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Student development activities at the avagmah virtual campus

Student Self-Assessment
Student self-assessment is now regarded as vital to success at college and post graduate levels. This
section will test your understanding of the concepts and issues presented in the course. This short test of
50 MCQs will give you a chance to know your strengths and weaknesses in this subject, and your overall
performance in the course. Doing well on these self-assessments will improve your subject knowledge.
Good luck!

Student Panel Webinars

Online Pondicherry University has developed the Student Panel Webinar series to help you become a
successful student. You should definitely participate in the student panels if you want to improve your
course experience, are looking for new approaches to studying, or are interested in more options. All
webinars are one hour long and are conducted using Webex. Connect to the event would be provided
when the activity is due in your study plan.

Student Personality Profiling

Students who use self-evaluations about their personalities experience an improvement in their learning
because they come to know how they learn apart from just what they learn. This test will help you become
self-aware, set goals that suit your style and succeed in academics and at work. So, are you a logician or
an advocate? An entrepreneur or an entertainer? Take the personality profiling test at to find out! Do send us what you find out!

Key Industry Trends

Many of us work in changing competitive environments. By keeping up with key business trends you'll
make better decisions, and you'll spot threats and opportunities early on, which can give you a
competitive edge. You will also build your expert power. Instead of subscribing to expensive business
magazines and journals, or painstakingly scrutinizing your competition, you can easily keep up with the
business world by participating in our sessions on key industry trends.

Publish Your Blog

We all know that knowledge is power, and we spend a lot of time seeking new knowledge. Why not take
advantage of the student community right here at PU to help strengthen your knowledge network? We
invite all students to publish a blog on any topic you are comfortable with. Share your expertise with your
peers, and let’s learn together, from each other!

Business Competition
Here’s a chance for practical application of all the expertise and business knowledge you have amassed
during the course! Each semester will present you with a case study. Work with your team to solve the
problem and present your solutions to the rest of the student community. The competition will culminate
in an expert panel, where faculty will not only review the best work submitted, but also provide insights
of their own on how best to approach and solve the problem. So get ready to taste the real world of

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