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YONG: A blessed evening to each and everyone , and welcome to Janelles 18th birthday
party, Please find your seats or table and make yourself comfortable.

CLAUDINE: Tonight is a celebration of adulthood and a thanksgiving of the life God

has given to our lovely debutant. All of you who are here tonight have watched her
grow over years into the wonderful person she is now. As a jumpstart, let us all
acknowledge the ever supportive and loving family of our debutant. Where are the
siblings of the debutant?(Janine, Jaycel Joy, Bj)

YONG: Proud and loving parent (Mr. Junjay Hasanon and Mrs. Nedy Hasanon)

CLAUDINE: Ever supportive lola/lolo(Noli, Doli, Gerald and Lany)

YONG: Without them, her life would be empty and unhappy. Let us give a big round of
applause to honor all the people whom she truly loved.

CLAUDINE: Some says, in life we can have several friends, classmates and social
circles but there is only one family who is always willing and ready to welcome us no
matter what.

YONG: Now ladies and gentlemen without any further ado, let us all rise and put our
hands together, as welcome the main highlight of this celebration and as she stepped
into a higher level of life, ladies and gentlemen, our lady of the evening, our lovely

…………………………………………..with background music……………………………………

CLAUDINE: In a land not so far away, there was once a little girl with a beauty of an
angel. In the name of Janelle, the girl is nurtured with love by her famiy.

She grew up with so much love and kindness. She is loved by everybody for her
beauty inside and out. Her voice is an angel. Her smile bears no limits. Her heart is
unafraid. Her mind is ready to try. She’s ready for any adventure for the sake of fun
and friendship. More refined than shy, more adventurous than playful, more
charismatic than charming, more alluring than beautiful. Indeed, she has all grown up
and what a sight she has become.

Ladies and gentlemen, may we introduce to you the debutant. Let us all welcome
our dazzling lady of the night, MS. Janelle Hasanon

YONG: Before we formally start with celebration, I would like to request everyone to
please stand for the Lord’s moment for His guidance and blessings to be led by Lolo
Gerald Hasanon

Please be seated! Before we proceed to the main part of this occasion, let us
first give this moment to the people who made all these a success: from planning to
the execution, for the foods, the details of the party. Without these people, this
event would not be possible. May we call in the proud parents of the our debutant Mr.
and Mrs.(Mam Nedy Hasanon) to welcome us all tonight and as well to extend their
gratitude for coming.

CLAUDINE: Thank you so much Mr. and Mrs.(Mam_) Now! let us start the fun
tonight! Let us start from 18 balloon. Balloon brings happiness and lightness of
sorrow. It also symbolizes freedom. Whenever they are left free in the sky to fly
there is a sense of freedom that evolves in each heart. Balloons are synonymous to
joy and cheer. And now to give her the first BALLOON, may I call in Fionah Belle

REMIDER:(Kids! please remain in front cause after this, we will have a picture taking
by group together with the debutant)

YONG: Let us now have the 18 lights. A light that will guide Janelle on her life journey.
Every candle symbolizes a year of her existence. Each one will be a visible reminder
of triumph over challenges in life of Janelle…It serves as eternal lamp that brings her
optimistic view of the world she’s about to enter and a guiding light that gives her
sense of direction. As you hear your name, please be on front, light your candle and
give a brief message or birthday wish to our debutant. And now to give her the first
candle and message, may I call in Jaycel Joy Hasanon

(Again, please remain in front cause after 18th candle we will have a picture taking
together with Janelle)

CLAUDINE: Thank you so much everyone for your moving, uplifting and heartwarming
messages for our dear debutant. Let us now proceed to 18 gift or treasures. It
doesn’t matter how expensive, how elegant, or how precious the gift is, what matters
most is the thought, the value and the essence that the gift contains. These gifts
are significant to the debutant and that she will truly treasure these for the rest of
her life. As you hear your name, please be on front, describe your gift and give a
short birthday wish to our debutant. To start, let us have Manang Mariane Faith

(Again! please remain in front cause after 18 gift we will have a picture taking
together with our debutant)

CLAUDINE: Our celebration this evening has been filled with different symbolism in
the hope that each symbol becomes a part of her growth. Ladies and gentlemen, we
shall now have the 18 bills. A sign of prosperity that should help us witness through
how generosity and the hope of financial bliss should go through the life of the
debutant. This time, here are the 18 people who will give Janelle something she would
need in the future and a short piece of advice and wishes. We know that this thing
will be a great help for her especially in her studies. And without any further ado lets
start with Tito Leobert and Tita Geralyn Bandojo
(Again! please remain in front cause after the giving of 18 th bill we will have a
picture taking together with our debutant)

YONG: Let us now proceed to the 18 roses. 18 roses symbolizes Janelle in her 18 years
and the gentlemen symbolizes as her protectors, knight in shining armor, guardian
angel or what other terms you may call. These gentlemen will protect Janelle from
harm or sadness. To begin with, let us call all the gents to gather on the side for the
smooth flow of the program. As your name is called , it is your chance to offer a
flower and dance with the debutant. So the first dance goes to Lolo Noli Betita

……………………………..DANCE WITH MY FATHER MUSIC…………………………………

CLAUDINE: And to complete the 18 roses, the last dance is of course reserved for
the very special man in Janelles life. Her motivator, supporter armor and treasure.
With him, she knows that she will be safe and she will be happy. Ladies and gentlemen
let us all give a round of applause to the father Mr. Junjay Hasanon together with our
lovely debutant for their father and daughter dance.

YONG: The father and daughter dance is probably one of the most loved traditions in
any Filipino debut celebration. This signifies the daughter’s first step to womanhood
and father’s acceptance of this period in his daughter’s life. As the debutant
receives her 18 roses let it be a reminder that like a rose life is beautiful , however
there are thorns that signify that life isn’t that easy for there are problems to be
faced . It is up to her how she will handle these hurdles with the support of her
family and friends.

(All gents are requested to come in front for picture taking together with the

CLAUDINE: At this point, may we request everybody to please stand and let us all
sing the traditional Happy birthday song to our love debutant.

Now make a wish and whenever you’re ready blow your candle.

Let us give 18 claps for Janelle 1, 2,……………….18 Thank You very much

YONG: Tonight’s celebration will not be complete without hearing any message from
the debutant herself. So let us give this time for MS. Janelle Betita Hasanon to express
her gratitude.

CLAUDINE:Is everyone hungry? Don’t worry folks, we would not be delaying your
delicious dinner. But before that may I request_______________________to
bless the food.


While some of you are still feasting on the delicious buffet and the sweet desserts,
the debutant will roam around in every table for picture taking.
YONG: Tonight’s celebration tells us that the best demonstration of gratitude in
response to a wonderful experience like this one can be contained in an overwhelming
thank you. And if there’s one person here tonight who is more than grateful to see all
of you, that would be our beloved debutant.

CLAUDINE: The night is young and so we are(hahaha) Again, Thank you so much for
having us on your special day. It is our pleasure to be a part of this significant
celebration. Tonight is not the end but the beginning of a longer road to walk. We
wish you nothing but the best that life ca offer. Happy birthday again and for the
guests enjoy the rest of the evening. I am your host, Bryan Bangiban

YONG: And I am Ruel Jalando-on

CLAUDINE&YONG: Signing off

God bless us as we go home and keep safe everyone!

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