rnb, Rob Hooft, Ronhjones, SQL, SaniOKh, Sarranduin, Sceptre, Schwenkstar, Scythia, Sexmonkeys, Shark96z, Sharkface217, ShelfSkewed, SimonP, SkyWalker, Skysmith, Slakhan, Snoyes, Speedfranklin, SpuriousQ, Standardname, Stefan Kruithof, Surv1v4l1st, Sverdrup, TTN, TakuyaMurata, Tamfang, Tbhotch, Teemu08, The Anome, The Cowdestroyer, The Famous Movie Director, The Thing That Should Not Be, The purple fog, TheEgyptian, Theccy, Therealhazel, Thingg, Thomasiscool, Tide rolls, Tobias Bergemann, Tortov, Ugen64, Ultatri, Unreal7, Veno flipper, VerbumOrator, Vicki Rosenzweig, WLU, WadeSimMiser, Ward3001, Washington irving, Webhat, Weeliljimmy, White Shadows, Wikieditor1988, William Avery, Willking1979, Wimt, Wisgary, Xompanthy, YegerMeister, Yodaj007, Yohan euan o4, Zeraeph, 965 , ,55anonymous edits

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