Final Exam 222 Fall 2009 Blank

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PHYSICS 222 Fall 2009 FINAL EXAM: December 15, 2009 2:15 pm4:15 pm

Name (printed): ______________________________________________ Recitation Instructor: _________________________ Section #_______

This exam contains 25 multiple-choice questions, plus two extra-credit questions, each worth 4 points. The last four questions are the laboratory final. Choose one answer only for each question. Choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions.

Note: The first question is question number 55. Use that bubble to start.
Allowed material: Before turning over this page, put away all materials except for pens, pencils, erasers, rulers and your calculator. There is a formula sheet attached at the end of the exam. Other copies of the formula sheet are not allowed. Calculator: In general, any calculator, including calculators that perform graphing, is permitted. Electronic devices that can store large amounts of text, data or equations (like laptops, palmtops, pocket computers, PDA or e-book readers) are NOT permitted. If you are unsure whether or not your calculator is allowed for the exam, ask your TA. How to fill in the bubble sheet: Use a number 2 pencil. Do NOT use ink. If you did not bring a pencil, ask for one. Write and fill in the bubbles corresponding to: - Your last name, middle initial, and first name. Your ID number (the middle 9 digits on your ISU card) - Special codes K to L are your recitation section. (Honors sections: H1 10; H2 23). Always use two digits (e.g. 01, 09, 11, 13) Please turn over your bubble sheet when you are not writing on it. If you need to change any entry, you must completely erase your previous entry. Also, circle your answers on this exam. Before handing in your exam, be sure that your answers on your bubble sheet are what you intend them to be. You may also copy down your answers on a piece of paper to take with you and compare with the posted answers. You may use the table at the end of the exam for this. When you are finished with the exam, place all exam materials, including the bubble sheet, and the exam itself, in your folder and return the folder to your recitation instructor. No cell phone calls allowed. Either turn off your cell phone or leave it at home. Anyone answering (or using) a cell phone must hand in their work immediately; their exam is over. Best of luck, Paul Canfield

Note: The first question is question NUMBER 55. Use that bubble to start. 55. A ship passes from a lake (fresh water) to the ocean (salt water). Salt water is more dense than fresh water and as a result the ship will: A) B) C) D) E) float higher in the water settle lower in the water float at the same level in the water experience an increase in buoyant force experience a decrease in buoyant force

56. A water pipe enters a house 2.0 m below ground level. A smaller diameter pipe carries water to a faucet 5.0 m above the ground, on the second floor. Water flows at 2.0 m/s in the main line and at 7.0 m/s on the second floor. Take the density of water to be 1000 kg/m3. If the pressure in the main line is 2.0 105 Pa, then what is the pressure on the second floor? A) B) C) D) E) 5.3 104 Pa 1.1 105 Pa 1.5 105 Pa 2.5 105 Pa 3.4 105 Pa

57. The force exerted by a uniform electric field on an electric dipole is: A) B) C) D) E) parallel to the dipole moment perpendicular to the dipole moment parallel to the electric field perpendicular to the electric field zero

58. A point charge, +Q is placed 10 cm from an infinite line of charge that has = +10 C/m. If the magnitude of the electric field is zero half way between the line of charge and the point charge, what is the size of Q? A) B) C) D) E) 0.16 C 1.0 C 10 C 16 C 100 C

59. A solid, metallic sphere of radius R has a net positive charge. Which of the graphs below correctly gives the magnitude V of the electric potential as a function of the distance to the center of the sphere, r? Let V = 0 at infinity.

60. Two charges Q1 = 1.0 C and Q2 = 2.0 C are located on the x axis at x1 = 0 and x2 = 2.0 cm. A third charge Q3 is to be placed between them at position x3 such that the whole system is in equilibrium. Find x3 and Q3. A) B) C) D) E) 0.52 cm, 0.12 C 0.83 cm, 0.12 C 0.83 cm, +0.12 C 0.52 cm, +0.12 C none of the above

61. Points R and T are each a distance d from each of two equal and opposite charges as shown. The work required to move a negative charge q from R to T is: A) B) C) D) E) 0 kQq/a kQq/a2 2kQq/a (2)kQq/a

62. A 2-mF and 1-mF capacitor are connected in parallel and a potential difference is applied across the combination. The 2-mF capacitor has: A) B) C) D) E) twice the charge of the 1-mF capacitor. half the charge of the 1-mF capacitor. twice the potential difference of the 1-mF capacitor. half the potential difference of the 1-mF capacitor. none of the above

63. A metal sphere (r = 0.8 m) is uniform and solid except for a small, hollow, spherical, void (r = 0.2 m) centered half way between the center and edge of the large sphere. A 15-C charge is placed on the sphere. What is the electric field at the center of the spherical void? A) B) C) D) E) +105 N/C +103 N/C 0 105 N/C 103 N/C

64. A 5-cm radius conducting sphere is charged until the electric field just outside of its surface is 2000 V/m. The electric potential of the sphere, relative to the potential far away is: A) B) C) D) E) 0 5V 100 V 2 103 V 4 104 V

65. Two long straight wires are parallel and carry current in opposite directions. The currents are 8.0 and 12 A and the wires are separated by 0.40 cm. The magnetic field, in units of Tesla, at a point midway between the wires is: A) B) C) D) E) 0 4.0 104 8.0 104 12 104 20 104

66. A beam of electrons is sent horizontally down the axis of a tube to strike a fluorescent screen at the end of the tube. On the way, the electrons encounter a magnetic field directed horizontally to the left, as seen from the electron source. The spot on the screen will therefore be deflected: A) B) C) D) E) upward downward to the right, as seen from the electron source to the left, as seen from the electron source not at all

67. A coil has a resistance of 60 and an impedance of 100 . Its reactance is: A) B) C) D) E) 40 60 80 117 160

68. A generator supplies 100 V to the primary coil of a transformer. The primary has 50 turns and the secondary has 500 turns. The secondary voltage is: A) B) C) D) E) 1000 V 500 V 250 V 100 V 10 V

69. Consider: radio waves (r), visible light (v), infrared light (i), x-rays (x), and ultraviolet light (u). Rank them in order of increasing frequency. A) B) C) D) E) r, v, i, x, u r, i, v, u, x i, r, v, u, x i, v, r, u, x r, i, v, x, u

70. A plane electromagnetic wave is traveling in the positive x direction. At the instant shown the magnetic field at the dashed rectangle is in the negative z direction and its magnitude is decreasing. Which diagram correctly shows the directions and relative magnitude of the electric field at the edges of the rectangle?

71. The diagrams show four pairs of polarizing sheets, with the polarizing directions indicated by the dashed lines. The two sheets of each pair are placed one behind the other and the front sheet is illuminated by unpolarized light. The incident intensity is the same for all pairs of sheets. Rank the pairs according to the intensity of the transmitted light, least to greatest.

A) B) C) D) E)

1, 2, 3, 4 4, 2, 1, 3 2, 4, 3, 1 2, 4, 1, 3 3, 1, 4, 2

72. Which diagram below best illustrates the path of a light ray as it travels from a given point X in air to another given point Y in glass?

73. A concave spherical mirror has a focal length of 12 cm. If an erect object is placed 6 cm in front of the mirror: A) B) C) D) E) the magnification is 2 and the image is erect. the magnification is 2 and the image is inverted. the magnification is 0.67 and the image is erect. the magnification is 0.67 and the image is inverted. the magnification is 0.5 and the image is erect.

74. A glass (n = 1.75) lens is formed by the intersection of two spherical surfaces, one with a radius of 15 cm and the second with a radius of 25 cm (see sketch below). What is the focal length of the lens if it is used in air? A) B) C) D) E) +50 cm 50 cm +21 cm 21 cm The sign of the focal length depends on whether the object is on the right or left of the lens.

75. A 3.5 cm radius hemisphere encloses a total charge of 6.6 107 C. The flux through the rounded portion of the surface is 9.8 104 Nm2/C. The flux through the flat base is: A) B) C) D) E) 0 +2.3 104 Nm2/C 2.3 104 Nm2/C 9.8 104 Nm2/C +9.8 104 Nm2/C

76. Suppose you illuminate two thin slits with monochromatic, coherent light in air and find that they produce their first interference minima at 35.20 on either side of the central bright spot. You then immerse these slits in a transparent fluid and illuminate them with the same light. Now you find that the first minima occur at 19.46 instead. What is the index of refraction of this fluid? A) B) C) D) E) 1.15 1.33 1.61 1.73 2.12

77. A single slit is cut in a dark film and is placed d = 4.0 m away from a screen. A laser with = 400 nm shines on the slit. If the first dark fringe is y = 1.0 cm above the center of the most intense (central) bright fringe, what is the width of the slit? A) B) C) D) E) 400 nm 280 nm 47 m 0.16 mm 0.28 mm

78. In laboratory, the EMF produced within a small coil (located within a solenoid powered by the sine function output of a function generator operating at 5000 Hz) was measured with an AC voltmeter; a typical result is shown in the table below for one of the coils.
function generator

solenoid (15 cm long)

test coil - small coil wound on rod

Rd Bk

Digital Scope or AC voltmeter

Coil #1

# of turns 100

Diameter (inches) 1.0

EMF (RMS) 0.30 V

If the signal from the small coil was connected instead to an oscilloscope (rather than to an AC voltmeter), which of the following best describes the waveform that would be observed? (Assume that the 0 V level is centered in the middle of the screen, and that the scope is operated in the sweep or triggered mode, with the horizontal axis corresponding to time.) A) B) C) D) E) A sine function, with its vertical peaks at 0.30 volts. A horizontal line, displaced upward from 0 at 0.30 volts. A horizontal line, displaced upward from 0 at 0.42 volts. A horizontal line, at the middle of the screen. A sine function, with its vertical peaks at 0.42 volts.

79. In lab, you observed the transmission of a laser beam through a semi-circular piece of Plexiglas. Assume it has an index of refraction of 1.55. If the Plexiglas piece is positioned as shown in the figure, describe the direction of the light beam transmitted through the Plexiglas as seen from the light source.


A) B) C) D) E)

The light beam travels straight through toward the right; light travels in a straight line. The light beam is deflected 7.2 to the left of its incident direction. The light beam is deflected 7.2 to the right of its incident direction. The light beam is deflected 12.8 to the left of its incident direction. The light beam is deflected 12.8 to the right of its incident direction.

80. You have an incandescent light bulb and you would like to determine the energy it consumes for various applied potential differences. You have available DC power supplies (PS) and high quality voltmeters (V) and ammeters (A). Which instruments would you place in the positions shown in the figure to make the necessary measurements?

#2 #1


Position #1 A) B) C) D) E)

Position #2

Position #3

V A PS PS A V V PS A PS V A None of the above arrangements will give the required information

81. In laboratory, you had access to a vertical open slit of adjustable width. Assume that there is a laser beam passing through the slit, and that you can see a bright spot (with a diameter of a few mm) where this beam impinges on a distant wall. Which of the following best describes how that spot is affected as you slowly close the slit? A) The spot gradually gets dimmer, and wider horizontally. B) The spot gradually gets dimmer and narrower horizontally, eventually disappearing entirely. C) The spot remains about the same size, but gradually gets dimmer. D) The spot gradually gets smaller in the vertical dimension, eventually disappearing entirely. E) No matter how slowly you close the slit, the spot suddenly disappears, because it is laser light.

You may record your answers on this page and take it with you after the exam to compare

to the posted solutions.

55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64

65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74

75 76 77 78 79 80 81

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