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Name: Rosa Palma Watunglawar

Class: X3


Vaccination against Coronavirus Diase 19 is one way to inhibit the spread

of Covid-19 in order to form group immunity or what is known as herd
immunity. Curative action through vaccination is considered more
economically effective. Giving this vaccination is one of the efforts to
reduce the spread of Covid-19. The pandemic period also triggered anxiety
and worry in the community. The latest shortcut at this time is being
carried out so that you can get through the pandemic, namely carrying out
the Covid-19 vaccination. However, the vaccination strategy still has
obstacles, one of which is rejection from the public, anxiety about the
effects of vaccination, the spread of false news regarding the Covid-19
vaccination, and others.
The fact is that there are still many people who do not agree to be
vaccinated, because they are afraid of the effects of the vaccine due to
people's doubts about the effectiveness of the co-19 vaccination. This
vaccination is the hope to defend the community so they can avoid the
spread of Covid-19. 2 The target target of the Covid-19 vaccination is 70%
of the population. The main targets of the Covid-19 vaccination at this
time are civil servants, health workers and the elderly, after which the
general public. In practice, there are still obstacles in Indonesia because
there are still many doubts about the effectiveness of vaccination.
However, there are still many sources of information that provide
conflicting information about the Covid-19 vaccination which can cause
anxiety in the community. Adults are more susceptible to Covid-19
infection which is at high risk of death.

COVID-19 vaccines are safe, and getting vaccinated will help protect you
against developing severe COVID-19 disease and dying from COVID-19.
You may experience some mild side effects after getting vaccinated, which
are signs that your body is building protection.

Why it’s normal to have mild side effects from vaccines

Vaccines are designed to give you immunity without the dangers of getting
the disease. It’s common to experience some mild-to-moderate side
effects when receiving vaccinations. This is because your immune system
is instructing your body to react in certain ways: it increases blood flow so
more immune cells can circulate, and it raises your body temperature in
order to kill the virus.

Mild-to-moderate side effects, like a low-grade fever or muscle aches, are

normal and not a cause for alarm: they are signs that the body’s immune
system is responding to the vaccine, specifically the antigen (a substance
that triggers an immune response), and is gearing up to fight the virus.
These side effects usually go away on their own after a few days.

Common and mild or moderate side effects are a good thing: they show us
that the vaccine is working. Experiencing no side effects doesn’t mean the
vaccine is ineffective. It means everybody responds differently. 


The following is an illustration of the Covid 19 vaccine that is already in

the diagram.

Covid-19 vaccination in Indonesia has been given to public officers, health
workers and the elderly in two doses. All health workers have been given
the first dose of the target of 1,468,764 people. Meanwhile, for the second
dose, it only reached 78.794 percent of the target.

Public officers and the elderly for the first and second doses have not
reached the vaccination target set by the government, namely 17,327,169
people and 21,553,118 people respectively. (RA)


Problems Solutions
Falsification of This case is part of the legal authorization,
vaccine certificates where there is abuse of access. Then the
government's solution calls for all personal
data that is already owned through
PeduliLindungi to be safeguarded and not
disseminated so that it is not used by other
people to be misused.
There is a group of The solution is to create clear mitigation
people who do not procedures for people who don't want to be
want vaccines vaccinated. After having a clear mitigation
plan, the next stage is the socialization of the
procedure to the community. This is so that
people know what steps to take if they cannot
be vaccinated.
Side effects after the Take ibuprofen, acetaminophen, aspirin, or
vaccine antihistamines to reduce fever and provide
relief from body aches. Soak a washcloth in
cold water to compress the painful injection
site. if there has been no change, confirm
immediately to the doctor, or to the hospital.


No English Indonesian
1 Which Yang
2 Fever Sakit panas
3 Certificate Sertifikat
4 Low-grade Bermutu rendah
5 Anxiety Kecemasan
6 Dangers Bahaya
7 Moderate Sedang
8 Muscle aches Nyeri otot
9 Meanwhile Sementara itu
10 Avoid Menghindari


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