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Angelo Joseph Valenzuela

BPE 2-1

1. Effect of Exercise on Muscles

 Increased muscle size
 Increased muscle strength
 Increased muscle endurance Improved muscle quality
 Improved joint function Improved blood flow to muscles
 Decreased risk of injuries
 Improved movement efficiency

In general, the more intense the exercise, the greater the benefit to muscle. However,
even moderate exercise can be beneficial for muscle.

2. Training for muscular Fitness

 There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best training for
muscular fitness will vary depending on your goals and your current fitness level.
However, some general tips for improving muscular fitness include strength
training, interval training, and polymeric exercises.

3. How Muscles Works

 Muscles are the tissues in your body that allow you to move. Each muscle is
made up of many individual cells called muscle fibers. Muscle fibers are long,
thin cells that have many nuclei, which are the structures in cells that contain the
genetic material. The muscle fibers are arranged in bundles, and each bundle is
surrounded by a thin layer of connective tissue. The connective tissue helps to
hold the muscle fibers together and provides a pathway for blood vessels and
nerves to reach the individual muscle cells. The muscle fibers are connected to
each other and to the bone by proteins called actinic and myosin. These proteins
are arranged in a repeating pattern along the length of the muscle fiber, and
they interact with each other to produce the force that allows the muscle to
contract. When a muscle contracts, the acting and myosin proteins slide past
each other, and this produces the force that moves the bone. The muscle fibers
can only produce this force when they are supplied with oxygen and nutrients by
the blood, so the blood vessels that supply the muscle must be open and
functioning properly.
4. The Implications of Exercising
 Help you control your weight.
 Reduce your risk of heart diseases.
 Help your body manage blood sugar and insulin levels.
 Help you quit smoking.
 Improve your mental health and mood
 Help keep your thinking, learning, and judgment skills sharp as you age
 Strengthen your bones and muscles.
 Reduce your risk of falls.
 Improve your sleep.
 Improve your sexual health.
 Increase your chances of living longer.

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