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A2 A2

Telf.: 940196177

Student: _______________________________________ Date: ________________ Unit 03: Sports


1 Read the text and underline the correct answers to the questions. (5 points

a. What is the best title for this text?

1. The Day that Changed my Life
2. My Life in Middle School
3. Why I Like to Run
b. What type of text is this?
1. Encyclopedia entry.
2. Anecdote.
3. Biography.
c. What is the first paragraph mostly about?
1. When Jake played sports in middle school.
2. Why Jake did not like playing sports.
3. Why the other kids did not want to play with Jake.
d. What is the last paragraph mostly about?
1. Why Jake started running.
2. Why Jake did not like running.
3. How Jake’s life is different now.
e. Which word best describes Jake?
1. Determined.
2. Lazy.
3. Outgoing.

2. Read the text again and complete the summary. Use one word for each blank. (5

Jake enjoyed playing 1) _football_ in middle school. But he stopped playing sports in 2)

_high_ school. Then Jake started to study and eat a lot. One day, Jake went to the 3)

_park_ where he saw some 4) _guys_ doing exercise. He made a decision to change his

5) _life_ and start exercising. The first time he went out, Jake ran for 6) _ten_ minutes,

and it was very difficult for him. After three weeks, he managed to run for 7) _thirty_

minutes. He gradually improved his strength and 8) __speed__ and now he runs 9)

_eight kilometers_ six times a week. Jake recently completed his first 10) _ marathon_ in

under three hours.


01. Complete the table with the names of different sports. (5 points)

hang gliding - baseball - climbing - basketball - tennis - soccer - karate - canoeing - surfing -


Canoeing Tennis Judo

Hang gliding Soccer Karate

Climbing Baseball

Surfing Basketball

02. Complete the table with the names of different sports. (3 points)

do - get - happen - go - want - need - swim - stop - make - run - play - surf

Regular Verbs Simple Past Irregular Verbs Simple Past

Played Ran

Stopped Went

Needed Swam

happened Did

Wanted Made

Surfed Got

03. Complete the text using the correct forms of the words in parentheses. (2 points)

While I 1) _sitting_ (sit) in the park, I watched all the people. Some people 2) _drinking_
(drink) coffee. Some people 3) _running_ (run) around the park to keep in shape. It 4)
_was_ (be) interesting to watch. But when it 5) _started_ (start) raining, everyone went

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