ZS4400 Maintenance OpMan 6190.1875.02 01

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Service & Maintenance Tool

Maintenance Edition
Operating Manual

6190.1875.02 - 01
Operating Manual
The documentation describes the following software:

R&S®ZS4400 — 6105.2669.xx — Software version  02.00

xx = software variant

12/2017 Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG

Muehldorfstr. 15, 81671 Munich, Germany

Phone: +49 89 4129 0

Fax: +49 89 4129 12164

Email: info@rohde-schwarz.com

Internet: http://www.rohde-schwarz.com

Subject to change — Data without tolerance limits is not binding

R&S® is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG.

Trade names are trademarks of the owners.

Throughout this manual, products from Rohde & Schwarz are indicated without the ® symbol, e.g. R&S®ZS4400 is indicated as
R&S ZS4400.
R&S ZS4400 Abbreviations

addr, ADDR address

A ampere

ADF advanced data file

C control unit

CPU central processing unit

CU control unit

ENT enter

FW firmware

GUI graphical user interface

IP Internet Protocol

LAN local area network

M3SR multiband, multimode and multirole surface radio

MAC media access control

MHz megahertz

ms millisecond

OS operating system

PC personal computer

PIN personal identification number

R radio

R&S® Rohde & Schwarz

RAM random access memory

s second

SECOS secure EPM communication system

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 i

R&S ZS4400 Abbreviations

SOC software option control

SW software

TCP transmission control protocol

X R&S designator for connectors, e.g. X1

XT VHF/UHF transceiver

ii Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400

Table of Contents
1 Introduction............................................................................................ 1.1
1.1 Preface............................................................................................................................ 1.1
1.1.1 Features .......................................................................................................................... 1.1
1.1.2 Requirements .................................................................................................................. 1.2
1.2 Required Skills............................................................................................................... 1.2

2 Installation.............................................................................................. 2.1
2.1 Installing the Service & Maintenance Tool R&S ZS4400 ........................................... 2.1
2.2 Directory Structure and Files ..................................................................................... 2.10
2.3 Uninstallation............................................................................................................... 2.12

3 Description ............................................................................................. 3.1

3.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 3.1
3.2 Main View ....................................................................................................................... 3.1
3.3 Menu Bar ........................................................................................................................ 3.3
3.3.1 "File" Menu ...................................................................................................................... 3.3
3.3.2 "Edit" Menu...................................................................................................................... 3.7
3.3.3 "View" Menu .................................................................................................................... 3.8
3.3.4 "Applications" Menu......................................................................................................... 3.9
3.3.5 "Update 32" Menu ......................................................................................................... 3.11
3.3.6 "Help" Menu................................................................................................................... 3.12
3.4 Toolbar ......................................................................................................................... 3.14
3.5 Status Bar..................................................................................................................... 3.15

4 Operation................................................................................................ 4.1
4.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 4.1
4.2 Starting a Session ......................................................................................................... 4.1
4.2.1 Ethernet Connection........................................................................................................ 4.1
4.2.2 Running the Radio........................................................................................................... 4.3
4.2.3 Starting the Software ....................................................................................................... 4.4
4.2.4 Communications Connection........................................................................................... 4.4

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 1

R&S ZS4400 Table of Contents

4.3 Running a Session ........................................................................................................ 4.5

4.3.1 New Device ..................................................................................................................... 4.6
4.3.2 Connect to a Device ........................................................................................................ 4.8 Security: PINs.................................................................................................................. 4.9 "Clear PINs"................................................................................................................... 4.10 "Remove from list" ......................................................................................................... 4.10 "Load Options"............................................................................................................... 4.11 "Save Options" .............................................................................................................. 4.11
4.3.3 "Inventory" ..................................................................................................................... 4.12
4.3.4 "Errorlog" ....................................................................................................................... 4.15
4.3.5 Configuration ................................................................................................................. 4.18 Saving Configuration to Disk ......................................................................................... 4.20 Uploading Configuration to a Radio............................................................................... 4.21
4.3.6 Presets .......................................................................................................................... 4.22 Saving Presets to Disk .................................................................................................. 4.24 Uploading Presets to a Radio........................................................................................ 4.25
4.3.7 Software Update............................................................................................................ 4.26
4.3.8 Software Upload ............................................................................................................ 4.28

2 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400

List of Figures
Figure 2.1 Agreement for R&S ZS4400 ...................................................................................................... 2.2
Figure 2.2 Installation directory................................................................................................................... 2.3
Figure 2.3 User account control.................................................................................................................. 2.4
Figure 2.4 Welcome to WinPcap setup (example)...................................................................................... 2.5
Figure 2.5 Agreement for WinPcap ............................................................................................................ 2.6
Figure 2.6 Installation options for WinPcap ................................................................................................ 2.7
Figure 2.7 Completing WinPcap installation ............................................................................................... 2.8
Figure 2.8 Completing R&S ZS4400 installation ........................................................................................ 2.9
Figure 2.9 Modify/uninstall dialog ............................................................................................................. 2.12
Figure 2.10 Modify setup dialog.................................................................................................................. 2.13
Figure 2.11 Uninstall completed ................................................................................................................. 2.13
Figure 3.1 Service & Maintenance Tool GUI start-up screen (sample data) .............................................. 3.1
Figure 3.2 Screen layout (sample data)...................................................................................................... 3.2
Figure 3.3 File pull-down menu .................................................................................................................. 3.3
Figure 3.4 Customize directories ................................................................................................................ 3.4
Figure 3.5 Define own IP and send IP to R&S M3SR radio........................................................................ 3.5
Figure 3.6 "TCP/IP Timeout" dialog ............................................................................................................ 3.6
Figure 3.7 "Edit" pull-down menu................................................................................................................ 3.7
Figure 3.8 "View" pull-down menu .............................................................................................................. 3.8
Figure 3.9 "Applications" pull-down menu .................................................................................................. 3.9
Figure 3.10 "Applications" pull-down menu for a control unit...................................................................... 3.10
Figure 3.11 "Update 32" pull-down menu ................................................................................................... 3.11
Figure 3.12 "Help" pull-down menu ............................................................................................................ 3.12
Figure 3.13 "About ZS4400" window (sample data) ................................................................................... 3.13
Figure 3.14 Tool not connected to a device................................................................................................ 3.15
Figure 3.15 Tool connected to a device...................................................................................................... 3.16
Figure 3.16 Toolbar mouse-over information.............................................................................................. 3.16
Figure 4.1 Direct connection of radio and computer ................................................................................... 4.2
Figure 4.2 Connecting radio and computer via hub / switch ....................................................................... 4.3
Figure 4.3 Service & Maintenance Tool start-up (sample data).................................................................. 4.5
Figure 4.4 Device type selected (sample data) .......................................................................................... 4.6
Figure 4.5 "Add new device" dialog (sample data) ..................................................................................... 4.7
Figure 4.6 Connected to an R&S M3SR radio (sample data) ..................................................................... 4.8
Figure 4.7 Connected to an R&S M3SR Control Unit (sample data) .......................................................... 4.9
Figure 4.8 PIN entry request..................................................................................................................... 4.10
Figure 4.9 Device's inventory list (sample data) ....................................................................................... 4.12
Figure 4.10 Header data (sample data) ...................................................................................................... 4.13
Figure 4.11 Edit header data (sample data) ............................................................................................... 4.14

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 3

R&S ZS4400 List of Figures

Figure 4.12 Errorlog (sample data) ............................................................................................................. 4.15

Figure 4.13 Cleared errorlog (sample data)................................................................................................ 4.16
Figure 4.14 Detailed errorlog (sample data) ............................................................................................... 4.17
Figure 4.15 Errorlog details for a single error (sample data) ...................................................................... 4.17
Figure 4.16 Radio modules (sample data).................................................................................................. 4.18
Figure 4.17 Radio configuration (sample data)........................................................................................... 4.19
Figure 4.18 Configuration details (sample data, depending on SW release).............................................. 4.19
Figure 4.19 Configuration data files (sample data) ..................................................................................... 4.20
Figure 4.20 Presets activated (sample data) .............................................................................................. 4.22
Figure 4.21 Radio presets (sample data) ................................................................................................... 4.23
Figure 4.22 Selected presets (sample data) ............................................................................................... 4.24
Figure 4.23 Preparing presets to send to the radio (sample data) ............................................................. 4.25
Figure 4.24 Software update for a radio (sample data) .............................................................................. 4.27
Figure 4.25 Software update for a control unit (sample data)..................................................................... 4.27
Figure 4.26 "UPDATE32 start-up" .............................................................................................................. 4.29
Figure 4.27 Selection window: network adapter ......................................................................................... 4.30
Figure 4.28 Selection window: Ethernet communication target .................................................................. 4.31
Figure 4.29 MAC address ........................................................................................................................... 4.32
Figure 4.30 Progress of the update process............................................................................................... 4.33
Figure 4.31 Update completed (sample data) ............................................................................................ 4.34

4 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400

List of Tables
Table 1.1 Features of the Service & Maintenance Tool R&S ZS4400....................................................... 1.1
Table 2.1 Files installed in the working directory ..................................................................................... 2.10
Table 2.2 Directories created when starting the application for the first time .......................................... 2.11
Table 3.1 "File" menu ................................................................................................................................ 3.3
Table 3.2 "Select own IP" options.............................................................................................................. 3.5
Table 3.3 "Edit" menu ................................................................................................................................ 3.7
Table 3.4 "View" menu .............................................................................................................................. 3.8
Table 3.5 "Applications" menu................................................................................................................... 3.9
Table 3.6 "Help" Menu............................................................................................................................. 3.12
Table 3.7 Toolbar buttons........................................................................................................................ 3.14
Table 4.1 Dependency of software upload on software release and part number of Receiver Module
R&S ET4400............................................................................................................................ 4.28

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 5

R&S ZS4400 List of Tables

6 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400

"Applications" Menu ..........................................................3.10 M
"Clear PINs" ......................................................................4.10
"Edit" menu .........................................................................3.7 Main view ............................................................................3.1
"Errorlog" ...........................................................................4.15 Menu bar ............................................................................3.3
"File" menu ..........................................................................3.3
"Help" menu ......................................................................3.12
"Inventory" .........................................................................4.12 New device .........................................................................4.6
"Load Options" ..................................................................4.11
"Remove from list" ............................................................4.10 O
"Save Options" ..................................................................4.11
Operation ............................................................................4.1
"Update 32" menu .............................................................3.11
"View" menu ........................................................................3.8 P
A Preface ...............................................................................1.1
Presets .............................................................................4.22
Abbreviations ..........................................................................i
Required skills ....................................................................1.2
Communications connection ...............................................4.4
Requirements .....................................................................1.2
Configuration .....................................................................4.18
Running a session ..............................................................4.5
Connect to a device ............................................................4.8
Running the radio ...............................................................4.3
Description ..........................................................................3.1
Saving Configuration to Disk ............................................4.20
Directory structure and files ..............................................2.10
Saving Presets to Disk .....................................................4.24
E Security, PINs .....................................................................4.9
Software update ...............................................................4.26
Ethernet connection ............................................................4.1 Software upload ................................................................4.28
Starting a session ...............................................................4.1
F Starting the software ...........................................................4.4
Features ..............................................................................1.1 Status bBar .......................................................................3.15


General ...............................................................................4.1 Toolbar .............................................................................3.14


Installation ...........................................................................2.1 Uninstall ............................................................................2.12

Introduction .........................................................................1.1 Uploading Configuration to a Radio ..................................4.21
Uploading Presets to a Radio ...........................................4.25

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 7

R&S ZS4400 Index

8 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Introduction

1 Introduction

1.1 Preface
This documentation describes the Rohde & Schwarz Service & Maintenance Tool
R&S ZS4400, Maintenance Edition software to give the user an understanding of its func-
tions and to how to run it. The user will be enabled to handle data flow between the computer
running the R&S ZS4400 and R&S M3SR Series 4400 devices.

The purpose of this documentation is not to teach capabilities in R&S M3SR Series 4400 de-
vice configuration techniques. The user is supposed to have that kind of knowledge when
modifying devices' configurations.

1.1.1 Features

The Service & Maintenance Tool R&S ZS4400 provides a Windows graphical user interface
(GUI) for a personal or laptop computer to facilitate the task of transferring device data to and
from R&S M3SR Series 4400 devices or performing software updates.

In addition to the features of the Basic Edition, the Maintenance Edition offers the possibility
to read configuration parameters and defined presets from a radio, store them in files and
upload them to similar radios producing configuration and presets clones at any time.

Table 1.1 Features of the Service & Maintenance Tool R&S ZS4400

Basic Edition Maintenance Edition's additional features

Comes with the R&S M3SR Series 4400 radio This documentation

• Read and clear errorlogs • Read, store and duplicate configuration parameters
• Read inventory data • Read, store and duplicate preset pages
• Modify device headers
• Update software
• Transmit software option codes

Before sending uploadable binaries to the connected device, the Service & Maintenance
Tool starts the Rohde & Schwarz software tool ADFCONVERT to convert them to the "Ad-
vanced Data File (ADF)" format.

To upload software into R&S M3SR Series 4400 devices, the Service & Maintenance Tool
relies on the Rohde & Schwarz software tool UPDATE32.

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 1.1

R&S ZS4400 Introduction

1.1.2 Requirements

The minimum hardware and software requirements of the Service & Maintenance Tool soft-
ware are:

Hardware Microsoft Windows compatible computer

Harddisk Less than 10 MByte for the software installation

30 MByte of temporary disk space during uploads

Network connections Ethernet 10 Mbit/s

Operating system Microsoft Windows XP

Microsoft Windows 7 (32 bit/64 bit)

Microsoft Windows 10 (64 bit)

Special software TCP/IP services and the WinPcap component must be


1.2 Required Skills

The user of the Service & Maintenance Tool R&S ZS4400 is required to have state of
the art knowledge of the Microsoft Windows operating system including basic knowl-
edge of network technology, e.g. TCP/IP.

Profound knowledge of the R&S M3SR Series 4400 devices and the handled data is
mandatory to avoid malfunctions.

1.2 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Installation

2 Installation
The Service & Maintenance Tool R&S ZS4400 is installed on a computer with the aid of an
installation routine.

The Rohde & Schwarz software tools UPDATE32 (data transfer program) and ADFCON-
VERT (binary to ADF converter) will be installed together with the Service & Maintenance
Tool R&S ZS4400 to be employed by it.

This section describes the installation routine for Windows 10 as an example based
on the corresponding screenshots. For other versions of Windows, proceed analo-

2.1 Installing the Service & Maintenance Tool R&S ZS4400

1. Insert the CD-ROM containing the R&S ZS4400 in a CD-ROM drive.
2. To start the installation routine, select "Start / Run" and typing "X:\Setup" and click "OK"
or find the CD-ROM drive "X" in the Windows Explorer and double-click the setup exe-
cutable ("Setup.exe").
In either case, "X" is the drive letter of the CD-ROM drive with the installation CD-ROM.

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 2.1

R&S ZS4400 Installation

Figure 2.1 Agreement for R&S ZS4400


3. Read the terms and conditions.

4. Tick the checkbox "I agree...".
5. Click the "Install" button.
If you wish to install the R&S ZS4400 in a different directory or drive than the given de-
fault, click the "Options" button.
In the "Setup Options" dialog, navigate to and select your preferred install location.

2.2 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Installation

Figure 2.2 Installation directory


The Service & Maintenance Tool files plus the UPDATE32 and ADFCONVERT files will
be copied to that directory.
6. In the "User Account Control" dialog, click "Yes".

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 2.3

R&S ZS4400 Installation

Figure 2.3 User account control


If no installation of WinPcap 4.1.x is found on the target machine, the WinPcap setup is

2.4 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Installation

Figure 2.4 Welcome to WinPcap setup (example)


7. Click the "NEXT" button to start the installation routine for the WinPcap component.

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 2.5

R&S ZS4400 Installation

Figure 2.5 Agreement for WinPcap


8. Read the license agreement.

9. Click the "I agree" button.

2.6 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Installation

Figure 2.6 Installation options for WinPcap


10. Click the "Install" button to start the installation.

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 2.7

R&S ZS4400 Installation

Figure 2.7 Completing WinPcap installation


11. Click the "Finish" button.

2.8 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Installation

Figure 2.8 Completing R&S ZS4400 installation


12. Click the "Launch" button to finish and directly start the application,
or click "Close" if you wish to start it later.

The installation routine inserts a "ZS4400" entry in the "Start" menu. It does not gen-
erate a desktop icon.

It is not necessary to reboot the computer.

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 2.9

R&S ZS4400 Installation

2.2 Directory Structure and Files

The installation procedure inserts several files and folders in the Service & Maintenance Tool
installation directory ("ZS4400").

Table 2.1 Files installed in the working directory

File Contents

adfconvert.cfg Configuration file for the ADF converter

adfconvert.exe ADF converter executable file

zs4400.cfg Configuration file for the R&S ZS4400

zs4400.exe R&S ZS4400 Service & Maintenance Tool executable file

upd32.exe Software update tool

upd32.hlp UPDATE32 help file

Structure.txt Default Rohde & Schwarz software package description

.\DS4400\bootload.elf Bootloader for platform header download

.\GB4000C Contr\bootload.elf Bootloader for CU header download

When the R&S ZS4400 is run for the first time, it generates one directory for data storage
and configuration files. The storage location of these items depends on the rights level of the
user running the application. The directories and files are created within the "ZS4400" instal-
lation directory for administrative users (admins). For normal users (non-admins) without
write access to the "ZS4400" installation directory, the folder and file creation is redirected
by Windows to:
"C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\VirtualStorage\Program Files (x86)\ZS4400"

If you want to share R&S ZS4400 configuration and radio data with other users, copy this
directory to a location accessible to all users. If another user wants to use this configuration
data, the directory must be copied to the following folder of this user before starting up the
"C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\VirtualStorage\Program Files (x86)\"

Temporary files are generated in "C:\temp" when preparing a download to the connected de-

2.10 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Installation

Table 2.2 Directories created when starting the application for the first time

Directory Contents

.\temp Temporary files that are generated in preparing a download to the con-
nected device.

When running the Service & Maintenance Tool uses up to 30 MBytes

of temporary disk space on its default (installation) drive!
The "temp" directory will be emptied after any download operation.

.\Configurations Configuration data files for R&S M3SR Series 4400 radios

Configuration files have the extension ".config"

.\Presets Presets data files for R&S M3SR Series 4400 radios

Presets data files have the extension ".preset"

M3SR Devicelist.cfg Common R&S ZS4400 application configuration values and configured
device connections

ZS4400.cfg Configuration data for current radio connection

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 2.11

R&S ZS4400 Installation

2.3 Uninstallation
1. Open the Windows settings dialog to modify or remove programs.

Figure 2.9 Modify/uninstall dialog


2. Select "ZS4400 Maintenance Tool".

3. Click the "Uninstall" button.

2.12 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Installation

Figure 2.10 Modify setup dialog


4. Click the "Uninstall" button to start the uninstall procedure.

Figure 2.11 Uninstall completed


5. Click the "Close" button to finish.

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 2.13

R&S ZS4400 Installation

2.14 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Description

3 Description

3.1 General
This chapter describes the Service & Maintenance Tool R&S ZS4400 and its options. For op-
eration, refer to sect. 4 Operation.

3.2 Main View

When starting the Service & Maintenance Tool, it displays the start-up screen with a list of
already defined devices (Figure 3.1).

Figure 3.1 Service & Maintenance Tool GUI start-up screen (sample data)


Figure 3.2 shows the screen layout.

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 3.1

R&S ZS4400 Description

Figure 3.2 Screen layout (sample data)



1 Selection tree
2 Menu bar
3 Toolbar
4 Data display
5 Status bar

The menu bar offers pull-down menus to give access to all functions (”Menu Bar” on p. 3.3).
Some frequently used options are accessible via buttons in the toolbar below it (”Toolbar” on
p. 3.14).

The selection tree shows information read either from the harddisk or the connected device,
depending on context. The data display visualizes hardware and software data read from the
item selected in the selection tree.

The status bar (”Status Bar” on p. 3.15) at the bottom of the screen gives information about
the current status of the tool, e.g. whether a connection to the R&S M3SR Series 4400 device
has been established. In addition, it may deliver information relating to the option below the
mouse pointer.

3.2 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Description

3.3 Menu Bar

Clicking an item on the menu bar or applying the short-cut keystroke (ALT key + underlined
character) drops the corresponding menu list.

3.3.1 "File" Menu

Figure 3.3 File pull-down menu


Table 3.1 "File" menu

Menu Function

"Save As Text" Opens a Windows "Save as..." dialog to store the contents of the data
display as text in a file.

"Print... Ctrl+P" Opens a Windows "Print" dialog to print the contents of the data display.

"Print Setup" Runs Windows printer setup.

"Directories" Opens a window to customize the default directories and executables

(Figure 3.4).

"Own IP" Opens "Select own IP" dialog (Figure 3.5).

"Timeout" Opens "TCP/IP Timeout" dialog (Figure 3.6)

"Exit" Ends the R&S ZS4400 session.

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 3.3

R&S ZS4400 Description

Figure 3.4 Customize directories


The "R&S Software Package" entry must point to a directory that contains a software
package fitting the configuration of the connected R&S M3SR device.

The referenced file "structure.txt" contains the configuration data of the software package
(e.g. R&S DS4400A), which must match the connected device (e.g. R&S XT4410A) for soft-
ware updates and header editing. Any disregard may cause malfunctioning and even destroy
the radio!

3.4 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Description

Figure 3.5 Define own IP and send IP to R&S M3SR radio


R&S M3SR SECOS radios, models 85 to 90 have a CPLAT software version that stores the
IP address of the servicing computer and will not connect to a different address. With the op-
tion "Own IP", a certain IP address may be transferred to the connected radio.

Table 3.2 "Select own IP" options

Option Function

"Use main IP address from PC" Detected IP address of the standard built-in networking card.

"Use this IP address" If the radio is connected to a secondary networking card, the IP address
has to be entered manually.

"OK" Sends the selected data to the R&S M3SR radio.

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 3.5

R&S ZS4400 Description

Figure 3.6 "TCP/IP Timeout" dialog


When a slow TCP/IP connection is used to link an R&S M3SR radio to the PC where the
R&S ZS4400 is running, the standard timeout times may be too short for communication. In
this case, use this dialog to increase the relevant timeout time.

3.6 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Description

3.3.2 "Edit" Menu

Figure 3.7 "Edit" pull-down menu


Table 3.3 "Edit" menu

Menu Function

"Copy Ctrl+C" The contents of the data display is copied to the Windows clipboard.

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 3.7

R&S ZS4400 Description

3.3.3 "View" Menu

Figure 3.8 "View" pull-down menu


Table 3.4 "View" menu

Menu Function

"Toolbar" Toggles the display of the toolbar (”Toolbar” on p. 3.14).

"Status Bar" Toggles the display of the status bar (”Status Bar” on p. 3.15).

The checkmark indicates which bar is visible.

3.8 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Description

3.3.4 "Applications" Menu

Figure 3.9 "Applications" pull-down menu


Table 3.5 "Applications" menu

Menu Function

"Connect" The R&S ZS4400 tries to connect to a selected device. The following ap-
plications in this menu list require a successfully established connection.

"Inventory" Starts the application "Inventory".

"Errorlog" Starts the application "Errorlog".

"Configuration" Starts the application "Configuration".

"Preset" Starts the application "Presets".

"SW-Update" Starts the application "Software-Update".

For a description of the applications, refer to sect. 4 Operation.

Except for the "Connect" application, the options are available only if a device is connected.

If the selected and connected device is a control unit, the options "Configuration" and "Pre-
set" are not available (see Figure 3.10).

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 3.9

R&S ZS4400 Description

Figure 3.10 "Applications" pull-down menu for a control unit


3.10 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Description

3.3.5 "Update 32" Menu

Figure 3.11 "Update 32" pull-down menu


The standard R&S M3SR SW update method requires that both radio and control unit con-
tain executable software where an inventory can be taken to determine which software pack-
ages are to be loaded. If there is no executable software installed on the radio or control unit,
this menu option can be used to load a radio or control unit software without prior checking
and matching.

Afterwards, it is absolutely necessary to carry out the standard software update procedure
to ensure consistency of the loaded software.

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 3.11

R&S ZS4400 Description

3.3.6 "Help" Menu

Figure 3.12 "Help" pull-down menu


Table 3.6 "Help" Menu

Menu Function

"About ZS4400..." Displays a window with information about R&S ZS4400 (Figure 3.12).

3.12 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Description

Figure 3.13 "About ZS4400" window (sample data)


Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 3.13

R&S ZS4400 Description

3.4 Toolbar

Except for the "Connect" button, the buttons are available only if there is a connection
to a device.

Table 3.7 Toolbar buttons

Icon Function

The contents of the data display are saved as text to a file.

Same option as "Save As Text" in the "File" menu (”"File" Menu” on p.


The contents of the data display are sent to the Windows printer.

Same option as "Print... Ctrl+P" in the "File" menu (”"File" Menu” on p.


The contents of the data display are copied to the Windows clipboard to
be possibly pasted into another software.

Same option as "Copy Ctrl+C" in the "Edit" menu (”"Edit" Menu” on p.


The Service & Maintenance Tool R&S ZS 4400 tries to connect to a se-
lected device.

Same option as "Connect" in the "Applications" menu (”"Applications"

Menu” on p. 3.9).

Starts the application "Inventory".

Same option as "Inventory" in the "Applications" menu (”"Applications"

Menu” on p. 3.9).

Starts the application "Errorlog".

Same option as "Errorlog" in the "Applications" menu (”"Applications"

Menu” on p. 3.9).

Starts the application "Configuration".

Same option as "Configuration" in the "Applications" menu (”"Applica-

tions" Menu” on p. 3.9).

Starts the application "Presets".

Same option as "Preset" in the "Applications" menu (”"Applications"

Menu” on p. 3.9).

Starts the application "Software Update".

Same option as "SW-Update" in the "Applications" menu (”"Applications"

Menu” on p. 3.9).

3.14 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Description

3.5 Status Bar

Figure 3.14 Tool not connected to a device


At the right, the status bar indicates the connection status of the R&S ZS4400.

A red circle indicates that no connection has been established yet.

The green circle indicates a successful connection. It is followed by the connected TCP ad-

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 3.15

R&S ZS4400 Description

Figure 3.15 Tool connected to a device


Figure 3.16 Toolbar mouse-over information


At the left, the status bar displays the general status or information about the toolbar button
that the mouse is over.

3.16 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Operation

4 Operation

4.1 General
This chapter describes a typical operating procedure of the R&S ZS4400. Operations that
are typical of Microsoft Windows are not explained in detail.

4.2 Starting a Session

4.2.1 Ethernet Connection

Before starting the R&S ZS4400, the computer has to be electrically connected to an
R&S M3SR Series 4400 device.

TCP/IP services must be installed on the computer running the R&S ZS4400.

The WinPcap component must be installed.

The R&S M3SR radio can be connected to a computer through two Ethernet ports. The
"SERVICE" connector is on the front panel, the "X20" connector on the rear. They differ in
pin configuration, so different cables must be used. The "X20" port is designed for network
use to be connected to a hub or switch (Figure 4.2), so a crossover LAN cable is needed for
a direct PC link. The "Service" port may be connected to the computer via common Network
LAN cable.

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 4.1

R&S ZS4400 Operation

Figure 4.1 Direct connection of radio and computer

M3SR X20
Ethernet Computer
Radio (rear) LAN-cable

Ethernet Computer
Radio (front) LAN-cable


If the computer operating system is Windows XP or newer, a connection via a hub or

switch (Figure 4.2) is mandatory. Problems may occur when using certain switches.

4.2 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Operation

Figure 4.2 Connecting radio and computer via hub / switch

M3SR X20
Network Hub / Network
Ethernet Computer
L AN-cable LAN-cable
Radio (rear) Switch

Crossover Hub / Network
Ethernet Computer
LAN-cable LAN-cable
Radio (front) Switch

Network Hub / Crossover
Ethernet Computer
LAN-cable LAN-cable
Radio (front) Switch


The hub or switch may be part of a computer network. Other devices like R&S M3SR Series
4400 radios may be connected to the network and addressed by the computer running the
R&S ZS4400, although not simultaneously.

If the computer is part of a LAN, connect the R&S M3SR Series 4400 device to a hub
of that network. The device and the computer must be in the same subnet (for SW re-
leases < 10, see menus 436, 835 and 836 in the relevant documentation; for SW releas-
es  10, see menus 1165 and 1330).

4.2.2 Running the Radio

Switch on the radio following the instructions in its Operating Manual.

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 4.3

R&S ZS4400 Operation

4.2.3 Starting the Software

If the connected and selected Series R&S M3SR Series 4400 device is in "Fixed Ses-
sion" mode, only data monitoring is possible.

To upload configurations or options, the R&S ZS4400 tries to set the receiving device into
"Radio Session" mode (for SW releases < 10) or "Offline" mode (for SW relaseses  10) for
that period of time. If this is not possible, the R&S ZS4400 displays a warning message.

During data download to a radio, it switches to "Radio Session"/"Offline" mode, and all other
radio operations are suspended.

To start the R&S ZS4400, go to "Start / Programs / ZS4400" and click the "ZS4400" entry.

4.2.4 Communications Connection

Establish a communications connection from the computer to:

• a known device (”Connect to a Device” on p. 4.8)

• a new device (”New Device” on p. 4.6).

4.4 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Operation

4.3 Running a Session

This is the start-up screen of the R&S ZS4400.

Figure 4.3 Service & Maintenance Tool start-up (sample data)


There is no device selected and therefore no connection present. A connection may be es-
tablished to a new (”New Device” on p. 4.6) or an already defined (”Connect to a Device” on
p. 4.8) device.

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 4.5

R&S ZS4400 Operation

4.3.1 New Device

If a new device has to be tested or configured, select a device type ("M3SR Radios" or
"M3SR Control Units") in the selection display by clicking it with the mouse.

Figure 4.4 Device type selected (sample data)


Click the "Add Device" button, enter the unique logical address and the device IP address in
the "Add new device" form and confirm with "OK".

4.6 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Operation

Figure 4.5 "Add new device" dialog (sample data)


Any error causes a message to pop up and returns you to the start-up screen
(Figure 4.3).

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 4.7

R&S ZS4400 Operation

4.3.2 Connect to a Device

Click a device number in the selection display. The R&S ZS4400 tries to establish a network
connection to the chosen device.

Figure 4.6 Connected to an R&S M3SR radio (sample data)


Any error causes a message to pop up and return you to the start-up screen
(Figure 4.3).

If connection has succeeded, the Service & Maintenance Tool displays a "connected to:
TCP..." message in the status bar, preceded by a green circle (Figure 4.6). The data display
shows current data read from the device. The "State" entry may show varying information.
Usually, it reads "Connected" for regular operations. A sample error message for "State"
could be "No radio" if the connected device in the above sample at the logical address "46"
were an R&S M3SR Control Unit.

Any error in the execution of the following applications causes a message to pop up
and returns you to the connect screen (Figure 4.6).

If the selected device is a control unit, the buttons "Inventory", "Presets", "Clear PINs" and
"Load Options" are not available due to the different design.

4.8 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Operation

Figure 4.7 Connected to an R&S M3SR Control Unit (sample data)

ICN-4F-A-230010-R-D0894-10008-A-01-1 Security: PINs

For some actions, R&S M3SR Series 4400 radios require a PIN to legitimize the user action.
In such a case, the R&S ZS4400 tries the following in the given order:

1. It checks for an already stored PIN and sends it to the radio.

2. If there is no stored PIN, it sends the PIN "00000" (five zeros).
3. If this is not acknowledged by the radio, a request comes up.

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 4.9

R&S ZS4400 Operation

Figure 4.8 PIN entry request


When the checkbox "save PIN" is ticked, the R&S ZS4400 adds the entered code to the
stored PIN list after the "OK" button was clicked. The list collects device numbers and their
associated PINs until it is cleared (”"Clear PINs"” on p. 4.10).

With the next request from the radio, the R&S ZS4400 sends the saved PIN automatically. "Clear PINs"

With this button, the stored PINs are deleted from the computer. There is no other way to
change stored PINs except by first deleting them and then entering the new values.

Clearing the PINs from the computer does not affect the PINs stored in the radios. "Remove from list"

This button removes the selected device from the list in the selection display with its logical
address number and the associated data like the TCP/IP address.

4.10 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Operation "Load Options"

To activate built-in but not accessible functions of an R&S M3SR Series 4400 radio, corre-
sponding software option control data has to be transferred into it. This data is contained in
software option control files that can be acquired from Rohde & Schwarz.

"Load Options" will load radio software option control data (*.SOC = "Software Option Con-
trol") from disk to transfer to the radio.

Clicking the button opens the directory where the file "structure.txt" (see sect. 3 Description)
is located. Navigate to the CD-ROM drive "X" in the window "Open file" dialog to select the
desired SOC file.

If the serial number of the radio does not correspond to the serial number the SOC file
was acquired for, the radio is reset to its default status and loses all installed software

Downloading software options to the radio relies on having a "Radio Session" (for SW
releases < 10) or being in "Offline" mode (for SW releases  10).

It is impossible to establish a "Radio Session"/enter "Offline" mode if the radio is in local

mode or if there is a fixed session to a different client.

The control unit shall have a "Monitor Session" only; no other client shall be connected to the

Refer to the radio's documentation on how to set the radio. "Save Options"

Clicking this button downloads the Software Options Control data from the radio, so it may
be saved to a file.

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 4.11

R&S ZS4400 Operation

4.3.3 "Inventory"

This function reads inventory data from the connected device.

Figure 4.9 Device's inventory list (sample data)


For further information about header data, refer to the device's documentation.

The connected device's TCP address is permanently visible in the status bar.

Following a hardware change in the device, e.g. after adding a module or a software option
(”"Load Options"” on p. 4.11), it may be necessary to modify the hardware device header in
the device.

For this purpose, first select the device header in the selection display.

The R&S software or hardware update package includes the necessary information
for the entry changes.

4.12 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Operation

Figure 4.10 Header data (sample data)


The device header data then can be edited in the "Edit Header" dialog. Open it by clicking
the "Edit" button.

Before clicking the "Send to device" button, check if the entries are correct. Incorrect
entries may cause malfunctioning or even destroy the radio.

A header with invalid content cannot be edited any more. In this case, create a new header
using the button "New Header".

Only the header of the device and the modules HWMod KR4400 Basic and HWMod GP4400
Protec can be edited.

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 4.13

R&S ZS4400 Operation

Figure 4.11 Edit header data (sample data)


"Send to device" starts the software upload process to transmit the modified data to the con-
nected device (”Software Upload” on p. 4.28). After the upload has finished, the
R&S ZS4400 returns to the "connect" mode and automatically polls the network until recon-
necting to the device has succeeded (”Connect to a Device” on p. 4.8).

The button "New Header" opens a dialog similar to "Edit Header" where header names can
be modified. This may be necessary e.g. to correct a misspelled header name. Defined head-
er entries are available in a drop-down list.

4.14 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Operation

4.3.4 "Errorlog"

This function reads the errorlog from the connected device and displays it.

Figure 4.12 Errorlog (sample data)


Clicking the "Clear Errorlog" button erases the errorlog in the connected device.

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 4.15

R&S ZS4400 Operation

Figure 4.13 Cleared errorlog (sample data)


To get a complete detailed view of the errorlog, tick the "Show Details" checkbox
(Figure 4.14). Clicking a specific error in the selection display shows the details of that par-
ticular error (Figure 4.15).

4.16 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Operation

Figure 4.14 Detailed errorlog (sample data)


Figure 4.15 Errorlog details for a single error (sample data)


Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 4.17

R&S ZS4400 Operation

4.3.5 Configuration

This function is for R&S M3SR Series 4400 radios only and is not available for control

This function reads equipment and configuration data from the connected radio.

Figure 4.16 Radio modules (sample data)


The data display shows the current module equipping.

The entries below "Radio Configuration" are stored configuration files.

Clicking "Radio Configuration" and selecting an entry in the selection displays the connected
radio's configuration (see Figure 4.17). To view details, tick the "Show details" box.

4.18 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Operation

Figure 4.17 Radio configuration (sample data)


Figure 4.18 Configuration details (sample data, depending on SW release)


Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 4.19

R&S ZS4400 Operation

Figure 4.19 Configuration data files (sample data)

ICN-4F-A-230011-R-D0894-10083-A-01-1 Saving Configuration to Disk

Selecting "Radio Configuration" enables the "Save to file" button to write the radio configu-
ration to a file (see Figure 4.17). Clicking the "Save to file" button opens a Windows "Save
to" dialog. The entered name then appears in the selection display if the default path (set in
"File pull-down menu" > Directories) is retained.

Do not edit the stored configuration data!

4.20 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Operation Uploading Configuration to a Radio

Clicking one of the file entries in the selection display reads the data from disk (indicated by
the boxed "+") and displays the configuration in the data display (see Figure 4.19). The se-
lected configuration file data can be sent to the radio by clicking the "Save to Radio" button.

The target radio must have the same equipping of the source. This is ensured by com-
paring the Rohde & Schwarz part number stored in the configuration file with the one
read from the connected radio.

The Rohde & Schwarz part number is unique for a certain radio equipping. After a change,
the part number has to be changed by editing the radio's header data (see ”"Inventory"” on
p. 4.12).

The configuration data in the radio will be overwritten except for Radio time, OCXO,
TCXO, VCXO synthesizer fine trim and IP list. The calibration of AF levels will also re-
main unaffected.

Downloading configuration data to the radio relies on having a "Radio Session" (for
SW releases < 10) or being in "Offline" mode (for SW releases  10).

It is impossible to establish a "Radio Session"/switch to "Offline" mode if the radio is in local

mode or if there is a fixed session to a different client.

The control unit shall have a "Monitor Session" only; no other client shall be connected to the
radio. Refer to the radio's documentation on how to set the radio.

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 4.21

R&S ZS4400 Operation

4.3.6 Presets

This function is for R&S M3SR Series 4400 radios only and is not available for control

This function reads the presets data from the connected radio.

Figure 4.20 Presets activated (sample data)


Presets may be viewed or saved to disk (see below) for later reuse.

Clicking on "Radio Presets" in the selection display reads the radio's active presets.

4.22 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Operation

Figure 4.21 Radio presets (sample data)


Selecting a single preset shows its resolved details.

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 4.23

R&S ZS4400 Operation

Figure 4.22 Selected presets (sample data)


With R&S ZS4400 versions < 1.85, only preset pages belonging to the active domain
of the radio are saved and loaded. With versions  1.85, preset pages of both domains
are saved and loaded. Saving Presets to Disk

Clicking "Radio Presets" in the selection display shows the "Save to file" button (see
Figure 4.21) to store presets. Clicking the "Save to file" button opens a Windows "Save to"
dialog. The entered name then appears in the selection display if the default path (set in "File
pull-down menu" > Directories) is retained.

Do not edit the stored presets data!

4.24 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Operation Uploading Presets to a Radio

The saved presets data sets appears in the selection display below "Radio Presets" (see
Figure 4.21).

To load a set of presets into the radio, select an item from this list and click the "Save to radio"
button (see Figure 4.23). Only items which correspond to the radio's configuration, e.g.
"SECOS Comsec", "SECOS Transec", etc. will be loaded. The current presets in the radio
will be overwritten.

The data display shows additional information for old preset files.

Figure 4.23 Preparing presets to send to the radio (sample data)


With SW releases  10:

Only the radio's current presets will be overwritten. The inactive set of a 2 x 100 presets con-
figuration will not be altered.

For a source file with 200 presets, only the first 100 of these will be imported if the radio has
only 100 active presets (1 x 100 or one set of 2 x 100).

If the source file has 100 preset entries and the radio is configured to 1 x 200 presets, only
the first 100 will be altered.

Undefined presets will be exchanged with radio defaults.

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 4.25

R&S ZS4400 Operation

With SW releases  11, there are 2 x 200 presets.

As of R&S ZS4400 version 1.85, the software is able to distinguish preset files saved
with R&S ZS4400 version < 1.85 and those saved with a version  1.85.

When the loaded preset files were saved with a version < 1.85, the domain presently activat-
ed in the radio will be loaded. This is indicated in the data display. When the loaded preset
files were saved with a version  1.85, both domains will be loaded.

4.3.7 Software Update

The release number of the software package must be 8.0 or higher.

The software package matching the device hardware must be in the folder defined in the di-
rectory listing ("File / Directories") in the "R&S Software Package" entry.

The R&S ZS4400 reads the "structure.txt" file from the "R&S Software Package" directory to
ensure that the software package is consistent with the hardware configuration of the con-
nected device. In addition, it contains version data, which is displayed on screen. If the soft-
ware versions of the connected device and the software package are not identical for any
module, the lower number is displayed in red (radio sample: Figure 4.24; control unit sample:
Figure 4.25).

The update overwrites the software of all device modules, irrespective of any version
differences. Therefore, it is possible to overwrite a newer version with an older one.
Different versions are marked by the lower version being displayed in red.

Exception: If the firmware ACPCB EQI is not loaded, the SW/FW name is displayed in red.
The reason is that the radio contains the older firmware ACPCB AQI. In such a case, we rec-
ommend that you contact the nearest Rohde & Schwarz representative. The download of the
other device modules is not concerned by this consistency check.

The consistency check is performed for both parts (radio and control unit) (Figure 4.25).

4.26 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Operation

Figure 4.24 Software update for a radio (sample data)


Figure 4.25 Software update for a control unit (sample data)


Clicking the "Start Update" button starts the software upload (”Software Upload” on p. 4.28).

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 4.27

R&S ZS4400 Operation

4.3.8 Software Upload

Table 4.1 Dependency of software upload on software release and part number of Receiver Module
R&S ET4400

Software release Part number of R&S ET4400 Software upload possible

 15 6102.7001.02 

 15 6102.7018.02 x

 15 6102.7018.03 x

16 6102.7001.02 x

16 6102.7018.02 

16 6102.7018.03 x

 17 6102.7001.02 

 17 6102.7018.02 

 17 6102.7018.03 

 • No warning or error message comes up when starting the upload.

• Update tool starts.
• Upload is performed.
• Correct firmware is loaded.

x • Error message "Selected software package xxx. It does not work with this radio yyy. Download
is not possible" comes up when starting the upload .
xxx, yyy: variable
• Update tool does not start.
• Upload process is aborted.
• Radio remains in its previous state.

4.28 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Operation

1. Click the "Start Update" button for a software update or the "Send to device" button for
a device header update to start the UPDATE32 software.

Figure 4.26 "UPDATE32 start-up"


The "New Network Adapter" window (Figure 4.26) comes up only when R&S ZS4400
is installed the very first time.

2. If the "New Network Adapter" window comes up, click the "OK" button.
3. Select "Ethernet Adapter" in the "Config" menu.
4. Select the desired network adapter.

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 4.29

R&S ZS4400 Operation

Figure 4.27 Selection window: network adapter


5. Press the F4 function key or click "update via Ethernet" .

The "Select targets for Ethernet communication" dialog opens.

4.30 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Operation

Figure 4.28 Selection window: Ethernet communication target


6. Reset the connected device:

Radio: press the reset key with a ball-point pen.
Control unit: press the upper left softkey, the ON/OFF key, the upper right softkey and
the ENT key simultaneously.

After the radio within the LAN network has been selected for which the software
update is to be performed, be absolutely sure to press the "Reset" key on this ra-
dio only. Any disregard may cause malfunctioning or even destroy the radio/con-
trol unit! If the display shows more than one MAC address (Figure 4.29), break off
the update procedure immediately.

The MAC address of the network adapter appears.

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 4.31

R&S ZS4400 Operation

Figure 4.29 MAC address


7. Click the address to select it.

8. Click "Start" to start the download.
An UPDATE32 window shows the progress of the update.

4.32 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

R&S ZS4400 Operation

Figure 4.30 Progress of the update process


After a few minutes, the update is completed (Figure 4.31). The update should take less
than 10 minutes.
9. Click the "OK" button to close the display.

Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01 4.33

R&S ZS4400 Operation

Figure 4.31 Update completed (sample data)


10. Close the UPDATE32 main window.

The R&S ZS4400 returns to the "connect" mode and automatically polls the network until
reconnecting to the device has succeeded (”Connect to a Device” on p. 4.8).

While the UPDATE32 is running, the R&S ZS4400 remains in a passive wait mode.

4.34 Operating Manual 6190.1875.02 – 01

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