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have to + should + must * Verb+noun + Pronunciation ~ sounds and spelling have to 1 Positive, negative, question 1 Complete the interview with professional football player, Tony Mancini, using the ines in the box. have to play hastobe doyouhavetorun havetobe have to watch doyouhavetodo hastorun _don'thavetogo doesn't have to watch ‘Tony, what do you need to do to be a successful footballer? T Well professional fotbalers hae tobe. very it, Sometimes we two matches a week. 1 What?___tokeep fit? . ‘Tony Mancini T I go to the training ground most days. 1 What kind of training do you do? 2. Complete the questions using T Well, at 10,00 on Monday mornings we start with a run. hhaveito. Tero en z 1 ‘What time does Tony have to ‘T About five miles! That wakes you up on a Monday, I can tell you! start traning on Monday 2 morning’ 1 Does everybody do that? “ap otdodk’ q in ther than T Oh, yes! Well, actually, the captain®_further thar 2 “How many miles___the anyone else! 7 players_____run? 1 Why? ‘Five? T Its abit ofa joke! Because he the leader, he ® thebest! 5. “tow many days a week On other days we do circuit training or match practice. Tony ike 1 Doyou train every day? Four! T No, Just four days a week. Wednesday is usually a ree day, so 4 ‘What sort of food to the ground that day. footballer eat?” 1 What do you do on your day off? ‘Lots of carbohydrates and T My wife and I usually do something together - shopping, lunch or just a low-fat meat! ‘walk. Then in the afternoon, I often play golf, ‘Tony's wife diet? watch him play?” “No, she doesnt. But she likes to’ Do youhave a sp. ee what I eat very carefully ~ lots of carbohydrates, such as pasta and rice, and low-fat meat. ‘Your matches are usually at the weekends. Does your wife watch? T Yes, she does. She? , but she says she enjoys it. Unit 8 + Girlsand boys 53, 2. Possession and obligation Does have mean possession (P) or obligation (0) in these sentences? Write P or 0, He has a really good job. a She has to work really hard. oO How many hours a day does she have to work? Does he have a lot of meetings? Thave to do it before tomorrow. How many exercises do we have to do? 1 2 3 4 5. Thavea lot of homework tonight. 6 7 8 When can we have a coffee break? 3. Past — had to/didn't have to Complete the ines in the conversation between Beth and her grandmother with a form of have to. B Grandma, when you were a child, ' you do any housework?” G Ofcourse! 1? help my mother in the kitchen! B And? ____ your brother help, too? G Yes. He! work on the farm with my father. B What about school? °__children do homework back then? G Yes, we did. Lots! B And®____you take lots of horrible exams like me? G No, we do as many exams in those days. Maybe life was better then, afterall! 54 Unit 8 * Girls and boys 4. Me and my family Write ten true sentences about you and your family, using the chart. 1 do the washing-up. We dothe ironing. ‘My parents do the shoppir wymins | ovat ‘My father ‘get up early, vbr |S aime iciamomie aula: caine My grandfather pay tax. 11 Myarandfather doesnt have to goto work. ; 4 4 5 a 7 8 > 10 5. Correcting mistakes Correct the mistake in each sentence. doesnt have 1 He basrit to work. He’ a millionaire. 2. Have you to wear a uniform in your job? 3. Thave study very hard because I want to get a good job. 4. We not have to get up early tomorrow. Its Saturday! 5. When I wasa child Ihave to help my mother with the housework. 6 Do you have to an English lesson today? should 6 Advice 1 Give advice to these people. Use I think... should ... or 1 dont think ... should ... and a phrase from the box. ‘eat so much cake gotowork —__feedher ‘go by bus instead getmarried —_gotothedentist take them back to the shop 1 Mary's got a bad cold. | don't think she should go to work. ‘Tony wants to drive to work, but he hasr't got his glasses. ‘My tooth hurts. James and Amy are only 16, but they want to get married. “The baby’s crying, I think she’s hungry. Tim so fat! My trousers don't fit me anymore! ‘There’ a hole in my shoe. I only bought them last weekend, 2 Ask for advice in these situations. Use Do you think ... should .. 1 ‘Tom has asked me to marry him, Do you think I should say yes? ‘We want to go somewhere hot for our holiday. Where 2 T can't decide whether to get a job or go to university What z Were going to have a party at our flat, but its so small! How many people z Dave's parents are coming for dinner. What 2 7 have to or should? ‘Complete the sentences with a form of have to or should. 1 Jeff works too hard? “Lagree. I really think he should slow down! 2. When you'e in the army, you you're told, do what 3. I'm going to bed now. I be up very early, 4 You've got a terrible cough. You really stop smoking. 5 ‘You haven't met my boyfriend, have you?” “No. You invite him round for a drink. Td love to meet him? 6 “Tim doesn’t want to go to school tomorrow? “He __go! He has no choice!” 7 Uthink you____get your hair cut. Its getting very long. 8 ow go to Jenny’ party?” “Yes, we do! She’ expecting us? 9 “My boyfriend expects me to do his washing for him? “I don't think you himself? Tell him to do it 10. ‘Tim going on a driving holiday in England’ “Remember you drive on the left! Unit 8 + Girlsand boys 55 must 8 Obligation Complete the sentences with must and a verb in the box. call bay write go tidy meet —_‘lookafter 1 Its my mother’ birthday next week. I.must buy her a present. 2. My bedroom’ such @ mess! I anyone sees it itup before 3. Mary’sa lovely girl. You her. You'll love her! 4 Thavent spoken to Sally for ages. I her soon. 5 You can borrow my suit, but you very expensive, it Itwas 6 Thete’.a great film on at the cinema, You and see it! 7 ‘There are so many things I need from the shops! 1 a list or I'll forget them. 9 mustn't or don't have to? Complete the sentences with mustn't or don't/doesn't have to. 1 You tell lies I's very naughty. 2 You ‘come with me if you don't want to. 3 The British Museum is free. You ay. 4 Jimmy is very ill. He get out of bed. 5 ‘Tell your children they pick the flowers in my garde 6 Thave the day off tomorrow, so I get up early. 7 Vanessa is very rich, She go to work. 8 Sh! "The baby’s asleep! You wake her! 56 Unit 8 » Girls and boys Reading 10 The helicopter pilot 1 @ Read about Linda Lewis. Complete the sentences with a word and a number. 1 Linda has worked as a pilot for more than 10_ years. 2 She got her __after_years. 3 You have to fly for at least__hours to become a pilot 4 She worked in Wisconsin for ___ years. She had to transport huge 5 Inher present job she has to work for hours a. 6 She works for__ days and then has. six days The helicopter pilot Linda Lewis is from North Carolina in the USA. She has been a helicopter pilot for over ten years. Linda has always been interested in jobs usually ddone by men. At first she wanted to be a firefighter, bbut after her first flying lesson, that was it, she decided to become a pilot Linda had aon It wasn’t easy. Maria had to pay for all her flying lessons. She says: ‘Most pilots get their traning in the military so they don't have to pay for their lessons’ Each lesson cost $150 an hour. It took: Linda two years to gether licence. You have to have atleast 150 hours of flying to be a commercial pilot so Linda spent more than $30,000 learning to fy ‘To help pay for her lessons, she sold her car, her skis, and her camera. She also borrowed money from a fiend ‘When she got her licence Linda spent six years ‘working in logging camps in Wisconsin, She had to carry huge logs from the forest to trucks. Today 2 Read the text again. Are the sentences true (V7) or false (x)? Correct the false sentences. Linda always wanted to be a pilot. At first she wanted to be a firefighter. 2 CL Military pilots have to pay for lessons. 3 [J A friend lent her some money to pay for lessons. 4 (1 She had to cut down trees in Wiscons 5 6 C1 She now works as a flying doctor. (1 She doesn't have to fly when the weather is ly very bad. (Fy ‘the students at her school come from the US. 8 (_] Last summer she spent some time in Italy. (J She thinks that there should be more scholarships for military pilots. she works as a rescue pilot. she ay carries patients to care centres eae. and hospitals, “The challenge pilot. Contes when you have o pick somebody up fom a dial cident spot’ Linda has to work 12 hours 2 day fr sx days She wasn a bunk house tt ther pilots fr a call" the weathers bad 1 have to decide ihe fight is possible or not Alter si days of work, she has six days off Linda has also opened a helicopter school for students from all over the world. “Training students is fun. They are so excited about flying” She's made friends with a lot of the students, Last summer she spent a week in the villa of a friend near Florence, Italy and went to Rome to a convention for helicopter pilots She says: ‘I's still hard for women, They have to compete ‘with all the military pilots who have the advantage of excellent training. There should be more scholarships for women pilots? Listening Tl The train driver Listen to the interview with train driver, Sue Hipperson. Look at the questions she is asked and make notes as you listen. 1 How long have you been a train driver? 2 Do you earn a good salary? 3. What's the best thing about the job? 4 Are there any disadvantages? How did you become a train driver? 6 Do you meet any interesting people? 7 Do you have to wear a uniform? 8 [sit difficult for a woman in what is usually a man's job? 9 Whats your advice to young women who are interested in the job? Unit 8 + Girlsand boys 57 Vocabulary T2 Verb + noun 1 Write the words in the box in the correct column, 3. Write the words in the box in the correct column. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of a make or do phrase in exercise 1 1 Saturday morning is when we do the housework. 1 do the ironing, and my husband cleans. 2 Its Oliver's birthday tomorrow, so I'm going to -Ineed 15 candles! 3. I don't know if want the steak or the fish. Tean't 4 Good luck in your exam, Just. Tm sure you'll pass. 5 Could you #Can you get me some stamps when you're at the shops? 6 Itcan be difficult to ‘when you move toa new area. But you soon get to know people. 7 Tm going to the supermarket to Do you need anything? 8 Doyou mind if my boss. 7 need to ring ‘friends thehousework myhomework a cake photo some music on your gasses on theshopping aniT course phone all your best my advice the datein my diary longtime upmymind the washing-up _meafavour _anoise suncream on the childrento the 200 your cat off make do take put friends 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form ofa take ‘or put phrase in exercise 3 1 ‘What are you doing this weekend?” Tm . They love animals? 2. Everyone stand together! I want to 3 ‘Tcan't read this menu’ i ! Then you'll be able to read it!” 4 ‘Can you come to my party on the 18th?” “Oh, yes. Pll now! 5 You must be patient. It better after a serious illness. to get 6 Do you mind if I 2 Jazz? Pop? 7 [really think you should and stop smoking 8 You must when you lie in the sun ~ factor 20, at least! 58 Unit 8 * Girlsand boys Pronunciation Just for funt 1B Sounds and spelling 14 Crossword ~ clothes Complete the crossword. ‘The answers are all things you can wear. 1 friend a fa € fai! 2 learn aly iN 3 war alel bial € fou! 4 good alo) bine ful 5 food alul bi fail 6 free aly bic fis 7 kind alo bla foul 8 cake alay blac Jew! 9 now afoul — bla hal 2. Match the words that rhyme, word a) pul bread | b (June 1 2 3 height =| ¢ (1) bird 4 beat = | d OO) said 5. ball e LO meet 6 should =| f () white 7 find 8 O ow 8 soon h O signed 9 crowd |i LC] wood pos 1 Apiece of women’ clothing that covers the body and part ofthe legs. (5) @ Listen and check. 3 Apiece of women's lating that hangs fom the waist. (5 6 You wear this round your waist to keep your clothes. 3 The same vowel sound can have different spelings. inplce. (4) Jox!:. ffotl four fwa3! war imo:/ more fox! law 9 Aset of clothes, usualy jacket and trousers or sit (4) 11 The top haf of a suit. (6 Complete the words. TR Asofthat with a peak that comes out over your eyes (3) 1B. You wear this round your neck when it cald 5) Livy st f__th 14 Another word fora sweater (6) nT 15. You wear these on your feet in warm weather (7) 3 iy ft thr__gh Down 2 Short trousers that end ator above the knee (6) 4 fav m, ne h____ght 4) Aman might wear this with a shirt when he wants to 5 foul sl wij ke ‘ook smart. (3) 5 You wear these on your feet isde you shoes 5) @ Listen and check. 6 Atype of shoe that covers the foot and part of the leg (5) 7 You wear these on your hands when it cold (6) 8 Youwearthesein bed. (7) 10 Shoes that you wear todo sports.) Unit 8 + Girlsand boys 59

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