Short Questions (1) (2020)

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Write the advantages of pipelined


Pipelined architecture is a
technique used to improve the
performance of a processor by

allowing multiple instructions to

be executed simultaneously in
different stages of the pipeline.
Some of the advantages of
pipelined architecture include

1. Increased instruction
throughput: Pipelining allows

multiple instructions to be
executed in parallel, which can
significantly increase the
number of instructions
executed per clock cycle.
2. Improved performance:

Pipelining can improve the

Pipelining can improve the
overall performance of the

processor by reducing the

time required to execute
3. Reduced power consumption:
Pipelining can reduce the
power consumption of the
processor by reducing the
number of clock cycles
required to execute

4. Increased clock speed:
Pipelining allows the clock
speed of the processor to be
increased without increasing
the number of transistors,
which can improve
performance without

increasing power
5. Better utilization of resources:

Pipelining can improve the

utilization of resources such
as memory and registers by
allowing multiple instructions
to be in different stages of
execution at the same time.
6. Flexibility: Pipelining can be
implemented in different

ways, and can be adapted to

different architectures to suit
different requirements.
7. Easy to implement: Pipelining
can be implemented by
adding new stages to the
pipeline, which can be done
incrementally, which can be
less complex than designing a
new architecture from
It's important to note that

pipelining does have some

limitations, such as the risk of
pipeline hazards and the need for
additional resources such as
register renaming. Additionally,
the advantages of pipelining will
vary depending on the specific
architecture and workload. P
Distinguish between hard and soft real
time embedded systems

Embedded systems can be

classified as either hard real-time
or soft real-time systems based
on the nature of their real-time


1. Hard real-time systems: These

are systems in which the
Correct operation of the
system depends on the timely
execution of certain tasks. In
hard real-time systems,
deadlines must be met, and

missinga deadline can result

in the failure of the entire

system or the failure of the

specific task. Examples of
hard real-time svstems
hard real-time systems
include avionics, missile
guidance systems, and
medical equipment.
2. Soft real-time systems: These
are systems in which the
correct operation of the
system is not affected by

missing a deadline, but the

system will still perform better
if deadlines are met. In soft
real-time systems, meeting
the deadlines is not critical for
the overall functionality of the
system, but it can improve the
performance of the system.
Examples of soft real-time
systems include multimedia
systems, video conferencing
systems, and gaming
systems, and gaming


In hard real-time systems, the

real-time requirements must be
met regardless of the system's
workload, and the system must
be designed to ensure that the
deadlines are met. On the other
hand, in soft real-time systems,
the system's workload and other
factors are taken into account
when designing the system, and
the system is designed to meet
the deadlines as much as

possible, but missing a deadline

will not cause the system to fail.

It's worth noting that in both

types of real-time systems, the

system's performance is
systems performance is
measured by its ability to meet
the real-time requirements, but
the consequences of missing a
deadline are different.
What are little endian and big endian

I n computer science, the terms

"little endian" and "big endian
refer to the order in which bytes
are stored in memory to
represent multi-byte data types
such as integers or floating-point

1. Little endian: In little endian

scheme, the least significant
byte (LSB) of the multi-byte
data type is stored at the
lowest memory address (the
first byte), and the most
significant byte (MSB) is
stored at the highest memory
address (the last byte). This
scheme is used by many
scheme is used by many
microprocessors including
x86 and x86-64.

2. Big endian: In big endian

scheme, the most significant

byte (MSB) of the multi-byte
data type is stored at the
lowest memory address (the
first byte), and the least

significant byte (LSB) is stored

at the highest memory
address (the last byte). This
scheme is used by many
network protocols and somne
microprocessors such as
PowerPC, SPARC and
Motorola 680x0.

Both schemes have advantages

and disadvantages. Little endian
is more efficient when performing
is more efficient when performing
memory-based operations on
individual bytes, while big endian
is more efficient when working
with multi-byte data types.

It's important to note that the

endianness of a system can have
an impact on the code that runs

on it. For example, when sending

data over a network, both sides

must use the same endianness

scheme, otherwise the data will

be interpreted incorrectly.
Additionally, when working with
multi-byte data types, it's
important to take into account
the endianness of the system to
ensure that the data is

interpreted correctly. GP
Define the term macros

In computer programming,a
macro is a piece of code that

represents a sequence of
instructions that can be reused in
multiple places in a program.
Macros are typicaly defined

using a preprocessor directive

and can be invoked by name
throughout the program.

A macro is defined using a

preprocessor directive, such as

"#define" in C and C++, and can

take the form of a simple text
substitution or a more complex
function-like construct.

For example, the following C

macro defines a constant value
macro defines a constant value

for pi:

Copy code

#define PI 3.14

This macro can be used

throughout the program by
simply writing "Pl" wherever the
value of pi is needed.

A macro can also be defined as a

function-like construct, which can
take arguments and perform
more complex operations. For

example, the following C macro

defines a function-like macro to

calculate the square of a number:

Copy code
UCopy code

sQUARE(x) (x*x)

This macro can be used

throughout the program by

invoking it with an argument, as

in "SQUARE(5)"

Macros can be useful for

reducing code duplication,
increasing readability, and
abstracting away complex
operations. However, macros can
also make code harder to
understand and debug, and can
be a source of bugs if used

Enumeraie the CISCfeatures
incorporated in ARM7

ARM7 is a RISC (Reduced

Instruction Set Computer)
processor and does not have
CISC (Complex Instruction Set
Computer) features. RISC
processors have a smaller and

simpler set of instructions than

CISC processors and are

designed to perform a smaller

number of instructions at aa
higher speed, while CISC

processors are designed to

perform a larger number of
instructions at a lower speed.
ARM7 is a RISC processor

designed to be efficient and

powerful for embedded systems
and mobile devices.
Explain the necessity of incorporating
RTOS in embedded systems

Real-Time Operating Systems

(RTOS) are necessary for

embedded systems because they

provide a way for the system to

manage and prioritize tasks,
ensure that time-critical tasks are
completed in a timely manner,
and handle resource allocation
and scheduling.

1. Task Management: An RTOS

allows multiple tasks to run
simultaneously and

independently, which is crucial

in embedded systems where
there are often multiple
peripherals and sensors that
need to be controlled and read
need to be controlled and read

2. Time-critical task handling:
RTOS have a real-time
scheduler that ensures that
time-critical tasks are
completed on time. This is
crucial in applications such as
industrial automation,
aerospace and defense, and
medical systems where

missing a deadline can havve

serious consequences.
3. Resource allocation and

scheduling: An RTOS allows

efficient allocation and
deallocation of resources
such as memory and

processing power, which is

important in embedded
important in embedded

systems that often have

limited resources.
4. Interrupt handling: RTOS

provide an efficient way to

handle the interrupts
generated by various

peripherals in an embedded
system. They allow the
system to quickly respond to
external events and return to
its main task.
5. Error handling: RTOS provide a

way to handle and recover

from errors, which is

important in embedded

systems that may operate in

harsh environments or have
strict safety requirements.

Overall, the use of RTOS in

Overall, the use of RTOS in
embedded systems is necessary
for implementing real-time and
reliable control over the system's
resources and peripherals.

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