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How to Express Your Emotions In English

● "I'm glad you enjoyed the work I did."

● "I'm so happy you are here."
● "They look so content playing there."
Happy / Content / Glad ● "Coffee puts me in such a cheerful mood in the morning".
Joyful / Delighted / Cheerful ● "I'm thrilled to bits to have seen my first grandchild."
Excited / Thrilled / Elated ● "I was elated to find out I got into college.'’
Ecstatic / On cloud nine

● "This song is beautiful, but it always makes me sad."

● "I get too upset if I watch the news in the morning."
● "Are you ok? You look a little blue / down today."
● "I was just heartbroken after reading about the situation in Syria".
Sad / Upset / Blue / Down
● "I'm just feeling hopeless"
Disappointed /Heartbroken
● "Living with my in-laws is making my life miserable."
Hopeless / Miserable /

● "I was surprised to see my cousin at my wedding. We haven't spoken

in years."
● "I was shocked to find out John cheated on his wife."
● "I was dismayed after being robbed at gunpoint."
Surprised /Nervous
Dismayed/ Horrified

● "How the Pyramids were built is something that has always

intrigued me."
● "That story about the elections was very suspicious."

Intrigued / Confused / Puzzled


● "I would never travel alone. I'm too shy for that."
● "I'm not going to wear this suit. I feel ridiculous in it."
● "I'm uncomfortable with this question. I'd rather not answer it."
Shy/ Ridiculous / ● "I confused Jane with Mary. I felt so embarrassed when she said she
Uncomfortable wasn't pregnant."
Embarrassed / Ashamed ● "I'm petrified when I'm alone in the house and I hear strange noises."
Mortified / Disgraced /

● "It makes me mad when I spill coffee on my shirt before an

important meeting."
● "I'm so frustrated with this. I just spent 20 minutes filling out this
Annoyed/ Irritated
● "I was disgusted by his comments about the new secretary."
Mad / Frustrated / Disgusted
● "I'm outraged! He can't treat us like that!"
Outraged / Furious / Enraged

Color-code: Green- low intensity |Orange - medium intensity | Red - high intensity

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