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Myocardial Ischemia Myocardial Infarction

1. Definition
It is when blood flow
to the heart muscle is If the plaque ruptures,
obstructed by a you can have a heart
blockage in a coronary attack i.e. Myocardial
artery by a buildup of infarction

2. Cause

 Vasospasm
 Plaque formation  Occlusive intracoronary
 Coronary stenosis thrombus

3. Major Tests

 Echocardiogram  Cardiac Troponin I

 Magnetic resonance troponin T (ECG)
imaging (MRI) scan  Creatinine Kinase level
 Myoglobin
 BNP CPR Copeotin

By: Laiba Arshad, Roll no. 21

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