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KG Stuttgart, Germany
LOT II Access Roads and Crane Platforms / Pristupni putevi i platforme
Main Design/Glavni projekat
Book WFM-LOT2-MD-1



Prema projektnom zadatku i u njemu We have prepared the Main Design of the
definiranim zahtjevima izradili smo glavni access road for WF Mesihovina according to
projekat pristupne ceste za V.E. Mesihovina. the Terms of Reference and defined
Cijela dionica od priključka na M6.1 pa do WF requirements therein. The whole section from
Mesihovina se dijeli na tri poddionice i to: the junction to M6.1 to WF Mesihovina is
divided into three sections:
 prva poddionica do km 6+150  first subsection to km 6+150
 druga poddinoca od 6+150 do 12+150  second subsection from 6+150 to
uključujući odvojak do trafostanice 12+150 including branch to the
 treća poddionica od 12+050 do 19+350 substation
uključujući odvojke do vjetro turbina.  third subsection from 12+050 to 19+350
including branches to wind turbines.
U ovoj knjizi je obrađena prva poddionica. The first subsection has been elaborated in
Kako je prethodno izrađeni glavni projekat this book. Since the Bill of Quantities of the
priključka na M 6.1 (knjiga 1) predmjerom previously prepared Main Design of the
radova obuhvatio ovu cestu u dužini od prvih junction to M 6.1 (Book 1) encompassed this
200m, to se ova prva poddionica nastavlja na road in the length of the first 200m, then this
stacionažu od km 0+200 i ide do stacionaže first subsection continues to the chainage from
km 6+150. 0+200 and goes to the chainage km 6+150.
Na prijevoju Privala, kao najpogodnijem Geodetic staking out of the roadway centerline
mjestu na magistralnoj cesti gdje je projektiran was performed on the Privala pass as the most
priključak, od km 0+200 po idejnom projektu, suitable place on the main road, where a
izvršeno je geodetsko kolčenje osovine trase connection was designed from km 0+200 as
na osnovu kojeg je strojnim putem izvedeno per the preliminary design, based on which a
grubo probijanje trase tj. skidanje gornjeg sloja rough route preparation was executed
temeljnog tla u prosječnoj širini od 3m. mechanically. i.e. removal of the upper layer of
Ovako izvedena trasa poslužila je za izvršenje formation soil in the average width of 3m.
geološko tehničkih radova kao i za The roadway executed in that way has served
rekognosciranje trase od strane stručnog tima for the execution of geological and technical
angažiranog na izradi ove projektne works as well the roadway reconnaissance by
dokumentacije. an expert team engaged in the preparation of
design documentation.
Trasa van zahvata je obrasla srednje visokim i The route out of intervention is overgrown by
visokim raslinjem. medium-high and high vegetation.
FICHTNER GmbH & Co. KG Stuttgart, Germany
LOT II Access Roads and Crane Platforms / Pristupni putevi i platforme
Main Design/Glavni projekat
Book WFM-LOT2-MD-1


Za priključnu cestu za V.E. Mesihovina The Main Design of the First section from
urađen je glavni projekt Prve dionice od km0+200 to km 6+150 was prepared for the
km 0+200 do km 6+150 u svrhu access road for WF Mesihovina for
sagledavanja postojećeg stanja kao i consideration of the existing situation as well to
davanja optimalnog rješenja. provide the optimal solution.

Glavni projekt predmetne ceste urađen je The Main Design of the road concerned
na temelju geodetske situacije postojećeg isprepared on the basis of geodetic situation
stanja u razmjeri 1:1000 te snimljenih existing condition in the scale 1:1000 and
poprečnih profila razmjere 1:100 i surveyed cross-sections in the scale 1:100 and
projektnog zadatka odnosno parametra Terms of Reference, i.e. the parameters given
danih od strane potencijalnih dobavljača by the potential equipment suppliers of wind
opreme za vjetroturbine. generators.
The newly designed first section is conditioned
Novo projektirana prva dionica ceste by:
uvjetovana je:
- start of the route, from the Privala pass
- početkom trase, od prijevoja Privala on km 0+200.
na km 0+200,
- as much as possible convenient flow of
- što povoljnijim tokom trase u the road route both horizontally and
horizontalnom i visinskom smislu, vertically,

- te krajem prve dionice na km 6+150. - and end of the first section on km 6+150.

Projektnim zadatkom i uputama EPC-a su Elements for designing are specified in detail by
detaljno zadati elementi za projektovanje. the Terms of Reference and EPC instructions.
Ovdje izdvajamo neke osnovne elemente We are highlighting here some of the basic
za projektovanje: elements for designing:

- širina kolovoza 5,0 m - width of the roadway 5,0 m

- širina bankine 0,75 m do 1,5 m - width of the shoulder 0,75 to 1,5 m

u zavisnosti od broja snopova depending upon the number of cable bunches
kablova koji povezuju WT-ove i TS connecting WTs and substation

- tip kolovozne konstrukcije: makadamska - type of the pavement structure: macadam

- proširenje kolovoza u krivini prema - roadway widening in the curve according to

zahtjevima projektnog zadatka requirements of the Terms of Reference

- mimoilaznice prema konfiguraciji terena - passing areas according to the land contour
i preglednosti puta and road visibility
FICHTNER GmbH & Co. KG Stuttgart, Germany
LOT II Access Roads and Crane Platforms / Pristupni putevi i platforme
Main Design/Glavni projekat
Book WFM-LOT2-MD-1

Širina kolovoza u krivini je usvojena prema The width of the roadway in the curve was
sljedećoj tabeli [m]: adopted according to the following table:

R Nasip Zasjek R Embankment Side Cut

55 8,6 9,2 55 8,6 9,2
60 8,3 8,9 60 8,3 8,9
70 7,7 8,4 70 7,7 8,4
75 7,4 8,1 75 7,4 8,1
80 7,3 7,9 80 7,3 7,9
100 6,6 7,2 100 6,6 7,2
120 6,1 6,7 120 6,1 6,7
150 5,5 6,1 150 5,5 6,1
175 5,2 5,7 175 5,2 5,7
200 5,0 5,4 200 5,0 5,4
≥250 5,0 5,0 ≥250 5,0 5,0

Tehnički elementi projektiranih površina Technical elements of designed surfaces are

određeni su na osnovu računske brzine za defined on the basis of computational speed for
nekategorizirane ceste Vrač=30km/h, kao i unclassified roads Vrač= 30 km/h, as well as
zadanog transportnog vozila za dovoz specified transportation vehicle needed for
opreme. equipment shipment.
Provjera širine kolovoza kod krivina među Checking of the width of the roadway in curves
kojima nema dovoljno pravca izvršena je among which there is no enough direction was
kontrolnom provoza mjerodavnog vozila. carried out by control transit of competent

Sa slike je vidljivo da ovakvo vozilo It can be seen from the picture that such a
zahtijeva minimalno „kritične“ radijuse vehicle requires at least „critical“radii of road
krivina prometnica i dozvoljenih nagiba na curves and allowable slopes to which
koje treba obratiti posebnu pažnju. particular attention should be paid. For the
Za prolaz ovog ili ovakvog vozila duž trase pass of such or similar vehicle along the
minimalni radijus horizontalne krivine route the minimum horizontal curve radius
utvrđen je projektnim zadatkom. Trasa was specified by the Terms of Reference.
prve dionice projektirana je sa 19 krivina The first section route was designed with 19
sa najmanjim radijusom horizontalne curves where the smallest horizontal curve
krivine od R=150m, ostali radijusi krivina radius is R=150m, other curve radii are
su veći i kreću se od R=175m do R=500m. larger and they range from R=175m to
FICHTNER GmbH & Co. KG Stuttgart, Germany
LOT II Access Roads and Crane Platforms / Pristupni putevi i platforme
Main Design/Glavni projekat
Book WFM-LOT2-MD-1

Radius 25 m

Razmatrajući funkcije ograničenja posebnu Considering the limitation functions there

pozornost treba dati dozvoljenim should be particularly paid attention to the
poprečnim i uzdužnim nagibima pristupne allowable cross and longitudinal slope of the
ceste. Iz slike i tablice ispod, vidljivo je access road. It is evident from the picture as
kako dozvoljeni poprečni nagib ceste well the table below that the allowable road
iznosi 2% za širine vozila 2,5 –3m i crossfall is 2% for the width of a vehicle of
efektivnu širinu ceste 5-10m što ovisi o 2,5- 3 m and the effective width of the road
izboru tipa dizalice. Uzdužni nagibi cesta 5- 10 m depending on the choice of the
ne smiju prijeći 8%. Trasa prve dionice crane type. The first section route was
projektirana je od 28 vertikalni krivina sa designed with 28 vertical curves with the
najvećim nagibom do 7,94%. largest gradient up to 7,94%.
FICHTNER GmbH & Co. KG Stuttgart, Germany
LOT II Access Roads and Crane Platforms / Pristupni putevi i platforme
Main Design/Glavni projekat
Book WFM-LOT2-MD-1

Na osnovu zadanog tipa transportnog On the basis of a given type of transportation

vozila i njegovih uvjeta u smislu kritičnih vehicle and its requirements in terms of
radijusa horizontalnih i vertikalnih krivina critical radii of horizontal and vertical curves
kao i poprečnih i uzdužnih nagiba as well as crossfalls and gradients, the first
projektirana je prva dionica priključne section of the access road was designed with
ceste sa potrebitim mimoilaznicama na necessary passing areas at the highest points
najvišim točkama zaobljenja nivelete a sa of vertical curve, and with the smallest
najmanjim uzdužnim nagibima i gradients and appropriate locations for that in
topografskim za to prikladnim mjestima. terms of topography.

Uzdužni nagib novo projektirane dionice The newly designed section gradient is from
ceste je od km 0+200 u pravcu V.E. km 0+200 in the direction of WF Mesihovina
Mesihovina je u usponu od 5,74% u duljini and rising 5,74% in the length of 15,43m' with
od 15,43m' sa radijusom vertikalnog the radius of vertical rounded curve
zaobljenja od Rv=3000m' a dalje takođe Rv=3000m’ and further on also the finished
niveleta je u usponu od 3,96% u duljini od road level is rising 3,96% in the length of
289,03m'. Ostale vrijednosti nivelete su 289,03m', Other values of the finished road
vidljive iz uzdužnog profila trase. level are visible from the route profile grade.

Poprečni padovi na makadamskoj cesti i Crossfalls on the macadam road and passing
mimoilaznoj površini su dvostrani od osovine area are cambered from the centerline by 2%
po 2% prema kraju kolnika. Uz kraj kolnika towards the end of the roadway. The shoulder
projektirana je bankina uz makadamsku was designed along the roadway end next to
cestu i mimoilaznu površinu širine od 0,75m'. the macadam road and passing area in the
width of 0,75m'.
FICHTNER GmbH & Co. KG Stuttgart, Germany
LOT II Access Roads and Crane Platforms / Pristupni putevi i platforme
Main Design/Glavni projekat
Book WFM-LOT2-MD-1


Na postojećem terenu uz djelimično There are wild grown bushes and plants on the
izvedenu cestu nalazi se samoniklo grmlje existing ground close to partially executed road,
i raslinje koje znatno sužava planum ceste which significantly reduce the road substructure
koje treba ukloniti. that need to be removed.

Nasipe izvoditi od predrobljenog kamenitog Embankments are to be executed from the pre-
materijala (V i VI kategorije) iz iskopa koji crushed stone material (V and VI category) from
zadovoljava tehničke uslove. Nasipe the excavation which meets technical
izvoditi u slojevima čija je debljina u skladu requirements. Embankments are to be executed
sa dubinskim učinkom upotrebljavanih in layers which thickness is in accordance with the
sredstava za zbijanje i kreće se od 300 do depth effect of the used means of compaction and
500 mm. Prije izvođenja nasipa uraditi ranges from 300 to 500 mm. The preparation of
pripremu podloge uz prethodno skidanje bedding is to be executed before execution of
šiblja i humusa. Najveće zrno u embankments with prior removal of shrubs and
nekoherentnom zemljanom materijalu za humus. The largest grain in the non-cohesive soil
posteljicu ne smije biti veće od 125 mm. material for subgrade should not be larger than 125
Izvesti zbijanje slojeva do modula mm. Compaction of layers is to be done up to the
stišljivosti najmanje M s=30 MN/m2. Pokose modulus of compressibility M s=30 MN/m2. Slope
nasipa raditi sa nagibom 1:1,5, a sve u grades of embankments are to be executed with a
skladu sa poprečnim profilima. slope 1:1,5, and all in accordance with cross
Ukupna količina nasipa na trasi prve The total quantity of embankments on the route of
dionice je 18.833 m 3 ili 3,17 m 3/m. the first sections is 18.833 m3 or 3,17 m3/m.

Iskope raditi u skladu sa preporukama koje Excavations are to be executed in accordance with
su date u geotehničkom elaboratu: sa the recommendations given in the geotechnical
nagibom 3:1 na dubinama usjeka većim od study: with a slope 3:1 at depths of cuttings greater
3m, a na dubinama usjeka od 2 do 3m than 3 m, and slopes 2:1 are to be designed at
projektovati nagibe 2:1, te u usjecima do depths of cuttings from 2 to 3 m, and slopes 1:1,5
2m visine projektovati nagibe 1:1,5. Kod are to be designed in cuttings up to the height of 2m.
kosina usjeka većih visina i tamo gdje to For slopes of cuttings having greater heights and
geološki i geomehanički uslovi where geological and geomechanical conditions
dozvoljavaju prije masovnog miniranja allow that it should be envisaged blasting by the
predvidjeti miniranje preispliting metodom presplitting method (separation of rock mass which
(razdvajanje mase stijene koja ostaje i remains and mass to be removed) before mass
mase koja se uklanja). Na ovaj način će se blasting. In that way a better quality of cutting slope
dobiti kvalitetnija kosina usjeka koju neće will be obtained which will not need wedging.
biti potrebno kavati. Također, neophodno Moreover, it is necessary to perform wedging and
je izvršiti kavanje i skidanje labilnih removal of unstable pieces of limestone at the
komada krečnjaka po visini novoformirane height of newly formed slope, in places where
škarpe, na mjestima gdje se pojavi potreba there is a need for them.
za istim. The total quantity of excavation on the route is
Ukupna količina iskopa na trasi je 24.925 24.925 m3 or 4,19 m 3/m.
m3 ili 4,19 m 3/m.

Na potezu obradivog zemljišta predviđeno On the stretch of arable land is planned removal of
je skidanje sloja humusa u debljini od 100 topsoil in thickness of 100 cm, according to the
FICHTNER GmbH & Co. KG Stuttgart, Germany
LOT II Access Roads and Crane Platforms / Pristupni putevi i platforme
Main Design/Glavni projekat
Book WFM-LOT2-MD-1

cm, u skladu sa poprečnim profilima. U cross sections. If the required moduli of

koliko se na ovim potezima ne može postići compressibility specified on the normal cross
zahtjevani moduli stišljivosti kojim su section cannot be achieved on these stretches, it is
navedeni na normalnom poprečnom necessary, in agreement with the supervisory
profilu, potrebno je u dogovoru sa authority, to make the selection and installation of
nadzornim organom izvršiti izbor i ugradnju the appropriate geogrids.
odgovarajućih geomreža.

Iskope stepenica raditi sa nagibom iskopa Excavations of stairs are to be executed with an
2:1 te nagibom donje plohe stepenice u excavation slope 2:1 and slope of 2% of the bottom
nagibu 2%. surface of the stair.
Sav materijal iz iskopa V i VI kategorije se All material excavated from categories V and VI can
može predrobiti i nakon kontrole be pre-crushed and used as a material for the
geomehaničkih karakteristika upotrijebiti embankments after controlling geomechanical
kao materijal za izradu nasipa. properties.
Lokaciju za deponovanje viška iskopanog Location for disposal of surplus excavated material
materijala će osigurati Izvođač uz shall be provide by the Contractor with the consent
saglasnost sa Investitorom i uz konsultaciju of the Employer and in consultation with the local
sa lokalnom zajednicom, dok je konačna community, while the final decision on the location of
odluka o lokaciji deponije odgovornost the landfill is the responsibility of the Employer.


Projektovana kolovozna konstrukcija na The designed pavement structure on the access

pristupnoj cesti od M6.1 do V.E. road from M6.1 to WF Mesihovina is macadam in
Mesihovina je makadamska, troslojna, three layers, with a total thickness 70cm and is as
ukupne debljine 70 cm i iznosi : follows:

- gornji sloj zbijeni tucanik max.Ø30mm, - upper layer compacted road metal max.Ø30mm,
d=10cm. EV2≥150 MN/m 2 ili MS≥100 MN/m2 d=10cm. EV2≥150 MN/m 2 orM S≥100 MN/m2
- srednji sloj zbijeni tucanik max.Ø60mm, - middle layer compacted road metal max.Ø60mm,
d=30cm. EV2≥150 MN/m2 ili MS≥100 MN/m 2 d=30cm. EV2≥150 MN/m2 or MS≥100 MN/m 2
- geomreže po potrebi - geogrid as required
- donji sloj zbijeni tucanik max.Ø60mm, - lower layer compacted road metal max.Ø60mm,
d=30cm. EV2≥100 MN/m 2 ili MS≥80 MN/m2 d=30cm. EV2≥100 MN/m 2 or MS≥80 MN/m2
Zamjena podtla najmanje 30 cm. Replacement of roadbed at least 30 cm.
Podtlo i nasip. EV2≥45 MN/m2 ili Roadbed and embankment EV2≥45 MN/m2 or
MS≥30 MN/m2 MS≥30 MN/m2

Predložena kolnička konstrukcija The proposed pavement structure satisfies the

zadovoljava predviđeno opterećenje od anticipated load of traffic.

Sve radove na predmetnoj dionici ceste All works on the junction concerned need to be
potrebno je uraditi u skladu sa važećim executed in accordance with applicable standards
standardima i tehničkim normativima. and technical norms.
FICHTNER GmbH & Co. KG Stuttgart, Germany
LOT II Access Roads and Crane Platforms / Pristupni putevi i platforme
Main Design/Glavni projekat
Book WFM-LOT2-MD-1


Kako je vidljivo iz grafičkih priloga da će se As it is visible from the drawings all rainwater
sva odvodnja sa kolnika odvijati poprečno from roadway will be conducted transversally
do jaraka i iz njih u novo projektirane to the ditches and from them to the newly
propuste koji vode dalje do recipijenta. designed culverts leading further to

Na priključnoj cesti ove dionice projektiran On the access road of this section, a ditch is
je jarak uz lijevi i desni rub bankine dubine designed alongside the left and right
minimalno 30 cm ispod posteljice a koji shoulder edge, with the depth of min 30 cm
podužno prati niveletu priključne ceste. under the bedding, and which is following
Jarke izvesti niz nizbrdnu stranu do longitudinally the finished road level of the
propusta odnosno do prirodnih access road. The ditches are to be executed
recepijenata kako je vidljivo iz građevinske along downward side to culverts, i.e. to
situacije. Na ovoj dionici trase projektirano natural receptacles as it is visible from the
je 10 betonskih cijevastih propusta construction plan. On this section of the route
promjera cijevi 100cm za prihvat oborinskih 10 concrete tubular culverts were designed
voda sa kolnika. with the tube diameter 100cm for receiving
precipitations from the roadway.

Dimenzije podužnih odvodnih elemenata Dimensions of longitudinal drainage system

određene su prema standardnim elements are designed according to the
veličinama. standard dimensions.

U projektu je dat predmjer radova s The Bill of Quantities is provided in the

dokaznicom mjera za sve stavke na bazi design together with the specification of
snimljenog terena, radi sagledavanja quantities for all items on the basis of site
investicije. survey in order to foresee the investment.

Sve radove izvesti u svemu prema važećim All works have to be executed in all
propisima i standardima uz obveznu kontrolu according to applicable regulations and
kvaliteta ugrađenih materijala. standards with mandatory quality control of
built-in materials.

Sve ostalo je vidljivo iz priloženih grafičkih Everything else is visible from the enclosed
priloga i predmjera radova. drawings and the Bill of Quantities.

Sastavio: Prepared by:

Dipl.-Ing. S. Zierke Dipl.-Ing S. Zierke

Stuttgart, august/kolovoz 2012 god. Stuttgart, August 2012

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