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In the text my impression of Robert is that he is cowardly, jealous and with thirst of power.

can recognize this by the description of the character in the development of the story: the thirst
of power is seen in “And he always repaired there nightly to exercise authority over his wife
and six children. He wanted tremendous power and authority over his employer. He thinks that his
employer is as wax in his hands and that he controls his life which according to him is tremendous
power. I can also tell he desired for the authority and power over his employer as when his wife came,
his face fall visibly as he thought she would take control of his power of controlling his employer's life.
The insecurity in “Robert began to feel like a human being” and the cowardice in “He gathered
up all the tins of dog food, all the tins of dog food, milk, tethered the dog to the settee and
walked off, out of the house and the job he had loved to do. He didn’t dare to speak up to his
employer and talked about the situation and decided to just kill the dog.Lastly, he is overpowered
by jealousy of Bingo the dog. When he saw that Bingo was having a better life than him, getting treated
better by his mistress, he thought the dog was more important than himself and this detested this affair.
When he got home in the evening and saw his children, with distended stomachs, gamboling in
the filth that simmered in a swollen stream at his door, and watched them hungrily swallow
small balls of eba, he asked himself “ Who born dog ” that means who is born to be and live like a dog,
whom he thinks should be Bingo the dog as seen in the end of the text. It shows the comparison Robert
is trying to make with the dog which makes him driven with jealousy seeing the dog is doing better than
him. He also developed a pathological hatred and jealousy of the dog such that he killed him in the end.

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