Fear S

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This lesson requires a recording of Lily Allens song:

Language Function: Vocabulary/Topic:

The Fear

discussing issues; reading comprehension; listening m ateri al ism; cel ebr iti e s; f a me & for tun e ; so c i e t y
ATTENTION: The lyrics of the song this worksheet is based on contain some vulgar expressions.

advanced upper-intermediate intermediate pre-intermediate

focus on listening
Activity 1. Listen do the song. What is it about? In your opinion, what is the message conveyed in the lyrics? Write your answer below. Compare your answers in pairs. .................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................

focus on listening
Activity 2. Match the expressions with their meanings.
1. She seems quite shamelss about her profession. 2. My cousin is on the right track to become a CEO. 3. I think theyre onto a winner with this latest product. 4. Im packing plastic and can buy what I want.

a. will succeed b. use credit cards that have large limits or no limits at all [UK slang] c. going in the right direction and likely to succeed d. not ashamed, especially about something generally considered unacceptable
Lily Allen is a British singer-songwrirter. Her best known songs: Smile and LDN reacherd high positions on the UK Singles Chart, and her album - Alright, Still was nominated for BRIT Awards and Grammys. Lilly has been the subject of extensive press coverage. She is known for making critical comments about other musicians and some alcohol-fuelled incidents in 2008, which reinforced her negative image.

w w w . e n g l i s h - 4 u . c o m



focus on listening
Activity 3. Put the missing lines in the right places. Listen to the song to check if you were right.

I want to be rich and I want lots of money 1. .............................................................................. I want loads of clothes and fuckloads of diamonds I heard people die while they are trying to find them Ill take my clothes off and it will be shameless 2. .............................................................................. Ill look at The Sun and Ill look in The Mirror 3. .............................................................................. [Chorus] I dont know whats right and whats real anymore I dont know how Im meant to feel anymore When do you think it will all become clear Cause Im being taken over by the fear Lifes about film stars and less about mothers 4. .............................................................................. 5. .............................................................................. and thats what makes my life so fucking fantastic And I am a weapon of massive consumption And its not my fault its how Im programmed to function Ill look at The Sun and Ill look in The Mirror Im on the right track yeah we're on to a winner Chorus I dont know whats right and whats real anymore And I dont know how Im meant to feel anymore When do you think it will all become clear Cause Im being taken over by the fear [Bridge] Forget about guns and forget ammunition Cause Im killing them all on my own little mission Now Im not a saint but Im not a sinner 6. .............................................................................. [Chorus] I dont know whats right and whats real anymore I dont know how Im meant to feel anymore When do you think it will all become clear? Cause Im being taken over by fear

The Fear
mous ou get fa r ts how y a inne knows th aw veryone e onto a. Cause h Im ea ck y t tra igh he r on t m b. I

c. Its all about fast cars and cussing* each other

d. Now everyth

ing's c

ool as

long as

Im get ting thin


e. I d

ont c

le out c re ab

ver I


t fu abou care nt


f. But

it doe

snt m



Im p

ackin g


*cussing - saying words which are not polite because you are angry

w w w . e n g l i s h - 4 u . c o m



focus on talking
Activity 4. Ask and answer the questions in pairs.
Why is the song titled The Fear? What is the singer afraid of? Many believe that people with purely materialistic mindset are shallow, not able to understand the world and what is important in life. Do you share that view? How would being rich and famous change your life? Which aspects of fame would you enjoy and which ones would you hate? Do you believe that talent should be an essential prerequisite for fame and fortune? Would you like to be famous just for being famous, without any real talent or accomplishments? Why yes or why not? Do media devote a lot of time to covering the lives of celebrities in your country? How do you explain the massive interest of the public in the lives of the famous?

focus on vocabulary - fame

Activity 5. Match these words and expressions with their definitions.
1. to take centre stage 2. high-prole 3. infamous 4. the limelight 5. to make it big 6. sbs claim to fame 7. to hit the headlines 8. to steal the limelight 9. eeting fame 10. to drop names A. attracting a lot of attention and interest from the public and newspapers, television, etc. B. a reason why someone is famous C. to get more attention than anyone else in a situation D. to mention famous people you know in order to impress other people E. to become famous or successful F. public attention and interest G. being famous for a very short time H. to appear in the news suddenly or receives a lot of attention in news reports I. to be in a situation in which someone receives a lot of attention J. famous for something bad

w w w . e n g l i s h - 4 u . c o m

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