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Assignment – 2
Programme : B.Tech. (CSE) Semester : FALL 2022-23
Course : Theory of Computation and Compiler Design Code : CSE2004
Faculty : Dr. Chandan Kumar Behera Slot/Class no. : C21-C22-C23/0414
Time : 18th July, 2022 (6 PM- 7:15 PM) Max. Marks : 35
Answer all the Questions. The PDF file name should be your registration number.
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Q No. Question Description Mark

Write down the regular expression for the language, which can accept the strings
1 starting with 00 and ending with 00. 5

2 10

Convert the above machine into DFA.

3 Construct the DFA for the language for the regular expression 00((0+1)*00)* 10

4 10

Try to minimize the number of states of the given DFA.

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